#rob x druid!reader
gothushi · 4 months
ranger!Rob meets Druid!Y/N while she’s wild shaped as a panther maybe (only bc that’s one I know for sure is in the game) and treats her so well that she’s melting for him but she’s worried of transforming back into a humanoid because of how he might react
stop:((( you’re just relaxing one day stretched out in the sun by a lake, and you hear some rustling in the brush. out pops a tall man, handsome features, hair tied back, intricate armor covering his torso and arms, straps here and there, a pack over one shoulder. he spots you, and kinda stares for a moment before easing down to get some water, obviously quite tired from his traveling. yawning and stretching, you keep a watchful eye on him, but most passersbys you come across pay no mind to you anyway, weary in case of attack but never approaching you.
so when this one in particular does, it intrigues you. he shows no malice, head tilted a little, and it’s because he honestly thinks you’re injured. you’re just sprawled out, not really moving, and his instincts tell him somethings wrong, even though there isn’t.
you lift your head, a quiet noise sounding in your throat, and paws outstretching again, watching him in curiosity. he seems to realize his mistake, pausing as he squats down, “sorry.. sorry… thought maybe you were hurt. i can see you’re okay though..”
you smell something though, nose working overtime as you rise to your feet in a lazy step, coming closer to the man. he seems to mean no harm, so might as well scope him out. sniffing at his side, he lets you, until you get to a side pocket on his pack and bingo! your favorite berries are in there, you know it. you really should go pick some…
but he’s already moving, startling you a little and he apologizes softly, “it’s okay.. sorry.. i’m just.. let me get this out.” his hand unbuttons the side pocket and out pulls a pouch, setting it on the ground between you two as he undoes the tie, perfect red berries spilling into a pile, “go on. you can have them, they smell good?” he’s grinning and honestly, he’s pretty cute.
so you eat up, licking at the fabric and then nudging your head into his knee, so hard accidentally that he falls back onto his ass with a laugh.
that starts a beautiful friendship. he stops by nearly everyday, he must be camping nearby, and everytime he beings something for you to eat, works his way up to petting your head, laying down with you, even taking a nap rested against your side, sunbathing on a flat rock. you also learn his name is rob, he’s traveling by himself. he talks to you about anything and everything. his worries, his past, his favorite meal that he wishes he could have again, he shows you the drawings in his journal.
it takes weeks to get to that point, but one day he doesn’t show. you’re worried, prowling the area, finding an abandoned camp not too far away, with him nor any possessions in sight.
retreating back to your own area, a few days pass and no show from rob.
one day you’re bathing in human form, dunking your head into the lake to wet your hair again as you bathe. getting used to movements and your joints in this form is odd, always something that feels funny after being wildshaped for so long. standing up, someone behind you startles, in turn making you twist and fall back into the water.
coming back up, smoothing your wet hair from your eyes, rob! and you make the mistake of voicing that. because his brows furrow as he stares, only because just your head is out of the water.
“how do you..?” the happy look on your face, the scar running from your brow to cheek, oh my gods
you’re the panther! oh my gods he’s been socializing with a damn druid this entire time! he feels so embarrassed, turning away with his face red, clearing his throat and apologizing. you gotta babble that it’s okay, you’re sorry you didn’t say anything, please don’t leave
he stays, sits down with his back to the water as he listens to you exit the lake and dry off, dressing again and then shyly stepping in front of him to sit down too. he’s more nervous now, bashful, flush high on his cheekbones as he grabs a small bag, setting it between you both. filled with the same berries from the firet say you met.
you get to talking, properly this time, and you discover he got run off by a group of bandits, that’s why his camp was abandoned. he’s okay, just some bruises, but you feel oddly protective.
for the first time in years, you yearn to leave the little area you claimed as your home, want to pack you few personal items up and travel with him, protect him. so you ask.
he gladly accepts.
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lockewrites · 11 months
Durge!Reader being comforted by Halsin
Reader (gender not specified) x Halsin || SFW-ish (slightly violent) || 2390 words AO3
From anon on Tumblr: I feel like theres a real lack of Halsin/durge fics, specifically him helping her after denying to kill, and I think you’d be amazing for this!!
SPOILERS FOR DURGE IN ACT II - wrote the scene Larian denied us with Halsin as our LI :3
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You lie on your bedroll, the stars hidden behind the cloth of your tent, the air within suddenly feeling as though it’s not enough to breathe. Sitting up, a wave of nausea roils through you, bile eating away at the back of your throat; each breath in creates a ripple in your gut. You crawl out of your tent, desperate for the open air; your movements are slow as you push to your feet, fearing your stomach will empty itself.
This sensation is certainly not a stranger; you’ve felt it a number of times since waking from the illithid pod. 
