shadeaux-be · 27 days
19 years and counting…
I have yet to say thank you for the tragedy that shifted trajectory of many🌀. At some point 👁️ have to if I’m going to walk in my own truth. Thank you is one of my many “prayers” for favorable and unfavorable circumstances.
Truth is I don’t feel thankful for it..
I sort of just want it to not have happened..
The former can change but the latter is etched in time!
As of late I have started to wonder if I am a prisoner of my trauma. At 17 years young I was confident individual for my age. At 36 years young I question why I had more direction then.
I don’t wake up constantly blaming Katrina for how my life is. I also don’t have some terrible life either. It just happens to not scratch the surface for what I had envisioned.
To some this is minor but for self it is major..
It isn’t at all funny that I find myself inside of the place where the turmoil began. This is the first time I am in the place around this time since 2005..
It’s less funny I’m waiting in a hotel like I was when waiting on the impact it would have on my city..
To the powers that be, why would you send me here??!!
That event isn’t personal yet I seem to take it that way so much!
I confess I do compare my self to others and how they have flourished despite circumstances. It’s almost as if I got trapped and never attempted to free myself.
No one is going to save me except 👁️…
👁️ even know where to start. Two simple words that I utter…
Even with tears in eyes I just refuse to…
👁️ want to be thankful for it
👁️ want to free myself
Or maybe 👁️ like this 📦
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088 #big7 #mamaE #leaper #alldays #sunlike #ourland #visityapeople #invictus #lesstomeaux #ATGOD #deathtouniform #countitup #coins #trees #SNEHNESNE #19yac #freeyaself
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frasesdeboxeo · 5 years
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“𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐠𝐮𝐭𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟…”
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shadeaux-be · 2 months
Seeing the Trees for the Forest…
I always understand the greater because I consider the smaller…
I know that I should give up a lot of times but I keep fighting…
It’s never over until life ends…
Open eyes well again it begins…
Choosing war over peace…
I shall liberate myself from both…
Before that I propose a toast…
Cheers to accepting truth with out speech🙊…
Here’s to bullshit not sounding the eardum🙉…
Hooray for not viewing the forest🙈…
…blazed 🌳 …ashes…
🐦‍🔥 🧭‼️❗️
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088 #big7 #mamaE #leaper #alldays #sunlike #ourland #visityapeople #invictus #lesstomeaux #ATGOD #deathtouniform #countitup #coins #trees #SNEHNESNE
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shadeaux-be · 2 months
Dear Unseen,
I looked to my left as I drove through the sun(ri)se(t) and I gazed upon a beautiful black cow.
Instantly I thought of how I may have had a product from its being. Was it ice cream?
So many people may have been fed off of it and yet to many it has been unseen.
It made me think of you!
It made me think of me!
So it has made me think of we!
Instant reflection on the imbalance we experience in society.
Wanting to be seen, but not!
Lying saying that's not what it is, lest we be forgot?
Why not enjoy the scenes of the unseen?
I choose to be nobody everywhere instead an illusion of somebody somewhere!
So many times since I broke free of wanting to be noticed have I begin to enjoy time.
I laugh to myself and think you'd have to been there.
most perceive unseen danger well is that not the same as noticed bliss?
I love you unseen for you are a gift to cherish!
Someone is always noticing you that's why I call you noticed!
I am one of the many.
Did you enjoy watching me get profiled today?
I did!
See I told you that it's we!!
Love Always,
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088 #big7 #mamaE #leaper #alldays #sunlike #ourland #visityapeople #invictus #lesstomeaux #ATGOD #deathtouniform #countitup #coins #awarenessofunseen #noticednotunseen #Shadeaux
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shadeaux-be · 3 months
Count it up count it up count it up COUNT IT!
