#ritual vudu
perpetuasangre · 7 months
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¡Bienvenidos al Ritual de las Doce Escobas a Medianoche!
Este post es para celebrar el lanzamiento del tercer libro de la saga de La Nación de las Bestias Luna de Hueso de @marianapalova y ésta es la primera escoba de nuestra ceremonia.
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luziomisayoc · 2 days
¿Tu Pareja se Alejó? 😢 Descubre la Verdad Sobre los Amarres de Amor y Cómo Recuperarla
 Los amarres de amor son mucho más que simples rituales; son procesos energéticos que requieren una preparación adecuada para ser efectivos. Si quieres realizar un verdadero amarre de amor, primero debes reconocer que la energía negativa en tu entorno puede estar afectando tu relación.
 No se trata solo de lo que haces o deseas para que tu pareja vuelva, sino de la vibración en la que te encuentras. Si estás vibrando en un estado negativo, es natural que tu pareja se distancie, sin importar cuánto te esfuerces por recuperarla.
 Para que un amarre de amor funcione, es fundamental empezar con una purificación espiritual. Al limpiar tu energía, te liberas de bloqueos y cargas emocionales que podrían estar alejando a tu ser amado. Solo entonces podrás atraer el amor verdadero y abrir las puertas a una reconciliación genuina.
 Recuerda: La clave no está en forzar el regreso de alguien, sino en sanar y elevar tu propia energía. Con una mente y un corazón purificados, tendrás la oportunidad real de recuperar a tu pareja y construir una relación más fuerte y armoniosa.
¡Haz de la purificación espiritual el primer paso para hacer un verdadero amarre de amor!
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📘 Facebook: Luzio Misayoc Místico
🌐 Web: luziomisayoc.pe
Al hacer una purificación espiritual, es esencial seguir el procedimiento adecuado. Su eficacia depende del compromiso personal y la calidad del proceso. Aunque transformadora, la purificación puede fallar si no se realiza correctamente.
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tarotista-01 · 11 months
🔮¡Descubre tu futuro y encuentra el amor verdadero! Como tarotista online, te ofrezco mis servicios de lectura de cartas y tarot del amor. Con mi don y experiencia, puedo brindarte orientación y respuestas a tus preguntas más íntimas. ¿Estás listo para conocer tu destino y desentrañar los misterios del amor? Contáctame ahora para una consulta personalizada. ✨✨
Consulta vía WhatsApp 📞 3232522586
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asanee44 · 1 year
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While African spirituality is growing in popularity, many African-derived spiritual systems are still seen as taboo. In fact, all African spiritual systems have been ostracized at some level throughout the course of history. This has primarily been due to spiritual or religious superiority that has been perpetuated through slavery and colonization. 
Resultantly, many people view African-derived spiritual practices in a negative light. They often associate them with devil worship or other sinister practices. Voodoo and hoodoo, in particular, have taken the brunt of the bruises that such perceptions have inflicted. For many, the term voodoo is synonymous with devil worship. When in actuality, the term simply means “spirit.”
While I would like the perception of African spirituality to change overnight, reshaping people’s understanding of such systems is a process. It is very much the same as the process that people throughout the African diaspora have endured in regard to achieving civil liberties and freedom. 
Though many of us are no longer in physical bondage, our spiritual development has very much been arrested. This is not only related to the influence of outsiders, but it is also because of our own perceptions about our ancestral heritage. Sadly, just as many African diasporans shun African spiritual practices as other people groups.
Primarily, this is because of our collective ignorance about traditional African spirituality. Some groups have been able to maintain this ancient knowledge and wisdom. These individuals still practice within these systems today.
Conversely, many have been indoctrinated in westernized and Middle Eastern religions. This is one of the main reasons why finding information about African spirituality is often difficult. Another reason is that knowledge of voodoo secrets and wisdom is usually passed down through family lines. It is also transmitted by the spirits directly to spiritualists who have been granted access to certain secrets and knowledge.   
Voodoo (vodun, Vodou, or Vudu) is a form of spirituality that is currently practiced in many areas of the world, including Benin (West Africa), Haiti, and Louisiana. There are also other forms of voodoo within the African diaspora that are called by different names such as Ifa, Santeria, Lucumi, 21 Divisions, Obeah, etc. Also, there are many ways to spell voodoo in addition to the ones that I have already mentioned.
