rockyrunrun · 7 years
Being myself again.
I remember when I was younger. I was arrogant. I do things different than a lot of people. I never liked following the trend. Then I fell with the trend. About two years ago. I left my home. I left the Bay Area. There were things that needed to change and I changed it. Two years later, somehow, magically I'm back at home. It's like a college experience. I met some friends, I met some new people that changed my life. I love you all. Then there is now. I find myself being single. Back in the Bay Area and looking for a different job. Two years ago when I started with Wells Fargo, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. To now.... I keep saying I'm going into AA, but that's not the case. I plan on disappearing for 6 weeks. I am leaving everything behind so I can pass these exams. It's a life changing thing. This was the opportunity that I needed and wanted. Then, a bulb just turned on in my head. What made me special at the theater was my willingness to work. I never wanted to slow down. Charge charge charge 24/7. Then at Wells, it was about being me, taking ownership. But, what's the word that I use all the time? Swag. There's probably not a lot of people out there with similar background as me. I am different. My life is built on a different background than a lot of you. So here's what I'm saying. I'm Back. And with the said. I'm ready to really commit for 6 weeks. Watch me.
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via Twitter https://twitter.com/23Kenneth0
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rockyrunrun · 8 years
Restarting RockyRunRun
Sometimes I like to share my music. Sometimes I like to share my races. From time to time I want to open up my mind and keep a good memory of how my life has gone and went. It's not exactly for everyone to read, but it's not strictly a run blog. I just want to share my mind, while I can. If it has to do with races and runs, you will see tons of pictures, but if not, it might just be about me. Things had been good. I brainstormed this idea while I was in Hong Kong a couple of weeks ago. While I believe I have a knowledge in what I do for work, run, music and tons of things what others do not consider important, I do this blog for me. The topic had opened years ago, "who am I?", what am I doing? What's my life and what it can be? Let's start this off with this introduction..... I follow no rules. Read if you should feel like it. It will be consistent changes but I won't stop writing. One day in the future, I might write things that might offend you, you might not ever read this, but knowing this is my open diary to all of you or any of you. Close this now if you just don't care. I follow what I want to follow.
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rockyrunrun · 7 years
...and so I've been told
I was told by someone's mom and dad that I'll never be good enough for your daughter. I've been told that I was just chasing a dream. I could never go back in time to Sacramento and bring what her and I had before to back in the days. I. Made. My. Decisions. 5th grade, I abruptly left Hong Kong to go to the United States, not by my choice since my family planned this immigration to come to America. I had no friends. I spoke limited English. I don't ever get offended when someone tells me that my English isn't good enough. Reason is, I wasn't born here and this is not my first language. All I knew, was a comic book from Japan called Slam Dunk. 10 years old and not knowing much about the culture, my best friend at the time, was simply just a basketball. No one taught me how to play basketball, but I played everyday since it was the only thing that I know what to do. I had no idea what basketball is besides just the ball. I didn't know the rules, I didn't know what's good and what's bad. My family was new to America and we did not have cable television. So, I did not know Run TMC. Whenever a basketball game from this "Golden State" team was on channel 36, I'd watch it, but they suck and lose all the time. Then it all clicked. I've been an underdog plenty of times in my life. People in general like to see you fail. People rather see you fail so they can fail also so they can feel better about themselves. Onward to We Believe year, I was already working, English is fluent. I can honestly claim that I was there during the suffering years. After that season, it took the Warriors many years before they got back. Well, now two championships in three years. Then.... What now? What's your point? I don't understand how people like to feed off their negativity to other people for their own shortcomings. If I go to the casino and lose $500 and my friend is up $1000. I'll be happy for them. Doesn't hurt my feelings. If it's the other way around, how happy are they for you? I know so and I can't deny it. I've changed a lot in 2017. Certain things I have chosen to adjust. I go to church more, got a new job, working extra. Most importantly. I'm not going to deny it. Looking for a soulmate. I'm looking now. There's a girl that I was with and chased for many years. Today would've been 13 years, but I made up my mind to not follow through with it. I don't wish negativity. I just wish to find joy. I like my life the way it is right now and I just want to have some positivity in my life. I've been told that I made some wrong decisions in my life. I don't choose to be different. I didn't ask to be a Warriors fan, but I did. End of the day, if it goes bad, I'll live with it. If it doesn't, well, it'll be that much better. Onward.