Is change about change or is it a coincidence to find? Even then coin is imbedded in COINcidence but I feel like coincidence is about reality. Ha it’s 4:20! Happy birthday $had.. “coincidence” lmao
Webster definition 1: the act or condition of coinciding(coin 👁️)
Definition 2: the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection
It’s all about probability. There’s a probability of a plethora of occurrences to appear… please tell me you see the root of currency 👀 ok I promise this isn’t an etymology lesson…
I find coins a lot. Like a lot a lot. Childhood I used to always find it then it went away. Over the last years it has increased again. “Jah bless” always accompanies the picking up. I don’t subscribe to everyone else’s rules in regard to the side that should be face up. Which side of the street ya da ya da. I have always followed my mind. Most of the time I do want to see what others interpret so I can decipher what I think it all means..
So a few reasons of following my guidelines!
Reason 1: the places I find change at times be wild af
Reason 2: the condition suggest it was meant for me to see and add to my collection
Reason 3: who knows what’s good or bad
Reason 4: I could be being guided by the powers that be to guide people?! (Hope not cause I always feel lost 🤣😂)
My change collection is growing and I’m not just talking coins 🪙. I am constantly experimenting and experiencing shifts..
On top of the coin shit I see all types of numbers.. does it all mean something? How the hell should I know 😂🤣
On top of the numbers I have strange dreams.. do they mean something? wtf knows I could just be crazy ya know?? Lol
Either way I enjoy it all. It could all be confirmation on my simple yet powerful prayers, spells, chants, or whatever the hell you wanna call them.
Thanks / Thank you
Jah bless, guide, and protect
Bismallah al rahman al rahim
Random reciting of invictus
As of late sacred being.
That’s it!!
Even if you feel lost enjoy the journey !!
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088 #big7 #mamaE #leaper #alldays #sunlike #ourland #visityapeople #invictus #lesstomeaux #ATGOD #deathtouniform #countitup #coins
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shadeaux-be · 3 months
Happy Freedom Day? Happy Juneteenth?
Harsh truth is this day means nothing if this nation turns around to celebrate 4th of July!
The fact that I would even have to explain why is another problem in itself.
So what am I fighting for??
Every presidential election is always the most important election.. no seriously they say it every leap or what people call election year…
I am glad I bit the apple of politics at a young age so I don’t have to be swayed by it in adulthood.
The so called black man has a double conscious I have been told. This double consciousness is a difficult reality that leads to my nihilistic thoughts.
It is difficult to fight against time so I rather flow with it. The people on this planet are sick. This nation has some of the sickest..
I want to explore as much as possible that what freedom is to me now and I believe it’s always been.
I make attempts not to romanticize the past “when we ruled” I also choose not to victimize the people who fought for me to have rights??? 🫨😵‍💫🤔
See what I mean terrible consciousness! Somewhere along the way we had to start sprinting to what white men get to teleport to…it used to be run to what they get to walk to. However times have gotten worse not changed
So we are looking for uniform but should be chasing solidarity…
Social problems exist as a way to avoid the focus of the so called black people plight!
ATGOD to slap a mf for playing with my people
ATGOD to slap my people that’s destroying us
ATGOD to find something worth living for because death is a promise
ATGOD to forge a way for our current & future generations
ATGOD to break free of mental conditions of waiting
ATGOD to live on your feet and not with your knees in the dirt
ATGOD to be feelin it
ATGOD to stream into the conscious of solidarity where we love, understand, and transform each other
ALWAYS THE GOOD OLE DAYS to understand you are in the NOW constantly…
👁️ choose to constantly know that 👁️ don’t know everything and never will. Despite that 👁️ will hold firm to that 👁️ am always free. We always have been we just need to take off that uniform we was conditioned into putting on…
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088 #big7 #mamaE #leaper #alldays #sunlike #ourland #visityapeople #invictus #lesstomeaux #ATGOD #deathtouniform
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shadeaux-be · 4 months
LMAO might get that tatted on me and I just thought of this title. It is an acronym for Always The Good Ole Days!!
No matter the place you are right now things are working out for you.
Well if you don't think so for you, I do not feel the same.
The world is not as crazy as people think it is. We have grown accustomed to focusing on negative, that we feel that the positive has slipped away from time.
What it is, is the fact that we say things like "ahhh the good ole days." when you really want to blossom you gotta be in the know of, ATGOD.
What are you seeking right now? What's stopping you from finding what you seek? I guarantee I know what the answer is to the second question.
