#robin is uncle fester because reasons
midweastindigo · 2 years
steve and eddie dressing up as gomez and morticia, respectively
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morganski-19 · 10 months
This has probably been said before and honestly probably done a million times and I just haven't found it yet. But I need an Addams family Steddie au(like the original Addams family show)
Like Steve as Morticia and Eddie as Gomez. Cause Steve is more reserved and Eddie is bouncing off the walls.
Literally any pairing for the two kids cause there are so many that could fit. But I think that it would be funny for each chapter to have their own pairings. Like one chapter is Dustin and Erica and the next is Max and El and no one comments on it.
Robin is Uncle Fester. No one really knows how she’s related but she is.
Nancy would fill the grandma role but not be the actual grandma so Ronance could happen. She’s just another person that lives in the house and has been adopted into the family and no one quite knows why or how she got there but they’re not kicking her out.
For some reason I picture Jonathan as Lurch but I’m not sure why. It just fits.
Argyle is Cousin It, come on the hair.
But it’s all so happy and full of love that everyone else sees as weird but makes perfect sense to them. Because that’s what the Addams family is, just a group of people who are a family, blood or not, that love each other no matter what.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Tbh, I love when people remember that Jason was in awe of Superman too, and Uncle Clark was still plenty partial to him as well, it wasn’t just Dick that Clark had an avuncular relationship with. 
But that last reblog also got me thinking about another popular fanon I roll my eyes at, because it too seems to only exist to position fans against Dick on Jason’s behalf....
The idea that all of Dick’s friends hated and resented Jason for not being him, and took it out on him on Dick’s behalf.....
Nope. 100% nuh-uh, not a thing, do not pass Go, do not collect $200...completely made up and did not happen.
Let’s go to the tape:
Jason teamed up with the Titans a grand total of two times, both post-Crisis but in that brief window before Jason’s retconned origin, while he was still using his pre-Crisis origin, both within the span of a few issues of each other, and both still in continuity by the time Jason returned as the Red Hood since when he fought Tim in Titans Tower he remarked upon having been a Titan once too, even if briefly, and those two stories are the only two stories that exist which he could have been referring to....
And in neither of them do the Titans resent Jason or antagonize him on Dick’s behalf.
In fact, Jason is shown thinking of asking Batman if he can join the Titans full time, because “they like me here”...
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So where does the idea that they resented him for not being Dick, and were douchebags to him on Dick’s behalf come from?
Well the thing is, it doesn’t come completely from nowhere, which is almost worse....because it DOES build on stuff that actually happens....it just does so in such a way as it is literally impossible to take that interpretation of what actually happens, unless you’re LOOKING for a way for it to make Dick look bad, and lead others who aren’t familiar with the comics to dislike him as a result.
For instance, one (and only one) of the Titans IS an asshole to Jason throughout their shared story....
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But uh....that Titan is Hawk, who is notably and distinctly an asshole to EVERYONE. Its not remotely on Dick’s behalf, Hank and Dick hardly ever even liked each other and were definitely not ever close friends, and there’s not a single person in that story that Hawk doesn’t antagonize at some point. It had absolutely ZERO to do with Jason not being Dick and Hawk giving him shit because of it.
And as for the ‘resented Jason for not being Dick’ specifically thing, once again, taken TOTALLY out of context....that stems from this part of the story, where Donna, feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of leadership and the stressors of things happening in her own life, says she’s not cut out to be the leader and tries to pass it off to Jason, who understandably is like wait what???
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And it is abundantly clear in this and the pages that follow that Donna IS defaulting to viewing Jason the way she does Dick and seeing him as someone she can pass leadership off on because she’s looking at him and simply seeing ROBIN....but this is not REMOTELY due to her resenting Jason for not being Dick or thinking he’s not good enough to take his place, but rather the complete opposite. Jason’s so competent at what he does and is gelling with most of the team so seamlessly that Donna forgets for a bit that he’s not actually Dick, and his presence takes her back to when they were all younger and Dick was still Robin, and things were ‘easier’ in her mind.
But once again, fanon gets it twisted, because rather than this creating problems for Jason and becoming a secret source of insecurity and resentment for him, mostly aimed at Dick and Jason feeling like he’s in his shadow and can’t live up to his example....Jason, who is not really an insecure person by nature (though he does have insecurities - there is a difference though)....like, Jason doesn’t just passively let this happen and let it fester. He calls her out on it, states his case plainly and with certainty, and they move past the issue almost as soon as it arises.
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Once again, see the issue with the common ‘interpretation’ of this part of Jason’s (and by way of extension, also Dick’s) history?