The campfire has long since died, and with it is the absence of your companions, each lost in a trance or dreams. You’re grateful for the solitude; they’re aware of your… general situation, or at least as much of it as you know yourself, but they needn’t see you in such a state. 
Your eyes flicker to Halsin’s tent; the druid had quickly drawn your interest upon joining the party. It began solely as a physical attraction; the sheer size certainly was enticing, and his Wild Shape, that very nature spoke to the feral instincts inside you. But his gentle temperament despite the power he holds, both physical and arcane, is an enigma to you, and him extending that soft touch to you, someone who certainly does not deserve it… the interest had quickly shifted to something deeper. 
And for reasons you still couldn’t fathom, it’d been reciprocated. 
Without realizing, you find yourself having approached his tent, your hand reaching to open it. 
“He believes you’ve relieved the weight of his worries, returning him to himself.”
You spin to find a despicable creature standing behind you; decaying skin stretched taut over sharp bones, beady red eyes looking past you at Halsin’s tent. Sceleritas Fel. 
“Such delusions, to think you a savior. As though you aren’t the heaviest burden to wrap around his neck, until he breathes his last, losing himself forever.”
Your mouth pulls into a sneer, and you take a step to block his view.
“You could do so much better, Milady,” the butler says, shaking his head. 
“Back off, you rotten gremlin,” you hiss, your fists clenching. “You won’t touch him.”
He holds his hands up, unphased by your words. “I won’t lay so much as a talon on the elf.” His pointed teeth show in his malicious smile. “I wouldn’t rob you of that delight.”
A sharp pain beats through your head as you stare the creature down; the evidence apparent in your expression. 
“Your clever mind is penning tragedy as we speak,” he remarks, pointing at you. “Your repressed Urge yearns to kill.” His voice drips with something akin to desire. “And kill you will. Tonight, the moment you close your eyes, your favorite person will be brutalized.”
“But I love him.” Your words are quiet, yet they startle you, spilling from your lips of their accord. Are you surprised by the admission? So early in your journey? Or is it that you don’t know whether you’re truly capable of such a thing?
“We all kill what we love most, in time,” Sceleritas replies. “He is so beneath you; his very presence infects the air with a sickeningly sweet stench. His pure heart would be better served floating in a jar.”
With each utterance, bile crawls further and further up to your throat. 
“Halsin believes I’m stronger than this,” you mutter, more to yourself. “He won’t come to harm by my hand. I haven’t even yet told him how I feel.”
“Why not whisper it while you twist a knife?” He smirks. “Or have a love confession be the final words between you.” Sceleritas leans toward you. “It is my duty to ensure you are making the right decisions, Master. There was much disappointment at your reluctance to kill the little Moonmaiden.” 
Your glare sharpens, suspicion growing and nearly pulling a snarl from your chest.
“You could kill this one deliberately,” he explains. “I’m sure it will be considered a great show of goodwill. The tithe could still be yours.”
The pain stabs through your head again, forcing your eyes shut as you grimace. Your instinct gnaws at your mind, and your Urge claws and screams beneath your skin. 
Forcing your eyes open, you speak through clenched teeth. “Perhaps I sate the Urge by killing you.”
“Oh, my dear Lady.” He shakes his head and smiles. “It’s been many a time I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing your malice personally. But my death means little to your father and the Urge.”
The thought of his death at your hand would be satisfying, but you feel the honesty in his words; it would be far too shallow a victory to quiet the Urge.
“I won’t do it.” Your nails threaten to break the skin of your palms. “I will keep him safe. From you. And from me.” 
He tilts his head. “I do not doubt you will act with the decorum befitting one of your rank.” His head dips, giving a bow just as his body glows an eerie red. “Good night, sweet Lady.” 
His body disappears in a moment, leaving you alone with your back to Halsin’s tent. With a deep breath, you will your jaw and fists to relax; the lingering pain offering a bit of comfort as you wrack your mind on what to do. 
You turn, reaching up to open the flap of Halsin’s tent, leaving a dark spot where your fingers touch. A metallic tinge spills into your nose, and you look down to see your hands streaked with blood, spilling from half-moon wounds in the middle of your palm. Without thinking, you run your tongue across your skin, the taste sending a shiver down your spine as your breath wavers. 
Your movements freeze, the Urge rising in your chest, desperate to taste blood spilled from a body you crave.
“No,” you whisper to yourself, as though simply speaking would placate it. “Not Halsin.”
You dare to step through, finding Halsin lying on his bedroll, still deep in his trance, unaware of the looming threat to his life. Kneeling beside him, your bloodied hands hover above his throat; it would be so easy to spill his life with a simple slice of your dagger. 
“Stop,” you plead to yourself, to your hands. 
They move to his shoulders and give him a shake. “Halsin,” you utter, hoping to not wake the others. He doesn’t react. “Halsin!”