We always in our own way for most things.
Right now i'm on my way to my entrance portal for 10 days. lol that means the place I was born btw.
Visiting home often has been helping me understand to keep growing and learning! it also stream lining me to be ATGOD lol...
I don't even care if it don't seem right with the dirty English language. I will fasho be using this lol
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088 #big7 #mamaE #leaper #alldays #sunlike #ourland #visityapeople #invictus #lesstomeaux #ATGOD
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shadeaux-be · 4 months
And yet the menace of the years finds and shall find me unafraid…
I am officially careerless, wifeless, childless, shelterless, and carless…
Am I doing anything about these things?? Sort of lol. The truth is I am just 🤸🏾‍♂️ lol that means flowing and kicking it lol..
10 years ago I was careerless, wifeless, childless, and shelterless. I did have a car lol. The shelter thing was up in the air because of a random battle with being sick. Had just finished living with my cousin who has found her husband. Was working actively to not be wifeless which can lead to not being childless lol. I’ve been to marriage counseling and all that lol Can you gather why I’m unafraid?
Heard you can’t so let me explain further. Since that time I have paid for my on shelter for 10 years! Housed many friends and family members as they jump start their lives. I have had a career where I have inspired many youth to do the same for friends and family. I have had 2 behicles of which Ive maintained paying for un assisted! I have loved and loved again! My stars just haven’t aligned.
Time will pass anyway. As it passes I will be the captain of my soul as I navigate the ever changing weather of life and reality 🧘🏾‍♂️
And yet the menace of the years finds and shall find me unafraid!!!
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088 #big7 #mamaE #leaper #alldays #sunlike #ourland #visityapeople #invictus #lesstomeaux
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shadeaux-be · 4 months
Maaaaaaaaaan pull up on your people!!! The living and the transitioned ones!
A few months ago while visiting my dawg grave I admitted to her that I’m ashamed that her grave is the only one that I pull up on purposely.
I usually only visit if there’s a funeral I’m attending. I can not say the same about Britt’s site. I know that I go mainly because it still unfair/unreal to have such a beautiful being leave the planet at a young age.
In my plan today would have went totally different. Though I wanted to see the pyramids badly doing that was beyond rewarding. I just feel different about the choice. I don’t miss any of you beautiful people but wouldn’t mind if I could hug or kiss y’all!
I know that you are living your best next life! I will visit more often! I will get y’all outta where y’all at and bury yall on our land! I would say mine but it’ll be ours!! Everything 👁️ do is for WE! 👁️ love y’all deeply! The ones I had the pleasure of meeting and the ones I didn’t!
Guide and protect my found lost being!
Hope that 👁️ make yall happier than happy!
Hope that y’all forgive me for visiting a friend more often than visiting yall.
Hope that yall help me move towards the dreams 👁️ attempt to envision and bring me past that!
👁️ honor y’all! 👁️ hope to make sense of y’all dark stories and radiate the light of them!
💚 always,
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088 #big7 #mamaE #leaper #alldays #sunlike #ourland #visityapeople
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shadeaux-be · 5 months
Most days I don’t feel my age. All days I feel inclined to say thank you.
Most days I am alone. All days I don’t want to be but still want some time alone.
Most days I days I have a few dark thoughts slip in. All days I shine like the sun.
Most days I wonder if I have what it takes to stand the test of time. All days I work towards finding out.
Most days I feel as though we are under some sort of spell. All days I laugh at areas that I’ve conformed to.
Most days aren’t all days but all days carry most days.
All days 👁️ maintain being me no matter the situation that comes.
👁️ am being a person 👁️ know many will never see but 👁️ hope my future does….
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088 #big7 #mamaE #leaper #alldays #sunlike
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shadeaux-be · 5 months
Always Honor the dead but never neglect that for the living!!
On Saturday lovely Mama E made her 15th leap through time. See most would say she 60 but she really 15 in my eyes. Forever young. I completed my 9th and Big €ev had his 1st.
