#roche is so cranky
eycsnow666 · 1 year
witcher screenshot compilations
got a bunch of stray imgur links floating around on discord, but here they all are! mostly of character swaps to emhyr. be warned that character swaps involving female->male skeletons may be a bit...cursed ahah. check the reblogs for further additions, because the original post is cranky abt any more links being added to it.
shoutout to @tigerlyla-of-metinna who's done amazing edits to some of these pics and also for enabling my new hobby
Emhyr visits Kaer Morhen
quest is No Place Like Home, swaps are Lambert to Geralt, Yen to Ciri, Geralt to Emhyr. Emhyr graces Kaer Morhen with his imperial presence. in return, the witchers convince him to drink himself silly. welp, what dignity was lost was regained in camaraderie
La Cage au Fou ft.a sad hedgehog
while out trapping monsters, Geralt accidentally captures...the emperor of nilfgaard?? how he got there aside, he's in pretty bad shape and has apparently gone feral. lucky there's a witcher who's been through this rodeo before, so emhyr's in safe hands <3
Roche to Emhyr and Ves to Ciri
quests are Eye for an Eye and Reason of State, with bonus swaps Dijkstra to Dettlaff and Thaler to Regis. Ever wanted to see Emhyr plotting against Emhyr? these pics have you covered! also included: emhyr and geralt being big damn heroes, and drunk uncle Dettlaff giving Regis a headache by quoting Macbeth Vakmeth scenes. See one of my reblogs for this link, bc this post doesn't want to save with it here for some reason.
Emhyr x Geralt hugs (Blood Run quest)
Regis's expressions make Emhyr look so soft 💖
Something Ends, Something Begins (Geralt to Emhyr)
soft moments with Ciri and Emhyr getting some dad moments in.
Ciri's Story: Out of the Shadows (Baron to Emhyr)
Emhyr has a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Emhyr may be a snacc but his daughter's here to make sure he doesn't become a snack (for basilisks)
The Battle of Kaer Morhen ft.The White Flame (Geralt to Emhyr). lots of Sadmyr and tender moments with Ciri
father's day at kaer morhen
Geralt to Emhyr swap, quest is Blood on the Battlefield. Emhyr and Ciri destress with a snowball fight. Geralt's sitting out this one, probably collapsed of sheer shock from learning that Emhyr is capable of experiencing fun.
Emralt, now with reduced clothes!
Yen to Emhyr, the opening scene at Kaer Morhen. yeah these are actually Yen's body proportions bc Yen's skeleton but shhhhh
A Midnight Clear: Shani to Emhyr mod
more spooky scary (animation) skeletons
A Midnight Clear: spiciest Emralt highlights
Geralt x Emhyr action. don't look at the proportions too closely, just lie back and think of nilfgaard
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
last year i kept missing updates and people were so sweet like “you don’t have to post X often! you don’t have to hit a deadline! do what suits your schedule!” and that was lovely and I did appreciate it, but the point of the deadlines was momentum. Now I have fallen down so thoroughly on posting ever at all, zero routine left, no concept of it even, that I have no momentum and my brain is like clearly no one cares about this so give up, and that sucks, and i’m exhausted and cranky and useless and shitty but by god i am not abandoning my like fifty WIPs that i care deeply about i swear and so anyway i am trying to force the engine to turn over, as hard as I can, i swear other people were excited about this and i can use that to get myself excited about it again, i can do this
so please help me get excited about literally anything, i am in despair.
direct prequel to Fit For Pearls:
“Did he ask you to tell me about the meeting?” Ciri asked, eyeing him.
“He did not directly ask,” Voorhis said stiffly, “but he knows I intended to ensure you had the opportunity to attend such meetings. Had he not wanted me to tell you, he would have needed to order me not to.”
“Is that how it works?” Ciri asked.
“It’s how that works,” Voorhis said, very stiff and formal and not much like his normal self. She wondered what he was trying to convey. Was it displeasure, that this was his task? Was it nervousness, that it was in fact not his actual task and he was perhaps taking advantage of some confusion to play politics?
She hated politics.
She’d chosen politics.