He wakes with a start, sitting up and gripping your arms in concern. “What’s wrong?”
Your lips part, but you struggle to find the words. 
Halsin’s hands move to your wrists, turning them to view your still-bleeding hands.
“Speak to me,” he pleads, looking at you with fear and concern, visible even in the dark.
“You’re in danger,” you breathe, not entirely confident your words are loud enough for him to hear. 
His brow furrows. “From what?”
His mouth opens, and you half-expect a lighthearted remark, but perhaps your severe gaze makes him hesitate. Halsin’s grasp slides to rest on either side of your face, his warmth filling you and quelling the nausea still tainting your stomach. 
“Whatever is going on,” he begins, his thumbs brushing away tears that you hadn’t known spilled, “we will get through it, but I need to know what’s happening.”
You blink, his image going in and out of focus. “I… My… My mind isn’t my own,” you cry.
Each word given steals more and more of your energy, leaving your body on the cusp of failing; your vision grows tunneled and red as a headache splits through your skull, the pain unlike anything you’ve experienced before. 
You feel the last of your consciousness slipping, but you must get out what has your heart in a vice grip. You slip from Halsin’s touch, stumbling backward against the tent’s flaps.
“It wants to kill you, and I… I don’t know what to do. I can’t lose you.”
He leans toward you. “You won’t lose me,” Halsin promises. “Our time together has only begun.” He interrupts himself with a heavy sigh. “You’ve shared a touch of your troubles with me, but this is far beyond anything you’ve said. To hold such a burden alone will destroy you. You could have confided in me.”
“I’m…” Even with the absence of any of your strength, you somehow draw further back; your vision becomes nothing more than a blur, the world spinning beneath you, and your throat burns with bile. “I’m sor—” You collapse into the dirt. 
Whatever time that’s passed is lost to you, waking near the dead campfire with your hands bound behind your back and any semblance of control over your Urge gone. Your body thrashes, your wrists twisting and pulling against the rope, its flesh tearing into your own. 
“Calm yourself,” Halsin orders, his voice sounding authoritative, as if speaking to one of his druids. “My magic cannot penetrate what plagues you. You, your will, will conquer this.”
Your mouth tastes of iron; vile desires gather on your tongue, the Urge itself commanding your body. You try to focus on Halsin, your eyes pleading that he sees you’re trying, even if not successful.
“I know you are still in there.” 
His words are soft, sweet… they sicken the Urge. 
You lurch forward, your teeth seeking to clamp down on any piece of Halsin, wanting to tear the meat from his bones, devouring him raw. 
He doesn’t flinch, but his jaw sets. “I’ve handled the most feral of animals. Your fangs are no threat to me.”
The response sends the Urge over the edge, your limbs pulling with all of your strength, no regard given for any injuries caused by their own actions. The rope breaks through your raw skin, blood soaking the binds.
“Easy, my heart,” Halsin says. “Your strength is greater than this curse, and I will grant you my own alongside. You will not suffer this alone.”
You hold his promise in your chest, hoping it blooms bright enough to allow you to express your gratitude. You try to speak, but all that escapes is a harsh growl that tears through your throat.
“A growl means little from a trapped beast,” he remarks. “But you can escape this. I will see you free of this affliction.”
Tears that feel like acid fill your eyes, and you can’t tell whether it’s frustration and anger from the Urge or fear and dread from you. Your body is beaten inside and out, exhaustion’s hands wrapped around your throat. Still, it fights against your bindings, even as your consciousness slips back into the dark. 
“Let your mind rest,” he says. “Your body will soon follow.”
Again, you don’t know how long you’re out, but at some point, you come to. You feel sticky, your clothes clinging to your sweat-slicked skin; your head still pounds, and your stomach still turns, but your mind is once again your own. As your vision clears, you let out a sigh of relief; Halsin remains in front of you, mercifully unharmed.
His gaze holds yours, searching for you. And he finds you. 
Rising to his feet, he steps behind you and cuts your binds; your freed arms settle in your lap, the muscles screaming, and your wrists and hands caked in dried blood. Tentative, you flex your fingers, the maroon stain cracking and falling from your skin.
Halsin returns in front of you and sits back down. His expression is relieved, but as the seconds pass, it shifts to something far more serious. 
“I am overjoyed to have you back,” he begins, “but we need to discuss what happened.”
Your head drops, shame filling you. With a deep breath, you let everything out: divulging the severity of your Dark Urge, how often it haunts your thoughts and dreams, the little creature that calls himself your butler, your mysterious father you’re supposed to please.
Those hazel eyes are hard, his brows pinched; Halsin is deep in his thoughts, sifting through the heavy truth you’ve just shared. And all you can do is sit and wait, anxiety boiling within as you await his response. Will he claim you too dangerous to live? An unnatural being, something that disrupts the world’s balance? Perhaps simply cast you out, banish you from the camp as he’s unable to bring himself to end you? 
