#rin ise
wojtekaneko · 1 year
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Beyond the snow | Demon Heart
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kawaragoemonz · 16 days
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silveryslider · 11 months
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iikurakoen · 7 months
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password-is-idols · 4 months
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peachygotit · 1 year
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GU x Hello! Project collab shirts & accessories
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sunsetcowboy · 6 months
Haha, I went to the doctor today and had several people say "WOW you look so young/good for a twenty something year old," like, "Um, thanks!"
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kalpasio · 1 year
I was messing around in my art program when I started wondering what kind of kitchen kalpas would like to work in… which resulted in accidentally binge reading the domestic kalpas fic and I have gotten absolutely NOTHING done 😆 the brain rot is REAL
anyways, what do you think? I bet he’d be the type of person who would get pissed off by smart appliances
(P.S, I literally cannot read your works without covering my face with my hands and squealing— Keep it up)
-yo hey “anon”
imagining kalpas happy is one of my favorite pass times so I relate lol
I think you're right, there's no way he has smart appliances unless like we're talking golden courtyard and vill-v put them in but even then I think he would throw a hissy fit
I think I've always pictured him in the big industrial kitchens? partly because he runs a restaurant in that fic but also I think the steel is more his style. if he was in a mostly wood kitchen there is no way he doesn't set it on fire lmao
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kanashimitwilight · 2 years
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momuse · 2 years
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lazyalani · 1 year
Blue Lock Boys As Songs
| Blue Lock Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
Ft. Itoshi Sae, Itoshi Rin, Mikage Reo,
•Part 2 (Michael Kaiser, Chigiri Hyoma, Bachira Meguru)
Written mostly from the characters' thoughts.
Written from my opinion and thoughts of them.
Fluff- Reo
Angst- Sae, Rin
The lyrics written are the ones connected to the "storyline"
Gender Neutral Reader, no pronouns mentioned or used except for the lyrics on Sae's part.
•Itoshi Sae
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"I Broke Her Heart 'Cause She Was Nice."
"She Was Sunshine, I Was Midnight Rain."
"She Wanted It Comfortable, I Wanted That Pain."
"Chasing That Fame."
"All Of Me Changed Like Midnight."
Itoshi Sae has always been someone to set a goal, or more like a desire, and consider everything that would affect it. Itoshi Sae does not desire something that he cannot aquire, he does not set a goal that passes the boundaries of reality.
Itoshi Sae does not need, he wants.
He does not need distractions, he does not want obligations.
He has always centered himself in reality, philosophies and beliefs going around his interests, and things surrounding it. He was always a focused person, once he wants something, the entirety of his mind centers around achieving and gaining that want. In his mind, there will always be such thing as
"Sacrifices have to be made in order to obtain what you want." He allured himself into that thinking and told himself to erase distractions that might negatively impact his desires. He isn't one to take risks, he does everything that could increase his chances of victory.
And so he does.
Itoshi Sae is selfish, he takes and takes, and then he tosses.
•Itoshi Rin
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"What's Wrong?"
"I Said, "I Can't Stay, Do I Have To Give A Reason?""
"It's Just Me, Me, Me, It's What I Want."
"So How Did We Get Here?"
"Better If We Do This On Our Own."
"Before I'm Someone You Leave Behind,
I'll Break Your Heart So You Don't Break Mine."
"I'm Asking Myself, Why I'm So Caught Up."
"Even If I'm Not Here To Stay,
I Still Want Your Heart."
Itoshi Rin's first heartbreak was caused by his own brother, on that snowy night, on a supposed heartwarming reunion, turned heartbreaking conversation. The Last Play. Ever since then, he was so obssessed with his dream of crushing his older brother that nothing else mattered to him. Except you.
Or atleast you thought so.
Itoshi Rin became tired of chasing his brother's lost affection that he started craving someone else's. You just happened to be that person. You thought yourself lucky of being the person Rin had decided to dedicated his affection to, of being the person he opens to, being the person who gives him the love he deserves.
Rin was a selfish man, much like his brother. Despite telling himself not to turn into a cold-hearted man like Sae, he was unconciously drowning himself in so much bitterness and turning exactly into his brother. When Rin had realized his feelings for you, he fell deeper knowing that you were the light that would prevent him from sinking further into the depths of hatred. He knew you'd always pull him back when he's about to fall, he got ised into thinking you'd always be there, and you were, until your light had started to fade.
