#psycho pass criminals
the-social-recluse · 2 months
Read some comments from under whatever Providence content I could find on YouTube, and it showed me that some people really believe Akane is criminally asymptomatic.
If anything, I think it has been consistently proven so far that she isn’t. She wasn’t born with it, never thought of herself as one and neither did anyone else, including Sybil… it’s just that her beliefs alone are enough to shake everything to the core.
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lemonadecandy103 · 1 year
Arata: *explaining how his mental trace identified the murderer* Some Division 3 Inspector (to Masaoka): So where'd you find this kid? Masaoka: He was left in a basket on the steps of the MWPSB
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faefaye · 4 months
Frederica to Kogami, SS Case 3:
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mylifeisadeceit · 1 year
From the start Psycho-pass had such a bonkers concept.
Upu can tell that someone is a criminal or not just by scanning them??? Even if they didn't do anything? That's not how crime works. That's literally not how it works. You can be put to jail for thought crimes.
But it also targets heavily mentally ill people and expecially traumatised people!!! Almost all of the characters we've seen were literally just traumatised and deemed "beyond repair" and no one knows the criteria????????
They're like "just don't be traumatized" ig??????
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lesenbyan · 1 year
man fuck Gino's whole life; two of his enforcers are his dad and his ex-partner that got too deep and this mfer never learned how to handle stress
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jerriisspeakingnow · 10 months
There’s just something about season 1 Kogami that always gets me feeling some type of way.
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usersatorus · 2 years
i decided to restart psycho pass because i watched s1 and s2 ages ago but i dont remember much plus new stuff came out since then, im having fun!
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epiclamer · 4 months
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The same fingers curled back into Hero’s hair, deceivingly gentle as they teased their locks and stroked their scalp. Hero pulled away and the touch went cruel in a split second, easily yanking the crime-stopper’s head back by their hair.
“Oh come on, Hero. Don’t try to escape me now...” The one in question let out a horrible half-whine half-strangled gurgle. “We only just started…”
Supervillain’s smirk was far too wide as they draped the cloth back over Hero’s head—ignoring the other’s haggard breaths—one hand still wrapped in their hair, while the other reached once more for the hose.
Hero was thrashing before the water even came, but Supervillain was stronger. Supervillain was always stronger.
To the hero, the torture lasted forever. They were drowning; no matter how many times it came, no matter how many times Supervillain restarted, it never got easier. There was no way for Hero to calm their body, no way to hold their breath with the water streaming down their sinuses, no way to spit water with the cloth, no way to struggle with their restraints.
And, fuck, did it ever burn.
“V-Villain—”Hero yelled when the water stopped and their head was freed from its smothering. They were gasping, choking, coughing, and still they were shouting for the criminal with the shreds of their voice. “Villain, please—”
The supervillain huffed, rolling their eyes before turning to their partner. “Do you have something to say?”
Villain blinked, blank eyes staring back at their boss, then flicking to the blubbering hero where they struggled in their chair. They angled themselves away from the crime-stopper, turning their full attention to the supervillain and they heard the hero sob a broken plea. “About?”
Supervillain’s grin widened and they gestured at the hero with a flamboyant wave. “About Hero here? Don’t you remember how close you two used to be? Hero seems to think your old connection will grant them some sort of mercy…”
“I don’t need m-mercy, you f-fucking psycho.” Hero spat, glaring at the supervillain as much as they could from their current position and the other tightened the hand in their hair. They winced and their attention switched to the villain standing in the corner by the door. “V-Villain, please, Supervillain b-brainwashed you—”
Hero’s neck was wrenched backwards at a clearly uncomfortable angle as Supervillain looked down on them. “That’s enough out of you, hm?” They turned to face Villain, cloth once more in hand, an ominous promise of what was to come next. “Do you feel brainwashed, Villain? After I saved you from the Heroes Agency where they tortured you and kept you from me? Convinced you I was the bad guy?”
When the hero attempted to speak up the sopping washcloth was pressed back down against their nose and lips, causing them to start struggling once more. Their obviously exhausted body still fighting tooth and nail for survival.
“No. You saved me.”
Supervillain’s face lit up, pleased with themselves, passing the hose off to the henchman at their side. “Exactly, sweetheart.”
Hero’s muffled yelling could be heard as the supervillain stepped away from them and let their henchman take over. The words were clear enough to understand, yet the rest of the room continued to ignore the kidnappee.
Except for Villain. It was in fact quite difficult to ignore someone desperately screaming your name. But they didn’t let that show and only a moment later Hero’s begging was drowned out by the soft sounds of running water.
“Henchman, carry on for us will you? Villain and I have lots to catch up on.”
With a tap against the villain’s elbow, Supervillain gently guided them out of the cell and down the jail-filled hallway. Escorting them through turns and up stairs, Hero’s wails and cries out for Villain slowly blending into the background.
Supervillain was talking, voice lofting through the air, but they never reached the criminal’s ears. Instead, Villain was calculating how much longer they would have to keep the ‘amnesiac-brainwashed-minion’ act up until their team could take down Supervillain and rescue Hero.
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luna-rainbow · 5 months
Thanks for your answer for the last ask.
What is wrong with the writers of the new MCU material? Do they just hate Bucky, especially the writer of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier (he's NOT the Winter Soldier anymore!)? Did Bucky kick their cat or something? This hatred and victim blaming is not justified! "Oh Bucky's just a cray-cray psycho killing machine with cool metal arm but probably belongs in a padded cell. Lol he says he had no choice such a lame excuse..."
Soo…I don’t know if people still remember the rumours from back in 2021 and I don’t know how much of it is true, but my guess at it is this: there were supposed to be two main writers on the series. Spellman was supposed to take Sam’s story, while the other guy wrote Bucky’s story. For whatever reason, the other guy quit before he finished, and didn’t give the writing team enough time to put things together.
From a story craft point of view, Bucky’s story in TFATWS reeks of first-draft-ism. It’s a scattered plot of events that don’t quite string together, and a self-contradictory characterisation that hasn’t yet been smoothed over (but was made a little more believable by Sebastian’s efforts). You can tell some central character themes had been planted in the first draft — the PTSD, the guilt, the messy way he’s trying to relearn how to interact with people (Yori, Sam and later the Wakandans), the struggle with breaking free of his past. These were all strong, interesting character beats for Bucky to work through, and it honestly could have been a good story. And I think that’s when the original writer bailed.
When Spellman picked up this draft, he was pressed for time, he hadn’t watched CATWS and he never thought he’d needed to know about Bucky’s story, so he reads TheMovieSpoiler summary of the movie and tries to piece the rest of the story together. But Bucky’s not his priority nor his interest. There’s already beats of the story that were planned and have to be there for IP reasons. So beyond what was already in the first draft as mentioned above, Bucky is made to be the fall guy to make the rest of the plot happen. Zemo’s release — well we can’t make Sam help break out the criminal that killed an African king so we’ll make Bucky do it, who cares if it makes no sense for his character. The counselling session — the show’s few moments of levity, doesn’t matter that it makes no sense but hey, forced homoeroticism is hilarious, isn’t it? The Wakandan three-way fight — I may be remembering this wrong but I think Skogland said it was one of the first scenes that she had planned for. That fight had to happen, and again Bucky was made to provoke the Wakandans to the point Seb had to step in and say, almost literally, “he would not fucking say that” to make them wind back the animosity between Bucky and Ayo. Sam’s suit — oh no we can’t have Sam asking for it himself that would be too egocentric, we also can’t have Wakandans offering because well, not like the plot actually made Sam a strong ally for Wakanda, so we get Bucky asking for Sam’s suit to be made minutes after he fixes his mistake of releasing Zemo. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make sense if it’s Bucky doing it, cos I really think by this stage Spellman didn’t give a shit about a character that wasn’t supposed to be his responsibility in the first place. It’s like when you’re doing group project and your teammate bails on you, you’re gonna do just enough to get that pass but you ain’t putting in the effort for a distinction cos just looking at the unfinished work is pissing you off. So then Bucky also becomes the token white male who pushes all the wrong buttons during the few token racism scenes cos we gotta make Walker have some redeemable qualities and he’s already a dick so we can’t make him racist too.
So instead of having a thoughtful story about a veteran trying to grapple with his guilt and PTSD and lack of agency and making some mistakes along the way, you get a weird disjointed plot of some guy…with some bad dreams…who randomly does things for no good personal reason…who gets made the butt of the joke for the stuff he’s experienced cos he’s got a metal arm and super soldier serum how hard could it have been he just needs to go and apologise for killing people while simultaneously having multiple poignant scenes portraying his lack of agency.
Every writer who tells you “a hero is only as interesting as the villain” just secretly wants to write a simpable villain. And when that writer isn’t very skilled, you get the disaster of TFATWS where a lot of effort is spent on making Zemo funny and personable, and Walker nuanced and sympathetic, instead of making either of the titular heroes funny or personable or nuanced or sympathetic. And yeah, I really don’t think Spellman ever cared enough about Bucky to want to make him sympathetic…or a hero. Remember when he said Bucky pulling open the van door was the first time Bucky has ever been a hero? Fuck right off with that.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Broken Prism
Chapter 1
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Toddxfemale!Reader
Warnings: Some violence, Batman level of violence
Summary: Everyone sees the world in black and white until they meet their soulmate. Jason Todd assumed Gothamites didn't have souls let alone soulmates, so when he as Robin saves a girl from thugs attacking her school he is shocked when their eyes meet and the world is suddenly a vibrant rainbow. Before they can speak she passes out and he decides to keep her safe he has to watch from afar. Until he dies.
You saw Robin and you saw color. You knew it must be dangerous to be Robin so you let him stay away, hoping someday you could meet and at least hear his voice. Then, it's all black and white again and you mourn the loss of a soulmate you never knew.