“I thank you,” she said wearily.
next bit of the Peace-Tied series, a tender little Iorveth & Yennefer moment with hair-braiding, very self-indulgent:
By the time they finished writing and elaborately illuminating the placard, Yennefer’s hair was caught back in a series of delicate little braids that then twined around one another, and caught her hair up off her neck. She was also inexplicably near tears at the tenderness of all of it. 
Iorveth knelt up to finish fastening the ends of her hair behind her ear, after having twined the braids up over her head. His body was a long, warm press along her back, his hands warm and big cradling her head. 
She tipped her head back and he held her like that, gentle and reassuring. “How’s that?” he murmured. 
She took a shaky breath, and he smoothed a hand down the side of her face, settling down on his knees to put his arms around her from behind, cradling her back against his shoulder. “There,” he said. “Now your hair looks like someone cares for you.”
“Is that what it means,” she murmured.
“It does,” he said, and pressed a kiss against the side of her head, above the hairline. “Thank you for fixing my face. I wasn’t ready to die, not like that.”
“I am glad that I could,” she said.
and finally this weird modern a/u (tw for self-directed ableist language in dialogue) i’ve been working on slowly forever that is so close to cohering and yet doesn’t quite, in which I think you can guess what Joe’s thusfar unknown real name is:
A hand caught him by the arm, two hands, steadying him, and helped him sit up. Joe was even more frightening up close; Roche had noticed the eyepatch from a distance but his face was heavily-scarred on that side, like somebody had gone at the eye with a knife and missed. Or, like something had hit him very hard in the face, taken the eye, then bounced off his cheekbone and twisted down his face. 
But his hands were strong and he steadied Roche for a long moment, and despite the frightfully leering aspect his damaged face gave him, his expression was actually neutral. “Is anything broken?”
“I got shot,” Roche gritted out, “twice, a year ago, this is as good as it fucking gets. I just landed badly, just now, and it takes me a minute.”
He saw Joe notice the cane. “Ah,” the man said. “I hadn’t realized.” He looked around. “Dogs knocked you over?”
“The saluki is a fucking menace,” Roche said. He couldn’t sit like this, it was agony on his hip. “They’re all fucking menaces.” He couldn’t get up, he couldn’t stay down, he was shivering with the pain.
“Let’s get you to a chair,” Joe said, calm and businesslike. “Where’s the damage? Hip and shoulder?” Roche managed to gesture, and Joe proceeded to mostly lift him unaided, which hurt like a motherfucker, but once he’d dumped Roche, surprisingly gently-- he was very strong-- into the armchair in the corner it was easier to get his various joints at angles that didn’t hurt. “Do you need anything else,” he said, far too neutral and calm. 
“Yeah,” Roche said, savage with agonized frustration, “I need to not be a fucking cripple.”
Joe didn’t answer for a long moment. “While I can relate to that,” he said, “I meant, do you have any medication or anything that would help?”
Gritting his teeth, Roche pointed to the paper bag he’d left on the sideboard, that still had the pill bottle in it. There were still a couple of pills in the old bottle but he wasn’t going to have Joe wander through his house looking for them. 
Joe took the bottle out of the bag. “One or two,” he said. 
“I can-- one,” Roche said, giving up; Joe was already opening the bottle. 
“Can you dry-swallow or do you need water,” Joe said, but he was already moving over to the dish drainer to retrieve a glass. 
“Water,” Roche said, resenting it. Joe put the bottle down and filled the glass, bringing over a pill between his thumb and forefinger, and the filled glass in his other hand. 
Roche took the pill and the glass, inwardly fuming. He could get the lid off a fucking pill bottle, and he hadn’t asked for this. 
“Would an ice pack help or is it past that?” Joe asked, and while his tone was neutral, it grated over Roche’s last nerve. 
“You know,” he said, “I didn’t ask for your fucking pity.”
Joe said nothing, just stood regarding him. After a moment, he bent down, looming uncomfortably close. “I know we don’t know one another, Vernon,” he said quietly, “but I want you to look me in the eye for a moment, and then tell me that you think I don’t know what it’s like to have to adjust to a new way of living after a bad injury.” *
Roche’s anger flattened out abruptly, staring into his neighbor’s mangled face. The remaining eye was green, astonishingly green against the medium-brown of the man’s complexion. “Uh,” was all he managed; he didn’t have an answer for that.
