#genuary 2021
midnightpink · 7 months
(Never) Forget Who You Are
“Hello, my name is Joo Lee,” says a young man in cheery spring green, his smile stretched to the point of pain. “I have been given the great honor of showing the Avatar around Ba Sing Se.”
read it here on ao3
by: mindbending
Words: 10,631, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English 
Collections: Genuary 2021, Identity Crisis, Good Readings (ymmv), Road to Nowhere Discord Recs, Alicia's idea of good fics, avatar tingz, Best of Avatar: The Last Airbender, great reads, Psychologeek top picks, ùwú oh worm? then squirm., Fics to forget reality, Neurodivergence, My heart is full, Shady Misc Fandom Faves, God Tier ATLA fics, Sansthepacifist's favorite fics, Mah Cabbages, But muuum they're my emotional support fanfics!, То что нравится, ATLA, Cosmo's Collection of Chronicles, Specific Brand of Melancholy, A multiverse of Zuko, fics i will read for ever and ever and ever and ever
Fandom:  Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Iroh (Avatar), Dai Li, Long Feng
Relationship: The Gaang & Zuko (Avatar), Iroh & Zuko (Avatar), Ozai & Zuko (Avatar), Dai Li & Zuko
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Hopeful Ending, Mental Health Issues, Brainwashing, Joo Dee Zuko, Joo Lee Zuko, Trauma, Child Abuse, Imprisonment, brief discussion of weight and eating habits, the gaang tells zuko about the scar, no that last tag's not backwards, zuko doesn't want to be an unreliable narrator but he can't help it right now
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startanewdream · 4 years
Eyes glistening (with the ghost of my past)
Summary: “Can you remember your parents at all?” said Rita Skeeter, talking over him.
“No,” said Harry. 
“How do you think they’d feel if they knew you were competing in the Triwizard Tournament? Proud? Worried? Angry?”
A Jily Lives AU to answer that question.
Read on AO3 or below the cut:
Lily is fuming by the time they leave Dumbledore’s office, her hand still gripping tightly the letter they received from Harry late the night before.
‘Mum, Dad,
I’m one of the Triwizard Champions. I SWEAR I didn’t put my name on the Goblet of Fire. I don’t know who did it, but Hogwarts has another champion too.
Dumbledore said I have to participate now, but I never wanted to.
Please don’t be mad.
Love, Harry’.
James supposes Lily had already used all her patience to not storm into Hogwarts right after receiving the letter; he’d felt the same. None of them had slept well that night, just holding each other, unable to promise that things would be ok when they clearly weren’t.
They had flooed to Dumbledore’s office early in the morning, but the headmaster’s words had done nothing to calm their worries. Harry was a participant in a tournament that shouldn’t be available to underage wizards and witches, and as a fourth champion when there should be only three.
And Dumbledore was fearing - as they had all night - that someone had done it on purpose, to have a shot at…
James can’t finish this thought. All he ever wanted was for Harry to have a normal calm year at Hogwarts, but for some reason - and he could name the reason - things always happened around him.
Lily’s hard steps wake him.
‘Lily…’, he begins, and she turns to him with fire in her eyes.
‘Don’t Lily me, James, not now’.
‘Being mad won’t accomplish anything’.
‘What else can I do?’, she asks, angry tears shining on her eyes. ‘Dumbledore won’t do anything, that stupid Goblet is a magical contract and now Harry is bound to compete in a tournament well above him -’
It’s everything James has been thinking since they received Harry’s letter, but he can’t falter now. Lily needs him and, if he knows his son at all, no matter how much Harry will say everything is fine, he will need them too.
‘I know, love’, he says soothingly, offering his arms so she can bury herself on them. After one second of hesitation, during which Lily seems too upset to do anything, she accepts his hug. ‘Now we do the only thing we can do. We help Harry’.
‘We aren’t supposed to’, she whispers.
‘I know, but we can’t just stand -’
‘I only meant we will have to be discreet about it’, adds Lily, separating herself a little so she can wink at him. ‘So we don’t cause him any harm. But you can be damn sure he won’t be alone in any of those tasks’.
He nods and for a moment they just stand facing each other, promising themselves silently they will do everything they can - and more - to help Harry.
‘Let’s go find him?’, James asks finally, and Lily nods.
‘Where? Gryffindor Tower or Great Hall?’
‘Times like these I miss my old map… It’s morning, let’s try Great Hall. A champion has got to eat’.
Lily’s smile at his joke is not very hearted, but he will take it. Harry had always enjoyed breakfast and he hopes any concern over the Tournament didn’t affect his hunger.
‘What do you think it will be?’, Lily asks him in a low voice, as they start descending the stairs. There are a few other students around them, throwing curious glances at them. James supposes it will take them a few moments to recognize him and Lily - they are famous, after all, and Harry looks just like James anyway. ‘The first task?’
‘The one to test their courage? It could be anything’.
‘We have to find out...’
‘If twenty years ago someone had told me you would be positively trying to break a wizarding rule, I would say they were mad’.
‘Twenty years ago I didn’t have a kid that is facing death at every corner’, she snaps louder than before, and when people turn to look at them again, she sighs. ‘Sorry, James, it’s just -’
‘I know, Lily. But he will -’, his voice falters a little, ‘- he will be okay. Harry has faced worse than anything they will have for the Tournament and if there is anything he excels at is being brave’.
Lily smiles at this, and he knows the smile is of love for Harry, for how their son faces everything life throws at him with courage and goodness. James tightens his hand around hers, and he urges himself to believe in his words too. He is right in the sense that for someone who has met Lord Voldemort three times now and survived, Harry has an advantage on this tournament.
But what he doesn’t say is how much he wishes that Harry wouldn’t be so targeted by any dark lord, how he could just have a normal year at Hogwarts worrying only about classes and dating and his friends. Like James once did.
He hates feeling powerless to protect Harry, who is just a boy.
His boy.
They stand at the door of the Great Hall, trying to look inside without calling much attention; Harry always hated attention, though James thinks that he will have a long year ahead.
‘I see Ron’, he says. ‘But Harry is not -’
‘James’, Lily calls him and he sees she is looking at the front doors, on the Entrance Hall.
He turns around. Harry is walking through the front doors, with Hermione by his side, both in gloomy silence. Harry’s head is slightly bending down as if the weight of his back is crushing him. Looking at him causes another wave of fury in James, over the injustice of everything that is happening with him.
