#rio kuko ichiro hitoya are one that come to mind…
jakuwais · 1 year
Hmmm i really wanna do fem versions of the rest of the hypmic men! Its really fun creating them and figuring out how to translate their design elements into a different presentation
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synnefo-nefeli · 3 years
“Who’s in Charge” Meme: Hypemic Edition
Buster Bros:
Who is in charge: Ichiro
Who is *actually* in charge: Saburo
Who *should* be in charge: An actual adult, but Ichiro- bless him, is doing the best he can
Mad Trigger Crew:
Who is in charge: Samatoki
Who is *actually* in charge: Jyuto
Who *should* be in charge: so long as it’s anything but cooking, Rio.
Fling Posse
Who is in charge: Ramuda
Who is *actually* in charge: Ramuda and Gentaro. They take turns.
The one who is in current possession of the braincell…so Dice until he gets into trouble, and then it’s just whichever group member who isn’t currently bullying Dice. If two members are bullying (affectionately) Dice, then no one has the braincell. FP is runs and functions on chaos y’all.
Who *should* be in charge:
Between the pink gremlin who is in constant existential crisis mode, the troll author who makes up fanfiction about his posse when he’s not lying his ass off, and their stray cat with a gambling addiction…it probably should be Dice as he’s the most well adjusted one of this band of liars and chaos makers.
However I can’t overlook the fact that through their powers combined, Ramuda and Dice form a ‘Gentaro containment field’ as the man has proven to be an absolute menace when in the company of other divisions. I mean Gentaro saw the phrase “be gay, do crimes” and said “don’t mind if I do!”….so we’re back to the Dice/ “whoever has the braincell”system.
Who is in charge: Jakurai
Who is *actually* in charge: Jakurai
Who *should* be in charge: Doppo. Any man who can wrangle Drunk-kurai, handle Hifumi when he’s around women without his host jacket, and hold down a soul-crushing high pressure job should be in charge.
Badass Temple:
Who is in charge: Kuko
Who is *actually* in charge: Kuko
Who *should* be in charge: Hitoya. I mean, imagine being a 35 year old successful lawyer, and then you get forcefully adopted by a 19 year old feral goblin and an 18 year old sensitive theater kid and you’re not even in charge. Pray for him.
Dotsuitare Hompo:
Who is in charge: Sasara*Honk! Honk!*
Who is *actually* in charge: Rei- they don’t call him ‘Mastermind’ for nothing. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, folks.
Who *should* be in charge: Rosho. Blink twice if you need someone to come and rescue you, buddy
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
Dunno why this came to mind...maybe calculating Jakurai’s deal here...Who knows but here I am imagining how much schooling these boys have gone through. 
As a note, I am not saying their schooling level as any jab to them. All people are different. Some would prefer going to school, some do not have the opportunity and some have other things to do. It really is many reasons why they would or wouldn’t go on. And I’m just guessing what I think they’ve done based off information we have of them. 
Buster Bros!!!
Ichiro I feel only completed compulsory school and some of high school. He was too busy supporting the orphanage and his brothers to really keep up with it. And considering Yorozuya Yamada is likely their only source of income, he hasn’t really gone back either. I don’t that particularly bothers Ichiro since while he wasn’t bad at school he wouldn’t say he liked it either. 
Jiro is at the age where he didn’t have to go to school anymore but Ichiro made him stay. As it was just better options for Jiro if he does finish school. He also doesn’t go to cram school as 1) he can’t stand school as is, 2) he likely goes to help Ichiro with the business and 3) there’s a chance they can’t afford to send him. Despite the latest drama tracks, I don’t see school being a point of contention between them even if Jiro doesn’t like school. I don’t see him pursuing a traditional higher education, if he even goes at all.
Saburo is still in compulsory school as far as I understand so it’s not really a question of if he goes. But obviously Ichiro would want him to stay. Especially him because he’s good at it and seems to like it. That and it might help Saburo’s social skills to have to be around kids his age. For the most of the same reasons, Saburo doesn’t do cram school either. If anything he probably could tutor if he didn’t get so easily frustrated with people. I do feel he could make it to the top schools when he gets older but I see an interest in going overseas for uni.
Mad Trigger Crew
Samatoki I don’t think went past compulsory schooling. He was too busy with yakuza stuff to really deal with school. I see him getting into a lot of fights over his background, namely badmouthing of his parents. He probably had Nemu stay though because he wanted her to have options. I think he’s really good with money even though he probably hasn’t had to worry about it for a long time
Jyuto I initially was gonna say did go to college but researching a little bit, he probably didn’t. He only would need to finish high school and pass exams. Which I feel he was prepared for. Like I think he’s been set on being a cop for a long time and worked for that. Which is why I’ll also go out on a limb and say that in high school this boy was a runner so he was also in shape for his training when he passed exams. I also think Jyuto was a good boy student.
Rio likely went into military service as soon as he could, which I believe is 18 over there. It’s a little harder to tell about how the service was since the world of hypmic is one that had another war, so it’s likely his time was busier than what it would be normally for someone in the navy. He absolutely could’ve gone to uni and come back to get a better rank but I don’t think Rio really cared about that aspect of it. (This man knows communications and some hacking, you cannot tell me he couldn’t have gone far) I will say he likely took advantage of his half-American status and is fluent in English as it would’ve been useful for joint exercises with the states. I think the dissolution of the navy really shot him in the foot but he’s just too resourceful to keep down with that.  
Fling Posse
Ramuda...obviously didn’t. And I don’t think his records would show anything. Like if it had to show anything, it would probably show him going to a super large school where it’s completely possible no one knows who the hell he was (because he was never there). And if he was based off someone, he likely had some of his credentials taken from them. He understand the culture of schooling though, I mean his style and personality does seem to draw girls high school age and older. 
Gentaro is pretty hard to imagine to be honest. I don’t see him enjoying his school life and being around classmates for an extended amount of time. And while I think he could’ve spent some time in academia in literary research, I also see him finding it way too stuffy for writing. But I think ultimately...he went to uni for a short time. For some reason I just don’t see him vibing with how the system is for it. 
Dice did not. I don’t think he finished high school although he could’ve if he wanted. But he probably avoids it because it’d be an easier way to keep track of him and run contrary to his stray sort of life style. 
Jakurai...is a doctor...I sure HOPE he went to school for his profession. So he studied some of the stuff you need for doctoring during his time as an assassin but he didn’t actually go into studying to be a doctor until he quit his killing at 23. He probably went into the national defense medical college, which seems to be 6 year program but you have an extra 2-3 years of compulsory service with it. I think he likely finished his compulsory service, at the latest, a year before the Dirty Dawg timeline. Or OR he faked his schooling and just knew the equivalent knowledge from his time as an assassin and was able to pass his exams and later studied whatever he lacked. He’s basically fully legally certified NOW, don’t worry...
Hifumi I just can’t see going past high school. Like I’ve always seen the incident happening in his last year of high school and it made it difficult for him to even finish. And considering he claimed in the first Matenrou drama track that he didn’t find a way to live with his phobia until he was 20...I don’t think he went. Not that he would’ve been interested in it. Hifumi is interested in what he likes and wouldn’t want to put the effort either way. I don’t think he really cares and he has more than enough skills (and money) to do just about whatever he wants.
