#rolling singlet
ares857 · 1 month
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internet find
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parsleypesto · 1 year
hot ppl r such a gift 🌟💖🌟💖🌟
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branzycrafted · 2 years
It's kind of funny we have so many in-sys relationships but we could never have a partner or partners outside of our system—
#Part of it though I'll say first is because a lot of us are adults and that clashes with being bodily 16#Because our alter age would in one regard there override body age#It both would and wouldn't here's how:#It WOULDN'T because being bodily a minor would mean dating anyone not bodily a minor would still be Not Legal !#System or singlet it goes for both#But it WOULD also because then it would be like adult alters in a relationship with someone bodily a minor#And that's a no !! Idk if everyone regards it that way but it would at least be like#Personal weirdchamp to us#But anyways !!#That's only one of the big things the other thing is just.#We could not see that happening LOL#Like even other system bodily close to our age adult alter dating adult alter#Partly also because we don't. Talk to many people#But also in general in any case we could not see any of us dating anyone outside sys#But in-sys it's like god damn so many people are dating LOL#[''roll the dice!'' | 🎲.txt]#The one with like dating other alters in systems we could see more than collective partner stuff#Plus in a weird way it's like collectively we're arospec but also not ?#It's like it applies weirdly or something#It's like we have our own brand of collectively arospec where we can only ever feel any attraction to anyone in-sys /j#raaah#This was a really random ramble topic#Sorry thinking abt dating people a lot tonight kekw#Also I was like not sure on one of the above points cause . We knew a system that wasn't like that#Like they were bodily not an adult nor was their partner but still had also not minor alters regarding them as a partner still#ANYWAYS THO Idk I'm not qualified to talk abt that person PLUS I don't think I need to
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
Making out on the car hood with olderbf! Simon after we’re teasing him while he’s working on his favourite car :(
hnnngh need to distract him so bad 🫶🏼
it wasn’t like your older bf!simon couldn’t catch a break- he totally could, he just chose not to.
fresh off deployment, the blood under his fingernails had barely dried and he’s already running up a list of all the things he wants to do around your house.
starting with the car.
his car, only thing he learnt to love more than you (hardly)
1960 jaguar daimler, british racing green. goes like a cut cat, purrs like one too.
when she’s running.
you can hear the radio in the garage, there’s a bad moon rising under the sounds of banging metal. you think a wrench might’ve hit the floor.
that’s your cue.
“baby, you having fun still?”
simon grunts, he doesn’t reckon you’d ever understand the fact he could be having the time of his life and still be effing and blinding.
he calls it duality of man.
you call horseshit.
“course i am, nearly ‘ad it”
“sure you did”
he takes the bait, eyes raising off the motor long enough to watch you out the corner of his eye. he knows you’re teasing.
he likes it.
“alright, get round ‘ere and do better then”
and you take the challenge, slotting in between simon and the bonnet of his car. your eyes are scanning across the exposed mechanics, thumbnail between your front teeth as you hum.
“yeah, definitely a car”
you hear him snort a laugh before you feel his chest pressed right up to your back. poor excuse for a white singlet stretched across him, already covered in grease- you can feel the heat radiating off him.
one hand grips your hip, the other points out in front of you. you follow a long, thick finger to something you couldn’t name with a gun to your head.
“see ‘at? iss’a carburettor and it ain’t meant to look like ‘at”
you nodded, like you understood- like you could even listen when there was something firm and warm and entirely yours pressed right up against you.
“when i get ‘at sorted, she’ll be purring”
his voice dropped low in your ear as he spoke, you could feel his breath on the back of your neck. if you really thought about it, his lips might’ve been brushing your skin.
“purrs almost as nice as you do, sweet’art”
that was for another day, one where he hadn’t shut the bonnet and sat you right on top of it so he could slot between your knees.
hands slipping under his vest, sweat slicked skin beneath your palms as his tongue ran along the roof of your mouth- your hips were rolling up into his before you’d even realised it.
when he was finished with you, your panties would be hanging around the rearview mirror and you’d be lucky if you ever saw them again.
your muffled cries fell onto simon’s tongue as his lifted your hips, pulling you straight into the hard length that was barely kept by sweatpants slung low on his hips.
“that’s it- nice and easy f’me”
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On Set Shenanigans || Tom Blyth x actress!reader
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GIFS by me :) cred if use!!
Summary: just a bunch of random scenarios on set I thought of while I was in the shower lmao 🤣
Warnings: noneee
Wc: 1,553
A/n: sorta all over the place sorry lmao
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Divider by @pommecita
“If you could describe Y/n and Tom in one word, what would you say?” Rachel purses her lips, side eyeing the two of you who were watching her with silly grins. “Y/n and Tom are,” Rachel hums, tapping her chin as she breaks out into a chuckle.
“Goofy.” You and Tom turn to each other and just break into laughter. “They are seriously the most goofiest people I have met in my entire life! There is never a dull moment on set when these two around,” Rachel shakes her head as she smiles at the two of you who blow kisses her way.
“Tom and Y/n, there’s a behind the scenes video circulating around of the two of you in costume, dancing to Low by Flo Rida,” “Oh my god,” You drop your head on Tom’s shoulder as the two of you couldn’t help wipe the grin off your faces.
“Yes, there is,” Tom laughs as they put up said video. “If you guys haven’t see it, here it is,” Dressed in his peacekeeper outfit, white singlet with his dog tag out, and you in your outfit, you and Tom were dancing along to your favourite song to dance to, Low by Flo Rida.
Rachel was recording the video during your break and was dying of laughter. The camera was shaking the entire time because of it. You and Tom loved goofing around and dancing.
You could say it was your love language. You grab Tom’s peacekeeper hat and plop out on your head slightly wonky as you move along to the song, acting as if you were at a club in Berlin and not on set. The way you and Tom danced and moved to the music just made so much sense.
“She turned around and gave that big booty a smack,” Tom spun around as you slap his ass causing an eruption of laughter from everyone who was watching.
You and Tom were trying to hold your composure but that failed miserably as you grab Tom’s arms to stabilise yourself but turned out he had no sense of stability at that moment as the two of you fall to the ground. A light scream leaving your lips as you fall on top of Tom.
And then the camera focused on the ground as Rachel had leaned over, hands on thighs as she laughed out loud. If anyone didn’t know the context of that clip, they probably would have thought that you two were drunk but truth was you were quite sober.
The crowd on set burst out into laughter as you cover your face in slight embarrassment, Tom laughing along with the host as he pats your head.
“What do you usually do when you’re not filming on set?” Tom gives you a look as you bite back a laugh. “I think everyone knows this but, film tiktoks” The crowd breaks into laughter as they knew what you were talking about.
“Yeah Y/n is always filming tiktok and forcing me to do them with her,” Tom grips your thigh, shaking it lightly as you roll your eyes. “No I do not, you always want to be in them!” You argue with him. “Why don’t we watch a few of them here?” Kelly Clarkson recommended as you squeeze Tom’s arm with a smile.
https://www.instagram.com/p/CQrdGn8AYiD/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== The first tiktok was of you, Tom, Rachel, and Josh in your trailer. You had the idea in your head for a while now and showed them all. “Please don’t drop me babe,” You say to Tom as you set up the camera, “I would never,” You hear him say followed by giggle.
You expected to land in Tom’s arms. Not the floor. You let out a yelp as Tom slaps his hand over his mouth. The three of them laughing their asses off while you landed on yours with a loud thud. “It’s not funny you idiot,” You slap his arm as he picks you up, apologising to you by peppering your face with kisses.
You had to admit it was pretty funny rewatching the tiktok. “You weren’t supposed to catch my feet!” You say in between laughs as you post the tiktok.
“This one, captioned name a better duo, I’ll wait has gone quite viral with over 10 million views,” Kelly exclaims as you cross your legs at your knees nodding your head as the video plays on the screen. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNVsM6kw/
“Tom,” You tap your boyfriend���s shoulder as he hums. You had just finished filming a scene together and had abit of time before you were up again. You were both in your mentor outfits, Tom having his blonde locks today.
“I wanna film this tiktok, come be in it?” You urge him as he looks up from his phone seeing a glint of playfulness in your eyes as he lets out a sigh.
Tom secretly loved making tiktoks with you, especially since he wasn’t on it and found the stuff you make him do were interesting and funny. You had hundreds of random tiktoks that you filmed on set saved into your drafts, half of them were of you and Tom.
Your hair stylist helped film the tiktok as the two of you did it out in the open, a bunch of the filming team watching with curiosity and laughing as they walk by. Other cast members such as Josh, Hunter and a bunch of the mentor actors walked by ended up being in the background of it.
You and Tom moved along to the beat, literally just vibing to the music. You wrote on the tiktok “the funniest duo on set>>>” and you weren’t lying.
“We are here with the cast of the Hunger Games Prequel, the ballad of songbirds and snakes!” The crowd cheered as you, Tom, Josh, and Rachel smiles. “From what I’ve seen, you guys are actually TikTok sensations!” An eruption of laughter followed.
“This TikTok here specifically,” https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNqguTEY/ you all turn your head to watch the TikTok play on screen as you all start to laugh. “Tom, where were you while this was happening,” The host looks at Tom whose eyes were trained on the ground, a grin forming on his lips.
“I’m actually there in the tiktok, on the bed. Trying to sleep.” He deadpans as you giggle, leaning your head on his shoulder as you grip his arm. “Yeah this was after we came back from partying in Berlin, obviously for some of us, our night didn’t end yet,” Tom chuckles as everyone bursts out in laughter.
“Let’s do that tiktok!” You squeal the second you enter the room. Opening up tiktok, you find the video and show Josh, Hunter, Rachel, and Tom it. Tom’s arms were thrown around your shoulders, his head resting on your head due to the height difference.
“I think I’m going to go to bed,” He yawns, kissing your cheek before you all bid him goodnight. Tom couldn’t even get 5 minutes of peacefulness as the four of you spill into the bedroom and set up your phone. He lets out a quiet groan at the noise and flashing of lights as he digs his head deep into his pillow.
“Babeee,” You call out as you step into the hair and makeup trailer. He was sitting on a chair, fully dressed in his peacekeeper outfit, hair free from his wig.
He looked more presentable compared to you and Rachel who still had hair rollers on and were still in your robes. You had seen a new trend going around tiktok where you would stare at a guy with Justin Timberlake’s mirrors playing in the background, and you wanted to do it with Tom https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNqnRSNJ/
One side of his lips turns up as he looks up at you, “I’m filming a tiktok and I want you to be in it,” You say with puppy eyes although you know he wouldn’t refuse. You even got his hair and makeup artists, Stacey and Jade to be in on it too.
You pull up a chair beside Tom as you set up the camera. “Wait what am I supposed to do?” He asks, “Nothing, just sit there,” You innocently smile at him as he gives you a suspicious look but nods nonetheless, complying with whatever you were up to.
He honestly just expected to be on camera while you were doing something, but he did not expect to be stared down at by his girlfriend and hair and makeup artists. You stare intensely at Tom, trying your hardest to not laugh or look away.
Staring at your boyfriend has always not been an easy task, especially since he holds such intense eye contact. And his pretty blue eyes did not help at all. Tom tries not to laugh either as he gazes at you before his eyes flicker towards Stacey and Jade then back to you. “What’s going on,” He finally says as his body shakes from laughing.
The TikTok ends and you let out a small laugh, looking over the TikTok. You throw your head back in laughter at Tom’s face when you all look back to stare at him, honestly was priceless.
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stevebabey · 9 months
Eddie is beginning to wonder if he’ll ever reach a point where Steve couldn’t reduce him to this state.
This state being… transfixed. Eddie is sure he must look like a lovesick cartoon. In fact, if he could manage to drag his gaze away, he’d probably find red hearts circling around his head in a halo, popping like little bubbles.
But Eddie can’t move his eyes. Can’t even close his mouth either.
Steve’s talking to him too, which is most definitely worse — he’s totally missing every word. He can see Steve’s lips moving, pink plush lips wrapping around words but fuck, that was a total trap because now Eddie is just looking at his lips. He tries to refocus, to listen. His eyes just wander back to what he was staring back at the first place.
Was Steve like this all the time? Just a walking around looking so damn delectable?
Or is it Eddie, just a starved man who’s been living off stolen glances, for as long as he can remember? For once, he’s learning, he’s allowed to look.
And by God, is he looking.
Steve’s not even doing it on purpose either, which probably makes the whole thing funnier. Eddie knows what his boyfriend (boyfriend! he thinks giddily in his mind) looks like when he’s cleaned up to impress. He can spot the way Steve preens beneath Eddie’s lingering gaze.
This is not that. Today, Steve is just cleaning, a usual Sunday morning ritual.
He’s got some old sport shorts on and he’s clearly grown a bit since he first got them— unless Hawkins has always been giving out slutty little shorts to the basketball team (They haven’t. Eddie would know if they did.)
He’s wearing one of his wife-beater singlets too. It’s a little on the scrappy side though, considering it’s nearly see-through with how worn it is.
Honestly, in Eddie’s humble and gay opinion, it’s stupidly hot. The dark hair dusted across of Steve’s chest is visible beneath it, the shirt showing off the shape of his broad chest. Even better, his happy trail is visible and goddamn, if that doesn’t make Eddie happy, he doesn’t know what will.
But it’s not even that.
Quite frankly, Eddie’s rather embarrassed that he’s basically blue-screening because Steve is pulling out the cord out from the vacuum cleaner.
But… but he’s yanking it up towards his chest, slow and strong repetitive motions— that take enough effort to make his biceps bulge with every tug.
Eddie can’t stop watching. The cord must be several metres long and he’s not sure if he should be cursing it or thanking it for the view he gets; Steve’s tan arms flexing and rippling. Try as he might, Eddie can’t help imagining how they must look when Steve’s got his hand aroun—
“—hello? Are you even listening to me?”
Steve’s voice cuts into Eddie’s dangerously side-tracked thoughts and he pauses his tugging at the same time. It’s the thing that finally allows him to break his lustful stare at Steve’s arms. Oh God, he just got all hot and bothered over his boyfriend doing the vacuuming.
“Hello.” Eddie says back, because that was the first word to register in his brain. “I mean- yes. I’m—”
Eddie decides mid-sentence that he’s not getting away with the lie. He pivots. “Okay, no, I didn’t hear that. Would you please tell me what you just said, oh lovely sweet man of mine?”
Ever the butterer-upper, he was. Thank God it works on Steve. He rolls his eyes a little but there’s an adoring grin on his lips.
“Man of mine,” Steve mutters amusedly under his breath. He drops the vacuum cord on the carpeted floor and leans down the grab the handle of the vacuum. “You just kinda froze when you came in. I was asking if everything was okay? I’m just doing this room then I’ll be done, if you don’t like the noise.”
Eddie adores that Steve’s taken his silence as though he might be afraid of the vacuum cleaner or something. He nearly snorts aloud at how far from the truth it is.
“Uh huh.” Eddie nods, not bothering to correct him. He jerks a thumb behind him, pointing at nothing. “I’m just gonna…”
He spins on his heel and exits left stage, fast as he can while still looking normal (he’s unsuccessful, as he leaves a baffled Steve behind him.) As he enters into the kitchen and decides to fix them both a pot of coffee, Eddie lets himself giggle over the pure absurdity of what just happens.
It’s mortifying. It’s hilarious. He can never tell Steve.
Except, when Steve comes to find him in the kitchen and trades a kiss for some coffee, Eddie can’t help it. All he ever wants to do is make Steve laugh.
He decides it’s worth the embarrassment when Steve laughs so hard coffee comes out his nose.
Steve teasingly promises that he’ll to try be less distracting, then rescinds his words at Eddie’s abject reaction (“Don’t you dare.”) looking far too smug— in a delighted sort of way. Preening, in that way Eddie loves.
Their first kiss, as Eddie slides onto Steve’s lap and loops his arms over his shoulders, fingers dancing on those tasty arms, tastes a little bit like coffee. Their mugs grow cold, untouched.
Eddie doesn’t mind — he’s too busy finding out that the rest of their kisses taste like something between sunlight and Steve.
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wileys-russo · 2 months
i need a pool day blurb with jenni after that bikini picture pretty pls bsf 💘 tysm
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this is for @sunnyaelia who is constantlyy feeding my jenni obsession pool day II j.hermoso
finishing the final chapter of your book you near moaned with happiness, feeling as though you'd just scaled a mountain as immense gratification flooded your sun soaked bones.
with a content sigh you snapped it shut, patting the cover fondly and carefully tossing it onto the table a few feet away.
you'd been tackling said book for a far too long, and always having been an avid reader ever since childhood it had bugged you to no end that these days it took you months to finish a few chapters when you used to fly through a few books each week.
but life commitments seemed to stump that nowadays, though on vacation for the week it was the ideal opportunity to rectify that and only just two days in it made you feel immense relief that you'd conquered that.
you'd had your doubts of course, and they came in the form of the tall, tattooed clown you had the pleasure of calling your wife.
jenni was your favourite distraction but she was constantly just that, a distraction.
any sliver of free time you had away from family or work was consumed by her need for your every ounce of attention, and whatever you didn't give her she would simply take one way or another.
but your athlete superstar world cup winning striker was not as easily relaxed as you, and despite being on vacation together insisted on continuing her at times robotic rituals of exercise.
not that you could really complain given as much as you adored jenni as a person and a partner; her body, stamina and rippling physique was an immense benefit to all the perks that came with being mrs hermoso.
so your wife was off on her morning run, kissing you goodbye far too early for you to do much more than hum and roll onto your side as she chuckled and gently closed the bedroom door behind her with a click.
you'd arisen a couple hours later surprised that she still hadn't returned, but with the peace and quiet of her absence came the opportunity to finally finish your book and work on your tan, so here you were.
and it would seem right in the nick of time as you heard footsteps pad their way through the villa before her slides slapped against the concrete of the courtyard and suddenly your warmth dissapeared.
"you're blocking my sun hermoso." you warned with a small smile, eyes still closed but protected by a pair of sunglasses which were promptly snatched from your face.
"i am your sun, hermoso. just lighting up your days with my good looks and my muscles and my endearing personality." jenni quipped back with a grin as she settled her glasses on your nose and you cracked one eye up to stare up at her blankly.
you'd be lying if you said they didn't dip a little lower for a moment taking in her sweaty, toned and tanned half naked body before you which wasn't missed by your wife whose grin only grew at the sight.
"enjoying the view esposa? front row seats to la feria de armas." the gun show, the footballer smirked and flexed her arms obnoxiously with a few mock grunts as you rolled your eyes.
"can i get a refund?" you asked blankly, own smile curling upward as jenni's dropped and you closed your eyes again, kicking her gently and making a shooing motion with your hands.
"get out of my sun and take a shower, i can't tan in the shade amor." you chuckled and exhaled happily as she stepped aside and your face was once again bathed in the warm cancun sun.
