#riverdale alum going hard
riverdale-retread · 7 months
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From the Vanity Fair 2024 Hollywood Issue article
On a hazy winter afternoon, Charles Melton paces on his deck in the Silver Lake hills. He's demonstrating exactly how, and where, he developed the physicality of his character, Joe, in May December, which has vaulted the Riverdale alum from teen-soap idol to art house heartthrob. Between sips of Coke Zero, Melton gazes out at the panoramic view of the Los Angeles skyline. "I've always been a big dreamer, and I've tried not to set any limits in my mind because I'll get caught up in the limits outside of me," he says. "I'm always seeking. My ambition is always driving me."
He can't say what's next, after so many prizes and nominations. But Melton has come out of May December focused and reoriented. He's ready to take the town in his hands—and you hear that a lot from this group. "There's been this democratization of creativity where gatekeepers have been demoted and everyone can make things," says Portman. Audiences are already reaping the rewards.
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smokeybrandreviews · 5 years
Smokey brand Reviews: Carrie Lite
Since we’re all under government quarantine, i mean, since we’re all social distancing, i figure this is a good opportunity to catch up on some of the things is didn’t have enough tome to see otherwise. There were a few movies coming out that i wanted to take a legit theater gander at but i think they’re hitting streaming instead. Invisible Man, i’m looking at you. In the meantime, i took in a few shows on the Netflix that caught my interest, the first of which is I Am Not Okay With This. It’s the new show from Jonathan Entwistle, the director of the excellent End of the F*cking World, and appear to be a mixture of that show and Carrie. I absolutely adore End and Carrie is one of my favorites stories ever told, so my anticipation for this adaption was palpable. After binging the entire show in a day, i must say, i have opinions.
The Good
I rather like the overall plot of this show. It feels real. Telekinetic powers aside, this feels like one of the more realistic portrayals of awkward teen development i’ve seen in some time. Everyone is so awkward. Everyone is so clumsy. It’s like watching actual high school kids living high school lives. No one knows who the f*ck they are except the weird kid, which is the truest thing about this narrative that you never see in lesser, teen oriented dramedies.
Speaking of narrative, the writing on this show is strong as f*ck. Easily one of the better written shows out right now. Seriously, this is about as tight in the writing department as End of the F*cking World and that was, easily, the best written show i had seen in probably a decade. Okay gives that masterpiece a run for it’s money.
My, goodness, is this thing beautifully shot. The frames chosen, the pans, the wipes, that use of slow motion at just the right time; All of it comes together in a feast for the eyes. This show is truly a joy to watch. It’s not super laden with effects or saturated with Bayhem or whatever but if you’re a fan of camera work, the composition of shots, or the way Wes Anderson frames his scenes, you’ll definitely appreciate the look of this show.
The direction of this show is good. I can’t say i’m enthused by it because i already saw it in The End of the F*cking World, and this show skews to hard toward that one. That’s a choice made by Jonathan Entwistle, considering he was a director and creative force behind both shows. Now, i understand that cats have a certain style, a certain flair to their craft. You know a David Fincher flick when you see it. You know a Chris Nolan flick when you see it. That said, their movies are not the same. Dunkirk does not feel like The Dark Knight. Alien 3 does not feel like Gone Girl. There are, of course, superficial similarities; Cinematography, shot composition, editing style, etc. But, the sum of the parts does not make the same whole, over and over again. Michael By has that problem. It’s why no one takes him seriously as a director anymore. You have to innovate, evolve your style, to stay relevant and Entwistle seems to be resting on his laurels with Okay. He’s good at his job, don’t misunderstand, i’m just left wanting, you know?
The casting of this show is pretty legit. I mean, there are those twenty-somethings masquerading as teenagers but the gap isn’t as bad as you’d assume. I’m pretty sure these cats are supposed to be around Junior/Senior level age and, for the most part, the main cast falls in that wheelhouse relatively adequately. That lends itself to the believability of this teenage dramadey. I mean, who the f*ck is trying to watch a show at thirty-year-teenagers? Riverdale, i’m looking at you.
Sophia Lillis is absolutely brilliant as the our heroine, Sydney Novak. An obvious Carrie White allegory, Sophia was able to inject a genuineness to her character that give Syd an independent energy. Syd’s plight is rooted in very real, very emotional, turmoil that lends itself to what a lot of real life teens nowadays, have to face. Ma was excellent as Beverly Marsh in the IT films and i hear great things about Sharp Objects so i had confidence she could carry this show. I can’t say i was surprised when she hit it out of the park but i was, one again, incredibly impressed. I mean, she’s f*cking fresh 18! There’s no way she should be this god at her craft, so early in her career!
