#44 A Call to Pastors
Pastors, the Lord has been speaking urgently to me for a couple of days with a message for all of you.  Please read and consider carefully.  For all believers are being called “for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14
In most of my recent posts on my blog inthespiritofthemind.com about the dynamics of spiritual warfare, I have issued an urgent call to the church to rise up together in unity to fight the spiritual battle going on in the heavenlies around us right now.  Well, Pastors, the Lord has been instructing me to speak plainly and directly to you all to heed His word and join the battle.
This word is about the need for the believers to be speaking to the enemy, the principalities and powers, rulers, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies, the darkness we see advancing around the world and across our nation in growing power and evil.  Ephesians 6: 12, Ephesians 3:10   You are all aware of the scriptures referring to the devil and the demons active in the earth, but it seems most of you are not prepared to join the fight because of your lack of knowledge concerning this most important part of the believer’s marching orders from God.   We must understand that God is spirit just as the enemy is.  The words spoken from the holy realm and the evil realm influence our minds and have an effect.  The fight is a spiritual one.  It is about light which is God and we as believers.  We fight the demons in the spiritual realm.  
God is Spirit.  John 4:24    God’s words created the heavens and the earth.  Genesis 1:1, 3, 6, 11    Jesus said His words were spirit and life.  John 6:63   Jesus did not speak on His own initiative, but speaks the things His Father taught Him. John 8:28, John 12:49, John 14:10   Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Those that love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21    Our words are very important.  
Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.   1 John 3:8b   We are to be doing the same works that Jesus did.  John 14:12   Those are the works of the Father.  John 14:10b   This warfare is ours.  2 Corinthians 10:4   The war is not in the flesh.  2 Corinthians 10:3-4, Ephesians 6:12
Pastors, the enemy, or thief, comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  John 10:10   You have heard this before, but have you ever thought about it?  Do you know this is true and real?  Do you understand that this means the believers?  Do you know we are to be doing battle?   I understand this has never been a reality to most of you. Therefore, it has never been a reality to the church because neither you nor the people in your church have been taught the truth.  Well, you need to hear the truth now!  All we have is NOW!  We must wake up to the need to do as God has instructed us to do. It’s not about showing up on Sunday, studying a lesson to be prepared for Sunday School, or coming to meetings and activities.  Spiritual warfare is when spirits fight.  It is not studying or praying.  We are spirit when we are born again.  We are one spirit with God.  We are the spiritual beings fighting the enemy with the Holy Spirit.  Spiritual dynamics are happening every split second all the time. And we need to be involved.
Since the virus and quarantine, most of the church meetings have been cancelled thus causing us to lose the attachment to our groups.  Then there have been so many other horrible and destructive activities which heighten the awareness of darkness running rampant in the country today.  I have seen much on social media talking about the need to do spiritual warfare, that we are in a spiritual battle.  The Lord has made it clear that many simply have no training to fight a battle in the spirit.  Why?  Because the devil, demons, the enemy is never mentioned in church.  Sometimes, neither is the Holy Spirit!  Pastors, the education of the church, the one church, all believers being the church, one in spirit with God, must happen.  You are the ones who must do this.  Don’t just talk about the devil and evil to identify what is happening. Learn the tactics of the enemy. Learn what it means to renew the mind.  Understand what the battleground is.  Otherwise we may lose to the darkness.  
Without the attention to the Holy Spirit which we have been given as a helper and without the power and manifestation of the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing. John 14:16, Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 12:7-10   But the Holy Spirit was given and waits to talk with us and talk through us.  He needs us to discern where the devil has introduced unholy thoughts and separate our holy thoughts to shine the light of God on the darkness.   2 Corinthians 10:4-6   We must then speak to the darkness, binding it up and casting it out of our souls (mind, emotions and will).  Matthew 18:18   The weapons are divinely powerful to the puling down of strongholds and every lofty thing elevating itself (demons) against the knowledge of God (truth).  