"oh a shower? good idea, gracias bebé." her slightly chapped but still soft lips pressed sweetly against yours as she ducked down and slipped your stolen sunglasses back on your face before you smacked her ass with one hand as she passed, sending her a cheeky grin.
"niña traviesa." your wife clicked her tongue disapprovingly though you could see the corners of her mouth tug upward in amusement as she stripped off the singlet leaving her only in shorts and a sports bra, her well defined tattooed back disappearing into the villa.
you assumed that meant your peace and quiet resumed, how wrong you were.
"oh dios mio jennifer!" you groaned in annoyance as suddenly footsteps smacked against concrete and there was a brief pause of silence before a body met water with a loud splash and droplets rained down on you one after the other.
"sí precioso?" the girl popped up at the edge of the pool, tattooed arms crossed and her chin resting on them with a wicked grin as you glared down at her and wiped yourself off with a towel.
"idiota." you grumbled, tossing the now damp towel down on the ground and lying back down with a huff. "you suggested a shower no? i just wanted to share mi amor." again droplets rained down as her hand smacked at the water sending a small tidal wave across your legs.
knowing she was just egging on for a reaction you refused to give her one, only standing to turn your lounger around to face away from her before flopping back down on your stomach now which made her laugh, your wife pushing off the side of the pool and floating around humming something to herself as you settled yourself again.
but of course that too didn't last long.
"cari?" the striker called out, still floating on her back with her eyes closed, having changed into a brightly colored bikini which left very little to the eye or the imagination
you hummed in response, the noise muffled as you were still laying stomach down on the lounger a few feet away. "if you are in a competition with yourself, do you come first or last?" your wife asked as you only sighed, all too used to the strangely wonderful but weird way her brain worked.
"neither, no opponents means no winner or loser." you answered without moving a muscle, the older girl making a noise of surprise at your answer, quiet falling again as she took a moment to reflect on it.
"cari?" again you hummed in response, readying yourself for whatever was to come next. "can you daydream at night?"
"no mi amor, thats just thinking." you chuckled slightly at that one, jenni making another pleasantly surprised noise as again a beat of peace passed.
"cari?" a hum again. "if you clean a vacuum, do you become a vacuum cleaner?" you could hear the obvious grin in her tone at that as you snickered quietly. "no you'd actually become useful." you quipped as your wife scoffed in offence and kicked water at you, the few icy droplets which hit your back making you wince slightly.
"cari?" another hum. "if you drop soap on the floor, is the floor clean or is the soap dirty?"
"why?" you finally pulled your head up, sitting up at peering at her over the top of the lounger as she continued to float around the pool. "why not?" she rebutted, ducking under the water and doing a backflip beneath the surface as you rolled your eyes.
"show off." you shot at her, sunglasses slipping just down your nose as you watched jenni pull herself slowly out of the pool, sitting on the edge of with her legs still dangling in the water, wringing out her hair and stretching as she scraped it up into a bun atop her head.
your gaze found home on the way her soft tanned skin tensed and flexed with each movement, water drops cascading down her like she was stuck in a rain storm as she exhaled deeply and rolled her neck.
catching your eye she winked as you shook your head and laid back down as she stood and made her way over, disregarding the unoccupied lounger to your right and instead sitting on the edge of yours.
"so, is the floor clean or soap dirty mi todo?" you flinched ever so slightly as a cold finger traced down your spin, a smile forming on your lips which faced away from your wife who was writing out i love you on your back.
"both, the floor becomes clean where the soap hits it but the soap becomes dirty as it touches the floor." you answered simply as she hummed, seemingly satisfied with that answer. "smart and beautiful." the girl complimented, twisting around and trailing kisses down your shoulder blame as you sighed happily.
"i knew you married me for my mind." you teased. "no, for this." jenni grinned, one hand cupping a handful of flesh on your ass and squeezing before patting it affectionately as you reached out and pinched her thigh making her chuckle.
"again, idiota." you shook your head resisting the urge to smile, knocking her with your knee a little as you wriggled and flipped onto your back again, sighing as your glasses were once more snatched off your face.
"there is another chair there." you reminded as your wife scooched you across with her hands and laid down beside you, both of you near hanging off either side of the small lounger as her wet torso pressed against yours, though as the sun rose higher in the sky and the temperature soared upward the slight reprise now wasn't unwelcome.
"very observant mi vida, bien!" jenni grinned as your eyes opened and winced slightly from the sunlight hitting them, your wife quickly sliding your glasses back over them with a kiss pressed to your cheek.
"jenni i am going to fall off!" you laid in silence pressed against one another for a few minutes before she grew restless, sitting up and moving about nearly shoving you off.
but as you opened your eyes to tell her off further your words died in your throat, mouth running dry as the footballer tossing her soaking wet bikini top over her shoulder and smirked at the way your eyes clearly fixed to her now naked chest though disguised behind the glasses.
her breasts sat to attention, perfectly round and staring you right in the face as your wifes look of utter delight and amusement only grew.
"oh you wanted more space bebita? of course." you barely had time to process her words before her leg was swinging over your hips and she settled herself on top of you, shaking her head as her chest bounced and droplets rained down on you ironically only causing your mouth to dry up further.
but as you reached out eager to touch them her hands caught yours, interlocking her slender fingers with yours and pinning them down to the lounger as she leaned down, the feeling of her wet naked chest pressing against yours nearly having you moan.
"can't have you moving around too much ángel, you might fall off." her pearly white teeth bore down at you in a wolfish grin, sloped nose tucking into the crook of your neck as your eyes fluttered close at the special attention she gave the taunt skin there.
you felt her grin widen as your hips bucked ever so slightly up against hers as she suddenly bit down on the sensitive skin just beneath your jaw, sucking on the tanned flesh until it had turned dark red and sent your head spinning.
"mi niña bonita." jenni purred, kissing softly over the mark and trailing her lips across your jaw before finally pressing them against yours, a slight grind of her hips down into yours causing your breath to hitch with a gasp and her tongue to slip past your defenses, easily taking control of the kiss.
you barely had time to enjoy it before suddenly she was using her strength to easily pull you up and swap your positions, sliding beneath you as you now sat on top of her catching your breath momentarily.
unrestrained now you wasted no time gliding your hands across the firm ridges of her abs, bending down to press feather light kisses across her collarbone, tongue darting out to flick across the H tattoo on her sternum as she exhaled and tangled a hand in your hair, tugging your head up and into her neck.
"niña buena." the striker sighed as your hands finally found her chest and squeezing right as your lips sucked your own mark into her neck, normally not something your wife so easily allowed but too distracted by your hands kneading away at her chest to stop you.
but right as sudden as everything had started, in true hermoso fashion it was just as quick to stop, your hands grabbing onto her shoulders with a cry of surprise as suddenly she stood and hauled you up with her, legs wrapped around your waist.
"jenni no no no por favor amor i washed my hair last night!" you begged and tried to get down as you quickly realised what was happening.
but all you got in reply was a grin as you held your breath and your wife launched the two of you off the edge, icy water engulfing your body as her long tattooed legs hit the bottom and pushed off, the pair of you resurfacing as you coughed and spluttered slightly in shock.
"you looked hot cari, just wanted to cool you down." the brunette teased still holding tightly onto you as you smacked her forehead with a huff.
"estúpido idiota!" you hit her shoulder as she only laughed, pushing over to a more shallow spot where she could stand a little taller, hands squeezing at your ass in a silent attempt at an apology.
"pero tu estúpido idiota." jenni cooed with a smile that was softer, kissing your lips slowly and sweetly as your anger melted away, really unable to stay mad at the endearingly dopey grin on her face as she pushed a wet strand of hair out of your face with a lovesick glint in her eyes.
"well lo siento mucho but you are stuck with me forever and ever and ever now mrs hermoso."
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hier--soir · 1 year
don't cry over spilt milk
joel miller x f!reader
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rating: explicit, 18+ mdni summary: joel is not happy to find out that you slept with someone else. warnings/tags: [18+ MINORS DNI] fwb!joel, major jealousy, possessiveness, reader is kinda mean and clueless, mean!joel, some unrequited feelings, smut, unprotected p in v sex, oral [f!recieving], spitting.... word count: 4.8k series masterlist | masterlist this is part three of my fwb!joel series. you can find the other parts here: one, two, four.
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The community dining hall was full of people. Groups of families and friends huddled on long tables, eating dinner together. The summer heat was killing you; thick, humid air suffocating your skin, making it feel like your thin singlet was melting onto your back. And being inside the dining hall did nothing to stem the early evening warmth, so you sat and basked in the stale sticky air while you ate, trying to ignore the way sweat made the skin of your thighs stick to the chair beneath you.
“And I can head shot those fuckers from a mile out,” Tommy was saying, his fork hovering in mid-air between his plate and his mouth. “I stand up on the hill and I spot ‘em, wandering around Alpine Crest Community, and I just take ‘em out. Ain’t nothin’ to it.”  
You rolled your eyes, fork pushing the remaining food around your plate. “Give it a rest Tommy, save some humility for the rest of us.”  
“It ain’t about bein’ humble,” he grinned at you. “It’s about knowin’ your way around a sniper – and I know it best.”
“Oh shut up, Miller,” someone further down the table threw a dirty napkin at him, and he caught it, gripping it to his chest and chuckling in mock indignancy. “Some of us are trying to eat our dinner in peace, without having to hear any of your stories.”
“Ask Ellie,” he continued around a full mouth this time. “She saw it. I let her have a shot at it too; kid’s not half bad.”
You gave him a bemused look, “And how did Joel react to you letting Ellie use the sniper?”
 “Our little secret,” he winked at you.
Fairly often the group of you would commune in the hall and share a meal together, catching up on work and family and settlement gossip. It was a nice way to connect with the community, and you would damn sure rather eat dinner with friends in the hall than alone in your house.
“Hey,” Tommy called out suddenly, the rise in volume startling you. Turning in your chair, you followed his gaze to see that Joel had walked into the hall and was making a beeline toward your table. “How was patrol?”
Joel settled beside the table, standing directly behind your chair. “Good,” he said blankly. “Uneventful.” He looked down to you, and you smiled up at him, holding out your fist as a greeting.
He didn’t return the sentiment, staring blankly at your hand in the air until you shook it at him. “You’re supposed to give me a fist bump, Joel. It’s how friends greet each other.”
Your friends tittered around the table, none of you picking up on Joel’s bad mood quite yet. “You joining us for dinner?” one of them asked him.
“Not tonight,” he shook his head, still staring at you with an unreadable expression on his face. “I need to talk to you,” he said.
“Sure,” you blinked, scraping the last of your food onto your fork and shovelling it into your mouth ungracefully. “You good?”
“Sure,” he replied vaguely, glancing at Tommy for a split-second. “Come outside.” Before you could respond, he had turned and was making his way out of the hall.
You let out a low whistle and rose from your chair, glancing at Tommy. He was watching you closely, a slight ridge formed in between his eyebrows. You cringed and looked away quickly, muttering a goodbye to the table before heading outside. After what happened a few weeks prior, things with Tommy were always awkward when it came to you and Joel being alone. Although he’d never brought it up or asked any questions, for which you were eternally grateful, you knew he had to be curious, and his mind would’ve been whirring at a hundred miles a minute trying to figure out the situation going on between you and his brother. You just thanked your lucky stars he didn’t have the guts to ask you about it outright.  
When you stepped outside the doors the summer air smacked you in the face all over again and you grimaced, spotting Joel marching away from the hall and jogging to catch up to him.  
“What’s going on?” you followed him, speaking to his back as he walked ahead of you, leading the pair of you down the street. “Joel?”
He spun suddenly; feet planted in the dirt as he stared you down. His expression was unreadable, but you could see in his posture that something was brewing deep inside of him. He was tense; hands fisted tightly by his sides, jaw locked.
“Lloyd Peterson, huh?”
“What?” your face twisted in confusion. “What about Lloyd Peterson?”
“Overheard him on patrol today,” he said gruffly. “Was telling Davis he fucked you last week.”
An uneasy feeling rolled through your stomach. “Christ,” you huffed. “What an ass.”  
“He’s lyin’ then?” Joel raised an eyebrow.
“Oh,” you paused, rocking back on your heels. “I mean, no; he’s not lying. Just didn’t think he was the type to shout it from the rooftops.”
As you spoke, you didn’t immediately notice how poorly Joel was reacting, but soon enough you were locked into a staring match with him, realising just how badly he was reacting to the information.
He was silent. For a moment, you weren’t even sure if his chest was rising and falling. The summer breeze whistled between you two, playing with his dark curls. But his face was stony. Lips sealed shut and dark eyebrows drawn tight in the middle of his forehead as he glowered at you.
You opened your mouth to speak again, but he cut you off in an instant, his cold words slicing through the tense air. “You fuckin’ many other guys?”
Eyebrows raised high, you shook your head no slowly.
“Just Peterson then.”
“It was one time Joel, it’s hardly a regular thing.”  
“Why didn’t you come to me?”
Your stomach dropped. With those words you saw past the stormy expression on his face, the way his fingernails dug crescent moons into the palms of his hands, and understood the insecurity hidden underneath it all. The jealousy. Your heartrate kicked up a notch as you wondered where the fuck this was coming from. Sure, you and Joel fucked around and spat possessive nonsense at each other while you fucked, but this seemed bizarre. You’d been close friends for years, and had been fucking casually for months. So why was he suddenly acting like you had betrayed him?
“What do you mean?” you questioned him slowly.
“Thought we had fun together,” his tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth. “Didn’t realise I wasn’t doin’ it for you anymore.”
“Joel, this has nothing to do with you,” you huffed.
“The hell it doesn’t,” he barked, and you flinched, looking around quickly to see how many people were within earshot of the conversation. You were standing in the middle of the street for fuck’s sake.
“Shut up,” you hissed. “You’re making a fucking scene.”
Joel took two quick steps forward until your chests were close to touching, staring down at you with an intensity that almost made you shudder. “Tell me why you fucked him.”
For a split second, you despised him for the guilt you felt. Heat soared across your cheeks, and your palms were damp with perspiration. He was glaring, dark eyes holding your gaze and making it almost impossible to look away. So you allowed your guilt to shift to anger.
“What the fuck is it to you?” you whispered viciously, painfully aware of a woman walking past. “Jesus Christ, Joel. Last I checked, you and I are friends. Just because we get our rocks off together doesn’t mean I owe you anything, least of all an explanation for fucking someone else.”
“Oh, fuck you,” he spat, words laced with venom. “I’ve never once asked you for anything. Not for anything other than what we’ve been doin’, never pushed you for more. And I thought we had a good thing goin’; thought we had an understanding. We rely on each other, we trust each other. Didn’t think you’d go off and fuck someone else while I was out on patrol one day.”
The implication behind his words made your chest tighten. The insinuation that if he had his way, you two would be more. You pushed the thought out of your mind to deal with later.
“It just happened!” you said, throwing your hands up in exasperation. You placed them on his chest and pushed him back a step, eager to have some space between you.  “It was in the heat of the moment, he made a move, and it happened, okay? It’s not like I waited for you to leave the fucking gates and then I beat down his door.”
He was breathing heavily, and you could see the cogs turning rapidly in his head as he soaked in your words. You spoke again before he could. “You’re telling me you don’t fuck anyone else?”
Joel’s face twisted into an ugly snarl, and his silence was all the response you needed. And really, you shouldn’t have been surprised. If he was so scorned by the idea of you and Peterson, he obviously wasn’t fucking other people.
“What do you want me to say?” you asked, voice softer. “I’m sorry, okay? You’re my friend, and I care about you Joel, I’m not trying to hurt you.”
“I don’t want an apology,” he scowled.
“Then what do you want?”
“I want you to tell me,” his voice lowered, and he stepped closer, leaning down to breath his next words into your ear. “Tell me how he fucked you.”   
Your breath hitched in your throat, mouth drying instantly. “What?” you mumbled in shock.
“You heard me,” he whispered, so close that his minty breath tickled across your face. “How did he fuck you?”
“Joel,” you shook your head, trying to ignore the sudden pulsing at the apex of your thighs. “This is ridicu-“
“Did you let him taste you?” he growled. “He put his tongue inside you?”
“N-no,” you stuttered out, wetting your lips desperately. “No, he didn’t.”
“Shame,” Joel chuckled mirthlessly. “He’s missin’ out.”
You prayed he didn’t notice the way your nipples had hardened through the thin material of your shirt.
“So what then?” he prompted. “Tell me.”
“Are you being serious?” your cheeks blazed. “I blew him, we fucked. What do you want me to say?” His eyes darkened considerably at the mention of another man’s cock in your mouth, and you willed yourself to hold strong and not back down. God he was intimidating when he wanted to be.
“How did he fuck you?”
“He was on top,” you grunted, feeling like a student getting scolded by their teacher.
Joel hummed in response, his eyes raking over your features, before flitting down and taking in the sight of your body. Your hands were shaking with frustration, but your legs were pressed tightly together were you stood, thighs tensed in anticipation.
“Let’s go,” is all he said, before turning and marching in the direction of his house. You followed him wordlessly on shaky legs.
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The house was empty and quiet when you got there.
He held the front door open for you, and once you were inside he slammed it, sliding the lock into place. You jumped slightly at the loud noise, a nervous wreck as you anticipated what was about to happen.
“Upstairs,” he muttered, leading you up and into his bedroom.
As soon as you reached the room, Joel was on you, pressing you against the closed door. Large hands kneaded your flesh, his grip tight enough to leave bruises. His kiss was rough, all wet tongue and lips and teeth bumping against teeth, as he pushed himself desperately close to you. You gasped into his mouth, whimpering as his teeth bit down on your lower lip, enjoying the sharp sting as he pulled back and stretched it out before letting go. He gripped the hem of your singlet and ripped it over your head, bearing your chest to him.
Without a moment’s hesitation, he sponged kisses down your neck, across your collarbones, before wrapping his lips around one of your aching nipples. You sighed in relief, gripping his hair tightly as he sucked and licked at the tight bud, his teeth lightly grazing it occasionally. His left hand drifted up your sternum to pinch the other one, rolling it between his thumb and index finger, and groaning into your chest at the pathetic sounds that drifted from your mouth.
Over the sounds of your own panting, you heard the sound of a zipper being undone, and looked down to find him pulling himself out of his jeans. He was already hard, the tip red and weeping precum as he began to stroke himself slowly, never stopping the movements of his mouth on you.
“Joel,” you panted, pushing his face away from your chest. “I want to taste you.”
He grunted, eyes never leaving your face as the muscles in his right arm tensed with every tug on his cock. “Take your clothes off and get on the bed.”
Considering the heat, you were happy to do as he asked, sighing in relief as you peeled your sticky clothes from your body and settled yourself in the middle of his large bed, sitting balanced on your heels, waiting for him to join you. He pushed his jeans down his legs slowly, tearing his shirt over his head until he was just as naked as you were. Your mouth salivated as you stared at him, eyes constantly drifting between his face and where he fisted his cock, desperate to feel the weight of him on your tongue.
