gideonsgem · 7 months
Trapping a Gemstone Pt 1
"That's a wrap!" shouted the director. The sound of clapping and cheers filled the studio as we celebrated. I smiled at the various castmates and crew members while we exchanged a few “great jobs” and “thank yous”  as I passed by everyone on my way to my trailer. The movie ended up taking longer than originally planned to finish and I’m eager to head home. I brought my bags to set today so I could grab them and immediately head to the airport.
My daughter is attending a summer camp on the other side of the country in Georgia. I decided it would be better for her to be around kids her age and spend some time outdoors rather than hang out with me on set for the summer. 
I was supposed to be done and home by now, but the filming took longer than anticipated. So instead of celebrating with the crew tonight, I’ll be on a flight out of here.
I sent an email to my assistant, Luke, whom I sent home yesterday to begin coordinating. I need him to send me my flight details and give me an update on the party planning. I know, it seems like a lot to have a party when she’s only been gone a month and a half but she’s never been away from home long without at least one family member with her. It’s always been me and her since her dad and I split when she was a baby, so this is a big deal for us.
Trinity’s POV
15 hours earlier
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked the girl sitting in front of me. “YES” she shouted in reply “Trinity, the only way we are going to pull this off is if we cut your bangs!”
“Okay okay, just do it Serenity,” I said squeezing my eyes shut as I heard the scissors cut my hair.
“Perfect,”  she grinned, holding the mirror up. I opened my eyes to see my reflection staring back at me, but now sporting a brand new fringe. 
I pulled at the freshly cut hair  “woah, how do you deal with this every day? They’re annoying already.”
“Eh” she shrugged while turning around to put everything away “it’s a fashion statement I believe in. If Sabrina Carpenter does it every day, then so can I,”  she paused for a second and turned to look back at me “and now you”.
“Okay!” I called out  “Quiz me one more time to make sure I’ve got everyone down” 
Serenity plopped down and pulled out her ipad  “alrighty girl, who is this?” 
She showed a picture of an older man with glasses. “That is great-granddad Eli” 
“Correct!” She beamed “Now who are they?” 
“That’s Uncle Kelvin and Keef”.
“Right again!”
We went through the rest of the Gemstone family tree and the close acquaintances I’d need to be familiar with to blend in.
“Last one! Who’s this?” 
She showed me a picture of the one I’ve been waiting 13 years to meet “Gideon Gemstone–Dad” I smiled at it. 
“Sooooo” Serenity started, “what exactly is mom like?” 
My–our mom– is a famous actress. Y/F/N Y/L/N “Mom is amazing” I told her “She’s so smart and so talented it's beyond me. She is an incredibly hard worker but will always make the time to joke around or just hang out. She’s the most dependable person I know”.
“I can’t wait to meet her” Serenity replied “If it wasn’t for Dad, Gigi (Amber, I feel like she would so be a Gigi)  and Granddad  (Eli) I feel like I wouldve ended up like Aunt Judy or Papa Jesse. Dad has always been chill and down to earth despite the Gemstone lifestyle.”
“I’m right there with you” The both of us started getting ready for bed “The great thing is the two of us finally meet them tomorrow” I added while crawling into bed.
She rolled over in her bed to face me “Who knew that this random summer camp would’ve brought me my long-lost twin” 
“I’m happy we met” I yawned drifting off. Tomorrow will be a big day for us
“Here’s my phone, Mom’s assistant, Luke, will be waiting at the airport to pick you up. He’s not super chatty BUT he will give you a huge hug so just be prepared for that” I warned Serenity.
“Yes, yes. We’ve been over this” she laughed “here’s my phone, the jet will be waiting for you the car will drive you right up to it so you dont have to worry about checking in or anything. You think you can handle it?” 
“I don’t think it’s me you should be worried about, have you ever flown on a regular plane? It might be first class but still” I laughed at her.  
She gave me a big hug “My privilege is going to show but I am terrified to fly commercial”
I squeezed her “it’s going to be okay, you can use the wi-fi to text me if you get scared” 
“I’ll miss you Trinny” 
“I’ll miss you, too Renny but we’ll see each other in a few weeks” 
Your POV
“Oh my God my baby is going to be here any minute!” I shout running around my room. I thought I had enough time to take a shower but Luke texted me saying Trinity’s flight got in early and they’ll be home.
I wasn’t even dressed yet, I had my robe on still and my hair is still in the towel. I was looking for clothes when I heard the alarm ding alerting us that the front door opened.
“Trinity!!!!!!” Our family call out to her .
“shit” I muttered as I threw the pants in my hands on the floor. I took the towel off my head and began speed walking downstairs.
I saw my parents smothering her in a hug and when they let go we made eye contact “TRINNY BABY!!!!!! You cut your hair?!” I shouted as I ran towards her.
“Hey Mom” she sighed as I wrapped my arms around her “I’m so happy to see you.”
"Me too, babydoll, me too” I replied “I totally love the hair by the way”.
Requested by @ringa-starr
next chapter tuesday 2/27 so sorry its late. i went to post it and hated it so I had to fix it
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