He is only fourteen. He shouldn’t have to carry such a weight.
Harry’s eyes snap in their direction and he straightens himself a little bit, as if he is trying to look less miserable than he is, and James wants to bury his son deeply in his arms and never let go, never let any harm come to him.
But he can’t, and not only because Harry would be so embarrassed by being hugged by his father in the middle of the Entrance Hall. By James’ side, Lily presses his hand with more force, and he knows she too is holding herself as not to grab Harry and fly away with him to a place Harry can have a peaceful life.
They approached him quietly, ignoring the curious looks around them.
‘We will talk later’, says Hermione, throwing a tentative smile at Harry. ‘Hello, Mr and Mrs. Potter’.
At other times James would complain that she should call him James - and Hermione does sometimes when they meet her and Ron during the summer holidays - but now he just nods in silence, thanking her.
‘Harry -’, Lily begins, and James can hear the agony in her voice. Harry too, because he winces.
‘Let’s go for a walk’, suggests James, and Harry just accepts in silence.
That’s not good; Harry is always loud and talkative. It’s when he is quiet, deep in his thoughts, that it means something is wrong.
They walk on the grounds; it’s a November day, crispy and gold still, and James tries not to think that the last time he walked on Hogwarts grounds with Lily, it was very different. It had been their last day on Hogwarts, a summer day, and they’d been full of hope for the future, for fighting their part in the war and then for what they would do after the danger was over.
The war had supposedly ended, but the danger had not left their lives ever since Harry was born on the wrong month.
Harry avoids the lake - James sees the Durmstrang students are anchored there - and the forest, taking them instead for the empty Quidditch field. James remembers the letter Harry had sent early in September, talking about how he was excited for the Triwizard Tournament but deeply disappointed that Quidditch had been canceled…
Now Harry looks around the field with an expression that seems to confirm his disappointment as if he wishes more than ever he could just being flying.
‘We can talk here’, Harry says in a desolate voice. ‘Go on’.
Lily and James exchange a look.
‘What do you think we will say, Harry?’, Lily asks softly. 
‘You are mad, aren’t you? You don’t believe I -’
‘Harry’, James cuts him off, putting his hand on his son’s shoulder. Harry’s eyes, so identical to Lily, look at him with a desperate need. ‘If you say you didn’t do it, we believe you’.
‘We will always believe you’, promises Lily.
There are sparkles of tears in Harry’s eyes, but he looks calmer as if somehow hearing his parents telling him they believe in him has lifted a giant weight on his shoulder.
He doesn’t see Harry moving, but suddenly he is hugging both parents in a way James hadn’t seen him do it ever since the first time Harry was embarking to Hogwarts, the first time he would be left without his parents. They stand together, all three of them, hugging each other.
‘We are not mad, Harry’, adds Lily, when they break apart, and Harry is blinking too fast. ‘I mean, we are, just not -’
‘Not because of you’, completes James. ‘We know it’s not your fault’.
They all know whose fault is, but none of them mention Voldemort. His presence is always lingering over them, marking even the good moments as if they are a second away from being over.
‘But what we can do now is to get you through’, says James, with a smile that’s braver than he feels, but Harry seems to appreciate his gesture anyway.
‘I don’t know what the first task will be, but -’
‘Let us worry about this’, Lily says, her eyes full of determination and a mischief sparkle that James loves when he sees it. ‘You focus on your classes and studying. You know, trying to -’
‘Pretend everything is normal?’, Harry jokes, but there is still a heaviness in his voice that makes James thinks more than one thing is abnormal. Lily notices it too because she frowns.
‘Harry… what happened? Other than your name coming out of the Goblet of Fire, I mean’.
Harry bits his lips, clearly not wanting to say anything. He seems more upset than ever, but after a minute he looks at James with another kind of desperation in his voice.
‘Dad… Did you ever fight with Sirius?’
The question seems so random that James blinks.
‘Yeah, I mean, you’ve seen our discussions -’
‘No, I meant it for real. As if - as if you couldn’t even be friends anymore’.
James exchanges a worried look with Lily.
‘Yes, I did. Once’, he admits, and Harry looks surprised at him. ‘There was this time that Sirius had this idea of a prank, one that could hurt innocent people, including Moony, and I didn’t agree with him. So we fought and we didn’t talk for days. I never felt so miserable’.
‘But you managed to be friends again, right?’, Harry presses. ‘How did you do it?’
James looks at him; Harry looks more scared now than he was when thinking about the Tournament. James thinks of seeing Harry with Hermione, and of Ron alone in the Great Hall.
‘With time and patience and forgiveness’, he says slowly, trying to understand what happened to make Harry and Ron fight. ‘Best friends always come around’.
‘Whatever happened, Harry, the real friendship will last’, Lily adds, her voice concerned. ‘And you do have real friends’.
He doesn’t seem to believe them so much now, but Harry nods.
‘Do you want us to -’
‘No, Dad’, Harry says quickly. ‘Me and Ron - I mean - we will sort things out. Eventually’.
‘You will’, James agrees, touching Harry’s head and messing his hair in a way that always makes Harry smiles in embarrassment and joy. Harry grins.
‘Hey, hey, okay’. He pauses briefly. ‘Thanks. For coming here to see me, I - I am so sorry to worry you -’
‘Harry’, Lily interrupts him fondly, her hand messing Harry’s hair just as James had done, but with much more gentleness. ‘We are parents, we are always worrying about you, even when nothing is happening’.
‘Yeah, why do you think I got so much white hair?’, jokes James, making Harry let out a reluctant chuckle.
‘Sirius, probably’, he says teasingly, and James grins, agreeing. Harry looks at them with a soft expression, as if really appreciating his parents being there, before he sighs. ‘I should get back’. He blushes slightly. ‘I have some essays to finish, actually’.
‘Let me guess, they are due tomorrow’, James says smirking. His hips bump playfully on Lily. ‘Guess he took that from you’.
‘I always thought desperation makes the best essays’, Lily says brightly, sharing a smile with Harry. ‘Go on, then. And Harry… Be careful’.
‘I always try to’, Harry assures her. ‘But, you know -’
‘Trouble keeps finding you’, James finishes for him, pulling his son for another hug.