Another standout, and easily my favorite character in this show, was that of Stan Barber. Stan is that weird kid i poke of earlier. He has his own issues at home but Wyatt Oleff’s portrayal makes that sh*t real. He embodies that high anxiety and awkward waywardness. You can tell Stan has lived a life and is just done with the nonsense superficiality of High School bullsh*t, a fact that i can identify with. Stan is delightful eccentric, lovably awkward, and refreshingly real throughout his arc, all testament to the outstanding portrayal of Wyatt Oleff. Interestingly enough, he, too, is an IT alum. That cast of kids was truly excellent. It’s dope seeing them branch off into other great roles.
Sofia Bryant’s Dina, Syd’s best friend and object of infatuation, deserves a mention as well. She was excellent in her role, mostly. There were times when i felt her portrayal a little wooden or flat but, overall, she did a great job. It was necessary for whoever was cast as Dina to have that chemistry with Syd and Bryant played well off Lillis. Without that relationship, this entire show wouldn’t work. Fortunately, Bryant and Lillis are excellent together onscreen.
The supporting cat is pretty strong as well. No one feels fake or inorganic to the world created in this show. I have to recognize Aidan Wojtak-Hissong and Richard Ellis as Liam Novak and Brad Ellis, respectively. These cats were integral, if underutilized, to the plot. I was a little disappointed with Jenny Tuffield, played by Sophia Tatum. Her generic bad-boy turned bad-girl archetype, complete with cliche leather jacket and everything, felt too manufactured. The Fonz doesn’t exist in modern day. Greasers are extinct. Still, i think she did a decent job with what she had but she ain’t have much.
The Bad
Some characters felt underutilized. For instance, Maggie Novak, Syd’s mom. There is a lot there for the character to do but it feels like her role was purposely mitigated to exposition and cameo. I wanted more of their mother/daughter relationship. I wanted a more intimate exploration of their family dynamic. They found a way to work around that absence but it felt a little cheap. Missed potential for sure.
This show feels a little too much like End of the F*cking world. That’s not a terrible thing for me as i love that show, but it kind of handicaps what I Am Not Okay With This can truly be. If you’re constantly looking at this show through End colored goggles, you’re not truly seeing this specific show for what it is. In the long run, i think this is a detriment. End is the superior show, easily, but Okay has enough originality to stand on it’s own. They’ll definitely need to pivot for season two.
It’s very obvious that this season is only a set up for future seasons of this show. Unlike End, which had a definitive end after their first season, Okay seems to want to continue some sort of narrative. That’s fine as long as it’s planned out. Netflix is good about nixing shows before they over stay their welcome but the way this season climaxed has me worried. it feels like some Riverdale nonsense or that goofy Walking Dead thing they do where it ends on a cliffhanger of sorts. That does not bode well for the future. However, Netflix has succeeded more than they have failed in this avenue so i’ll keep the faith. For now.
The Verdict
This Is Not Okay With This is a great show, if a little derivative. It’s filled with beautiful cinematography, a compelling if a little familiar plot, and excellent performances. The teenage interactions feel real and organic while the overall narrative is decently executed, testament to the strong writing. Okay feels a little too much like End of the F*cking World at times and definitely wears it’s Carrie influences on it’s sleeve but that’s okay. For a first season, this show gets off to a strong start. Hopefully, it becomes more of it’s own thing going forward but, for a first attempt, they definitely stuck the landing. I’m Not Okay With This is definitely an easy recommend and worth your time. Since the world has stopped for at least a few weeks, there’s more than enough time to check this gem out.
Also, both of these shows are comic adaptions by a guy named Charles Forsman. You should check the books out, too, since we got all the time in the world. Literally.
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weelittleweasley · 7 years
Locker Buddy | Sweet Pea x Reader
Prompt: Requested by @thejilypage. After the merger, all South Side kids are getting acclimated to Riverdale High. It takes some acclimation for you too when you have a cute Serpent as your locker neighbor.
