storyflirting · 3 years
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Day 3 - Mona
for @rodappreciationweek
Mona is such a badass! When she was introduced into the story I liked her immediately.
#choicesedit #rodaw #rideordieappreciationweek #RoDMona #playchoices #fictionalgirlfriend #RideOrDieChoices https://www.instagram.com/p/CSTQkA9rtBR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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New series coming soon to The Ride-or-Die Chronicles!
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romerona · 5 years
To protect and serve.
Book: Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance 
Pairing: Logan x MC(Tessa) 
Rating: +18 cursing, NSFW
Summary: Logan’s POV with Tessa when she told the crew about her dad 
 Note: takes place in chapter 4, it’s base on the book but I change somethings. 
 Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios
Since Tessa found out that I was in Mercy Park Crew she told me she needed time to think and to process it, I can't blame her really, image learning that the person you are hanging out with is part of the crew your dad has to put to jail, I'll probably do the same if I didn't already know about her dad… but it's been 2 days, 2 days without information, 2 days been clueless about the case, 2 days without… without hearing from her… I just hope she contacts me soon even if it's just to tell me she doesn't want to see me again, but for some damn reason the thought of never seeing her again make chest ache. I brush it off when Kaneko calls Mona and me to his office.
Kaneko- Tomorrow morning around 8 the three of us are going to sell the Sodertalje Mona brought a few days ago so don’t make me wait. ”
Mona- to whom? ”
Kaneko- Anonymous buyers.” he said and starting to look back at his work.
Logan- where?”
Kaneko: underground parking lot at the pavilion.” He said without looking at us meaning he is done talking.
Mona: sure thing boss.”
I just nodded and make my way out of his office when Toby calls me.
Toby: Logan! Hey, can you pass me the tools they are at the kitchen? Oh, and how was Tessa's driving lesson?  I haven't had time to ask you about it.” He signaled the kitchen to me where he was under the car he's been working on for some time.
Logan- Sure and she is good, she learned fast” I go to the kitchen and bring the tools to Toby
I go back to work for a few more hours before going to my loft, I take a shower to take the sweat off me changing into my gray sweatpants I make my way to bed, it isn't late so I lay on my back and grab a book trying to get my anxiety in control. It's a book with different poems, I found it at Vaughn’s place last week he let me have it since his ex-girlfriend left it there months ago and hadn’t come back for it, I like to read... occasionally when I have free time and don't feel like using my phone, even if it's a poetry book, I have read worst back when I was on the road. It calms me, makes me feel less alone. I push myself up so now I'm sitting with my back against the headboard and open the book on some random page and start reading poem after poem, it actually makes me forget about everything for a little while until I came across a poem.
~We are not destined I know we are not. I am damned but she is not. She will save me, She always saves me.~
Rolling my eyes I put the book down and grab my phone, my finger hovering over Tess number thinking if I should text her or not…
“When she is ready she will text me hopefully soon” So instead I set the alarm to an ungodly hour and kept reading for a while but fell asleep shortly after.
The next morning I wake up to the sound of the fucking alarm, yawning I make my way to the shower and start getting ready to meet Kaneko downstairs. On my way to meet him and Mona my phone buzzes in my pocket, I took it out to see who the hell is awake and texting me at this hour. I let a small chuckle seeing who it is  “ Of course it's her” but it's the feeling it's quickly replaced by uneasiness, embracing myself for whatever is on that text I begin to read it.
Tessa- Hey. Can I see you?”
I let out a breath of relief and answer her.
Logan- Busy this morning. Got something with Kaneko at the Pavilion. Text you later?”
Tessa- Are you getting up to trouble?”
A small smile plays on my face.
Logan- Nothing I can't handle.” I answer while walking downstairs.
Once I got there I jump on the Sodertalje and make my way to the mall. We park on the underground parking lot, there aren't any cars at these hours so we have it all to ourselves. After a while of being there and the buyer is yet to show up, Mona starts complaining, but thanks to God it wasn't long before a black SUV shows up. Two guys come out of the car that in my experience are some type of gangsters make some stupid comments and after that, we finally go down to business. At the corner of my eye, I see something moving, I  look at the direction of the movement and my stomach clenched.