The fact that Harry accepts without complaining at all shows him how much Harry was needing that hug and, once more, the despair over the situation threatens to overwhelm James. But he puts a brave smile for Harry and watches as Lily hugs Harry too, vowing to himself he will keep doing everything he can to protect them both. His family.
‘We love you’, she says, and Harry smiles a final time.
‘Love you too’.
James and Lily watch their son go back to the castle, their hands gripped together to keep each other from falling.
‘So, Harry’, Rita Skeeter is smiling sweetly at him, not at all convincing. ‘How do your parents feel about you competing in the Triwizard Tournament? Proud? Worried? Angry?’
Harry takes a deep breath.
‘My parents believe I didn’t enter’, he says, knowing perfectly well Skeeter won’t publish any of this. ‘They are worried, of course, but they support me, as they always have’.
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genuary-fic-event · 4 years
Genuary Officially Begins!
This blog will be posting submitted stories for the next two weeks! The queue is currently set to release 5 submissions a day between 3 PM and 10 PM CDT. This may change as/if I get additional submissions. 
Please remember that your submissions should include: 
A link to the fic
Title of the fic
Tags - especially for any potentially sensitive topics (e.g., character death, suicidal ideation)
A brief summary
Some submissions I received didn’t have tags appended. For those submissions, I’ll be tagging the posts as “untagged.”
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aromantic-eight · 4 years
This is part of a series of gen fic recs I’m making for Genuary 2021, organized by fandom. I’ll be putting these together quick, and many of these I have not read in a long time, so they’ll mostly just have a length range, either some general content tags I used for organizing or AO3 tags depending on the age of the bookmark, the summary, and a hopefully-still-working link.
Back in the day, the Stargate SG-1 fandom was the place to go for long, plotty genfic. Here’s some highlights of those from my stint in the fandom. I apologize for the sparse content tags- these are some of my earliest bookmarks.
EDIT: Updated to include more AO3 links, for fics that migrated there.
Stargate SG-1 Longfic
(Series) Retrograde by Martha Wilson
Words: 100k+
Tags: AU – canon divergence like woah, plotty, suspicion, SG-1/Atlantic crossover
AU, where Earth doesn't make contact with Atlantis for three years and the Trust gets there first. Also, Daniel talks Atlantis into keeping him as a hostage.
Note: If I recall correctly all the fics in this series are gen except for Vegas. This is hands down one of my all time favorite fic series, ever. You might recognize the name Martha Wilson because she went on to write some of the published Stargate novels.
 Walked Right Out of the Machinery by Rydra Wong (PG-13/R)
Words: 50k-100k
Tags: AU – canon divergence, drama, character study, character death, non-consensual sharing of a body, references to torture
In which Kanan is not removed before Jack is taken by Ba'al, and they end up stuck together forever.
Note: While this fic doesn’t seem to be on AO3, there IS a podfic of it on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25129402
Tarantella by Livengoo (M)
Words: 50k-100k
Tags: Casefic, off-world mission, suspense/horror,
SG1 is used to dangerous places, but when Daniel Jackson is sent to investigate a Goa'uld crash, the whole team learns that some places are more dangerous than others.
Note: You ever think to yourself, “wow I sure wish Stargate had more chestbursters ala Aliens in it”? Then this is the fic for you.
The Shadow Over Chatsworth by Martha (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: SG-1/Atlantic crossover, casefic, suspense/horror, eldritch cults, trauma, guns
Daniel and Rodney are on their way to a science thingy when they come across a goa'uld in a small town.
 Coming Into Being by Raven (PG)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: casefic, de-aged
On a nice, peaceful planet, SG-1 undergo a certain transformation. Daniel is passive-aggressive, Sam is angry, and Jack is surprisingly cheerful given the circumstances. Everyone else is stressed.
 Stay in Touch, by Tefnut (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: off-world mission, stranded, hurt/comfort, altered consciousness, Jack & Daniel
Daniel's willingness to communicate might prove his undoing.
 Actualize This by HelenaHandbasket (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: outsider pov, humor, casefic, crossover with the Invisible Man (2000) and The Sentinel
Jack and Daniel are sent to an actualization retreat, but find out that not everything is as it seems.
Note: While this is gen, I remember there being some ‘haha they’re basically married and don’t realize it yet’ jokes in it.
 By Her Judgment 1/4 by Moonshayde (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: casefic, off-world mission, worldbuilding
SG-1 finds themselves in a matriarchal society, made so by the 'Blight' that affects all men from birth. SG-1 must find out what causes it before the male members of the team fall victim as well.
The Midas Syndrome by Rheanna (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: Casefic, angst
Jack has a bit of a problem - things tend to decay around him.
 Numerology by Randomfreshink (PG)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: Episode tag for episode 5x22 and 7x01, repercussions, amnesia, angst
Nine captains; Jonas makes it ten. Daniel's back as eleven, and feeling odd man out.
Note: One of the rare randomfreshink fics backed up by waybackmachine. Random’s hands down one of my favorite authors in this fandom. If you like the writing here, I have more fics backed up privately to my hard drive I could send along
 Training Day by Randomfreshink (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: off-world mission, casefic, drama
Off-world training proves to be as bad an idea as Jack expects, and worse for Daniel, and Makepeace doesn't end up quite running the show.
 Enlightened by Travelling One (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: off-world mission, hurt/comfort, captured, injury, casefic
In which the alien fireflies make a reappearance, and this time they want SG-1's help.
 Nonehs’ Arch by Travelling One (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: off-world mission, casefic, hurt/comfort, prison, stranded
When Daniel kills a bird off-world, he finds himself in serious trouble. Can SG-1 reverse his sentence?
 Muscle and Blood and Skin and Bones by Taste_is_Sweet (PG)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: AU – robots, hurt/comfort, angst, pre-series, trauma
"You want me to babysit your robots?"
Note: Several characters are tiny robot baby AIs who grow up and get android bodies, and it is the most adorable thing. Note that subsequent fics in this series are not gen, and feature a Romance Makes Us Human narrative.
 Prodigal by Domenika Marzione (Nor Rated)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: Crossover with NCIS, casefic, teamfic
Hollis Mann comes to NCIS for help with a case that quickly spirals from well-planned break-in to serial murder. When their chief suspect ends up being an Air Force officer with a shady job history, Hollis and Team Gibbs have their hands full trying to figure out what's happening before the body count gets any higher.