While there are many similarities in these practices, they are not the exact same. Fundamentally they all serve the same purpose, which is appealing to and appeasing benevolent spirits and primordial energies. True voodoo service entails communicating with universal and regional energies that have a great influence over our lives. 
Authentic voodoo is about solving problems and helping people to improve their overall condition. It is not about destroying people or manipulating their will, as many people suspect. While people certainly use magic to engage in such practices, this is not authentic voodoo. True voodoo does not incorporate malevolent or malicious practices designed to harm or otherwise control others.
Appealing to and appeasing spirits is done through various rituals and ceremonies in which a qualified spiritualist divines in order to communicate with a spirit in some form or fashion. Possession is a common way in which spiritualists engage with the spiritual realm. 
When most people think of voodoo, images of a spiritual leader going into a trance often come to mind. While this certainly happens, there are other forms of divination used in different forms of voodoo. Every form of voodoo has its own system that adds depths and dimensions that make each of them distinctly unique.
Possession imagery is mostly popular because of western media influences. Such imagery is generally used to frighten people into believing that voodoo practitioners are worshiping the devil or harming people. 
The irony of this is that many indigenous American and Eastern religions (Hindu, Buddhist, etc.) engage in many of the same practices. However, these forms of spiritualism are usually promoted as peaceful, tranquil practices.
Benin is considered to be the place where its commonly associated modern-day voodoo derivatives found in Haiti and Louisiana originated. Although, practitioners of these forms of voodoo also came from other parts of Africa. Benin Vodun is considered to be the most authentic form of voodoo as it has not been synchronized with westernized religious systems. 
As with all other forms of voodoo, Benin vodun integrates offerings, animal sacrifices, spiritual baths, talismans, icons, and other tools and devices in its rituals and ceremonies. Annual festivals and initiation ceremonies for spirits are also performed as part of Benin vodun. 
Animal sacrifices often get the most attention as some onlookers consider this to be a cruel or evil practice. The irony of this is that many meat-eaters don’t consider that an animal has been sacrificed for their physical nourishment.
Similarly, voodoo integrates animal sacrifices for a person’s spiritual nourishment and well-being. And in many cases, the sacrificed animal is prepared and eaten by ritual and ceremonial participants. In fact, sacrifices are only performed in voodoo when absolutely necessary. Sacrificed animals are usually raised and slaughtered in a way that preserves the integrity of their life and their purpose.
This is in opposition to the inhuman breeding and mass slaughter of animals for commercial distribution. Hundreds of thousands of these animals are actually discarded each year due to rot and waste. Yet, sacrifice in voodoo has been deemed as sinister and barbaric.
Another contradiction to this practice can be found in Christianity. Many Christians consider animal sacrifice to be evil as they think that it is part of devil worship. However, they do not consider that the god of the Bible actually ordained animal sacrifice. In fact, the ultimate sacrifice in Christianity was a human sacrifice according to adherents of Biblical scriptures. 
In actuality, much of the Biblical record is derived from ancient African spiritual systems. Many of the sacrificial elements that are in the old testament were recorded by African spiritualists (aka Israelites). 
In fact, modern-day Haitians are considered to be the lost tribe of Levi by some Biblical scholars. This is one reason why Haitian Vodou is thought by some to be more potent than other forms of Vodou.
In the Bible, the Levites served as the priesthood and carried high-level spiritual knowledge and power. They even used divination tools, the urim and thummim, to obtain oracle messages from god. The most prominent Levite in the Bible, Moses, divined and used incantations on many occasions. Notably, he used “magic” against the Egyptians as he was trying to free his people.     
Haitian Vodou is an amalgamation of African vodun practices and indigenous American (Taino) spiritual systems. However, it is most often associated with Benin vodun because of its namesake. 
Some voodoo sosyete (societies) are heavily synchronized with Catholicism as well. This occurred during the enslavement of the indigenous people and west Africans who were transported to the island of Hispaniola. 
Many of these people were forced to practice Catholicism during that period and give up their own spiritual systems. Fortunately, many of them refused to do so and instead hid their spiritual practices under the cloak of Catholicism.
This is the main reason why Catholic saints often represent Haitian Vodou loa. In fact, some Catholic saints have been adopted into the Haitian Vodou pantheon because of their close relationship with this religion. The enslaved people pretended to worship Catholic saints by using Catholic imagery while they were actually paying homage to the loa.