Doppo likely went to uni. He couldn’t get into the real prestigious schools and knew he couldn’t so just went for wherever he could get into rather than wait to test again. I feel like his degree is in either accounting or business. I think he had a part-time while in school to pay for it since it seems like his family might not be as well off or he didn’t want to burden his parents (in a passing conversation I think he mentioned paying for his brother’s exams or schooling). For some reason I also can see him having a minor in biology because I see him either knowing a lot about plants or knowing a lot about marine life. What kind of person just thinking of a water flea for like a small creature?
Dotsuitare Hompo
Sasara I feel like he didn’t go past high school. Not that he couldn’t. Just that he didn’t find a need to? Not when he was set on going into comedy. Like it was either make it or be trapped with his family. And he was hard noooope. 
Rosho....is a teacher? I sure HOPE he went for his teaching certificate. I don’t think he was going to initially and might not have while he was doing the comedy game with Sasara? Their time line is a little fuzzy, I haven’t found the indicator of if Rosho and Sasara disbanded before he went to MCD or after. If it was before, then yes he went to school after they disbanded. If not, then he was in school while doing the manzai thing. So yeah dual major of mathematics (or statistics) and education (he didn’t need both but I have faith in him).
Rei most definitely went to fucking uni. This bastard would let you think he didn’t but he did. He’s probably a fucking doctor or just shy of it. Drives me mad. Why am I sure? Because if Rei is behind the hypnosis mics. As in the designer and/or inventor of it, he is a scientist or engineer of some type. I see him having a degree in either biotechnology or neuroscience. I learn towards the latter because I feel like he also got a minor in psychology (or y’know what, business is possible too for a minor). Just to mess with people.
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko I feel was the same as Ichiro in that he went to high school but not necessarily finishing it. I don’t believe he would’ve had to...if anything he’s gone back to his teachings at his temple. Yet it seems he doesn’t do that either so I’m not sure. I just don’t think he did anything past high school. 
Jyushi I think he might’ve just finished high school? I don’t know if he was just finishing or he’s soon to be doing exams. But I think he’s going to finish regardless. Y’know I feel like Jyushi would’ve liked going to uni. I can’t think of what he’d go to school for though! Would it be adding too much work to a passion if he did something with music theory? 
Hitoya...is a lawyer? So yeah? And you have to wonder if Hitoya is a masochist or loves to learn or what have you. Because he was in medical school WITH Jakurai. And then when they part ways, he quits and then goes into LAW. Are you kidding me? Hitoya, Hitoya please...I looked it up, he HAS to be a masochist! Law in Japan is super hard to get into! It has one of the most difficult bar exams to exist! What are you doing, man??? Although...I think Hitoya is still fairly new as a lawyer though because him starting when I assume Jakurai started school at 23, would have him only being fully practicing for 5 years. And that’s assuming he dropped out the first year and not later...which would only shrink he years outside. Unless whatever he got for his bachelors was applicable for law too (behavioral science?)...either way, yes he’s done it and he sure does do a lot to beat a guy that doesn’t even know they’re competing. 
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ramudamemura · 3 years
Alright guys I’m rating the new hypmic outfits please don’t get mad at me and here’s an image for reference
Tumblr media
ichiro— not digging the oversized thing for some reason even tho I normally do? Nothing glaringly wrong with it tho like it’s not that bad. I’m glad his pants are black/gray (?) tho because idk I think it would’ve looked cluttered with any other colors
i will say (and this is probably only valid for me but) black and red are my schools colors and I’m having flashbacks to spirit wear days which is slightly upsetting JCJSJDNSNNSHS Ichiro would never go to my school if he were real tho he’s too good for a place like this 💔
jiro— his shirt is so plain couldn’t he have used a more interesting font 😭 spice it up a bit,,,,BUT it’s not that bad either I actually really like him with glasses so that’s good! hmm I don’t really like the hat tho. Overall it’s ok
saburo— at least his hair doesn’t look like it did with that one other outfit 😭 you know the one . I can’t tell if his pants are jeans or sweatpants tho. Also like I said before idk why but I’m not loving Ichiros oversized shirt but I DO like the fit of saburos
actually I checked again right before I posted this and I’m pretty sure they’re jeans
**hey just realized buster bros are all wearing the same shoes in different colors so good for them ig**
samatoki— well 😭 his outfit kinda gives off art h*e vibes which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but I feel like HE would view it as bad and wouldnt like that. Also so much of it is unbuttoned and I can’t stop laughing. I kinda wish there wasn’t so much white in the outfit tho I mean what do I know I’m no designer but! Idk
jyuto— idk. idk WHAT to say. I am really not a fan of this sorry jyuto I just. What were you trying to accomplish here 😭 why are the sleeves of his jacket so long what’s going on. Where am I what is this
rio— I mean. It’s just an oversized green t shirt and baggy green sweatpants 😭 neither of them have any design on it so it’s kinda boring? green is my favorite color tho so I can’t be too harsh on him also I like the shoes but not necessarily with this outfit. But like I don’t understand like why is his outfit just. A t shirt and sweatpants with literally like nothing else 😭 is it supposed to be a minimalist thing??? Because I mean. Listen. LISTEN. This is not the way to go about it
ramuda— ok so I kinda like the general style like I like the shirt and shorts a bit but not the colors 💔 but it’s not that I don’t like that it’s colorful it’s just I don’t like the.colors they used ig 😭 idk but it’s kinda cool to see him with a middle part ig although I do like his normal hair better I think. Either way I expected better from him he’s supposed to be a designer like come on dude
gentaro— actually I like his a lot! It’s not too flashy and it looks nice and elegant and it fits his usual style!! Also it shows his arms and I cannot remember ever seeing them before so that’s interesting! I also like his hair but again I like his regular hair much better
dice— BRAID BRAID BRAID BRAID!!!! If I try hard enough I can pretend it’s not a mullet underneath the braid so that’s nice!! As for the outfit it’s meh idk. The print is too in your face in my opinion and idk I don’t really like it like idk what it is about it but I find it kinda :/ yknow and I also feel like it doesn’t really suit him like it doesn’t scream “dice”
jakurai— :////// Jakurai what the heck 💔 what is this I don’t like it at all like wh. That’s all im gonna say I think cuz I don’t wanna be mean since technically someone put a lot of work into these
hifumi— he kinda looks like a tourist idk man I feel like if I went to the beach I’d see someone with that exact outfit 😭 but I mean he pulls it off decently! I don’t think he should’ve worn dress shoes or whatever you call those tho I think he could’ve done better with a pair of sneakers but NOT like big clunky sneakers just regular ones
actually idk why but I have this really specific floral design in mind that wouldve kept the colors of his current jacket including being mostly black in the background that I think wouldve looked nicer but I can’t draw rn so
doppo— well I like this color!!! So that’s good!!!!! Not really sure what’s going on here tho I feel like they should’ve done a little to break up the shirt from the pants 😭
kuko— again I do like green a lot so he gets points for that!! But idk i actually don’t have much of a problem with this I just don’t know if green is his color but I like the pants! So! like they’re a good length idk I actually do like his I think
jyushi— I really like the like laced up bits by the shoulder!!! Also it’s super cool to see his hair in a ponytail or whatever that is!! If I close my eyes I can pretend he doesn’t have a mullet 💚
hitoya— idk what it is about this outfit but I keep laughing at him 😭 sorry hitoya
sasara— clown clown clown clown clown
anyway I know the colors are SUPPOSED to clash a bit but it still bothers me JDJSJDJJSS other than that tho the outfits ok but I do wish the pants were higher waisted!!! His shirt looks like umm the uniform for this one restaurant I’ve been to so that’s fun
rosho— I miss his glasses put them back please please they look good! I guess we got to see Jiro with them at the expense of Rosho???? Also I’m gonna assume he’s wearing contacts cuz. Anyways the outfit is? Idk? I’m not sure what’s going on here I don’t really know like I’m a little confused but at least it has a fairly simple color palette (and not TOO simple like Rio)
rei— now what the heck is this outfit what is going on here I don’t know what to think. I don’t. If he was gonna wear a cowboy hat why didn’t he make the rest of his outfit fit that? Why did he then decide to dress vaguely like a librarian and then unbutton his shirt??