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rockyrunrun · 7 years
I didn't forget about you. Don't worry.
There's a lot of "bloggers", who takes time off, comes back and leaves again. I've done that a couple of times. This time, not the same as before. I choose to put a lot of my things in public. I was told when I was younger to share given its either good or bad. The audience might be inappropriate at times, but I do believe this blog is for me, if you happen to see it. I might be able to change you too. Somewhere in 2012, I decided to quit smoking cigarettes. I tried and I tried. I used to smoke a lot and I was smoking nearly a pack a day. You know what made me stop? When I wake up in the morning and I had to cough my lung open. That was it. In 2015, I "lost" who I thought was my best friend for the rest of my life. Up to today, she's around in my life but I don't think it will ever be the same again. Then in 2017, I went to Asia. I feel like I finally got to see the world. I went back to my birth place. I made peace with myself. It was time to move on. It's time to go back home to the Bay Area. And then, here I am today. I don't work for Wells Fargo anymore. I started with Chase about a month ago and I'm doing just fine. Not great, but fine. I'm back home. My house in Union City. Boy it's good to be home. I miss San Leandro, everything about you, I miss. I miss Oakland, glad I'm training in Oakland. I definitely miss San Francisco, you were always the closest city to me from Hong Kong. Then, Her. I talk a lot about Her on Instagram. I'm sure she sees my posts but I'm unsure if she knows who she is to me. Matter of fact, I don't even know if I know who she really is to me. Besides the last two years, I can say, I don't know what "hanging out" and "going out" really means. If you follow my Instagram, I've been drinking a lot of coffee and just going to places ever since I came back. In a way, Her, she taught me to do that. I was never a fan to go to a movie on a Friday night. I worked there for the longest time and she did too. I "went out of my comfort zone", and went to a movie on a Friday evening to watch a horror flick, and before the movie, went to have a couple of drinks too. If you know me long enough, I don't drink. One beer for the celebration, at max two beers because I feel brave for the day. Also, I don't do horror movies, my first movie that I watched with my mom when I was 5 or 6 was a horror flick, thanks mom, you're the real MVP. We also went to the movie theater that I hate the most, a place where I sweated and tried my best but came back empty handed, I hated that place so much. Then comes the movie. Not a bad one. A song came on. She said, "ouuu, Childish Gambino." Then it was like a bell that set off in my head. "Roc, you don't know jack about music nowadays!" After the movie, we went home. Although it wasn't the movie that I wanted to watch, but I learned one thing, a very important thing. "Don't be anti-social." Couple of weeks later, I left Sacramento abruptly. She was one of the first people that I texted. I was nervous about the uncertainty in life at the moment. Her. I wanted to be like her. Free spirited, always smiling and never having a bad day, and so it seems. During my Funemployment days, I sent her some flowers, because she helped me during my time and she needed some #positivity in her life too. I see it, I feel it. Her. She's beautiful and attractive. Rocky always have a soft spot with girls that has a pretty smile. It's a killer. The next time I seen her in person was at the Warriors game. I have no balls to ask her to hang out with me, so I asked a dear friend over the net to help me ask. We went. You know, I didn't even care about the game that day. I just wanted to talk to her. I just wanted to have some good conversations with her. I think we did. I thought the game went by so fast, no diss Oracle Arena, but maybe I was too focused on her, but it felt like the world was just her and I and nothing else. Well, lately I've been stressed to the core about licensing exam for Chase. If I don't pass, I literally won't have a job. To now, I can't say I'm confident, but I'm definitely in a better place than last week. Then to a couple of days ago... I put my head into this study guide, all 500 pages of it and read it at least twice already. I studied in the morning, afternoon and then evening comes, a text message shows up and say "let's meet up to study together." Anti-social Rocky, don't flake. It was about 9 