“You want my cock in your pretty mouth, baby?” he asked lowly, and you nodded quickly, mentally begging him to get on the bed. Joel stared at you for a moment, contemplating, before a mean grin split across his face. “Well, we don’t always get what we want, do we, sunshine?” You faltered, frowning at him as he reached out and pressed on your shoulder, pushing you down so you laid on the bed.
Joel got onto the bed and rested on his knees, gazing down at you. “Spread your legs. Go on, show me that pretty pussy.”
Splaying yourself open on the bed, you basked in the feeling of his eyes raking over you, taking in every inch of skin on display, every detail of your body. His eyes worshipped you, and your heart panged in your chest as you recognised the look in his expression. It was awe.
“Look at that,” he leered. “You’re fuckin’ soaked. Dripping wet and I’ve hardly even touched you yet. Who’s that for?”
“For you,” you breathed.
“That’s right. Because it’s mine, ain’t that right?” It wasn’t abnormal for him to talk like this when you were fucking, but in that moment the words felt heavier. They held more gravity, a more honest yearning in them than usual.
And yet you nodded. “Yours, Joel.”
Upon hearing your words he leant down to press his chest on the bed, and his lips were dragging along your inner thigh, coming dangerously close to where you wanted his mouth the most, but not quite going there yet.
“Unlike that fuckin’ boy,” he snapped. “I’m gonna enjoy takin’ my time with you. Not gonna waste an opportunity to get my mouth on this beautiful cunt.”
Your chest heaved at his words, and you were about to make a snarky comment but then his mouth was on you and all thoughts left your brain. He pressed deep, longing kisses into your folds, his tongue swiping between them in broad strokes, moaning as he tasted you for the first time in over a week. Strong hands gripped your thighs and held them apart as he devoured you, his tongue dipping into your entrance before moving up to lathe slow circles around your aching clit.
Your head was buried in the pillows, hips shifting restlessly and pushing against his grip, trying to grind yourself up against face, desperate for more friction. But he held you down, refusing to speed up his movements.
“Fuck,” you moaned lowly, reaching down to grip his shoulder, digging your fingernails into his skin to show him how good it felt. Joel groaned into you in response, dragging his tongue along the entirety of you, ending it with a sharp flick across your bundle of nerves. You gasped, twitching underneath him.
He hooked a finger inside you, the tip pressing deliciously into the spongy spot on the roof of your walls. You whined desperately, longing for release as he painstakingly lapped and sucked and kissed your sopping core. One hand gripped his shoulder, and the other clawed frantically at the bedsheets, searching for leverage, for something to bear yourself against as he built up your orgasm.
“Feels so good,” you gasped, torso writhing against the bed. “I need more, please, Joel.”
Without warning, he pressed a second finger inside you, and then a third, stretching you out while his tongue flicked against your clit. A broken cry spilled out of your mouth, your stomach tensing painfully tight as he pressed into you. Liquid heat began to spread through your abdomen and thighs, and you longed to wrap your legs around his head, press him in closer, have him gasping for breath against you. But his grip tightened, forcing you to stay splayed on the bed.
“Not yet,” he murmured against you.
“I’m so close,” you mewled.
“Not yet,” he repeated, pulling back to stare down at where his fingers worked you so perfectly, pushing against your walls, stretching you out for him. He leaned down and spat onto your pussy, and you clenched painfully tight around his fingers, mouth ajar at the feeling. And then his mouth was back on you, strong tongue flicking back and forth over your clit savagely, and you moaned his name desperately, begging him to let you come. Finally, you couldn’t take it any longer, and heat flooded your body, your own heartbeat rushing in your ears, body twitching and writhing beneath him as he removed his fingers from you and pressed his tongue into your entrance, sucking and licking up every drop of your release. Your eyes were shut tight, and your mouth hung open in elation, breathy moans of praise slipping from between your lips.
As you came down from your high, he pressed soft kisses against you, giving gentle kitten licks against your clit as you twitched into the bed, away from the pressure on your overstimulated nerves. Finally, his mouth dragged away, and he pressed kisses all the way up your sternum before his lips were against yours. His face was wet from your slick, and it smeared across your cheeks, but you didn’t mind, kissing him eagerly, tongue delving into his mouth to taste yourself.
For a few moments, the pair of you simply laid there, legs tangled together and kissing messily, sighing into each other’s mouths. But it was like a switch flipped suddenly, and Joel pushed himself off you, his walls flying back up. The frown descended back over his face, and you sighed in frustration, wishing he would just forgive you.
Reaching out, you trailed your fingers over his abdomen, touch featherlight, and enjoyed seeing the way goosebumps rippled across his olive toned skin. He shuddered, the muscles underneath his skin tightening as your fingers lowered, trailing through the curls at his base before gripping his thick length.  He grunted at the feeling, hips pushing forward slightly. You stroked him lazily, swiping your thumb across his tip and collecting some of his precum before lifting it to your mouth and tasting him. You hummed, tongue swirling around your finger.   
“Enough,” he said quietly, manoeuvring himself to rest between your open thighs. His cock bobbed against his stomach, smearing a light sheen across his skin in its wake. Your core ached, clenching around nothing.  You were so wet you could feel it dripping out of you, soaking the sheets underneath where you laid.
Joel gripped his cock and leaned forward, dragging the tip through your folds, covering himself in your slick. You moaned in unison at the sensation.
He tapped himself roughly against your clit once, twice, three times until you were trembling, teeth gnawing at your bottom lip, eyes screaming please just fuck me.
He nudged the head of his cock against your entrance and pushed forward ever so slightly, looking down to watch his tip push inside of you. The slight obtrusion made you hold your breath, impatiently waiting for him to take you. He gripped the backs of your knees and wrapped your legs around his waist, where you locked your ankles to hold him against you. The only sound in the room was of your erratic breaths, mingling together in the air. You made eye contact with him and offered a small, encouraging smile. Without wasting another second, he pressed forward, your walls welcoming him until he was so deep inside, bottoming out as his hipbones collided with your thighs.
A choked gasp escaped you. The weight of him inside of you was so heavy, his thick length filling you up to the point where you felt like the wind had been knocked out of you.
“Always so fuckin’,” Joel groaned, hips pulling back a fraction before he pressed back into you. “Tight for me. Squeeze me so good, s’like you were made for me.”
“You’re so big,” you panted. “Feels so fucking good, Joel.”
He began to move with slow thrusts, pressing into you deeper, harder, with every shift of his hips. You threw your head back into the pillows, eyes squeezed shut as your body sang from his touch. His hand disappeared from your leg and gripped your face, thumb pressing into one side of your cheek while his fingers dug into the other.
“Look at me,” he ordered, and your eyes flew open as he squeezed your face, lips parting wider. “I want to see those eyes while I fuck you.”
“Okay,” you acquiesced, tone laced with apology for daring to look away for even a second. His thumb hooked into your open mouth, and he leaned forward so his lips were almost touching yours. But Joel didn’t kiss you. Instead, he spat right into your mouth, and you moaned deeply, swallowing it down. He pressed his thumb against your lips and you opened up for him again, so he could work it into your mouth, pushing down onto your tongue as he fucked you painfully slow. You closed your mouth around the digit, lathing your tongue over it and coating it in a mix of your saliva and his. He groaned in response, his hips jutting forward in a sudden harsh thrust. Dragging his hand from your face, he gripped your thighs again, grinding down into you and making you whimper at the friction as his coarse hair rubbed against your clit. You looked down at where you were connected, watching him rub himself against you.
 “Was it like this?” he asked quietly. Your eyes snapped back to his.
“What?” you mumbled, mind hazy with desire.
When Joel spoke again, your entire body stilled. “You said he was on top?”
You hesitated before nodding, your heart palpitating in your chest.
“Was it like this?” he repeated the question, his movements pausing.
“Sort of,” you muttered shyly. It felt silly, to be shy in front of him when he had his cock inside you and you were both fully naked, but nonetheless, you were.
“Tell me,” he said those damn words again.
“He,” you gulped in a breath of air, forcing yourself to speak. “He pushed my legs up, so I had my-“
Joel’s movement interrupted you, as he pushed your thighs down to press against your chest, your ankles resting on the top of his shoulders. “Like this?”
“Yes,” you gasped, trembling at the new angle. “He said it would be deeper; said it would feel better.”
“And did it?” he spoke through gritted teeth, jaw clenched tightly as he watched your face. “Did it feel good when he fucked you like this?”
Your face blazed, and in an effort to take back some control, you grinned up at him slyly. “It felt fucking great.”
He pulled out almost completely before slamming his length back into you, and you moaned brokenly, face twisting at the sharp pain that shot through you. There was no denying that Joel was the biggest you’d ever experienced; your walls stretched sharply around him every time, always needing a moment to adjust. But he was relentless, fucking into you roughly, hands gripping your ankles to keep your legs up. The heat in the room had tripled from your joint exertion, and your skin felt tight, beads of sweat rolling off your forehead and into your hair.
“Fuck,” you cried loudly.
“You like this?” he growled. “You like me fuckin’ you the way he did?”
“Joel,” you sobbed, tears of pleasure leaking from the corners of your eyes.
“You wish it were him instead of me?” he asked, pressing a sloppy kiss to your shin, and you frowned, mouth twisting into a grimace.
“No,” you babbled. “No, Joel, he could never fuck me like this, so deep, you’re so big, fill me up so perfectly. No one could fuck me like you.”
“That’s right,” he grunted, pounding into you mercilessly. “This pussy is mine. No one else could get you like this; so desperate, begging me to make you come. You’re fuckin’ mine.”
“I’m yours,” you cried out, that all too familiar heat igniting in your stomach like a match had been lit. “I’m gonna come Joel, don’t stop, please don’t.”
“Come for me, baby.” Sweat was rolling down his neck, and you gazed up at him through bleary eyes, chest heaving with deep breaths as you felt yourself rest precariously on the edge of your orgasm. “Wanna feel you grip me, I’ve been missin’ it. Show me how good I make you feel, c’mon now.”
His voice was ultimately what pushed you over the edge. That rasping, Southern drawl that you loved hearing mutter filth into your ear. You pulsed around him, an animalistic cry tearing from your throat as he fucked you through your high. You could vaguely hear him rattling off a mix of curses and your name as he bucked into you, and then you felt him paint your insides with his spend. Joel rocked you both through your highs, fingers kneading the flesh of your thighs as he worked himself inside of you, a mix of both of your cum squeezing around his cock and dripping down onto the bedsheets.
When all was said and done he pulled out slowly, watching you closely as you winced at the loss of his weight inside you. Wordlessly, he disappeared into the bathroom before returning with a wet cloth, and used it to clean you up. He settled heavily on the bed beside you, lying flat on his back and cracking his knuckles loudly.
“I’m fuckin’ spent,” he drawled, scratching his beard. You rolled onto your side so you could stare at him, and murmured a quiet agreement. He stared up at the roof, and you frowned, frustrated to feel tears welling up in your eyes.
“Joel,” you whispered. He must’ve heard your voice break, because he turned on his side so you were facing each other straight on. His face was calm, wrinkles smoothed out, jaw relaxed. “I’m sorry I hurt you.” His eyes darted across your face, noting the unshed tears on your waterline, dangerously close to spilling. With a quiet sigh, he reached up and rested his palm on your face, thumb stroking the soft skin underneath your eye.
“Don’t cry,” he said softly, tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“If you don’t want me to fuck anyone else, I won’t,” you said, voice wobbling. “I’m plenty satisfied with you, I shouldn’t have made you feel otherwise.”
“Okay,” is all he said. “It’s okay, sunshine.” The familiar nickname made your chest ache.
“Joel,” you whispered his name, gazing forlornly at him. “You’re my best friend, you know that right?”
Joel stared, silently absorbing your words. He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, and you shut your eyes, leaning into him.
“Stay for a while,” he whispered against your skin. “Don’t want you to go yet.”
The words he spoke earlier rang through your mind. I’ve never once asked you for anything. Not for anything other than what we’ve been doin’, never pushed you for more.
“Okay,” you nodded, laying an arm over his side. “Just for a little while.”
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final part
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hidden-poet · 4 months
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Commander Snow
Summary; Under the advice of Dr Gaul Coriolanus returns back to district 12 where without blinding light of lucy-grey he could see you.
Warnings; dead dove to do not eat, stalking, unrequited love, breeding kink, violence, possessive!Snow, unco/dubco, sexual content, she/her pronouns, explicit.
Editor: @hotline-to-hell
chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Coriolanus was back at the lake house, gun raised and hunting. 
"Lucy Gray!" he called out. 
A flash of her colorful dress dashes by. He takes aim. 
One shot was all he needed. 
A yelp. A sound of victory. 
He keeps his gun raised as he stalks towards where she lay.  
Branches scratch his face as he walks, pushing through the harsh forest to his victim. Goodbye Lucy Gray. We hardly knew you. 
He breaks a large branch with this gun, pushing it down and quickly raising his gun again to finish the job.
Only it wasn't Lucy Gray laying dead. It was you. 
The mockingjays sing out, laughing at Coriolanus’ mistake. 
He feels frozen, stuck in time, as he gapes down at your body. Unable to even drop his gun. 
You lay on the soft bed of grass. Your beautiful eyes still open, looking at him as blood gushes from your stomach. 
He calls out to you. Begging you to be alright. 
The gun drops as his knees did, and he cradles you in his arms.
"SHUT UP!" he screams at the birds circling his head. 
"Ha-ha' he heard back, "Ma-Ma". 
His eyes shoot up at the sound of his dead friend. 
And then they start whistling the tune that has been playing in the back of his head since he was sent back to the Capital.
"Are you, are you, coming to the tree-" he felt Lucy Gray’s lips upon his ear. 
Coriolanus shoots up from his bed, drenched in sweat. His breathing is heavy and uncontrolled. He struggles to restrain it.
He reaches out beside him, his hand hitting the soft pillow. He scrambles around still, looking to make contact with your body. 
He wanted you to be there. You are not dead. He didn't kill you, you were safe. 
Upon hitting the edge of the bed, he awakens enough to remember you were never there. You don't sleep here yet. 
Sweat rolls down his back and he takes his singlet off, using it to wipe the sweat off his face and throwing it to the ground. 
The adrenaline of the dream was still coursing through him. It felt so real, he could feel the weight of the gun in his hands, the weight of your body as he picked you up. Lucy Gray’s wet lips against his ear. Taunting him. 
The Covey played their last night at the Hob tonight. He had decided. He would send Peacekeepers over their way tomorrow to destroy their instruments and give notice. 
He can't will himself to lay back down, even after that. He remains hunched over his knees, fingers locked and rigid. 
If you were here, he would have woken you. You would have asked what he dreamed and he would say he didn't remember. You would make him a cup of tea and he would lay in your arms as he drank it. 
When he was ready to return to sleep, he would take you back into his arms and you would rub the hand he rested on your stomach until he fell asleep. 
But you weren't here. 
And even if you were, he wasn't so sure you would be willing to comfort him. 
You were still mad about your mother. He felt it when in your presence. Your eyes would float to the back room where she lay, when your attention should have been focused on him. 
You tore yourself from any touch he offered. Kept conversation limited. Jumped only through the hoops you needed to in order for a morphling dosage. 
He caught you sometimes slipping into your natural state of nurture. You would give him the biggest slice of pie. If he dropped something on the floor, you would automatically bend to pick it up. 
One time he burnt his hand on the kettle, and you leapt into action, washing his hand under the cold tap. Telling him how much that must have hurt. He must be careful, it was an old pot and leaked if you didn't know how to handle it.  How you would do it from now on. 
When he kissed you, you went back to your default mode of a robot and gave him the cold shoulder. But it didn't matter, after so long of fighting bitterly, a little taste of love felt like a mountain of it.
He understood you needed time. That perhaps whipping your mother crossed a line. In time you would see that he used a violent hand to spare you violence. 
Under his wing was the safest place for you and he was going to get you there one way or another. He tried gentle persuasion first, but you were resistant. Withering away before his eyes. Washing the dirty laundry of others. You had shown that you wouldn't listen any other way. 
He rests his head back against the headboard, resting his body a bit more. He wished he could touch you to ensure you were alright. He was sure he wasn't going to sleep any other way. 
His eyes caught sight of his commander's uniform that was hung up. 
He is Commander Snow of District 12. Not Academy student Coriolanus Snow who ate cabbage for dinner and breakfast.  
If he wanted to take a car and see you, he could. If he wanted to take a car and drive it into a ditch he could. 
He leaves his commander's uniform hanging, grabbing his black cotton pants used for his day off, and another Capitol-ordered fresh white singlet.
He takes his keys off the kitchen table where he dropped them after a late meeting that ran well overtime. His boots were left laying on the floor just below them, being too exhausted to clean and shine them.
He was glad he didn't now, as he put them back on. The walk would only muddy them again.  
The compound was quiet. It made him feel suspicious on his journey. He turns back to vacant walkways. Unconsciously, he avoids every room with light, choosing to take a darker path. 
He would have to be back before drill training at nine. Most people wouldn't even know he had gone. He would like to keep it that way. Running off in the middle of night to see a girl is not the image he would like his soldiers to have of him.
Thankfully, the office building is void of workers so Coriolanus could unlock the safe with the car keys and take one in peace. He pauses thinking he could hear someone coming but they never did. 
It took him two goes to correlate the number on the key to the one of the cars in the dark. He was pleased to find it was an everyday Jeep and not a guard car. It would bring less attention. 
He stops by the gate and the guard on duty flashes a light in his face. The light being held up to him drops immediately, the soldier replacing it with a salute. 
The soldier speaks into his communicuff and the gate swings wide. Coriolanus drives right through without looking back. 
He doesn't feel his anxiety shift even knowing he was driving to you. Until he felt the softness of you, your gentle breaths, he was preparing for the worse. What if his dream was foreshadowing your death? He would turn up to your house to find you dead in bed.
Lucy Gray and Sejanus are dead, yes. But not all other rebels were. No, if no one hurt Mayfair why would they attack you?
You were well-liked in the community. Normally when Coriolanus asked questions, the answers were given freely but when the topic came to you people were more resistant. 
Besides, hasn't he made it abundantly clear that any strike against you is a strike against him. No, they wouldn't dare. 
Still he drove rather fast. Parking in his usual spot in the woods behind your house, he found himself flinging himself out of the car where he would normally sit for a few minutes to collect himself. 
Your door wouldn't be unlocked. You weren't that stupid, he thought as he jogged down the hill. He would have to find another way in. 
His hands touch the wood of your house. You were safe in it, he assured himself. Tigress and Grandma'am were safe in the Snow penthouse. He hadn't failed. 
It was a hot night. Surely you had left your window open. The leaves crunches as his boots walk on then, rounding the house to your bedroom window. 
It was open slightly. He could push it the rest of the way. Your house was only small. Your window came just above Coriolanus's head. 
