#rodrigo ventocilla
travosti · 2 years
It’s not easy for some queer/lgbt+ people to be able to go out and live the queer experience in person but what needs to be clear is that external queer spaces vs internal queer places are two different experiences inside our community, and those who live not having online discourse on Twitter or Tumblr over who’s more valid or what’s correct to identify as, most of the time, don’t care. I was so chronically online years ago that I got into silly debates that in the end never existed in real life situations. I ended up having constant hiatuses on Tumblr or Facebook because of how mentally draining it was to be fighting for situations that most of the time do not happen in person. Then I realized that there’s situations that needed more visibility of.
For instance, did you know trans masculine people in latin america have a higher chance of committing suicide before their 30s? One of the examples would be of a black Brazilian trans man, Demétrio Campos, was an activist who committed suicide on May 16th of 2020, because of social injustice towards the lack of opportunities he had from being black and transgender, many times also denying mental health services towards his well being.
Did you know that Argentina is the only country in the continent that has won the legalization to having a non binary ID? Being the first country to legalize this in all of LATAM.
Did you know that just a few months ago, a trans man named Estéfano González , was wrongfully sent to jail because he defended himself from being murdered in the streets with his girlfriend while the attacker kept shouting transphobic AND lesbophobic comments towards him even though he does not identify as lesbian?
Did you know there is no law in Chile that protects trans people who have the right to labor?
Did you know that Tehuel de la Torre, a trans masc in Argentina, was forcefully disappeared after he went to a job interview in 2021, and to this day the police hasn’t done proper investigations and closed the case saying he passed away when there is no body to be found?
And in another occasion, a few years ago another trans masc (Santiago Cancinos), again, in Argentina, was made to be off the radar, the police not helping this trans male whatsoever, just to find out approx 4 years later that the remaining parts of his body was found deep in a hole just a few meters away from his home?
Two Peruvian trans men went to celebrate their honey moon In Bali this year, both were detained by security airport, because of “supposedly having illegal substances in their luggages”. They were brutally beat up in their cells, to the point one of them died because of the attacks. Leaving the newly wed male, becoming a widowed individual in just short time.
This is what’s happening in Latin America towards trans mascs and men but the internet is so focused in the experiences of trans mascs in countries like the USA, or countries that are in Europe. The trans experience, in this case trans masc experience, is NOT the same in every country. As a trans masc living in Chile, it’s very frustrating to see that many comrades typing from their homes, in a first world country, dare to criticize our experiences saying that our privilege is the same as theirs. I invite you to acknowledge our pain and re-think that not everything is centered around countries that is socially looked as more important than others. Please take your time translating the articles I cited, because my job informing is sufficient. I’m not debating with someone that invalidates trans experiences from my continent. Thank you, and you’re welcome from your angry sudaca.
The suicide of Demétrio Campos (Brasil): https://www.hypeness.com.br/2020/06/mae-de-demetrio-campos-fala-como-a-alegria-de-viver-do-filho-foi-abreviada-pelo-racismo-e-transfobia/
Legalization of the non binary identification in Argentina: https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/22/argentina-recognizes-non-binary-identities
The wrongful incarceration of Estéfano González (Chile):
No law that protects trans people from working in private establishments in Chile: https://www.latercera.com/paula/inclusion-laboral-trans-una-deuda-pendiente/?outputType=amp
The disappearance of Tehuel de la Torre (Argentina): https://agenciapresentes.org/2022/02/11/donde-esta-tehuel-a-11-meses-de-su-desaparicion-las-organizaciones-reclaman-justicia/
The disappearance of Santiago Cancinos (Argentina):
The murder of Rodrigo Ventocilla and mourning husband, Sebastián Marallano (Perú): https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-internacional-62683218
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transmascrage · 2 years
Peruvian prosecutors have opened an investigation for alleged torture over the death in Indonesia last month of a trans Peruvian man who died while in custody in the tourist island of Bali, the country's public ministry said on Thursday.
Rodgrigo Ventocilla, 32, was a Peruvian graduate student at Harvard celebrating his honeymoon in Bali. His death has outraged LGBT activists who have accused Peruvian diplomats of not doing enough to protect him.
Ventocilla was detained at the airport in Bali in early August over alleged possession of marijuana. He died days later of a "failure of bodily functions," according to Indonesian police.
Luzmo Henríquez, a representative of the family of the deceased, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that relatives believe he died as a result of torture.
"He was detained because of his gender identity. His identity document did not match his appearance. That made him a suspect for the Indonesian police. He was extorted, tortured and has died,” Henríquez said.
On a WhatsApp video call, her son, Rodrigo Ventocilla Ventosilla, said authorities in Bali, where he was traveling on a honeymoon, were demanding up to $100,000 for his release after he was arrested on drug charges.
“Mom, I’m going to negotiate. I’m going to tell them that I [will] give them $13,000,” her son told her, Ventosilla recounted in an interview Monday.
But it did not work. Hours later, the amount had risen to $200,000, Ventosilla said her son told her.
“It was an extortion,” she said.
Three days later, Rodrigo Ventocilla’s honeymoon trip to Bali, one of Southeast Asia’s most popular and idyllic tourist destinations, ended in tragedy when he died at age 32 at a hospital in Denpasar while still in police custody. A transgender man who co-founded a trans rights advocacy group in Peru, Ventocilla was about to enter his final year as a master’s student at the Harvard Kennedy School.
But his family has called into question officials’ explanation, alleging the arrest was motivated by racism and transphobia.
Ana Ventosilla said in an interview with The Crimson on Monday that her son was beaten by police and received inadequate medical attention while he was hospitalized.
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teleoleo · 2 years
Indonesia no es país para personas LGTBIQ+: La muerte de Rodrigo Ventocilla no debe quedar ímpune
Indonesia no es país para personas LGTBIQ+: La muerte de Rodrigo Ventocilla no debe quedar ímpune
«En Indonesia, las personas LGBTI son a menudo objeto de acoso, intimidación, criminalización e incluso homicidios sólo por su orientación sexual, e identidad y expresión de género. En los últimos años, los actos de intimidación, agresión y discriminación contra personas LGBTI en Indonesia han aumentado después de que varias autoridades hicieran declaraciones inexactas o engañosas sobre la base…
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williamchasterson · 2 years
Bali: Transgender student dies in police custody
Bali: Transgender student dies in police custody
Peruvian transgender rights activist Rodrigo Ventocilla, died after being arrested at the airport. from BBC News – World https://ift.tt/xycW193 via IFTTT
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