#right no dean/emily fighting today i've been nice
hahahahahangst · 2 years
Outlaws 2 (Be The Young 15)
GIANT TW which will be valid for each episode for suicidal thoughts, self-h*rm, violence, cursing, relatives dying, mentions of s*x, s*xual assault*
All chapter titles are song titles, some of them translated from Italian songs. We start from the first season and make out way through the series. I will break canon (mostly from the S2 finale) but will try to get back into it for the sake of ✨ lore ✨ .
Summary: Emily's life used to be normal. Until one day, her family died, leaving behind just one letter.
"After reading this whole letter, call John Winchester. [...] He’s your real father."
They’ll never understand the honor among these thieves.
The journey was quiet. Both Emily and Sam had a lot of things to reflect on. Emily kept going through the names Ash gave them, thinking about how she was the only one left alive of her age. “Stop reading those names.” Said Sam, about five miles away from Lafayette. “It’s not doing you any good and I can hear you over thinking about them in your mind.” “Am I the only one who finds it a little bit disturbing how you can just hear me think?” “Trust me, I would turn it off if I could, but it’s not as easy as it sounds.” “Right.” She exhaled and put the paper away. “It happened to me too, you know?” “Really?” “Yeah, back in Portland. At one point I told you to shut the fuck up and I felt your feelings getting hurt. Like the princess you truly are.” She mocked. “Fuck you man, I thought we were about to die!” “We’re always about to die.” She exhaled. “But it’s alright, just- very weird feeling.” “Yup.” “You think Dean is already on our tracks?” “Probably, we’re lucky if he’s not waiting for us at the police station.”
To their surprise, Dean wasn’t there. After gathering Scott’s family address, they headed to his house. His mother welcomed them warmly, especially after they told her they were Scott’s high school mates. “Scotty was a good boy. He changed a lot since you knew him.” Said his mother. “What do you mean?” Sam’s interest seemed roused. “It started about a year ago with these headaches. And then he got depressed, paranoid, nightmares.” Sam and Emily exchanged a quick look before he investigated further. “Nightmares? Um, did he ever talk to you about his nightmares? What he saw, or…” “No, no. He closed up with me. I tried to get him help, but nothing took. He'd just lock himself in his room for days.” “Miss Carey, I’m sorry if this is an indelicate question.” Asked Emily. “But you think maybe we could see his room?” As they entered Scott’s room, Sam started taking a look around as Emily kept the conversation going with the mother. Suddenly, Sam walked behind her and sneakily pushed something into her left pocket. From touch alone, Emily thought it was some sort of container, but she ignored it and kept talking with the woman. Suddenly, he appeared next to her. “Miss Carey, it was very nice of you to let us in today. I hope we weren't too nosy." He smiled. "No, not at all. It's nice to talk with someone who loved him."
"So, what is this?" Emily took out the mysterious container out of her pocket. "Prescription pills?" "Yeah. They have the name of the doctor who cured him. Maybe he will know something his mother didn't." As they kept walking, Emily started noticing someone was following them. You see them as well? Yup. Be ready at the next corner we pass. They approached a turn in the sidewalk and right after passing it, they turned around, grabbed whoever was following them from one shoulder each and shoved them against the wall. "Please!" Said a female voice coming from the dark figure. "Who are you?!" Sam asked, upset. "Please, listen to me. You're in danger." Sam and Emily looked at each other briefly before carefully letting the girl go. She was shaking in fear, terrified. "Why were you following us?" "I told you, I came to warn you, you- you might blow up soon!" Emily raised her eyebrows. "Blow up?!" She repeated. Sam gazed at her. "Okay, maybe it's better if we talk somewhere more private." They entered the nearby motel, where they were staying. The girl was nervous and Emily could almost recognize herself in her behaviour: she was about to lose it and it was very clear. "Why don't you take a sit, ugh- I don't think I got your name, sorry." Said Emily, trying to calm her down. "Ava." "Alright, Ava, why don't you sit down, I'll bring you a cup of water, okay?" I'll try to keep her calm, you ask the questions, okay? She looked at Sam. He nodded and sat down on the bed in front of Ava. "Okay, look, I know how all this sounds, but I am not insane and I am not on drugs. Okay? I am normal, and this is way, way off the map for me." Said she, nervous. Emily handed her a glass of water, which spilled a little in Ava's shaky hands. "All right, all right, just, just calm down. Okay?" "I'm trying, but-" "Okay, so, my name's Emily." Said Emily, standing next to Sam. "And he's Sam. Ava, why do you think we're in danger?" "Yeah, uh, okay, about a year ago I started having these, like, headaches, and just, nightmares, I guess. And I really didn't think much of