#romeo l. | 01
moralesmilesanhour · 10 months
mad props! 02
summary: Miles catches onto your antics. wc: ~800 a/n: some advanced haterism going on here. this has gotten increasingly fun to write as the plot ramps up! pls don't be scared 2 leave any reactions or thoughts in the comments + tags :) 01 02 03
From then on, you made it a point to ignore Miles during partner work and punctuate it with an eye roll. He tucked his head back in surprise the first time you did it, and you felt like you’d just won a prize.
…That is, until he ignored you back. 
Eventually, Miles just turned to the person in the next column to ask for a pen instead, seeming perfectly content with working on his own.
It should've been a relief.
Today, Mr. Sanchez handed out worksheets to write a short composition on, and you struggled to recall the correct word for ‘kitchen’. All of your attempts to remember the pictures at the back of your flashcards came to nothing, finally forcing you to turn around and ask with a heavy sigh.
"Um, hey," you began, wincing at the softness of your voice. "What’s ‘kitchen’ in Spanish? You remember?"
Miles looked at you with only his eyes. " ‘Cocina’."
No puns, no off-hand comment. Not even an offer to help further. He just quietly returned to his work. 
Your plan was already falling apart now that he no longer initiated conversations for you to brush off, so you went with the next best thing: competing with him.
“Who was able to solve for the trajectory of–oh!”
The AP Physics instructor pushed back a strand of red hair as she glanced between you and Miles, whose hands had shot up at the same time.
“Let’s go with someone who hasn’t spoken yet. Ms. L/N?”
You smiled as you answered, “24.7 meters per second.”
“Excellent job, Y/N, and thank you for participating today. Now, would anyone else…”
As the woman called on other students, a strategy began to take shape. 
It wasn’t hard to tell when Miles was about to raise his hand. His eyes would go wide, with a tiny smile that said he was certain that no one else could get this question right but him. His hand went up so fast that you had to answer before the teacher could even finish their question, but it worked. And it got you a few extra points for participation.
“Now, who can tell me what makes the film ‘Romeo + Juliet’ so unique?” asked the English professor.
Miles raised his hand. “It takes the original play and reinterprets aspects of the original plot for modern audiences.”
As soon as he answered, his eyes flickered towards you almost as if on cue. Sure enough, your hand flew up.
“Y/N, what a surprise! Care to add on?”
“Of course. The director, Baz Luhrmann,” you met Miles’ gaze as you specified the name, “used his over-the-top cinematic style of directing to bring the drama of the original play to life in a contemporary context. He replaced the swords with guns and balls for parties, but kept the dialogue the same so that audiences could better understand Shakespeare without needing to grapple with the work of translating Shakespearean English into modern English. He found a way to make the play accessible without compromising on the text.”
Miles narrowed his eyes at you while the stocky teacher made a noise of approval.
“Very succinct explanations, you two. I’m very impressed with you especially, Miss L/N. I hope to hear your voice more often in class.”
You noticed Miles still glaring, and rested your chin in the palm of your hand.
In a sickly-sweet tone, you whispered, “What?” 
He shook his head and turned away.
“Alright, make sure you go home and memorize those formulas! See you Wednesday!”
You neatly stacked your papers and slid them carefully into one of your labeled folders as the bell rang, marking the end of your last class.
The hallway bustled with students rushing like bees to their lockers. On the way to your own, a pop of color catches your eye. 
It’s a bulletin board filled with sign-ups for a number of clubs, from cheerleading to student government to debate. Remembering your college counselor’s comment about your extracurriculars “looking a bit empty”, you drew closer. Might as well, right?
You didn’t have the stamina for cheerleading, but speech and debate looked promising. Just as you took out a pen to sign your name, though, you stopped short and frowned.
At the very bottom of the list read the name ‘Miles Morales’ written with a neon highlighter. 
Then again on the art club’s flier. And anime club. And music engineering. 
‘Miles Morales’.
‘Miles Morales’.
‘Miles Morales’.
Guess you weren’t the only one who needed to beef up their transcript.
“Show-off,” you muttered to yourself. 
Just as you were about to lose hope, there was one other club that Miles hadn’t signed up for, hanging precariously off of the edge of the board from a single thumbtack:
And auditions were the very next day.
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winterwriterstudios · 3 months
Yuu As… [01]
PEG!! From Peg + Cat on PBS Kids!
P.S, Peg has been aged up, cause I don’t want baby Peg to experience all this trauma at her actual age. So, she’s now 15-16.
Peg is totally freaking out during and after every overblot.
Ace, Deuce and Grim usually remind her to count to 10 when she does. Sometimes Jack and a few times Epel (he’s just so confused when she’s freaking out). Sebek keeps forgetting and yells at her to calm down, which just makes her more overwhelmed and both of them in tears.
The first overblot was definitely frightening for her. Like, she was breathing heavily in the floor, tears clouding her vision and she honestly couldn’t hear anything.
Cater and Grim were the ones protecting her.
Trey told her to count from ten to one and she started to feel a lot better.
There for emotional support for Riddle. Even helps him bake the tarts (she’s very good with measurements, so she helped him out A LOT).
Always wears her beanie. Cater thinks it’s cute, Vil, not so much.
Crowley: Do you have anything from where you were from? Peg: I got my stick!
Ace once threw her stick as a joke.
No one was laughing after Peg drew a giant block to land on him.
No one refers to her as “The magicless student”, cause this girl literally draws numbers on air, like wdym she has no magic??
Her and Riddle are besties
Her and Azul are besties
Her and Kalim are besties
Her and Ortho are besties
Grim is her emotional support animal monster and she’s proudly his henchman.
Certain times, he reminds her of Cat and she tears up, cause she really really misses him.
Really misses her mom and friends, too.
First years try and cheer her up whenever she does.
Once, they made the mistake of asking her how her life was , only for them to be fricking confused.
Like, excuse me? You are friends with the president? You are friends with numerous aliens? You are a knight? You are friends with giants? Your pet cat could talk (wait, no, that actually makes a lot of sense, ngl)?
Even Grim is so fricking confused.
But, that actually explains how Peg is literally friends with everyone.
Imagine Vil’s reaction once Peg tells him that she’s besties with Juliet from Romeo and Juliet and is even in a band with her.
Peg aces any test with mathematics, but the teacher always has to remind her to not show her workings on the air.
Imagine a scene where Peg’s solving the hardest problem on the test on the air and literally everyone is just looking up at the equation, nodding and comparing workings, then the teacher’s all like ; “PEG!! STOP SHOWING YOUR WORKINGS!!” And the whole class just collectively groans.
Peg wants to be a teacher and greatly admires all the teachers. The teachers are constantly grateful for the work she puts in and Crewel was heartbroken when he realized he couldn’t adopt her. But after looking at a photo of Peg’s mom, he’s thinking of other ways.
Peg ran away from Malleus the first time. Straight up. Idgaf if it’s novel Malleus, this girl ran away at the speed of light, no second wasted.
Gradually warmed up to him and they became beasties.
Malleus listens to her stories like it’s gospel. Bro writes notes and generally gains a lot more understanding of humans. After every story, Malleus learns at least one valuable lesson and tries to apply it when he’s trying to make friends.
Lilia thought he lived a full life until he met Peg. Lilia: “I remember the war. Ah…good times.”Peg: “Completely unrelated, but I remember all times I went to the moon. It was really fun and—“ Lilia: ??? Lilia: Times??
Lilia seriously taking the L in every life experience competition he has with Peg.
Questions whether she’s actually lived for just 15 years.
Sebek absolutely respects her. Like, she was a knight? She met various influential figures from her world? At first, he thought she was lying, until she showed proof (photos or something, idk) and now, bro thinks she’s too good for high school.
Peg absolutely loves being a drama queen.
This girl is literally good at every club. She can sing and dance, she’s great with animals, she can use maths to score some mad shots in basketball, science has a lot of maths, she’s been on camera numerous times, this girl has basically travelled around the world (even in the water) and she’s a knight of the round table. She’s built for almost anything life throws at her.
Well, except an interrupted schedule. She is very precise about timing and scheduling. She will totally start freaking out, too.
HC: That she’s very adverse to change
She isn’t friends with the tweels. “Like, um…wdym they are the good guys? They act like the monsters I fight??”