o'clock and we couldn't find a place to study quietly. She found a place. On my way, on the freeway, I could just drive straight home. Anti-social Rocky, just go and say hi at least. No matter how tired you are, go for a minute or two. Turned into an hour. Then yesterday for the Warriors game, I literally woke up, studied, eat, watch the game, study, dinner, study. Well, that's my day for now. Every beginning of the week or end of the week, I try to send Her a text, letting Her know that it will be a great week. Same happened today. Then 3pm comes around, a friend texted me and told me The Roots is coming. I love The Roots. We are for sure going. Went on Facebook, trying to see who else is down. Then, Her, she's interested. Interesting. End of the story is almost here. This is the absolute climax of this story. She's quitting her job. She told me on Saturday she was going to do it. Monday, she did. I'm proud of Her. She got fed up. She's leaving her job. End of the day, because it is the right thing to do for her. She wasn't happy, why continue to force it? Oh and I asked Her if she was interested in going to see The Roots, she's down. I'm super excited. Here's my point. Yes, she is a special one. She is not like me. If this was in a banking world, I feel like I'm that portfolio that just goes with the safest routes. Then, she isn't. But the way that she lives her life is really who I want to be. Touché. I'm 33 and I'm single and not looking. At least, for the next two months or so, I cannot be focusing on impressing some girl. This job in front of me is what I've always wanted. I can't give up. I have to pass this. Now, let me tell you one last thing. I'm not restarting my blog and for a good reason. I haven't left and I'm still here. Just taking a break from letting my words out. Her, is a special one. Maybe I should man up and ask her to go on an actual date, but I do have all intentions to pass this exam. Maybe in the future, but for now, Anti-social Rocky, don't flake.
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rockyrunrun · 7 years
09/16/2012 and 10/01/2017
September 16th, 2012. I woke up early, went to AT&T Park and then I finished my very first 5k. I was a smoker then and those 3.1 miles were the most painful miles ever. That was Giant Race in San Francisco. Today I completed the second leg of this four part run series for Giant Race in Sacramento. Out of all the shirts I chose to wear, which typically had been The Rock wrestling shirts from WWE, well, I put on this 2012 shirt. Funny how things have changed. I never fancy myself as a speed runner. If I run under 11 minutes per mile, it's a good thing already. When I ran that 5k in 2012, I knew my goal for 2013 was 10k and 2014 would be half marathon. Then 2015 came. I set a goal to run 10 races that year. Bay to Breakers, San Francisco Marathon, Bridge to Bridge, Nike Women's Marathon (yes, guys can run this too), Giant Race SJ, Giant Race SF, Rock n Roll Las Vegas 5k, Rock n Roll Las Vegas half marathon, Raiders 5k, Hot Chocolate 15k. (I could be wrong, but pretty sure that was 2015) You know what's sad? And I'm going to call some people out. My family. Jacky, my brother, ended up joining me for Giant Race in 2015 and 2016. Timing? Terrible. My friends, the only race I really got to burn pavement was the first race in 2012. Ended up doing a couple of 5k with Victor for the Raiders. Co-workers, let's just say NO. Now, I understand, paying for a race, $50, time, effort and money. "What's the point?" Here's my thing, it's not for everyone. However, I have ran more than 30 races by now. I would get dissed more than praises. Ask yourself, how many people that you know can jog 3.1 miles without stopping? So, to 10/01/2017. Folks, my birthday is 09/28, the following Sunday, I'm calling out my friends, family, co-workers and some run mates. Bridge to Bridge 2017 in San Francisco, its a simple 5k. I'm calling everyone out, runners, joggers, mothers, fathers. For the first time ever, instead of a Facebook "Happy Birthday", come run with me. I'll look into charity donations. If you do not think you can help me and help yourself by running this race, I will be running for charity. There is one person in my mind that I'm thinking of. I promised this girl that in 2017 I'll be running the San Francisco Marathon this year, but looks like I won't. Bridge to Bridge. Let's do it. More details to come.
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rockyrunrun · 7 years
What if ordinary isn't good enough?