it until I had this one dream where I saw this guy get stabbed in a parking lot." "When was this?" Asked Sam. Emily pulled out the paper Ash had given them and looked through the names to find Ava. She wasn't there. Not even a similar name. "Uh, about a month ago. But, anyway, a couple of days later, I found this." Answered Ava, pulling out a newspaper clipping from her jacket. It was the piece on Scott's death. Sam took it to analyze it closer. "I saw this guy die, days before it happened. I don't know why, I don't know, it's just for some reason, my dreams are coming true. And last night I had another one." "Let me guess, we die." Said Emily, putting away the piece of paper. "Yeah." "How did you find us?" "I saw you- you had motel stationary so I looked it up and- here I am." Emily tapped Sam on his shoulder. "Can I talk to you? Privately." She gestured towards Ava. Sam nodded and they moved into the bathroom. "What?!" He asked, impatient. "She's not on the list." "And?" "I don't like this, what if she's lying?" "Emily, she's most likely just as scared as we are- Look." He said, seeing how his sister was growing more nervous. He put both hands on his shoulder. "Maybe we got the criteria wrong. I mean, we have very loose information, maybe-" "I'm not saying don't listen to her, I'm saying be careful!" "Okay, I'll be careful!" Sam said, impatient. Then, he hurriedly and nervously left the bathroom. They found Ava trying to nervously close her jacket, getting ready to leave. "I'm sorry, I never should have come, I'll just-" "No, no- It's okay, we believe you." Intervened Sam as Emily also re-emerged from the bathroom, nervous. Ava stopped. "You do?" “Yeah, of course you- you must be one of us.” Sam pointed at him and Emily. “Sorry, one of- one of who?” “One of the psychics. Like us. Look, Ava, I have visions too, all right? So we're connected.” “Okay, so, you're nuts. That's great.” Ava rolled her eyes, looking even more nervous than she previously did. “That’s a way to put it.” Said Emily, sarcastically making fun of Sam. He scowled at her. “Listen, did your mother happen to die in a house fire?” He asked. “No, my mother lives in Palm Beach!” Aaaand the plot thickens… Well done, Sam. Give me a break, I’m trying to find out the truth! He quickly gestured, dismissing her. Yeah, doing a great job, champ. You think you can get her to not run away and call the cops on us? I thought you wanted to find out what’s happening! I do, but- No, you know what, Dean is right, you-
“What’s happening?” Ava’s voice brought both of them back to reality. “What is this, some kind of… twins sign language?” With a hard scowl, Emily promised Sam the conversation was not over.
A whole later, Ava begged them to leave. “Listen, why don’t you just leave town? Please? Before you blow up?” “Not happening.” Exhaled Emily, who was aggressively making coffee in the motel’s kitchenette to blow off some steam. “Oh, god, why not?” “Ava, there’s something going on here. There might be other people with our abilities, so to call them, out there.” “We might be part of something.” Added Sam. That seemed to upset Ava even more, something Emily didn’t think was possible. “Okay. you know what?” Ava stood up. “Screw you, buddy. Okay? Because I'm a secretary from Peoria and I'm not part of anything! Okay? Do you see this?” Ava showed her hand, where she was wearing an engagement ring. “I am getting married in eight weeks. I am supposed to be at home addressing invitations, which I am way behind on, by the way. But instead, I drove out here to save your weirdo ass. But if you just want to stay here and die, fine. Me? I'm due back on Planet Earth.” “Don't you want to know why this is happening?” Asked Sam. “I mean, don't these visions scare the hell out of you? Because if you walk out that door right now you might never know the truth, Ava.”
The girl looked at him intensely for a second, then turned to Emily, who did not bother giving her any display of emotion. She didn’t like the idea of involving someone who knew so little in a matter that complicated and potentially dangerous. Ava sighed and left. Sam tried to stop her, but Emily talked to him telepathically once more. Let her go, Sam. Let her have the normal life we’ve always wanted.
Ava had left two hours before and yet, little to nothing had moved in the motel room. Emily had finished making coffee, handed a cup to Sam and they both resumed their research in silence. “I do want to know what’s happening.” Said Emily, a while later. “I just don’t think we should involve anybody else. Not like that.” “We could have used her help, Emily!” Sam closed his laptop shut. “Her help? She was scared to death, Sam!” She tried to resume her reading but more thoughts came up. “Also what, I’m not enough help? You need a random girl?” “I never said that.” Emily exhaled, nervous. “Didn’t need to.” “Alright, let’s talk about this. Why do you-” Sam trailed off. “What? Sam?” Asked Emily, finally closed her book. She was expecting Sam trying to shrink her as he usually would, but he didn’t. The glimpse of an idea lit up in his eyes. “I got an idea.”
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