#rip koyomi though
notoneglance · 1 year
Dang I figured Fueki's arc was wrapping up enough that Sora would be the final villain, but I didn't expect Sora to kill Fueki like that much less Koyomi
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sinkableruby · 2 years
do you think any of the other characters from Monogatari would be able to beat Ougi in a bmx race, and which of them do you think would cheat in the most interesting manner while trying?
KALKDFALKFDA i love how you phrased it like it's already understood that people would have to cheat to do it
ok the objectively correct but also boring answer is tsukihi. but shes a shoo-in so i dont wanna talk about her. she doesnt count she's unbeatable! realistically, if ougi were to be doing a bmx race and be faced with her, they would simply Not Race lol
ok first i will talk about the people who wouldn't cheat. (spoilers up to nademonogatari under the cut meaning nademonogatari is included)
kanbaru would not cheat she would want to do it fair and square. she would train for the occasion but she doesnt know how to ride a bike (semi canonically? idk how canonical the audio commentaries are) so she’d probably struggle, and even though she’s athletic i can’t imagine she’d win or get close to it (rip). karen would have the best chances of winning legitimately. i’d imagine she probably knows how to ride a bike bc shes got easy access since koyomi is always riding them. and her level of fitness is absolutely insane, so she could pull it off. but ougi has lots of bicycle experience, and does like tricks and stuff for it. and they can do crazy stunts without worrying about damage to the user. so its a toss up here, but karen could win. hanekawa would not win. ougi would not allow it, their pride would not allow it. hanekawa would try to win, as part of her rivalry with them. but ougi would probably rather die than allow her to win especially when it concerns a hobby of theirs so they dont its as simple as that. i dont think hanekawa would be too much of a challenge, but she’s very powerful and unpredictable so ougi would take no chances. eliminate with extreme prejudice. now for the last of the non-cheaters, koyomi (surprisingly). dont get me wrong he would absolutely cheat against like at least half of the other cast if he felt like he couldn’t win easily or if he started losing. but he would be way too terrified to cheat against ougi. and there’s absolutely no way he wins against ougi without cheating, i mean come on. ougi can do cool little tricks and knows all his weaknesses. i think he would keep up decently at first but ultimately be completely destroyed near the end of the race.
ok now for the cheaters 😈 (spoilers: none of them could win)
nadeko would cheat here because she would know that she has no chance of winning whatsoever if she doesnt, and she doesnt really like ougi all that much so she doesnt feel too bad about it. now the WAY she decides to cheat varies. nadeko would much rather rely on her own abilities instead of asking yotsugi or tsukihi for help, so she might draw a shikigami of anti-nadeko (or a more cooperative version with the same strength) to throw/boost her instead, which you could argue is technically not cheating because its still her own power moving the bmx. senjougahara really cheats? no dignity! she would act like shes gonna do it fair and square and then totally shamelessly cheat bc she doesnt think she can win at all. i think she would race normally, and then once ougi got far ahead enough she would try to cut ahead by going off the tracks and taking a shortcut. i think i can picture a universe where sodachi cheats so heres what she’d do. and she’s probably the most creative one about it. i think, given her penchant for careful and precise planning, she would add obstacles to the course. its hard to do and it would take a while, but its also hard to check for if you do it right. she wouldnt even necessarily have to buy materials either, assuming the race doesnt happen somewhere built for the purpose of bicycle racing. she could just move stuff from the general terrain around the course to make it look like it was something that happened by accident, while having knowledge of where the traps were and how to get past them. think like moving around rocks and boulders, small logs and dirt piles and stuff like that. stuff that could put the bicycle off balance, or would require slowing down or rerouting, especially stuff that looks deceptively harmless. shinobu would cheat, but not intentionally, she just has no interest in the rules and doesnt intend to learn what they are. so the moment the race starts, in order to “get to the goal the fastest” she goes off track. yotsugi ABSOLUTELY cheats, but probably not in an interesting way. she just uses unlimited rulebook to boost her bike into the air. i think she potentially maybe could use it to just speed up, but i think she wouldnt have the patience for that at all and would rather just skip the whole race asap. mayoi is unable to ride the bmx. she just isn’t good at it. she’s small and its kinda big and unwieldy so its just hard to do. i think her cheat would be the kind of cheat that doesnt really have much practical chance of succeeding long term, like tying her bmx to ougi’s so she can get pulled along. i think she’d try to frame it as like a cooperative thing like let’s get to the finish line together type deal. but i cant see her having the heart to actually betray someone right at the finish line, so she would just lose. she probably wouldnt care that much anyway
but the reason why not just hachikuji but none of the cheaters would have a chance at winning is because while ougi could potentially be miffed at losing, there’s no way they’d let a cheater slip by. and they’d have a lot of fun catching the cheats and working around them. they would examine for possible cheats based on the opponent and prepare countermeasures far in advance-- all in all, cheating is bad against ougi because its like when you pirate a game and the final boss becomes impossible to beat on your copy. youre ramping up the difficulty to such an extreme level that its better to just do it legit. ougi’s ability and desire to win probably increases exponentially if their opponent is cheating, as well as their enjoyment of the race.
