#roma kamogawa
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These boys are everything to me. My new favorite trio. My adopted sons.
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sir-klauz · 1 year
toto mitarai in and out of crossdress can step on me he is such a goddess, smh to roma for taking the mick outta him bleaching his hair as well
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freaknoobnews · 2 years
Goodbye Donglees! - Un Coming of Age IMPERDIBLE
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Goodbye DonGless! (Gubbai, Don Gurīzu) es un filme de anime que cuenta con la dirección Atzuko Ishizuka (Sora Yorimo Tōi Basho , Hanayamata ) y producida por Madhouse (Perfect Blue, Trigun) .
Esta historia nos presenta a Roma Kamogawa, Toto Mitarai y Drop, un trío de amigos de preparatoria que son parte del club de perdedores conocido como DonGless!, un grupo de rechazados que un día son acusados de causar un incendio en el bosque local, por lo que emprenderán una misión en búsqueda de un objeto que pueda probar su inocencia. 
Uno de los puntos fuertes de esta cinta es su guion, conformado de pequeños detalles con los que conoceremos a cada uno de nuestros protagonistas; sus miedos, sus inseguridades y ese gran temor de dejar la preparatoria para convertirse en adultos en una sociedad que espera todo de ti poniendo un gran peso sobre los hombros de nuestros personajes. Al mismo tiempo durante este viaje se nos presenta la historia de Drop que se encuentra en la búsqueda de un gran tesoro siguiendo la leyenda de un teléfono frente a una cascada en Islandia que es capaz de cumplir los deseos de las personas que contesten a su llamado.
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La película logra mostrar de una manera bastante sutil todos los elementos que van construyendo la trama, sin ser realmente explícita o sin caer en un dramatismo absurdo su forma tan orgánica de ir construyendo la historia hace que se sienta como si fuera un día cualquiera, sin nada ordinario ocurriendo en él, pero que al mismo tiempo se encuentra rodeado de elementos que pueden cambiar la perspectiva de nuestros protagonistas haciendo de lo común algo extraordinario .
Atzuko Ishizuka como directora logra entender a sus personajes a la perfección creando un reflejo de los miedos de la preparatoria y el como un adolescente puede hacer ver un problema minúsculo como si se tratara del fin del mundo, y es gracias a esto que tenemos personajes tridimensionales con los cuales es realmente fácil sentirse identificado y apreciarlos por lo que son, personajes ordinarios sin pretensiones teniendo su gran aventura de verano.
Por otro lado la animación nos presenta una paleta de colores cálidos haciendo una mancuerna espectacular con lo que se nos presenta en el filme, ya que no solo hacen que sientas el calor del verano, si no que esto refleja también las emociones de nuestros personajes y su transición como estudiantes. Por si fuera poco, la cinematografía se complementa de muy buena manera con la música compuesta por Yoshiki Fujisawa, que a través de su composición logra una banda sonora minimalista siempre acertando en las notas de color de cada melodía para enfatizar lo que ocurre en la película creando una gran sinergia entre la historia, la animación y la música. 
Adiós, DonGless! Es un gran “Coming of Age”, que refleja a la perfección la juventud con sus miedos y sueños de perseguir los tesoros de la vida, una película realmente amena que tocara el corazón de quien la vea haciendo pasar un rato realmente ameno y agradable. 
Calificación: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Goodbye, DonGlees: la nuova avventura cinematografica di Atsuko Ishizuka si mostra in un primo trailer
L’originale film d’animazione targato Madhouse debutterà in Giappone nel 2022.
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Online il primo trailer di “Goodbye, DonGlees!”, il nuovo film d’animazione scritto e diretto da Atsuko Ishizuka (A Place Further Than the Universe, No Game No Life) presso lo studio MADHOUSE (ACCA: L’ispettorato delle 13 province, Overlord, Sonny Boy), 
Il film sbarcherà nei cinema giapponesi nel corso del 2022 e racconterà dell’avventura di tre ragazzi che, durante un’insolita vacanza estiva, finiranno per ritrovarsi in Islanda.
Assieme al video è stata svelata anche una nuova locandina ufficiale del film, stavolta con i tre protagonisti della storia in primo piano.
