#rikako ouryou
sunspots-non-sorts · 10 months
Psycho-Pass - season 1 - episode 7.
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thinenotthee · 8 months
Ro's Treatise on Makishima Shogo
I have been into Psycho-Pass for about ten years now. It is the second or third anime i ever watched and it has had a vise grip on me since. I rewatched the first season a countless number of times before finally biting the bullet and watching the rest. I am rewatching the first season again. From the beginning, I have never liked Makishima Shogo.
Preface: I historically do not like villains. They can be the most interesting character ever but I'm like "they do bad things so they suck and I don't like them." No hate to people who do like them, I have just never really been one of them.
I have never been involved with a media that loves its villain as much as people who watch Psycho-Pass love Makishima Shogo and it makes me crazy! I think for a lot of people watching Psycho-Pass, Makishima represents a character type that we don't see often in media: guy who challenges the status quo in the same way we as the audience do. Many of the people I talk to about Psycho-Pass cite Makishima as their favorite villain because he’s “right,” or because he’s “challenging the system.” Or to cite myself from a few years ago, “All the dudebros are like ‘he thinks so deeply about society and really questions it’ and I'm like dude that's everyone in Psycho-Pass, including you, the viewer of Psycho-Pass.”
Because the fact of the matter is, Makishima’s not right about anything.
Sure, Makishima observes and acts upon the depravity of Japan's society under the Sibyl System, and makes active attempts to undermine it. Ederlyn Peralta of CBR states, “[Makishima] has a vision of how the world should be, making him an appealing character to viewers.” However, I think a more accurate assessment is that Makishima has an idea of what the world should not be. He does not work to undermine the Sybil System for the good of common people. He does it in a self-serving manner to prove that he is right and society is wrong. He wants to watch the world burn and not do anything about what happens after it. He has no plans to protect the people in said society after the upheaval, evidenced by the fact that his goals are to get people to kill each other, and then starve the country by destroying its primary food source. He sees the members of Japanese society as worthless sheep unworthy of his protection.
And we see what happens to people once he decides they are no longer worthy of his protection or involvement! During the Spooky Boogie case, we see Makishima immediately discard Masatake Mido after he deems him uninteresting. The same thing happens to Rikako Ouryou. He discards people in the same way the Sibyl System does. Once they no longer serve his purposes or prove a liability to him, he gets rid of them. He is judge and jury and proxy (if not actual) executioner, just like the Sibyl System.
And yet I'm supposed to believe he's got something right?
I think this would be less infuriating if Makishima was the only member of the cast criticizing the Sibyl System. However, as I stated before, everyone is criticizing the system! The entire show exists as a criticism of the Sibyl System! Kogami hates it, Akane has made it her life mission to question and critique it, every cast member that we get to talk to for more than a few minutes has their critique of the System. And these are people who work directly in service of it! So I cannot find it within myself to stand with Makishima's thoughts and declare him right in any matter.
Akane has a beautiful line in episode 20 where she says that anyone can decide they want to look for happiness anytime they want, as long as they are alive. Makishima has given up on the promise of human potential in the same way, and has decided unilaterally who he thinks is capable of pursuing higher thought. But that's not his decision to make.
TLDR: Makishima Shogo makes my blood boil and I am tired of him. Good riddance.
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meli-r · 3 years
A very interesting analysis. Kudos to the author
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metaldragoon · 4 years
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Psycho-Pass (2012)
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prof-kenny · 4 years
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psycho-pass Happy Birthday Rikako Ouryou 8.10 2020
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kengamers · 5 years
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Yesterday I discovered an incredible event that made me move from the game of shometsu toshi, a collaboration directly from pysho pass with the characters of the series, makishima shogo that I could expect (beautiful) but then I saw her😍 I was moved. rikako ouryou and still in people's hearts, I can't believe it and beautiful, this art deserves it all who knows maybe one day they will also introduce choe-gu sung and senguji toyohisa ehehe.