When Azul overblotted, she DID NOT trust them. Especially Floyd. Even after the overblot, she doesn’t trust them.
Tweels: *scheming* Peg: Eww Azul: *scheming* Peg: Aww! He’s just a baby skrunkly!! <333
She has mushrooms in her pockets, so that whenever Jade bothers her, she can just throw mushrooms and he’ll just have to look at them, giving her enough time to vanish. (Basically how she deals with monsters)
But, with Floyd, she tactfully evades him, since he has a pretty low attention span
Vil says he hates her fashion sense and proceeds to shower her with gifts and new clothes as often as he can.
Epel and her are closer than two pair of sardines in a can.
Peg tries to come up with a response poem for every poem Rook makes about her. She’s not nearly through, but Rook loves the few she has delivered to him, even though they aren’t very good.
Silver and her train regularly and she tries to keep him awake when she can.
She used to have a crush on Cater (ending of Book 1), and was a blushing mess around him, until after Book 2.
She finds Trey to be very normal and comforting to be around.
She tutors Deuce and he will keep calling her his favorite teacher until he dies. (Bro has started getting Bs in maths and he goes to his mom all excited then to Peg). He also seems to be the second most understanding first year when she freaks out.
Peg is the usual victim of Ace’s pranks and taunts, and she doesn’t care. Unless they are about Cat Grim or her stick.
Peg gets worried that she’s projecting onto Grim too much and constantly tries to remember that Grim isn’t a replacement of Cat and Grim is his own person.
But sometimes she accidentally calls him Cat (Grim flares up, cause he thinks she is calling him A CAT) and despite apologizing profusely, she still feels guilty, cause she lives them both and doesn’t want to replace on with the other.
Peg acts like a sister to Grim and less of a mother. Doesn’t know how to say no to him, unless it’s something serious and Riddle takes it upon himself to teach her discipline (something she should learn as a prefect).
Peg, despite having her sense of reality a bit skewed she realizes and acknowledges her financial situation, ready to cut some corners and work extra hard at Sam’s shop
Peg and Leona have pretty heated chess matches that Leona constantly makes silly faces in to distract her. And after winning (sometimes mainly because of his silly faces) he makes the most smug faces which makes her want to tug his ears out (/affectionately)
Ruggie sees Peg as a younger sister, always making sure she has something to eat and she’s doing alright. Constantly calls her ‘kid’ and teaches her the ways of the cheap (coupons and bargaining).
Jack admires Peg and subconsciously protects her a lot of times. Explosion? he gets in front of her. Someone throws something at her? He catches it before it can catch her.
People say it’s a crush, but Peg is one of the few people Jack can trust would do the same for him, if they could. And if you can call that a crush, then he does have a huge crush on her /sarcasm.
Peg tries to make herself useful by helping others. Everytime someone says “thanks”, she puts on sunglasses and I’d like “I do what I can.”
No one gets the joke, except for her.
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diarioelpepazo · 11 months
Quedó primero y Alonso último, "con mucho combustible". El viernes del GP de México arroja otra difícil jornada para el asturiano, con problemas de estabilidad en su coche. Sainz fue 11º. [caption id="attachment_92059" align="aligncenter" width="660"] Alonso, en los Libres 2 del GP de Mñexico 2023.F1.com[/caption] MARCO CANSECO Max Verstappen se mantuvo como el piloto más rápido en los Libres 2 del Gran Premio de México, por delante de Lando Norris y Charles Leclerc. En un circuito corto como es el Hermanos Rodríguez, el holandés pudo aventajar por una décima al de McLaren y por dos al primer Ferrari. Fue una sesión en la que cayeron algunas gotas en un momento clave y algunos pilotos, como Alonso, salieron un tanto perjudicados. Fernando fue vigésimo y último en la tabla de tiempos, tras un trompo de 360 grados que pudo controlar, pero que arruinó su juego de neumáticos blandos, cuando ni siquiera esta en vuelta lanzada, sino apurando la zona Sol, para comenzar su giro rápido. Luego se aplicó en probar el ritmo de carrera, como marcaba el programa del equipo. Las sensaciones no son buenas, pero hay que esperar al sábado tras un día de muchas pruebas. Mirando los tiempos de Lance Stroll, su 18º puesto, 0,4 más rápido que Fernando, pero con el compuesto medio en su caso, tampoco arroja mucha luz en cuanto al rendimiento de Aston Martin. La impresión es que están en el furgón de cola para este fin de semana, pero hasta la calificación no se podrá certificar. Sainz, undécimo tiempo Por su parte, Carlos Sainz terminó 11º, a siete puestos de Leclerc, pero a 0,3 segundos en tiempo real. En esos márgenes se mueve la clasificación en México, en pasar de una posible primera línea a quedar fuera de la Q3 en cuanto la vuelta no sea perfecta. Carlos, con una indisposición estomacal este jueves, pasó el día como mejor pudo y es de esperar que eleve su rendimiento el sábado. Libres 2, GP de México 2023 1º M. Verstappen Red Bull 1'18"686 2º L. Norris McLaren 1'18"805 +00"119 3º C. Leclerc Ferrari 1'18"952 +00"266 4º V. Bottas Alfa Romeo 1'18"955 +00"269 5º S. Perez Red Bull 1'18"988 +00"302 6º D. Ricciardo AlphaTauri 1'19"002 +00"316 7º L. Hamilton Mercedes 1'19"024 +00"338 8º E. Ocon Alpine 1'19"077 +00"391 9º O. Piastri McLaren 1'19"163 +00"477 10º G. Russell Mercedes 1'19"227 +00"541 11º Carlos Sainz Ferrari 1'19"257 +00"571 12º Y. Tsunoda AlphaTauri 1'19"290 +00"604 13º G. Zhou Alfa Romeo 1'19"415 +00"729 14º A. Albon Williams 1'19"446 +00"760 15º N. Hulkenberg Haas 1'19"535 +00"849 16º P. Gasly Alpine 1'19"642 +00"956 17º L Sargeant Williams 1'19"900 +01"214 18º L. Stroll Aston Martin 1'20"075 +01"389 19º K. Magnussen Haas 1'20"112 +01"426 20º Fernando Alonso Aston Martin 1'20"426 +01"740 Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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brutalhqs · 2 years
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welcome to new york, it's been waiting for you!
fcs ocupados: keith powers, madelaine petsch, madelyn cline, shawn mendes, dina denoire, hugh laughton-scott, zión moreno, madison beer, madison bailey e mara lafontan.
não importa qual seja a verdade! os rumores dizem que ANDRE KAREEM RAMSEY aos seus 25 anos de idade, é COZINHEIRO NO FOODTRUCK DO PAI e muito parecido com KEITH POWERS. LITTLE K, como é conhecido, não vive sem escutar N95 - KENDRICK LAMAR que descreve a sua personalidade AUTOCONFIANTE e IMPACIENTE, no dia a dia. mas, ninguém sabe ainda que está na trama de HOW TO LOSE ( muse 18) pertencendo a RALÉ.
não importa qual seja a verdade! os rumores dizem que CORDELIA CROWLEY aos seus 23 anos de idade, é YOUTUBER E MAKEUP ARTIST e muito parecida com MADELAINE PETSCH. CC, como é conhecido, não vive sem escutar VIGILANTE SHIT - TAYLOR SWIFT que descreve a sua personalidade CURIOSA e IMPULSIVA, no dia a dia. mas, ninguém sabe ainda que está na trama de THE MARRIAGE (muse 02) pertencendo a ELITE.
não importa qual seja a verdade! os rumores dizem que DOROTHEA PARKER LAPOINTE aos seus 26 anos de idade, é ESTUDANTE DE MODA NA UNIVERSIDADE DE COLUMBIA E ESTAGIÁRIA NA WALDORF e muito parecida com MADELYN CLYNE. DOE, como é conhecida, não vive sem escutar ABOUT YOU - THE 1975 que descreve a sua personalidade LEAL e TÍMIDA, no dia a dia. mas, ninguém sabe ainda que está na trama de GOLD DIGGER (muse 09) pertencendo a RALÉ.