Haitian Vodou is probably the most infamous form of Vodou in modern-day society. This is because of its association with the Haitian Revolution that subsequently freed the people of the land. Consequently, Haiti became the first free black nation in 1804. 
To date, the Haitian Revolution is regarded as the only successful slave revolt in human history. The Haitian revolution was the primary contributing factor to enslaved African people in America gaining freedom 59 years later. It was also very significant in much of Latin America’s gaining its independence shortly after Haiti.
Sadly, the people on the island have been ostracized ever since for using Vodou to overcome slavery. Though their ancestor Moses is still lauded to this day for using a similar method to free the Israelites from bondage.
This mentality was primarily perpetrated by former slave masters who didn’t want other black nations to get the same idea. Thereafter, Haitians have been systematically disenfranchised and marginalized throughout the world. Likewise, Vodou has been condemned along with the people group.
Yet, the practice still prevails in the region. Even Haitians who identify as Christians still consult Vodou for their most pressing life challenges. While it is not considered a mainstream religion in the country, it is widely practiced by Haitians and other ethnic groups worldwide. And it is likewise gaining momentum as more people return to African spirituality.
Voodoo practiced in Louisiana also originated from the Benin people and other groups in West Africa. The heavy influence of voodoo in this state came from Africans who were transported directly from Africa. A number of French slaveholders also brought their Haitian slaves with them after the revolution of 1804 that ended the French-controlled slavery system in Haiti.
It is said that the captured families from West Africa who were brought to Louisiana were more cohesive. They were rarely separated and often spent much, if not all, of their lives with their families on the same plantation. 
The plantations in this region were also fairly large with many slaves. Plantation owners spent less time overseeing the slaves in this region, so the slaves had more freedom to practice their traditional spirituality. This dynamic created the perfect environment for perpetuating voodoo in this region for generations. 
While Louisiana voodoo shares many similarities with Haitian Vodou, it is probably more similar to the vodun of Benin. Incorporating fetishes (amulets and charms) and annual festivals into Louisiana voodoo is a prominent carryover from West Africa. 
As Haitian Vodou was ostracized, voodoo practices throughout the western world came under attack. Louisiana voodoo practitioners were hit hard during this era. They had to go underground with their practice, which subsequently led to a heavy degree of synchronization of their spiritual practices with Catholicism.
Centuries later, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2015, Louisiana voodoo was subject to further attack and ostracization. The continued practice of voodoo by the people in this region was blamed for the suffering that they endured as the result of a broken levee that led to horrific flooding in the state. The same held true for Haitians, who endured the catastrophic destruction from a large-scale earthquake that hit the country in 2010.
But still, the legacy of voodoo lives on as a distinctly unique African American flavor of spiritualism. It is still widely practiced throughout America. And, it is consulted by Americans of various ethnicities and other nationalities who find relief in the remedies that it provides.
Voodoo is a vast spiritual system with many intricate layers. Several systems are considered part of voodoo practice. This is a very ancient practice that predates the most common religions of today, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Because of its origin, which is spirit, I suppose that it will continue for all eternity.
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conjuremanj · 2 years
Different Styles Of Voodoo
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When I hear that a country or city don't practice real Vaudou aka voodoo it bothers me when that person don't really know what voodoo, Vodou, Vodun etc is. Some think that it started in Haiti or that it isn't real if your not initiated in Haiti. So I wanted to make this quick post to show a few of the different styles of voodoo there are. Do the proper research and choose which practice calls to you.
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First up is African Vodun is an is the birth place of vodun a ancient religion practiced by some 30 million people in the West African nations of Benin, Togo and Ghana. With its countless deities, animal sacrifice and spirit possession, voodoo — as it's known to the rest of the world — is one of the most misunderstood religions on the globe.
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Second Haitian Vodou is an African diasporic religion that developed in Haiti. It arose through a process of syncretism between several traditional religions of West and Central Africa and Roman Catholicism. Vodou revolves around spirits known as lwa. Typically deriving their names and attributes from traditional West and Central African divinities, they are equated with Roman Catholic saints and the central ritual involves practitioners drumming, singing, and dancing to encourage a lwa to possess one of their members and thus communicate with them.
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Third. Louisiana Voodoo, also known as New Orleans Voodoo, is an African diasporic religion which originated in Louisiana, now in the southern United States. It arose through a process of syncretism between the traditional religions of West Africa, Haitian Vodou and some christianity.