The devil has blinded the eyes of the believers and deceived us all.  Some of us have been blessed with Pastors who know the truth and have taught us to renew our minds to the truth and the darkness. We have been actively casting demons and their lies out of our souls so that we may hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and do warfare for our country and the world.
The unrenewed mind is on defense.  A renewed mind is on offense.  Demons cannot attack us because we are light in the Lord.  Spiritual warfare is light against darkness. There is no defense in light. Darkness cannot attack light.  Demons influence and deceive us with lies.  We must be renewed in the spirit of the mind.   Ephesians 4:23   These lies originate in the spiritual realm and once believed become strongholds in the minds of our souls hindering us from fighting against the demonic realm. They hide their existence and squelch the knowledge of what they are doing. They have effectively hidden our understanding or desire to know the Holy Spirit and be a vessel for living water to flow.  We don’t even know we have demons and darkness in our souls!! They have separated the church into divisions called denominations where believers are taught what we believe that is different from other believers.  That is not God!  That is doctrines of devils.  That is a trap by the enemy to short circuit the power of the church against their plans and schemes and methods.
Well, Pastors, God has issued the call to you all! Begin to learn what to do for the battle.  Submit your souls to God.  Actively resist the devil and he will flee. But you must submit first.  James 4:7    The first demon to go from everyone of you is pride.  James 4:8   Then there is the spirit of haughty pride which comes with denominations and is actually a spirit which is proud of its pride. Humility is required to admit that you may be wrong in what you believe or teach to the members of your church. Humility is required to submit to God and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to train your church group how to fight the evil threatening our country.  But it must be done.  The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church.  The church must rise up and fight the battle!
We will not fail if we enter into the battle with the Holy Spirit inside us.  We are one in spirit with God when born again. But our souls still need to be set free. As the Holy Spirit drives the demons out of our souls when we speak what He says to say to them, He is then the occupier/filler of our souls.  He wants to fill us with His presence.   Ephesians 5:18   We cannot just ask God to do the battle for us. In the Old Covenant the battle was the Lord’s.  Now we get to participate.  In the New Covenant the battle is ours.  According to the instructions to renew the mind in Romans 12:1-2 and Ephesians 4:23, we are to allow the Holy Spirit to help us discern the lies of the enemy in our souls, be revelated to the truth from God, and fight the battle to cast the liars out of our souls.  Then in 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 we see that the weapons of our warfare are divinely powerful to the pulling down of strongholds and every lofty thing elevating itself against the knowledge of God.  When the strongholds are torn down and the demons are cast out of our souls, we then are instructed to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  This is to determine the origin of every thought, be it holy or unholy.  Seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit is the goal.  He has already given us the tools.  Salvation means deliverance from conditions and circumstances.   We have been reconciled to the Father.  2 Corinthians 5:18-19   Our souls need to be free spiritually and be allowing the rivers of living water to flow out to others.  We can be the warriors God meant us to be.  
I am so grateful to God for the Pastor He has given me. He began training me in the dynamics of spiritual warfare in 1980 while we were both attending seminary.  Since that time, he has helped me and countless others to more spiritual freedom than I knew was possible.  His ministry has been to set the captives free through deliverance and warfare.  Through perseverance and compassion toward the children of God as our leader, he has kept watch over us, giving us an account of our souls.  Several years past he shared with us that he asked the Father if he could sing a different tune or change what he preached.  God said no.  He told my pastor that this was the part that was missing from the church today. God likened this to having a car with a flat tire.  He pointed out that to drive the car it was necessary to fix the flat tire.  “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.”  Hosea 4:6 “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.”  1 Corinthians 12:1 “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”  2 Corinthians 2:11
For the church today, the necessity is to begin doing spiritual warfare.  All men are in bondage the world over, but the Christian has the tools to set all men free.  First, help them to be born again.  Then help them to renew their minds to be free from demonic intrusion and be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Then allow the Holy Spirit to flow through the rivers of living water to the world. Do what Jesus did.  Destroy the works of the devil.  1 John 3:8b
Rise up, Pastors!  Help the church to rise up!  Receive the anointing God has for you!  Let His Spirit flow through you!