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Il cast principale è composto da:
Roma “Roma” Kamogawa: Natsuki Hanae (Tanjiro Kamado in Demon Slayer)
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Hokuto “Toto” Mitarai: Yuki Kaji (Eren Jeager ne L’Attacco dei Giganti)
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Shizuku “Drop” Sakuma: Ayumu Murase (Shoyo Hinata in Haikyu!! L’asso del volley)
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Il character design è ad opera di Takahiro Yoshimatsu (A Place Further Than the Universe, Atom: The Beginning, Trigun). Le musiche per la colonna sonora sono invece state composte da Yoshiaki Fujisawa (A Place Further Than The Universe, Land of the Lustrous).
Per chi volesse recuperarsi la serie “A Place Further Than the Universe”, trasmessa nel 2018, alla quale ha lavorato lo stesso staff, la potete trovare in streaming su Crunchyroll, in lingua originale con sottotitoli in italiano. 
La regista ha affermato che dopo aver raggiunto l’Antartide nel suo precedente lavoro, ha scelto la nuova meta aprendo una mappa e cercando un luogo all’estremo opposto, finendo per puntare sulla terra del ghiaccio e del fuoco.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Atsuko Ishizuka-directed Original Anime Film Goodbye, DonGlees! Slated for 2022 Release
    It is confirmed today that Goodbye, DonGlees!, an original anime film directed by Atsuko Ishizuka (No Game No Life, A Place Further than the Universe), is now in the works on her own screenplay for a release in 2022. She previously directed No Game No Life Zero in 2017, a prequel story to the TV anime, and this will be her first original theatrical film. As with A Place Further than the Universe, Takahiro Yoshimatsu serves as character designer, and Madhouse works on anime production. 
  Natsuki Hanae (Tanjiro Kamado in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) plays the only son of a farmer, Roma Kamogawa, who spends his days in a vague state of mind. Yuki Kaji (Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan) plays Hokuto "Toto" Mitarai, who is the successor to a hospital and forms a team called DonGlees with Roma, and Ayumu Murase (Shoyo Hinata in Haikyu!!) plays Shizuku "Drop" Sakuma, a boy who joins DonGlees when he comes to the country town where Roma lives.
  A young boy named Roma lives in a rural town a short distance from Tokyo. He can't seem to fit in with his surroundings. He and Toto, who is also an outsider, form their own team called "DonGlees." The relationship is supposed to remain the same even after Toto goes off to high school in Tokyo and they are separated.
  "Hey, don't you want to look down on the world?" The summer vacation of the first year of high school. It started with a casual comment from Drop, a new member of "DonGlees." As a result of Drop's words, Roma and the other two who are framed for the forest fire are forced to search for the drone that disappeared into the sky in search of proof of their innocence. The small adventure in the summer soon turns into a big adventure that will drastically change the way of the boys' life.
    Teaser trailer:
    Teaser visual:
/ ティザービジュアル公開???????? \ 映画『グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ!』 のティザービジュアルを公開✨ 3人の少年「ドン・グリーズ」が ひと夏の青春を駆け抜ける???????? 2022年の公開をお楽しみに‼ ????公式サイト????https://t.co/2lqDe5kkyD#ドングリーズ pic.twitter.com/Y70QcJwPOG
— 映画『グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ!』【公式】2022年ROADSHOW! (@gb_donglees) September 9, 2021
    Three main VAs:
/ キャスト情報解禁???????? \ 3人の少年「ドン・グリーズ」を 演じるメインキャストを発表???? ロウマ : #花江夏樹 トト  : #梶裕貴 ドロップ: #村瀬歩 ????キャラクター情報はこちら????https://t.co/5E7iyQ1i4z#ドングリーズ pic.twitter.com/OpD4T7SSzS
— 映画『グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ!』【公式】2022年ROADSHOW! (@gb_donglees) September 9, 2021
    Source: "Goodbye, DonGlees" official website / Twitter
  ©Goodbye,DonGlees Partners
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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redazionecultura · 7 years
sede: MLF – Marie-Laure Fleisch (Roma).
