#romana (3rd regeneration)
doctorwhogirlie · 5 months
Doctor Who: The Five Doctors
Season Twenty ✨ 1983 ✨
Doctor: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Story Length: Special Episode
Companions: Susan, Lethbridge-Steward, Sarah-Jane, Romana II, Tegan, Turlough
Main Setting: Death Zone, Gallifrey, Rassilon Era
Main Enemy: President Borusa
Creatures: Time-Lords, Yeti, Dalek, Cybermen
My Personal Rating: 9/10
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I am being diminished, whittled away piece by piece. A man is the sum of his memories you know, a Time Lord even more so… Source.
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I was so so so so excited for this story! I had been counting down how many episodes since maybe the 3rd Doctor's stories. Sad I know, but the idea of this story was just beyond cool to me! Plus I got to see the Second Doctor again and I'd do anything to see that goofy guy.
So many things made me incredibly happy in this story, one being Bessie <3
I was first confused at how Sarah Jane got K9, but I did some googling, and apparently the Doctor sent her K9 as a gift, maybe it was mentioned in K9's tv series, I'm not 100% sure.
It was really nice seeing companions from the past, I had missed Susan a lot, and seeing Romana again was nice, it's a shame all Romana's and the 4th Doctor's stuff was from an unaired episode.
It was incredibly weird, seeing the first doctor, not played by William Hartnell, it hurt to be honest.
Seeing Liz and Mike as the phantoms was so sad! But what was even sadder was seeing Jamie and Zoe, and I had guessed that they were not actually them, but more phantoms.
Though it did confuse me a little that the second doctor mentioned to phantom Jamie/Zoe that they were made to forget about him, but how would he know, since he was made to regenerate as soon as that happens, suppose I shouldn't really question these kinds of things in a tv show about time travel.
Throughout the story I kept thinking about what it would of been like if Jamie was the Doctor's main companion, such a shame Frazer Hines wasn't able to do so.
Susan: What are we going to do now?
Turlough: Die.
Turlough, my man, yes. My humor and his humor are the same.
Overall the story was a bit meh, but I was so excited about everything else that it didn't matter.
(Please don't take these too seriously, I am not a real life reviewer, just someone who likes the show)
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ramblingsofamadblob · 3 months
Chamm Doctor
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(Age: 17)(Height: 5’4)(Gender: Genderfluid)(Pronouns: Xe/Xem/Xir/Xirs/Xirself or Doctor)(Species: Gallifreyan Time Lord)(Type: Pureblood)(Job: Marine Biologist)
Xe is very strange and cooky, you never quite know what’s going on with Xem, very friendly though
Always talks like Xe knows way more about what’s going going on then everyone else does, whether that’s true or not is questionable
Xir real name is Chammindvoraddogroddi They just added doctor cause they thought it was funny
Xe is actually 153
Uses a wheelchair
Is on xir 3rd regeneration
Xe will tell people Xe is related to THE Doctor, but that is not true
will refer to Xirself as both Chamm and Doctor and allows others to do the same
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Pervious regenerations:
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Characters Doctor is related too:
Romana (unspecified relationship)
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I put a picture of the original Romana, because I don’t like Romano II
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thebadtimewolf · 9 months
uh 🎵perhaps perhaps perhaps AND I DONT WAN–🎵
yes i do expect martha to get her own dr
side bar: (that being said I WOULD CACKLE ONLY ME I WOULD CACKLE IF ITS DHAWAN DOCTOR THE WHOLE TIME no you dont understand shes got the only one that is so desperate hes essentially just not a bottom but also a touch starved emotionally starved pet BUT THAT ALSO WOULD GROVEL AT THE PANG OF BOTH THE MASTERS ACTIONS TO MARTHA AND HER FAMILY CONSIDERING HIS NAME WAS THE MASTER AND ENSLAVED A BLACK FAMILY AND THE DRS INACTION OF BOTH HIS RENEWED-STUFFED DOWN FEELINGS OF MARTHA AND ALSO HIM STRAIGHT UP JUST 🎵im floatin glowin grandpa joe wheehehehee imma keep him since i left the the other nurse racist back there badoobydoobydoo🎵 AT THE END i just think hes the perfect incarnation to really hit home of how they should be the one to apologize for all of it for fucking up her life during travel AND at home because we see that simms incarnation thrice now is never going to do that just like tennant incarnations will never say i love or loved rose out loud on screen unless its to kick her down. dhawan!dr is perfect stress relief and closure for martha from both timelords in one. does he get reformed? yeah. is he the only one aside from donna14 and (very poorly done) missy? no. but i think it's a great idea. also two sacha dhawans. because there's a dhawan in the master tooth and now a dhawan forever embued in the dr regeneration cycle now. because if he doesnt count 3rd dr doesnt count so fuck you. also both 10 and dhawandr have the big sad brown puppy eyes and side burns and slightly spiked hair (a good inbetween ofhair with 9th and 10th drs) so its very easy for them to go 'oh my god it is you its both of you' when they see both the dr and the master in their eyes. Since uh russel wanted to say that wild shit about how the drs can all co exist in "bi generation" when really they just have a time machine and thats why they co exist because if they all co exist so does dhawan!doctor rtd you goof.)