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 Equilibrium, the thing in charge of keeping order and peace among all. Before the merger, things had some sort of balance. After the merger, Riverdale was in complete havoc. South Siders and North Siders didn’t mix for a reason. Putting them together in the same school was probably the biggest mistake one could make. For the first few weeks, fights were happening every other minute. A North Sider gave a South Sider a look or a South Sider made a passing comment. Whatever it was, there was a brawl in the hallway that needed to be broken up.
After about a month and a half, people started getting used to the change. South Siders ignored the looks and North Siders disregarded the comments. People weren’t getting along, but they were tolerating each other. But hey, it worked.
You and your friends didn’t have much of a problem getting acclimated to the South Siders coming into Riverdale. Jughead, Betty’s boyfriend, was a Riverdale alum before he was transferred to South Side High. When he was there, your friend group was introduced to some of Jughead’s friends, so getting used to them wasn’t that hard. The one thing that you had to get used to was having a locker neighbor. Before the merger, both lockers next to you were empty, giving you space to spread your thinks out. But now, you got a locker buddy, no other than a Serpent.
Sweet Pea was one of Jughead’s friends from South Side High and a Serpent friend. When you found out that he was going to be your neighbor, you weren’t expecting him to be so friendly. Most of the Serpents or South Siders you greeted were very hostile towards you even though you were trying to be personable. Sweet Pea gladly accepted your kindness and had no problem reciprocating. 
As time passed, the two of you became close friends. You’d hang out with him and Jughead at lunch and after school, you’d hang at one of your houses. However, the dynamic between you two started to shift a little while ago. He’s become a flirt and gone out of his way to talk to you. You started noticing these things because you couldn’t help but enjoy it. Sweet Pea was always attractive to you, how could he not be? Covered in leather, a sexy smile, come on. Lately, he’s just been different in the best way possible.
Putting away your books in your locker, you don’t notice Sweet Pea come up behind you and whisper in your ear, “Hey, princess.” You jump out of your skin at his hot breath against your face, letting out a small gasp. He laughs and says, “Just me. No need to get all jumpy on me.”
“You startled me,” you put a hand over your heart racing, half from him surprising you, the other half that he was talking to you, calling you princess. “What’s up?”
Leaning against the locker, he smiles. “Nothing. I just wanted to swing by to see my favorite girl,” he flirts as you can’t help but smile like an idiot. He was so smooth with everything he said. “What? Jughead is here?” you joke, looking around. Your comment makes him laugh, “Cute. So, are you coming to Jug’s after school today?” You shrug as he acts hurt. “Don’t tell me...you have to study for AP whatever-the-hell-it-is?”
Closing your locker, you look at his smiling face. “I’ll see if I can swing by for a little while. But yes, it’s AP Chemistry and there is a test tomorrow that counts for 15% of our quarter grade and if I don’t get at least an 84, I-” as you talk Sweet Pea pretends to yawn and walk about. “Alright, I see how it is.”
He sends you a wink. “I’ll see you later, princess,” he calls out to you as you bite your lip. How the hell did he have this effect on you? He had the capability to make you smile by just looking at you. Your heart raced when you were near him and all of your friends could tell that you were falling for this boy and falling for him quickly.
“Where are you off to?” a voice behind you said as you snapped out of your trance. Turning around, you saw Reggie, captain of the football team and a good friend of Archie’s.
Reggie was a nice enough guy (kind of), but he was one of the, if not the, biggest flirts you’ve ever met. He was always hitting on someone and it just so happens that you were the winner today. “Hey, Reg,” you smile. “I’m going to English, actually,” you say, trying to walk away from him.
But of course, he takes this as an opportunity to walk with you. “I’m headed that way, too. I’ll walk you there,” he winks as you give him a polite smile. “What are you doing talking to that Serpent?” he asks, sounding disgusted saying it.
Look at him, you say, “You mean Sweet Pea? Oh, we’re friends.” I wish we could be more than that. “So, there’s nothing going on between you two?” Reggie asks, but before you can say anything to discourage him, he asks you something you feared. “Then I guess its safe to ask you what you are doing after school today.”
“Oh, Reggie,” you sigh. “I’m flattered, really. But I’m busy all day today. I have an AP Chem test tomorrow and I’m supposed to hang out with Sweet Pea an-”
“Sweet Pea?” he scoffs. “You’d rather than out with some South Side freak than with someone of your own kind?” You furrow your eyebrows. “Of my own kind?” you repeat his words. Was Reggie serious right now? “You’d rather mess around with a Serpent and do God knows what, then hang out with someone who wants to hang out with you for you?” he asks, suddenly disgusted by you.