He lifts himself up on the window ledge, pushing your window up slowly trying to quiet the groan it gave as it went up. It was up enough that he could pull himself through. 
You roll on to your other side, and his anxiety leaves him. You were alive and asleep. 
He begins to unlace his shoes, anything else and you would lose your mind the next morning. His first one comes off without hassle, but he looses grip of his next shoe and it falls to the ground with a harsh thud. He instantly knows it's going to wake you.
You screech as any woman with a dark shadow of a man standing over her bed would. Your knees went up to your chest for protection, your hands clung your blanket to your chest. 
His hand went to your mouth to stop the sounds. He hated the sound of your terrified screaming, even more than the sounds of the mockingjay. 
"Shh, darling. It's me. It's me". He keeps his hand covering your mouth, and the other at the back of your head forcing you to look at him.
You stop, recognizing the voice. 
"Oh my darling, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He pressed your face into his neck and could feel your big wet tears that sprung to your eyes.
"It's ok," he rocks slightly back and forth, "It's just me". 
You snapped out of your daze. You push against him with strength that surprised him. 
"What's going on? What are you doing?" You still sounded startled. 
"Did you have a bad dream?" he asks, he smooths your hair back out of your face. Were you that innately connected?
You blubber looking for words and he waits patiently for you. 
His hand goes on top of yours and you yank it away. 
"It's okay" He repeats, sliding into bed with you. 
He slides you both down so you are laying together on top of your small mattress. 
"Get out" you try but you make no attempt to wiggle free. You still sounded tired and disoriented. You weren't sure if it was a dream or not. 
"Just go back to sleep. It's all alright". 
Your small mattress meant that only one of you could sleep on your back, taking up most of the room while the other was forced to lay on their side. 
Coriolanus laid on his back, pulling you across his chest. He had taken your pillow for his own, expecting you to find one in him. With his arm curled around you, pressing you to him, you felt yourself so secure that your fear fades and sleep returns. 
He rubs the arm that was exposed to him. He could still feel your goosebumps. 
You lay a heavy head right across his heart, somehow knowing what he needed. He could feel every breath you took under his fingers, feel your eyelashes flutter against his chest. 
You were alive and you were his. 
Coriolanus found that's all he needed to go to sleep. The hanging tree tune faded from his head as he counted the seconds between your every breath.
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When he wakes the next morning, he finds himself cuddling a pillow. Your side of the bed was cold. You better still be in the house. 
He checks the time on the wall clock. 7:30. He still had time before he had to be back. 
He gets up following the sounds of a fry pan sizzling. He passes your mothers door. The old woman was still in the land of the dead due to her morphling dosage. 
Dean Highbottom had one that was quarter the strength and it left him dazed for hours on end. The old women would have got by with the same but it was better this way. To have your undivided attention. 
He enters the living room to see you over the stove, dressed in your jeans and white top again. He would have preferred it if you had remained in your nightdress, giving the atmosphere a cozier presence. 
You had made scrambled eggs, and cooked up some ham for him. 
"Good morning." He greets. 
He walks past the table where you had set his place. 
"Good morning, Commander." you return, you flip over the ham letting the other side cook. 
Taking your waist into his hands, he bites your ear, "Coriolanus." 
He lets go as you shake your head. He was only playing. 
"I was surprised to find you here this morning" Your voice was tense and unhappy. He had startled you greatly.
He couldn't tell you about the dream for many reasons. 
"I couldn't sleep." he misdirects. 
"I know the feeling." you mutter. 
The ham was done, he could smell it. His stomach grumbled as you plated it equally to two small plates. 
"Thank you." he says as you pass it to him. 
You follow him back to the table. He could feel you following so there was no need to turn. 
He couldn't wait, picking up the hot ham between his fingers and taking a bite. Finishing it before sitting down. 
He starts on his eggs, noticing that you didn't carry the other plate but a bowl of cut up apple. 
"You aren't having any?" he asks. 
"There's not enough for three." 
"There's only two of us."
Your eyes pierce him. You did not think he was funny. But you still needed a favor from him. 
"I am not that hungry," you lie, "I'll see if mum wants it and then I'll eat what she doesn't". 
It annoyed him that you were choosing to starve for no reason. He brought the food for you. If you wanted food for your mother, all you had to do was ask sweetly. 
You wait for him to almost finish to bring up a sensitive topic.  That way there was nothing keeping him here to continue the fight. 
"So both my work and my mothers work have said that I can have the jobs back if you give them permission."
You get up going to the kitchen bench and bringing back a piece of paper and pen. He watches you, already displeased with the topic. 
"I've already written it out. All you need to do is sign it." you lay the paper and pen on the table next to him. 
He eyes it while he continues to eat. The food was losing flavor in his mouth.
"Why would you need them? I take care of the rent, the food, the medicine."
You were looking for independence from him and he would not give it.
"There are other expenses. I need at least one of them."
He throws his fork down on his plate. Was there a need not covered by him? 
"Like what?"
"Like food for my mother. Clothes for the winter. I need to replace the items destroyed by your peacekeepers."
You push the paper closer to him. It was common sense that you needed a job to live. 
He didn't see it that way. You needed him to live. 
"You could ask me for them. Breakfast has earnt you at least one of those things." 
"I don't want to ask for them. I want to earn them." 
"Are we not saying the same thing?"
"So you won't sign it?" Your hand knocks against the table harshly.  
"No." he resolves, getting up from the table. If he left now he could take a shower before he had to be at drill training. 
You stood up, looking upset with your jaw clenched and shoulders locked. 
"I'll be back tonight with a bigger box. Have breakfast, I'll bring something for your mother". 
He kisses your cheek, and you walk with him to the back door letting him out. You offer him no goodbye as you usually do. But you were hungry, he figured. Even Tigris got moody when she was hungry. 
He makes it to drill training on time, only to count down the hours until he was back at your house. 
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Two days later you figured you still had your stall. Or at least your place in the market still remained. 
Your bakery stall was still ruined. You had worked hard to get it to what it once was, only for the Peacekeepers to destroy it. You had no table, no shade, not even a chair. 
Still, people came for your cakes, not for the aesthetic of your stall. And now with you back in Coriolanus’ favor, people didn't avoid you like the flu. 
Your cake sale will be down for sure, just by association with him, but something would be better than nothing. 
Using the very last of your baking ingredients you manage to scrape together a couple of sellable items and pack them away carefully in your basket. 
The sun was so hot as you walked. By the time you reached your place, you were flushed and out of breath. 
You quickly make-shifted a table out of what was lying around and went to hide in the shade casting over by a nearby stall, waiting for a customer. 
None came for the first half hour. 
Your eyes scan the crowd, smiling brightly as you try and invite a sale. 
Your eyes catch another and you feel as if you've been dunked in ice cold water.
Edmund Flare, an old friend of your brother, came bouncing over to you with a smile. 
He was a tall handsome man with big brown eyes, and dark flat hair that he kept short. He was a lot of girls' first crush but he had always mentioned he never had time for a girlfriend. He flirted on nights out, unlike your brother, sometimes even disappearing with a girl but would always return alone. 
Archie would complain about the female attention his friend attracted all the time. He worked hard, when he went out for a drink with Edmund, he just wanted to finish the drink with his friend and go.  But Edmund always entertained himself, causing his drink to go untouched for most of the night, and he wouldn't let Archie go until it was finished. 
He was your brother's only friend. Archie was stoic by nature. He preferred to be alone. Only ever giving people polite responses in passing. Edmund was the exception. Archie nearly always went straight home from work. If he was even two minutes late, it was because he was talking to Edmund. 
Archie preferred his own company, and that remained true with his friendship with Edmund. They were both so alike, it must have been like talking to himself. 
They both worked at the mines together, and both became the man of the house at a young age after their fathers passing. They could both carry the weight on their shoulders without complaint. 
They both wanted to go to District 8 for the higher wages but both had agreed that one of them had to remain to look after their families. You remembered they fought for weeks over who it should be. 
Choosing to settle it in a game of cards, in which your brother won and Edmund was destined to stay. 
While he stayed true to his word, you hadn't seen him in a while as the mining company sent him up into the mines for weeks at a time. 
He did look after you and your mother, bringing back game he hunted, and loaning you money you could never pay back. He never wanted you to. When he came back from the mines he visited your house frequently, fixing up anything broken.
You had hoped that by the time he came down from the mountains to clear the dust from his lungs, that Coriolanus would have been a distant memory. 
But he stood before you now, the faded bites on your neck still sore.
Only the voice of another, close, could cause you to take your eyes off him. 
"Well if it isn't the whore of District 12". It was an older woman. Her face was hard from the years, covered in aging lines, not helped by stress. Her hair was thin, lumped in a bun on top of her head.
Edmund had been close enough to hear it, and picked up his pace to get to you. 
"Whore of District 12? My Y/N? I think you have the wrong person". 
He had scrubbed himself clean from the muck. His freshly clean hair fell softly in front of his face. He was lean and strong from his mining work.
"That’s the whore, alright. I heard Commander Snow is over her house nearly every night. Doesn't leave until late." The older woman turned her attention to him, but jabbed her finger at you. 
You shake your head no. Edmund was dear to you. You couldn't stand the thought of him thinking badly of you. 
Edmund's eyes freeze, looking at the women. Although you could ask him what she looked like and you don't think he could answer correctly. 
You felt the need to justify to him.
"For dinner, that's all." Your neck bites throb, "A little conversation and that's all. He's gone after that."
"What choice does she have? You saw what he did to her mother." The man in the neighboring stall called out in your defense. 
Edmund looked as if someone had punched him, knocking his breath out. 
"Her involvement with him makes it harder for the rest of us. Every Peacekeeper now thinks for a handful of apples, they can have a little ‘conversation’ too!"
The woman takes a step forward and points to the cakes.
"She breaks bread with him and now wants us to buy cakes made from the spoils of her rendezvous. Me and mine won't buy a thing from a traitor."
"I'll buy one," Edmund interjected, pulling out a coin from his pocket. 
You resist his money. Everything you baked had his name on it, free of charge. 
He smacks the coin on the table and takes a brownie. Never bringing it to his mouth. He looked too sick to eat it. 
"I'll buy one too." the neighbor came over and placed a smaller coin on the table, replacing it with a slice of pie.
You thank him, and an older woman watching the scene trades a bag of spices for a cupcake. 
"You all are fools." the women spat. 
"Leave." Edmund dismisses  the woman, who huffs but does disappear into the crowd. 
He comes around to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pressing you to his chest. 
You sobbed a little as you hugged him back. You missed him. You missed your brother. 
"I am sorry. I didn't know Y/N, I swear I didn't know." 
You shake your head, pulling back to look at him. 
"Commander Snow? Fuck. How did- It doesn't matter. Has he touched you?". 
Your face burns up ashamed. 
"No" you still wanted to be pure in his eyes but Commander Snow's voice rang in your head. 
“Not until I get back to the Capital.” 
Could you hide something that large from him? A few kisses and bites were not here nor there. Allegations were easily denied and hard to prove when it came to other forms of sex. But virginity came with such a tell tale sign. 
"Good. There's lodging for the workers in the mountains. I know the guy that holds the keys. We could-"
You cut him off. God knows what would happen to the people you care about if you went missing. 
"You don't understand. He's insane. He would find me, and you and-" you hyperventilate at the thought.  
"Okay. Alright. What do we do then?"
You see Peacekeepers making their way down the stream on patrol and you push Edmund off you. 
"Nothing. He'll be bored soon. He already is starting to. He doesn't come as often, and his boxes are getting smaller. Soon he won't bother to come at all with them".
Edmund looks appalled. "So we let him run free and hope he doesn't hurt you? And what's this about your mother? Is she alright?.” 
"She's fine. Just a little scuffed up. He just likes the chase, that's all. He'll get over it". 
The Peacekeeper walked by without a glance. With this assurance you take one of Edmunds hands into your own. 
"The chase? He's not chasing anything. I'll-"
"You'll what? What will you do to the Commander of District 12?"
He falls silent. He could do nothing. Anything he does will get him killed. Nothing he could do would even deter the Commander, and Edmund still had mouths to feed. 
You squeeze his hand in reassurance. 
"He hasn't touched me".
"He will." Edmund seethes. 
"Will you think differently of me?".  
You tense at the thought of him shunning you. Nothing the Commander could do to you would ever compare.
He touches your cheek, "No. God, no. Of course not". 
Your eyes shoot up to him, "Then it doesn't matter. Mum will understand. My brother won't know. You three are all I care about."
He takes your face into his hands, his brown eyes bore into yours. 
"After him, I swear no one else will touch you." He could protect you against all others. 
He wasn't a man who was afraid of violence for a reasonable cause. You try and stir his mind away from the brutal images. 
"How long are you around for?" you asked. 
"As long as you need." he answers.
"What about your family?" His mother hasn't worked since his father died. Too ill from grief. And his brother was too young to get any meaningful work. Edmund was their sole provider. 
"I have savings.” As hard a worker as he is, he may lose his job if he went away for too long. 
"You should go." you said as the Peacekeepers circle back. 
He eyes them as they make their way. Understanding that Coriolanus had ears and eyes everywhere. 
"I ought to get home anyway. They'll be wondering where I am. I just came to tell you I am back".
"Take them this" you pass him the bag of spices, "I have nothing to cook with them anyway". 
He takes the small bag in his big hand, "I'll go hunting this afternoon and bring you back something." 
You shake your head no. "The Commander brings me food at night. If he finds out..." you trail off.
"So he'll starve you then until you give him what he wants".
"I am hardly starving" you assure him, "He just doesn't like when I have extra to give away". 
He sighs, "I wish there was something I could do."
"You can wait him out with me."
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It was hot as he stood in the sun, teaching the new recruits how to shoot.
He spent most of his time behind a boy barley 16 from another district. He missed again and again.
It was hot as he stood in the sun, teaching the new recruits how to shoot. 
He spent most of his time behind a boy, barely 16, from another district. He missed again and again. 
The target didn't move, rebels would. 
The young boy laid on his stomach with the gun pressed into his shoulder. All he had to do was scrape the side of the cut out figure. Coriolanus wasn't even expecting him to hit it fully. 
He aimed too high and the bullet went over the top. 
Coriolanus moved the gun with his boot, kicking it lower and more to the right. He then bent down and squeezed the boys shoulders together. They went limp every time he pulled the trigger and he lost control of the gun. 
The young boy seemed afraid. The longer Coriolanus stood behind him, the worse his shooting got. 
"One eye closed, the other on your target," Coriolanus ordered, "Shoulders tight and back. It's going to recoil into you and you need to brace against it otherwise you'll lose aim." 
His mind went to the day in the woods. The ghost of the ricochet is felt against his shoulder. He knew he would have the dream again tonight. Maybe he would stay with you tonight. 
"If you miss this time," he warns, "you'll be on dishes for the next four months".
Coriolanus had never touched a gun before he was a peacekeeper and even he wasn't this bad at his first try.
The young boy had a look of determination as he readied himself. A deep breath and a sharp ping resounded through the air. The bullet had hit the cut out’s foot. If it was a rebel it would have least got him down.
Ecstatic, Coriolanus slaps the boy's shoulders, and stands up. He shares the young boy's joy. Coriolanus couldn't wait to tell you tonight. What a leader he was. 
His joy disappears seeing older peacekeepers returning to base from their day off. Two of them held a brown paper bag, another had taken to eating his cupcake. 
The young boy tries to lift himself off the ground, his body sore from laying in his position for so long. Coriolanus' boot finds his shoulder and presses him back down. 
"Keep practicing," He demanded. 
He storms over to the group of peacekeepers, calling out for them to halt. They salute him as stands in front of them. 
''where did you get those from?". The anger was hard to hide in his voice. 
"The market, sir. There was a stall" one of them answered. 
He feels his blood rush as he burns a hole in the boy with the cupcake on his lips. He wanted to take the cakes back but he couldn't be seen losing his composure. A district girl would not be seen having an affect on Commander Snow. 
"I see," he seethes, ''carry on."
He turns, walking back over to the boy and grabbing his gun. He wasn't sure why he did. Maybe the sound of the repeatedly missing shots was getting to him.
He doesn't finish training. He needed to get to the markets. Surely it wasn't you. Others could have a bake goods stall. 
But those bags are the same ones you used. You packed a sandwich once for him. You used them for everything now that you no longer used them for your stall. 
And the cake. It looked like one of yours. You never skimped on the icing. It was thick and delicious.
He could have taken a truck to get there sooner but the walk to the market allowed him to think. He slung the rifle over his shoulder. 
It wasn't you, he assured himself. You knew better. When he reached the stall and saw an old woman he would laugh. 
He would tell you someone had taken your stall at the market, you would laugh too. No matter, you had him, you would say. 
He pushes through the people who begin to part as whispers made their way to the front that Commander Snow was coming, and he had a gun. 
He was not dressed in his usual commander’s uniform. The sun was too hot for it. He wore his sleek gray trousers but only his white t-shirt that was normally hidden underneath. People took a second to recognize him. 
You didn't. You recognized him right away, your hands wrung in worry. You were not expecting to see him. 
His eyes were wide as they examined the situation. You had made a table out of old milk crates and a worn table cloth. You had no canapé offering you shade like before so your face was hot and red. There were only a few items. Three plates people could choose from. The cupcake that tipped him, a small cherry pie that was cut into equal pieces, but his eyes stilled at the sight of his apology brownies. 
Chocolate and macadamia. An ode to a moment of softness they shared now in the mouth of others.
"Would you take a handful of mint?" The man asked. 
You had no change to give the man so you were trying to haggle.
As far as Coriolanus was concerned everything at that table was his. 
He rushed over, yanking the bag out of the mans hands and giving him a harsh shove away. He only takes one look at the Commander and runs away with his mint.
You look around at the crowd. You were worried about their approval at this time?
He felt his blood run hot. He had told you no, he would look after you, and here you were selling what was his. 
"Pack up your things" he said coldly. 
"I have a permit until 2." You reach into your basket to show him but he grabs your wrist before you could fully turn away. 
"Pack it up now." he seethes. He takes a deep breath to calm himself. If he shouted at you, you would freeze. 
Your wrist buckled under his pressure, and you nodded your head.
He doesn't let go even as you pack your cakes into your basket with one hand. He helps put them in quickly and without care. 
He takes the handle as you put the last cupcake in and yanks you back through the crowd. You stumble behind him from his quick pace and he pulls you every time you falter. 
"What were you thinking?" He demands to know. Talking freely away from the market. 
"I told you. It wasn't enough. I need money".
"So instead of asking me for money, you did the one thing I told you you couldn't do?". 
He tugs you impatiently forward, "Hurry up". 
"I am sorry. Please let go of me. You're hurting me". 
He continues to yank you along, spotting an alleyway between two buildings. Traffic was light and people avoided the peacekeeper with the gun as he made way. He takes you until you hit the back brick wall of the alleyway. 
