darknessfoundlove · 3 years
"How do you feel about Yusaku?"
Meme: Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?" Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they'll have to answer honestly.
Normally Ai would take this as an opportunity to exuberantly shower his partner with the praise and affection the other so rightly deserved. His friends and those close to him expected it at this point, and Yusaku seemed exasperated by Ai's quirkiness, but the Ignis knew his partner appreciated it all the same. However, this time Ai sat uncharacteristically still and quiet as he seriously considered the question.
"...It's funny how spoken language works, isn't it? I could tell you that I love Yusaku, and that would be true; I love him so, so much... But it's such a short, singular word, isn't it? 'Love'? and it's supposed to encompass all of these huge feelings you have for someone.
"I love how his clear eyes reflect his unwavering conviction. I love how he's such a caring and heroic person, despite the fact that he's prickly and doesn't necessarily think of himself as a kind person. I love how he doesn't speak much because whenever he talks it's because he has something important to say and how he speaks honestly from the heart. How he gave me a name that means 'love'... These are all things that make up some of the reasons why I love him.
"...But when Yusaku told me he'd rather be sent to the hospital rather than watch me be hurt protecting him again... When I see him lower his walls to act patiently and kindly towards children and undeveloped A.I.s... When he gives me one of his - unfortunately - rare smiles, the one that's at least 53.7% different than the way he smiles at anyone else... When he told me he loved me too, even before I had coded my human form and that he didn't care what I looked like so long as I was happy and together with him..."
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"Well, there isn't a single word, or a million words that could accurately and wholly describe how I feel about him."
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alchemicheart · 3 years
“Hey, do you know what these glowing things are?” Ed’s crouched by some of the leylines leading toward the library of xalphina. He started exploring the ward he was assigned to live in, and has been following these weird lines in the forest for a while now. It’s not just that, there’s glowing lights, strange creatures... the locals call it magic, but Ed’s sure there’s a scientific explanation for this somewhere.
...he’s so curious about the forest that he hasn’t even started to check out the library yet.
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“Everything in this ward is pretty cool, but I’m still trying to figure out how it all works.”
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pleasemymel0dy · 3 years
“You underestimate My Melo? Heh...foolish!” My Melody may have been small, soft like a marshmallow, and only a foot tall; but to think her completely helpless would have been a devastating mistake. 
The silence that fell between My Melody and this stranger was deafening. Although she was quite confident in her own abilities, she would not slip-up by being too assured. After all, one slip-up and it would be game over. 
Silence rose, then it fell, and shattered as My Melody let out a sudden “HYAAH!” Raising her paw into the air, she brought it down and then... gently pushed the pawn on the chessboard forward by one square. “Okie, now it’s your turn!” 
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shutter-snap · 3 years
{ starter call ! || @ringcicatrix​​ ! } 
“Uh-- sorry, would you mind moving a few steps to the left?”
Todd peeks out from behind his camera, addressing the boy whose face is currently taking up half the device’s field of view. Todd can respect the stranger’s interest in the incredible creatures in the area, and in Todd himself (or maybe this guy’s just interested in the camera?), but having this angle clear would really help Todd get the shot he wants.
As long as the stranger’s around, though...
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“Have you been here before? It’s my first time going this deep into the forest. If you happen to have any tips about where to shoot, be sure to let me know!”
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odetotoys · 3 years
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“Stop! Do you know what you have there? That is von of the first ladybug of spring hanging in your hair. That is a sign of coming fortune did you know?“
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ignisterailand · 3 years
Name: Ryou Bakura Age: 16 Position Applying for: Duel Monsters Caretaker or Grounds Maintenance. Prior Personal/Professional Experience: I haven’t had any professional experience, however, I am a duelist if that counts? I had a deck of my own, and I do my best to look after it. And as well, I used to look after my little sister a lot and keep her entertained while our parents were busy with other stuff so it might not be professional but I figure I’m at least ok at watching energetic kids. Otherwise, I also think I would do well at grounds maintenance. I kept houseplants at home and they did well, and I’m a tidy person so I’m good at keeping things organized. And I’m also a fairly quiet person, so I don’t think I’d bother Rock Golem. Why Do You Wish To Apply At A.I.Land?: If I may be perfectly honest, I really like Duel Monsters and games in general and I think it would be a really cool place to work. Two of my friends are really good at the game, and I’m not anywhere near their level but I do love it and think working here would be really neat. And because I know the game, I figure I could help explain things to people who aren't from the same world, and don't really know what they are. Also I kinda need a job, because I’m broke.