A year later you wake up and the world is back in color. You are confused and frightened, not sure what is happening, but you know one thing, you accepted your soulmate hiding before, but now you would find him.
Notes: Hello! This Jason Todd fic is brought to you by the people see in black and white until they meet their soulmate. I thought how crazy it would drive someone to first know their soulmate is a masked vigilante, then they die and everything is back to black and white, and then its color again. That person would probably be obsessed with finding out what happened, why it happened, and who exactly their soulmate was to go off and die and then come back to life. I hope you enjoy! Comments/critiques always appreciated! PS. once again, my Jason Todd fancast is Lewis Tan (but also this GIF of baby Jason Todd brings a sweet tear to my eye)
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The first day of high school could be a lot of things. The day you met a new friend, the day you get a lunch tray dropped on you, the day you have a mortifying wardrobe malfunction. What it shouldn't be was the day you almost die AND meet your soulmate. One or the other, not both. However, your life always seemed unnecessarily complicated so when a pair of armed thugs arrived, taking teachers hostage and diligently searching lockers and bags it shouldn't have surprised you. Honestly, it didn't surprise you when they found what they were looking for inside your backpack. You knew your foster dad was shady, shady enough to try and steal money from Two-Face and hide it in your bag like the coward he was. The minions took you, kicking and screaming, out a side door, dragging you by your hair. You tried to fight, swinging wildly and trying to pull away, yelping when you were yanked back easily.
"What are we taking her for? She's just some snot-nosed kid," one of the thugs said, looking around warily. "We don't have time to take a hostage, the Batman's out early today." The other minion scoffed, yanking again on your hair.
"I'm not scared of that psycho, and I want a new plaything, this one looks fun," he said. "A little young normally but she's filling out well." You felt sick rise in your throat at what he had planned for you. He pulled you ahead of the other attacker, letting him fall back to watch his back. You were rounding the side of the school towards the alley, certain you were going to horribly mutilated and murdered, when you swore you saw a shadow amidst the dumpsters.
Then you heard the other thug collapse, grunting. You tried to turn and look, worried that some other gang was coming to join the fun, but the one holding your hair threw you. Your head rocked against the brick wall of the school. You muttered out a curse as you sat down, starting to see black engulfing you, when you made contact with Robin. Before you lost consciousness you saw it, his eyes suddenly in full color, then you succumbed.
Gotham wasn't the place Jason thought he would find a soulmate. He didn't he'd ever see color in the world. Between the rich trying to buy, sell, or steal anything and everything their sick hearts' desired and the criminals who would kill you on sight just for fun he was surprised anyone, including himself, has a soul to begin with. So when black and white suddenly became color he froze, almost missing the fist coming for him face. Almost. His dodge was late, the thugs punch grazing his cheek, not enough to knock him down but enough that he felt pain in his jaw. He still recovered before the attack, throwing his own punch that was reinforced with black brass knuckles, landing true right to side of the thug's head, knocking the man down and out.
Batman looked at him, gaze dark. He dropped the other attacker on top of the first, grabbing the backpack and getting the money from it. They had been tracking this cash, needing it collected before the toxin that it was doused in caused anyone to start laughing. He promptly lit the stack on fire, making sure it burned to ash, while Jason picked up the girl and took her out of the alley, nearer to the school. He waved down the GCPD that was there and saw two officers come running, waving for an ambulance to follow them down the street. He took one more glance at her, his soulmate, before going back to the alley. Batman motioned to the building next to them and Jason followed, grappling to the roof and landing just after Batman, knowing he was going to get chewed out for at least two things.
"Brass knuckles Robin?" Batman asked. "Those are something you aren't able to use properly yet." Jason glared, but bit his tongue. Better a tongue lashing now than extra training drills in the evening. "And what happened back there? You hesitated, that isn't like you." Jason didn't answer again. The last thing he needed was Batman knowing that the world wasn't in shades of gray for Jason anymore. He could see the red of the bricks of the school, he had seen the brown in your eyes, and the auburn of your hair. He had no idea what these colors were actually called, he would have to borrow the flashcards Dick had bought when he'd met Barbara. "Start talking Robin."
"The brass knuckles are helpful, I didn't need to use more energy to take out that guy who is literally twice my size," he said. He hated to remember that while Batman was fully grown, in his mid-30s, and the peak of his physical self, Jason was still just 16, a little scrawny despite his weight training, and maybe had some growing to do. "And I don't know why I hesitated, maybe it was seeing a kid my own age almost getting her head smashed in." He was watching the EMTs carting her to the ambulance. He felt the need to follow them, make sure she was safe. He wanted to find her tomorrow and talk to her, hear what she sounded like when she wasn't screaming. Batman watched Jason as he watched the girl they saved. Something was up, but he wasn't sure what. They weren't in an area of town that Jason had ever lived, nor did he go there when he wasn't Robin so he didn't know the girl. He would have to keep an eye on his sidekick. For now he just told him to go home. He would do one last sweep of the city and make sure the tainted cash was all collected and destroyed.
Jason should have gone back to the manor, but instead he followed the ambulance to Gotham General, perching on the roof. He watched them drive inside and wished he had a change of clothes, he could at least sneak in easier. He moved to the access stairs and headed down, keeping to the quieter hallways and stairwells until he was able to find her. She was still unconscious, though it looked medicinal now. He stared at her, memorizing her face, counting every freckle, watching her chest go up and down as she slept. He heard voices in the hallway and looked back at her for a moment, silently promising her that she would safe from now on, he would make sure of it. He disappeared into a vent, heading back outside and starting back towards the manor. After about three blocks he knew that Nightwing had found him, so he stopped, waiting for his big brother to catch up.
"Batman wanted me to keep track of you little bird," Nightwing said. Jason rolled his eyes at the name but didn't say anything. It secretly made him feel special, hearing his brother call him a nickname. "So who was the girl?" It figures he had seen him in the hospital room.
"We just saved her from some of Two-Faces bitches at Gotham North high school," he said. "The asshole threw her into a wall, I looked at her and her eyes, they're the most beautiful color I've ever seen." Nightwing's eyebrows got high enough that Jason saw them peeking out of his mask.
"Going to need those flashcards, did you tell Batman?" Nightwing asked. Jason shook his head. "I get it, but he should know..."
"No Dick," Jason said. He knew that Batman would have him running laps around the grounds until he collapsed if he heard Jason calling Dick by his mortal name, but right now he needed his brother to understand how serious he was. Jason didn't want Batman to know, didn't need Batman or Bruce Wayne worrying about him, about what finding his soulmate might do to him. He would be considered a liability, too young to handle the responsibility, balance the need to see her, to protect her, with the need to keep Gotham safe. Dick had already been Nightwing when Barbara had come along, Bruce had simply told him to not let the soulmate urges distract him, and that had been enough. Jason was younger, more reckless, more unpredictable and Bruce would be waiting for him to screw up, another thing to add to the list of things Jason didn't do as well as Dick with.
"He will figure it out," Dick said. Jason stood up and shook his head, grappling away, wanting to get back home and get a shower before patrol tonight. He needed to think.
You started learning the names of colors as soon as you got home. It was amazing, seeing everything the world had to offer, so much beauty and so bright. But nothing could drive the image of Robin's eyes out of your mind. You knew that he probably hadn't come back to see you again because he was Robin. No one knew who Batman, Robin, or Nightwing were and despite being soulmates its not like he knew you, knew he could trust you. So you went about your life, telling only your closest friends that you had a soulmate. They of course questioned you on who it was but you said that it was a quick glance, no names exchanged, no phone numbers, nothing, so you weren't sure how to find him. They had plenty of suggestions that you pretended to entertain but you knew it was useless, if Robin didn't want you to know him then you wouldn't. You would gaze at every boy with dark hair and brown eyes you came across, at school, at the arcade, the library, your job at Big Belly Burger, everywhere, just trying to find someone who's eyes matched his. You never found him. Then everything changed.
It was evening, you were sitting in your room, watching a movie, once again marveling about the colors in the mountains as the camera swept over the scenery. Your new foster parents didn't understand your fascination with nature documentaries but you didn't want to tell about Robin, they would be worried you were crazy and send you back to the group home and you didn't want to be there ever again. The documentary was just changing to the ocean, your favorite part, when suddenly the world went back to black and white. Your breath stopped, eyes getting wide. You blinked once, twice, three times, but it stayed black and white. You stood, wanting to run out the door, find Robin, but you couldn't, you had no idea where he might be. You knew what had happened, the world only went back to black and white when your soulmate died. You couldn't believe this. You'd never even heard his voice and now you never would. You collapsed on your floor, tears streaming down at the future you had been imagining, all of it crashing down around you. Your parents found you like this, inconsolable, and despite not wanting to go back to the group home that's where you were taken a few days later, the world still dull and gray.
You spent the next year in gray, unable to bring yourself back to the person you had been before. You bounced around homes, therapy seeming useless for you, new parents not sure how to draw you out of your depression. Your friends told you about support groups for people who lost their soulmates, people who could help you recover, but you didn't want to. You wanted to hear his voice, feels his hand, know what his name was. It wasn't fair, nothing in your life seemed fair. You went to bed every night with dried tears on your cheeks.
Until, one day, you woke up, and the color was back.
