#rim tim timmy's fun time hour
starboykin · 3 months
when I first started watching/listening to rim tim timmy's fun time hour (jeff blim & jon matteson's podcast/series) I deadass thought jeff absolutely hated jon like with a burning passion.
no. they're just Like That
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fencecollapsed · 1 year
I need to rewatch rim tim timmy's fun time hour
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owchie-wowchie · 8 months
I've been binging rim Tim Timmy's fun times hour. 1) why did no one tell me this existed? 2) why isn't there 500 episodes? 3) are those real gators?
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quirrelmorts · 10 months
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feeling unhinged about him again
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In Which Jeff Gets Way too Passionate About the Matrix Sequels
Transcribed from Rim Tim Timmy’s Fun Time Hour exactly as Jeff said it with all repeated words and noises intact because this rant is nothing without them. I promise you, you will both understand and never understand Jeff’s thinky process.
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And without further ado: Jeff rants about the first two Matrix sequels.
Jon: Would The Matrix 2 make your movie list?
Jeff: No dude, The Matrix sequels are garbage.
Jon: Yeah.
Jeff: Garbage, dude and here’s why. Dude, I spent a lot of time re-editing The Matrix sequels into something watchable and here’s the thing.
Jon: Yeah.
Jeff: The reason why The Matrix sequels don’t work… A. Because The Matrix 1 is a standalone movie and by the end of… by the end of The Matrix he’s Jesus. So you go well you’re starting sequels from the point of Neo is Jesus and all powerful. Where do you go from there? And the answer is you can’t because you’ve give him all the power in the world, he can literally do anything. So you have no movies to make. So you you’re screwed. But beyond that the problem is they spent so much time about Zion and who gives a flying crap about Zion. Because you know why The Matrix is awesome? Is because it’s the idea The Matrix is us.
Jon: Mmhm.
Jeff: Is that this is our… because you are in The Matrix. You’re watching the movie and go “That’s your world.” It looks like yours and your office job, like you’re plugged in. And you go “Holy shit.” That’s the appeal of The Matrix and then… and then… and then… Neo.. and and you see what I mean? That’s the appeal. And then, 2 and 3, they go “Aww, screw that, we’re gonna hang out in a cave. You care about caves, right?” And you go, “Uh no, I can’t relate to a cave. I can’t relate to a cave party, sorry.” Ahhh. What about The Matrix where you can do all that cool shit? And they totally forget about the appeal of their own movie. Anyway, that’s why the sequels fail.
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trafficlife · 1 year
Time Sure Feels Like It's Running Out
Jimmy only had seven minutes left and he was waiting for Scott. Whether or not he was even coming was the last thing on Jimmy's mind, because he trusted Scott. That had always been Jimmy's fatal flaw. And Joel was going to put an end to it.
word count: 2016
AO3 Link
(inspired by this comic)
7 minutes and 14 seconds.
Jimmy frantically looked at the clock in his hand, blinking away the lights that dotted and obscured his vision. He muttered a curse under his breath, the yellow feathers on his forearms bristling. Scar was too insistent on shooting and he could hear Joel shouting at him for killing the canary.
Immediately, Jimmy pulled out his communicator and sent out a frantic message to the main chat. Now he needed Scott more than anything. He barely had any time. Jimmy was heading back to the bridge when he collided with Joel.
"Joel! I have seven minutes left!" Jimmy blurted out, going straight to the chase.
"Seven minutes?" Joel grimaced. Those words left a bad taste in his mouth.
Jimmy nodded, his heart sinking at the fact. "I need Scott now."
Joel shook his head, grabbing Jimmy and pulling him back into the remains of their base. "Scott's on the other side of the map, he's not going to get here in time."
"He isn't that far, Joel. I have seven minutes, and Scott's giving me his time. He's the only one doing that for me!"
"Not anymore he's not." Joel's voice suddenly became deep and almost menacing, which made Jimmy's feathers fluff in anticipation. "Tim, I'm gonna need you to kill me."
Jimmy's eyes widened behind his shades. He quickly shook his head. "No. No, I can't. I can't do that, I-I won't kill a fellow bad boy!"
"Tim, I'm letting you do this. Why on Earth would you pass up this opportunity?"
"I..." Jimmy hesitated. He wasn't exactly comfortable with killing his teammate, even though Joel was consenting to it. It didn't feel right to him, which was pretty stupid. There were a lot of unfair and unlucky things that happened to Jimmy in these games. So why would he pass this up? "I just—"
"Timmy, bloody hell, just kill me!" Joel hissed, grabbing the end of Jimmy's crossbow and pointing it toward his chest.
Jimmy shook his head, eyes wide behind his sunglasses. "I can't just kill you, you know! Scott already promised he'd come—"
"And what if Scott doesn't show up in time? What if he changed his mind last minute? Now, I'm not going to let you sit here for"—he looked down at Jimmy's clock— "6 minutes, 13 seconds, and counting, without being sure that Scott's even going to come." His red eyes pierced through Jimmy's, over the rim of his sunglasses. Joel was always a force to be reckoned with while red. His gaze was menacing and violent, striking fear into everyone he made eye contact with. It made Jimmy very lucky to be allied with Joel. But now, there was a gentleness in his gaze. A gentleness that didn't appear very often.