When he finished reading the application, he barked out a surprised laugh at the last line.
"Well, that is one of the reasons I decided to make this park open to the public. Might as well have a job somewhere that's fun, right? At least I know you're honest! Hmm... I don't see why you couldn't do both jobs. Your main job will be Duel Monster Caretaker, but any hours you spend on Grounds Maintenance, I'll pay you for those as well."
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"You'll probably find taking care of the Monsters a lot more like looking after children than a deck. They're all fully sentient creatures and their ages range from ten-years-old, to just barely one. Oh, and don't worry about Rock Golem. He's just a little socially awkward. I just need you to sign this extra form stating that you won't hurt any of the Cyberse Monsters unless it's in self defense. Don't worry! It's just typical paperwork stuff. Even the large ones are very gentle by nature." @ringcicatrix
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redlichbluelich · 3 years
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[send “beep!” for a random text!]
@ringcicatrix​ said:
1. a funny text
TO: Ryou FROM: Barry
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[txt] > anyhoo [txt] > now that i’m alive and not dead [txt] > you can see my hair and whatever, and more importantly, my namesake
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deniedcrown · 3 years
@ringcicatrix​ // sc.
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       “ nice necklace, kid. ” it had been a while since he looked at any of his father’s catalogue of artifacts, but he remembered quite a few of them. as a child, he’d been fascinated by old cultures and civilizations.  ( that was long before he realized that he carried one of the oldest artifacts in the world as his right hand. ) but this looked vaguely similar in design to ones he’d seen before, which piqued his interest a bit. “ is that ancient egyptian? my old man used to study things like that. ” 
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tarantucutie · 3 years
// #5 for the getting to know spirale meme!
mimi's experience with spirale. // ACCEPTING!
@dynadubwool / @ringcicatrix
5.) arriving to spirale meant you’d lose your powers and weapons, at least temporarily so. how much did that affect your muse? how did they cope with that sudden loss? if they’ve retained just about everything by now, is your muse still bitter about them losing these in the first place?
mimi is NOT happy that he's lost the ability to use all of his moves sans string shot a few times a day—hands down THE WORST part of spirale. he feels even more scared than he would be, because he can barely defend himself. that's why he's talking to humans at all; he'd keep to himself much more and be much more prickly if he had any attacking moves. he wants to stay alive here ( though there's much less threat than he thinks ) and stay away from team humans—but, honestly, he might never have made such good friends with hop and watanuki and the valsharess if he had his moves. so there's a give and take he'd eventually concede on.
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postwicking · 3 years
@ringcicatrix​ liked for a starter
Leon shifts his weight from leg to the other, arms crossed and eyes closed in thought. Charmander had led him here to the beach, and though Leon had appreciated being somewhere somewhat familiar, he was ready to head home. Charmander didn’t seem so keen to head out, however; his starter lays in the sand, curled up in a little ball, tail tucked over his nose, and refusing to budge.
“Ya know yer little again, so I could just pick ya up, right?” Leon says, opening one eye to look at Charmander. The fire-type is seemingly not bothered by this, the only sign he heard his Trainer being the little snort he lets out at the threat of being scooped.
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Leon sighs, opening the other eye and putting his hands on his hips. “Am I gonna have to get someone to move ya for me?” he asks. Charmander doesn’t respond, but his tail flame flickers. Leon smirks; the idea of being touched by a stranger seems to have made him a bit nervous. Leon spots someone passing by and decides to make good on his word.