“I understand that you’re in pain,” Joe went on quietly, straightening up and smoothing his hand down the front of his battered jacket, “and I can extend you a little grace based on that, but I want you to realize what you’re doing.” He glared down at Roche. “One last time, is there anything else you need, or are you all right on your own from here?”
Face burning, Roche managed to grit out, “I’m all right on my own from here.”
Joe stared at him for a long moment, and then turned and left, closing the door carefully and quietly behind himself. 
The canine energy surged through the kitchen again in the wake of his departure, but then Strega came over and put her head in Roche’s lap, and he fondled the silky curls of her ears and said, “Awesome work, guys, we’re doing great!”
*yes this is the Look Deep Into My Eyes Ernie meme, i could not resist
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denble · 6 months
FFVII Remake Hard Mode finished
So I've finally finished the game in Hard Mode.
It's not that bad
From Chapter 3 to Chapter 16 I am quite over-powering actually. Chapter 17 and 18, however, will be a pain if you don't level your Materia correctly (namely, your HP Up and MP Up Materias). I think I did more or less the right thing, except that my HP Up and MP Up Materia were a bit under-leveled, considering I never grind during my playthrough. That requires being attentive to healing as well as guarding (forget evading...) as the bosses hit really hard and there is no way to increase your defense. I tried Magnify + Barrier but the effect last about 30 seconds... so my best bet is still Maginify + Healing
Favorite (hard mode) boss fights
Chapter 4 end fight + Roche: There's just raw fun cutting down so many enemies.
Chapter 5 Crab Warden with Cloud - Tifa - Barret: because I love the trio
Chapter 9 Hell House: There's this unmatched satisfaction knowing so many people struggling at this fight while I win on my third try after getting the equipment and Materia right.
Chapter 17 Top Secret Challenge with Cloud - Tifa - Barret: Honestly, I love using them, especially in the Shinra Combat Simulator
Chapter 17 The Arsenal: Probably my most favorite boss fight ever. Hiding behind debris while having the ability to attack from afar with Barret is an absolute joy. Difficulty and length is just about right. A right mix between brute force and strategy (unlike fights like Rufus in Chapter 17, where it's almost a one-hit-one-kill fight, either for him, or for us)
What's left after Hard Mode?
Well, there are still a few trophy to claim. Notoriously the Dress for the 9 and the Biker Boy. I also need to claim the last Manuscript in Chapter 9.
And then, Yuffie DLC. I started it, but wasn't too into it so I just left it there and will come back when I feel like to. Honestly, being the old cranky woman I am now, I don't find cute talkative girls appealing. Too much noise. Same reason why I'm not too fond with Aerith. She talks to much, and too playful for this old me. Not hate-talking the characters, it's just that it's a game, and there are aspects that I don't enjoy. That's the emotional response I have and I can't help it.
Talking about annoyance, lots of people find Johnny annoying and unbearable. I myself know that he's annoying (Cloud is clearly annoyed with him), but I'm fine with his presence. I find him pretty amusing actually, all the bro/aniki talk with Cloud.
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liminal-storage · 3 years
Flock- what is your muse's family like (including found family)? How do they get along with them?
I’ve mentioned Okuni’s blood relatives before, so instead I’ll talk a little bit about some of the people she considers to be found family, or close to it. Friend and close friend territory here. 
She considers Lyrin’a ( @hiraethwyl) to be not only her best friend, but a platonic soulmate of sorts. She feels completely at ease around him and knows that she can be totally earnest and share any secrets she has without fear of judgment or rejection. She admires the sort of gentle strength he projects, and while she knows that he has many worries and problems of his own, she usually finds that she’s pretty easily calmed by his presence alone. 11/10 best catte. 
Talia ( @reddevil-xiv) is another person who Okuni considers to be a close friend, though things have been a little turbulent as of late due to improper communication. She’s been rather petty and acting fearful and possessive of her friendship...and she’s become aware of this fact. Okuni is more than willing to try to make amends, but she knows it might take some time before that can happen, dependent upon a few factors. 