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anitalenia · 7 months
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𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙎𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝙍𝙀𝙈 ⋆⭒˚。⋆‎♡‧₊˚
꒰ঌ definition ໒꒱ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷   𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝘩𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠. 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑎𝑠 𝑢𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑡𝘩𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑥 𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒. ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ below you will find sub genres under this category, as well as some useful pairings for this trope. for educational writing purposes — contains dark content <3
note: several of these can also be used in other tropes as well, just depends on how you write it and interpret it. Also, this is strictly woman x multiple men because reverse harem is just that. Harem is man x multiple women, ergo reverse harem
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₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A being hunted by a group of people — the circumstance can be interpreted in many different ways (can be a game between them as to who gets her first)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A being passed around a friend group
₊˚⊹.* ♡ multiple yandere loving person A
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A lost somewhere and taken to the home of person B, where multiple suitors await to take care of her
₊˚⊹.* ♡ demon brothers and their love (person A) — obey me! anyone ???
₊˚⊹.* ♡ kings and their favorite princess
₊˚⊹.* ♡ multiple boys at school wanting person A (like in anime’s where every boy has a vastly different personality / social status)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ enemy vampire clans wanting person A
₊˚⊹.* ♡ werewolves sharing person A in the pack
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A’s professors find other ways to help her grades
₊˚⊹.* ♡ men of different species wanting person A (dark fantasy au) — like elf king wants person A, rogue werewolf wants person A, vampire lord wants person A, etc.
₊˚⊹.* ♡ stuck in a house with your captors (kidnapped au)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ biker gang x waitress who serves them
₊˚⊹.* ♡ angels x demons fighting for person A
₊˚⊹.* ♡ kings x maid
₊˚⊹.* ♡ rivaling princes of different nations x princess of one — they come together in their want for her (can be kings too ig)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ criminal x cop partner x best friend wanting cop!person A
₊˚⊹.* ♡ its mating season for monsters and they all want person A
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is the only human in the monster clan
₊˚⊹.* ♡ queen x servants (where person A is the one in control / the dominant one)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A and her group of boys she grew up with
₊˚⊹.* ♡ sorceress x her creations
₊˚⊹.* ♡ servant x princes ( can be demon brothers, any kind of royalty, where person A is hired to be their servant)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ multiple psychos playing a game with person A to see who can get them first
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is a criminal being hunted by multiple bounty hunters / cops
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is stalked by a group of men then later taken by them
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is the new farm hand or new to a farm x cowboys
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is the creation of person B, but she gets passed around to his partners with his permission — maybe her needs need to be met by more than just one person (person B is the main partner, but lets others use person A)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ bouncing off that idea, person B is the main partner of person A but person B’s partners / brothers / friends also want person A so he allows it
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A and all her step brothers
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A x her step brother and his best friends
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A x her step dad and his best friends
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A x her bosses
₊˚⊹.* ♡ succubus x demon men who love offering their services (can be human but humans die so do what you will)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A x incubus men who always come to her
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A x vampire coven
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A on house arrest x her security guards ( a lot of ways this can be twisted — different species, different circumstances, etc. )
₊˚⊹.* ♡ princess x her bodyguards
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is a scientist studying alien life forms — they take turns using her so she can “study better”
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is traded to a dark king in return for her kingdoms safety (whatever reason you want), only to be shared between him and his royal court (including brothers & best friends)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A is a highly fertile woman in a dystopian world, shared amongst lords in hopes to reproduce
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A x the men sent to kill her
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A passed around between the Zodiac (as in the twelve Zodiac signs — dark fantasy)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ omegaverse — person A is passed around between the Alpha and his betas
₊˚⊹.* ♡ omegaverse — person A is passed around multiple Alphas
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A x powerful gods who want her for themselves
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A x dragon princes
₊˚⊹.* ♡ princess who gets kidnapped by pirates (doesn’t have to be a princess obvi but regardless she getting passed around the ship)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ villain x the men sent to watch her and keep her in check — bonus if at least one of the men is strongly on the hero’s side but can’t deny his attraction to her
₊˚⊹.* ♡ alice in wonderland au — person A is new to the world and taken under the care of person B. person B takes them home and is introduced to all the men there. some are also just introduced at some point and want person A (like white queen and red queen are really sexy menz, werewolf boy, twin boys, yk yk. Im trying not to make this too long but I already did)
₊˚⊹.* ♡ person A x the lost boys — person A is lost and/or new to the world and is found by the lost boys (lowkey dark fantasy peter pan au)
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dolcettamagica · 7 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐮’𝐬
𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘶’𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘪 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘺
⊹ ࣪ ˖ professor!rick x student!reader
do i really need to collaborate on this? he doesn’t even have to be her professor. just think about rick bullying some psych students because he doesn’t accept psychology as science and reader not taking his shit.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ psycho pass; enforcer!rick x detective!reader
of course rick would have been classified as a terrorist for trying to hack into the sibyl system thus ending as a criminal enforcer. he would be the reader’s “partner” though working with rick was everything but easy and somehow – god knows how – rick did hack into the system it’s just that no one realized it. until reader tried to shot him.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ criminal!rick x cop!reader
this has so much potential, various stories. does reader know that he is a criminal? is he under house arrest and reader has to look after him? is reader going undercover? is reader responsible for rick’s case?
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ceo!rick x secretary!reader
let’s face it: rick would be the absolute worst as a boss. mean, high-standards and toxic. would reader crumble under him or would she try to meet his expectations? maybe even seek revenge and join the rival company?
⊹ ࣪ ˖ rick x assassin!reader
listen, i know we got that storyline with tammy already. tammy wasn’t focused on rick tho and she worked for federation.
reader is seeking revenge and turned into an assassin; rick killed her family when she was still a child due to him being careless and selfish. she took it upon herself to avenge her family. gaining ricks trust, making him fall for her – even just a little, just to end up killing him. at the sane though she is being hunt down by the federation herself.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ the flesh curtains; guitarist!rick x manager!reader
i don’t even want to imagine how wild and cocky rick was during his band time and how hard it was for reader to control him, trying to not let any scandal skip, make sure that he is actually sober enough to perform.
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kaybreezy3000 · 9 months
Bad Things (Five Hargreeves/Reader)
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~Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, the inability to distinguish between right and wrong, poor behavioral controls, and behaviors that contradict social norms which then commonly result in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behavior.
Enter, Five Hargreeves, everyone's favorite little psycho.
(Chapter Three Post)
---If you need to go back to read the summary and the first two chapters first, hit the link below. Chapter 4 through seven will be added soon...
Link to Chapters 1-2
Warnings and tags: Mental disintegration, psychological trauma, effects of isolation, masturbation, non-consensual voyeurism, explicit sexual content, bondage, POV altering, touch starved, obsessive behavior, inanimate object love, and many other sexually deviant themes all mixed with a lovely twist that you will hopefully enjoy...
---In this chapter, we start the POV switches, and they will be made clearer by large page breaks in-between.
Chapter Three: Creep
Running through his options, Five makes the quick determination that after what he just did, he can’t stay here. He needs to get the girl back inside her apartment, then he will get Dolores and together they will run.
Thanks to his fake ID, nobody knows who he really is, but as soon as the girl can, she’s going to call the police and have them search the apartments across from hers. His family will figure out what he’s been doing, and Five can already hear them going on and on about how disgusting he is.
Everyone already thinks he is a psycho, and this further proves it. His siblings may not throw him under the bus because doing so would obviously tie him to them, but it’s still possible that someone could figure out that the once famous missing boy Number Five Hargreeves is not dead like the world thought and he is not at all the person he was before he disappeared.
The possibility of the whole world knowing about the monster he has become is only adding to the heartbreak that the people he has cared about and fought for his entire life will hate him more than they already do. All this has Five questioning everything. 
They were all he lived for, and he lost them, and now this.
“You really screwed yourself this time you sick asshole,” Five angrily curses as he starts hauling the unconscious girl across the parking lot towards her building.
As if all that isn’t bad enough, Five realizes that he just ensured himself a lifetime of running from the law. This means no more trying to pretend to be a part of something he’s not, but it also means that he will have no other option but to resort to other, much less legal means of surviving.
He failed at life again and there’s a big part of him that just wants to throw in the towel and let them lock him away. But the same part of him that wouldn’t give up for the last sixty years is still there in the back of his mind screaming at him to keep fighting.
Committed to his plan, Five is about to start crossing the short distance to the girl’s building when a man in a janitorial uniform comes out the back door. Being taken off guard by his sudden appearance, Five inelegantly drops to his knees behind a parked car with the girl folding down with him on the dirty cement.
As the man crosses the lot, Five does his best to calm his heavy breaths to a more manageable level. He hasn’t had the chance to let his racing heart slow down since his extremely drunk sprint down the stairs.
Not being his usual stealthy, in control self and not being able to easily blink himself out of this situation is enough to make Five’s mounting panic much worse. The fact that he just heard the door electronically lock after the guy closed it isn’t helping either. It didn’t even occur to him that her building might need an entrance code.
“God, damnit!” he quietly hisses.
He could slip in behind someone, but that’s not likely at this hour, and not with the girl passed out in his arms. Hitting random buttons in the hopes that someone will buzz him in will get the police called or it will wake the whole building, so that’s a big fat no.
As the other man pulls out of the lot, Five makes a split-second decision based on his most recent plan being blown all to hell. He does not want to leave the girl outside lying on the ground, especially in this neighborhood. He’ll have to leave her in his apartment. He’s screwed one way or the other. It really doesn’t matter where he puts her as long as it is safe. He’ll grab only what he has to, and he’ll be gone before she fully comes to.
Five pushes his back against the car, using it to help balance him as he gets them both upright again. Then swooping the girl up in his arms, the alcohol gets the best of him and Five accidentally stumbles backwards into the car before moving forward towards his own building.
“I am never drinking again,” he declares, weaving with each step he takes. Five is trying so hard to push past how dizzy he feels, but drunk is drunk and it’s getting worse.
After the girl blew him off tonight, Five had the grand plan of passing out in a super sloshed stupor. The whiskey he tried to drown his sorrows in is catching up with him by this point and he’s realizing that finishing the whole bottle was just one more bad decision to add to the many others he’s made tonight.