With one final push he releases you to the wall and lets go of your wrist. He drops the basket by his feet and unloads his rifle by cocking it so no accidental discharge or rebel shooting could happen. He drops it alongside the basket, and comes up in front of you. 
You try to defuse him by placing a hand on his neck but he knocks it away. You weren't going to get off easy this time. 
He digs into your little satchel that you carried across your chest, looking for the money earnt. 
You take his wrist into your hands but make no real attempt to stop him. 
''You want to earn this back?" He holds out the few measly coins in front of you, "get on your knees then".
He wasn't particularly hard but he felt like he had lost significant control over you. If you couldn't take the hint, he was going to show you how you were to earn money. 
You shake your head no. More disobedience from a girl who only ate because he fed her. 
He gripped your shoulder harshly and spun you into the wall. Using one hand pressed between your shoulder blades, he uses the other to take his cuffs off his belt and attach them to your wrists.
He spins you back around but you still don't move, causing Coriolanus to push down on your shoulder. 
He gets you eventually to the ground where you struggle underneath him. He places the coins in his pocket.
"Don't" You beg but he works on undoing his pants. 
"You want to earn money, right?" he frees himself and holds it out for you, "Then earn it." 
Your eyes were not focused on him but at the passing traffic. You were too far in to be noticed by passing goers but It would only take one wrong turn and they would come across your situation. 
Irritated at your lack of focus, Coriolanus takes your jaw in his hand and guides it to his cock. 
What choice did you really have? Cuffed and on your knees with no one around to help. Not that they would. 
Gingerly you do place your lips around him but hating the taste you pull back. He slaps you firmly across the face, just as your bruise had healed. He didn't hit you as hard as he did that day on the hill. That was a proper slap. These were just warnings. 
"Spoilt aren't you?" He takes hold of the top of your head and leads it back to him.
He pushes too far, hitting your gag reflex, and you pull back again  only to be met with another slap across your cheek. 
He gives you another go. You can only take half of him comfortably. It was your first time and yet he expected you to be a well-versed whore. You gag around him and he lets you pull back but not off, before shoving it back in. 
You gag again, and loosen your lips, letting the excess moisture drip from your lips. He slaps you harshly again. Your whimper as he drives his cock back to your throat. 
His hips rock forward into you, causing you to choke. You pull back, certain that you were going to be heard as you regained your air. 
He lets you gasp for air, you spit next to his shoe but don't receive a punishment. Two light taps against your cheek and you're pulled back again.
Your teeth graze gently down as you struggle for air and he lets out an annoyed groan. 
Seeing you struggle, he pulls back, letting you regain your breath and lose some more spit from your mouth. He pulls you to his balls, letting you just hold them in your mouth as you control your breathing. You can hear the blood rush to your ears, surrounding you with your own accelerated heart beat. 
Another slap against your cheek tells you it's time to go again. 
"Come on," he urges, leading your mouth back to him with a tug at your hair. 
"Come on, pretty thing, show me what you got." 
He rocks into you, hitting the back of your throat. Your eyes spike with tears, and you struggle to pull back as he keeps you there with his hands twisted in your hair.
You hear your chain rattle as you pull it every time he rocks himself into you. 
He pulls your head back to his tip and then slowly back again, showing you how to do it. You gag around him and he holds himself still at that pace allowing you to adjust before continuing. 
He takes you to the base holding you there. You don't struggle, trying to focus on breathing through your nose. He shakes your head side to side before continuing to drive his length. 
You try to pull away again after a particularly hard drive but he stomps a foot beside you and follows your head back. 
You were a whimpping mess on the floor. Every time his cock gave you room to you whined. 
He turns your head against his thigh, letting it rest there with half his length in your mouth. A deadly smile cuts across his face, as he lays two harsh slaps against your cheek. 
He pushes all the way in, laying you at the base again. He moves his body as you move yours so there was not a moment's rest. 
He pulls you back upright to rock his hips harder. 
As he comes, he pulls you forward on his cock. The warm liquid shoots down your throat. 
You try to pull back, not wanting to swallow it. He groans loudly, still holding you in place. Even after he was done, he kept you there as he rested his head on the wall behind you. 
He regains control of himself again, readying himself and picking up his gun and the basket. Only then does he collect you.
He helps you up by the arm to your feet. You ask him to uncuff you but he doesn't, leading you out of the alleyway and back home with the grip on your arm. 
You complain the whole way. Begging him to release you so you could walk properly. You were worried Edmund would see you in such a state. 
Coriolanus is deaf to your pleas. He makes no indication that he could hear you as he walked. He didn't look at you, only at the road ahead. He made no demand that you be silent or show displeasure upon his stone face. 
When you do reach home, he marches you to the door, only letting go of your arm so he could unzip your bag, dropping your basket at the door.  
He searches in your bag again for your home key, unlocking the door and shoving you inside. He still does not free you from the cuffs, instead leading you to your dining room table. 
He pushes you down once more on the floor and kneels behind you, only undoing one cuff and reattaching it to the slim table leg. 
'What are you doing?." You tug at the chain. 
"Stay put." he spat as he headed to the door. 
"What about my mother. She needs her morphling soon."
He slams the door, relocking it. It wouldn't keep you in if you could get to the door but would keep others out. 
"Coriolanus, please!" he could hear you scream but it was muffled by the door. He picks up your basket, taking it with him. 
He eats all the cakes on his walk back to the compound making him feel sick. But they were his. 
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He comes back later at night. 
"My mother" you say as soon as you see him. 
She was calling out for you. Screaming to be more accurate, he needs her to be silent after his long day so he walks past you on the floor and enters her room. 
She was still on her stomach unable to get up without help. He sees now that the whip marks reach her legs. Some had reopened again as she attempted to rise. You would need to clean and redress them, but only after he was done with you. 
She turns her head weakly in the dark room. 
"Where's my daughter?"
He kneels by the bed and unscrews a bottle of morphling from his pocket. 
"She's in the living room" he answers. 
"Is she alright?"
"Fine." He tries to push the bottle through her lips but the mother resists.
"Bring her too me. I want to see her". 
Your mother weekly attempts to get up but is forced down from the pain. 
"She's busy at the moment." He again tries to force the bottle to her lips. 
Your mother instead chooses to shout your name. 
Coriolanus places a hand on your mothers back and presses down. He could feel the blood rising under his fingertips. 
Your name turns into a scream and Coriolanus whispers in your mothers ear. 
"Take your medicine and go to sleep." 
He forces it one last time to her lips, this time she drinks it. 
Once passed out and ensured to make no more noise, Coriolanus wipes the blood on the bedsheet and returns to the living room. 
You try to get up as much as you can upon seeing him, but it is only a squat on the floor. 
"Is she ok? i heard screaming?". You sounded worried. Your voice is a little shaky.
“She's asleep." He grabs the chair closest to you, angling it so you would be between his legs as he sat. 
You sit back down on your knees and peer up at him. His face had not changed from the marketplace hours ago. His sharp features were stone on his face. His jaw was clenched, showcasing its sharp cut.
"You disappointed me today," he finally said. 
“I know," you say, the chain rattling as you move closer, "I am sorry."
Your body ached from being sat on the floor all day, you wanted nothing more than to get up and check on your mother. 
So you appealed to his softer side by resting your head against his thigh. He reciprocates by laying a warm hand on your cheek, it was slightly sticky and a familiar metallic smell lingered. 
''Make a list of the things you need the money for and I'll get them for you". 
A slight brush of his thumb left a wet patch of your mother's blood on your face. He did it again just to get rid of the smear. 
You nod your head against his thigh. It would come at a price of course. Something he could hold over your head and withdraw as he pleases. 
Your leg tingled from the lack of blood supply. It was a good sign as you had lost feeling of your legs in the late afternoon. 
"Are you hungry? You've had a big day. Let me make you something". 
God, you needed to get up from this floor. 
He stops holding your cheek, digging into his pocket and pulling out the key. You lean back as he leans down to uncuff you. 
You stand, your dead legs buckle as you applied pressure. He caught you as you went down and places you in his chair. 
He tells you to sit for a bit. To let the feeling come back to your legs before you tried to walk on them. 
You sit stretch your legs for a bit, feeling better as the painful tingling fades and return to your feet. 
He follows you as you go to the kitchen, watching you pull things out of the fridge. 
Tigris used to make his meals after long days at the school library. This felt so similar, he wanted to cry. He had gotten used to long days ending with returning back to his commander apartment to nothing by silence. 
He would strip down and just fall asleep on his bed. Now as the smell of your cooking invaded his nose, he felt cared for again. A loving hand was preparing his food, and he would sleep with a full stomach. 
''I taught a boy how to shoot today," he leans next to where you chopped an onion. 
"I've personally always preferred when peacekeepers don't know how to shoot." 
He straightened up off the counter top, you had put him back on defense. 
"No one is going to shoot you."
"I know. I am only joking." you place the chopped onion in a frypan, and move on to dicing a pepper. Your sore wrist screams.
His hips go back to leaning on the counter top. You're relieved to see it, as your wrist was a painful reminder of his temper. 
''There's nothing to worry about with this one anyway. He couldn't shoot you if you were standing a foot in front of him." 
You smile at him as he attempts to make a joke. You even tried to laugh but the sound wouldn't make its way up. It was weighed down by your anxiety. 
You drop your knife as you move your wrist the wrong way. Pain shoots through your arm.
You let out a sound of pain, trying to massage the kink out of your hand but the job is taken over by Coriolanus. 
"Are you alright?". 
You wanted to spit at him but the words that came out were reassuring. You asked him to get the eggs out of the fridge. 
He moves quickly to do so. You only had two eggs and half a bottle of milk left in the fridge so he found them easily. 
He cracks them into the fry pan for you, disregarding the shells on the counter. You continue to make his omelet with your other hand.
It broke apart as you flipped it weakly in the pan. You apologize as he takes over, flipping the pan on a plate. 
He asks if you were alright again as he leads you to the kitchen table. 
"Still stiff," you answer. 
You both sit at the table and Coriolanus offers you one of the two forks.  You take one starving and share the omelet with him. 
You feel him glance at you as you eat. 
"I have tomorrow off. I thought I might stay the night". 
Was this it? He didn't bring a box, maybe he was going in for the kill. 
Maybe the Capital promise was something he said to throw you off guard, letting you warm up to him a bit. 
It was for the best you decided. Edmund was around to help you heal and care for your mother. 
"I think that's a good idea." you state, forking another piece. 
He looks up, surprised at your welcoming nature. He leaves you the rest of the omelet, getting up and going to your kitchen to retrieve an ice pack. 
He sits back down and presses it against your cheek. 
"You may have thought I was harsh today." 
An understatement, you believe. 
"But where I am from, women who belong to men don't work". 
The capital seems more barbaric than the districts. They hide behind their new technology, but socially they were centuries behind. 
"If a woman returns to work, it marks the end of a relationship. It shows she doesn't trust him to take care of her. It's the biggest insult a woman could give another capital citizen." 
You wanted to remind him that here in District 12, where you currently were, working only meant that food would be on the table by the end of the week.
But he doesn't stop talking to give you a chance. 
''And you trust me, don't you? To take care of you." 
"Of course," you answer. Your eyes were wide with fear, he could see it. 
He takes the ice pack off and kisses you. You stay still, unable to move your lips back. 
"No more market stall, yeah?" he is two inches from your face. You were sure he could see your lips quiver. 
You shake your head no, earning a smile. 
"I am doing a good job, aren't I?" he pushes. 
"Yes, Coriolanus. Thank you." 
You wished Edmund was here. 
Another kiss and you push him gently back. 
"i am so tired" you quake, "I still have to clean up and check on my mother". 
You rise and he rises with you, taking the plate you picked up. 
"I'll clean up. You tend to your mother." he offers. 
Dirty dishes don't scare him. He saw mountains of them during his early days as a peacekeeper. He actually got quite good at them. 
You accept the offer, rushing down the hall to your mother.
You gasp as you see rivulets of blood across your mother's back. She must have been desperate to get to you, you thought. 
Her back looked unbelievably sore. It was your fault. You had hit him and set off this chain reaction. You had fought with him that night and she had to intervene. 
And it was all for nothing. Soon you would lay down and let him take what you fought to keep. 
You grab a bucket of cold water, a rag and some wound dressing and bandages from the bathroom. You could hear him cleaning the kitchen as you crossed the hallway.
Your eyes fazed with tears as you cleaned the blood off your mothers back. The water turned red, staining your hands. You had to stop upon seeing it. The tears on your mother's back wouldn't help. 
You stood over her crying as Coriolanus entered the room.
"Oh mum," you cry. He takes the bandages off you, doing the work himself. You take a seat on the bed, holding your mothers foot as he works.  
He layered the bandages with the wound dressing and laid them in the direction of the whip marks. It takes him five minutes before it is done, and he places the leftover items on the floor, keeping the bucket and rag. 
He takes you with bloody hands into the bathroom, placing you in front of him at the sink and runs your hands under the water. He sets the bucket down and rubs away the blood from your hands with his. 
He leaves you with your hands running under the tap as he tips the water down the drain. You want to thank him for doing it for you but you can't. 
He comes back, turning off the tap, resting his chin on your shoulder.
''Let's go to bed." he suggests. 
Let's get this over with, you agree mentally. 
"Where's your toothbrush?" 
You pull it down, holding it out for him. He could see the paste next to where you took it from and he lays it on. 
You figured he would like to kiss someone with nice breath so you scrub your teeth clean and rinse. 
He takes your toothbrush off of you and uses it in the same manner. It doesn't bother you, you had his dick in your mouth at lunchtime, what's sharing a toothbrush in comparison. 
Finishing, he takes your hand and leads you into the bedroom. 
You don't undress, just lay down on your back, watching him undress down to his underpants. 
"Is this okay?" he paused, taking his pants off from around his ankles to ask. 
You assume he means undressing himself, taking the job away from you, so you nod your head.
He kicks his pants in the corner and his shirt follows.
You wait patiently. If he wanted you to be fully undressed, he would have to do it. You hoped he would just hike up your dress. 
You breathe hitches as he crawls on top of you, bringing himself to your eye level. 
"Did you want to change?" he holds up your night dress that he took off your broken chair.
Why would you get changed if he was only going to take it back off? Was he true to his word, did he not want to sleep with you yet?
You take the night dress and he rolls off of you allowing you to get up. Stiffly, you do and walk to the bathroom to change. It still smelt of blood and you were quick to get out of there again. 
There was no hunger in his eyes as he held out his arms to you. Only a tiredness that you shared. It calmed you immensely. Not tonight. You weren't as ready as you thought. 
You lay on your side with your back facing him and he spoons his body around yours. 
He takes your wrist into his hand and gently rubs down along it, trying to ease the tightness from being locked up all day. You fall asleep before it stops. 
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He has the nightmare again. Back in the woods with his gun. BANG. 
The rebel goes down. He stalks towards her but this time he hears your voice calling out to him, "Coriolanus." 
He points his gun in the sound of your direction and calls out for you to come to him. 
"Commander." you call him.
"Coryo!" Sejanus's voice sounded close to yours. It panics Coriolanus. He was dead, you were not. Your voices should not be coming from the same direction. 
"Where are you?" he screams. He walks in the direction he thinks the sounds were coming from but the Mockingjays scramble Sejanus's 'Coryo', disorienting the sound. 
"Commander, please!" Your voice was loud and he took off running to it before it got lost. Pushing through the forest to where he hoped you would be, he came before Lucy Gray with a hole in her throat. 
"Wake up." Lucy Gray opened her mouth but your voice came out. 
He yelps as he awakens. He feels a cool rag against his forehead. 
"Hey," you greet. When he first started to wiggle and sweat you left him. He deserved bad dreams. 
But the worse he became, the more you began to worry. Soon your compassion overtook you and you were tending to him without a thought in your head. 
"It was just a dream." you wipe more sweat off his head with your cool rag.
He looked pale and sick. You thought he might have caught something, but his wide, scared eyes told you that he had seen something in his sleep. 
You run the wet rag down his neck to his shoulders, trying to cool him down. 
He falls into you, laying down on your chest as you move the rag across him. You could feel his heavy breathing against you.
With his arm hooked around you, you had limited movement.  You wiggle trying to get back to the bathroom to rewet the towel, but he grips your arm, pulling you closer. 
“It was just a dream,” you tell him. 
It wasn’t, not really. 
His mother used to run her finger through his curls until he fell back asleep. But much like her, they were long gone. 
His weight kept you pressed down on the mattress with your hand trapped wedged between your body and his. 
Similar to his mother, you run your fingers up and down his neck. He stretches it to give you more roaming space and you turn off the lamp, sure you could get him back to sleep. 
He was still so hot. Sweat ran down him and onto you. You ran the rag up his face to cool him. Repeating the action of dragging the rag up and your fingers down, you feel him settle beneath you. 
He lays a kiss just above where his head rested on your chest. Then his breathing evened, you counted the seconds between his little huffs of air. They patterned at five seconds apart and you feel safe enough to pull away. 
You wiggle from beneath him slowly as you lower yourself to the floor. You hit it and he twitches but doesn’t wake. 
Laying your head on the hard floor board you watch as his hand laying over the bed reaches for something. As if he knew in his sleep where you were. 
You don’t fall asleep for a long time. Your cheek ached from where he assaulted it repeatedly. 
Your mind raced with thoughts. How long would he drag this out for. You had been caught. You were caught! Hurry up and take a bite. So long as he remained around, you wouldn’t be able to see Edmund. It would be too dangerous for him. 
He had cornered you in every aspect of your life. Even as you slept he remained over you. You wanted it to be over already so you could return to your life. But his appetite was insatiable. 
Every time you gave an inch to fill his need, he took a mile. How much more before you had no more kindness to give?
Your eyes close and you sleep, remaining aware that you had to wake up before him. 
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The sunlight streaming through your window was a mercy as it woke you before him.
You try to quietly get back into bed with him, but wake him in the process. 
He groans and holds your hips tightly. It was his day off, he didn’t have to get up early. 
You sigh. At least he thought you were getting up and not getting back in .
Now rising to avoid suspension, you get out of his weak hold. 
“I have to check on mum,” you tell him. 
He doesn’t raise his head from the pillow or open his eyes as he huffs. 
You stop by the bathroom to relieve yourself and dress back in proper clothes. You put back on your dress from last night, ensuring the buttons from the bottom to the top were all done up. 
 The smell of blood no longer lingered. You could stand to take the time to brush your hair in it. 
You hoped he wouldn't stay long today but knew he was going to. 
After last night, you would focus more on your mother today. It looked like a lot of her scars had opened back up again. 
You had to take a look to see if any were infected. It was a higher risk now due to the prolonged morphling dosage. 
You turn to her room to see a closed door. You never close your mothers door in case she needs you in the middle of the night. Maybe Coriolanus closed it on his way out.
You turn the handle, double taking when you see two figures on the bed. 
You almost scream upon seeing him sitting next to your mother. Had he seen you with the Commander in bed? You wanted the earth to open and swallow you whole. 