não importa qual seja a verdade! os rumores dizem que EDEN FOSTER aos seus 26 anos de idade, é SURFISTA e muito parecido com SHAWN MENDES. FOSTER, como é conhecido, não vive sem escutar DIRTY PAWS - OF MONSTERS AND MEN que descreve a sua personalidade DESENVOLTA e PREPOTENTE, no dia a dia. mas, ninguém sabe ainda que está na trama de DOUBLE HATE (muse 15) pertencendo a RALÉ.
não importa qual seja a verdade! os rumores dizem que ELIZABETH "LIZZIE" TAYLOR aos seus 24 anos de idade, é ASSISTENTE PESSOAL E ESTAGIÁRIA DE MARKETING e muito parecida com DINA DENOIRE. LITTLE L, como é conhecida, não vive sem escutar ROMEO AND JULIET - DIRE STRAITS que descreve a sua personalidade DETERMINADA e INTROVERTIDA, no dia a dia. mas, ninguém sabe ainda que está na trama de SET IT UP (muse 20) pertencendo a RALÉ.
não importa qual seja a verdade! os rumores dizem que HARRISON “HARRIS” JAMES ASTOR aos seus 26 anos de idade, é ASSISTENTE DE PESQUISA NO COSTUME INSTITUTE DO MET e muito parecido com HUGH-LAUGHTON-SCOTT. NOBLE H, como é conhecido, não vive sem escutar LANDSLIDE - FLEETWOOD MAC que descreve a sua personalidade SENSÍVEL e ORGULHOSA, no dia a dia. mas, ninguém sabe ainda que está na trama de THE MARRIAGE (muse 01) pertencendo a ELITE.
não importa qual seja a verdade! os rumores dizem que LUPITA MARTÍNEZ CAMPOS aos seus 24 anos de idade, é ESTUDANTE DE ARTE E ESTAGIÁRIA NO MET e muito parecida com ZIÓN MORENO. LUPI, como é conhecida, não vive sem escutar ALL TOO WELL (10 MINUTE VERSION) - TAYLOR SWIFT que descreve a sua personalidade GENTIL e INSEGURA, no dia a dia. mas, ninguém sabe ainda que está na trama de THE MARRIAGE (muse 03) pertencendo a ELITE.
não importa qual seja a verdade! os rumores dizem que ROSLYN DE LOUGHREY aos seus 23 anos de idade, é ATIVISTA AMBIENTAL e muito parecida com MADISON BAILEY. MOANA, como é conhecida, não vive sem escutar UNFAIR que descreve a sua personalidade RADIANTE e RIGOROSA, no dia a dia. mas, ninguém sabe ainda que está na trama de DIRTY LITTLE SECRET (muse 11) e pertence a ELITE.
não importa qual seja a verdade! os rumores dizem que SABINE DES HOULIÈRES aos seus 26 anos de idade, é DESIGNER DE MODA e muito parecida com MARA LAFONTAN. S, como é conhecida, não vive sem escutar THE LAKES - TAYLOR SWIFT que descreve a sua personalidade CURIOSA e INDIVIDUALISTA, no dia a dia. mas, ninguém sabe ainda que está na trama de DOUBLE HATE (muse 16) pertencendo a ELITE.
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oflaertes · 6 years
date: november 20th time: 9:40am location: montague headquarters availability: @heirmontagues
Lawrence expects guilt. 
He expects to feel something, anything--it’s not the first life that he’s taken, but it’s the first one where the other party has been on their knees and defenseless save for the barbed words they threw at him. He expects to feel something in his chest break, but he doesn’t, and he wonders if maybe it’s because that thing inside of him he’d always called humanity had broken a long time ago, if maybe being born Alvise Vernon’s soldier of a son meant being born without any humanity in the first place. 
There is no heavy shame on his chest. 
There is no question about right and wrong. 
There is only the weight of expectation, slowly lifting off his shoulders. 
“How should be proceed, sir?” he says it to Damiano, but he means it to be answered by Roman in the same breath, knows that even though it’s Damiano who wears the crown at the moment, it’s Roman he bends his knee to now. 
A new king has been born.
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bernie-the-nugget · 3 years
.•°☆ 51 Reasons why Steli ☆°•.
TH~ TrollHunters
3B ~ 3Below
W ~ Wizards
S ~ Season
Ep ~Episode
☆note: Bromance and Romance+ things I think are cute☆
☆2ndNote: All events are in chronological order of the shows☆
01) They have to raise a baby
[TH S2 Ep8 & 9]
02) Eli calls their son Flip after Steve yelled "I don't give a Flip!"
[TH S2 Ep9]
03) Steve calls Eli cool
[TH S2 Ep9]
04) Eli always tries to calm Steve down
[ TH S2 Ep 9 & TH S3 Ep3 & 3B S2 Ep 10]
05) Steve & Eli wrote/sang two songs together
[TH S2 Ep9 & 3B S2 Ep5]
06)Eli sings "friendship forever" in their first song
(yes I know both songs by heart)
[TH S2 Ep9]
*Steve & Eli singing:*
Slay- CreepslayerZ
Duh duh duh duh
Duh duh duh duh
Defenders of the night!
Duh duh duh duh duh
Goblins and ghoulies and things that go, boo!
We´ll pound you into goo, we´re coming for you!
Friendship forever will stop all the Creepers
We know all the secrets for we are the Keepers
Of Awesome Yeah
Punch all the Monsters!
CreepslayerZ! CreepslayerZ!
In the face!
[TH S2 Ep9]
07) Before the CreepslayerZ episode, Steve only ever has a grin full of deceitfulness and mischievousness
but after that episode his smile turns so incredible soft
[TH S2 Ep9]
08) Steve rescues Eli from a paperball
[TH S2 Ep10]
Steve: *is asleep *
Eli: *gets hit with one (1) paperball *
Steve:*(ง •̀_•́)ง *
Eli: * (。◕‿◕。) *
[TH S2 Ep10]
09) Steve flings his arm around Eli's shoulder
[TH S2 Ep10 & 3B S2 Ep1]
10) Steve is totally amazed when Eli backflips down the rope
[TH S2 Ep13]
11) Steve protects Eli when Coach snarls at him
[TH S3 Ep3]
12) Eli tries to calm Steve down after Coach snarled at Steve
[TH S3 Ep3]
13) Steve goes to The Battle Of The Bands with Eli and carries him ON HIS SHOULDERS
[TH S3 Ep12 & 3B S1 Ep12]
14) Eli wants to desperately convince Steve that Aliens are real
[3B S1 Ep3&13]
Steve: pics or it didn´t happen.
Eli: Fine!
Steve: Fine!!
Eli: FINE!!! *Ò∇Ó *
Eli: *runs away *
Steve: Wait not fine! It´s not fine! NOT FINE! COME BA-A-ACK!!
[3B S1 Ep13]
15) Steve tells a horrorstory at the campfire which he got from Eli
[3B S1 Ep8]
16) Steve goes on a date with Aja but only talks about Eli
[3B S1 Ep11]
Steve: And that´s why Eli can´t eat clams.
[3B S1 Ep11]
17) Steve & Eli had (a) sleepover(s) where they watched all episodes of Earth Invaders
[3B S1 Ep11]
18) Steve gets stuck in a spaceship and the first person he's thinking of is Eli
[3B S1 Ep11]
19) Steve wants Eli to "clarinett" (it's a panflute) him at The Battle Of The Bands
[3B S1 Ep12]
20) While Steve is panicking he shakes Eli
[3B S1 Ep13]
21) Eli totally freaks out when Steve doesn't answer his calls
[3B S2 Ep1]
22) Eli desperately tries to rescue Steve after he thought that Steve got brainwashed by Aja
[3B S2 Ep1]
23) Eli elbowed Toby after Toby offended Steve
[3B S2 Ep1]
Eli: She kidnapped him!
* :'( *
I bet she brainwashed him!
* :OOO *
Toby: Yeah, that wouldn´t be hard.
Eli: *(ง •̀_•́)ง *
[3B S2 Ep1]
24) Eli jumps on Steve to save him from these "darn dirty" Aliens (+ Eli pets Steve´s cheek)
[3B S2 Ep1]
Eli: You´re safe now, Bro.
Steve: Pepperjack! Don´t use Bro! You´re not cool enough, Bro.
Eli: Sorry, Bro.
Steve: * •̀_•́ *
Eli: I-I-I mean Steve!