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noire-pandora · 4 years
Continuing with the prompts from this list. Also on ao3.
Edit: I decided to also submit this to genuary 2021 event.
Words: 1804
Warnings: Elluin will go hunting in this piece. While there aren’t graphic descriptions, keep in mind to avoid reading if the idea bothers you. Thanks! 
The sun shone above the Hinterlands, no cloud on the bright blue sky. The birds trilled their song, and Elluin found herself smiling at their joy. 
She travelled at a slow, steady pace, her horse strolling proudly, as she and three companions made their way back to Haven. Master Dennet offered to the Inquisition the best horses, and now they could travel faster and safer. She enjoyed riding, feeling the muscles of the horse move under her, and appreciated the bond between a rider and a horse. 
Slowly, Elluin got lost in her thoughts, mesmerized by the beauty of the nature, rocked by the calm movement of the horse. She found herself at peace, after weeks of worry and running around. 
“Can we stop already? I’m hungry!”
Sera’s voice woke Elluin from her reverie, and she sighed. She almost forgot about them. 
“We cannot,” Cassandra quickly retorted. “We need to get back to Haven as fast as possible and tell the others we will get the horses, we don’t have time to waste.”
“But we already sent a raven to Leliana, she already knows! We’ve been riding for four hours, my butt hurts and I’m hungry!”
Cassandra scoffed and opened her mouth to reply, but Varric chimed in. “She is right, Seeker. I doubt we can ride faster than a raven can fly. We’re hurrying for no reason. And my butt is starting to get sore too.”
“ We should ask the Herald” Solas calmly intervened, pointing towards Elluin as she rode a few meters ahead of them. “You do listen to her judgment, Seeker.”
Cassandra glared at Solas for a second but she cued her horse to move closer to Elluin’s.
“You do believe I am right, no?”
Elluin smiled and tugged on the reins to stop the horse. She jumped on the ground and looked around, scratching her head.
“I think Sera and Varric are right. It’s midday and we have five hours until we reach Haven. If we take a break now, we will reach it in time for dinner.”
“But, Herald, the task--“
“We finished our task, Cassandra. We got the horses and the stable master. The raven already reached Leliana. All we have to do is to get back and I see no rush with that. Plus, the horses need a break. Master Dennet will kill us if we overwork them."
Cassandra pinched the bridge of her nose and nodded, defeated. “As you wish.”
“Finally,” Sera exclaimed. “I need to pee so bad.”
Elluin giggled and shook her head. She turned towards her horse to tend it. The horse’s mane felt soft to the touch, and she ran her fingers through it.
“What are we going to eat, Sparks?” Varric asked as he looked around the meadow, the sun forcing him to squint his eyes.
“I’ve seen a few rabbits in those bushes up ahead. I think there are a few rabbit nests there. I’m quick enough to try to catch a few of them.”
“Rabbit stew sounds good to me”, Varric smiled, patting his belly as it grumbled.
“Then you could set up a small camp while we are away. Is that ok with you?”
“Sure, Sparks, on it.”
Elluin looked around for Solas. He tended to his horse, removing its saddle, and spoke with it in Elvhen.
“Since you’re already doing it, Solas, could you take care of the other horses, please? Make sure they are fed?”
“Of course, Herald,” he confirmed and bowed his head.
“Ah, wait! When Sera comes back, can you tell her to gather some wood?”
He nodded again, too concentrated with feeding the horse.
“You and me, Cassandra, we’re going hunting!"
Cassandra just nodded, and Elluin noticed the irritation written on her face. In this short time span she spent with the Seeker, she learned  the warrior didn’t like to be contradicted.
They walked in silence, Cassandra’s scabbard clinking against her hip as she stepped. Elluin hummed, loving the stroll in the grass, eyes focused at the rabbit's nest ahead, waiting for any signs of rabbits running around. They hid in the bushes next to the nest and waited.
“Are you all right there, Cass?” she asked in a low voice, careful not to alert the will-be lunch.
“You know, you’re a tough person, Cassandra and I admire that.You learned how to control yourself and pushed your body to withstand any pain. You are a mighty warrior, you have fought dragons and saved the Divine. You have travelled all around Thedas and I’m sure your butt won’t get sore anymore, travelling for hours and hours on a horse."
She squinted as a rabbit left the burrow, sniffing the air, looking around for any predators. Elluin’s body tensed, ready to jump at the first opportunity. The rabbit suddenly retreated to the safety of its den.
“The thing is,” Elluin continued, her body relaxing once again but her eyes never leaving the burrow. “Varric and Sera aren’t warriors. They can’t do the things you do. They can’t ride for hours and hours without stopping and eating.”
“You’re not a warrior and I didn’t hear you complain,” Cassandra whispered back, annoyance in her voice.
“That’s because I’ve been travelling since I was nineteen years old. The dirty road has been my home for so many years, I got used with being uncomfortable. But Varric and Sera are the usual people, used with taking it easy. They aren’t ready to push themselves right now. In a few months, they won’t have any problems with sore butts. We need to be patient with them. Being on the road so often isn’t easy for someone who rarely left their cities. You know Varric loves Kirkwall, he told us how much he hated leaving it.”
Cassandra sighed but said nothing. They stayed in silence, hidden in the bushes, still looking ahead for any movement. After ten more minutes, Elluin tsked and shook her head. “Right, time to do this the hard way!”
She rolled up her sleeves above her elbows and left the bush. She strolled towards the rabbit's nest and crammed her arm inside, her chin touching the ground. After a few grunts and grimaces of pain, she withdrew her arm, a small rabbit struggling to escape her grip.
“Aha! Here, hold this one, Cassandra! Hold it by its ears so it won’t bite you! Gotta find another one.”
Cassandra watched with wide eyes as Elluin went in for another one. A few minutes more and her hand emerged once again, another rabbit yelling and struggling to run away.
“Right, I think this will do. Let’s get back to camp and ready our meal,” Elluin said, her hands and clothes soiled with mud and leaves.
“How did you do that? I have never seen anyone do it!” Cassandra asked, amazement colouring her voice.
They strolled back to the camp, Elluin proudly smirking. “Every Dalish knows how to do this. We’re taught how to hunt since childhood, in case we end up lost from the Clan. The priority of the Hahren is to make sure any child can fend from themselves as they grow up. I’m not that good at it, but at least I won’t die of hunger.”