Before you can say anything back to him, a familiar voice speaks, “He bothering you, Y/N?” Sweet Pea wraps a protective arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. You can’t help but lean into him, loving the way his body feels against yours. “Just friends, huh?” Reggie laughs as you roll your eyes. “She’s not interested, Bulldog. Keep on walking,” Sweet Pea dismisses him as he walks away with you, his hand not leaving your waist. As he walks with you down the hall, you two earn a few looks from some classmates. “You alright, princess?” he asks as you smile that same smile as before. 
Replying, you say, “Of course I am. Now that you’re here.” He smiles, planting a kiss at on the top of your head. When you arrive outside your English classroom, you squeeze his hand, “I’ll see you after school, okay?” 
Sweet Pea sends a wink your way before leaving. When you walk into your English class, your friends start to bombard you with questions and all you can think about was how excited you were to for the school day to be over with.
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bronwynn · 7 years
The Good Wife alum Graham Phillips makes his debut this Wednesday (The CW, 8/7c) as Nick St. Clair, Veronica’s old pal from her New York days — and the slick charmer wastes no time in introducing the gang to his hard-partying ways. “He definitely stirs the pot a lot in Riverdale, for sure,” star K.J. Apa (Archie) tells TVLine, adding that Archie’s not exactly thrilled to meet Nick: “Obviously, [with him] being Veronica’s ex-boyfriend, things can get gnarly, especially because Archie’s very protective of Veronica.”
But we’ll see how close Archie still is with Betty this week, too, when the Black Hood killer calls her for a traumatizing private chat. “Betty ends up confiding in Archie,” Lili Reinhart (Betty) hints, adding that it gives viewers a chance to see “how she confides in him and how they help one another.” Apa agrees that these two share a unique bond: “I think Archie’s number-one person to go to for help, or advice, or just someone to talk to, has always been Betty, for as long as he can remember… They’re best friends, and when s—t hits the fan, Betty goes to Archie, and Archie goes to Betty.”
The Black Hood’s reign of terror certainly qualifies as s—t hitting the fan, with Reinhart comparing the killer’s strange fixation on Betty to “the Phantom of the Opera and Christine, in a way. He wants to kind of puppeteer her in order to get the town to where he wants it to be, in a very sick and manipulative way. He is this horrible figure who wants to expel Riverdale of its sins, and he is using Betty to try and do that.” She won’t reveal exactly what the killer wants Betty to do, but she does admit that the Black Hood’s influence “puts her relationships in jeopardy.”
Uh-oh… could Betty’s romance with Jughead be one of those relationships that’s “in jeopardy”? As Cole Sprouse (Jughead) hints, “it would not be a show about teenagers if there was not some fumbling and some bumbling and some grumbling,” adding, “I think it’s a wonder something didn’t happen sooner for poor Jughead and poor Betty!” He also thinks Jughead getting closer to the Southside Serpents and always “feeling outcast” could present some hurdles for “Bughead” in the not-so-distant future. Hmmm… sounds like the Black Hood could end up being a relationship killer, too. (With reporting by Vlada Gelman)
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veronicadvalle · 7 years
“I don’t even know what that is”
So this is my first ever archieronnie fic. I hope it’s not too bad. There is a scarcity in the fanfic department for this pairing but I know we are working to turn that around. 
This is a coffee shop AU that @inkblotstains requested. I hope you like it :) 
and if anyone wants any other specific fics, please request one! 
AO3 --- Link Please leave Kudos and Comments there! 
The bell rung the moment the door opened, letting the two baristas behind the counter know that they had a new client. It was a slow day, barely anyone has come in today. Betty Cooper, who was cleaning one of the coffee machines, glanced up. "Whenever you're ready." She said with a smile, however their new client didn't even look up from her phone. Betty frowned, rolling her eyes. Well, this client sure was a jerk.
Archie Andrews, the stereotypical small town boy, smiled when he caught Betty's reaction. It took a lot to make Betty frown like that; he turned to see who was the culprit -- instead, he was met with possibly the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.
The two glanced over at the same time, catching each other's eyes. Archie felt like he forgotten how to breath; yet he wasn't suffocating. The pretty, raven-haired girl removed the hood of her jacket -- cape? -- from over her head, and stared back. Archie swore he wasn't making this up, but he swore she gave him the smallest of smiles.