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Forth Santería, also known as Regla de Ocha, Regla Lucumí, or Lucumí, is an African diasporic religion that developed in Cuba during the late 19th century. It arose through a process of syncretism between the traditional Yoruba religion of West Africa, the Catholic form of Christianity, and Spiritism. This is the same as the Ifa in Africa except they use saints also
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Fifth Palo: also known as Las Reglas de Congo, is an African diasporic religion that developed in Cuba. This is the first practice that hit first before Santeria. It arose through a process of syncretism between the traditional Kongo religion of Central Africa, the Roman Catholic branch of Christianity, and Spiritism.
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Sixth Espiritismo: Spiritism. Espiritismo (Spiritism) is rooted in the belief system that the spirit world can intervene in the human world and is widely practiced in Puerto Rico it not voodoo but I wanted to add it. At its most basic level, it invokes God and The Positive Spirits to divine for and assist the person. There is the use of a table covered with a white cloth, a large bowl full of water, and a crucifix. There are no initiations into this tradition and people work together at gatherings called Misas.
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Seventh Sanse: Sanse is a cross between Spiritism and the 21 Divisions. In this tradition, the dead and the Lwa (or Misterios) are worked with spiritually. There is an initiation called a Bautizo (Baptism) and people work withall sorts of different spiritual tableaus, or frameworks.
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Eight. Obeah, or Obayi, is a series of African diasporic spell-casting and healing traditions found in the former British colonies of the Caribbean. These traditions derive much from traditional West African practices that have undergone cultural creolization.
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Ninth. Dominican Vudú, known as Las 21 Divisiones (The 21 Divisions), is a heavily Catholicized syncretic shamanistic religion of African-Caribbean origin which developed in the erstwhile Spanish colony of Santo Domingo on the island of Hispaniola. Now 21 Divisiones/Dominican vudu is very similar to the tchatcha/kwakwa/Deka lineage in Haiti. In 21 Divisiones and in the tchatcha lineage of Haitian vodou, is the north part of Hati and the initiations are different and the temples are organized differently.
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Tenth. Trinidad Orisha, also known as Shango, is a syncretic religion in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean, originally from West Africa.
I these are some of the voodoo style practices around the world .
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moviesandmania · 4 months
ONYX THE FORTUITOUS AND THE TALISMAN OF SOULS Reviews and now free on Tubi and Vudu
Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls is a 2023 American comedy horror about a fledgling occultist and a group of worshipers who attend a once-in-a-lifetime ritual at their idol Bartok the Great’s mansion. Written, directed and edited by Andrew Bowser. Produced by Clark Baker, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Jeremy Hunt and Michael Mobley. The Greenery Studios production stars Olivia Taylor Dudley…
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yiffradio · 10 months
werewolf blood ritual anon: not entirely on my own!
i mean yeah i was an eight year old kid in 2008-2009 so i got some of it from online "how 2 become a wearwolf!!!!! 100% REAL!!!!1!!" tutorials but my mother's side has history with vudu and indigenous ritual so i always knew that blood and spit were important ways to effect a soul, and i figured if i made the more important fluid my own (blood) and the less important fluid a dog's (spit) i could turn ME into half dog.
i was fully willing to accept that you just made up your own Become Werewolf Ritual not gonna lie
…if you find one that works hmu
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brujaluzdeluna-blog · 10 months
Vamos a necesitar
Un Incienso de canela
3 velas rojas
Un plato blanco y plano
Dos muñeco hechos por ti de tela roja
Cerillos de madera
Una foto del rostro de la persona a la que quieres volver loco (a) y una tuya
Dos alfileres
Un listón rojo
Pétalos de rosa secos.
Vas a comenzar encendiendo el incienso, y enseguida riegas el humo por todo el lugar donde vas a trabajar. Hecho esto vas a realizar un triangulo en el plato con las velas y las vas a encender cada una con un fósforo de madera.
Después tomas los muñecos y a cada uno le vas a poner en la zona de la cabeza una foto, a uno la tuya y al otro la foto de la otra persona, para esto vas a usar los alfileres.
Hecho esto vas a tomar los muñecos y los vas a colocar de la siguiente manera, la cabeza del muñeco con la foto de tu pareja debe de ir en los pies del muñeco que tiene tu foto, es decir como si estuvieran acostados pero uno hacia arriba y otro hacia abajo.