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darzeken · 8 years
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randomnotesofmyown · 4 years
Psycho-Pass (11-12)
Episode 11 - Saint's Supper Recap: Tsunemori and Masaoka went in to look for Kogami while the rest of division one stayed on the ground surface to deal with the jamming.
Ginoza admitted to others that he wasn't sure what was going on. Kagari replied that, judging from how desperate Kogami sounded, the matter must have been very serious.
Senguji was still trying to hunt down Kogami. One of the PSB drones appeared and found Kogami.
Kagari walked with another drone and found the source of interference. He kicked it over.
An electric hound dashed to attack the PSB drone that located Kogami. Kogami ran to the drone and retrieved a dominator, and managed to destroy that hound with a destroy decomposer model.
Kogami got up and Senguji fired again. It hit him this time.
Kogami tried to work out how to defeat Senguji.
"His appearance...silence after every two shots...The enemy's weapon must be a double-barreled hunting gun.
Cut to Makishima. He commented into the earpiece, "Unfortunately, your time is up. The jamming has been broken. Soon the main unit of the PSB will rush in." Senguji replied with a sad and fearful voice that Lovecraft was taken out. "Shot and destroyed. He finally started shooting back."
Then, Senguji continued speaking with renewed strength. "When I was young, I often took part in construction work on infrastructure in developing countries. The more dangerous the place was, the more money I earned. Conflicts often occurred suddenly, and there was a limit to our ability to predict scenarios and manage risk. There was a time we were attacked by guerillas in one of those countries. I think it was at least 70-80 years ago. Then, too, the colleague sitting next to me was shot. My friend, who had been crying and shouting just a moment earlier, had now turned into nothing but a lump of flesh. His blood splattered and dripped down my head. and his smell stuck to my entire body. I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but for me that was a good memory. That time, I felt alive...I felt really alive...I felt it more strongly than I have felt in my entire life. However, I'm experiencing that feeling once again right now."
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"Once again, the blood has been set afire in this mechanical heart of mine. And now, you're telling me to run? That would be cruel." "But from here on, it won't be just a game." "That's exactly right. As a hunter, I've shot down lots of prey over the course of many years. But now, I want to confront that man as a duelist. Makishima, surely you didn't muck around with my game to see me turn tail here, did you?" "You're exactly right. I'll see your life's splendor until the very end."
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And the cat and mouse chase went on. Kogami fired a shot at Senguji, hit him in the arm. Senguji retaliated and shot Kogami in the stomach.
Again, Ode to Joy played in the background as the game continued. Seeing the trail of blood, Senguji was sure that the Enforcer would soon see his end. But the person he saw was Funehara Yuki. Kogami pointed a dominator at Senguji
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He fired. The end of Senguji.
Kogami told Funahara to get out of there and seek therapy as soon as she could. “You saw...too many things that you shouldn’t have.” The heavy blood loss from the gunshot wounds took its toll on Kogami. The enforcer slumped to the floor, drifting in and out of consciousness when Makishima approached, handcuffed Funahara and took her away with him. The dominator was out of reach, Kogami could only watch as Makishima walked away.
Tsunemori and Masaoka got to the hunting ground. They found the injured Kogami. Masaoka turned to the drone that went along with them to get the first aid kits while Kogami told Tsunemori about her friend being taken away.
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Tsunemori ran off on her own in the direction Kogami pointed.
Ginoza and Kagari inspected the hunting ground and were guessing how many people had died there. An incoming message from Masaoka
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Ginoza and the others got to Kogami, and Masaoka ran off in the way Tsunemori had gone.
Tsunemori caught up with Makishima. She pointed her dominator at Makishima. But the coefficient of Makishima was below 100, and the dominator became locked.
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Tsunemori ordered Makishima to drop his weapon and surrender.
Makishima replied, "In order to buy some time until your reinforcements arrive, shouldn't you make our conversation lively? I'm sure an experienced detective would make that determination." 
