ninarexic · 2 days
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I am the other woman.
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suenosyfantasmas · 2 months
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Happy Birthday teacher, (95 Años).
- "when it gives you more pleasure to love than to be loved, you will know true love."
-"My mistakes were seeds."
Alejandro Jodorowsky.
Fuente: Pinterest.com
Sueños y fantasmas. El arte de soñar.
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remediosvarou · 7 months
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Depois de se tornar um sucesso incontestável, Remedios Varo começou a receber encomendas. Esse quadro é uma delas. Acredite ou não, o retratado é na verdade a figura à direita, a que está dando corda no coração do personagem central. Médico e pesquisador, o doutor Ignacio Chavez era um humanista cujo pensamento tinha muito a ver com o de Remedios Varo. Para saber sobre ele e sobre as referencias místicas e zodiacais do quadro é só clicar aqui.
Portrait of doctor Ignacio Chávez, 1957 🗝 This one of the few comissions made by Varo. It has recently been part of an auction held by Christie's. The painting was sold for almost 4 million pounds!
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nem-esi · 1 month
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sagradofemenin0 · 11 months
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Wilhelm Bernatzik/The Flame, 1902
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morganathewitchsblog · 8 months
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viktoriathewitch · 1 month
͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙ witchy things I did that worked •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙
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(se você fala portugues BR, sinta-se livre para enviar DM ou pedir tradução de um post. boa parte vai estar em inglês, para facilitar minha vida e atingir mais pessoas.)
-`🕯 INTRO 🕯´-
Although I'm part of the spiritual community, I'm still quite skeptical whenever I see a spell or ritual, be it online or in books, asking myself if it'd work or not. Wondering if the source of such spells and witchy things were actually being honest. So! Today, I'll be sharing some witchy things (as not all of them were spells IMO) that actually worked! Still, I want to clarify that these things worked for >me< and I'll just be sharing my experience with the things I did that worked best. Feel free to also share yours in the comments!
❅ herbal baths and magik baths in general, is some of my favorite things to do. Well, I actually love showers and they are such a scared moment to me, and whenever I need some deep energetical cleansing and boost, they always work for me. However, I want to point out that I wash my hair after finishing the herbal bath. So, I recommend doing this on wash hair days. My favorite combo is thick salt and rosemary. How I did it: ⁍ 1-step, prep: cleansed and energized the materials. ⁍ 2-step, make rosemary water: I didn't use a specific amount, but I'd say 4-5 cups of water and half a hand of rosemary is enough. Let it boil for about 5 minutes and then let it sit for 15 minutes with a cloth on top. ⁍ 3-step, thick salt scrubbing: the scrubbing should be done from your neck to your feet. Don't scrub too hard, you don't want to hurt yourself. Visualize negative energy or the power something/someone has over you leaving your body. DO NOT SCRUB YOUR GENITALIA WITH IT OKAY? ⁍ 4-step, rosemary shower: after the rosemary water has cooled down a bit, start to pour the water over you from your head. Now, the actual rosemary won't go with the water, so you can pick it up with your hands and scrub your body gently with it. DO NOT SCRUB OR WASH YOUR GENITALIA WITH THIS WATER. ⁍ 5-step, clean your bathroom: chances are you've made a mess! ❅ banishing candles is something that I did when I was on low energy but needed banishing ASAP. I also didn't have all the ingredients I wished for, but it worked with the ones I had! I made a total of 2 candles, and I placed one in the living room and the other in my bedroom. How I did it: ⁍ ingredients and tools: black candle, red candle, dried pieces of garlic, corn hair, thick salt, essential oil (I used lavender cause it was the only one I had lol), mortar and pestle, paper (to protect my table from the wax), candle holder (further explanation about candle holder later), and fire. ⁍ 1-step, prep: cleansed and energized the material. ⁍ 2-step, candle dressing: I applied the essential oil to the black candle, then started to dress it with the garlic pieces. I recommend doing this slowly and dressing each "side" of the candle instead of the whole candle. With the help of the red candle, I lit it up and used its drop of wax to hold the garlic in place. ⁍ 3-step, protection ring: with corn hair and thick salt, I created a protection ring so that the candle would be free to do its job without interference from what I was banishing. I placed it within the candle holder, which was a chamberstick type. Now, I want to say that the protection ring needs to be around the candle, with a chamberstick, it was quite efficient since I could carry the candle and the protection ring mutually without getting the house dirty. ⁍ 4-step, banishing: lit it up and allowed it to burn fully. ❅ warding is one of the best ways to protect your house or personal space. It always works for me, even when done in the astral (I've done this once but it was not intentional, don't ask me how I did it because I have minimal power over my astral/mental projections still). Basically, gather up energy and release it with the most amount of anger possible, like a dog showing its teeth to an enemy, while setting out the intention of only your guides, desired spirits, and positive energy entering. Do this in each room of the house if you wish to ward the whole house, or just in your bedroom if that's better. ❅ repelling unwanted energetic interactions through anger. Well, this one is a bit similar to warding, but it's done when the so said energy or spirit is already there. I've done this in the astral too, it worked thankfully lol. Anyway, it's similar to warding, but now you have a target to which you'll direct the aggressive energy you're gathering. Together with this energy, you'll say words like "get out of here" like, screaming, either out loud or in your head. You'll hunt down the "problem" if needed. My biggest tip is to go full red mode.
So, this was it! I hope you guys enjoyed it and that I've brought to y'all something new haha. As you can see, I haven't done much lol, I don't like to venture myself too much, and spells aren't my "it" activity either. Still, even though I've done more things, these were the ones I had the best results. Either way, see you soon <3
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lonelydarkmountain · 26 days
C’era qualcosa lì, in quel posto, in quel luogo dove le anime hanno passeggiato, arrivando al loro destino, capendo se effettivamente potessero essere salvate o meno.