Luego tomas el listo rojo y los vas a amarrar haciendo varios nudos con el listón rojo de la siguiente manera: por cada nudo que hagas vas a pedir algo que desees ver en esa persona, por ejemplo: deseo que me ame eternamente y haces un nudo, deseo que no tenga ojos para otra persona y haces otro nudo, de esta manera hasta que pidas todo lo que deseas.
Luego los muñecos los vas a colocar dentro del triangulo que hiciste con las velas y por encima colocas los pétalos de rosa.
Habiendo hecho esto solo debes de decir lo siguiente 10 veces: ” (nombre de la persona) con este amarre solo pensaras en mi desde hoy, solo veras por mi, me amaras a mi y estarás a mi lado siempre”.
Deja que se consuman las velas y vas a poner el plato con todo lo que contenga debajo de tu cama hasta que veas los resultados de este amarre, normalmente puede ser entre dos y 4 semanas, cuando veas los resultados solo entierras lo que hay en el plato al lado de una planta viva y quedara sellado.
Recuerda que dependera de la fuerza y la fe que con que realices el ritual.
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alexzalben · 1 year
The Sandman Is Coming To Non-Netflix Digital + Blu-Ray And DVD
The Sandman is coming to digital (Apple, Google Play, Prime Video, etc) for purchase on September 18, and DVD/Blu-Ray on November 28.
Special features include two featurettes ("The Sandman: Behind the Scenes Sneak Peek" and "The World of The Endless"), and all 11 episodes.
...and it will still be on Netflix, and Season 2 is still coming, before anyone asks.
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Inspired by the iconic, award-winning DC comic book series, The Sandman: The Complete First Season comes to Digital on September 18, 2023 and to 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and DVD on November 28, 2023.
The Sandman: The Complete First Season follows Morpheus, also known as Dream, who is captured in an occult ritual in 1916 by Roderick Burgess. Imprisoned for 106 years, Morpheus escapes only to return to his home, The Dreaming, to find his nightmares have also found their way out. Join the adventures of Morpheus as he sets out to stop the forces of evil destroying The Dreaming.
“Certified Fresh” on Rotten Tomatoes, and already renewed for a second season on Netflix, The Sandman: The Complete First Season features an all-star cast including Tom Sturridge (Sweetbitter) as Morpheus/Dream, Boyd Holbrook (Narcos) as the Corinthian, Patton Oswalt (The Goldbergs) as Matthew the Raven,  Vivienne Acheampong as Lucienne, David Thewlis (Fargo) as John Dee, Jenna Coleman (Victoria) as Johanna Constantine, and Gwendoline Christie (Game of Thrones) as Lucifer Morningstar.
The serieswas developed by Neil Gaiman (American Gods), David S. Goyer (The Dark Knight trilogy) and Allan Heinberg (Wonder Woman). It was produced by Warner Bros. Television, based on the comic The Sandman by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth and Mike Dringenberg for DC Comics.
The Sandman: The Complete First Season will be available on September 18, 2023 to purchase Digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more. 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and DVD will be available to purchase online and in-store at major retailers on November 28, 2023.
Based on the beloved award-winning DC comic series written by Neil Gaiman, The Sandman: The Complete First Season is a rich, character-driven blend of myth and dark fantasy woven together over the course of ten epic chapters following Dream’s many adventures (plus a bonus episode featuring two fan-favorite stories). When the Sandman, a.k.a. Dream (Tom Sturridge) — the powerful cosmic being who controls all our dreams — is unexpectedly captured and held prisoner for over a century, he must journey across different worlds and timelines to fix the chaos his absence has caused.
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perpetuasangre · 7 months
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Luna De Hueso 🌙 de @marianapalova La Nación De Las Bestias 3
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luziomisayoc · 11 days
💔 Cómo Volver con Tu Pareja en Pocos Días con Purificación Espiritual ¡Resultados Reales!
"¿Sabías que para que un amarre de amor sea efectivo, lo más importante es eliminar las emociones negativas? Los amarres no son solo rituales para atraer a alguien, sino una poderosa herramienta para recuperar tu felicidad. En este video, te revelo por qué la purificación espiritual es el primer paso clave para que el amor vuelva a tu vida. ¡No es solo un regreso, es una segunda oportunidad para ser feliz!"