"When you said 'multiple crimes', which were you referring to? Mido Masatake? Ouryou Rikako? I think that there's value in people only when they act based on their will. So I've asked many people about their suppressed free will and observed their actions all this time." "Don't be so full of yourself! You're just a criminal! " "How do you define crime to start with? That dominator you're holding...Does the Sibyl system that governs that gun decide it?'
Tsunemori pointed her dominator at Makishima again
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"By analyzing a bio-organism's force field readings by a cymatic scan, they figure out how a person's mind works. The intelligence of science finally uncovered the secret of souls, and this society changed drastically. However, people's wills are not a part of that assessment. I wonder just what sort of criteria you use to divide people into good and evil?" "I want to see the splendor of people's souls. I want to check and see if it really is precious. However, when humans base their lives around Sibyl's oracle, without ever consulting their own wills, do they really hold any value?" Makishima tossed the shotgun at Tsunemori and went on, "Well, while I'm here, I guess I'll try testing you. too. To assess your judgment and actions as a detective." Makishima chained Funahara to the pole with another handcuff. 
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"I'm going to kill this woman, Funahara Yuki...right before your eyes." Tsunemori's third scan of Makishima:
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"If you want to stop me, instead of using that useless piece of scrap icon, you can pick up the gun I just gave you and use it. If you pull the trigger, a bullet will come out." "Th-there is no way I can do it, because you are..."
Because I’m a good civilian? Because Sibyl decided so?"
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Tsunemori started questioning why.
"I don't know why, either. I've been wondering about it since my childhood. My psycho-pass has always been pure white. It never got clouded, not even once. All sorts of vital reactions in my body must be affirming me, thinking that my actions are those of one who is sound and good." "You guys can't measure my sins. If there is someone who can judge me, it would only be those who can become a killer based on their own will."   Tsunemori picked up the shotgun and demanded Funahara be released. "Or..." "Or I'll be killed...by your intent to kill. That would be a precious ending in its own way." "Now you feel the importance of life in your index finger, don't you? As long as you're a puppet of Sibyl, you can never experience that. That's the weight of decision and free will." Again, Tsunemori did a scanning on Makishima.
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"Descartes said that those who can't make a decision can't do so because either their desires are too great, or they lack intellect. What's wrong? Unless you hold it firmly, the bullet will miss me."
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"Now, aim at me with the intention to kill." Tsunemori, shaking all over, fired. Twice. And both missed the target. 
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Tsunemori dropped the gun.
"How regrettable. How very regrettable. Inspector Tsunemori Akane." "You disappointed me. So I have to give you a punishment."
A trembling Tsunemori begged Makishima to stop.
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Makishima slit Funahara's throat. Tsunemori screamed and sunk to the floor.
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Kogami came to and asked about Tsunemori.
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Kogami, on a stretcher, padded Tsunemori and asked what happened. "I met...that man." "Makishima Shogo can't be judged by the Dominator!"
End of episode 11.
episode 12 - Devil's crossroad
With a change in the opening theme song, this episode marked the start of part two of the season. The episode began by looking at things that took place three years ago. Kunizuka Yayoi dreamt of herself practiced playing a guitar behind the stage in a disco, she cut herself on the strings of that guitar. Someone approached her to help. She woke up to find herself in a detention cell. 
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Ginoza invited Kunizuka to become an Enforcer. "Sibyl determined that you have the aptitude for it. I think this is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you."
"Does that mean...my Psycho-Pass will never recover?"
She didn't say yes and remained in there for more than six months. All that time her readings stayed above 100.
Ginoza visited Kunizuka again. Kunizuka was about to reject the invitation again, but Ginoza told her it was about a different matter this time. Entered Kogami, who explained that an antisocial club had been found in the Kitazawa area. And they would like Kunizuka to help, as she used to be a guitarist in the area.