"Jimmy," Joel continued, voice a low whisper. Jimmy's eyes widened. He was so used to being called 'Timmy' in these games. If he was referred to as Jimmy, it wasn't a joke. "Just do it. I have plenty of time left. It's not like you're the boogeyman, I can get another hour in no time!" He smirked a bit. "It'd be pretty fun for me as well. You know how much I enjoy a good fight!"
Jimmy chuckled softly, glancing down at the crossbow. Joel's clock was dangling off his belt, swinging a bit on his side. Joel seldom told Jimmy or Grian how much time he had left. Usually, he managed to get his time back one way or another. Though it didn't help that most of his deaths were rather stupid—Skynet was Joel's Achilles' Heel now—which made Jimmy more hesitant. "How much time do you have left, Joel?"
''2 hours," Joel responded quickly. "Plus some time."
"2 hours? But—"
"Didn't you hear me? I'll have more than enough time to kill people and get myself back up! Now..." Joel backed away and removed his armor, standing in front of the canary with a small smile. "Stop wasting time, Tim, and get yourself those 30 minutes!"
Jimmy felt his mouth go dry, eyes shifting from the crossbow to Joel. He looked so relaxed, so confident. The moonlight shone through the broken windows, casting a slight halo behind Joel and making the studs on his jacket glow. He raised the crossbow and drew back the arrow, about to fire until Joel spoke again.
"Oh, and Jimmy?"
"I won't let you be the first out again."
Jimmy chuckled a bit, his heart suddenly feeling heavy. A lot of people told him that throughout these games. But it still ended the same way. After all, he was "gifted" these canary wings for a reason. He would always die to the smoke in the mines. It was his destiny at this point. And what a cruel destiny it was.
But the confidence in Joel's voice made him feel a little more secure, a little more convinced that things would be different this time around.
He closed his eyes and fired the crossbow twice. Right afterward, he heard the sound of thunder. Startled, Jimmy opened his eyes and spread his wings. But when he looked outside, there wasn't any rain. The sky was still clear, the moon and the stars visible, and looking down at Jimmy. He turned towards the bed, only to find that Joel hadn't respawned.
"That's odd..." He murmured under his breath. He probably set up his spawn somewhere else and was on the other side of the map. "I should keep his stuff safe for now." Jimmy kneeled to pick up Joel's armor, when his communicator buzzed in his pocket, multiple times in a row. Confused, he pulled it out to read the messages in the chat.
SmallishBeans was shot by SolidarityGaming.  <BDoubleO100> ?????? <Smajor1995> omg... <PearlescentMoon> He survived! <TangoTek> OOOOOOOOOOO <ZombieCleo> this is history guys <InTheLittleWood> curse broken??? <Grian> TIM <Grian> JIMMY <Grian> WHAT DID YOU DO
Jimmy was very confused. More messages were flooding the chat but Jimmy didn't know why there was so much commotion.
<SolidarityGaming> joel had me kill him <SolidarityGaming> so i could get more time <SolidarityGaming> he didnt respawn at the bridge. is he at someone else's base?
He put the armor in a chest, glancing over at his communicator again.
<Grian> oh jim... <Grian> look at the player list
Jimmy picked up the communicator to look at the player list.
And part of him wished he hadn't.
His wings felt heavy on his back, and the communicator was slowly slipping out of his fingers. He abruptly sat down on a chest, a wave of nausea rushing over him. His heart pounded in his chest and ears, blocking out any other sounds.
Well, it certainly explained the sudden thunder.
And it explained why Jimmy was confused at first. He never lived long enough to hear the thunder rumble or see the lightning strike at the spot where the person died.
Joel wasn't lying when he said he wouldn't let Jimmy die first.
Joel was out of the game. For good.
And, for the very first time, Jimmy wasn't out of the series first.
So why did he feel so dejected?
Isn't this what he wanted?
If Joel didn't insist on this sacrifice, Jimmy would have been happier. He should have been happier. It was what Joel wanted, wasn't it? And it was good to know that his "canary curse" could be broken.
But it's not like Jimmy was on-board with killing Joel. He only did it because Joel insisted it was going to work out in the end.
He snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of his name. Jimmy lifted his head to see Grian, slowly approaching him. There was a small frown on his face, and his wings were folded behind his back. "Jim... I am so sorry."
Jimmy chuckled weakly. "Hey, Grian. No need to apologize! It's just the way things go, right?"
Grian nodded slowly, fidgeting with his jacket cuffs. "I just... Didn't think it would happen so soon," he murmured. "Before either of us knew it, Scar killed you, and—"
"Wait... Did you know Joel would do this?" Jimmy asked. "It sounds like you two had this sort of plan, to keep me alive."
He watched Grian lick his lips nervously before going on. "Well... Yes," he confessed. "Joel was hoping that he could die before you. Which was why he insisted on us getting kills, instead of him. You- You must've noticed that, right?" Jimmy nodded slowly. He always thought it was weird, considering how much Joel thrived on the battlefield. Hell, he was even disappointed to not be the boogeyman.