**DISCLAIMER: any time I said “it’s not THAT bad ig” or anything along the lines of that it probably means I don’t actually like the outfit but I’m trying not to be offensive
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cyrillean · 4 years
hypmic youtubers au
because why not
MCD+NB's era was during the time Vine was a big thing and they disbanded around the time Vine died. Ichiro and Samatoki got somehow recruited to join the Kujaku Posse youtube channel and that's how TDD formed (only to disband like a year later, but for a hot second they were one of The Biggest Channels On Yotube (tm). what a dubious honor)
Buster Bros!: pretty much a grab bag of content of a channel. started as ichiro's personal channel for lets plays, vlogs, reviews etc but his brothers were often featured in challenges or multiplayer games and the viewers really liked seeing them in the videos so eventually it just became a family channel. currently their most popular series is their viewer requests series where they will do their best to help viewers, except the viewers ask for the dumbest shit. like "can you make a sword entirely out of rubber chickens" (yes, yes they could, because ichiro wasnt around to talk them out of it)
Mad Trigger Crew: primarily a lets play/streaming channel that samatoki set up after the tdd group channel died. basically no editing or anything, he got a pretty big following just off of his popularity from tdd and eventually recruited jyuto and rio to help w moderation/technical issues/etc because He Cannot Be Trusted To Moderate His Own Channel. because he kept mentioning them in videos (and they were common sights in stream chat and the eventual discord server) they eventually started getting brought in to the channel proper every once in a while. jyuto is in charge of comment moderation which is hell. rio is one of those people who's really into custom CPUs
Fling Posse: ramuda's makeup/fashion channel that doubles as a drama and storytime animation channel. just, every single type of content that can be obnoxious in the wrong hands sjdnskd. gentaro was the one doing animations and general editing, dice is ramudas roomate who kept showing up in the background and got recruited into doing challenges. eventually gentaro starts doing his own original storytime animation segments which are almost entirely bullshit but a hit with viewers anyways, and dice starts uploading his own videos which are just like, gacha and loot box openings skdnsjdnd. i have the feeling these days ramuda would also have a huge tiktok presence but i dont know anything about tiktok so??
Matenro: it's, like, jakurai putting out well researched, well thought out and well edited video essays and explainers about like psychology and medicine through the lens of the latest trending topic so that the knowledge can reach as many people as possible. hifumi and doppo literally just got recruited into the channel at random because he saw Their Content (on insta and twitter respectively) and was like ah yes these are voices i would like to platform and perspectives i would like to keep in mind going forward. doppo tried for the longest time to stay out of the camera cause his twitter account was very Anti Capitalist And Generally Rude, which he COULD NOT AFFORD to have tied to his real face and name skdnksdn sadly hifumi is literally the opposite he will always have a camera pointed a his face and everything around him. hifumi is an influencer
Bad Ass Temple: it's, like..... kuko's shitpost channel. like, this channel existed since way before naughty busters, but it included only like... absolute garbage tier content. like, Those Videos that are like a 10 second clip of someone throwing a brick into a working washing machine. but then out of NOWHERE the channel starts uploading like REALLY WELL EDITED HIGH QUALITY SONG COVERS AND STUFF and its eventually clarified hes uploading them for a friend who was too shy to post them himself. eventually jyushi is convinced to actually introduce himself onscreen. hitoya is like jyushi's friend and his editor/mixer and keeps fighting kuko for management of the channel which kuko refuses to yield skdnskndnd so whenever you see a new video from this channel there's a 50/50 chance on whether it's a fully edited MV anime song rock cover, or like a 3 minute loop of Smash Mouth - All Star with really cursed audio effects
Dotsuitare Hompo: so way back in the day this was one of those channels that made like really elaborate short comedy skits all written performed and edited by sasara and rosho, but it went on indefinite hiatus after rosho left the channel. after mcd implodes sasara starts using it for his solo content cause it still had subscribers and sorry bud but youtube algorithm is a hard beast to conquer. eventually he starts gaining a lot of popularity and kind of can't manage it alone, and convinces rosho to come back but for the longest time rosho refuses to touch the creative side of things again or even get in front of the camera, but the commenters always hear him from offscreen in vlogs and he's beloved anyways. rei (who definitely had a hand in rosho joining again) becomes like a private sponsor/producer of the show, which neither sasara nor rosho really Trust but hey, cash is cash baybee
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gregrulzok · 3 years
Hypnosis Mic X Beastars
Weird concept? Yes. Result of two of my hyperfixations clashing? Also yes.
Buster Bros!!!
Ichiro Yamada - Belgian Malinois.
Dogs just felt right for Buster Bros!!! as a whole. Malinois are tough, protective, loyal and intelligent, which seemed to suit them all. Ichiro would have black and tan fur.
Jiro Yamada - Belgian Malinois.
Same as his brothers - a boisterous and protective Malinois. Jiro would have entirely black fur, and often stick his tongue out.
Saburo Yamada - Belgian Malinois.
Same as his brothers - an intelligent Malinois that stirs up trouble when not properly entertained. Saburo's fur would be entirely tan.
Samatoki Aohitsugi - Arctic Fox.
A vicious, effective hunter and predator. The entirely white fur seemed natural for Samatoki, though I do think he'd have black markings around his face.
Jyuto Iruma - Black Jackrabbit.
Obviously enough, derived from his MC name. Black fur was necessary to suit his aesthetic, but I chose a Jackrabbit specifically so that he'd be a little bit bigger and reasonably capable of combat.
Rio Mason Busujima - Cougar.
I asked myself "what's the most American animal I could reasonably see living in a forest", and though Bald Eagle was tempting, it felt a bit too on the nose. Instead I chose cougars which I think suit his color pallet, aswell.
Fling Posse
Ramuda Amemura - Fennec Fox.
Underneath their tiny, unassuming appearances, Fennecs are actually some of the most vicious animals and effective hunters. I honestly couldn't think of anything better for Ramuda!
