#rip lewis
folklore-a · 5 years
I’m going to be crying all day over Lewis and the koalas
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thedaintydoe · 5 years
lewis def walked in a couple hours later to find them both asleep cuddling up to each other and then died from cute
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simstimstar · 5 years
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rip to the first sim i raised fully from birth to death in this legacy
THE GARDEN LEGACY UPDATE challenge and rules by @cowplant-pizza​
Gen 2: Lewis Wheeler
outgoing | good | self-assured
omplete the friend of the world aspiration  🗸
reach at least level 7 in the politics career 🗸
marry your first friend 🗸
have 4 children 🗸
reach level 10 charisma 🗸
reach level 10 gardening 🗸
go out at least 3 times a week with friends  🗸 (let’s say yes)
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artnerd1123 · 6 years
hMM... how about Lewis being on the receiving end of the bucket of water on a door trick? Gets his pompadour extinguished and just. Looks completely done XD the jokester can be whoever I suppose '^^
that sounds hilarious omg XDi’ll see what i can do with that one sldkjfsk
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@crownwornd liked for a starter / omnia mors aequat
He had underestimated his appetite this evening, having practically gorged himself only to find the agonizing, gnawing feeling eat away at his insides again when he was finished. Such compelled him to hunt tonight, and he had been lucky enough to stumble upon a man, unbreathing and apparently homeless. He had been hunched over him, his body lying on his side and partly covered by a hole-ridden blanket. Aiko could tell he hadn’t been dead for long, a day or two at most - but nonetheless dead was dead. He had leaned over the man, lips lingering near his ear - taking in a breath and murmuring a final prayer and apology before his lips parted, jaw practically unhinging to a grotesque degree and revealing sharp, canine-like that easily tore into the soft flesh of the man’s throat.
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The presence of another has him startled for a moment, not having anticipated for someone to be around at this late of an hour. He lifts his head, blood painting soft lips red - Aiko wiping at his mouth with his shirt sleeve. He had barely started his meal, and there was no way he had enough energy to resume his human form now. 
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kat-rose-griffith · 8 years
Why does last man on earth keep killing off my favorite people
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"It's right behind me, isn't it...?" (from alive!Lewis maybe? if you're okay with this)
Arthur wasn’t looking at Lewis. Rather, he was looking above him, which was saying something given how tall Lewis was. Arthur was biting at his lip very hard and he nodded slowly as his eye twitched. “….uh huh.” His voice was two octaves higher than usual.
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captn666 · 10 years
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lukadarkwater-main · 10 years
New leader of the Yogscast, Yogscast Pig
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katholikos · 11 years
Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine, cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eis.
May everlasting light shine upon them, O Lord, with thy saints in eternity, for thou art merciful. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and may everlasting light shine upon them.
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