25) Steve hides behind Aja while Eli hides behind Steve
[3B S2 Ep1]
26)Eli threw himself on Steve before they got crushed by a giant warhammer
[3B S2 Ep1]
27) Steve "cuddles" Eli after they defeated Magmatron
[3B S2 Ep1]
28) Eli holds Steve's hand after they defeated Magmatron
[3B S2 Ep1]
29) Eli and Steve look each other in the eyes,
then Steve walks and looks away but Eli is still admiring Steve
[3B S2 Ep1]
30) Steve & Eli make their CreepslayerZ-sign in front of a totally romantic, pinkish background WHILE THEY SMILING AT EACHOTHER WITH THAT LOOK
[3B S2 Ep1]
31) Steve says "Good job Bro" in the most softest tone ever and gives his boy a high five
[3B S2 Ep3]
32) Steve signs Eli "🤟" which means
*I l o v e y o u*
[3B S2 Ep5]
33) Steve calls Eli "My Boy"
[3B S2 Ep5]
*Steve rapping:*
My Boy Eli and I saving the day,
You Creeps better hide ´cause we came to slay!
Creeping in the shadows, we ain´t here to play!
Cruising in Arcadia with his mum´s car
Cheeseslice has a curfew, we can´t go far!
34) Steve randomly picks up Eli
[3B S2 Ep5]
35) Steve wants to shove someone in a locker but stops because of Eli
[3B S2 Ep5]
Steve: *about to shove someone in a locker, happily*
Eli: "Steeve! What did we talk about?! •̀_•́"
Steve: ò-ó *lets go off the Area 49B-guy, dissapointed and annoyed* "FINE!"
[3B S2 Ep5]
36) When Steve wanted to try-out for Kleb Or Alive, Toby wanted to reject him BUT Eli shushed Toby and told him to "just watch"
(My theory: Steve &Eli already acted together
also they both were in the Romeo And Juliet play in Trollhunters)
[3B S2 Ep8]
37) Eli cries because of Steve's amazing acting
[3B S2 Ep8]
38) Toby thinks that they both are dating
"I know, you're **just** CreepslayerZ not dating"
[3B S2 Ep9]
39) Eli calls Steve "Loverboy"
[3B S2 Ep12]
40) Steve comes back for Eli during the final battle of 3Below
Eli to Steve: You came back for me!
(And I quote in German:
Eli: Du (Steve) bist fūr mich zurūckgekommen
(he explicitly addresses Steve in German))
[3B S2 Ep12]
41) Steve takes Eli by the hand to save him from creepers
[3B S2 Ep13]
42) After the Big Explosion, Steve's first question is "Wait, Where is Pepperjack?!"
and then he CRIES his name
[3B S2 Ep 13]
43) "Hold on Eli! Steve is coming!"
[3B S2 Ep13]
44) Steve cuddles Eli during Aja's speech
[3B S2 Ep13]
45) Eli hugs Steve (and Aja)
[3B S2 Ep 13]
46) When Aja and Eli leave earth Steve cries again
[3B S2 Ep13]
47) Steve puts the loss of Eli and Aja on the same level
[3B S2 Ep 13]
48) Steve get's kicked really hard & swamped with sewage and he cries for Pepperjack
[W S1 Ep5 & Ep8]
49) Steve is clingy but especially clingy with Eli
50) Eli usually sticks close to Steve
51) Eli is the only one who gets a (nice) nickname, besides Aja, from Steve
[3B Cheeseslice]
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unabashedqueenfury · 2 years
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Reign 2013-2017/ 01-01
The French Court / End of Childhood.
Ai giochi addio per sempre, dì
Non sono più cose per te
Ai giochi addio
Chissà perché nemmeno tu
Ancora spiergatelo non puoi
Tu attendi un ospite
Favoloso e incognito
Non sai che nome ha
Forse il suo nome è dolcezza
Forse invece è amaro
Forse il suo nome è splendore
Ma forse invece è oscuro
Tu vuoi scoprire i suoi misteri
E al suo confronto tutto ti annoia
I suoi regali fantastici attendi
Come le notti dell'Epifania
Rimani sveglia pensando chissà
Che mai ti porterà
Chissà perché nemmeno tu
Ancora spiegartelo non sai
Tu vuoi scoprire i suoi misteri
E al suo confronto tutto ti annoia
I suoi regali fantastici attendi
Come le notti dell'Epifania
Rimani sveglia pensando chissà
Che mai ti porterà
Spiegartelo non sai
"Ai giochi addio", Love Theme from "Romeo & Juliet", N. Rota/ L. Pavarotti, Cinema Italiano, The London Film Orchestra, 2001)
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piusolbiate · 3 years
Più attenzione ai nostri gatti
Proseguirà anche per il periodo dal 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024, la convenzione con l’ Associazione Gli Amici di Romeo Odv (Organizzazione di Volontariato)” (N. 132 Registro Deliberazioni del 14-12-2021)
L'Associazione tramite l’utilizzo di personale volontario, durante l’anno 2021 ha svolto sul territorio comunale la propria attività di controllo e gestione del randagismo felino con numerosi interventi effettuati per la sterilizzazione e per le cure sanitarie prestate ai gatti rinvenuti feriti sul territorio comunale.
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enzocorrenti · 4 years
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Spazio G43: iNGaBBiaTi CoN L'aRTe Mostra collettiva di Arte Contemporanea A cura di Enzo Correnti Inaugurazione 18 Aprile 2020 Spazio G43 - Via Garella,43 Prato Omaggio a Luca De Silva Dalla Collezione CORRENTI – RIPARI Grafica di _guroga ELENCO DEI PARTECIPANTI _guroga, Alessandro Giannetti, Alessandro Pucci, Alessandra Gereschi, Alfonso Caccavale, Antonella Sassanelli, Antonio Conte, Antonio De Rose, Antonio La Gamba, Associazione Culturale Art-Art Impruneta (Firenze), Articolo 31 (Titti Gaeta), Barbara Fluvi, Beatrice Capozza, Brigata Topolino, Barbara Neri, Bruno Cassaglia, Carla Colombo, Claudia Conte, BAU Contenitore di Cultura Contemporanea n° 09 (2012) e n°14 (2017), Claudia Garrocini, Claudio Romeo, Clemente Padin, Collettivo Dada Boom Viareggio (Laura Serafin, Mario Giannelli, Virginia Orrico, Giacome Verde, Alessandro Giannetti e Sara Bellandi), Dala (Dalila Lili Leonetti), Daniela Gentili, Daniela Leonetti, Daniela Mastromauro, Daniela Pisolato, Davide Cruciata, Domenico Severino, Enzo Correnti, Erica Romano, Eva Malacarne, Francesca Confessore, Francesco Alarico, Francesco Cornello, Fulgor C. Silvi, Glauco Di Sacco, Gennaro Ippolito, Horouna Sonare, I Santini Del Prete (Franco Santini e Del Prete Raimondo), Ignazio Fresu, Ilaria Pergolesi, Ina Ripari, Irene Giannetti, Ivette Berti, Ivy Junia Grace Wuethrich & Enzo Correnti, Jakob De Chirico, Laura Coniglione, Laura Balla, Laura Serafin, Lancillotto Bellini, Lars Schumacher, Lia Pecchioli, Luca De Silva, Luca Fani, Luca Serasini, Luce Fabbri, Lucia Longo, Lucia Spagnuolo, Luther Blissett, Leti Vanna, Maria Teresa Cazzaro, Mariano Bellarosa, Marta Brodowska, Mariano Lo Gerfo, Mauro Gazzara, Maurizio Follin, Mattia Crisci, Maya Lopez Muro, Meral Agàr, Mimmo Domenico Di Caterino, Monty Cantsib, Moreno Correnti, Morice Marcuse, Meral Agàr, Murat Onol, NaCosa Napoli (Valentina Guerra & Antonio Conte), Neo Reo, Nicola Bertoglio, Nina Todorovic & Enzo Correnti, Noemi Silvera, Patrizia Cerella, Progetto No Name (Sara KO Fontana & Dario Arrighi), Redazione SKEDA Metropolitana Prato 2014, Renata e Giovanni Strada, Rita Esposito, Risouke Cohen, Roberto Scala, Sabrina Danielli, Selene Correnti, Serse Luigetti, Simona Carletti, Simona Dipasquale, Simona Giglio, Skinaz (Mimicha Finazzi), Tania Passerino, Mail art Collettiva (VeitArt, Ina Ripari, Fabiola Barna, Cecilia Bossi e Mabi Col), Ubaldo Molesti, Vittore Baroni, Walter Correnti, Walter Pennacchi, Luca Granato, Laura Violeta Dima.Nella mia casa vicinissimo al Centro per l’Arte Contemporane L. Pecci a Prato, nella parte centrale dell’appartamento c’è un ingresso, dove ci sono ben 5 porte, è grande 210 cm x 180 cm, l’altezza è 260 cm. Chiuso in casa, per i noti motivi che tutti conosciamo, si può anche sopportare ma come artista sento il bisogno di fare qualcosa. Vi ricordo che da quando è iniziata questa quarantena da solo o con altri amici ho già organizzato tre eventi. Virtual Happening Boom “DADA SIEMPRE” a cura di Enzo Correnti ed Ivette Berti, in collaborazione con Officina Dada Boom e la