Gentaro Yumeno - Red Fox.
Obviously enough, an animal associated with deception in not only Western, but Eastern cultures as well. This honestly seemed a bit too perfect to pass up on. Ideally his fur would be a bit darker to match his hair.
Dice Arisugawa - Domestic Shorthair.
Just a cat, nothing more nothing less. A street cat living a street cat life style. I imagine him as a classic light gray tabby, because street cats don't come in that nice blue colour that I think would suit him.
Jakurai Jinguji - Northwestern Wolf.
Derived from the fact that wolves are Matenro's mascot animal. Northwestern wolves are the largest species of wolves which seemed fitting with his size. His fur would be a nice gray-black and probably very long.
Hifumi Izanami - Golden Retriever.
I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make him the bounciest, most extroverted dog breed I could think of. When hosting though, he turns into the perfect poised and proper show dog, how fitting!!
Doppo Kannonzaka - Maine Coon.
I debated making Doppo a dog but I couldn't find any that I thought captured his character. Besides, being a cat in a dog-heavy team would probably contribute to his feeling out of place. Maine Coons can look soft and docile one moment and be rambunctious the next, which I think suited him. He's probably a dark ginger color with very mattes fur.
Dotsuitare Hompo
Sasara Nurude - Kea.
If you didn't know, a Kea is a type of parrot. Parrot Sasara made too much sense in my head not to use it, so I chose one with nice green feathers. Kea also have golden feathers on the undersides of their wings, which I thought he could use as a makeshift fan.
Rosho Tsutsujimori - Sandfish Skink.
It didn't feel right making Sasara a non-mammal and making Rosho a mammal, so I chose a reptile for him instead, thinking it would play into his nervousness around others due to the discrimination. Sandfish Skinks hide themselves in the sand, which I thought would be funny given his stage fright.
Rei Amayado - Tibetan Mastiff.
Obviously the temptation was there to make Rei a snake, but for one I didn't figure he could very well use a mic without any arms. On the other hand, I wanted to make him the same species as the Yamada brothers for wink-wink-nudge-nudge reasons, without making him the same species. He has far too much fur and is jet-black.
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko Harai - Sable.
I definitely wanted Kuko to be something weasel like - similarly to Ramuda, small and possibly unassuming, but actually very aggressive and territorial animals. Sables just happened to be the cutest and have a large population in Japan, so here we are.
Jyushi Aimono - White-necked Raven.
This is honestly the one I have the least explanation for. It just feels right in my gut, what with the symbolism surrounding Ravens.
Hitoya Amaguni - Racoon Dog.
Right up until the last second I had him as a bear, but as I was writing the explanation, the idea to make him a tanuki flew into my mind. In folklore, Tanuki would often impersonate authority figures to manipulate humans, and the thought of a Tanuki lawyer seems too good to pass up.
All members of Dirty Dawg were made canine on purpose, even if something else seemed more tempting or made more sense (like Horse Samatoki or Black-Footed Cat Ramuda).
I can't decide if herbivores would take the place of women in this AU or if it stays the same. For the time being just assume that Nemu is a fox while the rest of Chuugoku are herbivores, and that Hifumi has a fear of both, I suppose.
I'd imagine Ramuda and Kuko maybe dying parts of their fur to keep those aspects of their designs. Also all the piercings and such stay where they are.
Obviously some heights drastically change with this. Personally, the idea of a massive mastiff walking around behind a tiny parrot and a skink is really funny to me.
Please god please feel free to add on or correct or discuss I'm starving for someone to talk to about this.
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hypnomicimagines · 4 years
🌟Fluff Alphabet: A🌟
A – Affectionate (How affectionate are they with an S/O?)
Yamada Ichiro
Ichiro tries not to constantly be in your space out of respect, worried about smothering you to the point you can’t stand being around him at all. He really likes to just sling an arm around your shoulder and pull you close to him, using the closeness to press a kiss to your cheek or temple when conversations go idle. He’s naturally affectionate to the point he doesn’t even notice he’s touching you or pulling you close half the time, simply liking to touch you in some way as it’s comforting to him. It’s gotten to the point where his brothers stick their tongues out at his behavior, making the eldest laugh as he tells them they’ll understand when they’re in love.
Yamada Jiro
Jiro wishes he was smooth enough to put the moves on you without second-guessing himself, especially in public when it could stop being from bothering you, but the bravest thing he can do is reach over to hook his pinky with yours. He generally hopes you’ll be the one to take the hint that he wants something more and grows frustrated if you don’t, trying to hype himself up to get to a full hand-holding session. He craves being more affectionate but he’s awkward about it, not knowing how to just admit that he wants it. He gets slightly better the longer you’re together but Jiro still prefers you just initiate so he can be reassured you want it, too.
Yamada Saburo
Saburo is the Yamada brother that values his space the most and isn’t as openly clingy as his older brothers. He likes existing in the same space as you and finds comfort in even the slightest touches like when you rest your head on his shoulder or hook arms with him. Cuddling or even asking for a hug feels like more advanced intimacy that he’s not fully prepared to ask from you, always fidgeting and glancing at you when he wants to do something but can’t bring himself to just act. It’s easy to read him to figure out when he wants some affection and even a simple kiss can tide him over for days.
Aohitsugi Samatoki
Samatoki’s got an image he at least semi-attempts to keep up but generally fails around you as he can’t find it in him to deny you. If you pout enough he’ll give in and give you a quick kiss (heavily depending on who’s around) but he won’t do much more unless you’re in a more relaxed setting. If you’re in the VIP section of a club with the others in MTC he doesn’t care nearly as much since they both know you belong to him and often times you ended up on his lap, one hand on your thigh as he continued conversing with them like nothing happened.
Iruma Jyuto
Jyuto likes to keep a comfortable distance when you’re out in public together and he doesn’t feel the need to show you off like some others might, more affectionate with his words as your petname from him tends to slip out whether he intends it to or not. But in private there’s something about being cuddled up together that makes him feel at peace, arms solidly wrapped around you and refusing to let go unless one of you had something really important to do. There are some days where he comes home from work so exhausted all he wants to do is be held and to forget all the unfortunate things he’s gotten himself into.
Rio Mason Busujima
Rio goes back and forth but he’s always consistent with the fact he cares about you in his own way. He’s far better at taking care of your needs, like keeping you well fed and cleaning your clothes, compared to being physically affectionate just due to how awkward he is. He needs to be prompted to do anything even as simple as a hug and he’s always a gentleman, asking before he kisses or hugs you just to assure that’s what you want from him. It can be embarrassing how he always feels the need to call attention to it but Rio doesn’t like ‘reading between the lines’ preferring if you blatantly tell him what you want so he can be more efficient at fulfilling your needs.
Amemura Ramuda
Ramuda is more affectionate when he’s playing his ‘cutesy’ role out in public, constantly clinging to your side, showering your face in kisses (enjoying the jealous squeals of the other women at what a cute couple you were), and openly talking about all the things you did for him to Dice and Gentaro (also to make them jealous). Behind closed doors when he feels like he can act more himself he tends to like his space, enjoying being alone with his thoughts from time to time and given a moment to breathe even though it’s him trying to keep up this act. Granting him this space just leaves him ready to come curl up with you at night, mumbling sweet nothings and wondering how he’d managed to find someone this understanding.