“I see. Impressive.”
They walked in silence again, Elluin not daring to bother Cassandra, visibly deep in thought. When Cassandra frowned, it was safer to let her be.
“Thank you, Herald. Sometimes I forget how hard it was for me at the beginning.”
“No harm done,” Elluin replied, relief washing over her. Cassandra wasn’t mad anymore. She could breathe in peace.
Cassandra and Elluin took care of the lunch, the stew steaming and spreading a delicious smell. Even Solas, who rarely cared about food, seemed eager to taste it.
They sat on the ground, around the fire, eating and slurping the food, none of them talking.
“Hey, Chuckles, do you wanna hear a joke?” Varric asked, breaking the silence.
“Do I have a choice, Master Tethras?”
“Nope, not really. How about this one: how do you get a squirrel to like you?”
“I do not have the faintest idea,” Solas said, sarcasm in his voice.
“Act like a nut.”
Silence. Only a small snort escaped Elluin’s lips.
“Oh, c’mon, that was funny!” Varric said, throwing his hands in the air. “Fine, here’s another one: What do you call a row of rabbits hopping away? A receding hare line!”
“Ugh, Varric, this is even worse than the first one. You have bad jokes,” Cassandra chimed in, rolling her eyes. “No one likes your jokes.”
“I liked this one. It was funny because we’re eating rabbits. Get it? Rabbits,” Sera replied, laughing with her mouth full, a few droplets flying in the air.
“Please don’t encourage him, Sera!”
Elluin watched their exchange, a small smile tugging at her lips. It has been a while since she could just sit and enjoy the company of others. She slowly learned to appreciate her companions even if at first she didn’t trust them. They were loud, had bad jokes, but they were there to help her. She wasn’t alone anymore.
“Jolly crowd, eh?,” Sera asked, conspicuously leaning towards her. “It’s almost like a picnic. We’re missing the fancy blanket and the expensive glasses, but this is nice.”
“Yes, it is. Never had a better picnic than this one.”
“You did well back then, you know. When you told Cassandra what you told,” Sera continued, as she bit from the meat, the juice dripping down on her chin and spoke again, mouth full with meat. “She forgot not everyone is like her.”
“Where you spying on us??”
“Nah," she stopped for a second to swallow "I was close and I have good hearing. I thought you aren’t made to be a leader, but now I’m doubting that.”
“I’m not cut to be a leader, Sera, I have no idea what I’m doing!”
“Your no idea is working well. Look at them, how happy they look. Even that sour face Solas is smiling. You did well.”
Sera slapped Elluin on her back, but she retreated fast, her voice going up a notch. “Why are you looking at me like that, eh? Please don’t tell me you’re going to start crying!”
Elluin laughed, wiping the corner of her eye. “That means a lot to me, Sera. Especially coming from you. You’re leading a secret organisation. It’s almost like my mother praised me.”
“I’m not your mother, you’re older than me, you weirdo!” she yelled as she smacked her shoulder. “ Don’t you try to hug me or I’ll cut your fingers!”
“ But I want a hug now!”
Sera yelled and got up, running around them to dodge Elluin as she chased her for a hug. The others laughed and shook their heads, not bothering to yell at them to stop. And all this time, Elluin’s smile grew bigger and bigger.
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arlothia · 4 years
Genuary Fics
So I decided to make a post of all the fics I posted to the 2021 Genuary Collection on AO3 because why not?
Now, I pretty much only write gen fics (even the one titled 'Love' after the Whumpmas in July prompt is generally generic), so I decided to selfishly only post the fics that haven't gotten comments yet :P
So here they are! (key: Title - Fandom)
"Do it" - Love Me If You Dare
Quiet - The Untamed
Ash and Snow - Detective L
Water - Detective L
"Please" - The K2
By the Wayside - Nirvana in Fire 2: The Wind Blows in Chang Lin
Rude Awakenings - Mad Dog
The Cavalry - Wok of Love
Choice - Oh My Venus
Tears - Joy of Life
"Breathe" - Nirvana in Fire
A New Beginning - PhantaCity 'Chou' with Zhu Yi Long
Looking Over Your Shoulder - Terius Behind Me
Let is Snow - Suspicious Partner
So act now and YOU could be the first to comment on one of the above fics hahaha ;) But seriously, I'd love some reviews! I want to hear what you think! :D
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herosofmarvelanddc · 4 years
Daisy takes Robin and Alya to a local science museum
Written for Genuary 2021 and @agentsofchallenges New Year New Mission week 1 prompt to write a new ship combination of characters!
“Oh, Aunt Daisy look!” Daisy looked where Alya was pointing. “We can dig for dinosaur bones, like a paleontologist! Can I go?”
“Sure Honey.” Daisy watched Alya enter the little area where kids could use brushes to ‘find’ ‘dinosaur bones’, i.e., plastic replicas. “Robin, do you want to go to?”
“No, I want to color in my pictures now.”
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yanara126-writing · 4 years
Death and the Sunrise (1/2)
Berath has always known their role, they are the axis on which the Wheel turns. They are stability. They are not mortal, not alive, not a being with a family. And yet, as Eothas once again goes against all they were created for, they only watch.
Read here or on Ao3. (1451 words)
Have fun! Comments always welcome! :)
Your eyes are open, though something tells you they shouldn’t be. You look around. The world is purple. How strange, you could have sworn it was dark just a second ago. Did Berath call you again?
“I have not. Your soul is bound to this place now however, and sometimes it seeks the way back here on its own. You will not remember this once you wake.”
You blink in surprise.
“You wanted to ask.” Berath says, looking at you with the same stoic face she has always presented at your meetings. Is the deity even capable of something else? And how did she know the question that never quite formed enough to be asked?
“You are one of my creatures now, hound, as much as you were his. There is nothing of you I do not know.” At some point in your life that may have intimidated you, but at this point, what is one more ominous claim.
Perhaps it’s wishful thinking, but for a moment you think Berath’s feature softer, an odd tinge of fondness appearing and vanishing in the blink of an eye.
“Indeed. You have come far from your days spent cowering in his protection.” You blink again. Cowering seems an unfairly harsh choice of words for a childhood.