Nina Fischer e Maroan el Sani lavorano insieme dal 1995 avvalendosi di diverse tecniche quali fotografia, film e video installazione. La loro ricerca focalizza l’attenzione sulla relazione tra la società contemporanea e i luoghi che un tempo costituivano punti di riferimento, come centri di cultura politica, d’arte e di sviluppo sociale, e che oggi hanno perso la loro funzione originaria divenendo spazi utopici, in cui si fondono vissuto e immaginato, simbolo di un passato quasi mitologico. Gli artisti intendono restituirli alla coscienza moderna ridefinendo la loro identità. Nei video assistiamo alla narrazione di storie che indagano questo cambiamento di percezione e il concetto di transizione e trasformazione, avvenuta non solo nella struttura fisica dell’architettura, intesa come luogo di esperienze umane condivise, ma anche a un livello intangibile e immateriale, laddove si è sedimentata la memoria collettiva. Il video Dynamis, presentato in mostra, è stato commissionato nel 2014 dal Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki ed esposto poi nello stesso anno alla Neue Nationalgalerie di Berlino nell’ambito del Festival of Future Nows, inaugurato da Olafur Eliasson. Il film nasce da una performance culturale collettiva, realizzata dalle persone che Nina e Maroan hanno incontrato casualmente nella città di Salonicco. La richiesta che veniva loro fatta era quella di svolgere un esercizio di pazienza e precisione: mettere in equilibrio un uovo finché non si reggesse dritto. L’ambientazione è semplice, si alternano nel video varie superfici di marmo o granito che caratterizzano gli spazi pubblici della città, dalle strade al lungo mare, dal parco alle piazze, all’architettura della Banca Nazionale della Grecia. Qui le persone, uomini, donne e bambini, sono impegnate in questo esperimento solitario, una prova con se stessi innanzitutto, che richiede concentrazione e può durare qualche volta pochi secondi, altre volte diversi minuti, finché il compito non è portato a termine. Il susseguirsi di un incessante stato di elevazione e caduta ben esprime, figurativamente parlando, l’alternarsi di successi e fallimenti che caratterizzano le trasformazioni sociali e culturali delle società, fino al raggiungimento di una comunità bilanciata. La performance è stata poi messa nuovamente in atto durante la proiezione del film presso la Neue Nationalgalerie di Berlino, dove i visitatori hanno cercato di far star dritte le uova sulle innumerevoli superfici lisce che formano il perimetro esterno dell’architettura modernista di Mies van der Rohe. Anche in galleria gli artisti vogliono coinvolgere attivamente il pubblico, che è invitato a cimentarsi nella prova. Per questa ragione insieme al video è presente un’installazione costituita da un blocco di marmo bianco posto al centro della sala, accanto a un contenitore con delle uova. Il visitatore si confronta con la forma semplice ma allo stesso tempo complessa dell’uovo e la perseveranza della sua azione diviene simbolo dello sforzo costante di trovare un equilibrio, interiore ed esteriore.
Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani (Germania, 1965 e 1966) artisti visivi e registi insieme dal 1995, vivono e lavorano a Berlino. Dal 2007 al 2010 sono stati docenti di Film and Media Art all’Università di Sapporo, Giappone. Dal 2015 Nina Fischer è professore di Experimental Film and Media Art presso la Universität der Künste di Berlino. Tra le mostre personali: Movement of Freedom, MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Roma, Italia (2017); Perpetual Uncertainty, Bildmuseet, Umeå, Svezia (2016); K21 Künstlerräume, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, K21 – Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, Germania (2016); Dreisatz der Identität, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Svizzera (2015); Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, MART, Dublino, Irlanda (2014); Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Mamam Recife, Brasile (2013); Toute la mémoire du monde, Austin Museum of Art, (TX), USA, (2012); Spelling Dystopia, CoBrA Museum, Amstelveen, Olanda (2010); A window to the world, Museum of Contemporary Art Hiroshima, Giappone (2010); The beauty of the imperfect, Kunsthaus Glarus, Svizzera (2009); The Rise, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, Olanda, (2007); Radio Solaris, -273, 15 °C = 0 Kelvin, Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, Giappone, (2005); Aura Research, Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Giappone (1998). Tra le mostre collettive: Transmediale, Atlas of MediaThinking and MediaActing in Berlin, HKW, Berlino, Germania (2016); Remake Resnais, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Siviglia, Spagna (2015); 2050 – A brief history of the future, Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Bruxelles, Belgio (2015); Festival of Future Nows, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlino, Germania (2014); SeMa, Media City Seoul Biennale, Corea del Sud (2014); Aichi Triennale, Giappone (2013); Curitiba Biennale, Brasile (2013); Media City Seoul Biennale, Corea del Sud (2012 e 2014); 10a Biennale di Istanbul, Turchia (2007); Biennale di Sydney, Australia (2002); Manifesta 4, Francoforte, Germania (2002); Biennale di Arte Contemporanea di Liverpool, UK (1999); Gwangju Biennale, Corea del Sud (1995, 2002, 2008). Hanno vinto il Karl-Hofer- Prize e numerose residenze artistiche, quali: Accademia Tedesca di Villa Massimo, Roma, Italia; DAAD, Tokyo, Giappone; Cité des Arts, Parigi, Francia; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Olanda; Villa Kamogawa, Kyoto, Giappone.
