mistytpednaem · 2 years
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just made this in mspaint. thanks @rollokresnik
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xiiistruggle · 5 years
do 37 thats my special number
are you ready for this. are you ready. okay im not making this up fuzz i swear--
the 13th struggle - project destati. 
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monsterkissed · 2 years
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@rollokresnik​ trish should get to be boss a little... trish should get to torment her dad horribly, for a treat, and be in charge of the crimes, and probably wear an absolutely lethal outfit. these are the things she deserves
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stockpiledmemories · 4 years
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i was sad and anxious so i asked my gf @rollokresnik to draw me some cats so heres wubby and whimsy they’re friends
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mistytpednaem · 2 years
the answer to your tag is "fuzz". 1, 3, 6, 30, 47
1) Fave Jojo? I remember it being Jolyne when I read the manga but let me tell you, Netflix sure is Trying me
3) Fave anime opening? GREAT DAYS GREAT DAYS GREAT DAYS. Honorary mentions to Traitor's Requiem, for how rad the alternate versions are, and Bloody Stream for being the first Jojo opening to ever put stars in my eyes.
6) Fave stand? OH NO THAT'S A REALLY TOUGH ONE... oh god. hm. In terms of design, probably Black Sabbath (actually that's an easy one, haha), but in terms of abilities... I think I have to give it to Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. Fuck the King Crimson memes, Who Shot Johnny Joestar is THE most confused I've ever been reading Jojo and I kind of loved it?
30) Rank your order: Jojo main villains OH MAN THIS ONE'S EVEN HARDER... pls don't look at these too closely, the rankings could change at the drop of a hat. I am extremely malleable
Yoshikage Kira still takes the top spot, I think. Probably the most realistic Jojo villain (bearing in mind that that's a WILD metric lmao), fun to watch, easy to root for AND against, meets a satisfying and appropriate end. I love you Part 4.
HMM. hm. I think Enrico Pucci takes this one because he's so damn compelling. Though I am finding that I don't have much to say about him right now... I blame Netflix Jail.
Okay I'm putting Funny Valentine in this spot because I find him to be a pretty well-written villain by Jojo standards, and I love his stand and I love the magician shtick he's got going on, but Jesus Christ dudebro Funny Valentine fans are the WORST
You may be surprised that Diavolo ranks so low, but the thing with Diavolo is that all the other villains so far did not have their writing muddied by the final arc of their respective parts and I did not need to read thousands of words of fanfiction and good takes or engage in Watsonian analysis to forgive that blunder. Though uhhhh I'll grant the brain worms give him a honorary number 1 spot.
Dio Brando (PB) may not be the most believable villain in fiction, but there's something to be said for how hard he carries Part 1. Not to mention this quintessential experience.
DIO (SDC) does nothing for 95% of the story and he still manages to be iconic, and I think that's very sexy of him. Plus, we wouldn't have Pucci without him.
There's nothing wrong with Kars, really, and him being this low doesn't mean I hate him? In fact I do quite appreciate the Ultimate Ace Icon. I just don't have a lot to say about him either.
I don't hate Toru either! On the contrary, I do love me a fuckboy, and I honestly waffled on naming Wonder of U as one of my fave stands. But man, uh, the shake-up to the usual Jojo formula did not work out for his potential impact as a character, and I have to wonder if DavidPro is going to do anything to help that when they animate Jojolion in 30 years.
47) Moment you wish could have happened? God I'm sure I could think of So Many if pressed but I saw somebody else answer this with "Doppio should have interacted with Trish" and now all I can think about is that.
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magicalboyksoo · 9 years
rollokresnik replied to your post: you know what would make tales of bers...
venaforte replied to your post: you know what would make tales of bers...
im starting a petition 
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xiiistruggle · 5 years
 @rollokresnik​ my khux keyblades or “sir, i have feelings for...
my biggest question is do u have reasoning for the keyblades u picked to put them on
yes actually! lady lucky for a/el and ak/sai bc its a heart with a card in the middle thats the ace of hearts, then for sea salt fam its divine rose bc its blue/red and has flower symbolism (which i can relate to the Girls and also lea bc u kno my headcanons right) and then for the norts its bad guy breaker bc theyre bad guys and im going to break them 
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xiiistruggle · 5 years
@rollokresnik is it gay if i had a crush on u (verified) in 2011 but didnt say anything
yes i love you 
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xiiistruggle · 5 years
@rollokresnik U WERE NOT 14 9 YEARS AGO THIS GAVE ME LIKE. A CRISIS if u were 14 in 2010 that means that when we met u were 9. and im here like.. does math… i was 15… you were… NINE??????????
haha april..... fools...........??
ur my gf u cant publicly shame me for being bad at math after i had a breakdown about being bad at math last week :((((( leave me alone i mathed backwards wrong okay i was 15 ten years ago we met in prob early 2006 when i was 12 ajhgsjhgshjs
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