here’s how they would deploy the countermeasures:
ougi would definitely anticipate the shikigami move and have some countermeasures in mind. i imagine they might try to convince anti-nadeko she’s being used for a silly purpose (she is) and make her not want to help, OR the much more Fun way they would go to the drawing in the notebook right before nadeko brings it to life and erase the arms without nadeko noticing. so it has no arms and can’t help her. oops! senjougahara’s move... it’s just kinda silly. i think it’s too silly for ougi to prepare anything really crazy. if anything they prolly just pick to do the race at a time + place where the shortcuts aren’t actually helpful at all. like construction blocking the way, rocky terrain, that sort of thing. and then they’d just do the race and win normally sodachi’s planning is her own downfall as usual :( ougi is very cool and just uses the added obstacles as like ramps and shit. and uses the ramps to go over harder obstacles, or just fucking lifts the bmx up somehow like in otorimongatari. and sodachi just doesnt have that kinda technical prowess, or the ability to predict that someone would be able to do that (which is reasonable). rip as for shinobu, she’s instantly disqualified so ougi just goes off track with her for the hell of it (and wins anyway, of course) yotsugi’s impatience gets the best of her here-- she’d have had a lot easier time if she had just tried to speed herself up, but by attempting a leap she leaves herself wayy more open to counterattacks. i think ougi would choose the most slapstick way of going about this so i’d imagine that, understanding that unlimited rulebook involves a lot of explosive force, they would bring a slingshot to the race. and they’d wait till yotsugi tried to use the rulebook and then with one perfectly placed projectile, knock yotsugi’s foot to the side juuust so, so that the angle of the leap is altered, and she goes careening away at high speed. teehee shouldnt have cheated! of course yotsugi would be fine even after a crash bc shes a doll, so its okay to go for more dangerous counterattacks in ougi’s mind. for hachikuji, she wouldnt have the opportunity to not betray ougi bc she wouldnt get to the finish line tow truck/three legged race style in the first place. she would be like “lets get there together” and ougi would just pull out a pair of scissors and be like “nope ✂” even though they know she probably wouldnt even try to win. they are just devious like that
so yeah none of the cheaters would win. ougi would want more of them to cheat so they could win anyway and have fun with it. like ooh youre cheating now i can be evil. honestly same
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moonstruck-writing · 3 years
Pairing: Reki Kyan x f!reader | Sk8 the Infinity Rating: Teen C/W: fluff, established relationship, PDA Summary: You go to a restaurant with Reki’s family and his sisters monopolise all your attention. Reki wants you to himself, though. Word count: 829 A/N: I had a dream that kinda went like this so I needed to get it out of my system. This is the first time I write Reki (and for SK8!)~ I hope you enjoy this!!
“The check, please.” Reki’s mum gestures to the waiter. You look at Reki, who smiles at you from across the table. You feel like this is the first time you’ve looked at him during the whole lunch.
You’re really glad his family are accepting of you, but sometimes you wish his little sisters loved you a little less. You had hoped maybe you could sit down next to Reki and hold hands every now and then, but they had other plans for you. You’re still sandwiched between Chihiro and Nanaka, and they’ve been constantly demanding your attention.
“Onee-san, look…!” One of them tugs at your sleeve, making you look away from Reki and refocus your attention on what they want.
Soon enough, Reki’s mum pays and you’re all ready to leave.
“Girls, do you need to go to the bathroom?” She leans down to straighten their clothes a bit.
“Mmm…I’m not sure, but I’ll go if Onee-san goes!” One of them mumbles. Koyomi, the oldest one, laughs.
“Now, lunch is over. You’ve had her all to yourselves, it’s Reki’s turn now!” She takes their hands as if to show them she’s serious.
Hearing his mum saying that makes you embarrassed. It even sounds like you’re some toy they’re fighting over.
“Mum, you don’t need to say those things. Besides, she should be the one choosing, not any of us.” Reki readjusts his headband and looks at you.
“We can… go ahead and wait for all of you outside the restaurant,” you suggest. Before anyone can complain, Reki’s mum urges her daughters further inside the restaurant. You start walking towards the entrance, followed by Reki.
“We can go through that door.” You turn to him and see he’s pointing towards a smaller side entrance, just to the right of where you were headed. You doubt whether that’s actually open because everyone seems to be using the main doors. When you push, the side door opens, and you start going down the stairs.
“Wait, just-,” Reki calls from behind you, making you stop right in the middle of the stairs. Before you can turn to him to see what’s the matter, he envelops you in a big hug from behind.
“Just for a bit, okay?” He wraps his arms around you a bit tighter and leans his chin on your shoulder. Grabbing his forearms, you relax into his touch for a few moments. Then, some noise startles you and you realise you’re probably visible from the restaurant.
“Reki? Your family will see us…”
“I don’t want to let go yet.” He whispers into your ear, and you feel weak in the knees. “Plus, it’ll be a while until they come out.”
“Let’s sit down at least.” He lets go of you momentarily and you both sit down on the stairs, with you between his legs. He quickly pulls you back into his chest, hugging you tightly. There, enclosed by his arms and legs, you feel warm and protected.
You start fiddling with Reki’s ripped black jeans, pulling at the frayed fabric, and caressing very gently the exposed skin. You can see the faint colour that indicates he is bruising.
“I love you so much,” he whispers and nuzzles his nose in your neck, breathing you. You hug the arms that are holding you.
“I love you too, Reki.” You feel him raising his head from its spot on your shoulder and turn to look at him. He places a gentle kiss on your lips that makes you smile. You press against him again, deepening the kiss. Your tongues find each other, and you bask in the familiarity of this intimate moment.
You hear some voices from the main entrance to the restaurant.
“Huh, where are Onee-san and Onii-chan?”
You’re glad the bushes that decorate de entrance separate and hide you from their sight.
“We should go, Reki.” You whisper, tapping his arms.
“No,” he whines. “They’ll want to bring you home and show you their rooms and toys.”
“But you can have me all to yourself afterwards?” You smile at him.
“Promise?” His voice sounds so serious it makes you giggle. “Otherwise, I’ll abduct you and lock you down in my room.”
“Your room doesn’t have a lock, though?”
“I’ll lock you in my arms then.”
He presses a kiss to your temple and loosens his grip on you.
When you go meet his family at the main entrance, his sisters run to you.
“Onee-san, let’s hold hands!”
“Sorry girls,” you say and show them your fingers are already interlocked with Reki. That doesn’t stop them from wanting to hold hands, so both you and Reki end up with a sister each, clinging to your free hands.
Reki’s mum is walking ahead with Koyomi and you wonder if, perhaps, this is what building a family with him would feel like. Reki and his little sister squeeze your hands at the same time, and your heart is filled with joy.
Interactions and feedback are always highly appreciated <3
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Content belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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sk8thereki · 3 years
A little drabble for Reki's birthday: A Night to Remember
Words: 1674
Summary: Reki had been alone on his birthday for as long as he could remember, his old friend being the only one who cared to remember other than his own family. This year, however, was different but not in a way Reki had expected.
Birthday celebrations had never been on the forefront of Reki's mind, with him not being one to care about his own birthday, so having to be reminded by his mother that ‘today’s the day’ upon waking up wasn't unusual for him. He knew she meant well by surprising him with a slice of cake and a kiss on the forehead, but he just couldn't find it within himself to be excited. He was happy to celebrate anyone else's birthday but his own, why? Because it reminded Reki of the bitterness of being alone. He'd always spent his birthdays with his best friend, always skating all over Okinawa and enjoying their time together, basking in their friendship and ignoring all else. They would both celebrate at the Kyan household and then go over to his house to celebrate before travelling to the skatepark and having their own little party. Just the two of them. Now Reki was alone. His mind, however, reminded him of his friends, of Langa, of Miya and of the adults they all hung out with, but he reminded himself that he hadn't told any of them that his birthday was coming up and frankly he didn't care to. Reki would rather find himself losing a beef than facing his own birthday.