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i-mpower · 6 years
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@Regrann from @dhariusdaniels - He challenged Christians to be true to the whole gospel; he challenged this country to be true to its constitution. Our churches are better, our country is better, and although we still have a long way to go, my two sons lives are better because of his leadership. He challenged us to expand our hamartiology to see that God is concerned with personal and systemic sin. . He challenged us to not just deal with the sin in hearts but sin in the systems. On this day we that remember his contributions to this world we shouldn’t sanitize his story. He was beaten, arrested, wiretapped, mocked, accused, and ultimately murdered for simply trying advocate for equality. His children lost their father, his wife lost a husband, and this world lost a jewel. . My encouragement to us today is to do more than read the “Dream Speech” but to read the letter from jail in Birmingham. It’s an open letter written to clergyman who critiqued his movement and called his actions divisive, unwise, and untimely. I think you will find it very timely. . Also, I want to encourage my dear brothers who lead in and serve urban contexts to not minimize and or lambast a theology you are benefitting from. I know some come from faith traditions that subliminally suggested that all God cares about is what you inhaled and who you were intimate with but he does also care about what’s going on in the world. . Remember if others who have come before us had shared that truncated theology then some wouldn’t have the luxury of sitting in that beautiful home in an integrated neighborhood after they’ve dropped their children off at private school and say things like “I ain’t into all that”. It’s ok not to understand it or feel passionate about it. However, it’s not ok to disrespect those who sacrificed and even died so that we could enjoy the life we are living. On this day, let us not just remember the work of Dr. King and so many others who don’t get their just due but let’s also respect it. This world will never be perfect, but it can be better. #mlk - #regrann #riseupchurch
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raydiopill · 7 years
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Overflow worship night #riseupchurch #jesusalone #wisdom #worship #praise #truth (at Al Barsha)
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jhacqpalomares-blog · 4 years
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#onlineworshipservice #easterlockdown @riseupchurch https://www.instagram.com/p/B-4LzFIACxhKMv2DXy4DJUAgOtopx4YaeO2Fbg0/?igshid=1necvo3fjv8tb
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chaplaincate · 7 years
On this journey of faith, you’ll many times feel like you’re walking alone (that is, where people are concerned.) Not everyone will believe as strongly as you do. But stand fast and don’t let worry have a place of habitation in your heart.
You must know that provision for your life, your ministry, your call and your business does not depend on the faithfulness of man BUT ON THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD. See #HeresTheRealDeal: We must hope in God and in God alone. He uses others, but we must remember, they… like us… are human too, and fail from time to time. God never fails. He always makes a way where there is no way and does it all in HIS time. You must #HaveFaith!
Just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t. We must refuse to allow someone else’s worry and lack of faith to incapacitate ours. (This is especially difficult when they are close to you). We have to believe God’s Word over all else. “That which is seen in not faith.” (2 Corinthians 5:7). Hebrews 11:1 tells us “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Who would’ve believed Jesus could feed over 5000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread? But it happened, and He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. So how is it that we can “seemingly” believe for others, but when it touches us, or comes to our situation, we stumble over logic… we stumble over what others say or seems right in man’s eyes… and other junk we allow the enemy to throw at us? When did we start allowing life and its circumstances to blind us or weaken our trust in God’s ability to work on our behalf?
Quoting 1 Corinthians 1:27 “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.”
People of God… It’s time to #RiseUp… Separate ourselves from the things which don’t feed our faith… get back in God’s Word so our faith will rise above what we see in the natural. If we don’t, it will be the death of us individually, and could potentially cripple those around watching, not to mention darken the light of the Church of Jesus Christ, that is meant to shine brightly so the world can find their way to Him.
When Jesus returns, Will He Find Faith On The Earth? #RiseUpChurch!