Berath remains steadfast. Her hands on her sword, towering over the tiny spectral form before her. Unfaced. Unmoved.
“For someone who knows so much, you understand very little, child.” And what should you understand? It’s not like any of them ever explain things! Except for Woedica now apparently, and you are very hesitant to believe anything that woman tells you. You doubt Woedica has ever done anything without an ulterior, self-serving motive since the day she was born.
“You know better than most that we were not born, Watcher, no matter what my brother likes to pretend. Why do you insist on referring to us like this?” Because- because they are alive too, in their own way. Aren’t they?
“We are not, Watcher. We weren’t born but created, each of us had a purpose they were crafted for.” Something remains hanging in the air. Something aside from the ever-present soulfragments flitting about as if searching for a new body already. Had a purpose?
Berath’s gaze remains hard and cold, ever the world’s constancy, but it seems farther now, almost looking through you. Seeing something her own wheel had long crushed.
“Most of us have long lost that original purpose. You see what my brother has become, do you think Eora would still stand had he always been like this?” And how should you answer this? You see the destruction your god wrecks in his path every day, and each time break a little more. For all those come to harm, and for Him, for you know just how much it breaks him as well. Could it really be worth it? Could it be worth what would come after? You feel your head tilt up to the looming figure, like a child seeking affirmation from a parent. A strange way to think of Her of all the gods, but it seems appropriate.
“I have no answer for you.” How can She not? Does She not think it will work? Why does She still let Eothas go free if She doesn’t?
For the first time Berath’s stoic façade moves. The goddess of death sighs, a long sigh, deep and filled with more emotion than you have ever felt from Her. She sounds tired. But the crack in her composure is already gone the next second.
„My brother is a soft-hearted fool. And I am too for allowing him his weakness.“ You don’t understand. How could you?
“I have told you that we have lost our original purpose, my brother is not the only one for who this is true.” Berath’s gaze is almost expectant as it settles on you more deeply. You feel like a young acolyte again, being tested in school. But for once you think you might know the answer, even if you’re not entirely clear on the question. Woedica?
Berath nods and you feel a strange rush of satisfaction.
“Woedica was created as our queen, but her power and ambition posed a threat to us and kith, and so we dethroned her. She still is, still holds her title above us, but the truth is, her role has changed. She is no longer queen or judge, though she pretends to be. We have accommodated to this change, and the years have not passed us by either.” You stare up at her, more confused than before. It was more than she’s ever told you, and yet it’s far too little to truly make sense of her words. Why is she telling you this?
“Because you won’t remember regardless. You never do.” A wave of defiance floods through you. Why shouldn’t you remember? This is the one time you actually seem to get some answers, and you will make sure to write down every one of them later.
Her odd choice of words passes you by, unnoticed as defiance makes you stare upwards.
Berath is as unmoved as ever. Obviously, she doesn’t believe you. You will make sure to prove her wrong.
“What you believe is of no significance to me.” Then why tell you?
Berath looks at you. To others it might seem like any other time she’d looked at you, but you know better. She looks at you like Eothas once did, standing in an ocean looking back at you. Brows pinched just so, her shoulders a tad lower than before, and her eyes the matt black of a starless night sky, you feel a vague sense of regret settling over you.
“Because I do not wish for my brother to die.” At any other time, you might have rejoiced at the words, but now they are only infuriating. What does it mean? Why should He die? How will you knowing this help Him? Especially if, as Berath claims, you won’t remember it?
“You won’t remember, no, but perhaps, if I just tell you often enough, He will.” Something presses against you, sharp and insistent. The purple in your sight becomes darker, denser, and you feel the weight of an uncountable amount of soul pieces pulling closer, latching onto you, as they recognize your turmoil. You understand, they are confused, and you are familiar, something alive, stable. It doesn’t make bearing their attention any easier.
Berath takes one hand off her sword far above you and swipes it through the air, as if flicking away insects, and perhaps for her it is. The souls clawing at you are ripped away, scattering back into the beyond, and for a moment you stumble after them from the force of the command.
The next moment you find yourself back in the spot you stood before, without remembering any movement on your part. You glance up to Berath, confused and frightened at the reminder that this is not your realm. You have no power here. You are as much at her mercy as these souls around you.
You want to keep asking, but you feel your throat close up and no sound comes through. Vaguely you are aware that you have no throat here, but logic has no power against the fear welling up inside you. The world around becomes unfocused, her face alone takes up your sight. White, bony skin stretching across high cheek bones, eyes blacker than the void surrounding you, stringy hair just as dark hanging limply over her ears.
You feel cold. Your surroundings are too loud and too quiet at the same time. Something pulls at you. Is it her? Has she finally grown sick of you? You can’t die again! You have to know! You have to ask! You have to-
You hear quiet thumps and feel a soft swaying beneath you. A familiar queasy feeling already settles in your stomach and you swallow down a groan. Your body feels heavy and sluggish, much like you felt almost every day five years ago. Whatever you dreamt last night, it can’t have been good.
You throw your arm over your face, the coolness of your skin helping somewhat against the headache building behind your eyes. Any dream or nightmare you had is long gone from your memory, so you’re fairly certain it wasn’t another memory. Your brain always made sure you’d remember those.
With a sigh you pull yourself from the bed, putting a hand against the ship’s wall to steady yourself. There is work to be done. You only hope you’ll hit land today.
The strange feeling of urgency stays with you the whole day.
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lafseanchai · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Nile Freeman, Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Nicky | Nicolò di Genova Additional Tags: original crazy horse girl Andy Summary:
There is a particular gap in Nile's life experiences that shows up at the most inopportune moment.
Many thanks to @shadowen for their beta work and cheerleading as I tried to write something for the first time in like seven months.  And also to the many comments on @of-scythia ‘s blog about Andy being the original crazy horse girl, cuz that is what started my train of thought.  
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chromatic-lamina · 5 years
Inspired by @a-tsute ‘s lovely art in response to a question about the flowers in this commission.   Artwork posted with artist’s permission.
Rating: General
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 3,236
Relationships: Platonic Law, Marco and Chopper.
Characters: Law, Marco, Chopper. Past Lami, Doctor Hiriluk. Touches upon Whitebeard and Roger.
Tags: Doctors being doctors, broship, indulging Chopper. Alternate Universe.