Is that Tessa??! What the fuck is she doing here? Fuck! this is dangerous, she will get hurt if they spot her, I can't let that happen”
I look back at the gangsters praying that they hadn’t seen her, but to my fucking luck they do and pull their guns out, I quickly disarmed them the way Vaughn had taught me back in Detroit, I know it was a stupid move of my part but Tessa is here and one wrong move and everything can go to shit, I rather prevent that.
Still, why is she here?”
After some rambling between Kaneko and the gangsters I finally got my answer.
Tessa- No! Forget the stupid deal! The cops are coming! We need to run!”
Mona and the gangster we're freaking out, Tessa was trying to explain that we need to get out of there, that we just have to trust her, I know that she is trying to hide the fact that her dad is a cop and probably knows that they are coming from him, but there is no way she… I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Tessa’s voice.
Tessa- I… I know because… My dad's a cop!” she said looking nervous at us.
Did she just… ” I’m taken back by the fact that she fully admitted that her dad is a cop just to make us trust her and get us out of here knowing what that can cost her, I look back at Kaneko, he has the same expression as me, neither of us was expecting this .
The gangsters are the first ones to flee, leaving us there, Mona is still freaking out about the fact that Tessa's dad is a cop but Kaneko brush it off in a hurry to leave  and starts to get to his car, but the Sodertalje is still here and full of evidence Kaneko wants to leave it behind because he thinks that there is no way to take the car out of here but I know I can take it out, Tess said she was coming with me and I’m not totally sure but I don’t put resistance either.
And like Tess said the cops soon arrive… I managed to avoid them but they catch up, in one of the cars from the cops was Tessa’s dad, I believe that she saw him because when I swerve she pulls the lever of her seat and drops flat on her back to hide from him, still knowing about it I pretend to be shocked when she confesses.“God I'm such a piece of shit”
Tessa- Logan, you can't let him get hurt.” she said to me pleadingly.
Logan- I’ll try.”
I move around between the columns of the mall trying not to scratch the car since it’s a very narrow place attempting to put some distance between us and the cops when one of them opens their window and shoots a fucking GPS tracker, those are such a pain. I have to take the fucker off. I tell Tess to hold the wheel and she panics about it with my foot still on the gas I grab her hands and put them on the wheel and tells her what to do while I try to take the tracker off, at first I couldn't reach the tracker but I move slightly and got a bit closer but still not enough,I incline a little more when Tess calls my name in panic,  there is a solid wall a few meters of us, “shit, I just need a little more…” I finally reach the little shit and remove it just in time to drive the car and slide between the columns and the wall. Soon after we lose the cops from the parking lot but there are more blocking the ramp, Tess suggests to go to the loading dock… I floor it to get there fast but when we got there, the trucks were blocking the path except for one… I reversed it and park in it, getting out of the car to close the doors of the truck. Now we are both sitting here in the dark and it hits me… She put herself in danger to help us, she went against her dad to help me get out of here with the car. 
“Why  would she did it? Could it be that she did it for me?”
Logan- Listen… Tess… thanks. For warning us. For helping me get this car outta there. Why did you? Why would you risk so much?”
Tessa- Maybe I just wanted you to own me one again” she explained with a goofy tone.
Logan- Well, I'm in your debt. Your wish is my command.”
Tessa- Don't tempt me” she said smiling but soon it's gone. “I don't think Kaneko is going to be too happy with me, anyway. My dad-- ” she trails off but I interrupt her.
Logan- I don’t care what Kaneko says, and I don't care who your dad is. I'd never let anything happen to you” I said to her looking straight into her eyes trying to make her understand that every word is true. She told us about her dad, she came clean about It and what did I fucking do? put her in more danger by letting her come with me but this is the last time…  I won't let her be in danger anymore not if I can prevent it.
Tessa- No need for declarations now” she said with a smile.
Logan- Can't help myself.”