collaborazione esterna e grafica di _guroga. In occasione dell’equinozio di Primavere ai tempi del Coronavirus Noi artisti REO-DADA abbiamo invitato gli artisti a compiere un’azione artistica, in cui il protagonista non sia il panico, ma al contrario il VIRUS sia l’ARTE. L’evento si è svolto dalle ore 09:00 alle ore 21:00 del 21 marzo 2020. https://www.facebook.com/events/686880731852745/ . Il secondo evento organizzato è stato: ENZO CORRENTI (l'uomo carta) Presenta “Noi DeL PRiMo aPRiLe (VIII edizione)” ZoNa RoSSa CoN-CoRoNa (eSSeRCi SeNZa eSSeRCi) Opere, installazioni, mail art e performance. Grafica della locandina di _guroga - Dalle ore 16:00 alle ore 20:00 - Prato, 01 Aprile 2020 MuSeo aLTeRNaTiVo DeL BiSeNZio (Pista ciclabile Gino Bartali, Riva dx , Mezzana, Prato). Dal 22 marzo 2020 inserendo foto di tutte le precedenti edizioni, le locandine dalla prima edizione risalente al 2008 e le successive edizioni e accompagnati da ironici post che spiegavano come arrivare al Museo Alternativo Bisenzio. Fino all’ANNULLAMENTO dell’evento avvenuto il 1 aprile 2020 https://www.facebook.com/events/209176410494925 e infine dal 6 /12 aprile 2020 Photo Virtual Happening MI MANCA… NON MI MANCA… A cura di Ivette Berti & Enzo Correnti - Grafica e collaborazione di _guroga Dopo giorni e giorni chiusi in casa senza potere uscire ci siamo chiesti: Cosa mi manca? Cosa non mi manca? Pubblicate le vostre foto scrivendo: MI MANCA… NON MI MANCA… https://www.facebook.com/events/585275775417404 …Cosi per continuare in questo mio impegno, per dimostrare che la reclusione non mi ha impedito di dedicare del tempo a quello che l’arte mi ha dato e mi da, ho deciso di fare una mostra di Arte Contemporanea in questo minuscolo spazio. Esponendo 260 opere di grande e piccole dimensioni di ben 111 artisti della Collezione Privata Correnti-Ripari. L’inaugurazione è prevista per giorno 18 aprile alle ore 18:00 con una breve diretta. Nei giorni successivi vi faremo visitare virtualmente l’evento, pubblicando nella pagina foto e brevi video. Enzo Correnti (l’uomo carta) #essercisenzaesserci #iononmiarresto #lartenonvainquarantena #arteresistente #agitazioneculturale #reodada #enzocorrenti #_guroga #veitart #photovirtualhappening #inaripari #spaziog43 #ingabbiaticonlarte
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born2battle · 4 years
Baptism by Fire ---- 1971 War
     On 01 Nov, I reported to Maj P V Mithran, the Battery Commander of Romeo Battery. He extended a hearty welcome & introduced me to all the Jawans, specifically mentioning about my outstanding performance as winner of the Silver Gun at Deolali. He expressed the hope that I will prove to be a competent GPO and a long term asset in the Jat Balwan family. He advised me to get conversant with all drills on the 75 mm Howitzer and the technical work in the Command Post, within next one week. He nominated the Instructors who would conduct this on the job training. Then, we had the “ Take Post “ ceremony at the Gun, which signalled the start of my Induction training. It was so encouraging to begin this journey, in a scenario, where the entire Regiment was deployed for the operational role. 
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    All training was conducted within the perimeter of the Gun Position,  covering an area of 2 square km. Individual training was conducted for the first two hours & was followed by Collective training for the next two hours. It covered Gun Drill, Command Post work, Survey schemes & Driving and maintenance. Soon after lunch, all Officers & JCOs had classes on special subjects such as Fire Planning, Radio communication procedures, basic battle procedures of an Infantry Battalion & Terrain analysis of the likely area of operations. Soon after dinner, we practised deployment drills, both at the OP end & the Gun end. This methodology of training would contribute as a battle winning factor shortly. Despite this hectic schedule, I managed to find time to write letters to my parents & friends.Interestingly, letters had to be written on Red / Green coloured Forces letters & dispatched via FPO --- set up by Army Postal Service !!
   During my Induction training, I got an opportunity to observe the customs of my Jawans & understand their behaviour at the grassroots level. I had some difficulty in comprehending their JAT dialect initially but was able to forge a relationship gradually. I  found the JATs to be robust and competent while executing any task. They were voracious foodies & loved to prepare’ Halwa’, even in small groups. Meanwhile, my BC monitored the progress about my training and allowed me to fire the Gun for the first time.I felt thrilled when I pressed the firing lever of the Ranging Gun, while all the Gun detachments cheered in unison ---” Bol Kishan Bhagwan ki Jay.” I was permitted to continue firing throughout the Shoot, which was controlled by the OP officer, engaging the target which was 8 km away. At the end of this maiden experience, I distributed sweets to all the Jawans , as per the regimental custom.
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   Meanwhile, a special Force named Mukti Bahini, was created out of the Bengali population of erstwhile East Pakistan. This special force comprised of 25,000 conventional forces and 80,000 freedom fighters. It operated as a part of the operations conducted by Indian Armed Forces. In our sector of operations Mukti Bahini was utilized for guerilla operations for the Battle of Pachagarh. It was the first time when I performed the duties of GPO giving fire orders from the Command Post. This was also the first occasion when we were under shelling from enemy artillery guns. However, we had to continue firing our guns in retaliation after moving to alternate positions.  
   In the last week of November, the situation became critical. As we advanced the enemy retreated to occupy defensive positions after blowing up the bridges on the rivers/ canals. 98 Mountain Regiment was part of the thrust from north to south while there were similar thrusts into East Pakistan from easterly and westerly directions. On 03 December 1971, Pakistan launched a surprise air strike on our air bases right from Srinagar to Barmer. In immediate response, our Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi announced on All India Radio “War has been forced on us”. Thus began the 1971 war. 
   Lt Col Chaturvedi, our CO held an urgent Sainik Sammelan and briefed us about the latest development. He also briefed us about the future plans for suitable response. All of us resolved that we will deliver the results to the best of our abilities and utmost of our capacities especially in this war situation. The very next day, we heard the news about the success achieved by Indian Navy who had sunk the Pakistani Submarine - PNS Ghazi of the coast of Vizag. 
   In our sector, our next objective was Thakurgaon which was very heavily defended. The planning for its capture was in progress by the higher commanders. At the gun position ,we were busy digging gun pits, weapon pits, command post and alternate positions which would prove their utility in the event of shelling. Our CO, BCs and OP officers evolved a detailed fire plan for the capture of Thakurgaon. These plans were sent to the Adjutant command post for further dissemination to each of the GPOs. We had to calculate the technical data and keep it ready for application on the guns. The capture of Thakurgaon was completed after two nights of intense battle. Major Virinder Kumar, who was our BC in this action, was later awarded the Sena Medal for his gallantry. 