yes i do expect 15 is also going to force the master into actual therapy as a hardcut to the doctor sitting there while master is airing it all in front either a veteran group a la the punisher group secession or in front of at least three other therapists (im side eying the choices for wink wink nudge actors to play psychiatrists like the last ones they are known for in other shows)
yes i do think the best revenge is martha revealing shes been actually married to romana (either lalla ward reprises her role or we can bring in romana iii aka drusilla from buffy yes this canonical she has doctor who big finish audios as romana) the whole time but only said mickey because it was 1)a fling and 2) strictly friends that he offered because romana's suggestion of him being their surrogate mother terrified him because it CAN work and to piss a dying 10 off and 15 deadass going 'well it worked babes, he was pissed off enough to have him gagged and stumbling' to really shoot [😒those types of😒] tenrose shippers in the heart and head with a lazer
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aromantic-eight · 4 years
This is part of a series of gen fic recs I’m making for Genuary 2021, organized by fandom. I’ll be putting these together quick, and many of these I have not read in a long time, so they’ll mostly just have a length range, either some general content tags I used for organizing or AO3 tags depending on the age of the bookmark, the summary, and a hopefully-still-working link.
Next up: Doctor Who! This is another fandom where I have over 100 gen bookmarks, so I will again be posting only those bookmarks flagged as favorites. For the rest, head over here (link). The following list is sorted into longfic and one shots, and seem to be mostly 10th doctor and Martha Jones, but there are a smattering of other doctors and companions in there as well.
Doctor Who
A Busman's Holiday by jinxed_wood (PG)
Words: 10-50k | Era: 10th doctor, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness
Tags: plotty, action, humor, captured, undercover
Jack needs to be rescued, and the Doctor asks Martha to help. (Set after LoTL)
 Planar Flight by jinxed_wood (PG)
Words: 10-50k | Era: 8th doctor, 10th doctor, Martha Jones
Tags: plotty, action, drama, captured, episode tag for 29x08
It's 1913, and The Farringham School for Boys is haunted by ghosts. Martha suspects foul play, especially when another Doctor arrives on the scene.
 First Steps by Charamei (PG)
Words: 10-50k | Era: academy!doctor, academy!Master, Braxatiel
Tags: plotty, action, friendship, burns, pre-series, telepathy, trapped
There's being born, and then there's being born into a world with no adults, no clothes, no food and a terrifying alien Thing upstairs. When their Looms birth them straight into the middle of an emergency, can Our Heroes muddle through?
 Past Due by Cryptile (PG)
Words: 50-100k | Era: 9th doctor, Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness
Tags: action, drama, outsider pov, law enforcement, rumors/misconceptions, telepathy, time war
The Doctor gets in over his head searching for a dangerous relic from the Time War, meaning that Jack and Rose will have to bail him out. Too bad he's packed them off on a holiday.