First of all, officially having a new job with a start date of 4/24 for Chase at Union Landing. Second, this improvised #ZeroDarkThirtyWeek is over. I'll be taking my talents to Sacramento for Friday and Saturday. Finishing my move out. Officially done with Sacramento. I'll be hitting the books even harder next week. Series 6, 63 and insurance. I get paid to study and I will study on my own. I should pass it. It's a strange day today. I asked myself a lot of questions. Why am I doing this? What should I be doing? When I left two years ago, I had one mission in mind. Be with the one I love and switch careers. This past weekend, I worked all three days at the theater and those shifts were hard. Hard as in, it was a lot of talking and training, that's what I do best anyways. Two years later. Solo in the Bay, starting a new job with Chase. Scary? Yes, but excited. The easy way out is work at the theater 40 hours a week, money goes back to normal and I'll be just fine. But WHAT IF, FINE, IS JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH?! Some of us like the easy way out. I'm happy with what I do, happy with what I got and I just want to have a simple life. Some of us wants the complicated life. Never happy until I drive myself crazy, but rewarding. Me. I'm one that likes to go crazy. I don't like simple life. If it's not hard to do, I won't do it. Simplicity. No such thing. It's about you being happy and satisfying. I'm satisfied with my 40 hours a week, check to check life? Not I. Pops once said, I don't care if you're a janitor. Be the lead of the janitors. If you're spending a second at work, why not get paid the most out of all your peers? The benchmark had always been, "are you a leader or a follower?" Neither. I'm me. Think about it world. If I choose the easy way to do things, then is it luck or did I earn it? I don't think we should purposely go look for something difficult, but give yourself a chance to do something extraordinary. You don't know your future. Don't regret it. Alright Sacramento, your boy is coming back for a couple of days to say goodbye. ✌️
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rockyrunrun · 7 years
Pardon the interruption.
What a beautiful week so far. About 1/3 done with my studying. About 10 days before I officially start, so finishing it all before I start is within reach. #ZeroDarkThirtyWeek really means I'm not going to blog and not get distracted. Well, I gave up on running this week. I'm not sure how my body would react if I run in the morning. So it won't be done until shake out on Friday for Giant Race on Saturday. Two coffee shops in, Cafe 4 is by far the better of the two. I still want some Philz an Blue Bottle. Still got time. If you don't know, Cafe 4 is really close to the Castro Valley hills. So, when I got to Cafe 4 in the morning. It reminded me of a secret place of mine. About 15 years ago, I was having a really rough day. It could've been about girls, life or family, I honestly don't remember. I magically drove up this hill. I turned and there it was. A view of my home. Not "the bay", but particularly, the East Bay. First 10 years of my life was Hong Kong. The next 15 years or so, I lived in San Leandro. A small town right next to Oakland. This was home for me until I purchased a property in Union City. San Leandro had always been home though. Every time I go to the local joints, I feel like I'm home. You can't go wrong with Guadalajara. Porky's Pizza. Jasmines (sometimes). T-shirt factory. Tsuru Sushi. Clancy's Ice Cream. It's home. A friend wanted to grab lunch, so I decided to not go to this magically place, well at least to me it's magical. A breathe taking view. So, 3pm came around, a friend texted me "how is the studying going?". I texted back. Didn't hear back for hours. I just assumed, she's busy and working hard, she took a second of her time to check up on me. Something is up. She need someone to talk to. 6:45ish, she texts me back, "terrible day". How strange. As a friend, if you get a text from someone like this, what do you do? I offered to bring her to this happy place of mine. She wasn't feeling well, so she couldn't, but even for myself, I don't remember exactly where this place was. Then all the memories came back. I finally found it. I remember I cut high school for this. I said 15 years ago? Nope. 17 years. Don't remember what it was about? Yes it was about a girl back in the days. Then more memories came. My sister Kim, not that we are blood related. We were not friends with each other for awhile (yes I called her fat, stupid me), and I remember taking her. My ex, who I took to this happy place of mine before we dated. Even the last day I was there, I remembered, the night when we broke up and I was chugging some d'usse there? About two and a half years later. The view is still the same. Happy place, you say? It still is. The view is so awesome, the picture doesn't do any justice at all. You have to be there. Just remember. There's no place like home. HOME. I said to myself that I'll never leave the Bay again. Unless my job and/or my future takes me elsewhere, this is home. You can make it anywhere. Just believe in yourself. Alright! Back to studying. #ZeroDarkThirtyWeek continues! Hope all is well with all of you readers! I love you all.
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rockyrunrun · 7 years
Torn in between.