   Our next objective was Dinajpur, which was another hard nut to crack. Similar preparations were carried out after we moved forward and deployed in a new gun position. It was equally essential to replenish the ammunition keeping in pace with the expenditure. This was done only during night. The attack was launched on Dinajpur which was captured after three nights. It was again another OP officer of our Regiment who proved his worth - Capt Prakash Chand who was later awarded the ‘Mention in Despatches’. However, two Jawans (L/NK Ran Singh and OPR Ram Chander) of his OP party were martyred. We were then ordered to move quickly towards Rangpur. This was achieved after crossing the rivers / tributaries en-route using pontoon bridges. Eventually, Rangpur garrison was surrounded by 14 Dec. 
   We learnt about the progress of operations along all the three thrusts which had converged very close to Dhaka. All India Radio announced about our successful amphibious landings at Cox’s Bazaar as well as a magnificent air drop at Tangail. These two surprise actions were a clear indication that the noose was tightening on Dhaka. Finally, on 16 Dec, the cease fire was declared bringing an end to the war in both Eastern and Western theatres. The main surrender ceremony was held in Dhaka where Lt Gen AAK Niazi, GOC in C, Pakistan Eastern Theatre surrendered along with 93,000 troops to Lt Gen JS Aurora, GOC in C, Eastern Command. It was indeed a decisive victory for India which resulted in the birth of Bangladesh. 
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    Similar surrender ceremony was held at Rangpur, where we were directly involved. It was a historic achievement for our Regiment, remembered forever, in our regimental history. Personally, I felt privileged to be baptised in the Jat Balwan family in this memorable manner. Hereafter, my course (38 NDA) earned the title “Born To Battle” Course. 
    In the midst of all this jubilation, there was a sombre feeling when I heard the news that Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal, my Coursemate ( 38th / Foxtrot ) had been martyred in the Battle of Basantar on the night of 15/16 December. He was the Troop Commander in 17 Poona Horse and displayed extreme gallantry in a skirmish with enemy tanks, even after his tank was hit by enemy tanks. His act of supreme sacrifice,  was honoured with the highest gallantry award --- the Param Vir Chakra !! The Drill Square in NDA has since been renamed as Khetarpal Parade Ground , as a mark of respect to the Bravest of the Braves !!!
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blibrary · 5 years
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Seleccionar el nombre del manga para ingresar al lector.
— A —
•  Amaenbo Honey
•  Antimoral Omegaverse
•  Aoi Tori Yori
•  Abarenbo Honey
•  Altruist
•  Alpha Demonai Omega Demonai Bokura wa
•  Akatsubaki
— B —
•  Bokuraga Tsugai ni naru Made
— D —
•  Do S Obake ga Nekasete Kurenai | Vol.01 - Vol.02 
•  Drago Star Player Romeo | Vol.01
— E — 
•  Eigyou Nikka
•  Egotism Heat
— F —
•  Fudanshi Shokan
— G —
•  Gelateria Supernova
•  Gelateria Supernova ~Royal Vanilla~
— H —
•  Hina wa Mitsuiro no Koi ni Torawareru
•  Hang Out Crisis
•  Hanagara Tsumi
•  Hajimete No
•  Haga-kun wa Kamaretai (Quiero Morder a Haga-kun)
— I —
•  Itadakimasu Gouchiosama
•  Inmoral Sandwich
•  In The Cage
•  Imitation Mate
•  Ijiwaru na Tsugai no Netsu ni Oborete
•  Iki wo Tomete, Ugokanaide
— J —
•  Joou to Shitateya
•  Juliet no Baka
— K —
•  Kakurenbo Honey
•  Kashikomarimashita Destiny Side Master
•  Kashikomarimashita Destiny Side Buttler
•  Kashikomarimashita Destiny~Answer~
•  Kashikomarimashita Destiny~Bangai Hen~
•  Kekkonshite Kudasai
•  Kimi wa Mou Kamenai
•  Kamikon Kara Hatsukoi
•  Kamiato Kara Hatsukoi
•  Kirai de Isasete | Vol.01 - Vol.02 
•  Kimi wa Junai ni Fusawashii
•  Kimi to Tsugai ni Narenai Ryuu
•  Kanraku Alpha ~Enigma~
•  Kisu wa BAN ni Hisamazuku
•  Kaniteki Pervert Romance | Vol.01 - Vol.02
•  Kakumei no Alpha
•  Ko Mochi Omega Kare to Kare
•  Kamoku na Shinyuu wa Tada no Mutsuri Deshita
•  Kamisama, Douka te wo totte
— L —
•  Llévame a Casa
— M —
•  Megumi to Tsugumi | Vol.01 - Vol.02 - Vol.03
•  Mujikaku no Love Factor
•  Mittomonai Koi
•  Mitsuketa Boku no Omega-sama
— N —
•  Namida Kareru Na | Ver.01 - Ver.02
•  Nya to Nakukara Aishiteyo
•  Niibanme no Alpha
— O —
•  Ore no Yuugaina Isekai
•  Okusama wa Alpha
•  Oni to Shitau wa Tatarigami | Vol.01 - Vol.02
•  On Doorstep
•  Oyasuminasai no Ato wa
•  Oboreru Omega ~Mamoritai no ni, Hamarasetai~
— P —
•  Paradigm Shift
— R —
•  Romantic Joutou
•  Romantic Lament
•  Rengoku no Millenium
•  Re: Birth
— S —
•  Shonen no Kyoukai | Vol.01 - Vol.02 - Vol.03
•  Sayonara Alpha
•  Sennen Hakkaten
•  Shiritsu Teijou Gakuen
•  Sutenaide My Hero
— T —
•  Torokeru Hodoni Kamaretai
•  Totsugimasen Kara!
•  Tsugai no Torikago
•  Tsugai ni Narenai
•  Tondemonai Ore no Alpha | Vol.01 - Vol.02
— U —
•  Unmei Janai Hito
•  Unmei no Kisu wa Oazuke
•  Un Milenio en el Purgatorio del Amor | Vol.01 - Vol.02
— Y —
•  Youichi na Koi Doushiou
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mksimss · 4 years
Dayana Nair (CC List)
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Mouth corners:https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-skindetails/title/mouth-corners-n03/id/1330957/
Nose mask:https://www.simsdom.com/downloads/125165/skin-n4-overlay-overlay-nosemasks-set-n2-by-obscurus-sims-sims4
Overlay face skin:https://goppolsme.wixsite.com/goppolsme/single-post/2018/10/01/Overlay-Face-Skin-v1
Presets (I use these for most of my sims):
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taevisionceo · 4 years
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TAEVision Engineering 's Posts - Sun, Jul 05, 2020 TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Automotive VOLVO XC70 Wagon OffRoad MercedesBenz AMG GClass GWagon G550 OffRoad SUV Machinery Construction Mining bulldozer dozer crawler SD7 CAT Caterpillar Packaging Package Design for Parts AutoParts... Packaging Foam Fashion NY NYC The Delacorte Theater CentralPark THE NEXT BIG THING 01 - Data 448 3D Design Applications Automotive AUTUMN COLORS VOLVO XC70 Wagon OffRoad ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 02 - Data 474 3D Design Applications Automotive WALKING IN A WHITE WINTER MercedesBenz AMG GClass GWagon G550 OffRoad SUV 5.5-L V-8 388 HP V8 ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 03 - Data 321 Machinery Construction Mining bulldozer dozer crawler SD7 CAT Caterpillar CarterMachinery ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 04 - Data 174 Industrial Packaging Package Rendering Modeling Dynamics Package Design for Parts AutoParts... SAC 01 Packaging Foam ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 05 - Data 356 3D Design Applications Fashion NY NYC 'Shakespeare in the Park at The Delacorte Theater - Romeo and Juliet' CentralPark @CentralPark_NYC Manhattan NY NYC ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 06 - Data 350 Fashion Music NY NYC Music in New York Dreams Atlanta NY THE NEXT BIG THING NY NYC ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr
I just updated my Pressfolio: TAEVision Mechanics - Global Data - Jul 05, 2020 ▸ TAEVision Mechanics's Online Portfolio
Global Data - Jul 05, 2020
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bernie-the-nugget · 4 years
Okay I know I like never post anything at all but I just have to!!!
.•°☆ 50 Reasons why Steli ☆°•.
TH~ TrollHunters
3B ~ 3Below
W ~ Wizards
S ~ Season
Ep ~Episode
☆note: Bromance and Romance+ things I think are cute☆
☆2ndNote: All events are in chronological order of the shows☆
01) They have to raise a baby
[TH S2 Ep8 & 9]
02) Eli calls their son Flip after Steve yelled "I don't give a Flip!"