My now standard disclaimer, its not about bowing down to Official Canon, as the only true authority or way of depicting things.....its about the fact that sometimes fanon exists a certain way BECAUSE people hate or dislike various characters and so always find a way to spin things to make them look bad......but THEN....as a result....sometimes the whole REASON people who come along later and internalize this fanon hate or dislike of various characters.....is because of the skewed interpretation offered up and perpetuated by people INVESTED in making characters they disliked look bad, or be the cause of issues or hardships for characters other people might prefer.
But yeah. The Titans did not hate, resent, ostracize, or treat Jason badly because he wasn’t Dick Grayson. The only one Jason EVER had grievances against was Hawk, and NOBODY consistently got along with Hawk other than his brother, Dove.  
Flat out, one hundred percent warped and untrue. Dick was not the cause of additional issues for Jason when it came to the Titans.
And for the record, this is Jason’s final scene in the other story in which he teams up with the Titans....the one where they all rescue Dick and Raven from the Church of Blood. Once again, notice the complete lack of resentment, disdain, cold-shoulders or anything else thrown Jason’s way by the other Titans....as well as the total lack of antagonism between Dick and Jason or any hint of resentment or bitterness from Dick towards Jason, and rather, the easy familiarity between them. Again, this is post-Crisis but before Jason’s retcon as being a street kid rather than another acrobat like Dick.....but that retcon when it did come along was crafted in such a way as to allow this and most of Jason’s other stories to still exist between when Bruce took him in after their encounter in Crime Alley, and when Jason died in ADITF, and thus this like the previous story is still firmly in continuity and was referenced as such at later points in the timeline.
And omg you guys, look how much Dick and Jason hate each other here:
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In conclusion, nobody would be harping on about the fanon that makes Dick look like The Reason Jason’s Life Is Terrible And He Can Never Have Nice Things.....if fanon didn’t so often exist purely to GIVE people a reason to look at Dick as The Reason Jason’s Life Is Terrible And He Can Never Have Nice Things.
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imthepunchlord · 4 years
What I wish for FEA
On the off chance Fire Emblem Awakening got remade for the switch (which can handle far more than the 3DS), things that I really hope for. I really would love if it did get remade for the switch, it was a lot of fun, a lot of great characters, an interesting set up that they could’ve done a lot more for. It’s not a perfect game, so a remake would be good to polish it up, and do the update that’s needed. 
And this is more for me, been holding this in since playing FE3H and finally decided to share it. 
- More supports for Chrom and Sumia
For someone who insists about standing for friendship, he doesn’t have a lot of supports, I also would’ve loved to see some other romantic options for him; like him and Flavia could’ve been great. I’d also be intrigued to see Lucina as a half taguel or manakete. And Sumia has no excuse for her small support pool. While I love Cordelia and Stahl, I also really wanted to see Sumia and Stahl, if they had a support. 
And set it up that, whoever Lissa marries, that opens up a support between Chrom and his brother-in-law, if he doesn’t have one open with them. My otp is Lissa and Henry, I’d love to see the support between Chrom and Henry, that could be so funny. And have this extend to potential aunts and uncles between Lucina (Lucy’s younger sibling) and Owain. There are interactions we’re not getting but should be. 
- Model edits for half races
Speaking of Lucina being half taguel or manakete; do actual edits of their models so they have those traits; I was bothered to see Morgan lack those traits. Also to see that Morgan is just a copy of her mother’s model. Taguel, ok, I can let fly since gender seems color coded for their armor, but manakete, seeing 3 different colors (yellow, pink, and white); its not hard to tweak the color. Morgan could’ve been black or purple (and on the off chance we ever get manakete!Lucina, blue for her). 
- Plegia
This is a big one. While FE doesn’t have the best history with their poc, 3H was a step in the right direction, I would like this added to FEA. 
Don’t make things so black and white, especially with Plegia and Ylisse. Plegia is overwhelmingly framed as the villains and Ylisse is just pure good. Never mind the fact that Ylisse did a mass genocide on Plegia that still effects it to this day. While it is acknowledged, it also feels swept under the rug too and Plegians are portrayed bad for responding as they do. And to my knowledge, Emmeryn didn’t do much to try and make up for her father’s actions outside withdrawing troops. Its a complicated situation I want to see addressed more, for there isn’t an easy answer to this. She’s not her father and shouldn’t be blamed for his sins, but she also can’t just bow her head and try to let things be, leave them to lick their wounds in peace; that allows anger, hurt, and resentment to fester that lead to Plegia lashing out. Actually one thing that could’ve been done is make use of Robin being Plegian and Emmeryn using them as a means to make up for how bad things got. Give us more on Emmeryn, and address that complicated situation. 