Brushing off his mother with a smile and sending her out the room with a thank you, Reki set aside his slice of cake and set to getting up. His expression was anything but happy as his eyes held an emptiness within them and his smile upon waking up was all but vanished and had been replaced with a frown. He tugged his clothes on sluggishly and trudged out his door, closing it a bit forcefully and rattling the shelves and boards mounted onto his wall, he was sure something had fallen off but didn’t remember to check. He didn't care to note Koyomi's judging stare as he walked past her bedroom looking akin to an office worker who just ended a nine-hour shift. She didn't dare bother to ask about his weird demeanour, as yesterday he was acting weird too, so she just figured it was just not her problem and left him to it. It wasn't long before Reki was off on his way to school, riding along on his skateboard with his bag heavy on his back.
Reki skated past his and Langa's meeting spot, too absorbed in his own thoughts to pay notice to the fact that he wasn't there. Reki didn't want to assume the worst as his life had been better recently, but Langa wasn't even around at all the day before; wasn't at school and definitely wasn't anywhere else. Reki had made sure to visit Langa's house to see if he was there only to be waved off by Nanako, Langa's mother, as she said he's off on his own business. He'd hid his disappointment and looked elsewhere, being told by both Cherry and Joe that he hadn't been around them either. It was like he'd vanished off the face of the Earth! Either that, or just didn't want Reki around him, but Reki shook that thought off as soon as it'd come into his head. Langa disappearing the day before his birthday only made him more bitter about the fact that he was alone today, his hopes dashed and crushed. The universe always seemed to be against him in some way and always made an effort to show that, and this time it was the fact that after all this time he finally had a friend to celebrate with who just happened to have disappeared right before it. Typical. With a sigh, Reki continued to school, finding that Langa (again) wasn’t attending. Reki was bitterly reminded why he didn’t like celebrating his birthday.
School started and finished with nothing interesting happening, no one even looked Reki’s way or even knew that it was his birthday which Reki was internally thankful for – he just wanted the day to be over so he can go back to enjoying himself. Without even realising, it wasn’t just school that had passed, but the day as well. He paid no mind to his family who tried to celebrate with him and numbly opened any presents he received. He couldn’t even enjoy the irony of receiving new skater gloves that were mistakenly made blue instead of his trademark red. Langa would have smiled at that, Reki mused, a small smile making its way onto his face. Langa. The thought of him dimmed Reki’s sudden happiness and brought him right back down to his saddened self as a question weighed heavy on Reki’s mind ‘Where was he?’
Reki soon found himself in his room and away from his family, away from their happiness and away from everything that should’ve made him happy, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that this is the birthday that could have been different. Anger boiled deep within Reki as he picked up a stray skateboard wheel (was that what had fallen from his shelf that morning?) and threw it in the direction of his desk. Reki grit his teeth and forced himself to calm down, he didn’t want to have an outburst until after the day was over, he owed himself that much. It turns out he didn’t even need to make the effort to calm himself as he found his window open with a small white envelope laid neatly atop his windowsill that did it for him. Driven on impulse, Reki rushed over to his window and practically ripped open the envelope to get to the letter inside, his eyes wide and intrigued.
The letter read: ‘Reki, meet us please at S as soon as you see this, there’s a surprise there waiting for you.’
Instantly, Reki knew it was from Langa simply because of the horrendous handwriting. Stifling a laugh, Reki grabbed a spare board from his floor, opened his window up wide, skated down the ramp he’d made himself long ago and skated off into the night. Reki knew exactly where to go and which route to take after spending night after night travelling to the same secluded spot, but this time felt different. Not the type of different where it was obvious, but just different in the fact that the ‘S’ had been shut down after the tournament was held, it wasn’t to come back, so why was he invited there? Why did Langa want to meet him there after they’d already had their own beef? Reki didn’t want to dwell on it, not tonight, he’d only hoped that Langa would explain why he disappeared and why after the time they spent apart did he want to meet at night at ‘S’.
When he got there, he did not expect to be hit with five different confetti cannons at once followed by a chorus of ‘SURPRISE!’, nor did he expect himself to fall off his board straight after. So, he lay there on the ground shellshocked and blinded by the spotlights that somehow turned on? How had he not noticed the sudden light? Sitting himself up, he turned his head to see his group of friends all standing around a table decorated with foods, decorations, flowers and, of course, confetti. He shook some confetti out of his hair and stood up, a big smile on his face. Of course, his friends would pull a stunt like this and hide it from him, how could he think any different from them? Just looking at the table they’re around he can tell that the food on it had been made by Joe, the flowers brought by Shadow and the decorations by Miya. The lighting, he knew, had to be done by Cherry, who else is that good with technology that can pull off such a stunt? But that’s those five accounted for, so where was Langa? Just as he was asking himself this, a presence quickly approached him from behind and engulfed him in a hug, pulling him against their chest and resting their head on his shoulder. Reki didn’t need to look or guess to know that the person was Langa, he just knew.
“Happy birthday, Reki, I hope you’ll enjoy the private party we all set up for you.” Langa had said, his voice sending shivers down Reki’s back.
“Is this why I haven’t seen you until now?”
“Yes, I’m sorry, I wish I could have been with you but there were complications.” Langa’s tone was laced with sadness, and Reki wanted to be upset at the fact he couldn’t hang out with him until now, but he was too relieved and happy at his presence.
“Don’t be, I’m really glad that I get to see you today, I was worried about you.” And it was true, deep down Reki didn’t want to replay what had happened to their relationship when ‘S’ was still a thing. Their broken promise, their distance from one another, the pain wasn’t something Reki wanted to experience again, so he worried for what he might have done or what might have happened to either Langa or their relationship.
“Are you two going to get over here? The food’s getting cold, and I’m getting bored.” It was Miya who spoke up and Reki found himself laughing and genuinely smiling.
“We’re coming!” They both said in unison, detaching from each other and going to the table and starting their party.