 The Man With No Name by Frostfyre7 (PG-13)
Words: 50-100k | Era: 10th doctor
Tags: plotty, crossover with Firefly, action, outsider pov, alien!doctor, rumors/misconceptions, gun injuries, telepathy, time war
He hadn't really counted on getting into a pub brawl over the color of his coat on some speck of a planet, or signing up with a crew of petty criminals. Still, he'd always wondered what really happened to those Lost Colonists from Earth...
 After Life by Amy Wolf (PG)
Words: 10-50k | Era: 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,9th,10th doctors
Tags: character study, memories/reminiscence
Rationally speaking, you know you’re not dead. Also, there aren’t eight other people in here, and you aren’t trapped in Jean-Paul Sartre’s vision of Hell. (The ninth doctor's point of view as he regenerates and, in the process, makes peace with some past mistakes)
 Here There Be by Cryptile (PG)
Words: 10-50k | Era: Mickey Smith, Rose Tyler, TARDIS
Tags: plotty, action, character study, parallel universes, repercussions, therapy
Rose Tyler battles Prehistoric Beasts, Torquay housewives and her new therapist.
  One Shots
Five Times Jenny Met One of the Doctor's Companions by Netgirl_y2k (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: Jenny, Mel Bush, Mickey Smith, Romana 2, Sarah Jane Smith, Tegan Jovanka
Tags: humor, hijinks, chance meeting
Jenny saves some civilisations, does a lot of running and meets some of the Doctor's old friends.
 An Outlaw's Life For Me by charamei (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 4th doctor, Romana 2
Tags: humor, fluff, hijinks, gallifrey, slice of life
During an enforced stop-over on Gallifrey, the Doctor encounters what may well be his greatest threat ever. Romana isn't so sure.
 Attack of the Chronofaeces by Charamei (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 5th doctor, Adroc. Nyssa, Tegan
Tags: humor, gallifrey, slice of life, time travel
A blinky light on the TARDIS that none of the companions has ever seen before begins to flash urgently. There's an incoming package... but the Doctor doesn't seem too keen to explain what it's a package *of*. (Worldbuilding gone cracky. Approach with caution, and an umbrella.)
 Timey Wimey Tea Time by jinxed_wood (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 8th doctor, Romana 2, Martha Jones
Tags: time travel, chance meeting
In which Martha wakes up to the sound of two intruders making tea in her kitchen.
 Leave the Light On by Cherry Ice (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 9th doctor, Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness
Tags: character study, addiction, grief, memories/reminiscence, pre-series
The summer Jack was fifteen, his sister stepped out of the world. "Gone for pomegranates," the note on the kitchen table said, black marker and a backward slant.
 Duality by The_Bookkeeper (PG-13)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor
Tags: character study, outsider pov, scary!doctor
He seemed nice. Friendly, polite, big smile.
 Ten Calls by Jayne Leitch (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Martha Jones
Tags: character study, friendship, post-series, time travel
Martha left the Doctor her cell phone so she could call him if necessary. As it turns out, he calls her first.
 Come to Utopia by aralias (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Simm!Master
Tags: AU, episode tag 29x13, time travel, drama
In which the Doctor, having saved the Master's life at the end of LotTL, returns to Utopia to rescue the human spheres he was forced to trap there, the Master gets sick of the sound of his own voice, and the universe nearly ends twice.
 Everything But the Kitchen Sink by Netgirl_y2k (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 11th doctor, Oswin Oswald, TARDIS
Tags: AU, character study, introspective, episode tag to 33x01
Another important lesson Oswin learns is that creeping up on the Doctor while he sleeps and shouting, "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!" in his ear is only funny to her.
 Changing Directions by jinxed_wood (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: Martha Jones, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Jack Harkness
Tags: humor, hospital, law enforcement
Martha Jones. In the surgery. With the cleaver, and the body. There was a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. Pity she couldn’t share it with the London Metropolitan police force. Set after season three; a prequel, of sorts, to my short story, The House Call
 Extraordinary by thirty2flavors (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Donna Noble
Tags: episode tag for 30x10, angels
“They were scared,” was all the Doctor would say, and for once Donna found herself wishing he’d relinquish the moral high ground and admit that they were wrong, wrong, wrong, cowards and idiots and quite nearly murderers.
