atishabanalras · 8 years
the time was now. the time to tell her what he truly is was now. solas took a deep breath and knocked at shae’s door, a bit antsy about the whole situation. he looked down and pat himself down, making sure he was at least somewhat presentable.
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“ vhenan… are you in there? i have… something important to talk to you about. if you’d come   out and come with me. “
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for every 🌟, one fun fact about the muse | accepting
It makes him terribly uncomfortable when people call him by a title or related moniker. He prefers to simply be called ‘Séaghdha.’ Nicknames unrelated to titles are also acceptable (in fact, being given a nickname makes him happy).
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persevercnce-blog · 8 years
          ▎  ❛ INQUISITOR SAHRIYAH ( @ritcd )                     ↳ STARTER CALL.
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          ❛ ----------We’ve had MANY Templars join our cause in recent days. ❜     with arms folded across his chest, hazel eyes WATCH the men at work, seasoned knights attempting, to SOME degree, to pay for the mistakes of the order.
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aanvedi · 8 years
👍 Does my muse prefer to be asked on a date, or would they rather do the asking?
💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak?
His first heartbreak was when the realization dawned that Rinna has not betrayed them, and he and Taliesen killed her in cold blood. He spat in her face. He laughed. And he dared believed he loved her after treating her like nothing, watching as her throat was slit. Zevran has killed many in many, many ways, but Rinna was something special, something he believes unworthy of him looking back. It crushed him so that nothing could sooth his broken heart than death’s embrace, which he shortly sought out, no one none the wiser. 
😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship?
The poem lady. Yes, Zevran had sex with her anyway - a difficult feat since he kept thinking about how terrible her poetry was, and was rather content when it was over and he put a dagger to the back of her skull. He thought in time that poem would get out of his head, but alas - it still haunts him. 
There’s a few terrible encounters, but that one that remains stuck in his head? Totally the worst. At least he has a story out of it.
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asomniari · 8 years
Send 👗 to see my muse in a dress
He stops, dress halfway over the shoulders. “This is exactly what it looks like.” He replies, stupidly.
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clovensoul-blog · 8 years
“Bit late to be wandering! Though the same could be said about myself, of course.” He is sitting where he normally is. Perched on some obscure edge, Jangles nestled on his lap. One good eye glares in the strangers direction, but Osiris seems far more excited about the company.” 
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“Forgive my asking, but are you quite alright? Often those meandering after nightfall do so for a reason, or is it just the fresh air that calls you so?”
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mademyselfreal · 8 years
⭐️ feel better soon!!
                 headcanon about our muses ; accepting
        a faded painting sitting too long in the sun. bright on her forehead, marked, marring, making her more, but less too. tranquil were quiet, nothing to heal. pharamond was loud once he woke up, pulling past pains forward, pushing them to the point of peril. shariyah is neither, but not normal either, if there is such a thing. her pain is still there, certainly, but softer, almost like solas’ but much brighter, too. maybe because of the mark (or the absence of a mark), perhaps in spite of it. like a lantern glowing in the distance, dim but just enough to find your way home. 
        he doesn’t tell her that part, it would scare them both if he did. the meaning of everything around them, the family they’ve built from war. he isn’t allowed to have a home, especially not in other people. she makes it harder to believe that. 
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atishabanalras · 8 years
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happy valentine’s day! :D
i can’t believe this
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varriictethras-blog · 8 years
@ritcd Luck You Got = The High Strung
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“ think about all the luck you got. “
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atishabanalras · 8 years
♛ sticks leggy up real high
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: i LOVE SHARI SHE’S A SWEET LIL BBhow they play them: you play her so well, it’s incredible!the mun: I FUCKING LOVE BRUNNA WITH ALL MY HEART. SHE’S SO SWEET AND SUCH A FANTASTIC ARTIST AND WRITER, FUCK IM GAY
do i;
follow them: yesrp with them: yeswant to rp with them: YES??ship their character with mine: YES ABSOULTELY
what is my;
overall opinion: PLS FOLLOW SHE’S AMAZING
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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They have a mild allergy to animal dander- they got teased a lot because of the Halla fur making them sneeze, so they tend to avoid animals despite liking them.
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// firstly, holy shit. secondly, I think y’all are lost —
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YOU GUYS!!!! I noticed this morning and I am beside myself. You guys are seriously the best. I am so grateful for the amazing time you all have contributed to since I’ve been here!
Whether we’ve actively spoken or written together or not, please know that I appreciate every single one of you and think the world of you, and I’m so grateful that you exist!
I wish I could make a huge list of everyone because I think you all deserve some recognition and love, but since that list would be massive (I might honestly make a blogroll bc y’all are seriously just awesome), I’m just going to do a small one of people whom have especially made this place awesome for me! Also if you’re not on the list, please don’t see that as a bad sign, it’s most likely that my ecstatic scatter brain made an oopsie. I still love youuuuu!!! ♥
// an extra, very special thanks to —
@toliiberate, @mortemmagicae, @fadewalking, @mortepiacere, @suledxn, and especially to @hornsfirst, whom gave me the support to make this blog in the first place. I have no words. Or rather I do but they’d be very weird and sappy. Just know that you’re all fantastic and amazing and ilu. ♥
// check these amazing people —
@asalataar, @atonings, @avelahnofthedalish, @bitchingatmybetters, @dangerousthing, @clovensoul, @eanharel, @electricinsurgent, @elvhenguardian, @forginglegends, @flame-of-ostwick, @mademyselfreal, @makercursed, @reedthescientist, @somnivr, @tuastelgar, @virassxn, @vivalafromage, @piirating, @oncethree, @blackheartcd, @lcthallin, @ass--sass--sin, @imprecxte, @theeternalsun, @ashabellenar, @tcskyandstars, @starshrouded, @spuriius, @saykillme, @heathiins, @veraquen, @lavellaniisms, @bloodriites, @kaleiidoscopehearts, @bellafaire-bellafine, @ritcd, @hawkelana, @vintyvanora, and SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE I MEAN WOW
// in summary, THANK YOU SO MUCH! ♥
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mademyselfreal · 8 years
                  modernize me ; accepting ; ✈ travel
    he doesn’t drive, for a start. driving is dangerous, makes people angry. if he needs to get somewhere not within walking distance, he’ll take a bus and, depending on who else is aboard, either keep to himself or help as many people as he can during the ride. not only has he not been abroad, he hasn’t left this city. the first cole, he thinks (or whoever he was before), must have lived here, or maybe died here, because while he knows he could help more people across the country, he doesn’t feel any desire to leave. he will, one day, if he has to, but he likes it here. he likes his small apartment, likes his sort of shitty job (books can help people, and he can help them find the right ones, what they need instead of what they want). 
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atishabanalras · 8 years
CUUUUUUTE. also i like your pants
such a cute 5 yr old
excuse me i’m at least 12
// hello it my wife
hello, it’s my beautiful baby <3
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