When Reki returned home that night he found the slice of cake he’d put aside on his desk that his mother had given him when he woke up. He picked it up and sat himself down on his bed to enjoy it. Maybe birthdays can still be fun after all, he’d thought to himself as a lasting piece of confetti fell from a lock of his hair. This was a new era of his life, and he was going to enjoy it with them. Though, he probably should have asked them about how they knew it was his birthday.
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toku-explained · 3 years
The Master Swordsman
SSSS.DYNAZENON: Chise is now also practicing with DynaSoldier, doing pretty well, and Yomogi and Koyomi test DynaSoldier Striker Combine, but they struggle to balance. Yomogi and Yume meet Urita, who shares footage of Kano, while Koyomi meets with Inamoto-san, wondering if its okay to be out drinking with a married woman, and recalling a misspent youth with her. At school Yomogi and Yume wonder about Sizumu, when Chise invites everyone to Beach Land he gets himself invited, Gauma intending to use the chance to capture him. On the day, Yume notices Chise is still wearing her black sleeve with her swimsuit, Gauma orders Yomogi and Yume to act as lovers so they can catch Sizumu off guard, his attempts at catching him are held up by lifeguard warnings. There's a fun day, until Yume goes into shock after seeing a woman fall in the pool. Today's Kaiju is melting objects. Yomogi doesn't realise why Yume's freaking out, Gauma seems in rough shape. Sizumu tells Yume and Yomogi more about the Eugenecists philosophy, of humans hurting other humans and themselves because of expectations. Juuga, Onija and Mujina turn up, grabbing Sizumu for the day's operation, though Mujina at least definitely wanted to enjoy herself. Sizumu awakens Neophobia, as the team rush in as well. Neophobia prevents a proper combination into Dynazenon, targeting DynaWing, so they form DynaSoldier Striker Combine again, struggling to balance to hit Neophobia long enough to break the attack. Dynazenon forms, struggles, quickly forms DynaRex, and wipes Neophobia out. The Eugenecists head back to the pool while Onija rages until nearly being hit again. Gauma and Chise decide to have fun in the river, Yume is about to join when Urita messages, saying he can get her contact with Fuuma, who had been club vice president. She and Yomogi meet him, and reluctantly informs her that the rumour was that, Kano's death was not an accident, but suicide.
Heroes' Odyssey: After a quick look at Z Gamma Future, we look at another hero using Tiga's power, Ultraman Orb Specium Zeperion, and his battle with Maga-Basser, followed by a short look at Orb Burnmite facing Maga-Jappa, Gai battling Juggler, Orb Hurricane Slash against Hyper Zetton Deathscythe, Orb Thunder Breaster against Maga-Orochi, and the reappearance of Orb Origin.
Saber: Southern Base are highlighted to have Ikazuchi, Gekido, Suzune, Noroshi and Kaiji, and the Wonder Ride Books Lamp do Alangina, Genbu Shinwa, Hanselnuts to Gretel, Konchu Daihyakka, Ocean History and King of Arthur, with Master Logos wanting the other Seiken retrieved and Ren eliminated by Reika. Kento cannot understand Rintaro's prevailing over Zooous, and receives another vision of sealing Ikazuchi. Mei apologises to Sophia for losing the key, Yuri explains Viktor and the First, which the Northern Base knows not of, Touma decides to try and convince Kento again, while Rintaro, Yuri and Mei look for Ren. Reika raises her new concerns to Ryoga about Master Logos and the Megiddo, but won't hear it and tells her to just follow orders. Desast appears to Ren, telling him to forget Kento and join him. Touma finds Kento to talk, while Mei loses Yuri and Rintaro. Touma tells Kento what he now remembers from 15 years prior, he and Luna had fought, and when Kento brought him back to apologise the Megiddo attack was in full swing. When his saving Sophia is brought up, Kento reveals she was created by Master Logos in Luna's image as a bridge between worlds, and is needed for Master Logos to complete the Original Book. Touma asks Kento to explain his visions, and he recalls seeing Touma vanish from the world, when Master Logos appears holding his Book and Ikazuchi, while Reika appears to Ren and Desast. Kento did a bad job sealing Hayate, as Ren is still able to become Kenzan to face Sabela, but he doesn't separate the blades. Master Logos explains how he intends to make a world where he rules over all humanity. Saber Elemental Dragon and Caliber Jaaku Dragon face him, Master Logos confirms it was he who manipulated Hayato into sacrificing Luna, the fact it was a sacrifice in particular is the key revelation, but looks like Kento already knew, and Master Logos pulls out Gekido to use both Seiken against them, both swearing to save Luna. Rekka reacts again, causing Wonder World elements to appear and a gap in space with Luna, Touma runs for her but it vanishes before he gets there. Amused, Master Logos leaves. When Sabela has Kenzan on the ropes Desast joins in, allowing them to take the advantage, Desast takes a finisher for Kenzan right before Rintaro arrives. Blades Tategami Hyouju Senki forces Reika to retreat, but Ren runs off as Yuri and Mei get there. Desast reforms, and Ren, annoyed nonetheless agreesvto follow him, and defeat him in the end. Touma again asks Kento to join him, and he cobsiders it, but refuses, not saying its because Touma is doomed if they fight together. Sophia finds the book she had secured gone, and Storious is busy using it to make his own Sophia. With Luna having reappeared, Master Logos decides to open the Book of Ruin once more.