 Flowers on Fire by etherati (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 1st doctor, 10th doctor, Academy!doctor, academy!Master, Delgado!Master, Simm!Master
Tags: angst, character study, drama, canon character death, unusual format
They burn, in the darkness and the light, circling round each other like binary stars just on the edge of nova. They both burn, but they do not burn the same. Theta, Koschei, and their successors.
 An End has a Start by Netgirl_y2k (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Martha Jones
Tags: crossover with Firefly, action, time travel
It seemed that the Doctor's moral stance on not participating in major jewel heists for fear of screwing up the timeline was considerably weaker when they were a) in another universe b) especially fun jewel heists. Crossover with Firefly.
 Hivetwist by charamei (PG)
Words: 1-500 | Era: 10th doctor
Tags: character study, episode tag for 30x06, telepathy, introspective
Jenny's untrained telepathy is giving the Doctor problems.
 It Is Defended by charamei (PG)
Words: 1-500 | Era: 10th doctor, Simm!Master
Tags: character study, introspective, episode tag for 29x12 and 29x13
Even renegades need rules, and the Master has broken them.
 Technical Difficulties by bendingsignpost (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Donna Noble
Tags: fluff, humor, banter
An alien git and possessed office supplies. Just another ordinary day for Donna Noble.
 Hey Now Hey Now by Cryptile (PG)
Words: 5-10k | Era: 10th doctor, Rose Tyler
Tags: angst, character study, introspective, repercussions, unusual format
It's not that the smiles aren't genuine. It's not that the songs aren't howled from somewhere heartfelt and that the laughter is fake. It's all real, at the end of the day. But there are other things that are real, Rose Tyler knows, and the TARDIS croons and murmurs to her again and wolves howl from a place she hopes she wishes she prays isn't there.
 All Through the Night by Significant Owl (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Rose Tyler
Tags: episode tag for The Christmas Invasion, regeneration, sentimental
This was when it was hardest. When he was still, when he was quiet, when he could be anybody. [post-ep for TCI]
 Downtime by Cryptile (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler
Tags: angst, episode tag for The Christmas Invasion, regeneration, unusual format, holiday
The reasons he does not give her for why they do not leave on that enchanted December night, the snow (ash) piling up around their ankles as they stare at the stars:
 A Pound Note And A Soft Smack by Versaphile (PG)
Words: 500-1k | Era: 10th doctor
Tags: humor
S4, no spoilers. The problem with lying about your age is remembering to be consistent.
 Twentyish Lies Told To Rose Tyler by nostalgia (PG)
Words: 500-1k | Era: 10th doctor
Tags: character study, 1st person pov, unusual format
"Please select from the following options."
 Wouldn't You Like To Get Away? by Doyle (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Martha Jones
Tags: fluff, humor, episode tag for 29x13
Months after she left the Doctor, Martha gets a surprise visit.
 Peacetime by garrideb (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Jack Harkness
Tags: friendship, hurt/comfort, sentimental, cuddling, grief, holidau, episode tag for 29x13
After Last of the Time Lords, the Doctor needs a friend, so he convinces Jack to take one more trip with him. They travel to a war-torn planet in the midst of a special festival. Written: 11/2007
 Fake a Smile by The_Bookkeeper (PG-13)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Martha Jones
Tags: angst, character study, dark, introspective, memories/reminiscence
Martha is persistent, but the Doctor is evasive, and he’s had more practice than she has.