Kogami got a call from Sasayama, who became tired of waiting. Ginoza left to join Sasayama while Kogami continued trying to persuade Kunizuka.
In the car, Sasayama was puzzled that a musician had become a latent criminal. Ginoza replied, "I hear that there are many cases of people's hues getting clouded when they become deeply involved in their art. It probably means that a strong affection like art that moves people can be a medicine and a poison as well. That's exactly why it started requiring prior approval."
"And then an approved artist ends up becoming a latent criminal? Good grief." Sasayama said, then he asked if Kunizuka would become an Enforcer. When Ginoza told him the girl wanted to return to society, Sasayama laughed, saying she was naïve.
Kunizuka made clear again that she didn't want to become an Enforcer. "I refused. I don't wanna do things that could cloud my Hue like that."
Kogami asked if Kunizuka wanted to leave the correction center and play music again, and checked on the number of rejected requests she made to obtain guitar strings. Kunizuka angrily demanded Kogami to leave. However, Kogami produced a pack of guitar strings that Kunizuka wanted so badly, and Kunizuka was surprised. Setting sight on it, Kunizuka recalled the moment when the stranger painted her fingernails, her own team member came to pull her away, scolding her that getting close to an unauthorized musician would result in her Hues becoming clouded.
That stranger then left to prepare for another performance while Kunizuka's team member said they should go home. Kunizuka said she wanted to listen to the music of that band.
"Music by an unauthorized band is worthless!" "I think making music that curries favor with Sibyl is what's worthless, though." The stranger retorted.
Kunizuka finally agreed to help. She explained to the PSB agents the venues the group of people being referred to as an antisocial community would most likely use as their base of operation: Yellow Hood or 27 Club.
Sasayama infiltrated 27 Club while Masaoka got inside Yellow Hood. Both reported they found nothing yet.
Ginoza, Kogami and Kunizuka waited on a PSB vehicle. They started talking, Kogami told Kunizuka that almost no latent criminals returned to society with a normal state of mind, they either ended up being executed or became accustomed to a life in the place where things were continually taken from them. But Kogami added that Kunizuka might be able to overcome it with a strength of will. "And there is another way," Kogami continued as he handed a dominator to Kunizuka. "If you want to escape a life of continually having everything taken from you, you can join the side doing the taking."
A message from Sasayama reporting that he noticed some fishy people. Kunizuka recognized the voice singing in the background.
Sasayama went to talk to the people he found suspicious and requested to take a look at what was inside a paper bag. Then, without opening the bag, Sasayama determined that inside the bag were Molotov cocktails and immediately subdued one of the targets, the other fled. Chaos ensued. As the agents called for reinforcements, Kunizuka went inside the club to try to find the singer, Rina.
Kunizuka found her. Rina asked why was Kunizuka there and was taken aback when Kunizuka told her that she came with people from the PSB. Rina's friends caught up with her. They appeared with a bag of Molotov Cocktails.
Rina told them to move on, she would catch up with them later. The gang moved on. Kunizuka asked Rina what she was doing.
Rina said they were a resistance force that aimed to overthrow the Sibyl system. "Why don't you fight with us?" Rina asked. "I can't do that." "Why not? Because you're authorized?" "No, that's not it." "You know how wrong the current society is, don't you? Even if you elect politicians in token elections, they're just figureheads. As long as all the bureaucrats are chosen by the Sibyl system, calling it a democracy is just a big fat lie! People have all become slaves of Sibyl, giving it control over their lives, and yet they haven't noticed! But our music will definitely become a major force! We can move people's hearts! We'll change the world with our music!" "That's not what it was about for me!" "Yayoi..." "It wasn't about that at all! All this time...I just wanted to stand on stage again with you. That's all I wanted!" "That's not enough! When you were institutionalized, I realized how powerless I was. Just having fun won't solve anything! If you don't have power, it's totally pointless!" "Totally pointless?" "That's right! We need power! Yayoi!" "Everything was fine as it was...but things changed, huh?" Kunizuka pointed the dominator she carried with her at Rina and tried to persuade Rina to join her undergoing a rehab program. Conversation over. Rina started walking away to catch up with the others, ignoring Kunizuka. Not being registered on the list of authorized users, Kunizuka could not shoot with that dominator.