When Five opens the lower-level door to his complex, he can see that no one is in the shabby hallway that leads to the elevator, and it seems like his shitty luck is changing because the thing is working, and it’s already on the ground floor. 
There’s no way he would have made it up the stairs at this point. Heavy feet scuffing along across the worn tiles, Five moves inside, throwing his elbow against the button for the seventh floor.
As soon as the doors close, he woozily drops his weight back on the wall, and sets the girl down, keeping one arm around the girl’s waist to hold her upright and the other angled across her chest to keep her from tipping forward.
Five can hardly grasp how quickly he just fucked everything up. A few minutes ago, he was in the throes of personal passion, about to blow his load all over his costly dress pants, and the next he sealed the deal that he was completely ruining his already ruined life.
Five is being consumed by his deeply depressing thoughts about himself as the old elevator doors close and it groans to life. The girl’s flowery smelling hair is rubbing up against the side of his cheek, and he can feel the heat of her body pressing back against him in a very tormenting way considering his self-self-absorbed cock brain hasn’t caught up to speed yet that he is not sitting there in his kitchen with his hand on his dick about to destroy his own lap with jizz.
His partial erection from that sad whack fest is wedged right between this girl’s warm cheeks, and it’s just like he was imagining positioning himself on her Monday night. 
Now that Five has the girl’s body pressed up next to his while he’s holding her in what many would think looks like it’s a very loving embrace, the truth that he has actually been violating her by watching her and getting his rocks off is impossible to ignore. 
You can’t imagine something if it’s right in front of you physically touching you. The entire fantasy he’s been creating in his head just completely disintegrated.
Now things just got very real and it’s not in a good way.
“I am so sorry I am doing this to you,” he hotly breathes, his forehead falling even more against the girl’s shoulder as he forces down the growing sickness in his stomach.
With extreme sadness, Five thinks about the trauma he just inflicted on this girl. Five knows trauma and his own experiences with it is what resulted in him being unable to put himself out there to have anything worthwhile in his life. 
He had wanted nothing more than to know what it was like to passionately hold someone he cared about and who also cared about him, but the horror of how it’s happening right now is unbelievable. It seems like this must be happening to someone else. 
Five is so tormented by all this, and intoxicated, that he doesn’t realize he hasn’t been holding any pressure on the girls’ neck since he carried her inside. Her knuckles make unexpected contact, hitting the bridge of his nose. Five eyes instantaneously pinch shut to the intense sensation of shooting pain that makes everything in his face burn and his eyes flood with tears.
The girl’s furious screech reverberates inside the elevator. “Get off me!”
Taking Five’s momentary inability to function, her other arm wiggles free from the arm he has around her waist. She pulls away, maneuvering her fist back and down at the same time, nailing him right between the legs.
Five’s sudden high pitch yelp comes out just as loud as the girl’s cry, but unlike her, his verbal alarm ends in a very hushed groan followed by a whisper of a wheeze as he frantically fights not to double over and also maintain his hold on the back of her sweater.
Five gags down his vomit that is threatening to make this even worse, and while he is immersed in the sensations of pure agony, she comes at him again. 
Somehow, Five manages to move his head back just in time, narrowly avoiding another jab to the face. Her hand hits his upper sternum instead and just as fast, her fingers find their way around his silk tie, yanking his head forward with it.
Five instinctively retaliates by violently twisting his arm around her neck.
“St-ooo-ppp,” he splutters as they choke each other.
“Let go!” she piercingly shrieks before she’s completely deprived of the air to do so.
Dropping her weight as her fingers dig at Five’s arm doesn’t have the desired effect of getting him to let go, so she digs her heels into the floor plowing backwards instead. 
Her reverse attack makes Five’s dress shoes slip out from under him on the grimy floor. The impact of Five’s head as it swings back into the metal wall makes a cracking sound that leaves the wall vibrating.
Totally in shock and seeing the brilliant scattering of stars filling his vision, Five’s free arm swings out, searching for the railing behind him, but he misses. He starts to lose consciousness. All at once, his full body weight is hanging on the girl’s neck as darkness begins swallowing up his remaining vision.
The girl lets out a helpless sounding whimper as they start to fall. 
Beyond faint and feeling equally helpless, Five inadvertently squeezes his arm tighter, using the girl to pull himself upright again. To his relief, her fingers suddenly release the sleeve of his dress shirt and her arms flop down limply at her sides.
At the same time the doors rumble open, the girl’s legs give out and Five almost drops her.
Unable to think let alone function like he normally would, Five hoists her back up then unsteadily stumbles out of the elevator with the girl’s feet dragging between his legs.
Light-headedly glancing both ways, he is beyond grateful that no one is out there looking to see what all yelling was about. 
Beaten and bloodied, Five makes it inside his own door a few seconds later and his first move is getting them both over to the bed because he still feels like he may fall flat on his face.
Five hastily drops the girl down next to Dolores, then he moves towards his kitchen, swaying as he navigates the short distance. 
After getting the shit beat out of him, he is quickly processing the fact that he needs to adjust his original plan to drop her and go. He is going to need to shake at least some of his drunken and concussed brain fog before he can walk even remotely straight. If he doesn’t, he may pass out in the street or his own hallway with his face smacked down in a pile of his own puke.
The idea of the cops finding him like that, with the addition of Dolores lying next to him, is enough to push along Five’s new approach to make this all still work out in both their favor. The most important thing he figures right now is that he needs to keep this girl quiet for a little while before he is functioning enough to leave.
Five throws open the utility cabinet, his unfocused eyes landing on the hook with the wound-up nylon rope hanging on it. The apartment’s previous other weirdo occupant had left many things behind, but unlike the loads of old stuffed animals, this was one thing that Five didn’t throw away being it had many practical uses. In this case, tying someone up.
“They are right, you are a psycho,” Five mutters to himself as he digs around finding nothing else useful.
Next, opening the first drawer next to the refrigerator, he grabs his switchblade and his revolver. It had been Five’s norm to always carry both these weapons, but he stopped when he figured out that there were no field operatives from The Commission coming after him in this new world because there was no more Commission.
Klaus was right, he thinks. He was better when he had an evil taskmaster to keep him in line.
Staggering a little as he turns around, he sets the gun on the kitchen table and tucks the knife into the waistband of his pants. Next, making it back over to the bed with what he figures will be enough to keep the girl safely detained till he is more composed, Five is surprised to see that she isn’t waking up yet.
He says her name.
Five throws the rope on the bed, then picks up her wrist, checking her pulse. He doesn’t feel one, so his trembling fingers move to her neck, pressing against her throat instead. The girl doesn’t react to him touching her, and Five still can’t feel anything.
“Oh, no, no, NO, NO !” He says the girl’s name a few more times, and again he gets nothing. “Dolores, I didn’t mean to- Shit, shit, fucking SHIT!"
Feeling like he’s losing what’s left of his mind, Five doesn’t know what to say, and even though Dolores is right there, she doesn’t respond to his terrified ramblings.
Even though his mind is spinning out of control, Five’s years of training kick in. He jumps on the bed, rolling the girl on her side. Then he lifts her chin, putting her in the recovery position that you are supposed to do for someone when trying to revive them after being fully choked out. The maneuver makes the girl’s mouth fall open and Five checks to make sure that her airway is not blocked, or that her own tongue didn’t slip back in her throat.
Everything is normal. She should be able to breathe, but for some reason she is not, and she is not waking up.
Kneeling over her, one hand on her back, Five starts rubbing. “Come on, breathe! You’re strong, you just showed me how strong you are. Breathe damn it!”
He knows very well how this works, and giving her CPR will do nothing because this is not happening to her because of cardiac arrest.
Lifting her legs so that more blood moves to her brain is not that effective at helping to revive someone in this condition, and it’s sure as hell not going to work if she’s already gone. Five could stand her on her head and no amount of blood running to her brain will bring her back if she is dead.
“Come on! NO! You can’t die!” he angrily pleads, even as both his hands keep at it, one now methodically trying to massage life into her cold legs.
Counting the minutes in his head, Five can’t really say how long he would have been squeezing tight enough to fully deprive her of oxygen. He knows that all it takes is a matter of a minute like that and someone can face permanent brain damage or death. 
They were in the parking lot for only a minute or so after she swung the bat at him. He knows he let up on her throat enough during that time because she woke up a little when they were crouched behind that car. She was moving in his lap, and he heard soft moaning sounds coming out of her. Then as soon as the car pulled out of the lot, he carried her in, not choking her at all.
In the elevator, he fucked-up big time and he let her wake up completely. Five is sure that she was never completely out more than twice and for no more than about thirty seconds at a time. 
From where Five has himself positioned next to the girl, one of his knees is pressing against Dolores’s hip and with glistening eyes he looks from the girl to her. 
“I didn’t mean to do this,” he insists.
Again, Dolores says nothing to calm Five or reassure him like she normally would. His watery eyes plead with her, but he gets nothing.
“Oh my God, thank you,” Five cries, with his head swinging back to the girl. His hand on her back slowly begins to rise and fall as she comes back to life. “That’s it. Keep breathing, it’s going to be okay.��
The girl slowly begins to move her legs and Five puts his hands under her side, sliding her small body up closer to the headboard. She makes a small sound of complaint at being handled, but he still needs to restrain her hands, or she’ll be trying to fight him again the second she’s aware of what is happening.
Mechanically, Five flips open his long switchblade so he can quickly cut the correct lengths of rope with it. Then just as fast, he makes tight loops around both of her wrists. Seeing that he’s at least not totally fucking that up that lesson he learned over and over as a child, and that her arms are snuggly secured above her head to his headboard, he risks looking over at Dolores again.