"I-I-I'll get this one," He told Betty, without even looking at her. He stood behind his cash register, and wearing the goofiest of smiles, spoke to the new mystery that had rolled into the coffee shop. "How can I help?"
Veronica bit her lip, smiling at the boy. "Can I have," She started, looking confidant and unbothered, "an iced, half caff, Ristretto, 4-pump, Sugar-free, cinnamon dolce soy skinny latte?"
Archie lost track after 'half caff', but he was too distracted by her allure to even notice.
"Oh, can you make that a venti?"
"Arch!" Betty nudged him in the side, bringing Archie back to reality.
"Sorry!" He gasped, looking down at the register. What did she say? He didn't remember. Too busy .. drooling.
"Ristretto ... 4-pump ... Dolce soy skinny latte?" She repeated with a small smile.
"Um, I'm sorry b-but ... I don't know what a ristretto even is ... and we don't carry Cinnamon dolce Soy ... " He answered, feeling a bit embarrassed and humiliated.
"You don't carry cinnamon dolce soy?" She asked, in utter disbelief. This certainly isn't Starb/cks. Why did she transfer here again? She was having a hard time remembering.
"N-no..." Archie responded, feeling more uncomfortable with every passing minute.
"What do you have?"
"Everything that's on the board; and if anything, you can ask and we can see whether we can prepare it for you or not,"
"I see." Veronica glanced up at the chalkboard, looking through the menu items. Archie took this moment to observe at her more carefully. Her brown eyes were stunning, and her eyelashes were long and curled upwards. "Can I have a caramel macchiato?"
"Uh?" He mumbled, coming back to reality.
"Caramel ... macchiato?" Veronica asked, chuckling. He seemed to be an air-head ... but he was cute despite that.
"Oh, right. Size?" He punched her order into the register. "For here or to-go?"
For here, for here, for here, he was chanting in his head. Maybe he could even get her number, or give her his number instead. Anything. He just wanted to get to know her better.
"To-go." She smiled, her eye-lashes fluttering, "My mom is waiting for me."
"Ah." Archie nodded, understanding. "That'll be 3.95."
Veronica displayed her credit card.
"Just swipe whenever you're ready." He said mechanically, as if reading a script. While the machine released her receipt, he grabbed a cup and started writing her order.
"Name?" He asked sheepishly. There was no one in the shop; her drink wasn't going to get lost in the inexistent myriad of other coffee orders. He just wanted to grab her name. And apparently she knew this, because she gave him a knowing smile.
Veronica, he scribbled on the cup, passing it to Betty so she can prepare the drink.
Betty glared at him; he wanted her to prepare the drink? There was no one in the shop; no need for an assembly line. He just wanted to flirt with their clientele. If this was any other scenario, she would have forced Archie to make the drink; however, the sooner the drink was done, the sooner Veronica would be gone. So with a big sigh, Betty started making the drink.
"I'm Archie." He extended his hand toward the girl, who shook his hand with a small smile.
"Do you go to Riverdale College?" She asked, looking between him and his co-worker.
"We do!" He answered a little to quickly, "We're sophomores."
"Me too. I just transferred." Veronica thought she might as well make small talk as she waited for her coffee.
"From where?"
"New York."
"Wow." He couldn't help himself. His eyes slowly, 'discreetly', moved down her body, taking in her figure. "Why Riverdale?"
"My mom. She's an alum. Said these were some of the best years of her life."
"Cool. What's your major?" Archie didn't notice he was walking a thin line between small talk and interrogation. He just wanted to get to know her better.
"Large Caramel Macchiatto, iced."
Betty interrupted, placing the coffee on the counter. She didn't even wait before walking off.
"Cool." Veronica muttered, taking her coffee and turning around.
"I'll see you around?" Archie said, before Veronica could leave.
The girl simply gave him a nod and a mysterious smile. "To be continued," she said.
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smokeybrand · 5 years
Smokey brand Reviews: Carrie Lite
Since we’re all under government quarantine, i mean, since we’re all social distancing, i figure this is a good opportunity to catch up on some of the things is didn’t have enough tome to see otherwise. There were a few movies coming out that i wanted to take a legit theater gander at but i think they’re hitting streaming instead. Invisible Man, i’m looking at you. In the meantime, i took in a few shows on the Netflix that caught my interest, the first of which is I Am Not Okay With This. It’s the new show from Jonathan Entwistle, the director of the excellent End of the F*cking World, and appear to be a mixture of that show and Carrie. I absolutely adore End and Carrie is one of my favorites stories ever told, so my anticipation for this adaption was palpable. After binging the entire show in a day, i must say, i have opinions.