Live and direct. During my lunch break at the theater. This reminds me why I left at the first place. I'm not saying it's a bad thing/job. Just not what I'm into doing 40 hours a week anymore. My life has changed drastically the last couple of years. I feel like I've grown up a lot too. No longer that young boy pursuing a career at the theater, but I am pursuing another career. I literally get to bed by 10pm at night. I'll be at work until 11 today. Strange, but not used to this. Fashion wise - I do need to get away from t-shirts, hoodies and sweats. Comme des Garçon, I will own you in a couple of months. Need to buy new suits for new job. Gotta start saying no to sneakers, probably will sell off some shortly. A lot has changed. I'm definitely more of a home body now. Don't really want to go out. Staying at home, Netflix and chips (lol nope, no one to chill with) Anyways. I feel more grown then ever. I think that's a good thing. One day, when I'm ready to get in another relationship. I want kids. I don't need kids today, but I do want to bring a life to the world, because I know that's part of my duty. I have to. My pops had a similar conversation with me when I was in Hong Kong. I only see and talk to you like once in awhile, but dad, you are just so right all the time. Pops told me to find someone who I know I can be with. Someone to share the rest of my life with me. Someone who can handle kids and someone that is loving and caring. Damn Pops. Still schooling me. I guess right now. I am torn in between a couple of different worlds. I need some stability. I hope the next couple of months will be an investment that I can have, and get better, for my future whoever and my unborn kid(s). I'm not anti or pro-choice. Neither. I do believe, you should only bring your future to the world when you can handle yourself. I think I'm there. Believe that.
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rockyrunrun · 7 years
When there's rain...
My days are pretty boring nowadays. I run in the morning, eat when I get home, take a nap, eat again, study and go running again, eat and then go to sleep. I knew the weather was going to be bad and I went running anyways. The last time I faithfully ran in the rain was Rock n Roll Las Vegas 2 years ago. The first four miles was hell. Sadly, I always say that I find ways to torture myself. I got into an argument yesterday with someone yesterday. I felt really bad, but I knew I had to do it. I battled this for two years in my life. I left to another city just to combat this. Judging by my Facebook and Instagram, if you know me, you know what happened. After all that craziness that I did in the morning. I sent off a couple of texts to my friends and family. I wanted to be in a happy place. Then came 1pm, didn't even notice. I missed my morning run and I said OK, and moved onto my studying. I just recently was offered a job with Chase. It's a licensed banker role, so I have to pass series 6, 63 and insurance. As if my head wasn't big enough, it's getting bigger. Studied for about 3 hours, 330pm I rolled out and left Panera. Went to pick up my meals for the rest of the week. Got back home. Laid on my couch. The debate happened. Should I head for a run? (Looks at weather app, rain 70%) Checked my phone and text messages. No responses. It's alright, it's not about the responses with it. I want a genuine conversation with people. Phone rang. A friend that I texted in the morning called. Asked me what's wrong and don't be so Emo. Truthfully, phone didn't ring. I took a mental break. *baffles* You know, it's been more than 10 years since I lost you in my life. This would be one of those days that I would call you. I'd reach out to you and say I need someone to talk to. I keep beating myself up all the time. Why did I not pick up the phone, or why did I not drive you on your birthday? I don't listen to K-Ci & JoJo for the love songs. I listened to it because it reminded me of her. Then came one of my friends texting me. He was there at the funeral many moons ago, and he said "rain is like the heaven crying for us". Someone is watching and listening. I jumped off my couch, popped an energy drink. I knew it was going to rain, three layers it is. First mile, drizzle. Go for it, I'm not scared of you. Two miles in, got to Niles and ran around the park. It's starting to rain hard. Instagram story it is. Endorphins, runners high, whatever you want to call it. When you drench yourself with rain for three more miles, there's no much you can enjoy. Trust me. I stopped three miles in. I stood there and looked up in the skies. I said a prayer. I miss you sis. I used my fatigue legs to take me home. Got home, slammed down my wet clothes. I felt better. ......... What I wonder is always why certain things happen. It happens for a reason. If I never went to Sacramento for her, I would never worked at the bank. If I never worked at Wells, I would never get a chance to get in with Chase. Then to now. I gave up. Let's not talk momentary. Let's talk about reasoning. I remember those countless trips of driving to Davis, Rancho Cordova and well, Sacramento (sometimes). I'd try to get off work early on Sunday just to make sure that happens. To now. It's all in my memory. I deleted a lot of pictures today. It's not fair to myself. So I did it. But sometimes, the best ones are definitely in your memory. I spent two years in Sacramento. End of the day, it became nothing. But, as one dies, another one, well rises. ..... I've moved on. I was told I should've done it a long time ago. I'm in a recovery state of mind now. I will miss the moments with you. Actually, I already do. But yet. I have to let it go. I learned to accept that today. ..... I skipped last two miles, did I? If you were driving around or I happen to run near your house in Union City, if you saw this guy with a warriors sweater and talking to himself. Yeah that's me. I left my emotions on the street today. I was burning pavement and talking to myself. Thank you for listening to me sis. You're the best. I know you're listening. The 5th and last mile. I walked. I didn't want the rain to stop. Because I know you're listening. ..... Now you know why I run all the time? Except instead of talking out loud, I would talk inside my head.