Your hands are suddenly gifted his warmth, his own gently caressing yours. He dips a rag in a bowl of water beside him and begins cleaning your wounds, his touch impossibly gentle.
“In all my years, I’ve not come across anything quite like this,” he finally speaks. “But I stand by my words. You will not lose me. And I will not let you lose yourself to this Urge.”
He puts the rag aside and casts a healing spell; the golden glow fills the space between you, and the torn skin pulls back together. Your wrists still ache, still feel some remnant of the deep injuries, but it’s barely more than a pinprick to you. 
His hands remain on yours, but you feel disgusted and have to fight the temptation to pull away. You should be left to rot, ended now to protect everyone around, to protect him.
“I’m a monster,” you mutter, unable to meet his gaze. “I’ve taken countless lives. I don’t even know the depth of my crimes. I’m an abomination now, and I know… I just know I was fully embracing this Dark Urge before I lost my memories.” Your throat feels as though it’s being stabbed. “You should end me.”
Your head is guided up, his thumb under your chin and forcing you to look at him.
“The Urge is a monster,” he argues. “You, the person you are now, is utterly incredible. And having learned just how hard a battle you face with this evil, I am in awe.”
The tears fall from your cheeks, and while you still don’t believe you deserve a single utterance he’s given, you’re grateful beyond what words could express.
Halsin wipes them away, and his hands remain along your jaw. 
“We will free you from this abomination,” he swears, “and your mind, your heart, your soul, will be entirely yours. And you will see just how extraordinary you are.”
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
I know requests are closed but I just wanted to say that I found the Halsin x Durge!Reader delicious
Imagine if he did get mad though once he found out about her druid savagness and gets mad and decides breeding her would calm her down more bhaalspawn for her though
I mean, at least you're the only person who acknowledged the fact that my requests are closed while requesting. I gotta give you some points. Others just shoot the request one after another no matter if I say it's closed or not.
You're talking about this fic I assume?
I think he'd feel betrayed. Heartbroken yes but mostly betrayed and robbed, anger is a only a passing madness in Halsin's case that will drive him to march into your tent and drag you by the ankle to offer an explanation, beg for mercy or maybe both.
Have you seen this clip of him being angry? Actually angry? It's during the confrontation of when you murder the grove but let him live.
Imagine that intensity with the fact that it's also his own heart you "played" with. At least from his slightly toxic point of view, he thinks that he was owed you being heroic and innocent. So by being...yk durge, you completely robbed him of his fantasy and shattered that stained glass view he had of you.
It would take a lot to get him to that state, he'd try to argue with anyone who says otherwise that you aren't really responsible for your less than ideal actions, that it's Bhaal controlling you like a curse or something. That you can't possibly enjoy it let alone enthusiastically go along with these dark whims.
A front row seat to one of your gorey shows is all it takes to flip his world upside down.
You're not some fawn learning to balance or a rabbit hiding between his feet. He sees you clearly for the venomous snake that you were, that you are. Curling around him, sinking your body and teeth into him. It must be you why Silvannus hasn't been answering his prayers lately, why the animals in the forest flee from your lingering scent on his body.
Death is too kind of a revenge. You deserve something more cruel, redemption. Willing or unwilling Halsin will drag you to the brighter side, the nicer side, the morally right side. Part of his stubborn hope stems from the fact he grew too weak of a soft spot for you to even consider the idea of ending or harming you in any way. So either you make him worse or he breaks you into being a better person first.
Kick punch and claw at him, it will not phase him. He will hold you down whenever that gleam of sadistic glee shines in your seemingly innocent eyes at the curious squirrel sniffing your hand.
Drown your threats of violence and promises of a bloodbath of gore and viscera to passerbys with his tongue down your throat. Kissing you as if he may purge the evil from within if he got you to melt into his arms.
As a result he becomes harsher in bed, not that you're complaining. If anything it's him who's suffering the most from the way his once gentle grip on your thighs turned bruising and possessive. His once soft slow thrusts became feral and merciless. The way he used to coo praises and apologise against your neck became litters of insult in elvish at how much of a traitor and a snake you are, how you deserve each bite he leaves behind.
He loathes himself, like a poison sinking into his stomach and refusing to resurface. Droplet after droplet falling to weight down his body each time you force his hand into breeding you for an inch of your life so you may do no harm to others nor fulfill your dark destiny as a child of bhaal.
What has he become? How can he call himself a druid?
It feels like it's his job now to keep the evils at bay, to keep the hungery wolves fed with his own flesh, to take care of the monster he has created. You are his responsibility.
It seems like you're getting closer to breaking him by day, especially since he already does half the work himself for you by simply antagonising himself and every loathsome action you force him to take.
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