Itoshi Rin fell deeper and deeper into the bitterness in his heart without you to pull him back. He wasn't blind, he started to notice that the light that was once in your eyes, was not there anymore. He wasn't an idiot to not know the reason, either. He felt guilt, but not as much as he expected. And he realized, ah, he was too selfish, too caught up on his own desire to crush his brother to even care further. The love you had given him was not enough to fill for the heartbreak his brother had caused. It wasn't enough for him to be completely pulled out of the dark side of his desires. He realized that the guilt he was feeling was buried in his own selfishness and bitterness. A part of him tells him to bring back the light into your eyes, to save your diminishing realtionship, but a huge part of him tells him that he doesn't have time for that, that he doesn't deserve another chance from you, that he was too caught up in himself to even care further.
Rin had always known he didn't love you to the fullest, but he always thought that the love he felt for you was enough for both of you to stay until he can fully give himself to you, until he finally crushed his brother.
Or was it that he always known it had to end, just not this way?
Not when he still loves you, but is too caught up on his personal problems to make you stay. Not when his selfishness has extended to still want your love even when he knows he cannot stay. He does not know why he is so hung up on his bitterness, was it because he was so used to his and Sae's closeness? Or was is because he was just like his brother, cold, selfish, lets their personal emotions ruin them?
Rin does not know when your relationship started to crumble before him, but he does know that he cannot stay, and he knows that you definitely cannot either.
But even then, he still wants your heart to the very end.
•Mikage Reo
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"You Got That James Dean, Daydream Look In Your Eyes."
"And I Got That Red Lip, Classic, Thing That You Like."
"When We Go Crashing Down, We Come Back Everytime."
"We Never Go Out Of Style."
"He Can't Keep His Wild Eyes On The Road."
"Takes Me Home."
Mikage Reo is a man that is hard to please, mainly because he almost has everything, he can almost get anything. Second is because he doesn't care about the things that don't interest him, that doesn't benefit him.
When Reo met you, it was Autumn. The leaves falling down from the beautiful tree infront of you serving as your background, your hair shining in the sun, the wind blowing it as you make eye contact with him. The view that was infront of him was mesmerizing, his purpose for going out during class hours was to find the missing Nagi, probably sleeping or playing games somewhere.
Your first reaction was not quite was he expected.
"What are you doing here? It's class hours!" You frowned upon being disturbed.
Reo was pulled out of his stare, clearing his throat. "I could say the same thing for you."
"It's none of your business."
"Then mine isn't yours either."
"I asked first, so it is my business."
"What kind of logic is that?"
"My logic. Now please go away, Mikage Reo-san, I was trying to have a moment."
He grinned. At that moment, he decided you were interesting. Why? He doesn't know, and he doesn't care. Afterall, Mikage Reo always takes what he wants without having to care.
Being in a relationship with Reo was weird, happy, frustrating, saddening, and free. In short, it triggers mixed feelings, but who cares as long as he takes care of you and you love being with each other. In didn't matter to Reo what happens around him as long as he gets to take care of you and you give him the love he deserves, the feeling of freedom with you. He spoils you, whether it'd be material things, or with his affection. He loves to gift you with things, to give you everything you want and need, to take care of everything do wouldn't have a problem with anything. It does make you frustrated at times because you feel like he thinks you can't do anything or that he treats you like you're too fragile, but as they say, communication is the key. When you tell Reo your thoughts, it does sadden him a bit, but it also makes him feel guilty because he doesn't mean to make you feel that way, but respects your thoughts and lessens his actions.
But it doesn't make him less affectionate. Reo loves to kiss your hand, like a true gentleman, especially when he's driving, taking you hand into his and kissing your knuckles, looking at you, and you need to remind him to keep his eyes on the road or hospital bills will go brrrr, or driving with one hand while the other rests at your thigh. Reo didn't know how to drive, but he learned how to just so he could take you home while also having personal moments with you, and also because he thinks it's romantic and always wanted to try the hand on your thigh thingy.
Reo loves matching your outfits, especially when you go outside for a date or something. He also gets you matching pajamas and video calls with you at nightime until one of you falls asleep.
Communication is the most essential part of your relationship. Reo does not understand the meaning behind everything well, so you have to explain to him bit by bit.
Mikage Reo loves you more than the amount of money he has on the cards on his wallet combined.
This was a lot more angsty on my head, I swear. My personal favorite is Reo's, honestly.
About Sae's part, it was intented that it would be short because I think I don't need to explain further about Sae's personality. Everything about him shows on the manga. He's someone who isn't afraid to speak and act on what he thinks. He does everything he thinks is the best for him. I also think he easily gets swayed by his emotions.
It's not like he doesn't care about anything besides his goal, it's just that he thinks everything else can wait until he finishes what he wants to do. And he thinks that Reader can wait and will wait for him. Itoshi Sae in my opinion is a selfish man. He knows he is, but is ignorant.
Should I do a part 2? For other characters?
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kawaragoemonz · 2 days
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silveryslider · 5 months
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iikurakoen · 5 months
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password-is-idols · 4 months
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peachygotit · 8 months
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