Zenkaiger: Zyuran and Magine are the only ones wary of new arrival Zox Goldtsuikar, but questions quickly turn to his sentai Gear, but he just wants to eat. He eats at Colourful along with his fellow World Pirates, younger sister Flint Goldtsuikar, and the twins, diminutive robots Twokai Katana and Twokai Riki. Secchan questions if they're connected to the Gokaigers, but Flint says after seeing them on their own world she stole their design for Twokaiser, they're originally from Kaizokutopia. They then steal Colourful's entire stock, after Yatsude frees them Kaito challenges Zox to have him pay his bill. Stacey lays into Ijirude, as does Boccowaus, and then while Ijirude works on plans, Barashitara has sent Kashiwa Mochi World out. Zenkaiser and Twokaiser battle, seeing they use Gears, Zox asks if he stole them from the Tojitendo, explaining that when the invaded Kaizokutopia him and Flint did a retaliatory raid. Kashiwa Mochi World affects Flint, Magine and Gaon, who all ate it yesterday, sending them off for more. Zenkaiser uses the Denziman Gear, activating the Denzi Punch. As more and more people go crazy for Kashiwa Mochi, with even shady dealers, Kaito tries to go help, but Zox won't stop the fight, until Riki calls out about Flint being affected. When ZenkaiZyuran and ZenkaiVroon arrive, Kashiwa Mochi World is even able to set his victims on them. Twokaiser, pissed that his sister has been messed with, changes the battle to be about who defeats Kashiwa Mochi World. Twokaiser uses a Riki Gear to join with him into Ohren Form, which appears to be inspired by Kingranger and/or Gunmazin, here he clearly has Riki's will as well as his own. He then uses a Katana Gear to join with him as Shinken Form, inspired by the Shinkenger's Super or Hyper forms. Zenkaiser rips Kashiwa Mochi World's leaf off, which allows a Shinken Issen to finish him. Dai Kashiwa Mochi World springs up, ZenkaiOh ZyuraGaon faces him and wins. Kaito is glum about failing to win, when Zox shows up at Colouful to pay his debt, since Kaito technically defeated Kashiwa Mochi World, so he also won't pillage them, and hands them some other world's currency.
Dogengers Nice Buddy: Great Z and Shaberryman celebrate Maid Shitsuji's upgrade, Great Z intends to continue the fight, but seems to become fatigued, and leaves with Shaberryman, Maid Shitsuji is also fatigued. Yabai Kamen pines for the Dogengers while refusing to look at Hanagata, Shaberryman tries to convince him to work with them, revealing they've now brought the Karamis, Marou Kaijin, Nectaris and Uzagi to the house to join the show. Yabai Kamen asks what Hanagata gets from this, and he recalls a young boy playing with a Great K sofubi, but says something different before getting a call and assigning Gulf and Gallia to CM work, Shaberryman continues trying to convince Yabai Kamen, saying something about Maid Shitsuji, which actually excites Yabai Kamen. Cut to Maid Shitsuji requesting help from the "family" of Papaqman, Mamashiron and Boy Brave, but Fukuokaliber decides to let them stay. They wonder what happened to Tanaka and Ohgaman right as they get back, revealing they wound up in Kagoshima and met with Kojjn Senshi NEW Ex. Kitaqman tries to get a rise out of Maid Shitsuji, who holds it in until Kitaqman and El Brave leave. Gulf, Gallia and Great Z film a CM for main sponsor Pizza Cooc. After Great Z broods on the legacy he's maintaining, and the Dogengers being in the way. A scene is being refined when El Brave and Kitaqman crash it, leading Great Z to warp them away. They hold him up, but Kiaqman can't get his Nice Buddy to fire, so Great Z tells the Marou Kaijin to handle it. El Brave does manage to fire, but his shots go wide. Gulf continues to fight them, with Gallia more pranking. Kitaqman gets distracted, unmasking as Taki Yuki to talk about his helmet, El Brave gets mad at him, so Kitaqman takes his mask off, but of course El Brave has his wrestling mask underneath. They then flee when Kitaqman agains can't fire, but the Affect System warps Gulf and Gallia away, confusing them.
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hoodlessmads · 5 years
I’m Caught Up With Bloom Into You
Gosh, where do I even begin with this series?
I watched the first episode, and by the end, honestly, I thought it was going to be pretty dumb. Cute! But dumb. And I do love me some dumb cute precious romance.
But W O W that’s not what Yagakimi is. It successfully pulls of an excellent bait-and-switch on the reader/viewer not just once but twice--the first is at the end of the first episode (the part where I assumed it was going to be kind of cheesy and dumb), and the second around halfway through the anime series. The first one is basically the premise of the story, so it doesn’t really count as a bait-and-switch unless you go in blind like I did. But the second one takes all of the reader/viewer’s expectations up to that point and turns it on its head. And even beyond that scene, the entire series is chock full of moments that demolish your expectations for what direction the story is taking and who the characters are. Every single chapter I felt like I was being thrown for a loop, and learning something unexpected and new about the characters. Even up to the most recent damn chapter I feel like I have no idea what Nakatani-sensei is going to throw at us. And all of this is me making a point that this manga is DEEP.
I could talk at length about how gorgeous the anime is, how well-directed certain scenes are, how incredible the Japanese voice acting was (didn’t see the dub, but if anyone can carry Touko’s emotional range it’s the fabulous Luci Christian so I’m sure it’s decent), or how much I stan Michiru Ooshima. It was a great adaptation and I sincerely can’t wait for Season 2. But I’m not going to talk much about that. Instead I just need to talk about the story (the manga).
(spoilers up through Chapter 39)
You know what one of the many great things about Yagakimi is? In spite of the fact that it deals with same-gender relationships and queer issues, and while it does periodically address those issues, they’re actually not the primary focus of the characters or their struggles. From day one, Yuu is much less concerned about Touko being a girl than she is about her own inability to feel anything towards her (supposedly). And that’s not to say that those issues are ignored, like they are in some anime of this particular genre. The characters don’t live in a paradisiacal vacuum where being gay in Japan isn’t a problem and everyone around them is magically super accepting. Yuu’s sister is incredibly sweet and accepting (I love her), but her dad makes casual homophobic comments. Even after Touko initially confesses to Yuu, Yuu brushes it off as something she “probably doesn’t have to worry about” because they’re both girls, and it’s weird. Riko Hakazaki has to hide from her students, coworkers, and workplace, that she’s living with her girlfriend, because it could cause legitimate problems for her if they knew. During Sayaka’s first lesbian relationship, when she is still figuring herself out, her own girlfriend tells her that it’s “just a phase” and that she’s sorry that she “made her” that way. Even much later, when Yuu is conflicted about how she should confess her feelings to Touko, her sister Rei immediately assumes (understandably so) that she’s conflicted because of the whole gay thing. Rei starts worrying about how the family will react, if they will be accepting and supportive of her sister. Little does she know, being gay is the least of Yuu’s problems at that point.