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rockyrunrun · 7 years
State of Mind.
I’ve never been a good blogger.  A lot of times when I write something, when I look back at it even the next day, it makes no sense at all.
Today, I learned something.
Yesterday is not today.  Tomorrow is not today.  
That’s the time right now and yes I just made a wish.  I’m listening to A Tribe Called Quest, Electric Relaxation to be exact.  A nice way to finish the day.
Today was a good day, I ran, I snacked, I took a nap.  Taking care of some business by ordering new tires for my car.  
Let’s get to the point before I drift too far.
I never expected any audience to read my blog.  This is for me, I made it public because just in case if anything is with me, maybe, just maybe, I can help them change their mind.
Now it’s Bonita Applebaum, still A Tribe Called Quest.
A lot of times I feel trapped and feel like I can’t express myself fully.  I used to have a very big temper problem, but I know better now how to let my emotions go.  I write, I talk to myself (in my head), and I let out my emotions sometimes by simply taking a big breathe and relax.
33 years old Rocky.  If I can talk to myself 10 years ago Rocky, damn.
Today’s state of mind is about progress.  
I love you Bay Area.  Home sick is an understatement.
So far, I hope you like rap songs.  Bonita Applebaum, you gotta put me on.  
Sacramento was good for what it was, two years of craziness, and I’m back.  By choice or not, I am back and moving forward.  The days of the six dreaded weeks of studying is about to come.  I think I’m simply going to shut down my phone for all social media except for this blog.  Every night I’ll blog a little bit.
Now playing - Oh My God.  How fitting.
I am happily single.  I’m not looking.  I have someone on my mind though, but she’s not the point.  I told myself that I need to put myself as the priority.  Plus, she told me she’s not looking to date at the moment either (maybe she’s just telling me she’s not feeling me, ouch).  But today is about today, not tomorrow, not yesterday.  But let’s be honest, how can you present yourself to the other’s family if you walk in and say “I’m not working right now” as your occupation.  That’s just dumb, no?  I have a house, I have a car and all I just need now is a lady in my life who’s willing to have a future with me.  
Nah, I don’t need the hottest girl in the world.  I just want a girl with a bright big smile that can make me happy everyday.  OKay?
Nah, I did not used to have a crush on Dawn from En Vogue either.  Nor am I a funky diabetic.  
You know how life changing event happens.  I never expected to leave Wells Fargo in such a sudden fashion, but I did.  I came back to the Bay and applied at Chase and pretty much hired within about a month.  This is a promotion for me, this is what I wanted to with Wells.  Except this is a branch two miles down the street from my house.  
Scenario is on now.  Still Tribe.
Inside outside come around.  Wow how now wow how now brown cow.
Live the moment today.  Pray for me.  I’m almost done with the hiring process with my new gig.  Stay positive.  I love you all.  
Now, turn to whatever streaming service for music you have, go play Can I Kick It?
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rockyrunrun · 7 years
Being the Best.
People are worried about Mondays.  It’s the start of the week.  Typical people that work Monday through Friday always say Mondays are the worst.