Okuni’s friendship with Idristan ( @roses-and-grimoires) has been up and down and all over the place since their meeting. A lot of the low points have been because of her jealousy of things she had only perceived to be true about him. She’s been rather unfair in her treatment of him and has sought to make an active change in that regard. That said, she almost considers him to be something like an annoying, cranky older brother. He cares immensely about people, he has a lot of fears and regrets...he’s just terrible at expressing himself. Okuni regrets that it took her so long to understand that.  
Latika’a (unsure if they have a tumblr) is someone whose friendship came as something of a surprise. They seem to have a lot of similar traits, they just happen to express them in totally different ways. She enjoys the ease with which she can talk to him, as well as the platonic affection offered (What can she say? Lizard likes affectionate headbutts.). She understands that a lot of his over-the-top mannerisms are a façade, and he in turn always seems to see directly to the heart of her intent in her words and actions, something she greatly appreciates. 
Teagan ( @punches-and-cream-puffs) is someone who Okuni would viciously kill for if the need arose. The young woman’s heart and unwavering kindness are rare things to see, and Okuni finds herself constantly impressed by her energetic spirit. 
Okuni and Louvel ( @louvel-roche) used to be closer. It wasn’t just about her having an attraction to him, they were honestly what she’d consider pretty good friends. But things seem to be tense as of late when they do interact, if Louvel isn’t being extremely distant overall. She suspects that the distance has to do with his involvement with the Flame, but she has not had an opportunity to talk to him and is uncertain that she will get one. She feels very worried for him, as well as confused and generally conflicted about his situation as a whole. She hopes that one day they can have a talk, maybe start over a bit, and get to be friends as they were before.
All in all, she cares a lot about the people mentioned here, but a lot of the recent distance comes from the myriad of problems each of them is dealing with respectively. She knows there isn't a lot she can do, and that's difficult for her to accept, though she knows she's going to have to. Understanding will come with time.
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ok, update time
So amigas, I’ve been a cranky and unhappy camper for some time but things are happening so here’s an update.  After I got randomized to the standard arm of the trial I made one last effort to try to get SABR in BC (prompted by hearing from someone in Ontario with met breast ca with a lung met who had an oligoprogression treated with SABR in May 2020). Short answer was, sorry not possible. Long answer was, sorry not possible because a) there’s no evidence that this has any benefit and b) that’s why we want all SABR to be in trial and c) other locations without active trials might do something else but essentially they’re doing uncontrolled studies on pts.  So, ok, by then I’d become essentially resigned to doing standard rads, esp since my RO repeated reassured me he’d treat me aggressively and was very optimistic about the plan. Then he calls me to say “hey, weird thing about this trial, it won’t let me do what I want to do in the standard arm”.  Took me all of 10 seconds to confirm he COULD do the aggressive standard rads off trial & to drop out of the trial on the spot. So now I’m not in any trial and I will get my aggressive 15 treatments, burning my chest to a nice itchy crisp & hopefully roasting that lung met in the process.  I had my ‘mapping CT’ last Friday. It was tedious; my left shoulder where I had lymph nodes biopsied in 2017 has never returned to full ROM and it was painful being positioned in the CT machine for the length of time needed. I’m now working on stretches because I need to be able to do this for 15 business days for the actual rads. I got 2 new spot tattoos that they use for positioning in the CT machine & they’re re-using some of my old tats as well. And now we just wait for scheduling. I hope it isn’t too long. This stupid met grew in 8 weeks, so at such a fast rate, the mapping CT will be out of date if we delay too long. But there’s nothing for it but to wait my turn. 
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Last Thursday, I had my first dose of Abraxane & also went to the private clinic for the first time to get my immunotherapy direct from Roche.  Abraxane first. I HATE IT. I mean it’s supposedly essentially the same as taxol but jesus on a pogo stick, that stuff is awful. I was flattened with pain from Friday night to Sunday night, took my hydromorphone at night for the first time & had to stay fully medicated around the clock or even lying down hurt. Also, I iced but my neuropathy just exploded. My hands feel way worse and I have weird neuropathy in my mouth too.  There are several things I’ll be discussing with the MO. One is dose scheduling. The Roche trial for abraxane + atezolizumab immunotherapy used abraxane at 100 mg/week for 3 weeks on, 1 week off.  The BC Cancer agency protocol for abraxane in metastatic setting is 260 mg every 21 days. So I got 260 mg. And while I like the idea of getting it only every 21 days instead of weekly, this dose is too large, and also we don’t know if it works as well on this schedule. So I’ll be discussing with my MO some options: dose reduce and stay on q 21days; switch to weekly (not sure if BCCA will even allow it as it’s not their protocol); switch back to my dose reduced taxol. Dropping chemo altogether and stay on immunotherapy only is another idea she floated last time but I’m a bit hesitant with that one, esp since I just had a small progression in the lung. Ok, so that’s that. Abraxane sucks so bad. 