“I really can't Tess... not with you and that scares the fuck out of me.”
I gawk at her, her eyes, her nose, her hair, her lips… Those lips that I been craving since the first time mine meet hers.  I noticed that she is leaning towards me so I give into my impulses and cup her face in my hands and kiss her hard, desperately, my tongue begs for an access and she obliges, our tongues crash into each other I savor her sweet lips wishing I could just take her here, an overwhelming feeling came over me, my heartbeats become faster and beat harder, I try to pull her closer to me, my need for her is insanely big, like I have never felt before,but suddenly the trucks started to move and tess broke the kiss.
Tessa- what's happening?” she asks surprised.
I'm still dumbfounded by the kiss so it took me a few seconds to understand what she was talking about.
Logan- I, uh… think the truck started driving.”
Tessa- What do we do?”
Logan- What do you mean? We do nothing… and let ourselves be chauffeured away from the crime scene.”
Tessa looks at me but then lower her eyes and giggles, my heart started to beat rapidly again.  
”I swear I haven't heard a laugh that beautiful in my entire life…”
What the hell is she doing to me, first I'm nervous about her not texting me back then I’m dumbfounded by her kiss and now her laugh makes my heart go crazy… But the weirdest thing about all of this is that I don't have the willpower to stop it and even if I could I don't think I want to.
“Fuck, I’m losing the fucking head for her”
Later we are talking about the car and other stuff I feel relax and happy… when I hear the sound of the driveway and I know our time in the truck is over and I can't help but feel a little disappointed.
I got a text from Kaneko, we go to the garage. When we got there the entire crew is around the kitchen table already yelling over each other about tess, I stay on my feet but Tessa sits on the kitchen chairs, taking a look at her I notice a guilty look on her face.
I guess she finally understand what she did… 
After the crew discussion and Tess explanation, Kaneko laying against his car acts like he’s thinking about letting her stay but I know for a fact that he will, it was his plan all along, make Tessa trust us enough to do things like this.
Putting the… Feelings… aside it's a fucking great plan. Colt hasn't said much about it, but of course he couldn't keep his mouth shut any longer and start snapping at Tessa and I didn't fucking like it one bit, he and I begin to argue when the motherfucker uses her against me and with that I swing at him connecting my fist with his face we begging to wrestle to the floor until Tessa's voice cut in calling Colt.
Colt- You're always around to save the day, aren't you?” 
Tessa: You're really lucky I am, Colt.” she said glaring at him.
And finally, Kaneko agrees to let her stay and left but not before giving colt an ear full…
Colt- How exactly do you think this is gonna end? This double life of yours won't last, Tessa. It can't.” he let out while wiping the blood from his lips and making his way to his motorcycle. I walk to sit next to Tessa with pain under my eye but all I can think of is her.
Logan- You alright?”
Tessa- I'm fine. You look worse than wear thought.” She mumbled raising a hand to touch my cheek, I lean a little into her touch but not enough to make it noticeable.
Logan- Doesn't it make me look tough?” I said pulling away from her hand trying to look like it.
 Tessa- A little”.She giggles but then she looks at me embarrassed. “Listen I own you an apology. I'm sorry for hiding who I was.” 
Shit Tess, you are not the one hiding something that is worth an apology”
Logan- You didn't. Who your parents are isn’t who you are. So, apology not accepted, got it?”
Tessa-... Got it.” she said with a smile.
Still, my mind went to what happened today, it was a close call we need more information and now that she openly admits her dad is a cop we can get more. But it feels wrong I don't know if I can continue…. “Fuck men pull yourself together this is your job and you barely know her.”
I take a deep breath trying to shake that feeling off.
Logan- But your dad… I mean, this is crazy. How long has he been after us?” As soon as those words left my mouth I felt nausea…
 ”Clearly taking a deep breath didn't help for shit”
Tessa- Just a couple of days. He just got assigned to you.”
I nod… pushing the vomit back down. 
I laugh this time.
Logan- Small world, huh?  Listen… do you want to leave? After today, I'd totally understand if you never wanted to see any of us again” Those words create an ache in my chest like the one I had  yesterday. 