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#43 Christians Are All One in Spirit
As I have watched and listened to the words and scenes of what is happening in our country today, the Lord has spoken to me quite clearly about some specific events.  The foundational issue which I will address here is the death of George Floyd. I have seen and shared on social media the background of the man in two formats.  One was a post by a lawyer who had info on Mr. Floyd’s criminal background and the other was a public figure and speaker sharing a rant about the same information.  
When I shared the first post by the lawyer, I was uncertain about sharing.  I had already seen a video by George in which he spoke about how the young black men today need Jesus and to make changes in their lives.  I also read that he had received Jesus himself and had become active in ministry for black men and youth.  So, I know that he was a born-again believer in Jesus.  As I read the background info shared by the lawyer, I thought it was good to know that info.  Then, as I talked to the Lord about that info, the Lord said to me that He did not remember any of that.  He said that George was a believer, his sins had been paid for and were removed as far as the east is from the west.  George was a holy, righteous child of God and was in heaven with Him.  So, I deleted the post.  If God does not see the sin anymore, I didn’t need to either.  George is as righteous and holy as every other Christian is, completely clean, brand new and forgiven.  2 Corinthians 5:21
Then I watched the rant by another person to hear other info which had been researched concerning the rates of black on black murder and including other related statistics in the country today. The background of George Floyd was shared again with even more info of the actual details at the time of death. You know, we all feel that we need to have all the info on everything.  Not so. I knew what the Lord had said about the previous criminal activities and knew that God was not holding anything against George.  In the natural or flesh, George reaped the consequences for the sin in his life before he received Jesus as Savior. After his rebirth, George was held blameless by God for any sin. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Sinful behavior after rebirth is the result of demons in the soul and no longer has any spiritual consequence for any Christian.  George Floyd lost his life because he was murdered.  The man who killed him was under the influence of the demonic.
To understand this whole picture, we need to know what happens when we receive Jesus as Savior.  Before Jesus is received, we (the whole world) are all sinners and living with our souls (mind, emotions and will) as the highest functioning part of us.  We are living in disobedience to God.  And because of sin, we are spiritually dead.  Jesus bought us reconciliation with God through His sacrifice on the cross. In other words, we are forgiven, reconciled to God, made right with Him, through the blood of Jesus.  2 Corinthians 5:18-19   But we must receive Jesus as Savior to have the benefit of that reconciliation.  If we don’t, the gift has been in vain for us.  The Holy Spirit has been sent to every person on this earth to convict us of sin and draw us to Jesus.  John 16:7-9
As soon as we receive Jesus, God performs a miracle in the holy spiritual realm and He recreates us as a new spiritual being. We become one spirit with Him.  We are reborn, or born again from above.  We are spirit beings just like God.  We are “dead to sin and alive to righteousness.” 1 Peter 2:24   Our spirits will never die again because of sin.  We have been made new righteous, holy creations in the spirit with God.  Jesus does not need to go back up on the cross to save us again.  Hebrews 9:25-26   It has been done once for all.   Hebrews 10:14
Believers today are the church.  We are all one in spirit.  We all are one spirit with God.  John 17:32   And as far as skin color is concerned, it is not how God sees us.  He created all mankind and created all the colors, but His view of us is not as the world sees.  We are all spirit just like God.  So, as far as God is concerned, we believers are all the same color, invisible.   Acts 10:34-35    Romans 2:11   We cannot see spirit with our natural eyes.  But we are real and alive in the spirit.  We are not to look at the flesh anymore as Christians.  2 Corinthians 5:16   We need to look through the eyes of the Holy Spirit.  We are to discern each person in the spirit through the Holy Spirit.  We need to also discern ourselves in the spirit.  We need to see ourselves joined in the spirit to our God.  We are in right standing with God as believers. Can you visualize yourself as joined with your God in spirit?  There is nothing separating us.  The capacity for sin is still in the soul and still comes from the presence of demons. But we do not sin.  1 John 3:9   We must believe the truth about our personhood to be able to understand the will of God.  The enemy is stealing the truth from our minds and rendering us ineffective spiritually because we are a threat to him and his kingdom prospering.  We cannot let darkness continue to run our lives. The stakes for our country are too high. The enemy steals, kills, and destroys as much as he can because of our ignorance.  John 10:10   Ignorance comes from a lack of knowledge.  “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.”  Hosea 4:6
We, the church, are living through times of all out demonic war and have declined to come to the fight.  We haven’t known or learned to fight the demons instead of the people in whom they reside.  Ephesians 6:10   The devil has hidden our need for the Holy Spirit who manifests for our benefit if we will seek Him.  We cannot fight the spiritual battle without the Holy Spirit.  He is the Spirit of God!  He is the power!  He gives us discernment to see the demons!  