[TH S2 Ep9]
03) Steve calls Eli cool
[TH S2 Ep9]
04) Eli always tries to calm Steve down
[ TH S2 Ep 9 & TH S3 Ep3 & 3B S2 Ep 10]
05) Steve & Eli wrote/sang two songs together
[TH S2 Ep9 & 3B S2 Ep5]
06)Eli sings "friendship forever" in their first song
(yes I know both songs by heart)
[TH S2 Ep9]
*Steve & Eli singing:*
Slay- CreepslayerZ
Duh duh duh duh
Duh duh duh duh
Defenders of the night!
Duh duh duh duh duh
Goblins and ghoulies and things that go, boo!
We´ll pound you into goo, we´re coming for you!
Friendship forever will stop all the Creepers
We know all the secrets for we are the Keepers
Of Awesome Yeah
Punch all the Monsters!
CreepslayerZ! CreepslayerZ!
In the face!
[TH S2 Ep9]
07) Before the CreepslayerZ episode, Steve only ever has a grin full of deceitfulness and mischievousness
but after that episode his smile turns so incredible soft
[TH S2 Ep9]
08) Steve rescues Eli from a paperball
[TH S2 Ep10]
Steve: *is asleep *
Eli: *gets hit with one (1) paperball *
Steve:*(ง •̀_•́)ง *
Eli: * (。◕‿◕。) *
[TH S2 Ep10]
09) Steve flings his arm around Eli's shoulder
[TH S2 Ep10 & 3B S2 Ep1]
10) Steve is totally amazed when Eli backflips down the rope
[TH S2 Ep13]
11) Steve protects Eli when Coach snarls at him
[TH S3 Ep3]
12) Eli tries to calm Steve down after Coach snarled at Steve
[TH S3 Ep3]
13) Steve goes to The Battle Of The Bands with Eli and carries him ON HIS SHOULDERS
[TH S3 Ep12 & 3B S1 Ep12]
14) Eli wants to desperately convince Steve that Aliens are real
[3B S1 Ep3&13]
Steve: pics or it didn´t happen.
Eli: Fine!
Steve: Fine!!
Eli: FINE!!! *Ò∇Ó *
Eli: *runs away *
Steve: Wait not fine! It´s not fine! NOT FINE! COME BA-A-ACK!!
[3B S1 Ep13]
15) Steve tells a horrorstory at the campfire which he got from Eli
[3B S1 Ep8]
16) Steve goes on a date with Aja but only talks about Eli
[3B S1 Ep11]
Steve: And that´s why Eli can´t eat clams.
[3B S1 Ep11]
17) Steve & Eli had (a) sleepover(s) where they watched all episodes of Space Invaders
[3B S1 Ep11]
18) Steve gets stuck in a spaceship and the first person he's thinking of is Eli
[3B S1 Ep11]
19) Steve wants Eli to "clarinett" (it's a panflute) him at The Battle Of The Bands
[3B S1 Ep12]
20) While Steve is panicking he shakes Eli
[3B S1 Ep13]
21) Eli totally freaks out when Steve doesn't answer his calls
[3B S2 Ep1]
22) Eli desperately tries to rescue Steve after he thought that Steve got brainwashed by Aja
[3B S2 Ep1]
23) Eli elbowed Toby after Toby offended Steve
[3B S2 Ep1]
Eli: She kidnapped him!
* :'( *
I bet she brainwashed him!
* :OOO *
Toby: Yeah, that wouldn´t be hard.
Eli: *(ง •̀_•́)ง *
[3B S2 Ep1]
24) Eli jumps on Steve to save him from these "darn dirty" Aliens (+ Eli pets Steve´s cheek)
[3B S2 Ep1]
Eli: You´re safe now, Bro.
Steve: Pepperjack! Don´t use Bro! You´re not cool enough, Bro.
Eli: Sorry, Bro.
Steve: * •̀_•́ *
Eli: I-I-I mean Steve!
25) Steve hides behind Aja while Eli hides behind Steve
[3B S2 Ep1]
26)Eli threw himself on Steve before they got crushed by a giant warhammer
[3B S2 Ep1]
27) Steve "cuddles" Eli after they defeated Magmatron
[3B S2 Ep1]
28) Eli holds Steve's hand after they defeated Magmatron
[3B S2 Ep1]
29) Eli and Steve look each other in the eyes,
then Steve walks and looks away but Eli is still admiring Steve
[3B S2 Ep1]
30) Steve & Eli make their CreepslayerZ-sign in front of a totally romantic, pinkish background WHILE THEY SMILING AT EACHOTHER WITH THAT LOOK
[3B S2 Ep1]
31) Steve says "Good job Bro" in the most softest tone ever and gives his boy a high five
[3B S2 Ep3]
32) Steve signs Eli "🤟" which means
*I l o v e y o u*
[3B S2 Ep5]
33) Steve calls Eli "My Boy"
[3B S2 Ep5]
*Steve rapping:*
My Boy Eli and I saving the day,
You Creeps better hide ´cause we came to slay!
Creeping in the shadows, we ain´t here to play!
Cruising in Arcadia with his mum´s car
Cheeseslice has a curfew, we can´t go far!
34) Steve randomly picks up Eli
[3B S2 Ep5]
35) When Steve wanted to try-out for Kleb Or Alive, Toby wanted to reject him BUT Eli shushed Toby and told him to "just watch"
(My theory: Steve &Eli already acted together
also they both were in the Romeo And Juliet play in Trollhunters)
[3B S2 Ep8]
36) Eli cries because of Steve's amazing acting
[3B S2 Ep8]
37) Toby thinks that they both are dating
"I know, you're **just** CreepslayerZ not dating"
[3B S2 Ep9]
38) Eli calls Steve "Loverboy"
[3B S2 Ep12]
39) Steve takes Eli by the hand to save him from creepers
[3B S2 Ep13]
40) After the Big Explosion, Steve's first question is "Wait, Where is Pepperjack?!"
and then he CRIES his name
[3B S2 Ep 13]
41) "Hold on Eli! Steve is coming!"
[3B S2 Ep13]
42) Steve comes back for Eli during the final battle of 3Below
Eli to Steve: You came back for me!
(And I quote in German:
Eli: Du (Steve) bist fūr mich zurūckgekommen
(he explicitly addresses Steve in German))
[3B S2 Ep13]
43) Steve cuddles Eli during Aja's speech
[3B S2 Ep13]
44) Eli hugs Steve (and Aja)
[3B S2 Ep 13]
45) When Aja and Eli leave earth Steve cries again
[3B S2 Ep13]
46) Steve puts the loss of Eli and Aja on the same level
[3B S2 Ep 13]
47) Steve get's kicked really hard and he cries for Pepperjack
[W S1 Ep5]
48) Steve is clingy but especially clingy with Eli
49) Eli usually sticks close to Steve
50) Eli is the only one who gets a (nice) nickname, besides Aja, from Steve
[3B Cheeseslice]
You're all really welcome :)
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spanish-wags · 5 years
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Andres, Anna, Valeria, Paolo Andrea, Siena y Romeo durante el partido Vissel Kobe - Kashima Antlers en Tokio l 01/01/2020
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lasvocesdelosotros · 5 years
octubre 2018
Lunes. Sigue la persecución sistemática de ese desconocido. Creo que se llama Autrui. No sé cuándo empezó a encarcelarme. Desde el principio de mi vida tal vez, sin que yo me diera cuenta. Tanto peor.
Martes. Caminaba hoy tranquilamente por calles y plazas. Noté de pronto que mis pasos se dirigían a lugares desacostumbrados. Las calles parecían organizarse en laberinto, bajo los designios de Autrui. Al final, me hallé en un callejón sin salida.
Miércoles. Mi vida está limitada en estrecha zona, dentro de un barrio mezquino. Inútil aventurarse más lejos. Autrui me aguarda en todas las esquinas, dispuesto a bloquearme las grandes avenidas.
Jueves. De un momento a otro temo hallarme frente a frente y a solas con el enemigo. Encerrado en mi cuarto, ya para echarme en la cama, siento que me desnudo bajo la mirada de Autrui.