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(joke! not really nauseous. Totally lost appetite tho) Now the private clinic. On the plus side, it’s literally right behind the hospital and let’s not forget they’re giving me super expensive meds for free. So those are big plusses. Now the actual clinic is teeny tiny, staffed by 2 nurses who were run off their feet when I was there. They have 4 treatment chairs, not spaced very far apart. Total occupancy for COVID under Worksafe is 7 people. The whole place is like the size of my living room. I also had this vague feeling of being in a “clinic” where a “doctor” (you know the one who’s maybe finished med school in some country somewhere but isn’t really licenced) can give you cosmetic surgery for cash. The whole place feels shady AF but presumably it’s a legit place and they gave me real meds. 
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Also other than this clinic, the entire block is  surrounded by addictions support services, rehab, transitional housing etc etc. Scheduling for the clinic is independent of the cancer agency scheduling so now I have to wrangle two schedules to fit each other. Next immunotherapy is on the 11th.  
Still waiting on pathology results from the lung biopsy. The local pathologist will confirm if it’s a breast cancer met & run hormone marker tests on it. 
I did hear it looks like they got enough tissue samples to send for the Foundation genetic testing (which Roche is paying for) so that will be interesting to see if they find anything actionable. I’m not getting my hopes up because other than a somatic* BRCA mutation, I don’t think there’s anything in BC that I could get treatment for anyway. This is cutting edge stuff, this tumor genetic testing. It’s what they talk about when they discuss personalized medicine - but we’re still years away from actually being able to target most of the mutations.  *germline mutations are one’s the person has in their DNA. I’ve already been tested for germline BRCA mutations and was negative. Somatic mutations are ones the cancer tissue acquires. They’re not terribly common but not uncommon either. Ovarian esp likes to throw somatic BRCA. 
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crowtrobotx · 8 years
Thanks @va-fail :D As I've said before I love talking about myself and my many admirable qualities.
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'6"
Time Right Now: 4:05pm
Last thing you googled: The nearest donut shop to my office DON'T JUDGE ME
Last book you read: I finished "Kraken" by China Miéville a couple weeks ago--highly recommend.
Favorite music artists: I always say "if the band is a bunch of bearded dudes in flannel playing sad music on acoustic guitar/banjo, they're probably a band that I like."
Last TV show watched: Portlandia
What are you wearing right now: Navy blue pants, white converse, a gray sweater and a black scarf. Plus my earrings that just say "weirdo" on them. I'm a mess.
When did you create this blog: This is hard because I've been on this site for probably... 7 years? This particular tumblr is only about 1 or 2 years old because I've had to delete TWICE due to out of control exes finding my blogs. :|
What kind of stuff do you post: Mostly video game content... the occasional shitpost... just another messy multifandom blog. :')
Do you have instagram: I do but I rarely update it. I don't take cute pictures.
Do you have snapchat: Snapchat confuses the HELL out of me dudes. I've got it downloaded and people send me snaps but I have no idea what to do with them. I am a dinosaur.
Do u get asks regularly: Not super frequently. I'm pretty dang friendly though so feel free to send me anything.
How did you choose your url: True story: I forgot my password one time and I was just going to quit and make a new blog, and the "suggested" username was noisywerewolfglitter. It spoke to my soul.
Gender: CIS female.
Favorite color: Purple! Specifically plum colors.
Average hours of sleep: 8-9 hours. Sleep is thankfully one thing I've never had trouble with. (Thanks, depression!)
Favorite characters: Oh boy. Let's organize this by fandom: Witcher: Roche and Phillipa OBVIOUSLY my grumpy husband and wife... also Yennefer, the queen of everything.
