#ripper is wario
ok question for the people at home (blog followers); from the 2023 cast, what character do you think they would they pick when playing mario party/mario kart? let’s discuss :-)
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 22/04/2024
Robbie's Rotten Mine
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More)
Ripper Unknown
Hey, yesterday I covered the olden ways of doing We Are Number One rips - it only seems right to contrast it with how things are done nowadays!
Though, of course, Robbie's Rotten Mine is far form the first rip of this style that I've covered on here, but it likely won't even be the last. Chillin’ Like A Villain, Ska Cha Cha (Rotten Mix), and of course The expanse of meme in past was split, A fiendish trap has now been set; Behind a tree the villains sit, Terror of sport, the Robbie's Net., are all some of my favorite rips on the channel - and the reason is just because, even eight years later, I'm very attached to this silly ska song. There's a lot of memes that seem to have run their course for people, stuff like All Star mashups as I talked about in Semi-Charmed All Star, and while the rest of the internet certainly aren't out there celebrating We Are Number One anymore, the SiIvaGunner team is still making rips of the song at a remarkably consistent clip. And like, I stand by what I declared back on We Are Number 4 (Golden) - of all the long-running jokes on the channel, We Are Number One feels as if it is the most refined and polished one - it isn't just being used as a reocurring gag, but because rippers have become exceptionally good at using it for truly high quality rips.
Robbie's Rotten Mine, then, decides to combine my affection for We Are Number One with my unabashed love for Mario Kart Wii, which I've rambled on about with several posts already now like Neon Wi-Fi and Sweatpants Select. The result is a rip that just made me smile as soon as the rugpull occurred: Those unedited first four seconds builds suspense for just long enough, only for Robbie's sax playing to suddenly introduce the rip proper, not just revealing the joke, but reminding you of just how far We Are Number One-posting has come. Because yes, that is unmistakeably the same saxophone sound as in the original song - but its playing the opening to Wario's Gold Mine, the arrangement is absolutely seamlessly blending the two. It really just gets better from there going into the chorus, I love how the ripper leverages Wario's Gold Mine having a sort of ebb-and-flow between sounding silly and trepidatious by matching them with We Are Number One's chorus and verses respectively. The Wario's Gold Mine melody going all nervewracking and tense feels like it was MADE for something like Robbie Rotten talking about sneaking around and laying booby traps - in the words of one commenter, "I’m more surprised this didn’t happen until now".
I talk a lot on here about rips in the vein of, say, Poké Village: the ones that feel ever-so-personal, like love letters to parts of a ripper's life, the ones that bridge parts of the online world together that you'd never considered before listening. But there's just as much value to be found in the rips on the other end of the spectrum, ones like Among Drip Drop Galaxy - the ones where the joke fits so well, that it's a marvel it hadn't been done sooner. I declared Among Drip Drop Galaxy a damn-near perfect rip for that very reason, and I'm going to do the very same for Robbie's Rotten Mine - with maybe just one sole exception, there are few songs that I think would fit We Are Number One quite as perfectly as Wario's Gold Mine, and yet it took me eight years past the meme's upbringing for me to come to that conclusion. And to me, that speaks volumes to just how enduring of a tune We Are Number One is - there's surely yet more to be done with this track, and I'm all here for it.
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preciousskipy · 4 years
Tumblr media
Skipy as Ripper Roo and Sallie as Pinstripe
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askroahmmythril · 5 years
Jack Bros. is a (Shin) Megami Tensei spin-off starring franchise mascot Jack Frost and his "brothers" Jack O'Lantern/Pyro Jack and Jack Ripper. It's a top-down action game where you must traverse labyrinths under a time limit. Like VB Wario Land, this game's way of representing 3D is by using different layer depths for things such as multiple floors. I can also confirm it was never re-released on any other platform.
Huh, that’s a shame.  It would kinda be nice to see some of the better games from the system get non headache inducing remakes.
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gunshotmeansfwd · 7 years
Black the Ripper Vs Wario
Axe FM 2005
Probably the most one sided clash in the history of Grime (along with Trim Vs Napper)
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7grandmel · 9 months
Todays rip: 06/01/2024
Wario's Hampster Mine
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume DQ
Credited to Wario
Requested by MtH! (@mth-emma)
It really has been fascinating to follow SiIva's timeline of events, and in the process also follow the timeline of what comes in and out of fashion with that certain demographic of internet users. During Season 3, with the original King for a Day Tournament, the clear breakout star was Unregistered Hypercam 2, and his setlist of immensely charming sources all meant to evoke the earliest of times on YouTube. I've covered my affection for plenty of these on the blog already - YACKER TOILET, Never Gonna Give Up Mahjong, Unregistered CyberSpace 4-5: Arrow of 2009 and THIS. IS. SOLEANNA. have together pretty much covered most bases of Hypercam's particular brand of rips.
Yet...there was one song that was suspiciously missing - one that, even in my time exploring this old age of the internet that I was just shy of participating in, I hadn't really heard before. This is the Hampster Dance, and Wario's Hampster Mine.