But is being gay and the societal backlash that comes with it really that inconsequential to Yuu’s story? Yuu Koito struggles to develop romantic or sexual feelings for anyone. She exhibits clear signs of depression--intense apathy, emotional repression, struggles to find genuine joy in anything. A lot of people have posited even that she exhibits signs of sexual repression specifically. And this is one of the core conversations we can have about Yuu’s character. How much of her “inability to love” is because she is legitimately somewhere on the ace spectrum, perhaps demisexual (she develops feelings after getting to know someone, to put it simply)? And how much of it is her unconsciously repressing her own feelings (perhaps homosexual) for her entire life, resulting in a scenario where even she doesn’t know how to get them back? There isn’t a clear answer here. No one knows. Yuu doesn’t even know. And that’s the point!
The characters. Are so. Good. Yuu, Touko, and Sayaka are the obvious powerhouses here, all three of them multi-layered people that I can and will analyze at length. But Yagakimi doesn’t sleep on the minor characters either. Yuu and Touko don’t exist in a vacuum. From Yuu’s sister and her boyfriend to Maki, the juxtaposing aromantic and asexual friend and ally, to Yuu’s surprisingly likable best friends, to Hakozaki-sensei and her girlfriend Miyako, to even Dojima. Everyone matters. Everyone gets their own little storyline. I’m tempted to be reminded of Kimi ni Todoke and the brilliant way it handled its side characters here. Although Bloom Into You is much shorter than KnT, and therefore has a lot less time to develop those side characters and relationships, it still provides them with their own layers, their own problems, their own mini-spotlights. And it makes me care about every single one. Riko and Miyako’s cute ass and wholesome adult love story, Akari’s dumb doomed crush on basketball senpai, Koyomi’s dreams of becoming an author and her infatuation with a certain idol of hers, Maki’s experiences as a contented bystander. I adore and welcome it.
Let’s talk about Touko Nanami before this gets any longer than it needs to be. To be honest, I have a type when it comes to characters, and it’s the ones that are suicidal and hate themselves, probably because I relate to that stuff more than anything (though I also relate to Yuu’s apathetic brand of depression). This character. This character. One of the things I love most about her is how consistently the reader is lured into thinking they know her, and then consistently proven wrong. (I think we share this experience with Yuu.) It takes episodes, chapters, volumes to slowly chip away at the layers and layers of personality we’re given before we finally arrive at the truly heartbreaking core, which is a girl with a fractured identity and deep, deep self-loathing that defies all logic. And it’s because it defies all logic that it’s so scary. Because that kind of self-hatred doesn’t just go away. You can’t just fix it. It’s there to stay, and it’s not just your friendly neighborhood self-hatred--painful, but an otherwise harmless roommate. It’s actually dangerous, and it has the power to destroy Touko’s relationships with others and even destroy herself. (The scene in the anime where she stands in front of the railroad tracks and almost takes a step forward, thus nearly giving me a heart attack, comes to mind.) It defies logic, so there’s no logical way to beat it, either. And it’s not just the self-loathing that gets me and makes my heart hurt for her; it’s the loss of oneself, the lack of one’s identity as an individual. The loss of on’s own sense of self, especially at such a young and vulnerable age, is debilitating. Touko is really good at wearing that super serene smile, but when the chips are down, nothing is going to stand in the way of her and what essentially amounts to obliterating herself from existence. Not even Yuu. And then we come to her crippling fear of being loved by anyone, which is an aspect of self-hatred that probably doesn’t get enough acknowledgment. She hates herself to the point that the thought of someone loving her, which should make her happy, actually hurts. How fucked is that.
But I never gave Touko enough credit. To be honest, in chapter 34 when Yuu (finally) confesses, I was expecting her reaction to be really bad. Like, really bad. I was expecting a shitshow, a blowout of their relationship (temporarily of course). I was expecting basically what Yuu thinks that she got. And for that one page, I swear I felt my heart forcibly ripped from my chest. But then I read the next page and was surprised to see just how much she’s changed over the course of the series, how unexpectedly maturely she took the confession and examined her own feelings afterwards, how quickly (and once again, maturely) she deduced that she’d been making Yuu suffer. It makes me appreciate their relationship even more than I did before, and it makes me want to root for them. (Not that I wasn’t already.) The chapters just keep getting better and better from here on, I swear.
Sayaka deserves her own post, but the queen has her own novel series at least. Sayaka could SO EASILY have been that bitch. Nakatani could have created this rival love interest who treated Yuu like shit and was a possessive asshole and just stopped there. But instead, we got Sayaka, who ends up being one of the best and most well-developed characters. And in the many many times where I was calling Yuu and Touko “you dumb bitch,” Sayaka was there, the smartest and most honest of the three by far, which was refreshing. Her backstory is utterly heartbreaking, her love for Touko touching as hell, and her rise from the ashes, so to speak, is inspiring. Fuck that senpai. Sayaka isn’t even that mean to Yuu, on top of it all. I mean, she can be kind of snippy. And understandably so. But they actually end up surprisingly getting along? I am shook to my core. Sayaka’s growth is one of the greatest sights to behold in this series. Her friendship with Touko isn’t sidelined in favor of Touko’s relationship with Yuu--far from it. Sayaka provides her own unique support and sparks Touko’s development in a way that Yuu never could. Their friendship is crucial. By the time Sayaka FINALLY confesses, I was so god damn proud of her and her bravery, I swear I could have cried. While Yuu was busy being in practiced denial for 40 chapters, Sayaka was OUT THERE learning to be completely up front and honest with herself and others about her feelings. (Not to knock on Yuu, because she has her own arc to go through to get there.) That whole fucking scene where they’re both just sobbing about shit afterwards Got Me.
Ugh. It’s been an emotional few days. I’m really glad I decided to start watching that first episode, because this entire series has been a series of pleasant surprises. This is a good anime, ya’ll. It’s a good character study. It’s a good love story. It’s a good gay love story. It’s all of those things. You could literally talk forever about all the nuances of this story and characters and all the things that make it as good as it is. This long ass post just brushes the surface. For now, I’m anxiously (ANXIOUSLY) awaiting chapter 40. If you know, you know.