“Edmund- I didn’t” 
“I saw you on the floor,” his voice didn't carry relief but an uncharacteristically hard tone. 
“A little scuffed up you said?” he places a hand on your sleeping mother’s head.
“She’s okay. The morphine keeps the pain away and there’s no sign of infection.” 
“I could go in there and kill him while he sleeps. No one would know. Bury him outside the fence line. Who would look?” 
You knew he was serious from the look on his face. 
“You would kill me too. If he went missing I would be the first to hang.”
He knows it too. You watch him swallow his rage and it goes down as a lump in his throat. 
“You need to leave.” 
“I am not going anywhere while he is in the house.” 
“If he catches you here-” you begin but stop. You wouldn’t let anything happen to him. 
You freeze as you hear Coriolanus call out for you. He was up. 
You yank Edmund up and push him to your mother’s standing cupboard. He goes willingly, hiding in the cramped space. 
You got him there just in time.
Coriolanus opens the door to check on you. 
He had put back on his uniform pants and shirt. You were grateful that a near naked Coriolanus was not present under Edmunds watchful eye..  
"Are you alright?" he asks. 
You rush to the door, placing a hand on his chest and pushing him slightly back. 
''Fine. I don't want to wake her". 
You push him outside the door and shut it behind you. He looks tired, and still pale from last night. 
"Darling, she had two ounces of Morphling less than 12 hours ago. She wouldn't wake up if the house was on fire." 
He pushes past you and opens the door again. He looks around the room. His steps are slow as he circles the space around your mother. 
"So what is it in here you don't want me to see?"
You freeze. Don't come out, you silently beg. 
"Nothing. It's my mother's room that's all. She wouldn't want you in here".
His eyes peered down at the sleeping lady, but his hand reached higher to the metal plates stacked on the bedside. He pushed one side of the stack and a plate went flying to the floor, making an awful clanging sound. 
You eyes shoot to the cupboard, Edmund doesn't fling himself out for a fight. He was too smart for it. Your eyes return to Coriolanus who bent down to pick up the plate from the floor. 
"You're right," he says, 'let's go. We can spend some of those coins you earnt yesterday on breakfast."
Earnt had a different meaning to Coriolanus then what it did to Edmund. You were so glad he left before the commander showed up. 
You were glad too that Coriolanus suggested leaving the house. It would give Edmund a chance to escape. 
But you knew he would wait. Edmund could hold a grudge like no one else. He would sit in with your mother all day and stew. 
He couldn't be trusted to hold his temper if you returned with Coriolanus. It would also be too much to bear. Having him listening in as you played puppet with Coriolanus. 
You wait until you reach the living room to talk so Edmund wouldn't hear where you were going and follow. 
"I know a place. A little waterfall just out of town," you suggested, " We could spend the day there. Out of the heat." 
"What about your mother?"
You knew Edmund would tend to her. 
"I'll leave a bottle of morphling within her reach. An apple, a bottle of water. It's all I normally give her until dinner time." 
His eyes roam you distrustfully, but make their way back to your face with his normal icy stare. 
"Whatever you want." he concedes. 
You dash around your home packing your basket while Coriolanus laces his shoes. An old blanket, two bottles of water in heavy metal flasks, and sun protection is all you pack. 
Coriolanus holds his hand out for it once you were done, and you give in. You yank your boots on as he holds the basket, waiting. 
All you had to do was lay a care package for your mother. You act as if kicked your boot accidently against the door as you take it to her. 
Edmund either took the warning or never came out of the closet at all.
"Mum" you call to the unconscious women, "I am going out, and won't be home until late. Here's your morphling that you'll need when you wake up soon. Make sure you eat your apple before you take it".
You place the items on the bedside table for Edmund, giving one final look to the cupboard door before shutting the door and walking back to Coriolanus. 
He was waiting by an open door, watching you as you came to him. 
You don't touch the door, but it closes and you lock it with Coriolanus standing over you. 
You walk in silence along the road to the town center. You pass the alleyway that will now forever cause you to shiver. 
The walk was quiet. Most people were already at their jobs at this time. But as you enter the town square, the hustle began to pick up.
You could feel the town people's stares, hear their quiet whispering as you passed with Coriolanus in tow. 
He begins talking to you asking you where you wanted to go first. 
The bakery, you answered. You let him lead, trying to fall out of step with him. 
He notices that you do almost immediately. He lasso his arm around your shoulders to keep pace. It felt like he was leading you around town on a leash. 
The bakery is only small. It had aged terribly but retained some of its charm. You never went in there, always baking your own things. 
It could only fit five people in at a time but it didn't matter, you two were the only ones there. You take a look at the glass display counter. Their cakes were small and barely had any icing. You could tell they were over-cooked from how they sat. No wonder your stall was so popular. 
"Commander Snow, sir!" 
Your eyes rise abruptly at the voice. The women from the market now serves you. The lips that casted judgment now smile sweetly at Coriolanus. 
"We'll take two rolls of grain" he remarks, like talking to her was painful. 
You cringe at the usage of ‘we’.
"Of course, sir," she wraps the bread up and passes it over the counter. He takes it, putting the fresh loafs in the basket. 
''Free of charge of course. Can't thank you enough for cleaning up these streets for us right living folks". 
Coriolanus doesn't buy the act. His face hardens as he digs into his pocket and throws a coin on the counter for her. 
He tugs your arm gently to get you to retrace back to the door. You follow eagerly. You hoped she would mention how you whored yourself out for him so you could mention this encounter. 
''Where to next?". 
You barely heard him over your rage. 
"The butcher. He's next door to the fruit and vegetables stall. Maybe I could get the meat and cheese, and you could get some peaches if there are enough coins."
"Are we in a rush?"
"No". ‘I just don't want to be seen with you’ is the unspoken end of that sentence.
"Then we'll go together. The waterfall won't float away will it?" 
Today you would be stuck at his hip. 
He holds the butcher’s door open for you, and a little bell goes off. 
You only glance at the man behind the counter before he disappears. 
The butcher takes one look at Coriolanus and takes off through the back door. He runs faster then his short body would let on. 
Coriolanus watches him as he runs off. It was his day off, he wasn't chasing anyone. 
He passes you the basket so he could jump over the counter and help himself to the meats and cheeses. He grabs a good handful of ham and a few slices of cheese.
“I’ll never understand why they run.” 
You hum back in response, but could definitely understand the desire of running. 
He jumps back over the counter, places the items in your basket and then takes the basket back off you. Not looking to go without paying, you stop Coriolanus by his arm and in an action that surprised you both, reach into his pocket and pull out his coins. 
You leave what you think would cover the costs and keep the rest in your palm. Your touch seemed to have frozen Coriolanus who stood there.
It gave you a chance to distance yourself. You are out the door and next door at the fruit and vegetable stall. You grab the first two peaches you see, not even checking to see if they were ripe.
Giving the man the money and thanking the man for the peaches, you keep your head start, walking quickly through the market.
You remain three feet in from him until you reach the next stall in which Coriolanus had caught up to you and tugged you back. 
"How far is the waterfall?" He was always finding new little areas of District 12. He should have made the fence smaller. 
"Just past Dead Man's creek". 
Coriolanus mentally groaned. Just the walk to Dead Man's creek would take at least 45 minutes over a rocky path.  
But once they were there at least they would be alone. Coriolanus was elated not only to be spending the day with you but ecstatic to be away from the district. 
You lead him to the back forest of the district, to a rock path that marks the start of the trail to Dead Man's creek. 
He takes your hand into his as you begin the walk. 
"How do you know about this place?" He tries to make idle talk as you walk. 
"My father used to take my brother and me on weekends." 
Coriolanus wished he didn't ask.
"I am sorry. How did he die?"
You rip your hand clean from him, and Coriolanus flexes his hand from the lack of touch. 
"He died in the mines. A tunnel collapsed, he didn't get out in time."
His hand felt empty so he reached out and plucked a flower off a tree, twirling the stem in his hand. 
"I am sorry," he says again, "My father died at a young age too." 
"Are you? Most of our materials still go to Capital use".
Coriolanus flicks the flower away. He didn't want to chase people through the streets and he didn't want to talk politics on his day off. 
"We all play our part for the betterment of Panem." he says. 
"All hail the mighty Capitol." 
That attitude would not go down well in the Capitol. He had to get rid of it before he started his presidential journey. 
But that's a job for another day. Today they were going to spend a peaceful day at a waterfall. 
"All hail the mighty Capitol," he mutters back. 
The Capitol chewed him out too. You should be bonding over your shared resilience, not fighting over the Capitol’s use of the districts. 
"So are you going to tell me who was in the closet this morning?"
He snapped a branch that was pushing into his shoulder as he walked by your side. He hated nature, and would rather be back in his temperature-controlled apartment with you. But you had wanted to take him to a place you held dear. He would make the effort to please you.
You stumble over your next step. Could he have heard you talking to Edmund? Was his life now in danger?
"When I dropped the plate this morning your eyes went straight there." 
You had been tricked by him again. He had dropped the plate to startle you into giving away your secret. 
"She's just a friend." You emphasize the 'Sh' in she. 
"A friend you keep in the closet?"
"You spooked her. She came over to check on my mother and heard you coming."
"Well I don't bite." 
You knew for a fact he did. 
"She was afraid. You are Commander Snow of District 12". 
He takes your hand back in his, pleased with your answer, 
"Well, any friend of yours is a friend of mine."
You knew that did not extend to Edmund. So you keep quiet, allowing him to hold your hand in peace. 
It kept him from asking anymore questions at least. He remained for the rest of the trip trapped in his own head, and you remained trapped in yours. 
By the time you crossed the creek and continued up to your destination, the waterfall was a well earned sight. 
You find the shade of a big tree and smooth the ground from rocks before reaching into the basket and laying the old blanket down. 
The laces of the shoes come off and you both plop down, tired from the walk.
Coriolanus lays back, watching as you make the sandwiches. You tear into the bread with your hands and fill it with the meat and cheese. 
You pass the first one to him. It tasted like love to him. Your stomach growled too but your hands give before they take. If he could just get your speech right, you would be perfect. 
You down your sandwich quickly having little to eat in the past 24 hours. Feeling immensely better as the food fills your stomach, your body brings to attention another need.
You lay down, closing your eyes and letting your body relax into the peaceful atmosphere. 
“Tired?" he asks you. You feel him turn to his side towards you. 
"Too hot to sleep".  You don't mention the ailments to your sleep that he caused. 
"You're welcome to sleep in the Commander's quarters with me. Air conditioned, bigger bed. I even have a television that works sometimes."
You turn away from him as you feel his head dip down to you. 
"I should stay with mum." 
"Maybe once she gets better." He now regrets causing your mother more harm last night. It would delay the healing process. 
The cool breeze drifts you to sleep. Coriolanus waits until your breathing slows before he shuffles closer.
He felt a sense of pride as you dozed off. That you trusted him enough to protect you as you slept. 
During the war Tigris would stay up during bombings, letting Coriolanus get some sleep. He wouldn't otherwise, too worried that he would miss a warning and be buried underneath rubble. 
He shuffles so his body is over yours in a protective stance, his leg slung over you, and his eyes watch around you for nearby ants.
It was a tranquil moment shared while you slept but it lasted less than 20 minutes before you shot up in a panic. 
You don't get far with Coriolanus curled around you. Movement only became harder as he squeezed you in his arms. 
"You're alright. Go back to sleep". He wasn't ready for the moment to be over but you were, turning his arms off you.
"I shouldn't sleep. No, I shouldn't sleep".
You turn to your back on the blanket and reach up to touch your ring on his dog tags. 
You turn the metal between your fingers. You wondered if you begged enough if he would give it back. 
He catches your hand and brings it up enough to kiss. You hear the birds chirp as they fly past. 
''It's peaceful here," he comments.
"It's my favorite place," you admit. 
Coriolanus felt his heart swell with pride. You had taken him to your favorite place because you wanted him to see it, not in actual reality because it was the first place that popped into your head.
He lets you rest while he takes a look out  at the scenery. 
The water from the rocks cascaded into a plunge pool that looked relatively deep. The water leaked slowly down a stream of rocks away. It was no great waterfall, only about a meter high, and the water followed at a steady pace instead of a gush. 
The bank was muddy but opened to a large dry field, surrounded by trees. He was yet to see a mockingjay but he knew from experience that it doesn't mean they are not there. 
“It's so hot," you complain, throwing your arm over your eyes. 
He turns back to you and fiddles with the buttons on your shirt, twisting your top button between his fingers. 
"How about a swim?" he suggests.
You shake your head no but he starts undoing your buttons anyway. 
You catch his hands in yours, they only follow him as he undoes the rest. You feel your dress fall off your shoulders as the last button comes undone. 
Fear freezes you, your eyes close and your hands lose movement. He doesn't deter, placing a kiss on your shoulder as he takes the dress off completely. 
"It will cool you down". 
He shifts off you to take his own clothes off. You feel his hands upon you once more picking you up. 
The splash of the cold water woke you and as you came up to the surface you pulled free from his hold. You swim away only to be pulled back into his chest. 
"Feel better?" he asks. You wiggle against him feeling indecent in only your underwear. 
"Where are you going?" he laughs as if it was a joke. As if you were friends playing in the water.
He twists you in his arms so you are facing him and you place your hands on his shoulders to keep up. 
"This isn't right." You push against his tight hold.
"No one is around. No one to see," he consoles. 
"You can see. You can touch me." 
You thrash in his grasp, almost drowning yourself from your struggle.
He tries to reassure you but you won't hear it. Your kicking underwater lands into his soft stomach. With a huff of pain, he releases you and you swim back to shore. 
You can hear him following you in the water. Nevertheless you reach land first and run to put on your clothes. 
"What is your problem?" He seethes putting back on his pants. 
"I can't-can't do this," you said, meaning him. 
Without your shoes you take off in the direction of the trail path. 
"Wait. Wait" he beseeched, he takes your shoulders into his hands and bends down to your eye level, "I am sorry, okay. I moved too fast. Let's just go back".
He shoves you towards the blanket again. Bringing you down with him on the floor. He removes his hands once he realizes you were frozen again. 
Taking a peach out of the basket he puts it into your hands. 
"Eat. I’m sorry." He puts back on his t-shirt, only to turn back to see the peach still not eaten. 
He sighs, taking a knife from one pocket from his pants. You flinch as it flicks up and he takes the peach back off you, cutting it up. 
"It's okay. I am not going to hurt you." He passes you a slice of the peach.
“Then why carry the knife?”
Coriolanus shugs, taking a slice of the peach for himself. “Part of the uniform. Eat”. 
The uniform that was designed to kill you and your people. A uniform that gives those who wear it a free reign of terror. It almost whispers to you to know your place. 
Your lips shake as they bite into the soft peach slice. 
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You stay at the waterfall until late afternoon. Coriolanus teaches you how to make a fishing rod and you fish for a large part of the time.
You ask him if he learnt how to fashion a rod from the earth in the Capitol. 
"No. Not in the Capitol." He didn't elaborate, quickly changing the subject.  
He catches one catfish which you cook and wrap in large leaves to take home, while you catch nothing but rocks. 
It's nightfall by the time you reach your house again. Edmund was sure to be gone. 
You wait by the steps, waiting for his direction. He makes no move up the stairs leading you to think he wasn't interested in coming in. 
"Thank you for walking me home, Commander." 
"Thank you for showing me the waterfall. We'll go up there again soon" he promises. 
You didn't like the sound of it. It was your strength against him up there. 
He passes you your basket and relief floods you knowing he wasn't coming in. 
"Goodnight, Commander".
He grabs your chin between his thumb and forefinger. 
"Next time, invite your friend out of the closet. Don't ever let them lead you to lie to me". 
You nod. It appeased him enough to kiss you. 
"Goodnight" he bids. 
He watches as you run up the steps, only turning to leave once you were safely indoors.
Your relief turns into horror and then just shock causing you to drop your basket at your feet. 
Edmund waits for you at the kitchen table with his head resting in his hands. 
"I made dinner. It's in the oven." 
He must have gone hunting at some point in the  day. 
"Are you crazy?" you raised your voice as much as you dared, "What if he decided to come in?" 
He remains emotionless, "Your mother and I have already eaten." 
You make sure the door is locked behind you before you venture over to him.
"You can't come around here until this blows over," you scold. 
''I promised your brother I would keep you safe," he sounded defeated but his balled fists suggested it was anger. 
"I don't think he meant to kill the Commander of District 12 to do so."
His eyes harden, and his head nods, 'Yes, he did."
You throw your arms around his rigid figure.
"You did good, okay? You are doing good. He wouldn't ask anymore of you." 
He scoffs and with little force he moves you off him, “Good? I've been up in the mountains while you've been fighting for your life down here." 
"Earning money to support your family. Us. How many times would we have been dead without you? I would have died last year if you didn't give us money for the doctor." 
"Maybe I should have let you. At least then you wouldn't be food for the Commander"
"He's really not that bad". You regret the words as soon as they come out. 
"You don't think kindly of him do you?" his face contorts with disgust. 
You shake your head no. You could never disappoint him. Not after everything he has done for you. 
"He is a storm for a season. We've outlasted storms before haven't we? Together." 
You lace your fingers with his. His hold is strong and protective. 
"After him. No one else," you repeat his words back to him. 
If you are to survive him, it will be true.
I put some easter eggs from the book in there. For funises.
Next chapter
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lwwife · 5 months
Strip Tease
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Smut: Leah!Top, Strap on, role play, fluff
Word count: 1,870
Based on this request.
Leah’s pov:
“I miss you so much baby” I whine through the phone to my girlfriend who’s stood in the kitchen, phone resting against a saltshaker. She leans forward onto the bench and her cleavage spills through the top of her low-cut singlet, I squeeze my thighs slightly.
“I miss you more, I’ve been craving you, baby.”
I giggle, “Huh? Is that right?” I smirk amused at her neediness.
“Yes, god I can’t wait till you’re back”,
“So soon my love, so soon”, I reply.
Today I finally fly home. I’ve been away for 8 weeks on camp with the international team. Y/n and my mum are driving to the airport to pick me up. I told them I really could’ve just caught a cab, but they insisted. My mum claimed she wanted to make sure I was safe like always, and Y/n stated she was desperate to see me in my lioness tracksuit, which made me giggle.
“Do you reckon she’s excited” Keria shouts, gesturing to me, pointing out the photos of Y/n scrolling through my phone.
“Give it up man” I roll my eyes.
Y/n’s pov:
“Eeeeeek” I squeal as we pull up to the airport.
“Excited love?” Amanda turns her head to me, smiling, hands on the wheel.
“Just a little” I smile sheepishly.
“Where the fuck is she?” I groan stood outside the gate, “oh shit sorry, I mean-fuck.” I sigh.
“Y/n calm down” Amanda laughs, “you’re allowed to swear, I’m from Milton Keynes, haven’t you heard Leah’s potty mouth?” We both chuckle at the thought.