“I think she’s okay. I know how this looks, but you know that I didn’t mean to do this. I was never going to go near her. It was only supposed to be just me waahh-"
Five can’t finish that one, and that is because saying that it was only supposed to be him watching the girl doesn’t make it okay. None of this is okay. His eyelids lower and he rubs the area between his eyes.
“Please talk to me, sweetheart. I don’t know what to do. I think something is very, very wrong with me. I need you,” he pleads, winching in pain as the trickle of blood from his nose continues to drip down over his upper lip.
Five gets nothing back, and right now, he needs his trusted voice of reason more than ever. In his head, he can only imagine that Dolores is not acknowledging him because she is questioning why he is tying this poor girl up like this if he supposedly didn’t mean to do this. 
To him, she is probably thinking that he is going to hurt her even more than he already has and that makes Five spiral even worse.
“Please don’t hate me. The only reason she’s tied up is because I need to stay here long enough to make sure she’s going to make it, and I can’t leave like this. I need time to clean up,” he tries to explain. “I will get us out of here. We can start over,” he promises. 
His blurring eyes dart from Dolores to the girl, then back again.
With tears starting to run down his face, Five gasps out a devastated sob, “Dolores, I need help. Please, talk to me!” Again, she doesn’t react, and his reddened eyes fearfully widen. “Dolores!” The quiver in his voice matches the quiver in his bloodied hands.
Five just drug in the near lifeless body of the very real girl from across the alley, placing her in the bed next to his beloved. Now, having them both laying there opposite each other, all he can see in the mannequin’s normally devoted expression of limitless acceptance is the actual lifeless object she is. 
Just like in the elevator with the girl right there with him, now Five is finding that he can’t pretend anymore.
Dolores’s face stares out blankly, the matte finished paint of her sky-blue eyes will not meet his. 
In Five’s entire time with her, this has never happened.
As Five moves himself down the girl’s legs, snaking the nylon around her ankles, he does so with the shock of knowing that Dolores finally left him.
Now he really has nothing to live for.
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Feeling totally out of it, liquid dribbles from your slack mouth. You feel the softest tickle as the hair that’s stuck to your cheek pulls away.
“Wha thhh-ah," you start to mumble, but you are so groggy that at first you can’t even complete a thought let alone string two measly words together.
It feels like you are in bed, but you don’t remember going to bed.
In your jumbled thoughts, you recall going on a blind date with a guy from a stupid dating website. That obviously turned out to be a very bad decision. You should have known this guy was bad news when he showed up early and he somehow snuck inside your building instead waiting down in the parking lot. 
At the end of the night, the douche monger insisted on walking you to your door, and then he really upped his creep factor when he jumped on you.
You remember feeling extremely unhinged and completely repulsed by what he did. As such, you figured that it was a excellent idea to educate the prick on what would happen if he ever tried that date rape shit on anyone again.
As this all comes back to you, your eyes start to flutter open, but the room is dim, and your vision is badly distorted. 
More liquid slips inside your parted lips.
“Please, wake up,” the softest male voice worriedly whispers.
Hearing that, you immediately try to move, but like the voice, everything feels wrong. It feels like your arms and legs aren’t working right.
You feel a warm hand on your back slowly moving back and forth.
That’s when you remember that strange man in the parking lot.
“No,” you croak out, as you remember the unmistakable shape of his firm manhood pressing up against your ass as he cut off your air supply with the constriction of his arm around your already bruised throat.
It feels like something is still wrapped around your neck but whatever it is, it’s not painful and tight, it’s cold.
This doesn’t make sense.
Your mouth quickly shuts, your eyes flying open, as you try to sit up. Adding to your horror, you find that you can’t. Your arms flex and pull but they won’t give in to your request. Your chest and bottom rise off the bed only to immediately get pulled back down.
As your vision clears, you realize that someone is sitting next to you. 
Dark hair dangles over pale green colored eyes. 
The expression on his face is empty, not at all the way it was when you first laid eyes on it. Then, this lunatic appeared harmless. He even looked greatly concerned for your well-being. His eyes were conveying such open sorrow that it threw you off enough to let him approach.
He was acting like he knew you. He called you by name.
You open your mouth to scream but he quickly covers the sound with a thick fold of fabric that a second ago must have been around the cold pack that is now on his lap. His eyes narrow as his hand firmly presses the towel against your face.
As air wheezes through your partially blocked nose, he says, “Don’t. Do. That. Again.”
Every word out of his mouth is filled with warning.
Even if you weren’t already completely scared stiff, just the look in his eyes has the sound of your own blood thrumming in your ears and your heart feeling like it’s going to burst out of your chest.  
This can’t be the same voice you just heard speaking so compassionately.
Looking for help, your eyes try to take in the room behind him, but you don’t see anyone else.
Angling your chin backwards, you see someone illuminated by the small bedside lamp, but your own eyes grow even wider when you realize that the woman lying there next to you is not alive.
It’s an old, full body mannequin like you would normally see at a dump or in a second-hand clothing store.
You try to scream again but he pushes his hand down harder, completely muffling it.
“I said, DON’T!” he growls as you yank at the ropes binding your wrists. They won’t budge and that’s because you are tied to a very heavy-looking wooden headboard. 
Trying to move your legs again, you realize that each ankle is tied much like your hands, then fastened by extended lines of rope to opposite bed posts at the foot of the bed.
It dawns on you that this is his bed.
This perverted asshole saw what your douchebag date did to you. He has been watching you for who knows how long, and now he has abducted you. Your legs are spread wide, and your skirt is pushed up so high from your floundering that you know he can see right under it from where he’s sitting.
You can’t believe this is happening, but it is.
Again, you remember feeling this fucker pressing himself on you. He was hard.
This guy was turned on by squeezing the life out of you, and he has a plastic woman in his bed!
Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!
This is so bad.
As you mentally lose your shit, his eyes never leave yours. One of his thighs is pressing against your side and he’s still holding the bottle he must have been feeding you with, but from the way he is sitting at the edge of the bed, you can’t tell if he is still aroused.
You want to scream at him to let you go but you can do nothing. You are entirely at his mercy.
The only reasons you can come up with for why he is doing this aren’t good, but you force yourself not to go there. You have to focus.
Since he’s not actually touching, touching you yet, you try to concentrate on the rest of your surroundings, looking for some way out of this.
There is an old looking electric stove in a small kitchen area across the room, with an equally old looking refrigerator next to it. A small beat-up looking table sits under one of the only two windows and it has an empty liquor bottle on it and something black that looks like a revolver of some kind.
You remember smelling the strong scent of booze on his breath in the elevator. He is clearly shit faced. Your eyes flit back to his. He hasn’t moved at all.
Oh my God, you are going to die.
Looking out again, you see that in front of the bed, there’s a very battered looking recliner. Other than the basics, there is nothing someone would have that would give signs that they lived there. There are no pictures on the walls. No TV, no shelves full of personal belongings. Next to the recliner, on the floor, you can just make out that there is a stack of books, but that is it.
You see what must be the door to get out, and one that is narrower and has slatted vents in it, meaning it’s a closet. Behind you, when you tilted your head back to look at what was holding you from moving your arms, you saw what appeared to be a tiny bathroom.
At first glance, you see nothing that can help you. It’s just some psycho guy’s shitty shoe box sized apartment.
His indifferent reaction as you look around his home is jarring. The flawlessly smooth skin on his face gives the impression of youthful innocence, but what he’s doing proves he is far from it.
You’re betting this fancy dressing Ted Bundy has got piles of bodies under his bed and body parts galore in his freezer. Now you see it; he’s totally the type!
His expensive looking three-piece suit didn’t make sense in this neighborhood. Now splatters of blood stain the sleeves of his white dress shirt. He clearly used the cuffs to wipe his nose based on the numerous red smears. 
You wish so badly that you’d hit him hard enough to break his whole stupid face.
You risk looking at more of him, and you see that he is missing the tie he had on before, and you can only assume that is because the first chance you had, you latched on to it and tried to strangle him with it.
He is clearly not taking any chances of that happening again.
Uselessly trying to wriggle away from him, your arms pull down on the ropes and the heels of your bare feet slide across his rumpled bedding.
He took off your shoes!
Your stomach sickens with the realization that he has already been touching you when you were unconscious. 
Again, you notice how high your skirt is, but he isn’t looking there, his cold eyes remain fixed on yours.
You can’t help it when you scream under his hand, but that only makes him even more scary looking. His features contort ominously.
“This is not what I wanted. I-” He suddenly pauses, a line forms between his eyes as they run over your face, down your body and back up again. “You never should have lifted that bat.”
You try to tell him that you don’t care what he wants or that he didn’t want his head bashed in, but your words are totally stifled by the persistent pressure of his hand.
“You kept fighting me. I had no choice but to do what I did,” he scolds, like this is your fault rather than his.
He reaches over to the bedside table, setting the bottle of water down, then he picks up another length of rope off of it. The moment he removes his hand from your mouth, he forces your lips apart, jabbing the cloth inside. His other hand is already behind your head, pushing it forward as he works the rope between your lips.
As he ties the ends at the nape of your neck you realize it’s to keep the gag in. Your mouth is so full of fabric that not even the roaring animalist growls coming out of you are even remotely loud enough to get anyone’s attention.
Your teeth bare down on the nylon fibers as you glare at him in blind hatred.
Eyes darting away from yours, he slowly starts to sit up, but he abruptly stops when you let out a pathetic mewing sound. Those green eyes of his give the faintest hint of something as he watches the burning hot tears rolling back into your hairline.
His hand comes up brushing his dark chocolate colored hair out of his eyes before tucking it behind his ears. His eyes close so sluggishly it is like it pains him to take in the very deep breaths he is all of a sudden taking. 