Now, I was spoiled for the last two years to have Mondays off but I had to work Saturdays.  At the bank, I’m allowed to get a Saturday and Sunday off once a month and I gave that up to have Mondays off.  Mondays were never really a good day for me either, it’s my day to run errands and rush back to Sacramento before 3pm so I can avoid traffic.
I spoke with a friend yesterday and she mentioned that her job works 40 hours and she has to be top notch, non-stop and has to be driven for the whole five day work week.  If she doesn’t, she will need to make up the hours during the weekend.  
I can’t say I like that life, but I can’t say that it’s not a good trait to have.
Two years ago when I went to Wells Fargo, I had no clue what I was doing.  Trust me, from being a manager to being a banker, it’s completely different.  My willingness to learn, work and drive got me to where I am now.  I never say no to a customer.  I had to say yes, because there is no reason to avoid what I don’t want to do or what I didn’t know what to do.  
It’s a beautiful thing.
It’s not about falling behind at work.  I think I earned a lot of respect from my co-workers, peers and friends by always saying yes.  
My father once told me, “I don’t care what you do in your career, you can be a janitor, but I want you to be the head person who runs the show.”
It’s a beautiful thing.
There’s some options in life.  When you see a difficult task, you can try to avoid it by sending it to someone else *picks up phone* (Wells Fargo joke).  You can take it head on and try to figure it all out.  Or, you can simply just push the customers away.  
Really, it’s a beautiful thing.
I’m totally not against working extra hours, going above and beyond while you’re doing something that you love to do.   You find fun in something in it that you appreciate.
Bonita Applebaum, you gotta put me on.
It’s a beautiful thing.   With great power comes great responsibility.
Props to the people out there that works hard because you know it is the right thing to do, and you do it because you are very aware that it is your responsibility.
You find inspiration in many ways.  She’s one.  A big bright smile is the killer.  
I’m almost done with the hiring process of my new job.  I hope everything goes smoothly.  Not too far away now.  
I hope I make all you guys proud.  I hope I make my family proud.  The most importantly, you.  
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rockyrunrun · 8 years
Had an interview this past Friday. Everything seems to be full circle. For once, I feel like I wasn't qualified for the job. "The resume that you use is only able to get you IN the door, but it's the interview that shows if you deserve the job." Clutch. Worked at the theater for 15+ years. I interviewed probably close to 300 candidates in my life. I got to be pretty good. Someone said I'm cocky, but nah, Swag, it's a Rocky thing. Two years at Wells Fargo, although it was Judy entry level, but this got me qualified for the job that I had an interview for. The interview went well. They asked me about my background and I told them I just want to come back to the Bay Area. The manager looking for candidates happens to be connected to someone I used to work with. In my years with the theater and at the bank, I have never put myself ahead of anyone. That's how I roll. Every single customer that I dealt with, I have never not give them 100% of my understanding. I put all of you and you and you and you ahead of myself anytime. I put my co-workers, my assistants, my employees all ahead of me, with a genuine interest to make them better. Here I am. It's like building comp points at the casino. Shoot, I'm looking to cash that out now. I'd like to trade in all the positivity that I gave given to all of you, back to me. This is a job that I truly feel I don't qualify for. I'm afraid of these two books sitting in front of me, but yet I've always known that if I want to advance with banking, this is what I need. Back to the interview, I answered all the questions correctly, I know I did. My question is, am I better than the other applicants? On the way out, the managers both said "come by anytime if you have any questions." That usually means I'll never see you again. I don't know. Give me some good vibes. I need this. Scratch that. I want this. Clutch.
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rockyrunrun · 8 years
Things have not been the same lately. Not sure how everyone else feels, but so far, 2017 had been ridiculously crazy. (Elaborate later, another day) I went to Asia for two weeks and somehow I feel things have been different about me and I feel like I grew up a bit. I learned how to give up. When things don't go my way and I can't force it. I gave up. I feel like I've earned enough good karma for good things to happen to me, this is still in the making. I don't know. I feel lost and confused from time to time. When you have too much time on your hands and you just decide to do nothing, you have too much room to think. I've been running, a lot more, trying to keep my energy up and general happiness. I try to sleep. I try to pretend nothing is wrong. I seek change. I look forward to talking to people that I haven't talked to in awhile. Then, I found you. It's like how Common called it, I'll leave it as "Her". I loved her and I gave her my all years ago. Lately I've been getting closer to her again and she gives me a stability in life. Gosh, having her in my life makes my life more soothing. Makes my life, better. This "her", is Hip Hop. I love music. I love Hip Hop. If I could, I'd go to every single show. I went to see Wu Tang with a couple of friends, but it feels like it's just not enough. Hip Hop to me is almost like my life at the moment. Going through some tough times and adversity. Besides this Her, there's also another Her. I don't exactly know how to express myself. Someone told me to let things happen naturally and I think I should. Talking to Her makes me feel joyous, and I'm happy every single time, just a bit more. I'm ready to come back to the Bay Area and be myself again. I feel like I went to college for two years away from home. Here I am. Lately.