Kogami and Sasayama found Kunizuka. After some considerations, the former musician now agreed to become an Enforcer.
And with that decision, Kunizuka gave up on her dream of playing music again.
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End of episode 12.
Comment: Episode Eleven: An episode with a heavy ending that came both from Makishima's words and Tsunemori's failure. The weight in Makishima's words was that, in such an extreme scenario, taking an action based on a decision made independent of the system that Tsunemori had come to rely so heavily on, and failing to act based on it, came with huge moral consequences either way. Tsunemori would either become a murderer or someone who failed to save her friend's life. It involved a life in both ways, either Makishima killed her friend or she killed Makishima, Tsunemori wanted neither and she couldn't act the way she knew she should.
She was aware that a life was at stake, that despite Makishima was about to kill, the Sibyl system did not register a coefficient reading high enough to authorize activation of the lethal mode, and that killing Makishima with the shotgun was the only way to save Funahara. Yet she couldn't bring herself to aim at Makishima. She failed to save her friend. And she blamed herself for that failure. Seeing a friend die after having missed the opportunity to prevent it by means of killing a person whose coefficient dropped all the way to zero, Tsunemori experienced trauma, helplessness, frustration and grief. This was one of the moments that made me feel the emotions of the character. It was unsettling, it was powerful.
Episode twelve: A takeaway from this episode was that the Sibyl system did not like people with passion. It determined that people with passion beyond its allowed range were dangerous to society. And thus it became a censor determining how and what people could express with their arts. But arts was not supposed to be confined. I could identify with Rina's position. And yet, by trying to overthrow what she considered to be evil, she became evil herself. And that was...sad. It was also sad that Kunizuka Yayoi, so eager to get her old life back, to relive her dream, ended up forsaking them.
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violaceoussky · 5 years
舞台版『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Chapter1ー犯罪係数ー』
PSYCHO-PASS series will get another stage play, this one an adaptation of the first story instead of an original one like the previous stage. This stage play, titled Stage Adaptation [PSYCHO-PASS Chapter1 ~Crime Coefficient~] will run from 25 October until 10 November 2019 in Shinagawa Prince Hotel Stellar Ball. And this stage adaptation will be supervised by Urobuchi Gen himself.
Cast: Kubota Yuki as Kogami Shinya Sanada Yuma as Ginoza Nobuchika Kawauchi Misato as Tsunemori Akane Hashimoto Shohei as Kagari Shuusei Manaka Ayu as Karanomori Shion Tatemichi Riona as Kunizuka Yayoi Isono Dai as Choe Gu-seong Otsuka Shogo as Senguuji Toyohisa Fujimoto Yui as Ouryou Rikako Hosogai Kei as Sasayama Mitsuru Imamura Nezumi as Masaoka Tomomi Maeyama Takahisa as Makishima Shougo
The PV looks promising. Looking forward to more of those transforming dominator! Official site: twitter | website
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sunspots-non-sorts · 10 months
Psycho-Pass - season 1 - episode 8.
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“Yoshika-san...It seems you can’t choose the life you wish. I understand how hard that is.”
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mmercurry · 8 years
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those episodes were so creepy but it amazed me and took my breath away. like this is so curiously fascinating
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prof-kenny · 7 years
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kengamers · 5 years
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my reaction, when i have seen. ❤ Beatifull forever makishima and rikako ❤ they are always the most beautiful characters of psycho pass 😍  thanks shometsu toshi for these incredibles arts 
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prismanimes · 7 years
Eles são apenas conchas do que eram uma vez ... e logo desaparecerão como derreter neve.
Rikako Ouryou
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