#rivers javier
sidoopa · 1 year
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bees gorczyca using dance to communicate (feat. rivers javier design by @nosongunsung11 )
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orbleglorb · 8 months
and maybe a rivers j in angelic messengers 🥺
i went ahead and finished this b4 i started commissions, since i was almost done :3
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ID: a drawing of houston spies player rivers javier dressed in a blue, orange and yellow palette. rivers is wearing a teal shirt and darker teal mariachi-style sombrero with yellow lightning bolts going from the center of the hat towards the brim. at the end of every lightning bolt near the brim is a small, light teal tear drop dangling from the end of a string. ae is wearing orange dangly earrings with the same tear drop at the end. rj aeself is an older mexican person with long dark hair. rj is smiling and looks cheerful /end ID
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Artfight attack on @nosongunsung11 of aer Rivers Javier design!
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nosongunsung11 · 1 year
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lenasai · 1 year
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ID: Four drawings of Houston Spies players holding one of the four Umpire masks in front of a Solar Eclipse. The images are mostly grayscale, with the exception of the players' eyes, the accents on the Umpire masks, and the background details, all of which are the color of the associated Umpire. The first image is Esme Ramsey holding the Rogue Umpire's mask with flaming skulls (the icon representing incinerated players) and fire in the background. The second image is Rivers Javier holding the Knight Umpire's mask, surrounded by hands reaching up from below. The third image is Ivy Mason holding the Bard Umpire's mask. Above them is a circle of seven daggers pointed at them. The fourth image is Howell Franklin holding the Mage Umpire's mask. The background resembles the Alternate modification icon, with the person in the center replaced by Igneus Delacruz. Iggy has a hand on Howell's shoulder, and Howell reaches up with their free hand, as if they're trying to hold it. End ID.
strike one: esme ramsey, familiarity with death
strike two: rivers javier, familiarity with the shadows
strike three: ivy mason, familiarity with curses
strike four: howell franklin, familiarity with alternates
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tally-vi · 1 year
look it’s the playlist i made for the blaseball fanmix exchange for nessie! go listen to it
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iamasaddie · 1 year
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Javier Peña in every Narcos episode: “Our Man in Madrid” [pt2]
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smoothie-needed02 · 7 months
yo Charlie, ya have a crush on the Four-eyed bug??
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crimson-dianxia · 3 months
this song is so john marston and his relationship with other characters and story
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i just kinda love how
castle makes so many references to firefly in it
castle’s halloween outfit being a space cowboy (it’s basically mal’s main outfit)
in the bomb episode(s) when martha takes alexis to the spiritual retreat, the Ocean of Serenity
in Much Ado About Murder when jewel staite makes an appearance
and so many more things !!!
i just kinda like it :)
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caribeandthebooks · 5 months
Caribe's Read Around The World TBR - Part 2
Books set in Hispanic Latin American countries <3
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vdragon-creations · 7 months
New ROTTMNT OC's! Children Of The Nexus!
Hey all! It's been a long time coming, but here we are!
I want you all to meet the other RISE OC's! These folks were made so that I could give Sasha other friends to interact with besides The Turtles, April, Todd, and Bullhop! Her story revolves around learning to be more open to others and learn to trust them! And i felt like she needed more friends to do that! I also made these guys to (in a way) be a mirror to The Turtles as well. Not directly clones, but defiantly know who's inspired by who!
Story behind the group~
This group of Yokai are a bunch of former members of Big Mama's Battle Nexus. Children Of The Nexus, they were called. They where rescued by their leader and now hide themselves away in fear of getting taken back there. They meet Sasha, as this Group's leader had attempted to steal her Mystic Weapon. After confronting him and finding out why he was trying to steal her weapon, she took pity on them, resigning to help keep their whereabouts a secret. The group in return, becoming friends with her slowly overtime. Being an extra set of ears to talk too when The Turtles would get on her nerves.
Meet The Crew!
Mona here was once a normal Yokai, or...you know, as normal as a Yokai could be. But one day, she was taken by Big Mama and her crew and taken into the Battle Nexus to be one of her Champions. But, in order to really release this large ladies true power, she needed to give her a little nudge. Mona soon went under a grueling series of torture. Anything from Mind-numbing spells to make her forget her old life, forcing her to fight for her life against Monsters 10x her size, to starving her for days only to then make her eat the very enemies she made in the arena as her only meal. They did it all too her. Mona now was a hyper angry brute, no words would come from her voice anymore. Only venom and loud roars of anger. Her only friend, seemed to be one of the other Big Mama workers, another Yokai who never raised a hand to her. She could paint the prettiest pictures on the walls of her cell, and they made her feel just the littlest bit like her old self.
