#rini 😽
meidui · 9 months
ta-da, my fills for the @stevetonyisendgame prompt fest in the year of our endgame 2023!! 🎉 thanks to jen@ishipallthings and rini@thahiree for being the best co-mods there ever were and everyone who participated in the exchange and the prompt fest this year, it has been so much fun 😽
soft strange ways (1k, G)
Steve and Tony are only gone for five seconds, but when they reappear on the quantum portal in a swirling pinprick of light, their hair is a bit longer, their clothes are rumpled, they’re gripping onto each other’s hands so hard their knuckles are white, and both of them, for the first time in as long as anyone has known them, look like they might be truly, wholly, blindingly happy.
trapped between two lungs (2k, T)
Tony tears open his front door and stumbling towards him is the same face he still dreams about. He isn’t even wearing a jacket in this freezing cold and there’s blood dripping from somewhere on his body into the snow, and Tony can’t think. All their complicated history disappears somewhere and all he sees is Steve, hurt and afraid.
best laid plans (1.3k, E)
Nomad looks a lot like somebody Tony used to know, and if Tony were anything less than piss drunk, he would have known way before Tony even left Nomad’s mouth. He would have known as soon as those lips fell open and those shoulders tensed because the man in front of him might be able to fool everybody else with that mask tied around his eyes, but not Tony.
He’s drunk, though. He doesn’t know.
tough it out (2k, not rated)
“I don’t—” Then Tony remembers exactly where they are, and Steve’s expression shifts into one of dreadful realisation at the same time. “You’re gonna have to kneel on it, Steve. She thinks you’re my—”
“Kneel on it?”
“Hey, hey, don’t think of it as kneeling for me, right? Think of it as Captain Stevens kneeling for Doctor Potts so Steve Rogers and Tony Stark have a shot at getting home alive.”
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sttoru · 5 months
ok! i've concluded to five nicknames😈.
kara , kari , rina , rini , ina
which one do you perferrr
WAHHHHH,,, RINA IS CUTEEEEE 😽😽 omgggg kari as well t_t theyre adoraaaableeeee
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rinirinirini · 10 months
hi lovelies😽
✾ I’m rini!!
✾ 20
✾this account it just me subtly posting ab “annerhexcya” or i don’t get t-worded again
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i-wanna-b-yours · 2 years
For the ask game - 9, 16,30 and 38
9: When is your birthday? 
21st July!!
16: Want any tattoos? What of? 
Ooh yes, although haven't paid much thought to what i want to have tattooed but i do know where i want them tattooed.
30: What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
Moving out from my home and accomplishing the goals on the "perfect timeline" i have created for myself.
38: Do you have any phobias? 
Not really, but i can't sleep/be in the dark for the life of me.
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i-wanna-b-yours · 2 years
Well you definitely deserve more letters either way...
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i am overwhelmed with emotions this is so beautiful and i still can't believe someone wrote this for me. someone called me a goddess, someone said there needs to be a place built to worship me. me? please i am still losing my mind-
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i-wanna-b-yours · 2 years
Hi darling💕
🎻 🎻 🎻
send me a 🎻 and i'll give you a song that matches your vibe
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i-wanna-b-yours · 2 years
11 and 49
49: can you skip rocks?
if luck is on my side then yes, otherwise absolutely not, i'm hopeless at it.
11: favorite extracurricular activity?
already answered
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