Yumeno Gentaro
Gentaro is someone more independent, who doesn’t feel the need to see you every day and understands that adults have their own agendas to attend to. He can’t say he doesn’t miss you during these periods as being able to walk to a different part of the house that you’re relaxing in while he’s suffering from writers block just to exchange a few kisses can make a world of difference for his emotional state, but he doesn’t want to appear to reliant on you. But he loves quiet simple moments where you’re sitting on a couch watching a movie together, fingers interlaced as you turn to each other from time to time to offer up a comment.
Arisugawa Dice
Dice doesn’t notice that he’s constantly touching you or just incredibly close because he’s always been that way, even before you were dating; he just naturally finds himself drawn towards you and accepts that that’s where he’s supposed to be. He can be quite needy when you’re alone together, whining that he wants your attention if you’re too focused on some other task for a while, nudging you, leaning against you, doing anything he can to be a distraction to get the love he craves.
Jinguji Jakurai
Jakurai is awkward and bumbling with his affection, liking to brush hair out of your eyes or indulge in gentle touches, cupping your face, stroking your cheeks, showing his subtle doting care style. He wants to do so much more but he always talks himself out of it, worried it’ll be too much or that he’d be pushing some boundary that he didn’t know about. Openly communicating and letting him know he can, indeed, reach out to hold your hand or hug you from behind without having to ask permission first (situation permitting) will do wonders for the relationship and you’ll find Jakurai is actually far more affectionate than he’d originally shown.
Izanami Hifumi
Hifumi’s affection is a little more downplayed when he’s not in ‘host mode’ but not by much, his affection generally coming out more when he does things for you rather than physically (not that he’s lacking in that department either). Hifumi’s lovin’ can be quite sudden as he likes to come up from behind you suddenly, arms wrapping around your waist as he asks what you’re doing, sometimes even extending to him jumping on your bed to wake you up and ending up falling asleep with you again because of how comfortable it is to lay with you.
Kannonzaka Doppo
Doppo second-guesses himself a lot which stops him from doing some of the things he’d like to do but he tries to be affectionate, wanting to show you how you make him feel and also wanting to show he can be a good boyfriend (just in case you had doubts). He feels like he could probably do better, he could probably hold you or kiss you more, but you don’t seem unhappy with how things are. The easiest time for him to express his feelings for you are in the morning or at night after he’s finally home from work, so sleepy he doesn’t even care if he appears like a clingy nuisance, just wanting his daily dose of your love to help lull him to sleep.
Harai Kuko
Kuko isn’t the type to hold back so you can guarantee that if he wants to do something, he’s gonna do it. He’s been scolded before for just going for it instead of acting and he tries not to just go off his instinct, carefully reading the situation to see what might be most appropriate. He doesn’t think you should lie to him either and if you want him to back off some he won’t mind; he likes being left alone too and has his moods where he also doesn’t want to be touched, having no issue with telling you he wants to be left alone.
Aimono Jyushi
Jyushi really, truly, just wants to shower you with all the love he has in his heart for you (which is a lot) but he can’t always bring himself to act on it, instead using his dramatic words to let you know how highly he thinks of you. He likes the cuter shows of affection and always seems stunned that you want to kiss or hold his hand in public, tearing up as you’re holding hands and loving when you give him that reassuring squeeze that lets you know even if he cries a bit you’re not embarrassed to be there with him. It goes a long way with Jyushi to be able to act loving towards you in public and though he seems to make a mad dash out of your personal space after giving you a smooch, you can’t say you don’t love it.
Amaguni Hitoya
Hitoya values his own space, he likes to be left alone and at night he gets too hot to constantly be cuddled up with you, but he knows how to take care of you. Cuddling is probably his favorite thing to do and he doesn’t mind it when you pull him away from a heavy case momentarily, arms draped around his shoulders as he leans back against you with closed eyes, simply enjoying the closeness. He’s the type to just like when you’re near him, in the same house, not really minding if you’re doing separate activities.
Nurude Sasara
When you’re alone you and Sasara could practically morph into one being with how often he wants to just be close to you, even if his job is partially to blame; there are so many nights where he comes home and you’re already out cold, or you’re working when he’s finally got a day off, so he tries to make it count. He jokes all the time about being clingy but you hadn’t realized the joke had plenty of foundation in reality until you’d moved in with him. He’s not above backing off when you want space but it seems like he’s always in the mood to cuddle, jumping into action when you get into cuddle position without you even having to say a word.
Tsutsujimori Rosho
Rosho loves when you’re sitting next to him on the couch when you’re either watching something or he’s just reading and you sling your legs across his lap, showing how comfortable you truly were with him; he likes resting a hand on your knee (sometimes feeling spicy enough to get slightly further up your thigh) and just feeling you, knowing you’re there even if you’re not talking bringing him immense comfort. He can’t say he’d reject cuddling ever either but he prefers keeping it toned down in public where his students might see him, knowing how invested in his personal life the nosier ones can get even with something as simple as holding hands.
Amayado Rei
Rei’s affection level heavily depends on the relationship you have and how much you actually want out of him. If you’re the type who needs to be loved constantly, who wants to have him holding you at every moment, he can work with that just as much as someone who doesn’t want to be touched at all. He doesn’t have a personal preference and finds fulfillment in the relationship either way though he’s notably more affectionate when you’re his actual significant other compared to someone he considers just a fling or a friend with benefits.
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shinagawa-division · 3 years
Ritsuko’s Thoughts on 2nd Members
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Jiro Yamada
“Jiro Yamada, male, 17 years of age, known moniker is MC MB, part of the Ikebukuro Division and active member of rap group Buster Bros!!! with Leader older brother Ichiro Yamada and 3rd member younger brother Saburo Yamada. Specimen is quite headstrong but lacks intelligence, although, he seems to have caught the attention of my apprentice, Sumire. How interesting, perhaps monitoring will have to be conducted to see where this…relationship goes.”
Jyuto Iruma
“Jyuto Iruma, male, 29 years of age, known moniker is 45 Rabbit, part of the Yokohama Division and active member rap group MAD TRIGGER CREW with Leader Yakuza Samatoki Aohitsugi and 3rd member former Marine Rio Mason Busujima. Specimen seems more than willing to throw away his morals for the sake of his job but has a clear disdain for drugs, an interesting case but one of no importance to me.”
Gentaro Yumeno
“Gentaro Yumeno, male, 24 years of age, known moniker is Phantom, part of the Shibuya Division and active member of rap group Fling Posse with Leader Fashion Designer Ramuda Amemura and 3rd member avid gambler Dice Arisugawa. Specimen is an accomplish author and a compulsive lier, despite his appearance which personal opinion states is quite outdated, he is much more perceptive and has more than once come close to figuring out Amemura’s origins, monitoring is highly recommend to see if action will need to be taken.”