The heavy fringe of his lashes sweeps his cheeks covering the dark hued skin under his eyes. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days, but the faint bruising that is starting to form is also from when you hit him, and it only seems to be showing at all because of how fair his skin is.
First, sexual assault and now you are finishing your fabulous Friday night off being this crazy prick’s new and improved sex doll. 
Is this really going to be your final fate? Live a subpar existence scratching to get by, working meaningless jobs to pay the rent, then die because some crazy asshole across the alley from you decided to remove you from the world for his own sick satisfaction?
You would laugh at your ridiculously bad luck if you weren’t crying and if you could actually laugh.
He’s going to kill you. There’s no other way out of this.
“Just let me go,” you beg him. It comes out of you, but with hardly any sound though saying it makes his eyes dart back to yours anyway.
His face is one of those that you’ve seen that can express the most heart wrenching emotion if he lets it. Right now, it seems it’s more of failing to hide it than intentionally showing that he’s not as cold as he is pretending to be. 
His prominent jaw line seems even more dramatic as you notice him clenching his teeth. It makes the dimple on his cheek stand out even more. He looks so sad, and that reaction is baffling because a moment before he looked like he felt nothing and didn’t even have the tiniest amount of remorse or humanity in him.
You swear you see his hand closest to you trembling.
That has to mean something.
You try to plead with him again, but hearing it, he steels his expression to nothingness again, he stands, preparing to walk away from you.
Christ! Even crazy vagrants on the street don’t have the gift to emotionally turn off and on as quickly as this guy can, and that’s no matter how long gone their minds are.
If you could just get through to him somehow, then maybe you’d have a chance, but how can you do that if he is mentally all over the place.
As he moves, you can see his entire body more clearly. He has straight shoulders, but he is hunching them forward in an odd way that doesn’t match his young age. His chin is angled down to the floor like he simply can’t stand looking at anything else.
His trim waist is defined even more by his tailored vest. He’s one of those guys who has that V-shaped torso that comes from having zero body fat. He’s all lean muscle and bone. Add the fitted black dress pants enhancing the slim look of him and you’d think he’s nobody to worry about, but you know already that he is not weak. Under this misleading appearance is hiding the very dangerous man that just took you.
Your eyes follow his every move as he travels over to the other side of the bed. Again, you swear you see the look of pure agony in his face as he lifts the mannequin and sets her down a few feet away over by the window on what has to be a stand because the thing is standing there dressed all pretty like she belongs in a 90's department store not this freak job’s apartment.
He goes ghostly still with one of his hands resting on the form of its narrow waist.
You hear him softly talking to it and it’s almost exactly the way you heard him speaking when you were coming to.
“Dolores, please… I love you,” he pleads. He is looking at the dummy like he is expecting it to answer him.
When you look to the window beyond him over there having this extremely bizarre moment with his plastic girlfriend, you see the flowers dangling from your own flower box blowing in the wind.
He was right across from you the whole time.
You look over again at the single chair pulled up at the small table next to the window. You can just imagine him sitting there in the dark, finishing off that bottle, watching you.
Being an opportunistic perv that gets turned on by peeping on others is one thing, but this guy was getting off by watching you get attacked and he was clearly also turned on by attacking you.
He’s a sexual sadist and while he rapes you, he is going to do his best to make you suffer even more!
Animalistic sounds of pure desperation erupt from your chest, and they get even louder when he abruptly turns away from his one-sided conversation with the mannequin and comes back towards the bed.
You see his expression change to something fierce and dangerous. His entire body seems to thrum like a bowstring drawn taut. You can almost feel the carefully restrained violence about to explode all over you.
His gaze is so intense that your whole body shudders and his voice comes out so achingly low that he sounds like a different person. “If you have already done the worst things a human could do, would it matter if you sealed it that the devil owns you?”
You do not like where this is going. You shake your head side to side, denying him. You refuse to draw the parallels he is trying to make in justifying what he’s going to do.
“I lost everything. There is no point in fighting anymore,” he whispers.
Even though you don’t want to give them to him, tears trickle down your cheeks again. Seeing them, the faintest trace of a sound comes from somewhere deep inside his chest.
There is something. Something inside all that coldness. He looks sad. You are the one tied to his bed, and he looks sad…
After another minute of him seeming to consider something, he begins to hungrily study you, or at least it appears that way to you in that slow, languid way his eyes roamed over your body. When they hover over your chest, your breath hitches, and you think you hear his hitch too.
“Go fuck yourself, asshole!” you frantically cry, adding every curse word you know and even adding some new ones specially invented just for him. It comes out garbled, but you are sure he is getting the gist.
He reaches for the bottle of water on the nightstand, his eyes roll back in his head, and he almost falls down as he proceeds to pound it. 
After stumbling and then tossing the empty bottle on the floor, he moves across the bed, crawling on hands and knees towards you. The mattress sags beneath his weight as he bends down on top of you.
His weight hovers over you, and your fingers curl into fists. Your arms pulled down but to no avail. 
Reactively, when his hand comes towards your face, you pull back as much as you can. He stops for a second, dark brows furrowing like he doesn’t understand your reaction. 
“Sweetheart, no, please. You know I'd never hurt you,” he slurs, then his long fingers gently run across your skin to wipe your tears away. 
You shudder. 
He still has that look. You know it even though you don’t know him. It’s the look of misery.
He brushes your tangled hair back and the frown on his face deepens. Those pale cheeks of his suddenly flush with…
Arousal? Shame? Murderous rage? You have no idea until you look between your bodies, and you see that his crotch region is definitely tenting in a way it wasn't a few minutes ago. 
Very slowly, he traces the bruises your date left on your neck with a finger. The sensation makes you shiver in fear, and you see him shiver too. You are sure he’s about to lower himself on you but then he rolls off, staggers to the bathroom, and then slams the door behind him.
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Entering his bathroom, Five’s body falls forward over the small counter. He clings to the edge holding himself steady, while hoping he will be able to think clearer now that he is away from the girl.
Five is completely overwhelmed with unimaginable levels of sorrow and gross intoxication, but the worst of it is the very demanding reaction his body is having over seeing the girl laying under him on his bed. As bad of shape as he is in, Five can’t even link together any coherent thoughts other than that when he looked at the girl, he was seeing Dolores.
“Dolores, no,” he breathlessly cries in pure unfiltered agony over the gut-wrenching loss he feels.
Wanting to stop the pain and unable to operate on anything but pure brainless need, rather than hurt the girl because he has completely lost his mind, Five desperately begins to hurt himself.
He lowers his head even more, panting out panicked gasps for air as one of his trembling hands starts to rub the front of his pants.
“Please. Fuck. Help me,” he moans, meaning much more than the words can convey as his other hand fumbles to get his zipper down. 
Once he has himself free, Five is quick to start jerking himself with an intensity and cruelty that only makes his head spin even more than it already is. 
“Nahhhh-nnnn-” His instant moans of pleasure are followed by the top of his head accidentally banging up against the oval mirror hanging above the sink.  
Pumping his hips, Five rams the hand he is using to grope his tight balls, jamming it abusively right up against the edge of the counter. His angry touches feel so damn good despite the punishment that the combination only makes him moan even louder.
His knees bang over and over against the cabinet as he finds every way possible to inflict pain on himself while also giving in to that heady desire trying to consume him.
Five winces as his knuckles begin to split after making contact too many times with the hard surface, but he doesn’t stop doing it. He wants this sweet torture to drown out the rest of his unbearable suffering. 
Hair falling in his eyes and his skin feeling like it’s on fire, Five’s other hand continues taking care of the rest of his shaft. His fingers are circled around the end of the hard length, and they are moving up and down so fast that when he peers down at himself, all he sees is a violent blur.
Mouth hanging open, Five’s come begins to spurt out of him. The near iridescence of his release is somewhere between a milky white and a purely clear watery fluid, allowing it to blend in almost seamlessly into the fake chalky colored marble of his chipped counter. With a dazed expression, Five’s body twitches repeatedly as he watches it drip down into the bowl of his sink. 
As the waves of ecstasy all too quickly abandon him, Five’s bloodshot eyes turn up to the monster in the mirror. 
All at once, his fist slams into the face staring back at him. The glass shatters, raining down sharp blades of Five’s reflection, scattering his hatred at his feet and all over the counter.
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As if what just happened when he was suspending his body over you isn't appalling enough, the sounds coming from the bathroom are making you really lose your mind. You yank at your constraints hard enough to make your quickly abrading skin begin to bleed.
It's very clear what he is doing in there; you don't need to see him to know that he took your advice and is actively fucking himself. The only good thing about this is that he is not trying to fuck you and he is in there and you are out here.
When the sound of glass breaking and things hitting the floor abruptly comes after a another one of his guttural groans, you are pulling so hard on the headboard to break free that it's banging against the wall behind it.
Not more than a minute later, the bathroom door swings open and he's back at the side of the bed looking down at you with those empty eyes. 
“I need you to be quiet a little longer." His words don't sound mad or even scary even though he just busted you trying to break free. He sounds very meek but that makes sense considering what he did in there.
You can't help your eyes from moving right from his to his fly, and sure enough, Mr. Psycho's Mr. Happy seems to be momentarily tamed.
Just when you are thinking you might be safe, he shifts himself over on the mattress where the mannequin was.
Just the act of laying down looks like it hurts him. His moist looking eyes open and shut like he can hardly hold them open as he lets out a very pained moan that makes him sound like a child that needs his mommy very badly.
You can see his hand is freshly bleeding but not bad. He doesn't even seem to notice.
“I am going to let you go. I just need to clear my head for a few minutes, and I am cutting you loose and leaving. This will all be over soon,” he hushes when the bed moves from you trying to wriggle away from him.
As he settles into the blankets and his eyes droop closed, his black vest pulls up as he stretches out and you immediately notice that he has some kind of knife tucked under his waistband. 