Redes Sociales:
📲 WhatsApp: Contáctame aquí
📱 Tiktok: @luziomisayoc
📸 Instagram: @misayoc
📘 Facebook: Luzio Misayoc Místico
🌐 Web: luziomisayoc.pe
Al realizar una purificación espiritual, es fundamental seguir el procedimiento adecuado. La efectividad de este proceso depende de tu compromiso personal y de la calidad con la que se lleve a cabo. Aunque transformadora, la purificación puede no dar los resultados esperados si no se realiza de forma correcta.
 Este formato es más claro, directo y profesional, lo que ayudará a captar la atención de tus seguidores en las distintas plataformas.
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davidsoto666 · 2 years
Amarre de magia negra
El amarre mas potente de vudu, en este amarre la persona no puedo hacer sino otra cosa mas que pensar en estar al lado de quien manda a realizar el amarre, desesperación y ansiedad, la persona ala cual se le practica este amarre por mas voluntad, mas dominio que tenga no podrá hacer otra cosa mas que estar al lado de quien ha mandado hacer dicho amarre.
Piénsatelo bien antes de hacer este amarre pues es casi imposible deshacerlo y sus efectos son que la persona no querrá hacer otra cosa mas que estar a tu lado
siempre. (todos los amarres hacen esto salvo que este su diferencia es la rapidez con que se logra y no importa estado civil, situación ni tiempo o distancia)
Rituales de amor: amarre eterno o permanente con Magia Negra
Los amarres eternos realizados por medio de la Magia Negra son rituales de amor de nivel fuerte y generalmente utilizados (esto obviamente, según el interés del solicitante), para resolver de manera absoluta y definitiva problemas de pareja de gran complejidad y ocasionados por la intervención de terceros por medio de brujería y también en casos de problemas de parejas que se hallan alejados geográficamente del que lo solicita (ya sea esto por que se fue el ser amado por motivo de una pelea o si reside lejos) Los efectos de este tipo de amarre operan de manera efectiva si se realiza hacia una persona que vive en su misma ciudad como si se halla a miles de kilómetros de distancia, aunque suelen ser usados con mayor frecuencia con personas que se han alejado o ido y/ó abandonado a la pareja y el matrimonio.
Es un ritual de efectividad permanente: se recomienda enfáticamente analizar los pro y contras antes de realizarlo ya que no es posible deshacerlo en el futuro. La persona que recurre a este tipo de ritual obtendrá la potestad de dominar y obtener el amor y el deseo del ser amado
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Echa un vistazo a esta entrada… "trabajos de magia negra en tunja cel 3138629981 hechizos conjuros rituales de brujeria vudu: BRUJO DE MAGIA NEGRA VUDU EN TUNJA 3138629981 TRAB...".
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conjuremanj · 2 years
Papa Legba. Other Family Of LEGBAS. With Ritual.
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Papa Legba is the Lwa of the gates, he is not a guardian of the crossroads he opens the way to between the worker and the Spirits (Lwa) He stands at the roads (Gran Chemin) the Great Road and gives or denies permission to speak with the spirits of Lwa or Guineé.
In any Voodoo ceremony Papa Legba is saluted first and he opens the path for communication between the devotees. and is believed to speak all human languages. Within the African Traditional Religion of Voodoo, Vudu, Vodoun, or Vodun, Papa Legba is seen as an old man with a cane or crutch and smokes a pipe. who acts as an intermediary between humans and Lwa. He carries keys and dogs are secret to him
Who He Is: Divination Fortune Telling Oracles. While he's always saluted first, he does not often mount or possesses. Papa Legba is a protector of children and can be called upon for protection, to open ways, and to bring prophecy. His colors are red & white and his offerings are alcohol Rum, tobacco, coffee, sweets.
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In Catholic syncretic Voodoo practices, Papa Legba is associated with Saint Peter, Saint Lazarus, or Saint Anthony. Papa Legba sometimes associated with the orisha Eleggua from the Yoruban and Cuban Santeria or Lukumi tradition, though Eleggua is seen more of a trickster.
There are many corresponding divisions of lwa, and each has their own Legba tasked with opening the door and allowing those spirits to pass but there’s a good deal of misconception the first thing that's is done is the priye ginen. is complete, the first spirit we sing to is Hountor, the lwa of the drums, to translates our modern speech and song into the language of the drums, then the Legba...
But there isn't just one Legba but many... Legba nan Petro, or Legba in the Rada Rite, is the first of the Legba spirits served, and he's task is to open the gate on the Great Road, the doorway that allows the other spirits to come to our celebrations and rites.