"About half of the self-deaths, where he fell off the ladders or fell from sky-net, were intentional," Grian continued. "Some of them were complete accidents though... Like when I responded 'yes' without knowing that I was throwing you two off of a ledge."
Jimmy nodded slowly at the recollection. He did notice that Joel was somewhat protective of him. Despite the teasing and the daredevil stunts they pulled, it was obvious that Joel cared for him.
Joel was dubbed the "lone wolf" after 3rd Life but Jimmy didn't think that was entirely true. Yes, he was alone in 3rd Life and he did only have a pack of wolves as company. But in Last Life, he was pretty loyal to Scar (though he did team up with Grian later). And last season, Double Life, his commitment to Etho was commendable. He went as far as wearing an Etho shirt for him and building the Relation Ship for him.
Joel was incredibly loyal when he chose to be. He stayed with Jimmy since day one, despite his curse and his bad luck. They recruited Grian and became the Bad Boys, where Joel's loyalty truly shined. When Grian went AFK, Joel and Jimmy did all they could to protect Grian from the rest of the server. And they put up a good fight, despite being outnumbered.
Jimmy's wings wrapped around himself subconsciously as he thought back to the previous sessions. Joel really didn't want Jimmy to die, did he? No wonder he was so pushy. And with how devoted Joel was to Jimmy, to Grian, everything the Bad Boys built...
Jimmy couldn't begin to imagine what would happen to Joel, if the canary curse struck again.
Joel hated losing the things he cared deeply about. For instance, when the Relation Ship was burned to the ground, Joel picked up the ashes and darkly declared "If the ship burns, everything burns."
(How ironic, that Joel and Etho later burst into flames much like the ship they called their home.)
"Jimmy?" Grian's gentle voice brought Jimmy back to reality. The unfortunate reality was that Joel was gone, and now it was just the two of them. "Are you okay?"
Jimmy smiled fondly at his avian partner, before looking up towards the sky, hoping that Joel was spectating them now. "Well, there's no reason for me to be sad, boys! I'm still alive! That makes me pretty glad, boys. And even though now..." He took a deep breath. "Now we're just a pair of bad boys, we haven't been had, boys—"
Grian chuckled and rolled his eyes, interrupting Jimmy's stream of puns. "Okay, I can see Joel's influence rubbing off of you. But couldn't you at least come up with some more creative jokes?"
"I could. But I don't want to waste any time looking up words that rhyme with bad. Time is precious, after all..." He pulled out his clock to look at it. 30 minutes, 29 seconds. "Do you know where Scott is?"
Grian nodded. "He's on the bridge right now, waiting for you. Even though you got 30 minutes from Joel, he still wants to bring you up to an hour."
Jimmy nodded. "This game won't get rid of me that easily! ... And I know they've tried. And succeeded... But it's different this time! I'll live, for the bad boys!"
"Especially Joel," Grian chimed in.
"Yeah... Especially for Joel."
At least for now, time isn't running out.
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raindrops-on-concrete · 11 months
I recently realized that I've retained a lot of obscure knowledge about Team Starkid + friends from when I was obsessed with them a few years ago. And I wonder how much the average Starkid fan knows about team Starkid and other projects some of them have been involved in.
Please respond in the poll below how many of these you know or have at least heard of:
-all the Starkid musicals
-Little White Lie
-The Lord of the Rings musical that they didn't record
-Tours/other live shows
-Tin Can Brothers
-Darren Criss' solo music
-TalkFine's music that's unrelated to musicals (namely Lesser Known Hits)
-Jim and the Povolos
-The Potion Master's Corner/Joe Moses Showses
-just con panels in general (but specifically the one with Sean Astin)
-Meredith Stepien's comedy skits
-Breredith and Richpez (and other relationships)
-Shipwrecked Comedy
-Rim Tim Timmy's Fun Time Hour
-Angela is on Smosh
-Devin Lytle used to be on BuzzFeed
-Jon Matteson's twitch channel
-other personal youtube channels of Starkid members
-other appearances of Starkid members on tv (such as Joey Richter in Jessie and the Legend of Korra)
-other web series/projects they've been a part of (such as Muzzled or I Ship It)
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Nah I just really love this part still cracks me up. the crazy seething serious eyes, the mouth munching movements, all the hair...i do sometimes miss this phase of Jeff Blim oh good lord *horses munch on hay sorry for the grammar error
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pianofirepirate · 6 months
my recommendations for starkid Kickstarter milestones
- fanfic reading
- rim tim timmys fun time hour but in the format of very important people
- Mariah does an sk social media take over
- Curt/Joey get a drag makeover
- sk cast looks through their embarassing headshots
- sk cast gets high
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melchron · 3 years
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h e l p
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kinetic-empathy · 4 years
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this is Rim Tim Timmy’s Fun Time Hour, we are going to have a FUN TIME.
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talesandfluff · 4 years
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thisonesfordrawing · 3 years
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quirrelmorts · 2 years
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sivadnotyal · 4 years
New StarKid Headcanon: Rude Customer from TGWDLM is Rim Tim Timmy
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mutt-the-miracle · 4 years
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