After a minute or two of laying like that, eyes closed still, he rolls over and his arm flops down over your chest, his hand landing way to close to your neck again. You try to shake him off, but you have nowhere to go, and he remains as is. 
This guy can say what he wants about letting you go, but him lying next to you, hand on your throat, with this fuck mannequin watching him resting up enough so that he can brutally rape you doesn’t have you feeling any less terrified. 
The only reason you are not screaming anymore is because you don’t want to set him off now that he is this close.
Less than a minute later of you laying there thinking this is it, his chin slides down the arm he has folded under his head, and as it happens, the choppy looking fringe of his hair falls over his face.
Holy shit… You cannot believe it, but he just passed out. 
His heavy breathing immediately starts to relax.
Whether he was lying or not when he said he wasn’t going to hurt you and that he was also going to let you go, you have no idea, but it doesn’t matter. Seeing your chance, your arms begin pulling again. You twist and torque your wrists, working the ropes.
The sound of loud vibration startles you and you go stark still, your eyes darting to the kitchen table as your heartrate flies through the roof. 
You can’t be sure, because it’s so dark, but you think there is a cell phone lying there next to the gun. Just as you start to wriggle your wrists again, the phone vibrates again and at the same time, he lets out an annoyed sounding grumble. “Leave me alone, Klaus.”
The third time the phone buzzes, his upper leg moves over, locking down over one of yours.
You close your eyes, willing your mind to take you anywhere but here.
Stupid phone and fuck you Klaus person whoever you are.
“Don’t wake up the psycho, I am about to shiv his ass! ” your mind yells at the offending electronic device.
Not long later, the hand at your throat begins to move away, but as it retreats, your crazy cuddle buddy snuggles his body even closer to yours. This new intrusion on your personal space seems to make him happy enough at first, but then all of a sudden, he must decide that he is not warm enough. He reaches back and flips the bed spread over you both and in doing so, the cuff on his right arm pulls up and something catches your eye.
He has a tattoo on the underside of his wrist. It’s the silhouette of a black umbrella with a circle around it.
What the hell?
You’ve seen that symbol before. You were a little too young when the superhero kids that belonged to the infamous money mogul Sir Reginal Hargreeves were all the rage, but you have heard of them. They all supposedly disbanded when they came of age, and from what you remember hearing, one or two may have even died before that.
They all were born with different unimaginable powers and were often seen in public as children stepping in here or there during major emergencies to show off their extraordinary skills. 
You’ve seen old posters with them, but none of their faces are coming back to you except the girl named Allison, and that is because she has been in the news over the years for different movies that she has been in. 
They were all exactly the same age, and this guy looks like he could be ten years younger than her.
He can’t be one of them…
Can he?
Whether he’s one of them or not, just like with your date tonight, as soon as you get free, you are going to show this sorry sack that he may think he knows you and you are just going to lay here and let him treat you like his little play thing, but he got it all wrong. 
He picked the wrong girl to fuck with.
If this loser was one of the Umbrella Academy kids, you haven’t seen any signs of his powers, which might be because you recall hearing that they all lost them at some point. If he is one of them, it appears he lost even more than that, and he is in luck because you are about to help him lose even more.
The rope painfully digs into your skin. You are so close. A few more twists and the ligaments holding your thumb together will slide, letting your bones pop out of place. Then you can grab his knife and it’s go time fucker.
Someone is getting a knife through the dick and it’s one hundred percent Mr. Umbrella Academy Tattoo!
The phone lets out another long buzzing sound then stops. He doesn’t say anything this time, but the disturbance must have disturbed him again because you feel his hand slowly start surveying your upper leg, his fingers gently tracing a line northward.
You begin to struggle. Your nasally whines of protest have him swiftly changing course, instead clamping that same hand at your waist. He pulls you closer as he presses his face against your neck.
“I am sorry, Dolores…” he whispers.
He is so close. Everything suddenly feels very hot.
His lips part then they start feather lightly, sweep along the coating of moisture he’s creating on your skin. When the heat of his pelvis moves tight against your hip, you are shocked that he isn’t hard again over violating you. 
This guy doesn’t make any sense. You thought that was part of the whole thing he was into, but when he popped a woody from touching your face and neck, as soon as he noticed it was happening, he took off like he was scared shitless.
Maybe right now he is just not recovered enough from his last weirdo whack session or...
Is it possible that he really doesn't want to hurt you. Maybe he wasn’t planning on it when he reached out like he did in the parking lot? 
Maybe you had it all wrong in thinking that he was enjoying watching you nearly getting raped. He had clearly been doing something by way of enjoying himself prior to sprinting out into the parking lot, but…
All of a sudden, it dawns on you that he actually looked very upset by what he saw happen. He sounded very upset by it. It was like he was so distressed by it that he ran down there planning to do something about it. 
He looked like he wasn’t expecting you to be there. He actually seemed very confused by it.
Was he coming after your date?
At the moment, you didn’t see all that, but now…
What the fuck?
He is obviously very messed up, but maybe not in messed-up in the ‘I’m going to violently rape you and murder you’ kind of way.
He did abduct you, but he just said he was going to let you go. He said that he was going to leave.
For some bizarre reason, he seems to be very in love with his mannequin and you are almost certain that right now he thinks you are her. He is so delusional; he probably can’t even tell the difference.
Again, your feet dig down into his mattress as he nuzzles your neck and makes one of those super soft whimpering noises.
This does not feel like he’s trying to hurt you. It feels like he is trying to do something else entirely.
Something is not adding up other than he is most certainly off his rocker.
He said that he has done the worst things a human can do, and you have no idea what he meant by that, but when he could have raped you while you were out or even now, he didn’t. Besides tying you up, the things he was doing before taking off to take care of his boner problem were all in an effort to help you. 
Add all this up and what he said about letting the devil own him, may not have been implying what you originally thought. The more you think about it, it seems like he could have been talking about killing himself, not giving in to raping and killing you.
You can’t see his entire face, but you can tell that his eyes are still pinched shut and it’s in such a way that looks so miserable.
You have no idea what is going on with the guy but it’s clear that something is very wrong with him, and it’s not just that he is mega wasted.
As your mind is putting all this together, he lets out a throaty sound that almost sounds like a sob before he begins placing soft kisses along your bruised neck while vibrating his next words across your skin. “Please don’t leave me.”  
His hand at the narrowest part of your waist slips under you, tenderly massaging circles against your lower back. His warm fingers very subtly dig in as if he’s trying to comfort you.
You can’t help it when a similar sounding whine comes out of you as your heels dig in across the bedding again. 
He is all over you and not in the hurtful kind of way. 
This is not what you’d expect from a sexual sadist who gets their jollies off torturing people.
As he kisses just below your ear in that very sensitive space that makes your toes curl, he does so like he has done this maneuver about a million times, and he lets out the most contented sounding sigh when your body involuntarily shudders from it. This has got you starting to think that you may have read this crazy perv all wrong.
He’s a perv but maybe not the type you thought.
What he’s doing is so unbelievably tender and loving that it has you trembling from head to toe and incidentally not just from fear.
“Dolores, please forgive me.”
Again, he’s not talking to you, that much is very clear.
After saying that, he stops with the kisses, his body motionless as he clings to you like his life depends on it.
After a few minutes of nothing but the sound of his steady breathing, you know that he is fully out again. 
To the feel of his chest rising and falling against your side, you start to work your wrists free again.
Thanks for reading.
(Chapter four, coming soon...)
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
Help is on the way
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Requested prompt: You’re gonna be fine. just stay awake for a little longer, help’s already on its way
Pairing: Will Halstead x reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: blood, injury, near death, gun violence
Word count: 1.2K
When one ran into burning buildings for a living there was always the expectation of the occasional injury or close call. You and Will had gone through a humble amount of said occurrences in your time together, that was how you had met. A concussion received from not making it far away from an explosion caused by a sudden flash over.
From the moment he’d shone a flashlight into your pupils you’d been smitten, a fact concussed you had been all too happy to admit. Since then you’d become more cautious, and had promised to always make it back home to him. That didn’t stop him from worrying, he always would but you had promised and you had yet to break it.
The universe it seemed had different plans, but against all expectations it is not on the job when you come close to breaking your promise. It had been your turn to pick Will up after work, having had an off shift and less likely to fall asleep behind the wheel. Your perpetual and stingy laziness had lead to the fuel light appearing on the dash during the drive, leading you to reluctantly pull into the mostly empty gas station.
The clock reads 1:38am and you force Will to stay in the car, to which he only weakly protests. You lean over to kiss him on the forehead, smiling as you promise to be super quick. Another promise to be broken.
Stifling a yawn you make your way into the luminescently lit building to pay, grumbling all the while about the ridiculous price. The bell above the door rings to signal your arrival as you walk with your gaze focused on the floor in annoyance to the counter. You only make it a few steps before an angry voice is demanding you stop. You open your mouth to fire back at whatever jackass had so rudely yelled at you when your tongue suddenly feels like sandpaper. Every other noise is drowned out and your hands slowly raise themselves instinctively as you find yourself staring down the barrel of a gun.
Negotiating with criminals, patients, psychos and more was actually something you were generally incredibly good at. Yet as you take in the dead clerk behind the counter and the thief’s bloodshot and crazed eyes you already know. You are not walking out of this building alive. Terror seizes your heart, but not for yourself, for the oblivious Will you had left in the car. You stay silent as tears build in your eyes and you find yourself praying to every possible deity that he doesn’t notice Will, won’t hurt him in his escape.