“What’s so funny?” my face drops at the sound of my favourite girl; I instantly turn around and latch myself onto her. “Woah” Leah grumbles at the sudden impact.
“God, I missed you so much” I mumble into her neck, arms wrapped around it, and legs around her waist. She laughs slightly,
“I missed you too baby girl”, I squeeze her hard one more time and detach myself from her. I place my hand on her jaw and give her a soft passionate kiss. “I love you” she whispers.
I grab her hand and take a step back, looking down at her in her all-black lioness tracksuit. “Give us a twirl then” I grin. I bite my lip as she spins and bring her back in for a hug once she’s back facing me. I squeeze her ass, “I can’t wait to take this off of you later” I whisper in her ear.
“Thanks, Mandy!” I kiss Amanda’s cheek as she closes the boot.
“Bye Mumma, thanks again” Leah hugs her mum goodbye. I grab Leah’s hand and we walk to the front door. The second we’re inside I push Leah against the door and attack her lips. Her hands instantly find the back of my neck as mine find her ass, tapping lightly telling her to jump. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I push her further into the door. She moans hungrily into my mouth at the friction. I begin to walk us towards the stairs, “wait” Leah says, I pause waiting for her next words, “I need to get changed”.
“What?” I question, “What are you talking about?”
“I need to get changed; we’re going out for dinner” she responds casually.
“Are you fucking with me right now?”
“No baby I made a reservation.” Leah grins. I groan loudly.
“For fucks sake” I mumble.
“That was lovely darling thank you” I turn to Leah as we walk through the front door.
“No problem my love” I smile, and we both walk upstairs to our bedroom to get ready for bed. “Not so fast” Leah stops me as I begin pulling my shirt off, I look at her questioningly, and she pushes me softly to fall onto our low-raised bed.
I smirk up at her and raise my brows, “What are you doing?”
“Well…” she leans forward, “baby”, I groan slightly, “I thought I’d make up for lost time”. She smirks, pulling my bottom lip down with her thumb.
“Oh yeah? And how were you planning on doing that?
“Strip tease” I chuckle loudly, and then quickly stop when her face remains still, “Oh you’re serious, okay, go on then”. I grin, amused.
She grabs my face and squishes it, “You shut up and stop being a smart ass, or you won’t get anything, we clear?”, I nod still with a smug smirk on my face.
Leah steps back and presses play on her phone. Suddenly ‘I Was Never There’ by the Weeknd plays through our surround sound speakers in the bedroom, I guess those were good for something, I think. Leah is currently dressed in loose black pants, a baggy button-up black t-shirt, three buttons already undone, and a black belt, and I must say she looks unreal.
Leah begins walking towards me, lust in her eyes, fingertips on a button. She stands directly in front of me and slowly undoes one. I reach forward to grab her hips, but she smacks my hands away instantly. “No touching” she growls. She moves to the next button, slowly undoing it, again, this time her entire torso from the belly button up is on full display and I’m met with the sight of a bright red lacy bra, contrasting perfectly with her newly tanned toned abs. Her breasts look fuller than ever, and her nipples are visible through the fabric, already hardened. She grasps my chin and lifts my head, so my eyes meet hers. “I picked it just for you” she smiles.
“You’re beautiful Leah”, I respond mesmerised by the divine woman in front of me. She smiles and continues to the next button, undoing the next two the same way and her shirt finally flies fully open, she moves even closer and slowly shrugs the top off whilst also lowering herself to her knees. Leah is now knelt in front of me, topless, hands running up and down my thighs. The song in the back begins to build up and Leah turns around, slowly bending over. My breath hitches slightly, and she stands back up. Moving closer than she’s been all night, her stomach at my eye level. She slowly unbuckles her belt and throws it on the bed, she then moves to unzip her trousers and my stomach revels at the sight. She lets go and they drop swiftly to the floor. Leah is now standing in front of me, in a matching, red-laced set of lingerie.
My mouth goes dry, and my hands begin to shake. I reach forward to touch her in any way I can, but she steps back and walks into our closet. I sit still on the edge of the bed, waiting, speechless. Leah begins walking out of the closet, hands behind her back. She comes to stand in front of me once again and pushes me, so I fall on my back. She brings her other hand from behind her to reveal a set of handcuffs. “I thought we could try what we talked about”, we both smirk.
“Baby?” Leah whispers snuggled into Y/n’s side on the couch.
“Yes darling” Y/n looks down.
“I was uh well thinking-um-I-uh” she stutters. Y/n tilts Leah’s head up,
“What’s wrong bub?”
“No no nothing’s wrong I promise, I just um wanted to talk to you about something I uh I’ve been um thinking a little about.”
“Of course, darling, you can talk to me about anything” Y/n furrows her brows and frowns slightly.
“Okay well, I kind of want to um trysomeroleplayanditstotallyokayifyoudontijustthinkitcouldbereallyfun” Leah looks up sheepishly.
“Babe, I didn’t catch a single word of that”.
“Ugh okay, I was just thinking that maybe we could try some role play” Leah pauses and looks at Y/n waiting and nervous. “I mean we don’t have to it was just an idea but it's silly just forget about it” Leah blurts out and turns back to face the tv. Y/n grabs her face.
“I would love to” she grins excitedly.
“Really?!” Leah almost shouts.
“Yes baby, I think it’d be incredibly sexy. Did you have anything particular in mind?” Leah slowly moves towards her.
“Well, I’ve always liked the idea of putting you in handcuffs and punishing you for being a bad girl” Leah whispers.
End of Flashback
Y/n’s pov:
I'm now laying completely naked on the bed, hands cuffed above my head, Leah knelt in front of me in between my legs, with a police hat on and a 7-inch strap around her waist. Usually, I’d laugh at the sight of her in a hat but her naked body, clenched jaw, blonde hair falling over her breasts and blue eyes staring through me are turning me on like never before. “You’ve been a bad girl y/n” I nod and bite my lip. “Now I’m going to have to teach you how to be good for me” she growls, nipples getting even harder. “Spread your legs for me”, I spread my legs open, and she pushed my knees back so they’re near my collarbone.
Leah begins to run the tip of the strap through my wetness. “This is what happens when you’re bad baby” She pushed it in ever so slightly and I gasp. She pulls out “You get punished.” I wriggle my hands in the cuffs, desperately wanting to scratch her back. She grabs both of my hands with one of her own and throws my legs over her shoulders. She leans in to kiss me and stops just before our lips touch. She suddenly slams into me, pushing three-quarters of the strap in, allowing me to adjust. I moan so loud my throat hurts. She kisses me hard and starts to move in and out of me slowly. Once she finally fills me with the whole strap I scream and try to move my hands again. She begins to thrust harder, each time making all 7-inches disappear. “You like that baby?” she growls into my mouth. I don’t answer her, too hypnotised by the utter bliss of being filled completely. She brings her hand to my throat, “Answer me”.
“Yes, yes, I like that, fuck I love that”.
“Yes what, y/n?”
“Yes, ma’am” Yes! Fuck!” My legs begin to shake as Leah starts thrusting harder and harder, “Fuck I’m going to cum, please let me cum ma’am”.
“Do you think you deserve to cum? Have you been a good girl for me?” My legs start to shake uncontrollably, and I can hardly hold it in anymore,
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Please! I beg!”
“Cum for me baby, cum for me” she whispers in my ear and bites down harshly on my neck. Leah thrusts in hard a couple more times and I feel myself tighten, I begin to cum all over the strap, my wetness running down to the bedsheets.
“Fuck!” I scream. Leah slowly pulls out and my body shakes even more. She crawls up towards me until she’s hovering above my face.
“Clean it up” she groans. I slowly take the strap into my mouth and suck till it’s clean. Leah takes the strap off and collapses next to me.
“Fuck I’ve missed you” she whispers.
A/N: I hope this was okay! I wasn’t really sure which direction to take this but I tried. Definitely open to feedback in my comments, messages or asks 😊
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hvly · 6 months
— ⋆。˚。⋆ 。˚ 𓆩𖥔𓆪 ˚。⋆。˚。⋆ —
wrestler!yuuji who doesn't fit your typical wrestler's description. most of the guys on your school's team are big, burly, and quite mean. their faces fixed in a constant scowl, shoulders squared in case anyone dares to step a little too close to them while they're walking by. then there was yuuji. bright pink hair, a constant smile on his face, and a happy-go-lucky personality that could draw anyone in. his cheery disposition was a definite plus to the team's overall school presence. in the past, they'd be lucky to have one section of the bleachers filled. now, the stands seemed to be overflowing with support at every match. even if most in attendance were just fangirls coming to see yuuji in action, it could hardly be seen as a negative.
wrestler!yuuji who wasn't all too interested in the sport at first, but caved after the wrestling coach's 15th attempt at recruiting him. "you've got talent ! and we could use someone like you on our team !" he was used to various sports' coaches coming up to him, talking about how his athleticism would be a great addition to their respective teams. but wrestling was different because he could put his background in martial arts to use in certain cases. with the promise to use and build on what he already knows, it was a pretty easy sale. after a few mock matches, he slowly comes to enjoy wrestling and realises he's not too bad at it.
wrestler!yuuji who's almost an entirely different person on the mat. when he was in his starting position, he looked at his opponent with a fiery determination to win. he was focused, eyes narrowed as he rocked in his crouched position, waiting for the referee's whistle to start. it was almost impressive how quickly yuuji could take down his opponent. you only caught a glimpse of his pink hair and the next thing you knew, he was being awarded a point and being told to reset. even when yuuji was on the defensive, it wasn't for too long. with a flip, a hook, and a roll he was back on the offensive and securing yet another point that would aid in his inevitable victory.
wrestler!yuuji who's so humble whether he wins or loses. he doesn't gloat or showboat, helping his opponent up off the mat with a solid, genuine smile and "good match" handshake. he jogs off the mat right up to the stands, where you're sitting front and center. he's sweaty and panting, hair and singlet clinging to his body alike. he pulls out his mouth guard and lets it dangle from his headgear, a wide toothy smile on his face. "So? I'm pretty good at this wrestling thing, huh?" You nod in agreement, sweeping peak strands from his forehead. "Yeah. And you don't look too bad in that leotard either." He scoffs, pulling the straps of his uniform before letting them go with a snap. "It's called a singlet," he replies. His coach calls for him in the distance, signaling it's time for him to head back with the team. He starts to make his way back before abruptly stopping and swiveling on his heels. "Hey, head over to my place. We should celebrate my win tonight," he says, giving you a wink before trotting off across the gym. You feel a mess of butterflies form in your stomach as you watch him reconvene with his fellow wrestlers. You had a feeling he was going to show you his moves weren't just for the wrestling mat.
— ⋆。˚。⋆ 。˚ 𓆩𖥔𓆪 ˚。⋆。˚。⋆ —
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ares857 · 27 days
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internet find
If you want this project to continue, you can use the Paypal donation button on the web page of the blog. Any donation is welcome.
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sorceresski · 6 months
Le Matin - Kylian Mbappé x reader
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x gf!reader
Contains; bit of fluff, smut (dry humping, p in v, unprotected sex)
You woke up to find yourself pressed against his side, his hands lazily roaming your body. Kylian would run his hands down your back to your arse and back up, exploring.
You held back a shiver as he stroked patterns on your bare shoulder. He didn’t seem to be doing it consciously, it wasn’t inherently sexual, but it sent tingles down your spine.
He pulled you impossibly closer as you snuggled into him, breathing in his familiar scent. It was one of those mornings where everything felt perfect. The warmth of being wrapped in your boyfriend’s arms, the sun beginning to rise, chasing the blue night sky and casting the morning in a dull grey.
You snuck a glance up at him to find him staring straight at the ceiling deep in thought. You observed his relaxed demeanor, wondering what he could be thinking so early in the morning.
Kylian caught your gaze and you ducked your head back into his bare chest. “You’re awake.” A statement, but you nodded.
“What’s on your mind?” You asked, struggling to ignore his hands which rested on your hips, occasionally slipping underneath your shorts to grope your ass.
“Everything. Us.” Oh. You both fell into a comfortable silence again, until you couldn’t take it anymore.
You draped a leg across his waist and nuzzled his neck, leaving soft kisses and nibbles on his neck, to his jaw, and back down to his neck. He sighed in content, shutting his eyes. Kylian reveled in your touch.
He raised your chin and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. He pulled back and watched you watch him. There was something in his eyes you’d never seen before. They held so much love for you in that moment, it almost scared you.
But before you could dwell on that thought, Kylian was crashing his lips back onto yours. Still soft, but with renewed passion. You moaned into his mouth. Before long, you felt his hardness pressing into your thigh that was draped over his waist.
You ran a hand down his chest, following his happy trail as it disappeared below the waistband of his sweatpants. He let out a breathy moan, letting his head fall back to the pillow, as your hand wrapped around his length.
You gave it a tug as you grimaced playfully. “Why are you so horny?”
He chuckled, “You’re the one with her hand down my pants at 6 in the morning. You started it.”
“Oh so I should stop then?” You pulled your exploring hand back.
Kylian brought you to straddle him effortlessly, sporting a shit-eating grinning. “I’m not saying you should.”
Grinning as well, you leaned down to kiss him. His hands were back on you. They roamed from your neck, back, hips. You were vaguely aware of your dampness as he began to rock you back and forth on his length.
He sat up with you still straddling him. You ground your hips against him, still separated while he began an assault on your neck. You moaned as you felt him graze his teeth against that spot he found that always drives you crazy.
Your singlet top had come off sometime in his ministrations and Kylian was now kissing his way down to breasts.
“Allez, on your stomach.” He patted the bed and placed a pillow for you to lay on.
You shivered in anticipation as you lay down ass up, still in your shorts. You watched him take off his sweatpants, his hardness springing out deliciously.
He traced his fingers down your spine and hooked his fingers in your shorts, taking them off, exposing you to him.
You held your breath as Kylian pushed your legs apart and settled between them. You jutted out your hips in response as he ran a finger through your wet folds
“You’re so agreeable in the morning.” He said, to which you rolled your eyes.
“Kylian…” you whined, hoping he’d give you what you wanted without more teasing.
You moaned into the mattress as he pressed into you, bottoming out in one slow thrust. He gripped your waist, as he repeated the motion a few more times. He was being delicate with you this morning for some reason.
“Kylian please.” You didn’t care how needy you sounded anymore. He chuckled and picked up the pace, placing his hands on each side of your head as he thrust into you with new fervor, though still gentle.
You thrashed beneath him as he hit that spot over and over, your wails muffled by his sheets, the same ones which you held onto. He was on his elbows now, his breath hot against your neck.
“Let me hear you baby,” he whispered through clenched teeth. “Talk to me.”
You moaned in response. You felt your arousal building up. “Oh, Kylian. I’m close.�� He showered your neck with kisses that drove you closer to the edge , pressing you into the bed with each thrust of his hips.
You loved how he was partially resting his weight on you. You felt his body move against yours with each thrust.
“Fuck!” You wail as he picks up the pace even more. His movements becoming more erratic.
“Come for me, baby,” he said, reaching his hand underneath you to find your clit. It was your undoing.
“I’m-” Your words stay in your throat as you’re overwhelmed with heady pleasure. Spasms rack through you beneath him as your orgasm hit, you’re grasping for his sheets. Your walls clenching around him was enough to send him spiraling as well.
He came in you with a grunt and one last snap of his hips just as you came down from your high. He collapsed onto you, spent from the effort and his own pleasure.
“Merde,” Kylian said as he rolled off, remembering he was heavier than you. You weren’t fazed though, you gave him a very satisfied smile. To which he chuckled and pulled you closer like before, except now you were both naked under the sheets.
“Wow,” you muttered still trying to calm your breathing. “Why have we never tried this position before?”
Kylian laughed out loud at that, a deep hearty laugh. “Who’s the horny one now?”
You smacked his chest playfully, it was going to be a great day.
A/n; biannual Kylian smut and horniness 🫡
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branzycrafted · 2 years
Punk Tactics is one of those songs that really challenges my ability to mask my neurodivergency in public
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prazinos · 2 years
Could you possibly make an Ajax smut where his team lost the poe cup and the readers team won it and he just kinda takes his anger out on/punishes the reader because maybe she was kinda mean during it and he has his jester makeup on during it? Ignore this if you want, btw love your writing :D
Okay Anon, I got a bit carried away but yk hopefully you like this <3
Poe Cup
This can be read as a bit of a part two to Love At First..Sight? But also as a stand-alone
Summary ~ You used your telekinetic abilities to win the Poe Cup and Ajax isn’t too happy about it
WARNINGS ! ~ SMUT MINORS DNI | Oral {F} | Fingering | Overstimulation | PiV |
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You and Wednesday finally got to the flags and grabbed she grabbed it before you both sprinted back towards the boats.
You saw your boyfriend and Xavier not too far in front of you and a cruel idea popped into your head.
Now, anything goes during the Poe cup but that doesn’t mean you didn’t feel slightly guilty at what you were going to do.
Using your telekinetic abilities you dragged Ajax and Xavier into the air. They looked down to see you and Wednesday. As you ran past them you blew Ajax a kiss which he just glared at you.
‘Shit!’ Xavier shouted
You dropped the boys and climbed into the boat. Quickly paddling to get to the finish line.
You all crossed the finish line cheering you bent over slightly, attempting to catch your breath and looking up to see your boyfriend in his jester costume. You couldn’t deny he looked good in it. But you stopped yourself from jumping his bones right then and there
You were in Bianca and Enid’s room as Wednesday and Enid were in yours ‘celebrating’.
‘I cannot believe you guys punctured our boat!’ Bianca groaned
‘I’m sorry but it was a little funny’ you giggled and she threw a pillow at you.
You changed out of your costume and wiped off the makeup. It was Enid’s idea to be dressed as cats and you had to admit you did look hot in the costume.
Shrugging on your pyjama shorts and singlet you sat on Bianca’s bed and stuck your hand out so she could paint them.
After a while of watching Gilmore Girls with Bianca and arguing over who should have ended up with Rory, your phone buzzed.
Ajax <3
Come to my dorm, it’s an emergency
‘Shit’ you said grabbing your costume and shoes from the floor.
‘Everything okay?’ Bianca asked
‘No, I think Ajax is in trouble. He said it’s an emergency’ you said
‘Oh yeah, emergency’ Bianca said chuckling.
You rolled your eyes before shutting the door behind you, speed walking to Ajax’s dorm.
You used the key he gave you and walked in to see Ajax. Completely fine. And still in his costume. What?
‘What the hell Ajax you said it was an emergency! And why are you still in your costume?’ You scolded.
You were pinned to the door by Ajax and you looked up at him. His snakes hissing at you
‘That shit you pulled during the cup and you thought you’d get away with it?’ He asked voice deep and stern.
You clenched your thighs together, attempting to get any friction before he shoved them open with his hand.
‘No, you don’t get to do that’ he said.