The view of government in America today tends to incite fear in those of us who believe in God.  We are shocked by the violence, murder and destruction happening across the country. That fear and shock are demonic. The murder and destruction are demonic. The racism, hate and accusations are demonic.  We must look past the emotion their presence brings and with the Name of Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit command the demons to stop, cancel their plans and schemes, and speak forth the power of God.  The actions which are not from God are from demons.  We must separate the spirits from the people in our thoughts. That’s what Jesus meant when He said to pray for your enemies.  Matthew 5:44   They deserve to be free from the demons and saved as much as we do.  Jesus died for the whole world.  And we, the church, are the ones to be doing battle with darkness and telling the lost and demonized how to be free and that they are reconciled to God already.  We have been given the ministry of reconciliation.      2 Corinthians 5:20
Christians, we don’t need to look at news shows or social media to find out what is happening and what we need to do about it. We need to talk with the Lord and submit to His will. I asked Him a few weeks ago if the election and all the politics is about money when I was asked to donate to another campaign group.  He said “No, this is a spiritual battle.” That is the Word of the Lord!   He doesn’t want us to be uninformed, but He would have us see through spiritual eyes and not the eyes of the flesh.  He definitely wants to be guiding our steps to be about His business.  When He has something to say, we need to be listening.  He speaks as often as we will listen.  Directly to us.  The Word of the Lord is what He is still saying today.  Sometimes the Bible is His method, but more often than not, His communication is personal and direct.
So, George Floyd is in heaven.  His killer will be tried.  He deserves to be set free from the demon who manipulated him to commit murder and to be born again if he has not already.  The other murders, protests, riots, and destruction need to stop!  The country needs to return to some semblance of economic order.  The police are needed by our country and need to be reassured of their acceptance as public servants.  And the spirits of racism and hatred must be bound!  Those causing the issues nationwide need to be held accountable for the demonic actions committed.
Fear over the virus is bound and health from the cross is offered.  We believers must curse the demonic plague at the roots and destroy it.  We must bind any more effect on the people of our world.  The members of my church group are actively doing this warfare already. I am sure many are praying, but what is needed is warfare against the enemy!   Let us unite, church, and speak bounty from the Lord.  Speak the truth in confidence.  Fight the demons behind the ungodly thinking in the people being used to cause destruction and death.  Jesus said He is the way, the truth and the life.  John 14:6   The war is not over or lessening.  We are still needing to go to battle.  Rise up, church, and do what God says to do!  
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raydiopill · 7 years
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56 of 365 WORD FOR TODAY 2 Thessalonians 3:3 3 But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. #riseupchurch #unitedthroughdiscipleship #yearofbreakthroughs
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raydiopill · 7 years
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51 of 365 - Luke 12:32 #quotesandphotos #365project #biblequotes #grace #instantworshipplace #taylorguitars #ibanezguitars #fender #marshallamps #laneyamps #iphonography #iphonese #riseupchurch
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raydiopill · 7 years
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49 of 365 Nehemiah 8:10 #nehemiah #iphonese #iphonography #biblequotes #bible #365project #riseupchurch #sundaysuperworship (at Gloria Jeans Burjuman)
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