Also, really address Robin being Plegian. Aside from later story detail, its something very forgettable and its a huge disconnect from Robin and their character. Robin is an amnesiac, yet there’s nothing of them trying to learn of their past. I would love to see Robin delving into being Plegian, their culture, and what it means to them to work with the Shepherds. While the Shepherds has been kind to Robin and embraced them to be among the flock, Robin canonly does still face suspicion after serving Ylisse loyally (Frederick). Realistically, Robin should be facing far more prejudice in Ylisse, which can help break this black and white set up between Ylisse and Plegia. This would also be really interesting to see for Robin as a character, acknowledging their Plegian heritage, what it means for them, where does loyalty lie, do they want to go to Plegia and try to find their past? Validar even hints that Robin’s mother is alive (potentially); where’s Robin trying to find their mother? To learn of their past and see what Robin was like before losing their memories, what happened that got them separated from their mother? 
And not everyone will agree or like this, but remove being able to change up the avatar’s appearance. Because they want Robin blank for the player, this makes Robin lackluster as a character, and doesn’t work since there are actual conversations between the avatar and other characters that won’t match with the player’s views. Say you don’t like Chrom, but your avatar does and there’s nothing you can do to change this, its a set conversation between two characters. Let Robin exist as their own character, no changing up the design, and keep Robin as a person of color. I can say you can change the color itself  from light to dark, but no making Robin white. This extends to Tharja, Noire, Henry, and the Morgans. All Plegians that are “good” and that can recruit are white, which doesn’t help things. Keep all Plegians dark skinned, it will help remove that light skinned people are “good” and all dark skinned people are “bad”, especially when majority of Plegians are dark. So keep Robin, Tharja, Noire, Henry, and the Morgans all poc, and let Robin become their own character, for they are meant to be but also an insert for the player and they aren’t a good insert. They can do what they did with Byleth, have a potential reason why Robin starts out so blank; maybe Grima reaching out to Robin is what set that off, and the further into the story you play, the more of Robin’s true personality shines through. Tharja reveals that knowing someone’s true name allows for hexes to work, and its a wonder if Robin is their true name or if they have a true Plegian name. 
And what becomes of Plegia when you beat the game? Is Plegia left broken and never rebuilt, becoming part of Ylisse? Does Robin (and their spouse) go to store Plegia and become new rulers and help forge friendships between them and Ylisse? Or does Tharja or Henry go to become the new Queen or King of Plegia with their respective spouse? House does Plegian monarchy even work? Gangrel was a peasant that survived the genocide and stepped up, then Validar just took over and now we don’t know who rules or if Plegia is just left forgotten and broken. 
Speaking of Grima, lets get more into them and Plegian culture and religion. They’re a largely worshiped god that promises doom upon the world, why are they so worshiped when it means many Plegians will die as well? Are they based on the Egyptian culture, believing that there is an afterlife after death, and that it will be better than their present life? Do they believe this world is the actual hell? Is there more to Grima in worship than just death? To play off their old name, is Grima known as a creation god, for destruction is a form of creation, paving way to renewal or new things to rise from creation. Aversa mentioned “gods”, so Grima isn’t the only god that is worshiped. Who else do they worship? Are there believers of Naga? What other gods are out there? 
And Grima’s mention that they and Robin are one and the same, it doesn’t get addressed or explored as much as I’d like. To what extent are they the same? Is Robin just a human reincarnation of Grima? Could Robin become Grima without the possession? Are they a dark and light counterpart to each other? Does this mean that Grima is like Robin, started out good and open to the world and just wound up corrupted or went down a dark path, that Forneus potentially pushed Grima down? Or was Grima always evil at the start? Does that mean Robin actually started out evil and then the amnesia hit and they became good? 
Its said on the wiki that Robin often experienced nightmares, which we didn’t see in-game, Grima could be set up to play a similar role to Sothis, an inner demon sitting in Robin’s subconscious, trying to manipulate and scare Robin down a darker path. And if Robin can potentially explore their own mindscape, could use this to lay hints to Robin’s past and Grima’s. 
- Also go ahead and expand on the lore of the world
Plegia is the one I’m interested to see more of, but would like more on Regina Ferox, more on Ylisse and their views of Plegia presently, of Valm, of the taguel and of the manakete. 
But just expanding this world, for there are a lot of interesting things and details set up that are left unanswered. Actually there are some paralogue that can be doen to expand on characters and give a little on their history. 