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani. Dynamis sede: MLF - Marie-Laure Fleisch (Roma). Nina Fischer e Maroan el Sani lavorano insieme dal 1995 avvalendosi di diverse tecniche quali fotografia, film e video installazione.
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Three Boys' Adventure Begins in Original Anime Film Goodbye, DonGlees Full Trailer
    The official website for the Atsuko Ishizuka (A Place Further than the Universe)-directed original anime feature film Goodbye, DonGlees has posted a 100-second full trailer featuring its theme song "Rock The World" provided by the four-member Japanese rock band [Alexandros].
  The site has also announced two additional voice cast members, whose characters are introduced for the first time in the clip. Jun Tamura (a member of Japanese comedy duo London Boots Ichi-go Ni-go) plays the protagonist Roma Kamogawa's father Taro, while Rino Sashihara (ex-AKB48 member) is cast as Roma's mother, Mako.
  This trailer depicts Roma Kamogawa (CV: Natsuki Hanae) who lives in a rural town in the Kanto area, and his best friend Hokuto "Toto" Mitarai (Yuki Kaji) who is returning home from Tokyo, meeting Shizuku "Drop" Sakuma (Ayumu Murase), a mysterious boy from Iceland, and going on an adventurous journey.
  The film is set to be released in Japan on February 18, 2022. Its world premiere screening was already held at the 34th Tokyo International Film Festival on November 5, 2021.
    Full trailer:
    / キャスト情報解禁???????? \ 映画『グッバイ、ドングリーズ!』 追加キャストを発表✨ ロウマの父: #田村淳(ロンドンブーツ1号2号) ロウマの母:#指原莉乃 ????キャラクター情報はこちら????https://t.co/5E7iyQ1i4z#ドングリーズ pic.twitter.com/DvzndlIIxv
— 映画『グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ!』【公式】2022年2月18日(金)公開 (@gb_donglees) December 8, 2021
    Main visual:
  A young boy named Roma lives in a rural town a short distance from Tokyo. He can't seem to fit in with his surroundings. He and Toto, who is also an outsider, form their own team called "Don Glees." The relationship is supposed to remain the same even after Toto goes off to high school in Tokyo and they are separated.
  "Hey, don't you want to look down on the world?" The summer vacation of the first year of high school. It started with a casual comment from Drop, a new member of "DonGlees." As a result of Drop's words, Roma and the other two who are framed for the forest fire are forced to search for the drone that disappeared into the sky in search of proof of their innocence. The small adventure in the summer soon turns into a big adventure that will drastically change the way of the boys' life.
      Sources: "Goodbye, DonGlees" official website / Twitter
  ©Goodbye,DonGlees Partners
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Anime Film Goodbye, DonGlees Gets Its Japanese Release Date of February 18, 2022
    On November 5, the 34th Tokyo International Film Festival held the world premiere of the original anime feature film Goodbye, DonGlees in its "Japanese Animation" section, and it was announced that the film's theatrical release date in Japan has been set for February 18, 2022.
  At the event, the film's main voice cast members - Natsuki Hanae (Roma Kamogawa), Yuki Kaji (Hokuto "Toto" Mitarai), Ayumu Murase (Shizuku "Drop" Sakuma), Kana Nanazawa (Chibori Urayasu) - and director Atsuko Ishizuka (A Place Further than the Universe) gave a speech at the Kadokawa Cinema Yurakucho in Tokyo. According to Hanae, the release day will be one week before Hanazawa's birthday.