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rockyrunrun · 8 years
The Golden Era of Bay Area sports
I came to USA in the mid 90s. My first love in sports was basketball. If you look at my sneakers collection, you see tons of Jordan's. I don't eat wheaties but I sure wear my Hanes, eat my McDonald's and drink my Gatorade. My first exposure to football was that Super Bowl winning team of the 49ers. Whenever that was (hah, a true raider fan kind of talk here). I was one step away from being a Detroit Tigers fan. Thank you San Francisco Giants, picking up Brian Johnson and then thank you Dodgers when you let Brian hit that extra innings homer. Thank you. I've always claim that if I see every single one of my sports team win ONE championship in my lifetime, I would be happy and ready to leave the world. We can start off with the Even Year Giants, 2010, 2012, 2014. I will never forget each and every single of those playoff runs. Wow, just wow. Three completely different teams, three different ways to win the championship. 2015 Warriors. Amazing. 2016 Warriors. 73-9, one win away. Still amazing. Who's next? My money is on the Raiders. I'm alive and just haven't blogged. It's by choice. Life is ever so changing. I'll be back to talk more.
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rockyrunrun · 8 years
No Phife, I too, got it from here. #MusicMonday
First and foremost, Rest in Power Malik. “We got it from Here… Thank You 4 Your service”. The newest and latest of A Tribe Called Quest albums.
Before I start writing a little deeper, it is a little tough to continue write about A Tribe Called Quest without talking about what they accomplished and how this group changed my mind on Hip Hop. When something is finally gone, you miss it. I miss you too Phife.
Music is an evolution. You will never get the same kind of sound from Jay-Z in Reasonable Doubt to The Black Album to Magna Carta Holy Grail. Music change through time, and Q-Tip had changed the sound of ATCQ from People’s Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm to this album.
While I still hear sounds of Phife Dawg, does it sound like it was mastered alongside with him? Q-Tip had mentioned before that Tribe isn’t about just the core members of Jarobi, Ali Shaheed Muhammad, Phife Dawg and himself. It’s about a collaboration between numerous people including Busta Rhymes, De La Soul and much like The Jungle Brothers, they’re just all part of the Native Tongues.
Do you ever feel like every album you listen to is a journey? Tribe takes you through “The Space Program” first and reintroduce their sound with “We the People…”, you hear a small sample and sound of Phife and the magic similar to how they were with “Can I Kick It?” The deeper you listen to the album of “Dis Generation”, the more you would assume that this 2016 A Tribe Called Quest is at a full circle and whatever their beef and issues had all been squashed with a soft tone. This song truly brings back A Tribe Called Quest, even as the elder statesmen that they are in the Hip Hop game, they had already conquered it all.
When it gets to “Kids…” when Andre 3000 drops his verse. You definitely hear a different sound that you did not expect with ATCQ. Imagine a continuation in evolving, it felt like the first eight songs in volume 1 was an “old” A Tribe Called Quest. Then when you switch to Volume 2, starting off with Consequence and Busta Rhymes in “Mobius”, this IS a different tone and voice in A Tribe Called Quest.
Fast forward to “The Donald”…. No they did not foretell that Donald Trump will be president. Listen carefully to Phife’s verse - “Don Juice” is what they called him.
This was a song that was dedicated to the late great Phife. Rest in Power Malik.
I refuse to rate this album because I am totally biased. I’ve always loved A Tribe Called Quest and will continue to do so.
Keep evolving. No no, I too, got it from here
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