Summary: The hospital wasn't affluent and helped the down-and-out, so real gold-leaf wasn't worked into the paint, but the opulence of the flowers—the thought of petals floating away from the frame and over the hospital floors, and lifting the inhabitants from every sad and painful thought they'd had, appealed to Chopper.
Three doctors, four seasons.
I’d love to know your thoughts.
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badger-writes · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fallout (Video Games), Fallout: New Vegas Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Yes Man (Fallout), Benny (Fallout), Courier (Fallout) mentioned only Additional Tags: A Boy and His Robot, Scheming, murderous plots, genuary, genuary 2021 Summary:
A chess piece of the smallest size and value. A pawn moves one square forward along its file if unobstructed (or two on the first move), or one square diagonally forward when making a capture. Each player begins with eight pawns on the second rank, and can promote a pawn to become any other piece (typically a queen) if it reaches the opponent's end of the board.
A person used by others for their own purposes.
Written in the space of a night for Genuary 2021 - enjoy!
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genuary-fic-event · 4 years
"The Phantoms of the Opera"
A Phantom of the Opera fic.  Many years prior to the arrival of Christine Daaé, Erik reigns supreme as the Opera Ghost at the Palais Garnier.  One of his many responsibilities?  Riding herd on all of the actual ghosts who reside there...
Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/27310279
AO3 summary:  On All Hallow's Eve, Erik is up to his ears in ghosts and realizes he is not paid nearly enough to deal with this sh....situation.
Tags:  ghostly fun, with a side of angst
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aromantic-eight · 4 years
This is part of a series of gen fic recs I’m making for Genuary 2021, organized by fandom. I’ll be putting these together quick, and many of these I have not read in a long time, so they’ll mostly just have a length range, either some general content tags I used for organizing or AO3 tags depending on the age of the bookmark, the summary, and a hopefully-still-working link.
Stargate Atlantis was known for its one-ship fandom, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t have its own batch of genfic if you looked hard enough. Like with Stargate SG-1, the following fics are my favorites of my gen bookmarks over the years. Head here for the rest. SGA’s a newer fandom than SG-1, so fewer broken links; more AO3 links. First up: my favorite gen longfic (>10k words):
Stargate Atlantis Longfic
(Series) Retrograde by Martha Wilson
Words: 100k+
Tags: AU – canon divergence like woah, plotty, suspicion, SG-1/Atlantis crossover
AU, where Earth doesn't make contact with Atlantis for three years and the Trust gets there first. Also, Daniel talks Atlantis into keeping him as a hostage.
Note: If I recall correctly all the fics in this series are gen except for Vegas. This is hands down one of my all time favorite fic series, ever. You might recognize the name Martha Wilson because she went on to write some of the published Stargate novels.
 The Shadow Over Chatsworth by Martha (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: SG-1/Atlantis crossover, casefic, suspense/horror, eldritch cults, trauma, guns
Daniel and Rodney are on their way to a science thingy when they come across a goa'uld in a small town.
 Divide ‘Verse by vain_glorious (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: AU, off-world, friendship, surgery, trauma, role reversal
In which John Sheppard is a Runner and it’s Ronon who finds him, on a Sateda that’s still there.
 No Victory by vain_glorious (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: off-world, plotty, dehydration, hurt/comfort, alien tech
A mission goes poorly. Very poorly. For the prompt: "I trust you and that makes you true. Even if that's not the way it is. The Tragically Hip, "In View."
 Conduit by alipeeps (G)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: plotty, hurt/comfort, alien tech, serious illness
Something goes wrong with the chair, and suddenly everyone in Atlantis with the ATA-gene is falling ill, with Sheppard at the center.
 Animus, Animalia, Familae by tzzzz (PG)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: AU – daemons, friendship, hurt/comfort, teamfic, captured, injuries, off-world
To touch another's daemon is to touch another's soul. It is the greatest act of intimacy in this life.
 Games of Chance by Xparrot (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: drama, angst, hurt/comfort, alien tech, captured
Sheppard's got one chance, and Rodney is going to find it, no matter what.
 The Great Pegasus Train Robbery by Sholio (PG)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: plotty, outsider pov, rumors/misconceptions, AU
It's Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, Atlantis style -- in which we discover that the Pegasus River Gang are about as effective at robbing trains as they are at saving galaxies.
 Ghost in the Machine by Sholio (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: plotty, hurt/comfort, friendship, time travel, stranded
Halloween story, albeit rather late, or, as the case may be, early. Sheppard and McKay are trapped on a world with a malfunctioning Stargate, a monster ... and a mystery. Now complete.
 Breathe by Sholio (PG-13)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: plotty, humor, hurt/comfort, dreams, phobias, atlantis is alive, banter
Secret Santa story for Alipeeps. They all have their fears, and in the Pegasus Galaxy, fears are all too likely to come true. Sheppard and McKay whumping, friendship, humor.
 Muscle and Blood and Skin and Bones by Taste_is_Sweet (PG)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: AU – robots, hurt/comfort, angst, pre-series, trauma
"You want me to babysit your robots?"
Note: Several characters are tiny robot baby AIs who grow up and get android bodies, and it is the most adorable thing. Note that subsequent fics in this series are not gen, and feature a Romance Makes Us Human narrative.
 In For Stormy Weather by sholio (PG)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: friendship, trapped, plotty, hurt/comfort, illness, electrocution
Even a little storm can sometimes cause big problems. Carson/John/Rodney friendship, although most of the first season cast is in there somewhere.
 The Pirate's Prisoner by rhymer23 (PG)
Words: 10-50k
Tags: Au – historical, humor, plotty, pirates, captured, on the run
Rodney McKay hadn't realised he was being abducted by pirates at first. (If he had, he would, of course, have resisted with proud defiance, willing to die rather than submit.) Now he finds himself on the ship of the second most notorious pirate in the Caribbees, immured in a dank prison (well, a fairly spacious cabin, but that's not the point), forced to prostitute his intellect in the service of evil. And there's a savage on board, and a woman – an actual woman, in man's clothes, would you believe? Will Rodney ever escape and make it back to London to receive the Royal Society Fellowship that is surely awaiting him?