I remember when she met me and found out my birthday at Franklin Avenue. She told my mama I’m her son and that their kids will be friends. Well that’s how I recall it. I could be wrong but I like my narrative 🤣😂.. Let me tell you the prophecy was correct!
She is an amazing person, speaker, and writer. I haven’t read her book yet. The way she lives makes me feel like I already know it word for word.
Honoring the living is about young and old!!
Big 7 is a true little bundle of love! Just like a 4/20 leaper spoke love and abundance on to me I never hold it back with him. I am honored to love on you as your unofficial God parent lol. Mama E is ready for you too.
May we understand that community is part of family. What the world want is money but it really need is love!!!
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088 #big7 #mamaE #leaper
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shadeaux-be · 5 months
I wrote a long ass post and it didn’t save to draft nor post. I take that as y’all wasn’t suppose to see it and it was for me to write about it.
Still gonna highlight how I say thank you when I open my eyes. I am thankful it all!!
It was about why I do what I do with my parents for my earth day. Also about why I don’t work on theirs.
Anyway on Saturday I’ll be 36 years young! Toast to the nonlinear thriving!!
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul #earthday42088
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shadeaux-be · 6 months
Crescent City Classic 2024 🌙
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Glad I waited to reflect on the classic because if I did it that day I’d hate my read later in life lol. For multiple hours after the race I was agitated about a variety of things pertaining to the race. The main dissatisfaction I had was due to not running it in 45 minutes.
After a variety of forgiveness sessions of others that impacted me in various ways. I finally forgave myself. I forgave myself because I could’ve did better based on my current physical fitness levels. 👁️ truly didn’t do all 👁️ needed to do to ensure complete the run in 45 minutes…
There have been days I bullshit training. There have been days when I didn’t train as hard/smart. There have been days when I settled into I mean I can beat a bulk of people. there have been days when 👁️ chose to do nothing. There have been days I just didn’t appreciate my journey. I will sankofa these things into April 19, 2025. 👁️ will be more present!
Unwinded after mile 1 I started battling wanting to stop running. The first time came out my mouth I said WTF!! Idk the last time I have wanted to stop so early in a run except when I was out of shape. I may have not wanted to run a run but still went but not battling stopping. To combat this I found a pacer. It didn’t dawn on me until mile 3 that I picked a terrible pacer but it was technically too late!!
I have become big on not checking my watch while running just to with it! Well there were mile markers with split times. When I was running up towards mile 3 it was almost at 24 minutes and I was devastated. Mile 1 - 7 & change! Mile 2 - 14 & change! We had slowed down so much! My body had settled into regular deceleration…
I will change pacers throughout the race in the future but maaaaaaaan I learned so many lessons. I am finally able to say I am happy I ran in my first crescent city classic. In 2028 I make 40 years young so I plan to run in all the classic races which are; Crescent City Classic-10k, Corporate Classic- 5k, St Patrick Day Classic - 2mi, Christmas in Lafreniere Park- 2mi, and Crescent Connection Bridge Run -6k!
I will run in a few of them between now and then but I want to be top 50 for all the races that year!!
Though we were all various places
I am excited that my brother Romel ran.
I am excited that Irie ran.
I am excited Coop ran.
I am excited Jerel ran.
I look forward to getting people out there with me to at least walk!!
I am happy that I finally did a child hood dream!!
Now to get in the top 500 cause I want that damn top 500 poster!!!
#careerprep #estateplanning #futureready #alwaysthegoodoledays #nolabred #educatedbrother #moundbuilder #originalcopperskin #timetravel #sankofa #shadow #gpse #goodpeoplestillexist #ot30rentals #222 #tyronehoward #crosscolours #LongLiveRoyal #olemanriverrun #landofmanytongues #crescentcity #CollobrateWithCulture #BarberTherapy #3001aboutme #welcomeback #Counselor #Thinker #RAshad #saj #moveonup #Surah35 #timeinspace2timeandspace #fear #certainty #eachonereachone #hbcu #childhoodreruns #CCC #KnowThySelf #Grateful #sacredbeing #maternalgrandparents #McCloud #Lawson #capoeira #roadto2028 #untetheredsoul
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