For my lineage,( New Orleans) the Rada Legba wears a saint known as Saint Anthony the Abbot.
Legba Nan Petro, the Legba who opens to doorway for the hotter and rougher spirits of the Petro rite. He wears the image of Saint Lazarus (typically an emaciated and sometimes bruised man walking by means of crutches, another symbolic stand-in for the Poto Mitan). Even the nations that make up the components of the larger Rada and Petro rites also have their Legba figures (who may or may not be members of the Legba family of spirits… often times, Ogou Ossange, a wounded healer who is also always shown with crutches, can serve as the Legba nan Nago, or the Legba figure who opens the door for the Nago nation spirits, or the division that holds the spirits of the Nago people, who are now more widely known by the name of their language, Yoruba.) And a misconception is that Kalfou is legbas Twin, he is not. (See post on Kalfou.
The Ghede family, the spirits that are called at the end of every Vodou celebration, also have their own door keepers/Legbas of their group… and are also known for carrying a Baton Ghede, a walking stick that can alternately be a gentlemen’s cane.
In Haitian Vodou, the Legbas are not Crossroads spirits; To us, the Legba figures are the keepers of gates and doors, languages and communication… not the crossroads, which we have as a different being entirely.
As all of us are born with an ability to serve those spirits we inherit or who seek to build relationships with us. ALL of us have access to the Legba spirits, either for opening those doors and forging roads of communication and respect, or for working with the way we would any spirit we serve.
In Haitian Vodou there is a ceremonial protocols, rules, and heirarchies. Not everyone needs to become an initiate to work with their spirits in our religion, just as not all Catholics need to be priests, and certainly one does not need to be a priest to say the Rosary in home prayer… but for transmission of the faith, the services a clergy is required. Vodou is much the same in how it works and functions, and the faithful, while they are capable of small acts of service to their spirits at home,
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This is a Elegula altar.
Red or white Candle, Rum, Cigarettes, Sweets, coffee.
Veve of Papa Once you have placed everything on the altar, light everything that needs to be lit, and start to meditate. Once you feel like you are ready, call upon Papa Legba. (Language is no barrier)
You can call him by either singing or reciting his prayer.
Papa Legba open the gate for me. Legba open the gate for me and I will thank the lwa when I return.
Once you feel his presence, ask for his assistance. Talk to him as you would to a friend. He is listening. If you feel that you have opened up as much as possible, you can now ask him to open the door so as to let the spirits or Lwas (Loas) out. Now remember to specifically mention which Loas you want to talk to.
Once you are done talking to him and asking him to open the door, offer him all the items you have laid down on the altar for him. Have some for yourself too. At this point, you should also start the process of invoking the Loa that you with to talk to. This is a whole different ritual all together and each Loa has a different ritual.
Let Candle burn for an hour.
Once you are done with the rituals in regards to the Loas, it is time to say Thank You and Good Bye to Papa Legba.
This is done by actually thanking him and saying GoodBye. You should thank him for coming, hearing you out and letting you speak to the Loa, and ask him to close the gate on his way out.
Now that you have completed this ritual, you can pack up all the offerings you can save some for later if needed.
This isn't the complete voodoo ritual that's only for initiates but if your a devotee and need his help you can do this.
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Estas pensando en hacer un pacto con el diablo? en vender tu alma al diablo? estas en el sitio indicado le desimos como se hace un pacto con el Diablo, como se le vende el alma al Diablo, como se hace un pacto con Lucifer a cambio de dinero. Soy el mejor brujo, santero,espiritista y hechicero de america latina, brujo efectivo para hacer amarres de amor con magia negra,vudu y macumba hacemos los mejores amarres de amor con resultados efectivos,amarres de amor con fotografias y pactos con el diablo caseros y efectivos,no sufra mas por amor o por la falta de dinero le ayudamos para que haga un pacto con el diablo o un amare de amor, regrese con ese ser amado en cuestion de horas,y salga de la pobreza haciendo un pacto luciferino en la iglesia de lucifer, contactenos desde todo el mundop al whatsapp (57) 3206962816 COLOMBIA contactenos ya somos especialistas en amarres de amor y en pactos con el diablo por dinero rituales para la felicidad,rituales para el amor y rituales para el dinero
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luziomisayoc · 1 year
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Amarres de Amor son Poderosos con Muñecos Vudu
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