E io l’ho sentito.
Qualcosa era arrabbiato, deluso forse, mi è dispiaciuto…tante
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hijodelagua · 18 days
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La Cábala Mística (edición anotada) - Dion Fortune
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meltinha · 9 months
Limpeza Energética
A limpeza energética é uma forma de manutenção energética, seja a da sua própria energia, seja da energia de um determinado local. Ela serve para que mantenhamos um espaço ou pessoa em equilíbrio e evitar acúmulo de energias indesejadas. Para limparmos energeticamente um lugar ou pessoa, primeiro precisamos limpá-lo fisicamente, seja dando uma faxina ou tomando um banho. Então podemos, enfim, limpar as energias acumuladas no ambiente ou indivíduo. Mas como posso fazer isso, Meltem? É bem simples, na verdade. Você só irá precisar preparar uma poção, defumação, banho mágico ou qualquer magia tipo, também recomendo fazer um encantamento durante a limpeza, mas, no geral, é bem simples.
É uma frase, geralmente rítmica, ou não, que usamos para potencializar nossa magia com o poder da voz.
Exemplo: Eu limpo e selo este espelho. Energia alguma pode atravessá-lo sem a minha permissão. Proclamo minhas palavras com anseio. E deixo x erva exercer sua função.
Exemplo 1: Spray energético
– 500ml de água
– Um punhado de sal grosso
– Se tiver, alguma erva ou planta de afastamento de energias pesadas também (espada de são jorge, espada de iansã, comigo ninguém pode, etc.)
Junte tudo em uma panela ou leiteira e leve ao fogo. Recite um encantamento enquanto mexe em sentido anti-horário para afastar as energias negativas. Quando ferver, desligue o fogo e tampe. Espere até esfriar e coe para dentro de um frasco spray e espirre pelo ambiente.
Observação: Esse feitiço pode ser adaptado para jogar no balde com água de passar pano de chão na casa, pode ser colocado em um pote e passar em objetos e móveis com um pano, etc. Mas tenha atenção ao usá-lo como banho, pois alguma erva pode ser venenosa e/ou te dar alergia.
Exemplo 2: Varrer
Utilize sua vassoura comum e sua visualização a seu favor. Depois de ter sua casa limpa fisicamente, passe a vassoura por ela, sem que esta toque o chão, e visualize toda energia negativa sendo varrida com a vassoura e jogada para fora de casa. Faça do fundo da casa até a porta de frente.
Exemplo 3: Banho mágico
– 500ml de água
– Um punhado de sal grosso
– Alguma erva de proteção (orégano, alecrim, sálvia, casca de alho e de cebola, etc.)
Coloque no fogo, mexa em sentido horário e recite um encantamento para atrair a proteção e limpar o que for negativo. Tampe e deixe esfriar assim que levantar fervura. Jogue sobre si do pescoço para baixo, depois de coado, após seu banho físico.
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violetmoondaughter · 1 year
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Triskeles, Triquetra, Trinacria are different version of an ancient Indo-European symbol that we can find in different civilizations trough history.
The Triskele symbol, otherwise known as the Triskelion, is a trilateral symbol consisting of three interlocked spirals. It evokes the Celtic interpretation of the three realms of material existence: earth, water, and sky and all their interconnections. The symbol is also thought to represent the three worlds: spiritual, physical, and celestial. Other Trinity connections associated with the triskele are life-death-rebirth, past-present-future, earth-water-sky, and creation-protection-destruction. Triskeles with the left facing spirals recalls the sun symbol of life and rebirth, while the right facing spirals recall the Katabasis, the descending to the underground and the transformation.
The Triquetra is a triangular figure composed of three interlaced arcs that relates to the number three, like the three activities of ancient society: worship, war, and toil, the tripartite division of the world into the realms of Land, Sea, and Sky, the three moon and sun phases. It is also thought to have a connection with ancient triple goddesses.
Trinacria is a triangular symbol composed of three legs bent at the knee. The symbol is anciently closely associated with Sicily and the Greek society. The three legs in the Trinacria Symbol stand for the three promontories of Sicily. In the Symbol of Sicily, the Trinacria also presents the head of Medusa with entwined serpent’s hair and ears of corn. The ears of wheat represent the symbol of the fertility of the land while the head of Medusa refers to the three gorgon and the ancient apotropaic symbol of the gorgoneion. The arrangement of the three legs, suggests a rotation connected with the cycles of Time, Sun, and Moon.
The Three Hares symbol features three hares or rabbits chasing each other in a circle. Each of the ears is shared by two hares, so that only three ears are shown. The symbol is thought to have a range of symbolic or mystical associations with fertility and the lunar cycle. Rabbits and hare have always been associated with the fertility of the earth, the rebirth of spring and the moon phases, so the symbol is also connected with the idea of life, death, and rebirth, with the three phases of women’s life and with the menstrual cycle.
Thanks to those powerful symbolism, these figures have always been used as a protection amulet, as an apotropaic symbol, and as a charm for luck, abundance, and prosperity.
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ninarexic · 10 hours
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scogito · 3 months
Il problema di troppe persone è che leggono i libri di spiritualità come fossero dei romanzi.
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remediosvarou · 7 months
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Detail of The Hermit, 1955. We can see clearly in the centre of the character: the yin and yang.
Detalhe de O Ermitão, 1955. Remedios Varo comentou a pintura e a presença do Yin e Yang em uma carta para seu irmão Rodrigo. Você pode ler mais sobre aqui.
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nem-esi · 1 month
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sagradofemenin0 · 9 months
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Alexander McQueen by Sean Ellis (1998)
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