 One Day at a Time by Settiai (PG)
Words: 1-5k | Era: 10th doctor, Martha Jones
Tags: episode tag for 29x10, rumors/misconceptions, slice of life, time travel
It was just another normal day in 1969. (coda to Blink)
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Which Doctor/Companion combos do you think actually hooked up on the TARDIS? Mine are: Doctor and Jamie Jamie and Zoe Doctor and Liz 4th Doctor and Sarah Jane 4th Doctor and Romana I. The sex was so good it caused her to regenerate into Romana II and they kept going. 5 was asexual, but Nyssa and Tegan went at it like a mouth on legs ;) 6 and River 7 and River 8 and Charlie 8 and Tamsin War and 9 too damaged to think about it 10 and Rose for sure 11 had too much outside that he was exhausted
FIrst Doctor? Not at all. 
2nd to 5th? i feel like any of the companion combos together you listed ; any with the Doctor? 3rd, and 4th. I think Peri definitely was with any of the Doctor’s she was with : 5th but maybe a strain with 6. 
I definitely feel like River with any of the Doctor’s.  Agree on 8 and Charlie / Tamsin.  Agree on Romana and i have to say that i feel like : the Doctor and Rani even if it was some fwbs / more than one night stands but cut off of it. I feel like there was some hinting stuff with the Doctor and Master if were being honest. Definitely 3 and Jo Grant.
I always thought Nyssa and Tegan has this gay shit, so im glad you agree. Definitely agree on War and 9 ; that was the last thing on their minds. I disagree o nthe Doctor & Rose ONLY BECAUSE if near the end of their companionship together and she was stuck with the metacrisis in a parallel dimension? Just now admitting their feelings to each other { Rose directly and 10 being obvious but not saying it out right and the whole timelord human difference thing? I feel like they didn’t but could have end up doing so. } 
For any other people with the Doctor save for any of the mentioned classic companions , i would say maybe Clara tbh because that whole stuff with her and the Doctor, especially 11 and 12? But thats just me. 
ANd with the way its looking / hinted / suggested / wanted : Yaz and 13 maybe? ;)
but not at all: 
Rose { but that could have changed had she stayed in universe }
Martha { her feelings weren’t reciprocated }
Donna {full on ass BROTP for the win ; nothing there whatsoever }
Obviously not Mickey, Rory, Graham, Ryan, Amelia, Bill, Nardole.
Lastly , i do have to say? I feel like Jack too somewhere. Take your pick on 9 and or 10. I feel like if anything 1 or not at all bc 9 left him behind and 10 ran from him and said being around him just feels wrong. So ehh maybe not Jack at all, idk.
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kt-cakie-keki · 5 years
A Doctor Who Theory
Bilmey wasn't expecting yesterday episodes, its the first episode in a long while that's really got me thinking about the lord of Doctor Who and trying to work out how it all fit into the overall history of the show. The two main aspects of last night episode, which I just couldn't stop think about. One beening how is Ruth the Doctor, how that works, where does she come from timeline wise, and then's her Tardis, why did it look like the Tardis that we all know and love.
Well my hunch is that Ruth is either the original Doctor, yet to regenerate into the 1st Doctor (Willam Hartnell) that we see in the first ever episode 'The Unearthly Child' or is a missing regeneration after his at some piont but I'd find this lest likey as it would mean rewriting a lot. The reason for my thinking it the her Tardis has a very similar layout/design to the 1st Doctor Tardis, so I think that Ruth is into a couple of hundreds, she had her children and has Grandchildren. We know this as she call the Tardis, the 'Tardis' which was a name given to it by Susan her Granddaughter, when about it was given is unknow, I first assume it was while she was traveling with him but it could of been before. Another reason I think she'd the original Doctor is due to a comment Missy said in 'The Magicians Apprentice' we know that the Master and the Doctor are childhood friends, Missy said that she's the Doctor best friend, know him since he was a little girl. I could also say that with the basis, and the image of the Timeless Child, that the Doctor could be the Timeless Child but it not something I would fullly back until more comes to light.
As to why the 13th Doctor doesn't remember herself as Ruth's Doctor, there are many reasons. The most obvious would be that the Time Lord took thous memory from her, we know they are capable of doing so as it been seen before on Doctor Who. When the 2nd Doctor (Patrick Troughton) was put on trial, they wipe the memorys of his companions and took the information of how to fix his Tardis from him before forcing him to regenerate and exiling him to earth. After this is 3rd incarnation (John Pertwee) had amnesia for most of his first episodes, a trait which has been used for other Doctor's regenerations like the 6th Doctor (Colin Baker).