 On the Wings of an Eagle by rhymer23 (PG-13)
Words: 50-100k
Tags: plotty, humor, AU – historical, teamfic, undercover, trauma, on the run, friendship
It started with a man crashing into a herb garden. Soon a misfit band of four exiles are caught up in a wild ride of sword fights, sewing, rescue missions, shopping trips, high treason, lute-playing, changing the face of scientific knowledge forever, the imminent risk of hideous death, and comfits.
 On the Road to Come What May by rhymer23 (PG-13)
Words: 100k+
Tags: plotty, hurt/comfort, outsider pov, captured, on the run, rumors/misconceptions, prison
It started with a strange vessel crashing down from the sky. Then three strangers appeared in a decaying city, willing to risk everything to rescue an imprisoned friend. For those caught up in the adventures of these four, nothing will ever be the same again. (Team adventure seen through the eyes of original characters.)
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theoldguard-recs · 4 years
Generational Divide by ladyarcherfan3
There is a particular gap in Nile's life experiences that shows up at the most inopportune moment.
No archive warnings apply. Genuary 2021, OG Crazy Horse Girl Andy
Nile-centric | ~3900 words | Gen
What I loved: Dunking! On! FRACKING!  Horse girl Andy!!! This fic evokes the feeling of riding a horse for the first time (and given that it’s been years since I was last on a horse with supervision, I was feeling it). Plus, Nile gets back on the horse when she falls off! I dunno, feels like a great metaphor for her learning to be immortal.
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herosofmarvelanddc · 4 years
A sequel to The Allies and Hope we find in Liminal Spaces
Summary:  Natasha decides to visit May at the new Coulson Academy. What she didn’t expect was one Daisy Johnson to decide to drop in for a surprise visit the same day.
Sneak Peak:
“Who would have guessed that you would end up being a professor,” Natasha joked when she finally reached the front of the room.
May smirked at her, “definitely not my mother.” They shared a laugh and Natasha was happy to see May at such ease. “I thought you weren’t supposed to get here for a couple more hours?”
Natasha shrugged, “what can I say, Sam has a thing for flying fast. Plus, I wanted to see the great Professor Melinda May in action.”
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nocticola · 3 years
2021 Fic Year in Review
Tagged by @greyhavenisback . It’s over a week into 2022, but I wanted to see what exactly I managed to write during 2021 before doing this, so here it goes:
Total Number Of Completed Works: 11+ one poem. And that number is a bit high because I mostly added chapters to works I had already completed and then there is the doubling of a Finnish/English language works. And then I closed Drabbles on Touch and Haven Oneshots/Prompts to start a new fic for those, so this isn’t very accurate. And it least a few of these are ones I might add to this year.
Total Word Count: 69952 words for 2021, which is not accurate because most of these are older. I’ve also written a few Six Sentence Sunday fics, but tumblr doesn’t let me find them right now so *shrug*
Fandoms I’ve Written In: Haven, Cherry Magic (also podficced!), Game of Thrones (a Varys oneshot based on one scene!), Marvel Comics/MCU, Country Comfort, Country at Heart/Love Song, Dollhouse, House, MD (to fix the aphobia), The Christmas Setup, The Dark Artifices, The Expanse.
That was a bit more than I expected lol
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?
I had higher hopes for Ace Week but considering I had two jobs for many months and some studies, yeah, I’m happy with how much I managed to write. 
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year?
Duke Sterling, (closeted aroace) Country Superstar
I will write the rest of this fic because I love it so much. Country at Heart has become a real comfort movie for me, and looking at Duke Sterling was this perspective is really fun and validating for me.
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year?
I think maybe actually writing in the MCU, especially since I am writing a character who is aroace in the comics and fandom doesn’t want her to be and I am making it clear that is how I am writing Yelena. I haven’t gotten any push back yet but I am never going to venture into her tags over on Ao3 without some serious blocking and filtering and that’s never a fun experince. 
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year?
I have some plans for Genuary I just learned about, and I hope to finish a lot of the fics I started last year.
Most Popular Story Of The Year?
It’s not even a contest Pizza Dog and Fanny
It’s a gen Kate Bishop & Yelena Belova fic AU set during Hawkeye. I’ve only written the Kate pov but it very quickly got over 700 hits, it has over 50 kudos and 7 bookmarks, and right now it has 15 subs, which is almost the amount of my user subscribers lol. And it’s only 3 weeks old. 
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion:
This is also not even a question:
Marvel Guy and...
It has one hit and I’m not completely convinced that isn’t a mistake on someone’s part. This is easily my least read fic.
It’s about Benjamin ‘Benny’ Thomas aka Marvel Guy, a teenage superhero who’s asexual and demiromantic and the first chapter is about his friendship with Carmen Cruz, an afrolatina mutant lesbian. They’re from Children of the Atom and I enjoyed that run and their friendship so I wrote about it. 
I have a sibling chapter for Benny and his brother Jason coming up at some point. And I am kinda thinking of writing one with Nadia Van Dyne. If no one’s reading it, I can write what I want. 
Most Fun Story To Write:
Comfort at Heart. For some reason , combining Country at Heart and Country Comfort was just really fun, and I have at least 2 chapters I’m writing for that one at some point. 
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: New chapters for Finnish American Nathan Wuornos/Amerikansuomalainen Nathan Wuornos. IDK, Duke Sterling Country Superstar, having an aroace reading of a Hallmark movie.
To Be or not to Be (Out) for Christmas Setup. Whether ot not to be out and how and why.
Biggest Disappointment: Marvel Guy and... Seriously, I’ve had more interest in a fic for 8/12 year old Christmas movies.
Biggest Surprise: This only kinda fits but almost 5 years ago (Feb 2017) I wrote a fic for Roshanna Chatterji, DC Comics’ only asexual character, and it finally got its first comment! 
Roshanna Chatterji does not like to be touched
And that was very gratifying for me, because the reason I started writing fics for ace characters even if they barely get a response, is for someone to have the reaction that commenter did, of ‘I hoped there was fic for this character, didn’t assume much, but you gave me what I wanted’. Am I the best writer? No, especially not back then, but I have aspec thoughts and I will write about them.
My Favorite Part Of Fandom This Year:
Getting a podfic for Fujisaki's Aro Week . Having someone else be inspired by my words and interpret them so beautifully, it was very validating. And the fact that it was an aro fic makes it even more special to me. 
Podfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29834853
I think this is it. Not tagging people, but feel free to do if you see this and write fic.
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