Dragon Age: Blackwall, Sten, and Isabela
Mass Effect: Mordin, Jack, and Garrus
Star Wars: Kylo Ren, General Grievous, and Han Solo
Overwatch: D.Va, Hanzo, and Mercy
Harry Potter: Tonks, Sirius, and Lupin (yes the last 3 books were horrible for me thanks for asking) LotR/Hobbit: Boromir, Eowyn, and Thorin
....I'll stop before I hurt myself.
How many blankets do you sleep with: I have one uber fluffy throw that I always use--otherwise I get way too hot and cranky.
Dream job: My degree is in anthropology and I foolishly thought that "underwater archaeologist" was a viable career path in my youth... in a perfect world I'd still love to study pirate ship wrecks.
Random: I'm PETRIFIED of moths.
I’ll tag whoever wants to do it--I feel like I'm part of an awesome circle of people who are always tagging each other so I don't want to double-tag and annoy the hell out of anyone.
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Your Evening Briefing
(Bloomberg) -- Want to receive this post in your inbox every afternoon? Sign up hereIn 2014, the U.S. government said mobile phones carried by airline passengers could sufficiently flummox a jet’s electronics so as to pose a safety threat. Specifically, some models of Boeing 737 and 777 airplanes were vulnerable. Today, potentially hundreds of planes worldwide are still flying with the unsafe systems cited in that report. Here are today’s top storiesA $338 billion money manager said equity investors best quit while they’re ahead this year and move to safer holdings.Ghislaine Maxwell, friend of fund manager and alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, is trying to keep 2,000 pages of court filings sealed. They stem from a lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre, who claimed Epstein sexually abused her for two years when she was 16, and that Maxwell participated. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren proposed new rules to rein in private equity and “useless speculation.” The Democratic presidential candidate aims to reverse President Donald Trump’s effort to deregulate Wall Street.Trump spoke several times by phone with personal attorney Michael Cohen and campaign press secretary Hope Hicks as Cohen arranged an illegal hush-money payment before the 2016 election, according to newly unsealed court documents.The U.S. Navy shot down an Iranian drone near the Strait of Hormuz that the Pentagon said was approaching one of its ships. Iran shot down a U.S. drone last month, saying it had entered its airspace.Hedge funds are taking a lot of blame for lost trading revenue on Wall Street. Big banks are blaming them and other investors for their worst first half in more than a decade. Morgan Stanley had it especially hard.What’s Lorcan Roche Kelly thinking about? The Bloomberg cross-asset editor said the negative yields seen these days in the bond market are a very weird thing. It’s amazing that bond traders are now forced to go hat-in hand to the junk-bond market, begging for yield.What you’ll need to know tomorrowU.S. stocks rebounded Thursday and the dollar fell. The tables have turned for Blockchain: Bitcoin is back. The bad news for Netflix continued on Wall Street. Barneys is mulling a bankruptcy filing. Why sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise again. Bloomberg Opinion: Is Nancy Pelosi close to seeking impeachment? Bloomberg Businessweek: Amazon has a convenience store project.What you’ll want to read in Bloomberg Work WiseWhy millennials might be headed for a fall. Adunola Adeshola has a clear view of what young professionals actually want. And while her contemporaries are more practical than their cranky elders allow for, some are being lulled into a false sense of security, she said, one that doesn’t match the rocky landscape ahead. To contact the author of this story: David Rovella in New York at [email protected] more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
(Bloomberg) -- Want to receive this post in your inbox every afternoon? Sign up hereIn 2014, the U.S. government said mobile phones carried by airline passengers could sufficiently flummox a jet’s electronics so as to pose a safety threat. Specifically, some models of Boeing 737 and 777 airplanes were vulnerable. Today, potentially hundreds of planes worldwide are still flying with the unsafe systems cited in that report. Here are today’s top storiesA $338 billion money manager said equity investors best quit while they’re ahead this year and move to safer holdings.Ghislaine Maxwell, friend of fund manager and alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, is trying to keep 2,000 pages of court filings sealed. They stem from a lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre, who claimed Epstein sexually abused her for two years when she was 16, and that Maxwell participated. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren proposed new rules to rein in private equity and “useless speculation.” The Democratic presidential candidate aims to reverse President Donald Trump’s effort to deregulate Wall Street.Trump spoke several times by phone with personal attorney Michael Cohen and campaign press secretary Hope Hicks as Cohen arranged an illegal hush-money payment before the 2016 election, according to newly unsealed court documents.The U.S. Navy shot down an Iranian drone near the Strait of Hormuz that the Pentagon said was approaching one of its ships. Iran shot down a U.S. drone last month, saying it had entered its airspace.Hedge funds are taking a lot of blame for lost trading revenue on Wall Street. Big banks are blaming them and other investors for their worst first half in more than a decade. Morgan Stanley had it especially hard.What’s Lorcan Roche Kelly thinking about? The Bloomberg cross-asset editor said the negative yields seen these days in the bond market are a very weird thing. It’s amazing that bond traders are now forced to go hat-in hand to the junk-bond market, begging for yield.What you’ll need to know tomorrowU.S. stocks rebounded Thursday and the dollar fell. The tables have turned for Blockchain: Bitcoin is back. The bad news for Netflix continued on Wall Street. Barneys is mulling a bankruptcy filing. Why sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise again. Bloomberg Opinion: Is Nancy Pelosi close to seeking impeachment? Bloomberg Businessweek: Amazon has a convenience store project.What you’ll want to read in Bloomberg Work WiseWhy millennials might be headed for a fall. Adunola Adeshola has a clear view of what young professionals actually want. And while her contemporaries are more practical than their cranky elders allow for, some are being lulled into a false sense of security, she said, one that doesn’t match the rocky landscape ahead. To contact the author of this story: David Rovella in New York at [email protected] more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
July 18, 2019 at 10:28PM via IFTTT
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bomberqueen17 · 3 years
chapter update on Peace-Tied
I started to post this three days ago and then didn’t? for some reason? so then i tried to do it this morning and it took me forever and i think my brain’s not working properly.
anyway. i couldn’t think of any warnings to put on this chapter because it’s all in-between things, and as i was writing it i was like “oh i’m gonna cut this down to a summary” and then I didn’t, so like, apologies for the pacing, this could be snappier probably but i just don’t have it in me. sometimes writing a shorter thing takes much longer than a long one and it’s a skill i haven’t currently the time to master.
so this is Chapter 7, which is here on AO3, and contains some remarkably oblivious grumpy pining on Roche’s behalf, and dwarves being dwarves. Oh and an intro to my headcanons about aen seidhe musical traditions.
After a little while, the elves stopped singing, and fell into conversation. They’d switched from elder speech into common, Roche could catch from the snippets that drifted back, because the dwarves were participating, and the two more social of the humans.
“When,” Iorveth said, turning his head to look back at the column, “have you ever,” and he was speaking to one of the dwarves. He broke off in laughter, and faced away again.
“Don’t be so mean,” Breniriel said, “Ruarigh does his best.”
“The only thing Ruarigh ever does his best at,” Iorveth turned back to say, “is fucking and buggery.”
“Don’t forget eating,” the dwarf, possibly Ruarigh himself, said. “I always devote my fullest efforts to eating.”
“Fair,” Iorveth conceded, and turned back. He was-- Roche mentally rolled his eyes at himself for bothering to note that Iorveth was very comfortable in the saddle. The elf had been a cavalry officer for years, one didn’t get that job by being shitty at horseback riding. But he was impressively fluid, dropping the reins to gesture as if it were nothing, rising in the stirrups to check the road ahead, turning his whole upper body to look back with an effortless shift of balance that didn’t interrupt his horse’s stride in the slightest.
Perhaps it was that the dwarf, beside him, looked so uncomfortable on his mount... No, Roche judged, Iorveth was just a beautiful rider.
It was fucking unfair that he couldn’t stop noticing these things, now that Iorveth had unfortunately moved to take up even more space in his mind. And his ass; he still didn’t hurt, after these hours in the saddle now, but somehow he was ever more aware of last night’s adventures, and a traitorous part of his body wanted to elide all the conversation that had happened afterward and resume those activities instead, terrible idea though it was.
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bomberqueen17 · 3 years
@dsudis replied to your entry “Crack” and said:
Okay but what absolutely WILD hoodie is Roche wearing to ~blend in~ at the clubs that can match his chaperon????
hehhhhh oh no. Curses, I’m not writing this-- but. Well so.
