#rogodard eng
rogodard · 7 years
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ˢᵃᶤᵈ ʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ˢᵃᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵈᵉˢᵗʳᵘᶜᵗᶤᵒᶰ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃᶤᶰ for @yulllm
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rogodard · 7 years
i wanna find more simblrs
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hello guys! my name is Dasha, but you can call me Roda. i’m new to the english simblr community and i’ve just started write my story with english languge. i’m looking for more simblers to read their stories. and also i’m looking for friends! reblog this post so i can follow you. doesn’t matter edits, legacy, maxis or alpha. i just wanna get to know you and your sims world!
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rogodard · 7 years
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Итак… Я  хотела сделать письменный туториал, но знаете… Я не умею писать туториалы, поэтому держите целый видос.
Мой старый решейд: https://yadi.sk/d/Fy6fvuXw3Sas9n
Когда я только начала династию, я не использовала DOF, поэтому все блюрила в фотошопе.
Если останутся вопросы, задавайте! Я всегда рада на них ответить! <3
p.s. вы можете заценить там еще один мой видос... да... буду рада с; 
So… Here is my video tutorial about how I edit my screens. Hope u like it! My old reshade: https://yadi.sk/d/Fy6fvuXw3Sas9n
I didn’t use DOF when I started my Legacy, so I did blur in Photoshop.
If you’ve got questions, you free to ask me! <3 
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rogodard · 6 years
if you’re interesting, there is my inspo blog for blood of leaves : @bolinspo
there will be reblogs, my arts, playlists and videos
если вам интересно, это мой вздохновояющиц блог по «кровь листьев»: @bolinspo
там будут реблоги, мои арты, плейлисты и видео
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rogodard · 7 years
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«Ты живешь среди людей, друзей, прекрасно осознаешь, что помощь предложит любой из них, но чувство холодной уединенности цепляется когтями, царапая чистую кожу, заставляет дрожать с головы до ног вплоть до костей. Это ее родной дом, ее город, где она проживает с самого рождения. Вот только, дом должен быть теплым, но эта обитель для нее была покрыта льдом».  ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤatmosphere «You live among friends and people, you know that you’ll get help from anyone, but the feeling of the loneliness attaches itself, makes your body shakes down to bones.  This is her house, this is her town, where she’s lived since she was born. Except house has to be warm, but her convent is covered in ice».
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rogodard · 7 years
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Вас 300! И это абалдеть! Мне так стыдно, что я ничего не выкладываю на данный момент... Но спасибо вам большое, что вы все еще со мной!
Пока @martyamm и @aurorarei делали сим реквест, я захотела тоже. Так что готовлю вам 13 мест! Занимайте в комментариях!
p.s. Все полетит, как только доделаю обещенные арты некоторым девулям, которые их заслужили!
300!!! Wow! I feel ashamed that I haven’t posted my story for a long time, but... thank you so much that you stay with me!
While @martyamm and @aurorarei was making sim requests, I wanted too... So 13 people can ask me for sim! Write below in comments!
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rogodard · 7 years
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Ребята, готовлю все к своей новой истории. 7 часов потратила на решейд, вдохновившись кадрами DARK (netflix). Делала под музыку. Пожалуйста, оцените. Выглядит ли достаточно дарково, чувствуется ли одиночество и потерянность, может, грусть? В общем, ваши ассоциации по поводу этих картинок. Очень важно!   Guys, I prepare everything for my new story. For this reshade I’ve spent for 7 hours. I was inspired by DARK (netflix) and made this reshade with this music. Please, tell me what you feel seeing this pictures. Maybe you’re feeling sadness or lost, or melancholy or whatever atmosphere. Please tell me! It is really important! 
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rogodard · 7 years
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Фог Дейл (англ. Fog Dale — туманная долина) — это небольшой город, включенный в состав штата Северная Дакота, США. Площадь Фог Дейла  —   168.7 км². Его население составляет 11 438  человек, из которых 54% — женщины и 46 % — мужчины. Этнический состав: американцы — 46,6%, французы — 33, 7%, остальные — 9,4%. Основными направлениями развития города являются сельское хозяйство и агропромышленность. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ atmosphere Fog Dale is a small logging town in northeastern North Dakota. Fog Dale’s area is 168.7 km².   Its population is 11,438: 54% - women, 46% - men. Ethnicity: americans — 46,6%, french — 33,7%, others — 9,4%. Urban orientation of Fog Dale is agriculture and agro-industries.   
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rogodard · 7 years
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Arvel takes the glass and drinks, then leave it on the table seeing Elza in the crowd. She tries to walk toward dancing people, her gaze runs around the placement looking for Arvel — he knows it. Arvel gets up and feels like influence of alcohol have leaved him for awhile.  
—      Elza! — he shouts through the music and goes through the dancing people. He grabs  Elza’s wrist, touch by his palm the cold bracelet. — Where are you up to?
Elza shakes. Her big eyes seem bigger because of the terrified face. Arvel touches her cheek and shifts down her bottom eye lid slightly to see her eyes closely.
—      In t… — Elza feels difficult to throw up any words like chains binds her and do not allow saying completely. She looks away to the toilets like she saw something scary.
 —      Elza, please, tell what happened! — Arvel says tougher, but stays gentle, stroking Elza’s cheek.
 Arvel tilts his head to Elza’s lips to hear her quite voice.
—      Corpse, — after few seconds Elza says weirdly and unimaginable Wakey, wakey, money makes you wanna pull the trigger.
Arvel wants to believe that he misheard because who knows what you can hear in the loud music around. Arvel chuckles nervously, thinking that he heard ‘toilet’ and Elza hasn’t finished the sentence.