Tessa- Honestly, I don't know. I know that I shouldn't be here… but I also know that the last week has been the most freeing, most unforgettable week of my life. So maybe I'll leave and never see you again. “That shit hurts” But I don't want to make that call just yet.” 
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
Logan- I don't want you to make that call yet either”
I grab her waist and pull her to me, she cups my face between her small hands and kisses me softly like trying not to hurt me because of my wounds, I don't care about them I just need her close but before I could deepen the kiss, Toby clear his throat, and we separate from each other.
Toby proposed to offer Tessa a car ”built” by him, getting up we make our way to the cars and shows her the cars we had that no one uses Toby shows her the Shokai and then the Triple-nine the crew begins to talk about cars and how different they are but her eyes landed on one that is covered and hasn't seen the light of day in a long time, it's actually a shame the panther XX it's a beautiful car, without taking her eyes off the cover Tess ask about it, I told Toby to show her the car, as soon as he did it I saw the way her eyes light up and I knew that she found the one, she makes her way to the car with a smile, I stay back watching the way she moves around it, the way she lightly touches it, the way her eyes glowed, it's fucking sexy, in an attempt to distract myself from the bulge that is begging make my pants uncomfortable I begin to tell her about the car and so does Toby.
As I expected she chooses the panther and hops in, a smile is placed on her face until she saw the clock and freaked out about school and some test she has. 
Tessa- Wait… should I drive there in my car?” 
I laughed, she really is a troublemaker…  she just doesn’t know it yet.
Logan- You're a long way from getting your license, troublemaker. I'll give you a lift.”
In our way to school I keep thinking about what Tess said. 
“Did she really thought she could drive her car barely knowing anything?”
Logan- Tess, would you really try to go to school in your car?” I ask curiosity tainting my tone.
Tessa- I mean I you thought me the basic, it can’t be that difficult”
I snorted.
Logan- you're cute sometimes.”
Tessa- gee, thanks.” she mumbled rolling her eyes
Logan- I mean that in a nice way, like sometimes you do cute things.”
Before she could answer we arrived at the school she thanked me and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and rush to the school, I chuckled a little and take off. When I arrived at the garage Kaneko calls me to his office.
Logan- Boss” I greet him and close the door behind not wanting the crew to listen since I'm fully aware why he called me.
Kaneko- Logan, now we have the upper hand, you saw what happened today it was a short call if it wasn't for her we would be at jail right now you need to continue with whatever you're doing with her, understood?”
I think for a few seconds…  this is your job and you have only known her for a few days… you can’t be feeling guilty. No, you can't be feeling anything at all, end of fucking story”
Kaneko- Understood? He asks again getting irritated by my lack of response.
Logan- yeah I… I Understand.” 
I made my way out of his office but still kept thinking about Tessa and this fucking job,We fucking have what we needed the job is practically complete and I’m ready for it to be over but what I’m not ready for is her, I mean obviously I care about her, more than I would like to admit. I just have never cared about anyone before so I didn't realize it would have this much of an effect on me. I thought it was something I could easily overcome, I thought people who gave up everything for the ones they cared for were just too weak to overcome it. I thought it would be easy for me to give them up if needed but now it scares me that this girl could be my undoing because I can't even imagine me just sitting back and letting something happen to her.  
It's been a couple of days since Tess came clean about her dad, each day she has come to the garage for a drive, I can't say I mind having her with me actually kind of I like it... a lot but it’s always the same I should take her somewhere else…
Laying on the kitchen couch I put my phone out and send her a text.
Logan: We still on for driving tonight? I wanna take you somewhere.
Tessa: Yeah! Almost out of school for the day… Tessa: Can't wait to get behind the wheel!
I laughed
Colt- Why are you grinning like an idiot? I mean you are but you cover it more, wait no, you can't cover that, it's just your face” he said behind the front desk.
Logan- Fuck off dipshit” I rolled my eyes at him.