Viernes. Pasé todo el día en casa, incapaz de la menor actividad. Por la noche surgió a mi alrededor una tenue circunvalación. Cierta especie de anillo, apenas más peligroso que un aro de barril.
Sábado. Ahora desperté dentro de un cartucho exagonal, no mayor que mi cuerpo. Sin atreverme a tocar los muros, presentí que detrás de ellos nuevos hexágonos me aguardan.
Indudablemente, mi confinación es obra de Autrui.
Domingo. Empotrado en mi celda, entro lentamente en descomposición. Segrego un líquido espeso, amarillento, de engañosos reflejos. A nadie aconsejo que me tome por miel…
A nadie naturalmente, salvo al propio Autrui.
Yo creo que al final de todo es luz. Pero no, finalmente,
porque sea algo hermoso o atemporal, ni siquiera solemne.
Pienso que es todo luz, porque nos encendemos y después nos apagamos,
luego nos encendemos otra vez. 
Robin Myers
Todo temor es amor que huye. 
San Agustín
Morir por ti era muy insuficiente:
el griego más normal podría hacerlo.
El existir, amado, es más costoso
y yo te ofrezco eso.
 Morir es bagatela,
pero el vivir incluye
un morir multiforme,
sin el descanso que es el estar muerto.
Emily Dickinson
La esperanza es el peor de los males, pues prolonga el tormento del hombre.
Las cicatrices son comunes como los ósculos y la caricia y el revés del pétalo. Tarde se comprende que la rosa es costra de la raíz…
Manolo Mugica
Siempre he pensado que si quieres llegar a conocer mejor a una persona, no tienes que llevarla a cenar a la luz de unas velas, sino observarla mientras trabaja.Cuando está absorta, pero no en ti
Me encontraba en la edad feliz en la que todo agrada y se cree que la dicha con­siste en la cantidad de acontecimientos y su cambio
La abundante disponibilidad de internet y la voracidad del sistema económico que nos rige han propiciado que vivamos en un presente hipertrofiado, tiránico, que no deja espacio para nada que no pueda ocurrir ahora mismo, ni siquiera para el mañana —éste ya llegó, ya está aquí, ya vamos tarde—. En un presente así de saturado, es inevitable diluirse.
Romeo Tello
En uno de sus poemas más bellos se concibe a sí mismo como una rémora pequeñita adherida al cuerpo de la gran ballena nocturna, la esposa dormida que lo conduce en su sueño. Esa enorme ballena femenina es más o menos el mundo, del cual el poeta sólo puede cantar un fragmento, un trozo de la dulce piel que lo sustenta.
La velocidad y la intensidad del presente nos impiden regresar a Ítaca, nos engañan, nos dicen que nunca nos hemos ido. O más aún: nos dicen que no es necesario regresar, porque Ítaca está en todas partes. Pero no lo está y nosotros sí nos fuimos, todo el tiempo nos estamos yendo, y a la vez estamos atrapados en una vertiginosa permanencia, contestando correos, escribiendo cosas en Twitter, viendo series, llenando tablas de Excel, viendo videos de gente que se cae en YouTube, en un presente tan lleno de sí mismo que alcanza a tener nostalgia de sí mismo.
Romeo Tello
Pensé en las cosas que se destruyen para que exista la poesía.
Junto Villoro
Bajo la falsa equivalencia Estado-nación subyace la lógica y el funcionamiento del mundo actual, que genera categorías en principio insostenibles, como “cultura francesa”, cuando sólo en la Francia continental se hablan, además del francés, otras doce lenguas distintas, o como “cultura mexicana”, cuando los mexicanos (es decir, los pertenecientes al Estado mexicano) hablan lenguas agrupadas en doce familias lingüísticas radicalmente distintas entre sí y pertenecen a más de sesenta y ocho naciones con diferencias culturales muy marcadas.
Yásnaya Elena A. Gil
Tomando en cuenta el carácter explosivo del alumbramiento, un psiquiatra afirma encantado de la vida que la rebelión de los nonatos, aparentemente sin causa, es una verdadera Cruzada de los Niños contra las pruebas atómicas. Ante la sonrisa burlona de los ginecólogos, concluye su alegato con ingenuidad flagrante, insinuando la idea de que tal vez no sea este en que vivimos el mejor de los mundos posibles.
Hoy no puedo dejar de pensar en algo que decía Gloria Steinem: que la empatía es la más radical de todas las emociones humanas. Solía darme esperanza. Hoy, leyendo tantos comentarios crueles, desconfiados y desdeñosos hacia los migrantes centroamericanos --expresados con tanta naturalidad, sin pelos en la lengua, en este país que ha sido tan generoso con tantos extranjeros (incluyéndome)-- la misma frase me parte el alma.
Robin Myers
Yo predije mi muerte en esta edad recargada de clavos y de espinas y la herida de un beso en el costado,
lugar donde se encuentran, asesinas, las memorias obscuras del pasado que desollando va mi soledad.
Voy a morir de ruina de mis ruinas, de colérico, necio y de quedado; voy a morirme, sí, de libertad,
del ardor del placer por la verdad, de beberme una a una las cantinas: Seré el mismo de tan resucitado.
Yo, mecha y pólvora del arcabuz que en su accionar alumbra lo no visto, lo metafísico que nos rodea,
yo que en desbarrancarme sí persisto, porque sé que al final de la pelea el parto de la pérdida da luz
y otra vez, de la sombra vuelto, existo: Así mi voz, más mía, se recrea y se ven mis latidos a trasluz:
No soy el Cristo cargando su cruz, soy la cruz que sostiene fijo a Cristo (a cualquier nombre de hombre que desea).
Lo predije y lo cumplo: Moriré, madurado, febril de poesía, civilmente y con una enorme mueca
donde se plasme la sabiduría de quien domesticó aquello que obceca, de aquello que jamás, que nunca fue.
Increpé a mi futuro, lo miré y le advertí mi cruenta travesía, mi desmuerte que octubre con Dios trueca.
Hoy, a mis 33, tengo templanza. No me tiembla la mano ni la lengua: logro que cardio con testa diserte.
Hoy mi promesa de morir no mengua y me mantengo firme y hablo fuerte: De la existencia sé su contradanza
y algún día su dicha nos alcanza y la existencia entera nos deslengua y de enseres en seres nos convierte…
Manolo Mugica
How does the body get to where the world
has told it not to travel?
I’m asking you.
Our choices, in the end, are few.
I love this man whose body said
it did not wantto go.
And I loved you,
who went.
Love, not loved, my friend;
forgive me. 
We know not what
we do,
as awed before the green corn gleaming in the field
as with a foot into the mine.
We go, we go, we go,
We gleam
Robin Myers
Curriculum vitae
 digamos que ganaste la carrera
y que el premio
era otra carrera
que no bebiste el vino de la victoria
sino tu propia sal
que jamás escuchaste vítores
sino ladridos de perros
y que tu sombra
tu propia sombra
fue tu única
y desleal competidora.
Blanca Varela
El eros y la enseñanza son inseparables. Eso es cierto antes de Platón y después de Heidegger. Las modulaciones del deseo espiritual y sexual, de dominio y sumisión, la interacción de celos y fe, son de una complejidad, de una delicadeza que desafían el análisis preciso. Hay componentes más sutiles que el género, que las demarcaciones entre el homo y la heterosexualidad, entre las relaciones que convencionalmente se consideran lícitas y prohibidas con los jóvenes
Cuando dos han dormido juntos es otra cosa, por la mañana los dos emergen del mismo sueño, los dos son iguales
Los amores difíciles, Italo Calvino
La sociedad siempre se paga a sí misma con la moneda falsa de su sueño.
Que canso
De ser dios
Qué me canso
De llover
Sobre mojado
Qué aquí
Nada sucede
 Sino la
 l                                         l
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     v          l                         u
       i       u     v
        a               i                          i
                           a                                a
Efraín Huerta
Las relaciones familiares son nuestra identidad y la identidad por definición es nuestra prisión
María Ganza
Aurora boreal se dice 'revontulet' en finés y significa 'fuego de zorro'
Rodrigo García Bonillas
Los intervalos, los tiempos muertos han sido abolidos, es decir, despreciados. Hoy en día, esperar es el verdadero castigo; demorarse, la verdadera culpa.
Romeo Tello
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