Ajax picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, you hated how lean he looked compared to his strength.
You were thrown onto his bed before he grabbed your legs and dragged them to the end of the bed. You felt your clit aching in want. Any friction anything at all.
He grabbed your shorts and dragged them down your legs along with your underwear. And you rubbed your thighs together again before he slapped your right one. Telling you to stop.
You looked up at him, taking in his entire frame. Jesus Christ , his shirt was gone but he still had the makeup on as well as pants, snakes out, dark look in his eye. To say you were dripping would be an understatement.
He spread your thighs with his hands and leaned down looking at your dripping cunt. You whined, he was so close but he wasn’t giving you anything.
‘God you’re so impatient’ he mumbled.
Seeing as this was your first time with Ajax it was insane that this was the same nervous man who had confessed to you in your room only a month ago.
He rubbed some of the jester makeup from his mouth.
He leaned in, licking an experimental lick up your cunt before diving in completely.
You’d moaned out, nobody had ever done this to you before. Sure you’d had boyfriends and had sex but none of them actually went down on you. All complaining that it tasted weird or it was too slimy.
But Ajax was moaning into you clearly loving the taste. You looked down at him whimpering when you saw he was looking right back at you. You bucked your hips and he gripped them holding you down in place allowing him to do whatever he pleased.
He inserts two fingers into your entrance before curling them while sucking on your clit.
You feel your legs start to shake, your so close to the edge
And he stops.
You look down at him to see him smirking, rubbing circles into your thigh.
‘What the fuck Ajax’
‘I’m not letting you get off that easy’ he says chuckling darkly before he continues ‘now I’m gonna get some food, I’m starving’
He gets off you and stands up walking to the door.
You smirk to yourself before reaching a hand down to your clit, rubbing it, moaning quietly,
You watch through hooded lids as Ajax snaps to turn around before taking long fast strides towards you. Grabbing your hand and snatching it from your clit.
‘The fuck do you think you’re doing?’ He asks, clearly furious
‘Making myself cum, idiot’ you snap back.
He glares at you before smiling. That can’t be good. He tears off your singlet and I mean literally. He leans back down to your cunt, he shoves two fingers back inside you curling them immediately.
Your back arches as you moan loudly. He moves his head to lick at your cunt once more. He’s ruthless with his tongue, he’s incredible but ruthless.
He sucks on your clit and your legs begin to shake again, you swear that if he pulls away again you’d kill him.
You’re gripping the sheets below you as you feel yourself tip off the edge.
Letting out moans and whimpers of Ajax’s name you come back down from the orgasm that had washed over you.
He doesn’t let up though, continuing to lick, and finger your pussy. You attempt to push him away by pushing at his forehead.
You’re too sensitive, and he’s still not letting up.
You soon feel your second orgasm wash over you as your legs feel like jelly.
And he still, does. Not. Let. Up.
It feels like you’re on the brink of pleasure and pain. Tears are streaming down your face as your juices cover his.
The sounds of it are disgusting but they just get you closer to the edge. You feel like you’re going to explode if he continues like this.
You’re a panting mess as you feel the same explosion of pleasure wash over you again.
You look down at him again and the look in his eyes tells you he’s still not stopping
‘Ajax, please, shit, please stop, it hurts’
And you weren’t lying, your clit aching, this time not in desperation but in overstimulation.
He finally raises his head removing his fingers and sucking them clean.
‘Come on panemorfi, one more, one more on my cock this time’
You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach at the nickname and you nod weakly
‘Words panemorfi’
‘Yes, I can..I can do one more..I um, birth control ’ you say, your voice raspy, although your English was a bit broken he understood what you meant.
Somehow, with little strength you had, sat up and motioned for him to lay down. He did as you ‘said’ and lied down on the bed. You got on top of him, admiring how pretty he looked before aligning his hard cock with your entrance.
You slowly sank down on it, moaning at how he stretched you open even after being fingered.
Ajax groaned at the feeling of your tight walls, admiring your body as you bounced on top of him, he couldn’t take his eyes off your bouncing breasts.
Gripping your hips starting to thrust into you, you let out a high pitched moan throwing your head back. Your orgasm approaching quickly.
Ajax’s moans slowly dissolved into whimpering loudly. Indicating he was getting close.
Your legs were burning, but you were so so close.
‘Fuck, Y/N gonna come, shit gonna-‘ Ajax cut himself off with a loud moan, spilling into you, triggering your own orgasm. Letting a whimper out.
After a while of just catching your breath, you got off of Ajax, reaching over to his bedside table grabbing the tissues.
You cleaned yourself and Ajax up before lying down next to him.
‘Sorry for putting you in the air’
‘I guess it’s okay’ he chuckled. You slapped his chest lightly laughing with him.
Laying in peace for a while you suddenly remembered
‘Shit!’ You yelled standing up to grab your clothes, going to Ajax’s closet grabbing a pair of his boxers you put them on and then your pyjamas. Wiping the smeared jester makeup off your face
‘What? What are you doing?’ Ajax asked
‘We’re meant to be hanging out with everybody’ you said throwing some clothes at Ajax and rubbing the makeup off his face.
‘By the way, wear this makeup more often’ you said making him smirk.
You got to your dorm with Ajax trailing behind you opening it to see everybody watching Hereditary.
Everybody turned around to face the two of you.
‘So’ Xavier said pausing to take a sip of his drink ‘snake pubes?’ He asked
You rolled your eyes as Bianca, Xavier and Enid laughed.
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A/N ~ I really do hope this was okay {hopefully it is}
Let me know if you liked this by liking, Reblogging, or commenting
Panemorfi ~ Gorgeous {Greek}
By my loves <3
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nctstar · 2 months
Can I get a smut of Johnny suh using his size and strength kink on a petite female Y/N? Thank you~
heyy! i'm so sorry this is absurdly late :(( but hope you still like it! <3
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Wasting no time to rid himself of his clothes, he spoke. “This room is fine, right?” Muscles bulging as he fiddled with his shirt, the ridges of his chest drawing in the singlet, you bit your finger almost comically. “Hello? Earth to _?” The brown of his eyes were soft, a sharp contrast to his stature. He smirked, his hair bouncing as he threw his head back slightly. “Like what you see?”
pairing: johnny suh x fem!reader
other members: none
word count: 2.4k
genre: romance, smut
warnings: sexual content so minors please dni!! as per the request the reader is smaller than Johnny but I refrained from describing body parts or her specific size or anything like that, she is just short. if you're sensitive to this kind of talk though maybe don't read <3 mild profanity, lots of kissing, johnny carries reader, manhandling, descriptions of johnny's torso and body throughout, dirty talk about the size of his ding dong schlong, mild degradation (use of slut), ripping clothes bc those muscles do more than lift weights <3, clitoral stimulation/fingering, reader is pretty slutty and dumb during sex (aren't we all), missionary sex, praising (sweet girl, good girl), condom use, talking after sex (post nut clarity fr)
disclaimer: this is a fanfiction purely from my (filthy) imagination. I don't know the nct members and don't claim that they act like this in real life. I also do not condone any of the activity by any of the characters in this fic. 
a/n: i have been in such a writer's slump particularly with smut! like i think i need some time off to write some good fics and some good smut, so i'm sorry anon and to all my lovely readers if this is shit :(
“Now why would he ever say that?” You peeked at your friend pacing around your small room through your hair. Scissors in one hand, your (new) bangs in the other, you winced. “Wait, girl, I made a mistake I think.”
She sighed as you let the strands flutter across your forehead, uneasiness settling in your stomach. “Didn’t you follow what he said?” Brad Mondo’s curtain bangs tutorial continued in the background as you turned your head expectantly from side to side. Your friend held your head in place with open palms, looking at you through the mirror. “It’s actually kinda cute. Makes you look…well…”
“Don’t say small.” She snorted, bringing a hand to her face to unsuccessfully cover her mouth. “I don’t care, that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time.”
You pushed yourself off the stool, rolling your eyes as you started undressing. “He didn’t mean it like that.” Your belt clinked as your jeans fell to the carpet, and you started bringing your shirt over your heard. “I’m sure it was his way of complimenting me.” Despite all your efforts, you couldn’t stop the annoyance that cemented your words into place. “I guess.”
“Girl, you need to tell him that it bothers you.”
“It doesn’t bother me.”
“Yeah, and it’s not weird to call some girl you’ve been on two dates with small.”
The doorbell cut through the air, making you both jump. “Shit. It’s like he heard or something.”
“Shit. Wait, just let him in and get him to wait downstairs. Okay?” Sudden panic was settling into your body, making your hands shake. Your friend got the message and hurried downstairs, zipping her skirt up in record time while hobbling downstairs. “Hope I don’t smell like chicken. I hate having shifts on Fridays.”
Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you pulled the skirt over the curves of your thighs and butt, watching the way it held onto your body. Stuffing the ends of the top into the skirt, you walked over to pick out a pair of shoes.
“I’m heading out! Johnny’s waiting down here!” Your friend’s voice made your body do the kind of useless flurry that it does whenever you know you’re running out of time, and you drag out the highest heels you own. Small, my ass.
“Hey!” As usual, he softened his frame when he saw you, placing his hands in his pockets and smiling so big so you would forget to feel intimidated by his 6-foot stature, or rock-hard physique. His eyes were like small moons, bursting on his face whenever he smiled. “Hey, nice bangs.” You instinctively went to fiddle with them, silently cursing yourself for messing them up. “Thanks.” Your smile was a little forced, but you were giddy to see him, your body rocking back and forth without your permission, ankles rubbing against each other.
“The pasta was so good,” you couldn’t stop raving, your hips knocking into Johnny as he walked you home, arms linked. “Like seriously, Johnny. So good.”
He laughed, the sound leaving him effortlessly. “I’m so glad you liked it. I remember the pasta here being amazing, but I was worried you would think I’m cheap or not taking you seriously. The place being run down and all.” You shook your head, your bangs shuffling from side to side as you did. “No, of course not. I would rather eat something good on the street than a tiny portion of something small and pretentious at an upscale place.”
He hummed, moonlight hitting his body, softening some angles and sharpening others, hair glowing golden brown as he walked. Your heels clacked against the linoleum of your front porch as you wondered whether your friend was home, but before you could reach for the front door, your knees buckled. You let out a small gasp as you felt Johnny’s arms around your body, pinching into your skin almost uncomfortably. “Oh shit! I’m okay, babe.” You both froze at the sudden nickname, his arms loosening around you as you straightened up. You shakily continued. “U-uhm, sorry, I mean-“
“I think your shoes broke.”                                                                   
Yeah, no shit, you wanted to bite back. But you held your tongue, frustration seeping through your pores as you held onto the rail, Johnny hovering protectively over you as you took the right heel off, now newly broken in two pieces. “Oh my god. These were so expensive! Ugh!”
“It’s okay. Maybe I can buy you another pair. Babe.” He said the last word almost sarcastically, and you glared at him. “Johnny.”
“I’m serious. I’m sorry those broke so easily. I’ll bring a new pair next time?”
“Johnny, wait.”
“You like me, right?” His face crumpled just a tiny bit. Not exaggerated like in the movies or anything, so subtle you would never notice from afar, or if you weren’t close. You warmed at the thought of knowing him so closely, so well, enough to know that something was not right in the lines of his eyebrows.
You gulped, not knowing how to respond.
“I feel like you kinda hate me.” He crinkled his nose when he said hate, almost sarcastically, but his tone jabbed you straight in the chest. You shook your head. No, of course not, you wanted to say. I like you. I like you so much. But I am small to you. I wonder if you think of me as small. Do YOU like me?
“I just, I don’t like being small.” He frowned, and so did you, the words sounding stupid as soon as they filled the small space between your bodies. “I mean, you called me small the other day. And I know you probably, well, definitely, meant it as a cute thing. Like physically. Like a term of endearment, you know? But, I don’t wanna be seen as small, like more than physically. You know what I mean?” You cringed internally at your words, watching him stare blankly back at you.
“I’m so sorry. I sound like such a jerk. I don’t mean to be hung up over one little word you said.” You bit your lip, tasting the remnants of your lipstick on your tongue. “It’s just what made me feel a little weird. But, I do like you, Johnny.” Your heart raced as you looked up at him. Your body moved without permission for the umpteenth time, and your arms melted around his hips, fingers splaying across the small of his back. Your mind screamed at you, but your body ignored it, burning up from within.
Tentatively, he brought one hand to your chin, skin warm but rough on yours. “I don’t think low of you. I never have. I just think you’re so fucking gorgeous. So perfect the way you are.” The butterflies in your stomach were now dancing, free, leaping over hills and grassy plains. “Sorry for the poor choice of words.”
You smiled, some of the tension leaving you as you let your bodies merge seamlessly, like lanes on an open road, like the sun as it meets the horizon. You kicked off your other shoe, standing on your tiptoes to meet his lips with yours. He tentatively glazed his hands over your sides, making you shiver and moan into his mouth. You brought your fingers to the nape of his neck, savouring the taste. “Mmm, Johnn-“
You yelped when he gripped your thigh, guiding it to press against his hips. “Jump up for me, baby.” You giggled, nodding as you straddled him, his torso gently rebounding back with your weight. As you met his lips once more, dragging your forearms across the top of his shoulders, you heard your front door open and close, the door to the downstairs bedroom fling wide open. As your back hit the bed, your hair splayed out onto the fresh sheets, knees bent, lipstick smeared.
Wasting no time to rid himself of his clothes, he spoke. “This room is fine, right?” Muscles bulging as he fiddled with his shirt, the ridges of his chest drawing in the singlet, you bit your finger almost comically. “Hello? Earth to _?” The brown of his eyes were soft, a sharp contrast to his stature. He smirked, his hair bouncing as he threw his head back slightly. “Like what you see?”
“Uh huh.” All the shame left your body as you drew circles on his body and face with your eyes, letting his thick frame tower over you. “Is this okay?” He breathed into your collarbone, and when you nodded fervently, you felt his lips suck and nip at your neck. Gasping, you gripped onto his neck, letting your ankles hook around the back of his jean-clad legs. “Y-yes. Yes please. Don’t tease, I want y-you so much.”
“Yeah?” He played with the buttons of your top, but you stopped him. “I can’t wait…just rip it off, please. I need you. Right now. Please, just use me. I know you can.” He drew an eyebrow upwards, and you almost felt a slight twinge of embarrassment until you heard the top rip, cold air exposing your lace bra, tits bulging as you arched your chest off the bed. “What a slut. Is this what you wanted all along?” He laughed as you wriggled under him, mouth latching onto the tops of your boobs. He released you only to throw your arms up, pinning your wrists down to the bed to watch your reaction. When you bit your lip in response, bringing your core closer to his, he laughed darkly. “Freak.”
“Yes, just for you, fuck, please.”
“Bet you’re just soaked under this tight little skirt. Want me to rip this off too?” You nodded before he could even finish his sentence, and the sound of your fabric ripping filled the air. “Mmm, just as I suspected.” As he dragged your panties down your thighs, you felt your wetness pool onto the sheets under you. “Please, please, hold me down and fuck me.” You whispered into his ear, letting your plump lips graze against his skin as you massaged the nape of his neck with your fingers. You whimpered when his jean-clad bulge bumped against your clit, the burn in your core growing with every passing second.
He kissed you deeply, pulling away at an agonising pace. “Tell me why, baby.” You whined, trying to gather some friction between your legs with no avail. His arms pinned yours to either side of your head, his legs like heavy weights against yours. “Please, I just, I want your cock i-inside me, w-want it to split me open…” He shook his head. “What makes you think I would do that to you? I’m too big for you, honey.”
You whined. “N-no, please. I don’t care, just, push it in me…” He laughed, kissing you. “Please, I want to feel so full…” He shushed you, sitting up to unbuckle his jeans. “Mmm, yes, yes please…” You were just babbling nonsense, the anticipation too intense to bear. His cock sprung out of his boxers, hitting his stomach, precum spilling out the edges of the tip. You heard him rip open a condom packet, dragging it on his length at lightning speed. He ran his cockhead through the folds of your pussy, making you whimper. “So wet.” He breathed, and you gasped as his tip entered you at an agonisingly slow place. “J-Johnny.” Your brain fought your body, wanting him to continue but feeling apprehensive at the impending stretch. “You’re so big. Fuck.” You snuck a hand down towards your clit, but Johnny grabbed your wrist, leaning over to kiss your chin. “Let me.” As he pressed one finger onto your core, you gasped, back arching, eyes squeezing shut. “O-oh, oh my…”
“You like that?” He started speeding up, your gasps and moans like drugs to his system. When he pulled away, he started pushing his length in, and you let out a deep breath, as if you had been holding it in the entire time. “Fuck.” You drawled, feeling him in every corner of your insides. “Fuck, Johnny. You’re, you’re so big, and s-strong.”
Johnny laughed, and you wondered for a second whether you had ruined the mood. “My cock making you lose your filter, babe?” You blushed, but the constant bump and stretch on your clit had your vision go foggy, your head spinning deliriously. You used your forearms to push away, breathing deeply as if his cock had suffocated you from the inside out. Johnny wrapped his arms around your hips, bringing you flush against his pelvis in one swift movement. “Uh uh, where do you think you’re going?” His snarkiness and the fulness in your lower stomach made your core squeeze excessively. “Ah, shit! Fuck, I think I’m gon-“ You felt it before you could finish your sentence, your climax stealing the words out of your mouth, making your heart thump incessantly against your ribcage.
Johnny cooed at your, his forearms now caging you by your head, peppering light kisses on your face. “You alright, sweet girl?” You nodded, gasping. “Please, please move.” He chuckled, groaning as he pulled back to thrust into you, making you throw your head back and scream. “Fuck, oh my god.” Your body shook with the force of his steady thrusts, his legs pinning your body down to the bed. “Good girl, that’s it.” He groaned, getting sloppier as he reached his climax. “You’re so good for me. So eager for me to pin you down and fuck you. Because I’m so big and strong, right?” You reached for Johnny’s neck, the embarrassment at your previous comments leaving you as you felt your core tighten, coil ready to snap. “Fuck, you just gripped me so tight, fuck. Nasty girl.” You moaned as you came, feeling him release inside the condom with a throaty moan.
Both of you heaving, gasping for air, you pulled Johnny close to your body, kissing his collarbone, his neck, his face. “I do like you, a lot.” Your breath tickled his skin as you spoke, and he stroked your hair gently with one hand, using the other to pull away from you to look into your eyes. “I’m sorry for calling you small. I admit, it’s a little weird.”
“Apology accepted. I think we’ve both called each other things we’re never gonna say again.”
“No, hon, you should always call me big and strong Johnny-“
“Johnny, please. Never mention that again. It was a moment of weakness!” You whined, shielding your face as he laughed, slipping off you to lie next to you on the bed. “Kinda sexy though.” You slapped his arm playfully, laughing as slipped down his forearm to take his hand in yours.
“I’ll think of something better for next time, promise.”
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