The Good
I rather like the overall plot of this show. It feels real. Telekinetic powers aside, this feels like one of the more realistic portrayals of awkward teen development i’ve seen in some time. Everyone is so awkward. Everyone is so clumsy. It’s like watching actual high school kids living high school lives. No one knows who the f*ck they are except the weird kid, which is the truest thing about this narrative that you never see in lesser, teen oriented dramedies.
Speaking of narrative, the writing on this show is strong as f*ck. Easily one of the better written shows out right now. Seriously, this is about as tight in the writing department as End of the F*cking World and that was, easily, the best written show i had seen in probably a decade. Okay gives that masterpiece a run for it’s money.
My, goodness, is this thing beautifully shot. The frames chosen, the pans, the wipes, that use of slow motion at just the right time; All of it comes together in a feast for the eyes. This show is truly a joy to watch. It’s not super laden with effects or saturated with Bayhem or whatever but if you’re a fan of camera work, the composition of shots, or the way Wes Anderson frames his scenes, you’ll definitely appreciate the look of this show.
The direction of this show is good. I can’t say i’m enthused by it because i already saw it in The End of the F*cking World, and this show skews to hard toward that one. That’s a choice made by Jonathan Entwistle, considering he was a director and creative force behind both shows. Now, i understand that cats have a certain style, a certain flair to their craft. You know a David Fincher flick when you see it. You know a Chris Nolan flick when you see it. That said, their movies are not the same. Dunkirk does not feel like The Dark Knight. Alien 3 does not feel like Gone Girl. There are, of course, superficial similarities; Cinematography, shot composition, editing style, etc. But, the sum of the parts does not make the same whole, over and over again. Michael By has that problem. It’s why no one takes him seriously as a director anymore. You have to innovate, evolve your style, to stay relevant and Entwistle seems to be resting on his laurels with Okay. He’s good at his job, don’t misunderstand, i’m just left wanting, you know?
The casting of this show is pretty legit. I mean, there are those twenty-somethings masquerading as teenagers but the gap isn’t as bad as you’d assume. I’m pretty sure these cats are supposed to be around Junior/Senior level age and, for the most part, the main cast falls in that wheelhouse relatively adequately. That lends itself to the believability of this teenage dramadey. I mean, who the f*ck is trying to watch a show at thirty-year-teenagers? Riverdale, i’m looking at you.
Sophia Lillis is absolutely brilliant as the our heroine, Sydney Novak. An obvious Carrie White allegory, Sophia was able to inject a genuineness to her character that give Syd an independent energy. Syd’s plight is rooted in very real, very emotional, turmoil that lends itself to what a lot of real life teens nowadays, have to face. Ma was excellent as Beverly Marsh in the IT films and i hear great things about Sharp Objects so i had confidence she could carry this show. I can’t say i was surprised when she hit it out of the park but i was, one again, incredibly impressed. I mean, she’s f*cking fresh 18! There’s no way she should be this god at her craft, so early in her career!
Another standout, and easily my favorite character in this show, was that of Stan Barber. Stan is that weird kid i poke of earlier. He has his own issues at home but Wyatt Oleff’s portrayal makes that sh*t real. He embodies that high anxiety and awkward waywardness. You can tell Stan has lived a life and is just done with the nonsense superficiality of High School bullsh*t, a fact that i can identify with. Stan is delightful eccentric, lovably awkward, and refreshingly real throughout his arc, all testament to the outstanding portrayal of Wyatt Oleff. Interestingly enough, he, too, is an IT alum. That cast of kids was truly excellent. It’s dope seeing them branch off into other great roles.
Sofia Bryant’s Dina, Syd’s best friend and object of infatuation, deserves a mention as well. She was excellent in her role, mostly. There were times when i felt her portrayal a little wooden or flat but, overall, she did a great job. It was necessary for whoever was cast as Dina to have that chemistry with Syd and Bryant played well off Lillis. Without that relationship, this entire show wouldn’t work. Fortunately, Bryant and Lillis are excellent together onscreen.