There’s got to be a scene at a stupid Renn Faire kind of thing expressly so there’s a reason to put Roche in a chaperon, because I can’t otherwise justify it. (He has a signature stupid hat though, he has to. Fuck, @akilah12902 is right, Foltest probably put him in a fedora or something, and he looks real good in it but mostly discards it when he becomes an international fugitive from justice.) Yeah they have to hire him for the event; Iorveth is too distinctive to accompany Saskia anywhere without it being a whole fucking production and he’s cranky about it but. Well. He helped frame Roche in the first place, he knows the guy’s good. And honestly Saskia can protect herself but.
Iorveth is furious when it turns out that Roche looks really good in a chaperon.
Then we can get into the clubwear.
Roche has to refuse anything that’ll expose any of his tattoos-- too incriminating-- but heh also, let’s get this delicious nonsexual noncon in here, he can’t turn down anything Saskia wants because he’s desperate for the job and she has him over a barrel and as far as he’s aware she’s a spoiled rich brat who’d hurt him for fun so that’s tasty. So she gets him into a stupidly cute dragon hoodie (oh maybe it’s got unicorns and rainbows) and a skin-tight holographic long-sleeved t-shirt and... okay has some mercy and lets him wear jeans so he can still hide his ridiculous array of weapons but they’re fitted jeans, and the eyeliner, oh no, the eyeliner-- he is far too old for this, and grumbles that he looks ridiculous, and Iorveth agrees and seems weirdly angry about it? but then Iorveth only has two emotions as far as Roche can tell, and those are smug superiority and seething anger, so like fuck that guy.
When they get home at like 5am and Roche has successfully foiled some kind of Bad Shenanigans Plot Point by being really good at his job and the girls are delightedly devouring pancakes and Iorveth grudgingly drops a plate of them in front of him and stalks away he has no idea that what Iorveth is so mad about is that with his eyeliner all smudged and glitter all over him and the hood finally pulled down and that unmistakable sweat-sheened glow of competence and his ridiculous fucking jaw he looks really fucking good and Iorveth is so goddamned angry about it.
mm yes and in this AU Roche is still a recovering alcoholic and he can’t tell anybody because that’s a weakness, and this gives us both the delicious angst of someone spiking a drink and him having to white-knuckle through the various Medical Problems that gives him, but also can give us an opportunity for a lovely personal misunderstanding, wherein Iorveth’s first overt gesture of peacemaking is to pour him a glass of wine, which he has to, teeth gritted, refuse, even though he’s off-duty and there goes his easy excuse, and Iorveth is offended so they don’t reconcile that way. (no that has to come during some kind of action sequence and maybe they punch each other about it and then make out listen i don’t make the rules these things just happen)
Oh yeah VES Ves is with him. She’s a grubby refugee with him. Their last gig was that they were scapegoated for assassinating Radovid which they very much were involved in of course but Roche will never tell anyone that he actually was only involved because Radovid tried to have Adda committed and he’d do anything for her. (Adda tried to take Roche in after, to protect him, and he refused, as he’s political poison and she can’t afford it and he’s right but she’s mad.)
Ves takes to being Saskia’s bodyguard like, well, something that takes to things really well, it’s pretty much a match made in heaven. Her daily outfit is a shirt cut down to her navel, of course, but for clubwear she just wears an open vest and pasties and all her incriminating tattoos are covered in vinyl body stickers and of course she’s wearing the booty shorts with the hip cutouts, and furry boots, and somehow she’s still the most heavily-armed person in this club and yeah she high-kicks a man to death probably, Saskia loves her immensely.
At some point when Ciri’s in town it’s Roche who notices that her erstwhile suitor and nuisance, Morvran, is not the idle socialite he pretends to be, he is not actually taking all the drugs he pretends to be taking, he’s actually far sharper than he ought to be and whoever trained this kid was good... anyway Morvran has to drop the act to help with the Plot Climax and it... turns out... he’s actually kind of a good dude.... in there somewhere.
a n y w a y
I’m not writing this but I’m not not writing this, you animals
there was art, i can’t resist art, god damn it
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