Like, Nowi revealing that she was stolen from her parents. Are they possibly still around? Who stole her? Why doesn’t she have a support with Tiki?
Is Panne really the only surviving taguel or are there more? 
Is Donnel potentially part manakete since his father gave him a stone that has a “hidden power” and Nah can use it as her dragonstone to transform. So was his father a manakete or did he just find that stone? 
- Take the new features from Three Houses
One of the things I really liked about 3H was being able to explore the church and talk to characters, see what new thing they have to say for each month. I’d love to see the barracks explored and talk to characters in your army and see what new thing they’d have to say to you when you go about talking to them, what their thoughts and views can be. 
I’d also like to build up points like 3H does, have lunch or a drink with your army, do little things for fun and build up supports and stats. 
I also adore characters being fully voice acted and seeing the cutscenes play out. I’d love for them to stay and be used for FEA. 
And while very unlikely to be done, I would love them doing another take on divide paths. Two possible routes to go, there’s going with Ylisse, or going with Plegia. Have Robin decide if they want to stay and assist the Shepherds or go to Plegia and learn of their pasts, see more of characters we didn’t get to see much of, see Plegians’ life and potential struggles after that genocide and being under Gangrel and Grimeal’s rule. Maybe have a complicated goal of improving things for Plegia, work at becoming the new Queen/King of Plegia, see how things stay the same or play out differently with you there. 
It is very unlikely though, so at most I’d hope for an expansion on lore and culture, and make things far more grey than the black and white set up they did. 
- Update characters 
There are characters who haven’t aged well and require a major update in design and personality. Tharja is creepy but has a secret heart of gold, which clashes with what Noire tells us in the future. Inigo is a nice guy and is extremely annoying. Nowi has the mentality of a child and its extremely uncomfortable to pair her up with anyone, and I’d like to see her updated to be more along the lines of Flayn, still child-like in a sense, but also mature and wise in her own way. Her daughter Nah I don’t remember liking much either and would like to see adjusted. This is one of a few I think really need a tweak in personality and design. 
- Allow for same sex endings
Now, this is unlikely since female characters (minus Chrom and male Robin) are the ones with future kids, but I would like to see that some same sex characters could have endings together, though there’s the issue of no child from mlm pairs. This can be solved by adding a handful of future kids to certain male characters, and can open up more sibling supports. its also realistic for some parents to have more than one kid.
But that means adding more children and I don’t know if they will. I would love to see more child characters and more sibling interactions, but yeah I don’t know if they will... 
- Remove allowing Robin to pair up with a kid from the future
No. Just no. That should not have been a thing. 
- Allow me to have both my children 
Future Past dlc all but confirms that Morgan has a twin that exists, let us have them both. I adore them both, and I would love to see them work off each other. 
- Give Flavia and Say’ri their own kid 
Very salty that these two woc don’t have their own kid as well and a very small window of supports. Which ties into the next point. 
- Update supports 
It is very annoying that some characters don’t have supports with each other. Not just Chrom being picky about company despite boasting about friendship and bonds and Sumia being picky about spouses (for some reason); but Lon’qu and Basilio can’t talk, nor him and Say’ri despite coming from the same region. Nor any support between Nowi and Tiki despite Nowi having a fear of being alone, here is another manakete and yet no interactions between them? And on the off chance they keep in extra recruitable characters, why don’t Emmeryn have a support with Chrom and Lissa and Frederick? 
- Chrom 
So I know Chrom needs a wife for Lucina, but my god its the most annoying thing to deal with him till past a certain chapter, especially if one of his few potential wives I want to pair with someone else. I know its a must, but I would like it updated and adjusted. Because at the start of the play through, everyone has to avoid him like the plague less he goes and steals someone’s wife. 
Another issue is him being the Exalt, we don’t see him being the Exalt and most of his time is spent away from his kingdom, making him lackluster as a ruler and leader. Who is he leaving in charge of Ylisse when he’s about when his potential wife, Lissa, and Frederick are at his side? Is any of the people of Ylisse bothered or nervous about him being vacant to rule? 3H the heirs feel like actual rulers and leaders, Chrom doesn’t. I’d like that updated, see what he is like as an Exalt, and what issues there are for there is no perfect ruler. What are his goals and how will he act them out? Does he have any? is Ylisse ok enough that he hardly needs to actively govern it? 
And I think that about covers it for all things I’d hope to see added/polished up for FEA remake, if it ever happens for the switch. I really hope so, it got me into Fire Emblem, and while a lot of fun, it needs polishing up, and could use some updates and add ons. 
I hope one day I will get to see it on the switch, and to see it updated and improved upon. 
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