 —      There’s a dead body of Bradberry!!! — screaming voice of girls rings out behind and it makes everybody who stays near WC doors turn around.
 The word ‘dead body’ falling apart on the questions, exclamations, facts, conversations and go as far as DJ, who turn off music, seeing that everyone stopped and don’t want to dance except few persons who got too many of alcohol today.
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rogodard · 7 years
There is my trailer for my new old story about the smal city. 
i have to tell you a lot of iformation....  Это мой трейлер для моей новой старой истории о маленьком городке.  как много всего мне рассказывать придется...  кстати сабы переведены так, как вам нужно понимать концепцию... так что не ругаемся за перевод
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rogodard · 7 years
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Elza — she doesn’t like being there — Burgson pours cocktail that Arvel took for her at the sink and leave the empty glass near the tap. Liking her full lips Elza looks at herself in the mirror seeing in front of her the girl who lost beauty, who does not want to be here and who can’t live without the ginger boy. Elza sighs loudly and deeply; in her chest the pain with needles in her heart. Liliac eyes are — singularity of nature — looking inside, reading and saying how much they don’t like the reflection in the mirror, lecturing, doing everything to destroy her. Elza’s distracted by the phone’s beep in the left pocket of the jeans. Elza types slowly in the message to mom that everything’s fine. She prays with one mouth and asks God for the forgiveness, because she lied to family. Leaving the phone in the pocket Elza turns around and comes closely to the purple toilet stall. Her hand places on the doorknob, and Elza turns it slowly like she’s afraid of a man inside the stall.
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rogodard · 7 years
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rogodard · 7 years
когда все идет по п.зде
простите, ребзя, ухожу в перерыв. 
пока никаких постов историй.
sorry guys, i am on hiatus  
no posts with my stories 
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rogodard · 7 years
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ  Baby’s on fire… He is seventeen today. He grew up a little today. He is not blowing out the candles on a birthday cake, he is quaffing absent. There are dancing and jumping in rhythm familiar and unfamiliar people around him. Yolandi Visser singing with her soft childish voice through the music beats. The Shadow Empire has his own unique atmosphere in its purple neon lights, recognizable people of San Mishuno, impossible scream-singing with famous songs and expansive, but tasty alcohol cocktails, and the most important thing — connections. Without the connections Arvel would never negotiate with director of the club about arriving school students tonight. 20th October. ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ My daddy says I’m like a slut to see «Hurray!», «Wooow!», «Yaeeah!» — just in one time. Then laughter and some dancing to the music. ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ A South African cherrie makin’ history — Drink! Drink! Drink! — Arvel’s friends’ yelling happily. Arvel, putting his hands back, bends over the table and take a shot glass of vodka by his lips. He drinks it in one time and then after that little victory there are another claps and yelling. Arvel sits on the coach. Patricia Bradberry — called Glossy by everyone because of her pink hair and knowledge how to stand out — sits near Arvel immediately. She pats on his back and chuckles. — You are so profi! — she says drinking her Daiquirí. She puts her glass down the table and smiles, leaning back on the back of coach. — So… what about Riveira University? — Yeah, why asking? — Arvel asks and gazes at the friends going to the dancing floor. — Dunno, maybe you have changed your mind. Because I was thinking about studying in England. Maybe France, huh? — Glossy clenches her lips, she thinks and then shrugging her shoulders. — Father said that he’s ready to pay for any country, but it should be good to me. So… — Well, Riveira is one of the best Universities that do a really good job of teaching architecture. It’s your choice, dude, but I think that if we have a deal, so let’s not to ruin it? — grin on his face seems so warm, familiar and kind, that Glossy just pushes Arvel lightly. — You ‘re scoundrel, Tiedmann! You think only about not letting me go. Shame on you! — Glossy takes her glass and has a few drinks. — Oh, I think I’m ashamed just as much you’re thinking about messing our plan to conquer the Reveira. And that means… — Arvel raises his hand and shows ‘zero’ in thumb and trigger fingers.— So… that much I’m ashamed. ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard  Glossy’s laugh sounds softly and cute, and Arvel just looks at her beauty smile. Glossy has helped him in difficult situations, have helped him to make choice about his profession, was there when Arvel needed to avoid pushy thinking about to get up and go to study business for his father. He pulls her braids lightly to remind about childhood and calls her Cotton Candy, because her hair seems like that sweet. — Ok! Ok! You know that I really want to get to Reveira. Fuck, Willian Grimsho teaches there! I am in love with his theatre that he built in Newcrest. And… God! Have you seen how he mixed modern and neo-classic? God, I am just fan of this dude.  — I heard also that in 2019 at the Reveira will be teaching Debora Hadid. I adore her deconstructivism. — Arvel looks away to the bar. — Okay, I am going to get more drinks for us. What you’ll have?  — «Hot and Smoky», — Glossy smiles and, taking her drink from the table, finish it leavening the glass near others glasses. — I am going to bathroom…
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rogodard · 6 years
hello, guys! i am working on FAQ about my story, so if you have questions I am waiting for them in inbox)
привет, ребят! я работаю над FAQ о моей истории, так что если у вас есть вопросы, жду их в инбоксе)
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rogodard · 7 years
ребят, завтра еду снимать свою короткометражку. интересно будет увидеть бэкстейдж?  hello guys! i am going to film my short film tommorow, would u like to see backstage?
оставлю свою инсту, может быть, я буду выкладывать что-то в сториз... обычно я ничего не выкладываю в сториз... и в инсту, но мало ли my instagram: @agldas 
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