The supporting cat is pretty strong as well. No one feels fake or inorganic to the world created in this show. I have to recognize Aidan Wojtak-Hissong and Richard Ellis as Liam Novak and Brad Ellis, respectively. These cats were integral, if underutilized, to the plot. I was a little disappointed with Jenny Tuffield, played by Sophia Tatum. Her generic bad-boy turned bad-girl archetype, complete with cliche leather jacket and everything, felt too manufactured. The Fonz doesn’t exist in modern day. Greasers are extinct. Still, i think she did a decent job with what she had but she ain’t have much.
The Bad
Some characters felt underutilized. For instance, Maggie Novak, Syd’s mom. There is a lot there for the character to do but it feels like her role was purposely mitigated to exposition and cameo. I wanted more of their mother/daughter relationship. I wanted a more intimate exploration of their family dynamic. They found a way to work around that absence but it felt a little cheap. Missed potential for sure.
This show feels a little too much like End of the F*cking world. That’s not a terrible thing for me as i love that show, but it kind of handicaps what I Am Not Okay With This can truly be. If you’re constantly looking at this show through End colored goggles, you’re not truly seeing this specific show for what it is. In the long run, i think this is a detriment. End is the superior show, easily, but Okay has enough originality to stand on it’s own. They’ll definitely need to pivot for season two.
It’s very obvious that this season is only a set up for future seasons of this show. Unlike End, which had a definitive end after their first season, Okay seems to want to continue some sort of narrative. That’s fine as long as it’s planned out. Netflix is good about nixing shows before they over stay their welcome but the way this season climaxed has me worried. it feels like some Riverdale nonsense or that goofy Walking Dead thing they do where it ends on a cliffhanger of sorts. That does not bode well for the future. However, Netflix has succeeded more than they have failed in this avenue so i’ll keep the faith. For now.
The Verdict
This Is Not Okay With This is a great show, if a little derivative. It’s filled with beautiful cinematography, a compelling if a little familiar plot, and excellent performances. The teenage interactions feel real and organic while the overall narrative is decently executed, testament to the strong writing. Okay feels a little too much like End of the F*cking World at times and definitely wears it’s Carrie influences on it’s sleeve but that’s okay. For a first season, this show gets off to a strong start. Hopefully, it becomes more of it’s own thing going forward but, for a first attempt, they definitely stuck the landing. I’m Not Okay With This is definitely an easy recommend and worth your time. Since the world has stopped for at least a few weeks, there’s more than enough time to check this gem out.
Also, both of these shows are comic adaptions by a guy named Charles Forsman. You should check the books out, too, since we got all the time in the world. Literally.
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whatsfilming · 7 years
Once Upon a Time Season 7
On May 11th, Once Upon a Time season 7 was announced, but it seems like the show will be heading in a very different direction going forward. Several cast have announced their departures from the show including Ginny Goodwin, Josh Dallas, Jared Gilmore, Emilie de Ravin, Rebecca Mader and Jennifer Morrison. Jennifer mentioned that she will be appearing in one episode during Once Upon a Time season 7. Also according to TVLine.com, Lana Parrilla, Robert Carlyle and Colin O’Donoghue will return to reprise their roles as Regina, Mr. Gold and Killian respectively. They’ll be joined by newcomers Andrew J. West (The Walking Dead) and Alison Fernandez (Jane the Virgin).
Renewals and Cancellations
In addition to Once Upon A Time season 7, there was tons of other renewal and cancellation announcements which impact shows filmed in Vancouver. The CW renewed iZombie for a fourth season, but cancelled freshmen series Frequency and No Tomorrow. After previously reducing its episode count, ABC cancelled Imaginary Mary after one season. Perhaps the most interesting news was about NBC’s time-travel drama Timeless. After keeping fans on the edge of their seats for months, the network announced it had cancelled the show on May 10th. In a strange turn of events, the decision was reversed and on May 13th it was renewed for a second season which will feature 10 episodes and air sometime in 2018 as per Eric Kripke.
Psych: The Movie
First up, USA Network ‘officially’ announced the return of Psych to our TV screens this December. This was actually revealed two months ago by @lemon_buzz. Psych: The Movie sees the return of Shawn Spencer (James Roday), Burton “Gus” Guster (Dulé Hill), Lassiter (Timothy Omundson), Juliet (Maggie Lawson), Henry (Corbin Bernsen) and Chief Vick (Kirsten Nelson). Set during the holidays 3 years after the series finale, the group teams up again after a bad guy starts to target one of their own. Filming is currently scheduled to begin in Vancouver on May 25th.