  Hanazawa, who voiced Shirase Kobuchizawa, one of the main characters in Ishizuka's past work A Place Further than the Universe, wrote on Twitter after the event, "I took the stage to greet the completion of the film 'Goodbye, DonGlees.' An original feature film by director Atsuko Ishizuka... it has to be great! It will be released on February 18 next year (Hanae-kun taught us the hard way to remember it..., it will be a week before my birthday)!"
    映画『グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ!』完成披露舞台挨拶に登壇致しました(*´꒳`*) いしづかあつこ監督によるオリジナル長編…素敵に決まっている! 公開は来年2月18日(私の誕生日の1週間前っていう難しい覚え方を花江君が教えてくれた)です! pic.twitter.com/ZrScG5duVq
— 花澤香菜 (@hanazawa_staff) November 5, 2021
    Video report by Oricon News:
    Theme song PV:
    Teaser visual:
    Sources: "Goodbye, DonGlees" official website / Kana Hanazawa official Twitter / Oricon News
  ©Goodbye,DonGlees Partners
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Kana Hanazawa Joins Original Anime Film Goodbye, DonGlees! as Photo-loving Girl Chibori
    Kana Hanazawa has been announced as an additional voice cast member for Goodbye, DonGlees!, the forthcoming original anime film directed by Atsuko Ishizuka (No Game No Life, A Place Further than the Universe). She previously played Shirase Kobuchizawa, one of the main characters in A Place Further than the Universe.
  In Goodbye, DonGlees!, she is cast as Chibori Urayasu, a photo-loving fellow student of the protagonist, Roma Kamogawa. She has never been in the same class as Roma, but one day in an extracurricular activity, she sees Roma with a single-lens reflex camera and they exchange words. However, before her graduation, she is forced to move to Ireland suddenly because of her parents' work.
  Hanazawa says, "When I received the offer, I was very happy to be involved in director Atsuko Ishizuka's work again. Chibori, the girl I'll be voicing, is a camera-loving, slightly mature girl who plays an important role in the story. And the content of the film is already too good... I enjoyed it immensely, being tossed about as the story unfolded. I hope you can see DonGlees' rich coming-of-age story on the big screen!"
  Atsuko Ishizuka's first original theatrical film Goodbye, DonGlees! is set to be released in Japan in 2022. The other three main voice cast members are: Natsuki Hanae (Tanjiro Kamado in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) as Roma Kamogawa, Yuki Kaji (Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan) as Hokuto "Toto" Mitarai, and Ayumu Murase (Shoyo Hinata in Haikyu!!) as Shizuku "Drop" Sakuma.
    / キャスト情報解禁???????? \ 映画『グッバイ、ドングリーズ!』 豪華追加キャストを発表✨ チボリ: #花澤香菜 ????キャラクター情報はこちら????https://t.co/5E7iyPJHd1#ドングリーズ pic.twitter.com/UsI7APnJqc
— 映画『グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ!』【公式】2022年ROADSHOW! (@gb_donglees) September 27, 2021
    / キャラクター紹介???????? \ ????チボリ(浦安千穂里) CV: #花澤香菜 中学生のときにロウマの住む田舎町に引っ越してきた少女。 写真が大好きで、ある日の課外授業でロウマが憧れの一眼レフカメラを持っているのを見て言葉を交わすが、 卒業を待たずに急遽海外へ移住することに。#ドングリーズ pic.twitter.com/Y0fuNSdVEO
— 映画『グッバイ、ドン・グリーズ!』【公式】2022年ROADSHOW! (@gb_donglees) September 27, 2021
  A young boy named Roma lives in a rural town a short distance from Tokyo. He can't seem to fit in with his surroundings. He and Toto, who is also an outsider, form their own team called "DonGlees." The relationship is supposed to remain the same even after Toto goes off to high school in Tokyo and they are separated.
  "Hey, don't you want to look down on the world?" The summer vacation of the first year of high school. It started with a casual comment from Drop, a new member of "DonGlees." As a result of Drop's words, Roma and the other two who are framed for the forest fire are forced to search for the drone that disappeared into the sky in search of proof of their innocence. The small adventure in the summer soon turns into a big adventure that will drastically change the way of the boys' life.
    Teaser trailer:
    Teaser visual:
    Source: "Goodbye, DonGlees" official website / Twitter
  ©Goodbye,DonGlees Partners
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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