couldtranssavethem · 4 months
RIA AMI (Magia Record)
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Submitted by: @rileyrecord315
Reason: Ria is a magical girl whose wish was to "become a naturally beautiful girl", she hated her appearance before her wish and considered her body to be unfit for helping her become a top fashion model. As a result of her wish nobody in her life remembers what she looked like previously, as far as they're all concerned, she has always been a beautiful girl and never looked any different. Her doppel also focuses heavily on the body symbolism, transforming from a nondescript person-shaped blob to a traditionally feminine body shape, with emphasis on the molecules and anatomy of the body.
All in all, I think this all heavily suggests that Ria could be a trans girl. The heavy fixations on her body to the point where it's the focus of her doppel, the fact that she made sure that *no one* remembered her previous appearance with her wish and her fascination with hyper femme beauty and fashion all just point towards Ria having suffered from heavy bodily dysmorphia, and I've seen a lot of people hc her as trans and honestly it makes sense!! Also shout out to how she had one of the smartest wishes ever made in the madomagi series, girl thought it through perfectly and I feel like a lot of other magical girls in the series could learn a thing or two from her lmao
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cantarella-rose · 3 months
32 for fic questions?
32. What's your ideal fic length to read?
Idk how weird this is but I don't really have a like ideal fic length to read? I will read anything of any length if it interests me. Plus for me, for the most part, I don't think too too deeply about length cuz I am a very fast reader.
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cantarella-rose · 3 months
Twas tagged by my buddy @missmako-chan so let's rock
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
Tagging @rileyrecord315, @danceinsidelightning, @nomorethanalullaby, @mono-rabbit and @thearchivistonmars!
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