“I won’t tell anyone” you whisper feebly, hands beginning to shake as the man stalked closer aggressively. "Please I-"
"Shut up!" he yelled, waving the gun around manically and drawing a whimper from your throat. "Fuck" he shouts, hands clutching at his head as his eyes wildly trail around the empty store. You don't dare speak or move and the next seconds pass by like molasses. To your surprise he simply pushes past you, shoving you into the nearest shelf and sending you sprawling amongst bags of chips and chocolate.
Just as you think you've made it out unscathed your phone decided to betray you in the ultimate cliche. Scrambling to turn off your alarm you don't notice the thief turning from his escape. Seeing you reaching for your phone, presumably to call the cops, he pulled the trigger.
The noise registers well before the pain does, the crack echoing through the small space. Looking up in shock you manage to witness the back of the criminal's head as he takes off in a sprint. Shakily you attempt to get to your feet, to get to Will. It isn't until you reach for your phone, alarm still blaring that you notice the intense searing pain radiating near her right shoulder. Looking down you immediately see the dark red liquid spreading across across the material of your shirt.
You don't register the movement of your left hand either until you are pulling your fingertips away and see the sticky crimson coating them. Faintly you think you hear your name being called just as your legs give way and you meet the linoleum floor.
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Will had been about to head in to see what was taking you so long when what sounded alarmingly like a gunshot echoed through the empty lot. His hand freezes on the car door handle and he watches with detached horror as a figure in a hoodie sprinted away.
He throws the car door open so forcefully that it rebounds and slams into his person. Will doesn't feel it, doesn't even breathe until he bursts through the small station's door. A choked sob escapes his throat as he attempts to call your name, feet moving once more as he watches your body tilt towards the floor.
"No, no, no, no" he mumbles, hands pressing at the wound in an attempt to staunch the heavy blood flow. One slippery hand fumbles for his phone, the blood sliding over the screen and delaying his call for help. The other has wadded up his jacket, pushing it against your collarbone as he frantically yells at you to open your eyes. As he is barking down orders over the phone to dispatch his eyes never leave your form. From the wadded up jacket against you upper chest, that is soaking up the blood far too quickly and dripping down and contributing to the scarlet pool, to the terrifying pallor of your skin.
"Will" you mumble hoarsely, eyelids flickering in an attempt to stay open, "hurts."
"I know baby, I know, but you’re gonna be fine. Just stay awake for a little longer, help’s already on its way. Just a few more minutes, please." The only response he gets is a pained whimper that makes way for a sob of your own.
The minutes that pass until the ambulance arrives feel like hours, you fall in and out of consciousness several times during the eight minutes it takes. The sweat that had built up on his brow causing your baby hairs to stick to your face, an action that had him absentmindedly attempting to wipe them away and accidentally staining your face with your own blood. There is so much blood that Will feels as if he is drowning in it, the thick liquid is covering the floor, your neck and torso and has slowly but surely drenched his hands and clothes. He tries to keep a level head, knows you haven't lost enough blood to be written off, he knows your chances of survival are far higher than a large portion of the patients he sees with the same types of injury. This does nothing to alleviate his terror, nor does it stop the slew of worst-case scenarios that assault his mind.
He vaguely recognises the paramedics that arrive on scene, but from the moment he is forcefully pulled away from your form his mind devolves into a haze. He barely remembers the ride to the hospital, doesn't notice Maggie sidle up to him and pull him away, all he can see is your bloodstained form being wheeled away. Away from him, your fate completely out of his hands.
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smokingasters · 11 months
PP Novels Resources (for my fellow deranged fans)
As a deranged PP fan, who was starving for dopamine I discovered some novel sources for the characters we all love! All novels/summary is in Russian (can be easily translated to English through Google Translation of the website. Use a VPN if the sites do not load)
If ya'll love the OG cast (Season 1), this is for you! I'm merely linking to the websites for your reading pleasure. I will try to link the ones that are complete, more under the cut.
*All due thanks to the dedicated translators who keep the fandom going* Psycho-Pass Zero
(Tumblr: Novel Translation *pending but I recommend reading this before the radio drama for plot coherence*) (Live Journal: Radio Drama Translation *complete*)
Content warning: Plastination case + Makishima is enough warning Timeline: Prequel to the Psycho-Pass S1 Kogami and Sasayama's bromance/outlines the gruesome murders in the Specimen case/follows the story of Touma Kozaburo and his obsession with Touko. Baby Kogami is so precious. Mitsuru Sasayama is the man, the legend. *sobs* Masaoka's whiskey persists + Ginoza the worrier.
Psycho-Pass Asylum: About A Girl (Live Journal: Detailed Summary *complete*) (Suggested Supplement: Yayoi/Shion Tidbits from PP Novel + Aoyanagi and Kozuki disaster)
Content warning: brutality against women, !pregnancy, !cultism, !infanticide. I'm not kidding when I mean it's brutal. Timeline: Post S1 with some flashbacks. Yayoi and Shion's relationship is the main focus. They investigate a case where pregnant minors are being sacrificed by a cult. Entirely from Yayoi's perspective, has many details about her past and how she and Shion feel about Division 1. I would encourage you to read this if you want a feminine/female perspective of the PP verse. Underlying themes of creativity, sex, romance, and hope + vital issues with the Sybil System. I added the supplement because it covers a bit more about Yayoi and Shion + explores the canon romantic relationships, I believe it is a good study of how PP handles canon relationships.
Psycho-Pass Asylum: Restaurant de Campagne Kagari Shuusei
(Live Journal: Detailed Summary *complete*)
Content warning: None, really. This one is quite wholesome as PP can be except for Sybil's shenanigans. Timeline: Prequel to S1 (Flashback) Kagari and Div 1 + 2 investigate a series of gastronomic malfunctions in Sybil's food preparation system caused by a criminal called 'Harlequin'. It involves a "natural food" supply company called Gusto and a restaurant owner. The novel explores Kagari's interest in cuisines and the impact of food in the PP world. Kagari's perspective is quite refreshing and light, compared to the complexity in other novels.
Psycho-Pass Asylum: Separation Ginoza Nobuchika (Live Journal: Detailed Summary *complete*)
Content warning: animal!cruelty, child!abuse, dogs. This one is a tearjerker. Timeline: Prequel to S1 + post S1 Inspector Ginoza, Kogami, and Sasayama investigate a case of rehabilitated animals/pets that are increasing the stress levels of Okutama, a remote place in the mountains. These pets were reintroduced and have gone feral. A doctor named Miyake was responsible for the reintroduction. Ginoza's calm yet poetic and wistful perspective is quite grounding. There's a sense of loss through this story, the theme of separation, and dogs being man's best friends. Any puns that made you think of Kogami are valid.
Psycho-Pass Asylum: Mungungwha Choe-Gu-Sung
(Live Journal: Detailed Summary *partial translation*)
Content warning: !torture, !mutilation, !castration, graphic, mentions of NK-orea. It's quite disturbing and angsty. MAJOR tearjerker. Timeline: Pre-S1 + follows the plot of S1. This follows the story of Choe-Gu Sung, Makishma's accomplice, and his entry and activities in Japan. Explores family life with his younger sister Suseon and his friend Guynthae. It covers a major portion of his backstory in N-K and his eventual friendship with Makishima. If you felt nothing for this guy in S1, believe me, you will be sobbing through this one. He deserved a better ending ftw.
That's all. If I find anything else, I'll add it in another post. Enjoy delving into the world of Psycho-Pass in-depth, and don't forget the words said by a certain Enforcer:
When it's all over, you can cry as much as you like.
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thewritetofreespeech · 11 months
"Do you wanna have a baby, baby?" Having Kids headcanons (Psycho Pass)
Kogami always wanted a family. A big one.
Being an only child, he was always jealous of his friends and classmates who had siblings. So he decided early on that once he found someone, or the System picked for him, he’d have at least 3 or 4 kids.
His perspective obviously changed after his fall and becoming an Enforcer. Besides it becoming an almost medical impossibility for Enforcers to have kids with the drugs they give them, his world view has changed significantly on the idea of brining an innocent life in the world.
Once his role has changed, and he joined the MFA, his feelings on the matter change a little bit. He thinks about it, from time to time, but still has the barrier of bringing a child into the world with the evil still going on around it.
Gino has never wanted children.
Their unpredictability and messiness is a trigger for his borderline OCD. Plus there are other factors.
His father was a criminal, according to the system, and more pressingly his mother had a very serious disease. Since the system refuses to acknowledge it, there is no proof on whether it is an environmental mental disease like depression or anxiety, or a genetic mental disease like schizophrenia or bipolar. He can’t risk it.
There was a time, when he was younger and still in the System’s good graces, that he felt it was his duty to have law abiding, upstanding children, and would have had at least one if he got married. Now he realizes that was selfish, and chooses to just be childfree with is dogs.
Doesn’t want kids. Doesn’t need kids. Actively hates them.
This could be because he’s still young, but he’s never liked kids. In big part because he’s never interacted with them.
His whole life has been in incarceration. So the idea of kids and family were never an option for him. And the fact that his family threw him away because some computer told them he was bad still leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.
Honestly, he’s been on the contraceptives/medications they give Enforcers and other jailbirds so long, that he doesn’t think he could get a woman pregnant. There’s a fair chance he might just be sterile now.
Sugo really wants a family.
One of the reasons he joined the military was to have a stable, steady pay check and benefits for his family. His grades in school were middling, so his work options outside of military service were limited. Also making the world safe and all that.
He’s the only one who hasn’t really given up on the dream. Sugo isn’t sure how he’ll swing it (maybe get a special dispensation from the government or something for exemplary service) but he’s sure he can figure it out.
He’d like to have two kids. Either a boy & a girl, or two boys. He has nothing against daughters, but Sugo knows he wouldn’t be able to handle them properly. Plus he knows himself enough that he’d never be able to say no to them and he’d be wrapped around their finger.
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