Colt- Oh… I know… Is Tessa texting you? I bet she is, I thought she was a smart girl but apparently not so much if she keeps hanging out with you” he said with a smirk.
Logan- Oh really and who should she be hanging out with… You? Please, she barely likes you.” I let out with a scoff.
Colt- I know she doesn't currently like me but soon enough she will realize what a moron you are and then I will be the one she wants to spend her time with and let me tell you I can't wait to have her with me. That is if I get to her before Mona does.”
Mona gets out of under a car.
Mona- He is kind of right I will definitely want to have her with me and for myself, I mean who wouldn't want to?”
Colt- A good girl with a wild side plus she is stunning and that body…” he said closing his eyes and biting his lip.
My blood boils just to think about Colt or Mona touching Tessa’s body, it makes me sick, I don't want them touching her the way I do it… I don't want anybody else doing it.
Logan- Colt! I swear to god if you don’t shut the fuck up…”
But before I could finish I got another text from Tessa, I immediately calm down, knowing that I'm going to see her soon.
Tessa: Change of plans. I have an idea…
Logan: what is it?
Tessa: Do you want to have a study double-date with my friends?
”Study date… how could I be helpful? Still, I prefer to spend time with her than being here with this asshole.”
Logan: Sure… Where is it? Want me to pick you up?”
Tessa: No need, is at Riya’s house she will take me, I'll send you the address when we get there.”
Logan: Sure, see you soon troublemaker.”
I felt a little disappointed, I wanted to take her to my “special” place but is okay as long as I'll get be with her.
As I put my phone down I take a deep breath preparing myself for some snarky comments from Colt but fortunately for him (because my self-control was on the edge of collapsing) Colt was already minding his business, so I do the same walking to my car before he could start talking again.
Tessa sends me the address and 10 minutes later I'm parking in front of a fancy house in some fancy neighborhood… Damn, her friend is loaded I hope she isn't like Brent and be all full of herself…”  thought I don't think Tessa will hang out with people like Brent.
I knock on the door and Tessa figure appears in front of me, my heart starts beating fast ” MEN CALM THE FUCK DOWN”  I kiss her cheeks and follow her to the kitchen where her friends are.
After a quick presentation and a good cup of Lemonade, we sit around the table, I ask about the project, as soon as I hear what it is about I thank whoever is out there that I read a biochemistry book before and I could actually help her with something today. It's some simple mechanical model one look at it I already know what's wrong with it.
A few hours later after learning, working on the model, a small awkward moment when I confess some truth about myself and quick kiss from Tess, we go to the diner Tessa and her friends go to every week.
“They are not bad, I like them, being here with them feels good but dangerous…. like the life I once wished I had.”
We order some fries and milkshakes and start talking and joking around when I find myself dancing “Jailhouse rock” in the middle of the diner…  my idea, not hers which is surprising for me.
Logan- Is this what it’d be like? If I went to school? If I were a regular guy?” “Hang out in diners with you and Riya and Darius and fix DNA models?” I ask her trying to sound and feel indifferent as possible but deep down I know there is a bit of anxiety.
Tessa- I know it’s not a glamorous life I of money and thrills…  but yeah.”
Logan- Pretending to be normal feels surreal. It feels… dangerous.” I confessed feeling the anxiety coming out to take advantage of a situation I never thought I'll put myself in to.
Tessa- Normal can be overrated. Just look at me. I was living the same old boring life I couldn’t wait to get out of every day until I met you.”
“Boring life is not so bad at least it kept you safe… until you met me.”
Logan- How do you like me as a normal high school guy?” I tease her as I make her spin.
Tessa spins and then kissed me, I didn’t expect a kiss but it’s always welcome especially from her, the kiss holds for a moment and then she pulls away, her kiss taste like the milkshake we just had, sweet, delicious and like I want another one.
Tessa- Does that answer your question?”
Logan- Not completely sure. Maybe answer it again so I can make sure I get it?”
 I wish we could be alone… maybe I can take her where I planned this afternoon I know it’s late but… 
Logan- You Know, if you’re not too tired, we can still get you behind the wheel for some practice after this.”