It's kind of nuts to think that The Hampster Dance's origins as a meme precede the shift of the millennium - its often cited as one of the earliest memes ever made, and was originally just a joke website playing a sped-up Disney song with a bunch of Hamsters. But, that was enough to grab people's attention, the sheer force of "SO RANDOM!!" humor turned the site into an internet-wide in-joke, and in the year 2000 we'd get an official Hampsterdance theme, based on the site's original 7-second looping music. A meme had officially been born, and exploded in popularity.
The King for a Day Tournament was over five years ago at this point, yet it to me was the first sign that nostalgia for the old internet was going to become a very real thing - the novelty that Hypercam introduced has now become an immensely popular aesthetic, and its one that I'm very much a fan of. Hell, it was thanks to this new uptick in popularity - thanks to rips like Wario's Hampster Mine - that I even learned what the Hampster Dance meme was. Despite being such a crucial piece of early internet history, it had completely slipped me by until Season 6, and the 22nd anniversary of the official theme's creation. SiIva celebrated the occasion with an event filled with rips like this one, and it was an immensely fun time.
Of course, I mainly covered this one for being a request, but I'd probably have picked this rip from the event as well due purely to my Mario Kart Wii bias. Wario's Gold Mine is an absolute banger of a track in every sense of the word and already has such an inherently silly energy to it, that it only made sense to be arranged in this fashion. And, yeah - though I don't know who exactly to thank to it, the arrangement is very well done, in line with the spirit of the original meme whilst still following every part of Wario's Gold Mine seamlessly. Its a truly excellent tribute to perhaps the oldest of internet shitposting culture, the seed that would eventually bloom into the random, zany, silly internet culture of the early 2000s. The one that helped start it all.
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 25/02/2023
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More) Caramelldansen (CA Version) - Caramellagirls
Ripped by DiamondBrickZ
With Season 8 officially in gear, it means I'm going to have to play a bit of catch-up with it in terms of coverage on here! All other prior Seasons have over 30 posts each on here - you can check for yourself on the pinned post! - but Season 8 still sits at just a single one, with Joke-Explainer™ 7000 Fusion Collab. Well, today marks the second ever Season 8 post, covering its first surprise event - BELIEBERDANSEN and the Justin Bieber takeover.
The idea of cringe culture in how it relates to SiIvaGunner's history is a really fascinating topic, and one I covered back on mlp racism anthem (comix zone arrange) in pretty good detail. To summarize, there was a time early in the channel's life where a good number of the references and jokes were made in rather poor taste - where the crux of the joke was to point and laugh at the weird and different parts of the internet, to have trolled the audience with something "cringe". The feel of internet discussion has changed a lot in the years since 2016, though, and it generally feels as if we're far more accepting, more nostalgic and intrigued by the stranger parts of the internet, rather than blatantly antagonistic. Be it with "dead" memes like in Corridors of Vine and Wario's Hampster Mine, or with phenomena that are still ongoing like with Hidden Headtoilets (skibidi toree 2), the SiIvaGunner channel and community tend to take a far more...playful stance to things nowadays. If something is to be loathed in SiIvaGunner nowadays, it has to truly earn it through its presence on the channel: the Yankin'/Astronaut in the Ocean wars of Season 5, as talked about in Aquarium in the Ocean and Knowledge of the Depths are the clearest example of that.
With all of that in mind, I don't really know why I was still surprised over how much fun the Justin Bieber event wound up being! The event, on February 19, 2024, celebrated the 14th anniversary of Justin Bieber's infamous release "Baby", a song that lit early internet ablaze with exaggerated vitriol way back when. And yeah, a bit of that resentment could still be seen in the comments section - its a fair bit more justified given how much Bieber himself has changed since the song - but overall, the rips made during the event all put a really fun spin on this otherwise overplayed song! I recommend you all give the event a listen if you haven't been keeping tabs this month, but BELIEBERDANSEN is really just one pick amidst a plethora of other excellent ones. That, and as said in Caramariodansen - any song mashed up with Caramelldansen is bound to become funny.
Honestly though, it wasn't a blind pick, and I may just be a little bit biased toward the aforementioned song in particular. Caramelldansen, if you weren't aware, is a Nightcore-ified version/remix of a Swedish pop song - and I, Mel, the writer of this blog, am Swedish. That draws me to any Caramelldansen rip on its own, and the concept of BELIEBERDANSEN alone is just very funny, a mashup of two absolute juggernauts of early "obnoxious" internet culture. Yet ripper DiamondBrickZ went the extra mile beyond just making this a mashup - at the point where the choruses of both songs begin, Bieber's Baby vocals are sentence-mixed to the original Swedish vocals of Caramelldansen. I of course have no idea what the creative process behind this was, especially due to the not knowing much about DiamondBrickZ as a person, but as a Swedish listener myself I have to say: This is SHOCKINGLY well done and still sounds wholly legible as Swedish speech. Like, the rest of the mashup is great: I love the use of the repeated "Baby's" almost acting as a choir during the instrumental break after the chorus, and the use of Ludacris' feature during the midway point of the song is perfectly placed, but like...the sentence mixing genuinely caught me completely off guard in the best way possible - memories of Season 1's double-rugpull in Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be My Girl came flowing back. It's just the cherry on top of an already fantastically creative mashup idea that was excellently done, and turned BELIEBERDANSEN into the absolute highlight of the event for me.
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