Hifumi Izanami
“Hifumi Izanami, male, 29 years of age, known moniker is GIGOLO, part of the Shinjuku Division and active member of rap group Matenrou with Leader Doctor Jakurai Jinguji and 3rd member Salaryman Doppo Kannonzaka. Specimen suffers from gynophobia -fear of women-yet owns a nightclub that caters almost exclusively to women but when wearing his suit jacket, his phobia seems nulled and is able to act freely. It’s quite amazing how the human mind works to condition itself.”
Rosho Tsutsujimori
“Rosho Tsutsujimori, male, 26 years of age, known moniker is WISDOM, part of the Osaka Division and active member of rap group Dotsuitare Hompo with Leader Comedian Sasara Nurude and 3rd member Rei Amayado. Specimen shows a strong personality in private but has difficulty speaking in front of groups of people larger than three.”
Jyushi Aimono
“Jyushi Aimono, male, 18 years of age, known moniker is 14th Moon, part of the Nagoya Division and active member of rap group Bad Ass Temple with Leader Monk Kuko Harai and 3rd member Lawyer Hitoya Amaguni. Specimen hides his habit of crying frequently behind a grandiose persona, nothing particularly fascinating.”
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Omg Cain would you mind expanding on that au and saying what you think the boys' ultimate talents would be? The easy answer is whatever their canon job is but I thought it was worth asking shhsbsjx
tbh, yes, I actually thought about their Ultimate talents but I didn’t add it to the post bc they were all too obvious. LMAO But let’s see if I can come up with something different from their jobs.
Ichiro - Ultimate Yorozuya or Ultimate Big BroJiro - Ultimate DelinquentSaburo - Ultimate Board Games PlayerSamatoki - Ultimate Bad Boy YakuzaJyuto - Ultimate CopRio - Ultimate Navy or Ultimate Survivor (V3 SPOILER: and, we could add something like Amami in V3, and make Rio an actual survivor of a past DR game)Ramuda - Ultimate Fashion Designer or Ultimate Gremlin Gentaro - Ultimate Novelist or even Ultimate Storyteller since he lies/tells a lot of stories, not only through writingDice - Ultimate GamblerJakurai - Ultimate Doctor at first, but later it’s revealed he’s the Ultimate Hitman or, like Maki, Ultimate AssassinDoppo - Ultimate Office Worker? LMAOHifumi - Ultimate HostSasara - Ultimate Comedian or Ultimate ClownRosho - Ultimate TeacherRei - Ultimate Pimp ConmanKuko - Ultimate MonkJyushi - Ultimate VK Musician (ngl I wish there was one of these in DR bc I love jrock/visual kei)Hitoya - Ultimate Lawyer
Now that I think about this, Hitoya could actually have an interesting role in the trials as a lawyer. And Jyuto, being a cop, would definitely help in the investigations, and maybe he could end up being a target since he’s used to investigations and having him killed would make it easier for the killer to hide.
Honestly, there are so many possibilities!!
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hypnomicimagines · 4 years
⭐Fluff Alphabet: B⭐
B – Before (How did they act before the relationship/what was the relationship like?)
Yamada Ichiro
You and Ichiro had been friends since he was in the orphanage, someone he’d always confided his worries in and who’d been there for him through a lot of the troubles he faced in life. You were someone he was always fond of and might’ve had a bit of ‘love at first sight’ with but he never acted on it as he was just too busy taking care of his brothers to worry about a relationship. You’d been close, practically family, for a long time before he finally knew he had to stop denying how he really felt and ask you out (hoping you’d feel the same so your relationship wouldn’t have to be awkward).
Yamada Jiro:
Jiro had seen you here and there, thought you were cute, but had never really thought too much about it. He had trouble talking to you and couldn’t think of any common topics at first so he felt the relationship was just doomed to fail but it didn’t mean you didn’t invade his dreams constantly to the point his crush on you persisted even after the two of you had stopped talking. He’s flustered when you suddenly pop up in his life and make the extra effort to get to know him, not letting him chicken out like he did before; he can’t help but match your energy, hoping that maybe fate is what had intervened and brought you back into his life.
Yamada Saburo
Your friendship with Saburo was almost exclusively online for a bit as you helped him help Ichiro out a few times with hunting down things on the internet, sometimes teasing him that he only ever came to you when he needed help. He was too nervous to ask to meet you in person and when he finally did to get a particularly sensitive piece of information, he wished that your relationship had just stayed online. What Saburo felt for you was too complicated for him to put into words as he feels like perhaps it was just his deep admiration for your intelligence and skills that made him feel the way he did about you but in the end, he was quickly figured out what he was actually feeling.  
Aohitsugi Samatoki
You weren’t even sure Samatoki liked you as a person considering how hostile he seemed to be, ignoring all your teasing (and especially you’re flirting) to keep business moving along. Yet, he always stopped to talk to you whenever he spotted you even if he acted like you were the single most annoying person he’d ever met and he seemed to take personal offense if someone unintentionally looked at you wrong. Even though your teasing does make him roll his eyes he doesn’t mind it that much as it’s clear you’re not actually making fun of him and sometimes, you can be funny even if he won’t admit it out loud. You’re the type of person he naturally feels like he has to protect which is where his fondness was born from and how his feelings for you ended up escalating to what they were now.
Iruma Jyuto
Jyuto was always polite but you couldn’t help but feel he kept you at a comfortable distance, never getting too personal and keeping most of his life to himself; he did have a deep distaste of when others pointed out his shady behavior in front of you, trying to keep his image as ‘clean’ as he could but knowing it’d all come to light eventually. You can tell Jyuto puts a little extra effort into how he looks when he knows you’ll be around and you enjoy seeing the man preen for you, suspecting it’s not something he did for others very often even if he was rather well put together normally.
Rio Mason Busujima
Rio was a friendly face that popped into your life every now and again, with you knowing he was someone you could lean on or unload your troubles on without much judgment coming your way. You found yourself making your way to his little campsite more as you grew more attached to his company, knowing he liked it when he could cook and take care of others. Rio was always polite and never brought up touchy subjects, but once he’d become part of the rap battles, you’d started to worry about him a little more and made the extra effort to check in on him. Rio noticed your worry for him and felt guilty about making you worry but he’d faced tough opponents before so he had no intention of backing down, simply thanking you and letting you know your care for him was appreciated.
Amemura Ramuda
Ramuda flirted with any cute person that came in his path and you were no different, putting an extra bit of attention on you; he bothered you at work, when you were out with friends, he seemed to have a constant radar that detected where you were at all times. You saw him as a lovable nuisance for the most part but rejecting his flirting, sometimes giving in but not entirely in the way he wanted, made him want you even more. Treating him like a person and not just a sex object certainly goes a long way to making Ramuda see you as a little something more and once his feelings for you are solidified in his heart, he cools it with his flirting (but not with his clinginess).
Yumeno Gentaro
You wished you knew what you were to Gentaro but he seemed to purposely keep you in the dark about that, consistently telling others you were his sister, his cousin, an acquaintance, a fair-weather friend- even you were confused about what your relationship actually was up until you confronted him about it. His lies were annoying to deal with and you wondered if you really wanted to suffer with not knowing what the truth was your entire life but you enjoyed his company enough that you were willing to overlook the glaring character flaw. He made up for it with a cute confession at least.