Game Over, Man! First Official Teaser
This week Netflix released the first look teaser of their action-comedy movie Game, Over Man! which is currently filming in Vancouver. The movie, which is described as ‘Die Hard in a hotel’, stars Workaholics alums Adam Devine, Blake Anderson and Anders Holm. Game Over, Man! is scheduled to continue filming in Vancouver until Read more about Game Over, Man! and check out the teaser HERE.
Disney Descendants 2 Extended Trailer
Disney released a new trailer for Descendants 2, which premieres later this summer. The trailer also includes some behind the scenes footage of a large dance/musical number that was filmed at Hatley Castle on the grounds of Royal Roads University just outside of Victoria. The movie filmed in and around Vancouver last September through October and will premiere July 21st on ABC, Freeform, Lifetime, Disney XD, and Disney Channel. Check out the new trailer and behind the scenes footage here:
Pilot Pickups
It was a big week for this year’s Vancouver/BC filmed TV pilots. Kicking off the excitement was ABC announcing the pickups of The Good Doctor with Freddie Highmore (Bates Motel) and The Crossing with Steve Zahn (Dallas Buyers Club) and Sandrine Holt (House of Cards). ABC also shared first look teasers of both shows which can be seen in our 2017 TV Pilot Season article. The next to be picked up was NBC’s Reverie with Dennis Haysbert (The Unit, 24) and Sarah Shahi (Person of Interest). Rounding out the pickup hot streak was the CBS tech series Wisdom of the Crowd starring Jeremy Piven (Entourage).
To see a full list of the other pilots filmed/filming in Vancouver and BC this year, check out our 2017 TV Pilot Season Roundup.
Riverdale Season 2 Casting
As previously announced by TVLine.com, Riverdale found itself needing to recast the role of Reggie for season 2 due to scheduling conflicts with actor Ross Butler who has other commitments with 13 Reasons Why. At the time no replacement was announced, but last week TVLine.com revealed that the series had cast Charles Melton (American Horror Story, Glee) as his replacement.
Ross had some kind words to share via a Twitter video he posted following the announcements:
One last little thing… @TheCW @WriterRAS @RapaportCasting @GBerlanti @SarahSoWitty @_MELTON_ @ArchieComics #riverdale #aapi #represent http://pic.twitter.com/p9KtMEzEQg
— Ross Butler (@RossButler) May 13, 2017
TVLine.com also revealed that Riverdale has promoted Casey Cott, who plays Kevin on the show, to series regular for season 2.
Other News
Production of Amazon’s The Man In The High Castle season 3 will be delayed by just over a month via DGCBC. New filming dates are June 26th to Nov 28th.
Deadline.com announced that Alana Boden had been cast in Lifetime’s I Am Elizabeth Smart which is currently filming in Vancouver and area. She joins Skeet Ulrich (Riverdale‘s FP Jones) and Deirdra Lovejoy (The Wire) which was previously pointed out HERE.
Isaiah Washington won’t be returning as a series regular in season 5 of The 100 via Entertainment Weekly.
Closing question: Let us know in the comments – will you be watching Once Upon a Time season 7?
The post In the News: Once Upon a Time Season 7, Psych: The Movie, Riverdale and more! appeared first on What's Filming?.
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bronwynn · 7 years
Season 2 of The CW’s teen soap kicks off with plenty of burning questions to answer, led by: Who shot Archie’s dad Fred? The hunt for the hooded gunman “leads into darker chapters of Riverdale’s history,” showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa says, “and puts all of our characters on the defensive.” But the return of Veronica’s dad Hiram Lodge (played by Mark Consuelos) also brings its own questions, Aguirre-Sacasa hints: “Is he reformed? Is he still up to his dastardly deeds? Is he somehow connected to the Fred gunman?” The Betty/Jughead pairing (aka “Bughead”) faces a fresh set of challenges in Season 2, too, now that they’re stuck in different schools. “It’s almost like every force in the universe is out to pry Bughead apart,” Aguirre-Sacasa says, adding that Archie and Veronica aren’t immune, either. “There are going to be problems coming in multiple different directions, besieging both of our couples,” he warns — including the arrival of Veronica’s hard-partying pal Nick St. Clair, played by The Good Wife alum Graham Phillips.
BONUS SPOILER: Season 2 will feature a holiday episode, Aguirre-Sacasa admits, “but it’s probably not the holiday you imagine.” Hmmm… a very special Arbor Day in Riverdale?
RETURN DATE: Wednesday, Oct. 11 at 8/7c (The CW)
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