One day, her cell mate told her to escape, and as they did, Big Mama's men tried to stop them! But Mona wouldn't let them stop her and her friends from getting freedom!
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River is a sea turtle Yokai who, unfortunately, lives in there Hidden city that's, well....under ground and not underwater. And with nothing but flippers that make walking a very difficult task, she needed to seek other forms of getting around. That's when she was found by Big Mama, who offered her a deal! A magic hover tank that would allow her the means to move around and still be in the water, in exchange for her labor. See, River here, while not being much able to walk, was still able to cause quite the stir in The Hidden City. She had the ability to turn water into paint, and loved painting beautifully murals along the sides of buildings. Getting everyone's attention....including the peacekeepers. So, it was either Big Mama or the Authorities.
In order to pay back Big Mama's kindness, she was made to repaint the arena after every fight. Which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for two things! 1. River HATED the site of blood and other fluids on the arena floor. 2. She couldn't be creative with how she painted the floor, as Big Mama didn't want her arena to take away attention from the fights! And that included any wall she had to have repainted. It was depressing for the sweet turtle, but hey....at least she could move freely now...right? Well, after some time, she slowly gained a friendship with two of the champions who were imprisoned too. And when it came time to break out, she came along with them, taking her hover tank with her!
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Romeo was injured during a race in the Hidden City which resulted in his wings being destroyed. Now, as bad as that might sound, not all was lost. Thankfully for him, he had studied the ways of both magic and Science to help him create some artificial wings for himself! Pretty sweet right!? Well....He had to get the equipment from somewhere, and well...Big Mama was the most willing to give him the means to build his new toys. For a price of course. Romeo was then forced to be Big Mama's one and only Engineer and Technician. Need to control the drones and cameras for The Battle Nexus Fights? He was on the job! Need to fix the big monitor in the arena? He's got it covered! Big Mama's Battle tank needs a tune up? You get the idea!
While all this work was easy for him, he really didn't like having to be around all these smelly fighters and uncivilized audience member! So, he had started on an escape plan, that ended up being an operation to get himself and three of the other prisoners out too. All thanks to one of them running into his written out map of all the possible ways out. And then being pestered into letting them come with him. After all, he could use the free muscle they provided.
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Javi's earliest memories are comprised of being in a tube of some weird glowing ooze, something that would make hm stronger, faster, and WAY more intelligent then any normal Iguana. But with these perks, came a pretty big price. See his creator was none other then Big Mama! According to some highly classified papers he found in her office, his mutation was inspired by the work of some dude called Baron Draxum. He had allegedly been working on some Ooze stuff to make Yokai fighters to take back the surface. But it backfired on him somehow. Didn't stop Big Mama from using the same stuff after finding out what it did to make her own fighters stronger so that they could fight in her Battle Nexus. And while Javi didn't mind fighting for the amusement of others, (He actually rather liked the spotlight) He just really wanted to be able to just...live a normal life for once. To see what the audience did with their lives outside the walls of the arena.
So, once day, he struck up a deal with one of the other prisoners to help him and the other two friends he had managed to make in The Battle Nexus out of there.
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fedeslav · 2 years
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Empiezo este tumblr con el primer collage que hice con una revista de El Gráfico.
Siempre me gusto el arte, pero me costaba saber como expresarme. Lo hago con el rap, pero cuando agarre el bisturí y empece a unir imágenes, supe que había encontrado mi cable a tierra.
Para el primer collage, le toco a Javier Mascherano, un tipo que cuando pasen los años, se verá con mejores ojos todo lo que hizo en la Selección. Tuvo mucha mala suerte y se retiró tarde, pero bueno, así es la vida.
Me gustaría acordarme la fecha en que lo hice, pero no tengo buena memoria. Después edito con la fecha cuando la encuentre.
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nosongunsung11 · 1 year
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rivers javier of the houston spies has my entire heart <3
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zouisyc · 1 year
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do you guys think if Javier Milei can get an Argentine 2nd Amendment put into place he'll make it legal for fishermen and sailors to give broadsides to that floating city of Chinese trawlers destroying the aquatic life just outside of Argentine nautical territory
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