Arisugawa Dice
You felt like Dice’s parent most of the time as you offered him a safe place to stay and food to survive, with him always quite thankful that you take care of him, enough that he even helps around the house every once in a while. He’s fiercely protective of you because of this friendship and he’s a naturally loyal person, always looking out for your well-being and trying to not overstay his welcome. He finds he simply likes being around you which is why you’re his first choice for whenever he needs a place to stay.
Jinguji Jakurai
Jakurai’s true friends were few a far in-between not just because of his current job (or his former one) but because he was always busy doing this or that, especially now that he had his own Hypnosis Mic. So the fact that he even made time to see you, getting lunch or simply meeting in the park to catch up, meant you were someone who was very special to the hardworking doctor. He called you every now and again to check in that you were doing well despite the fact you crossed his mind daily, worried about pulling you into his dangerous life but also craving the intimacy of having a deeper relationship with you.
Izanami Hifumi
You rarely, if ever, saw Hifumi outside the club and when you did he was always wearing his jacket which made you think he was constantly at work; it threw you off as you wondered if he just saw you as a customer or if he thought of you as a genuine friend. He makes the effort to see you outside of work more when you bring the subject up but he can’t entirely abandon his coat if you identify as female, slowly getting more comfortable with the idea until one day he shows up jacket free. You don’t know what it means but he seems quite proud, a bit jumpier than normal, but still overly excited to see you.
Kannonzaka Doppo  
The two of you had bonded over an office dinner that neither of you had wanted to attend, Doppo confiding in you his misery while you giggled at how far down the rabbit hole his self-deprecation could get. When you told him you enjoyed his company more than anyone else at works it was like an arrow to the heart and even if it was foolish, Doppo could at least get lost in the thought of actually having a significant other. Work seemed a little bit brighter when you were there and he’d even taken up to having lunch with you (when he didn’t have to work through it).
Harai Kuko
Kuko, after very blatantly checking you out and even offering up a compliment, begins a conversation that truly goes down in history as one of the funniest things in your life. You’d never suspected he’d be a monk due to his overall appearance and attitude but you find he’s quite insightful, a good friend to have by your side when life got tough. Reaching out to him for advice feels natural at this point and you’d even gone to the temple a few times to bother him on your off days, with Kuko shirking his duties from time to time to visit you in return. It wasn’t any surprise that the two of you ended up dating as anyone who saw you interact would see it coming from a mile away.
Aimono Jyushi
Jyushi had admired you from afar for a long time, having known you since middle school but never feeling confident enough to approach you despite the things you had in common. You had always been friendly to him and had seemed quite guilty that you couldn’t protect him from his bullies, even profusely apologizing once you met again after graduation. He held nothing against you and from that point on you seemed to have an easy time talking with him, checking in on him, attending his concerts, doing everything you could to support him when he needed you to. His crush came back full force even as an adult and it left him even more determined to leave behind his crybaby status as you deserved someone who could stand up for you without shedding a tear.
Amaguni Hitoya
Hitoya had plenty of people come and go in life but even after that first chance meeting with you, he couldn’t get you out of his head; for an old man to fall so hard felt a little pathetic on his part but he just continued on with life as normal. He treated you like he would anyone else, looking out for you when he could, taking you out for dinner and drinks when he had a free weekend, normal adult things that you’d do with adult friends (the place where he desperately tried to keep you despite his romantic interest). He valued your friendship highly and considers you someone he can trust with his life.
Nurude Sasara
You were friends before he rose to fame and though you’d fallen out of touch after he started to grow busier, he could always pick your face out of the crowd when he performed; he’d make an effort to find you after shows but you always seemed to disappear or he’d get sidetracked, but when he did manage to find you he always took you out to catch up. He feels a connection and understanding with you even if you constantly shoot down his puns as unfunny and there’s a certain relief he has at being around you, knowing he could be himself without fear of you calling him annoying or overwhelming.
Tsutsujimori Rosho
You were the friend of a friend, someone connected to Sasara who he hadn’t really had any interaction with aside from in a group setting. He thought you were nice enough but he never read too deeply into it until he found himself talking to you alone, finding you were a bit of a different person when not around your own friends (not that he could blame you for that). Your relationship is still distant but friendly for a long time, with Rosho always being pleasantly surprised when you popped up while he was out with Sasara, the teasing from his longtime friend being the first clue that maybe he felt a little something more for you than friendship.
Amayado Rei
Rei is always out and about, never minding his own business, so it’s no surprised you ended up meeting him at a bar where he was seemingly gathering information from. You hadn’t thought much of him when he bought you a drink but he had his own charm to him, especially with how he didn’t bullshit what he wanted out of you (at first). Your relationship had always been a rocky one as it was far too easy to argue with the cocky man but he always seemed to warn you when danger was around the corner and came to you when interesting things were happening around town, claiming it was simply more info gathering though you suspected he wanted something else (which, to be fair, you were also wrong about as you hadn’t thought he of all people would be romantically interested in you in a thousand years).
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
Day 19 Bonus: Buster Bros!!! vs Dotsutaire Honpo
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I’m gonna start with the music this time because just writing like one of the story/character bit...was taking a while. So in terms of music...I have to give it over to the Buster Bros. With their individual albums, it just got so much better for the Buster Bros as they’re becoming more distinct with their personality in their sound. Like Break the Wall is one of my top solos and y’all just unfortunate that Saburo used like one of the classical pieces I thought fucking slapped even before he messed with it. And I’m so happy for them. 
DH has a bit of a disadvantage of being a new group and thus having less to compare. But so far....eh. I think DH is very hit or miss for me. Like Matenrou, they have such differing talents and subject matters that it either turns into a strange symphony or some mishmash that just makes it eh. Which is generally my feeling with their group songs as I really love Ah, Osaka Dreaming Night but I am not impressed with Wara Osaka. And I am okay with their solo songs but to be fair to them, a lot of the songs I prefer for the already established group was their second solo, not the first, which is their introductory ones. 
As for Joy for Struggle, yeah, Buster Bros took that for me. DH I get is supposed to be more carefree than a lot of the other teams that are a bit more serious but I think that attitude really bit them in the ass for this battle. And BB did not have time to be playing around. I thought Saburo had more confidence this time and let that truly nasty attitude leave some spikes behind. Saburo really was like ‘How many times we gotta teach you this lesson, old man?!’ Jiro actually had some good retorts! I’m so sorry, I love him I swear but he had so much to grow in terms of coming with bite and it’s starting to show! The chihuahua vs tiger comparison! And while I do appreciate that Rosho and Sasara stay true in their manzai act...it really just didn’t land for me in the battle and Jiro and Saburo were quick to gnaw at it. 
And then...there’s the verse against Ichiro. I won’t say they stick with me as well as War War War but quite frankly Ichiro vs Sasara and later Rei are more of a battle of ideals. And to me, Ichiro poured more into his than those two. Because Rei’s were just belittling the boys because they’re younger and like they went down some wrong path. Both Saburo and Ichiro weren’t having any of that. Like who the fuck are you to step in and tell us off? At least MTC were more of like ‘come back when you’re more polished.’ And with Sasara, I think Ichiro delivered the line that is my entire thing with this battle: ‘Floaty words like that won’t sting us at all.’ I feel like DH lacked enough bite against BB and it shows. The only real bite back is from Rei and even he doesn’t seem to have that much that actually phased BB in my opinion. 