Other possible reason that have cross my mine would be that Ruth's as the Doctor could be an alternate timeline or she's from a completely different dimension but I haven't seen anything that could back this idea.
So why did the her Tardis look like the Tardis we all know and love today, well I think that quite simple really. It looks like that because it impacts us as an audience more, when Ruth got her memorys back we know she was a Time Lord but who, my first guess was The Rani, maybe the Master or even Romana. When we saw the 13th uncover the Tardis it all clicked into place for her and for us, it was a massive 'How can that be!' moment and the scene wouldn't of had the same effect other wise. The answer of how can that be for the 13th Doctor, is I think the Tardis Chameleon Circuit is working as this would be before it broke and the Tardis being sentinel chose it form to be a Police Box as it knows that this is the only form the 13th Doctor would recognise it be so.
There still a lot of gaps I think in my theory that need to be filled, but for now I think it cover the most pressing question that come to my mind. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
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wayward-wren · 7 years
Doctor Who Hogwarts house sorting.
(I am a Hufflepuff myself)
1st Doctor - Ravenclaw
2nd Doctor - Slytherin (maybe? Haven’t seen him for a while)
3rd Doctor - Gryffindor
4th Doctor - Slytherin
5th Doctor - Hufflepuff
6th Doctor - Gryffindor
7th Doctor - yeah, there’s only really one answer. Slytherin.
8th Doctor - Ravenclaw
War Doctor - haven’t met him, but I think Gryffindor?
9th Doctor - Hufflepuff
10th Doctor - Ravenclaw
11th Doctor - Hufflepuff
12th Doctor - haven’t met him, but Slytherin?
Susan - Hufflepuff
Barabra - Ravenclaw
Ian - Gryffindor
Vicki - Haven’t seen her for a while... Hufflepuff?
Katrina - Hufflepuff
Sara - Gryffindor
Steven - Slytherin?
Dodo - Gryffindor
Polly - Ravenclaw
Ben - Gryffindor
Jamie - Come to my house child. He is the best Hufflepuff eva
Victoria - Hufflepuff
Zoe - Ravenclaw
Liz - Ravenclaw
Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart - Gryffindor
Benton - Hufflepuff (The amount of times he let himself get knocked out so the Doctor could escape)
Mike Yates - Slytherin.
Jo - Gryffindor or Hufflepuff
Sarah Jane - she is a Slytherin and anyone who says otherwise can fite me
Leela - Gryffindor
K-9 - Ravenclaw
Romana - (Both regeneration) Ravenclaw
Adric - my sweet summer child is a Hufflepuff
Nyssa - Ravenclaw
Tegan - Gryffindor
Turlough - Slytherin
Peri - I don’t want her so Gryffindor can have her
Evelyn - Either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor
Penguin dude - I haven’t met him I’m sorry. I have no idea
Mel - I don’t want her either so Gryffindor can have her as well
Ace - I want her, but Gryffindor gets her also
Grace - Ravenclaw
Charley - Gryffindor
Fitz - haven’t met him
Rose - Gryffindor
Adam - stuff him he ain’t a companion.
Mickey - Hufflepuff
Jack - Slytherin
Martha - Ravenclaw
Donna - Gryffindor
Wilf - Hufflepuff (”You never killed anyone.” “Don’t say that like it’s a bad thing”)
Amy - Gryffindor
Rory - Hufflepuff. 
River - Slytherin? (haven’t seen much of her)
and I haven’t met Clara, Bill or Nordale.
Sarah Jane Adventures.
Sarah Jane - She is now a Slytherpuff.
Luke - Ravenclaw (argument could be made for Hufflepuff)
Maria - Hufflepuff
Clyde - Slytherin tbh
Rani - Gryffindor
K-9 - Still Ravenclaw
Mr. Smith - Ravenclaw
Sky - Hufflepuff
I haven’t seen any so I can’t say.
Feel free to add!
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