Tessa- I’d like that.”
We continue dancing to some sketchy song, my eyes fixed in nothing but her, everything else dissolves around… it’s just us she in my arms and me in hers. It feels right. Later after we leave the diner and said bye to Darius and Riya, Tessa and I drive around for some time.
I park at the beach, and we get out of the car sitting on the hood of it and listening to some song the radio is playing, we enjoy the view, well as enjoyable as it can at night we started talking and somehow this girl makes me tell her what this place means to me, what it have meant for the past two years I’ve been in L.A, that makes me feel vulnerable as fuck but for some reason bringing Tess here it and tell her makes it a lot better.
Logan- How do you keep seeing light in me when there isn't any?” I question looking into her eyes with my full sincerity.
Tessa- There is plenty. And you'll see it, too. Someday.” she told me glowing eyes. She smiles and presses her lips against the corner of my mouth and smiles again before pulling away and gaze back at the ocean.
Warm fills me, my heart is pounding like crazy I have never had a feeling this intense before with anyone else, like I want to be the version of myself she thinks I am.
Logan- I hope you are right.” I whisper so quietly that she didn't hear me.
I stood up and look at her.
Logan- How about we take a swim?”
Tessa- What?” she asks in shocked.
Logan- Why not?” I told her as take my clothes off.
Tessa- First of all I bet it's freezing and I don't have any clothes… Logan!”
I start making my way to the water and hear Tess scream my name.
Logan- You can use my shirt.”
Tessa thinks it for a hot minute not looking convince.
Logan- Come on troublemaker, we spend the entire afternoon working you deserve to relax a little.” She finally agrees and start to make her way to the shore with my shirt on hand.
Tessa- Don’t look.”
I roll over and cover my face with my hands to humor her.
Tessa- Okay, done.
I look at her, damn, the way my shirt looks in her it's fucking sexy.
Why did I think it was going to be a good idea.”
She then joins me in the water, we started swimming around, talking, laughing, splashing water to each other. We soon get out of the water and face each other, no sound but the waves, and my own damn beating heart. She looks up at me with an innocent expression on her face,  and damn that look makes me lose control.
I grab and kiss her hard for one long, blissful moment, I drank in the softness of her lips and her floral, woodsy scent. She smells impossibly good— like amber and gardenia.She kisses me back, sweetly and tentatively, and I find myself utterly lost. I kissed her harder, threading my fingers through her hair, both hands around either side of her neck. She gasped, and I took the chance to dart out my tongue and taste her.
Fire raced through my veins. I increased the pressure of my grip, tilting her head towards me as I explored her mouth. She wrapped her hands around my waist, pulling me closer. My hands skated up and down her body, the touches are growing bolder and more frenzied as if any moment would be our last. Tessa breaks the kiss when she needs air, I press my head to hers taking deep breaths.I feel the goosebumps on her skin over the places my hands have been.
Logan- Have you been touched like this before?”
Tessa just shook her head and kisses me again but I slowly break the kiss and my touch becomes more subtle.
Tessa- Why did you stop.” she said so quietly that  if we weren't this close I wouldn't hear it.
Logan- it's cold I don't want you to get sick  and… we have time.”
Looking at her I notice a blush creeping on her pretty face I smile to myself knowing I’m the one who cause it, giving her one last kiss I give her, her clothes back she just giggles and and signals me to turn around.
Tessa- don't peek.
Logan- I won’t .” I tease
She is awfully confident to think I would sit there and stare at her. Well… okay, I probably would especially give that she's wearing my shirt that it's wet and it's hugging her body in a damn nice way. But I know I can't…
Later I left Tessa at her house and go back to the garage and thanked God there is no one on-site, I make my way to my loft. I turn the shower on and get in, as the hot water running down on me comfort fills my body. I keep thinking back at Tessa at her body the way it looked at the moonlight so soft and perfect, and so fucking clean, compared to the scars covering mine and in nothing else but my shirt. I can feel myself getting harder the more I think about her, I can't hold it any longer so I took myself in hand, I start stroking myself thinking of her hand on my cock, gradually growing the pace, now her mouth is around me going up and down consuming all of me my mind think of how tight and good she would feel around me, and that does it for me… I came hard, harder than ever before I have masturbating. I start getting down the highs and open my eyes, this is getting fucking messy. It wasn't supposed to be messy. I wasn’t supposed to crave her mouth and her mind equally. I wasn’t supposed to think about how tight she would feel around me as I rock into her soft body. I’m not supposed to get off, imagining my hand is hers.