In terms of story/character wise...it’s really hard to make a decision. Because for all the teams, it’s really a matter of the dynamics against the others. And DH have it so stacked for them just because of Rei. Sure, I may not like him but he is very interesting in terms of being a vehicle for developments to happen. He seems to know a lot of things and people so he becomes such a presence that could tempt so many things into happening. Like if it was DH vs FP, he knows the fuck about Ramuda! He fucking made him! And I have little doubt it was him on the phone with Ramuda in Catch Us If You Can drama track. And at the end of the previous DRB...at least what sticks out in my mind and I may have to double check but I think he mentioned some interest in Ramuda after telling about how the true hypnosis mic being used would’ve shot Chuuoku in the foot. Also added to that, Rei likely knows Gentaro. For what reason? We don’t quite know but it can be assumed it’s because he’s doing something for Gentaro. Either looking into Ramuda since the ‘legal’ way wasn’t reaping anything or if Gentaro is hiding something, then Rei might be helping him hide it. Also also, Rei is one of the few rappers that know who Dice is! He and Otome were talking about their kids! That’s HUGE since Dice hasn’t told anyone about this aspect of his life. Rei alone would make such a juggernaut for FP.
I honestly can’t think of anything for DH vs BAT, sorry. They don’t seem to have any history besides Kuko and Sasara both being in MCD for a time...but I don’t recall that time really being elaborated on soooooo yeah.
If it were DH vs MTC, that’s more of a dynamic between Sasara and Samatoki. Which I think would be the time to figure things out between them. Because Samatoki was left with why and never got an answer. And seeing him again, Sasara can’t run away. He can try but pretty sure that Samatoki could outrun him. It also would be a time of like Sasara’s dynamic between the two men that have been his partners, Samatoki and Rosho. The people that were close to Sasara and whom he feels the most towards. I honestly can’t think of much else besides that but I’m sure KR will find a way to have the guys piss each other off. I’m just here for SamaSasa and SasaRo shenanigans. (I guess we could see if Rio does know Rei since in theory he SHOULD know who he is since it sounds like the hypmic was in development when Rio was serving and he tested some aspect of it).
I think DH vs MTR would be kinda funny. Like for some reason I think that Sasara and Rosho would get really fucking mad at how Hifumi and Doppo just naturally have that manzai energy by virtue of being best friends and roommates. I have personal experience of people being like ‘this IS a show’ of just watching and listening to me and my best friend and roommate just going back and forth. I feel like it’d just be so damn funny if it was over something not as serious I guess? But then that’d all be ruined because I feel like Rei would either expose to Hifumi and Doppo of Jakurai’s cooperation with Chuuoku, which while they don’t have any personal reason to really hate Chuuoku, wouldn’t feel comfortable with it either. Or. OR, my god, let him expose Jakurai’s assassin past, something he seems to feel nothing but shame for and also ruining his perfect image. Because Rei just seems like he’d be willing to do that. 
So yeah, a lot of drama that could happen because of frickin’ Rei and some loose ends to deal with from Sasara. By comparison, BB has some things but they wouldn’t be as dire as DH’s. Like with BB vs BAT, this could be the chance for Ichiro to get his answers from Kuko. He never got an answer either. He was left with heartbreak and never given the why. And Kuko either has rationalized or will be in for a rude awakening having to go head on with Ichiro. Because they were close. Kuko had to care about Ichiro in some capacity to willingly help some group he knew was sketch and didn’t like. Why did that change? He had to have meditated on this at some point! Meanwhile, I really hope that Jiro and Jyushi and Kuko can get along if the reconciliation with Ichiro doesn’t happen! They’d be such an eclectic group but would be so much trouble too! (And please let Jiro and Jyushi play together. Ever since someone wrote about it, it lives in my head rent free) I really am hoping for it. All the while, Hitoya is like ‘shit, now I gotta adopt MORE kids. Why are there so many of these little shits running around without supervision???’ 
I can’t think of much for BB vs FP since I just don’t see their circles running that close and it just didn’t feel like Ichiro was close to Ramuda even back with TDD. Most I can think of is Jiro, who is also pretty thoughtless, saying the wrong thing to Gentaro and it’s The Rivalry 2.0. But overall can’t think of anything too specific. 
It’d hurt me if it was BB vs MTR. Because for some reason I see that most of MTR treat the BB like their little siblings and in Jakurai’s case, it’s like going to go fight his kids (I will go down on the hill of occasional dadkurai shenanigans!). And while Saburo and Jiro have and still do make fun of Doppo, I think he also has their respect because he looks out for them in a different way but still same energy as Ichiro does. Probably because he is an older brother. I don’t really think any of the guys can say anything to bother Hifumi and it’s more of Hifumi being fucking thoughtless and saying the wrong thing. I feel like he’d piss off Saburo somehow. And with Jakurai and Ichiro...it’s a ‘nothing personal, just business’ although I think Jakurai would be proud of Ichiro either way.
And then there’s just rematch energy if it’s BB vs MTC. Honestly? The real thing I would love to see from if this happened is for Jiro and Saburo to have a reevaluation of MTC. Because the main reason they were so aggressive and hostile towards them is because of Ichiro’s grudge with Samatoki. They just took it as ‘if they’re Ichi-nii’s enemy, they’re our enemy.’ But since they’re taking this step of coming on their own, they also need to think about if they can still dislike these guys because Ichiro’s beef isn’t theirs. I mean, Jiro probably still doesn’t like Jyuto because he’s a delinquent and fuck cops y’know sorta rebelliousness. And I don’t think Saburo particularly dislikes Rio and vice versa. The thing with Ichiro and Samatoki is honestly secondary to this. And I feel would be the time for Samatoki to let go since he KNOWS now that it wasn’t Ichiro that got Nemu to leave but Ramuda but it’s a matter of if his pride would allow him. And Ichiro would have to realize that while he lost their fight...he won in the end since he’s the one that kept his brothers while Samatoki lost Nemu. He’s gotta feel for him and understand why Samatoki was/is mad at him. (Also long shot but if they could talk about how Samatoki also exacerbated his hesitance to trust others, that’d be greeeeaaattttt).
So yeah, I’ve thought about how these dynamics and things and you’d think weighing them all would make this choice easy. And it is. In a way. Because for me, I’d choose Buster Bros. I do like Sasara a lot and Rosho I think is fine but their third really sours for me. I know some can keep that bias aside and look, I did talk about what all he can do...but he alone can’t carry the sound for the team. Story, sure, but not the music. While I really would like some of the threads that Rei brings...it’s not completely impossible for him to still be around if any of the other teams do advance. I mean, they’re all the only men stuck in Chuuoku for the time of the DRB and having to pass each other while going to their own rooms or box seating. He has ways. So yeah, if I had voted on DH vs BB, this is what I would’ve gone with.
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