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dollofdeath · 7 years
Uwaaaah Noelleeeeee!!! Prompts!!!! I'm!!!! yfvyufvyfvyv KAMIMIYO x KR WIZARD or or or HATAJITSU X AMAZONS TwT I'm so jittery but yooo I just checked the tumblr Kamimiyo tag expecting nothing and I see you writing Kamimiyos and I'm just yes yes so good thank you (we have same drunk miyo hc yassss) >v
send me a pair/character + word(s)
omg these are both great prompts but ahjjsfs I decided to go with KamiMiyo/Wizard for now! but I may or may not have started writing HataJitsu/Amazons (〃艸〃) 
So?? Aah, here, it’s kinda like Kaminaga takes Haruto’s place and Miyoshi takes Koyomi’s. To those unfamiliar with the series, Haruto’s, well, a wizard lol, and Koyomi is like a doll and needs mana to keep functioning. The Phantoms are basically the bad guys lol. And the antique shop is based off Remnants, the antique shop Haruto and Koyomi stay at and is totally owned by yuuki lol
okie that ends my overly long author’s note lolol thanks for the request, and I hope you enjoy~! (ˊᗜˋ)
“Your hands are so cold!” Kaminaga blurts out the first time he gives Miyoshi mana.
As soon as the words come out, Miyoshi’s eyes narrow and he rips his hands out of Kaminaga’s. In their time together, Kaminaga hasn’t ever seen Miyoshi so hostile. A pensive, faraway look as he spends his days in the antique shop is what Kaminaga is used to, with the occasional smirk whenever he jeers at him. This, however, is completely unexpected.
“I never said you could touch me,” Miyoshi says, the tone of his voice as cold as his hands.
Kaminaga nods and clears his throat, trying to salvage the situation from an awkward tension.
“Right, my bad.” Kaminaga meets Miyoshi’s eyes, but those fox-like eyes of his look back at him with a calculating glint. “But you need mana, or else you’ll pass out.”
Miyoshi’s lip twitches.
“I know,” he says, pressing his ring against Kaminaga’s belt. A soft glow emits from his ring and soon illuminates Miyoshi’s body, indicating the mana transfer’s begun. It lasts but a moment, and wordlessly, Miyoshi retracts his hand and makes his way to his spot in front of the crystal ball.
The next Kaminaga feels that familiar coldness is after a particularly difficult Phantom fight, and Miyoshi takes it upon himself to tend to his wounds.
“Getting captured by the Phantom you were trying to take down?” Miyoshi says, sarcasm seeping though his tone. “What a hero you are.”
“Oi!” Kaminaga pouts. “I managed to get out of it just fine. All by myself, no less.”
Miyoshi rolls his eyes.
“I know you think with your crotch rather than your head, but you could afford to be a little more careful.”
“Ah, is that worry I hear?” Kaminaga asks with a teasing lilt. He only winces a little bit when Miyoshi ties the gauze too tight.
“…Don’t be ridiculous,” he says as he puts everything back into the first aid kit. “You’re just the only one who can get rid of the Phantoms.”
He finishes cleaning everything up in silence, but as he moves to stand, Kaminaga grabs his hand.
“Oh, Miyoshi. Your mana –”
“Conserve your energy,” he says. Slowly, he removes himself from Kaminaga’s hold. “You need it more than I do.”
And before Kaminaga can say anything else, he leaves the room.
Kaminaga’s never experienced anything colder than Miyoshi all out of mana – he’s still and lifeless and Kaminaga wishes he could hear Miyoshi call him an idiot just once more. Wasting no time, Kaminaga grabs Miyoshi’s ringed hand and begins the mana transfer, which seems to last an eternity. Finally, Miyoshi’s eyes flicker open.
“Miyoshi!” As if to reassure himself that Miyoshi is truly awake, Kaminaga’s entwines their fingers together. “Are you okay?!”
“Of course,” Miyoshi says, hints of shakiness in his voice. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You… you threw yourself in front of the Phantom and it took all your mana.” Kaminaga’s grip on his hand tightens. “Why’d you do that?”
Miyoshi looks up at him, expression unreadable.
“Watching you do all the work is so annoying.” Almost hesitantly, Miyoshi untangles their fingers as he strains to get up. “I need to get out of that stuffy shop from time to time.”
“But –”
“Did you destroy the Phantom?”
Numbly, Kaminaga nods his head.
“Good.” Miyoshi pauses, eyeing him. “But look at you – you’re such a mess; no doubt you did something reckless while I was out.”
Kaminaga wants to say something else, to figure out why Miyoshi would protect him like that, but drops it when Miyoshi gives him a smirk – the same one he’s grown to love and hate. For now, Kaminaga’s just thankful he’s able to see that sight once more.
“You’re one to talk,” Kaminaga says, giving Miyoshi a smirk of his own because like hell he’ll ever admit Miyoshi’s right.
There’s a saying Kaminaga remembers: “cold hands, warm heart.” The more time he spends with Miyoshi, the more he thinks about it. True, Miyoshi even presents a cynical attitude, but it’s the little things Miyoshi does that shows he cares and that’s why Kaminaga comes to love the feeling of Miyoshi’s cold hands.
“Miyoshi.” Kaminaga finds him sitting in his usual spot, in front of the crystal ball. “Your mana.”
Miyoshi turns towards him and glances down at the ring on his hand, brushing his thumb over it. After a moment, he extends his hand towards him.
“I know,” he says, no resentment in his voice.
Taking Miyoshi’s hand, Kaminaga presses the ring against his belt and begins the mana transfer. He watches as the soft glow illuminates Miyoshi’s body and revels in the feeling of his cold hands in his. Much too soon, the moment is over.
It’s only once Miyoshi’s staring at him that Kaminaga realizes he’s been holding onto Miyoshi’s hand longer than he should have. But as he moves to let go, Miyoshi tightens his grip on him.
“I never said you could let go,” Miyoshi says, lips quirking up.
Kaminaga blinks, letting his words sink in, before a grin grows on his face.
“Right,” Kaminaga says, squeezing Miyoshi’s hand. “My bad.”
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Kizu Rambles and Some Meta Discussions (feel free to add any thoughts to continue the conversation):
So this is mostly just a list of my thoughts as I finally get to the Kizu movies I’ll be adding as I watch.