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Watch "Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance Book 2" on YouTube
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storyflirting · 3 years
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Day 5 - Side Characters Ximena #rideordieappreciationweek #RoDXimena #RideOrDieChoices #choicesincolor #choicesedits #PlayChoices https://www.instagram.com/p/CSZe0s8F_qO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Watch "Ride-or-Die Ever After" on YouTube
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My take on the sequel to Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Chapter 11- Scorned
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Title page edit by @choices.lady
*DISCLAIMER All characters, background art, and audio are property of Pixelberry Studios. All rights reserved to Pixelberry Studios.
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Tag list: @khoicesbyk @twistedjaee @storyflirting @llara55 @shewillreadyou @playchoices
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My take on the sequel to Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Chapter 10 - Ride or Die
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Title page edit by @choices.lady
*DISCLAIMER All characters, background art, and audio are property of Pixelberry Studios. All rights reserved to Pixelberry Studios.
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Tag list: @khoicesbyk @twistedjaee @storyflirting @llara55 @shewillreadyou @playchoices
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My take on the sequel to Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Chapter 4 - Define Normal
Title page edit by @choices.lady
*DISCLAIMER All characters, background art, and audio are property of Pixelberry Studios. All rights reserved to Pixelberry Studios.
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My take on the sequel to Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Chapter 1 - Know When to Let Go
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Title page edit by @choices.lady
*DISCLAIMER All characters, background art, and audio are property of Pixelberry Studios. All rights reserved to Pixelberry Studios.
#pixelberrystudioschoices #choicesstoriesyouplay #playchoices #choicespixelberry #pixelberrychoices #rideordieabadboyromancechoices #rideordiechoices #choicesincolor
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My take on the sequel to Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Chapter 2 - Deja Vu
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Title page edit by @choices.lady
*DISCLAIMER All characters, background art, and audio are property of Pixelberry Studios. All rights reserved to Pixelberry Studios.
#pixelberrystudioschoices #choicesstoriesyouplay #playchoices #choicespixelberry #pixelberrychoices #rideordieabadboyromancechoices #rideordiechoices #choicesincolor
@khoicesbyk @lifeaskim @secretaryunpaid
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My take on the sequel to Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Chapter 3 - Life's Not Fair
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Title page edit by @choices.lady
*DISCLAIMER All characters, background art, and audio are property of Pixelberry Studios. All rights reserved to Pixelberry Studios.
#pixelberrystudioschoices #choicesstoriesyouplay #playchoices #choicespixelberry #pixelberrychoices #rideordieabadboyromancechoices #rideordiechoices #choicesincolor
@lovelyladyk88 @lifeaskim @secretaryunpaid
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My take on the sequel to Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Chapter 6 - Winter Break
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Title page edit by @choices.lady
*DISCLAIMER All characters, background art, and audio are property of Pixelberry Studios. All rights reserved to Pixelberry Studios.
#pixelberrystudioschoices #choicesstoriesyouplay #playchoices #choicespixelberry #pixelberrychoices #rideordieabadboyromancechoices #rideordiechoices #choicesincolor
0 notes
My take on the sequel to Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Chapter 5 - Second Chances
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Title page edit by @choices.lady
*DISCLAIMER All characters, background art, and audio are property of Pixelberry Studios. All rights reserved to Pixelberry Studios.
#pixelberrystudioschoices #choicesstoriesyouplay #playchoices #choicespixelberry #pixelberrychoices #rideordieabadboyromancechoices #rideordiechoices #choicesincolor
0 notes