“‘S’cuse me!” he calls out, waving an arm to get the kid’s attention. “Would ya mind givin’ me a hand?”
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isolaradiale · 3 years
Hi! I believe I've fixed up my page properly so I'd like to try again, apping Ryou Bakura and Thief King Bakura from the YuGiOh series! Ryou's app can be found at /ryou or at the eye link on the side, and the thief's app can be found at /bakura, or the skull link on the side. Navigation to their stats pages can be found at the bottom left chess piece, or at the /stats page. Thanks!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Bakura!
You will be housed in TOWNHOUSE 206.
You will be given the Millennium Ring with Thief King Bakura inside of it and will be able to use the dowsing ability to find mundane things up to 25 minutes per day.
– mod pleiades.
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aprentis · 3 years
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@ringcicatrix​:     3 and 5 for the roleplay habits questions?     /  roleplaying habits.
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3. how often do you reach for a synonym dictionary when writing? how about mentally?
not often really, physically.  mentally, i know enough synonyms to occasionally sift through them and consider them, but i really like my writing to emulate my character’s dialogue, even when they’re not talking.  so sometimes, depending on their vocabulary in canon, i’ll purposely limit myself.  i think this is a by-product of being most comfortable writing in the first person.
5. do you listen to music while you write?
sometimes!  it’s not a must-have though.  when i do, the music can vary.  sometimes instrumental stuff (or just.  lotsa deemo stuff) other times i’ll just put any of my playlists on shuffle.  i’ve made a playlist for coco, but it’s not like listening to it gives me instant muse for her or anything, they’re just songs that i think encapsulate what i see in her.  lately though i’ve been listening to this song and this song while writing for her because they’re really good and give me Feelings.
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greatseedling · 3 years
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QUESTIONS FOR MUN > > { @ringcicatrix​​ }​   15. What sort of muses do you tend to write?
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its hard for me to find trends, the muses i've written are all quite different? i’m more the type to get super into a character for no apparent reason and have their muse stick around for years and years. i can’t really find much of a connection between my long term muses. first there was akane, then princess anna, then martel, then eugene. these have been my core muses and other than the fact that they are all orphaned... they’re all very different personality wise.
i like to explore family themes so often i have muses who explore their familial relationships in canon. im a sucker for siblings working through challenges. maybe another thing between my core muses would be their devotion/dedication to another person, be it their family or romantic interest. they all feel very strong emotions. but like... as for lumping them into a type... idk. i think its just more random than not.
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lxfemmerouge · 3 years
Oh, this kid again.
Carmen isn’t surprised to see him here-- he had been talking about ‘big prizes’ and stuff. Maybe this art exhibition is what he was talking about. There’s bound to be some pretty valuable treasures in here-- she’d been scoping the place out, too. That has to be why he’s looking around, right?
“Hey again.” She puts her hands in her pockets, moving to stand beside him.
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“How goes the treasure hunting? Find any of that stuff you’ve been waiting for yet?”
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shutter-snap · 3 years
what color is your soul?
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highly intelligent, empowering others is a natural gift, entrepreneurial. have unconditional love to those who matter greatly to them, a very restful and peaceful experience to be in their presence
tagging: @makeitdouble​​ / @ascarletflame​​ / @lightoball​​ / @ringcicatrix​​ / @dynadubwool​​ / @sorrowfulnote​​ / and you!
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redlichbluelich · 3 years
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[spirit phone starters]
@ringcicatrix​ said:
“i’ll never die.” (from the spirit)
“No?” Barry says mildly, eyeing the teenager warily. He isn’t acting like himself, that much is becoming increasingly obvious, but Barry isn’t sure of the cause. There are plenty of reasons that could cause something like this, but given Ryou’s casual act around things like liches, he’s got a decent guess.
“Lucky you-- dying hurts, uh, a lot, usually.”
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“...I’m gonna just be direct: Am I still talking to Ryou?”
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