○ Part 1: Tekketsu-hen “Iron-Blooded” • The slow jazz combo with the fanservice kills me. I’m dead. • Dude, I’m super vibing the character designs for this. Like Hanekawa is so fucking cute, but not in an overwhelmingly cutesy way that I’m personally not a huge fan of. • This definitely gives a different feel to the Monogatari Series if you started on this first, which I knew some people have. • Araragi looks so much more fashionable here (probably from the style change). Like I can’t get over his peace necklace right now. • God, Shinobu, well Kiss-Shot in this case, crying breaks my heart. • Seriously though, this is so beautiful. I love the character designs for this soo much. Gosh. • Not gunna lie, I miss the long monologues. I have always loved character driven, dialogue heavy pieces of works. • They’re really playing up the horror aspect of this as expected. It’s neato. • Knowing context means everything you see makes a lot more sense and is way sadder too, like the name and the head rubs. Also, Kiss-Shot is soo fucking cute♡ Best girl~ • I know Shinobu speaks in an old-timey manner, but these subs are laying it on thick though the quality is great. 👌 • I understand this is a prequel, but damn if you think I won’t cheer from seeing Oshino Meme. I miss that man. Also, man I cannot get enough of this art style. Definitely art inspo♡♡♡ • Man, this is soo good. God, understanding the finale of their exchange and watching Kiss-Shot just silently bare it leaves the viewer with so much tension and drama, or at least for me. • The ending theme 👌👌👌 Now onto part 2!
○ Part 2: Nekketsu-hen “Hot-Blooded” • Oh shit bois, ohh shit. A fight! Like jkay, not yet. • Dude, the Aikido for Dummies part kills me. • I saw the baby hand, and all I could think of was the Deadpool movie. • Dramaturgy gave up really quickly. I wanna know why he hunts other vamps. • Every fanservice scene this time is super over dramatic in the movies. I’m crying. Also, Hanekawa seriously got the cutest lingerie. Like girlll~ • Kakakaa, the leg scene. Ahahahahaha~ • I really do prefer the designs in this for the vampire hunters than the og ones. Ngl. • Thanks, Araragi, for asking questions I’ve been wondering like about the limbs 👍👍 Better than leaving it as some weird mystery. • My dudes, I’m living for the Bake music remakes are♡ • I know it uses a lot of jazzy music, but I’m crying at the sexy jazz that starts planning as Oshino looks at Araragi. I know there’s a ship for it out there. • Dude, young teen Shinobu doing some nice acrobatics here got me feeling those Breath of the Wild Zelda vibes~🌹 The pointy ears help with that image. • Super confirmed: I’m weak to Jazz. Reminds me of Transistor music. • Their conversation about running away from reality, and Hanekawa looking down reminds me of a meta I read about how people can probably start seeing oddities not only from having a trauma, but also from choosing to avert one’s eyes from reality, allowing them to shift their gaze into that realm in which oddities exist. Once you’ve seen one, it’s hard to leave that ‘night world’ since you can’t unsee what’s happened once before. I really like that explanation for oddities since it seems to fit the most. Oshino often describes how oddities are what we make of it; that they basically have to live by their reputation, our perspection of them. Makes sense why Shinobu isn’t acting like an oddity because she wasn’t being viewed as one anymore. • Always nice to see a gratuitous body shot of guys lately. It’s nice to see the sexy fanservice not limited to the girls. Also, thanks half sleepy grumbles of Shinobu about how being a vampire makes you hot. It was amusingly adorable, and also informative about why Araragi is fucking shredded! I always wondered why he was so ripped. • ‘Course I’m just checking to see how human you are. *slowly strokes every ab* Yuuuuuppp, suuuper humab. *circles some more* Wow, so human. Glad to know they’re both lusty after each other’s bods • The part I paused at when Hanekawa falls into the chair after being accused of touching other men’s bods frequently show that she is thicc 👌 Or at least she is from the angle. • I just did this awful screech laugh when he did the sexy lean down on chair and go, seriously thanks, like a typical fucking bishounen. Then Hanekawa’s reaction. I’m dying, Squirtle! Makes the weirdest fucking character ever, but also makes him super weirdly endearing and weirdly hot. Thanks NishiOisiN. 👍👍 • I’m CACKLING~! A glasses girl porno. Why always so specific? Like I’m not into loli’s so lemme grab this hot, sporty milf mag, hmm, just like that one woman, hmmmm. I’m super enjoying the :3 face Hanekawa makes as she glances at him knowingly. More cat-like pre-cat. • Teen Kiss-Shot has such a nice aesthetic, but jesus fuck that head imploring scene, like girl has no chill. I’m always uncomfortable with those types of horror-y scenes. • All I can think everytime I see that ridiculous big ass cross is something along the lines of, ‘lol, I’m not overcompensating all.’ • Forrealz, like how isn’t that cross hurting Mr. Half-Vamp himself, Episode? Real questions. Also, his life and crazed looks kill me. • What the fuck, Episode!? That explains why Hanekawa seemed so put-off when she saw him again in Tsubasa Tiger! Bro, she’s human, chilllll~ Also, must every brilliant character have a Kakyoin moment? Honestly this could be a Jojo reference for all we know since we know NisiOisiN enjoys his references, including those to JJBA. • Oshino really plays up his true neutral nature here. Okay, lemme correct myself, I think he’s more chaotic neutral or even chaotic good then true neutral which is more Gaen. • Again with the head plunging. Geeze. I love this literal use your brain. • I’m gay for young adult Kiss-Shot. She’s hot. Best girl 👌 • You gotta props Araragi for being smart, even if he’s really dense. Also, the more human, the deadlier. I really wanna know why they’re hunting Kiss-Shot down. • Hanekawa was wild during Golden Week. Also, dick in pants, Araragi. He’s totes gunna worship those panties. • This explains even more Tsubasa Cat, and his obsession with dying for her. Her selflessness (ish) influences the development of his own. Did she already like him? Like I am curious why she helps him since she’s not as saintly as he think she is. • Guillotine Cutter is a right up ass. Man, I wish we can get more Koyomi Vamp fighting scenes in Monogatari, but alas he’s half human for now. • I love these titular character arcs barely show the characters. Yeah~ It’s not uncommon, but damn, lemme see my vamp girl! • Ending theme is super jammy♡ French music is so pleasant to listen to~ I’m now on part 3! I do really enjoy the standalone nature of these. I wish they would air them in theater like Kimi no Na Wa did. (And also completely caught up for the first time in years since I’ve started since I have such a bad habit of starting and not finishing even if I really like it. Honestly, all I wanna do is rewatch this series over and over again to analyse every part. Also, gotta read those light novels~)
○ Part 3: Reiketsu-hen “Cold-Blooded” • When??
To be continued…
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notoneglance · 1 year
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I’m just saying there are some non-straight possibilities here
Bonus live Rinko reaction:
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