Consider the following
Two of the kits in Dappleflint's story share names with two of Tigerkit/cloud's siblings
Specifically Antkit and Cinderkit
So let's say, hypothetically, the kits do go to the Dark Forest
And Tigercloud sees Antkit and Cinderkit, is reminded of his siblings, and feels bad for them
So he convinces his dads (Rookstorm, Aspenroot, and Kiteburn) to adopt them
maybe the other kits separate into different families because of conflict from not agreeing on who’s to blame for their deaths and Parsleykit (some taking blame, others refusing to, others taking the blame for the death but not agreeing that it warranted their own murders)
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thetrailofflames · 1 year
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(Ashkit/ Ashpaw)
Tunneler; former ranger
A long legged, short-furred charlie pointed gray charlie with dark speckles on his legs with indigo eyes.
Genderfluid - Mascsexual - She/He/They
Son of Ploverfeather†. Adopted daughter of Astéra Magpietail. Adopted older sister of Duskwhisker and Dawnpad. Partner of Rookstorm.
Trained by Larksplash. Former mentor of Smokeycloud.
Calculating, Blunt, Quiet
Meaning: a gray cat who’s quick footed and agile
Has one of the longest tails in his guild
Definitely has some hidden feelings about his younger siblings
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bonefall · 9 months
Clanmew translations of some ocs
Petalsnow: Pfefiurch (Fluff petal-snow)
Snow prefix is supposed to mean snowfall
Hawkstep/star: Yi'issappa/Yi'ishai (Sparrowhawk-padding/star)
Not sure on the suffix
Rookstorm: Mraawbahahao (Crow-haster)
Doesn't seem to be a word for rook, went for haster because this man is a violent storm apparently
Willowmoon: Sawashowosha (Gray willow-moon halo)
Combined "shom" and "wosha" for the prefix, was very tempted to name them pussywillow but gray willow won in the end
Runningflame: Gabrllfyn (Crackling-cooking fire)
Sounds like a honor title tbh, this man can cook
Stoneclaw: Bponbkach (Boulder-claw)
She's a big woman, so big stone word it is
Monkeyfoot: Kossachungpwyyarr (Tree monster-foot)
Combination of "kossa" and "kichung" for the prefix, meant to be the generic term for certain animals. He'd likely have a honor title like Monkeyscar
Thundershine: Krrakashemimi (Thunder-has shined)
Meant to symbolize that lightning has hit and thunder will come soon
Splinterstripe: Karkseek (Chip-long stripe)
Couldn't find splinter so chip it is, neither of the stripe words really fit them but I went with seek because it sounds better
Piperleap/star: Krekekluara/Krekekshai (Gray heron-has jumped/star)
Piper wasn't on the lexicon so I just went for a bird word that began with K to match with their siblings. The leap part of their name symbolizes their shift from cleric training to becoming a warrior
Tinybounce: Eebpipip (Small-bouncing) or Peskepipip (small cluster of flowers-bouncing)
Little guy, so smol. Second translation was literally made because it fits with zir family's names so well (such as petal and rose)
Runningflame/Crackling-Cookingfire/Gabrilfyn is absolutely my favorite, TOTALLY sounds like an honor title, 100% excellent
Here's some more words for you! While I'm at it, I'll fill out the missing corvids;
Rook (Corvus frugilegus) = Naahg
Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) = Niw
Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) = Aai
Red-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) = Hraor
This, with Nyok for Raven, Rawk for Carrion Crow, Ke'ek for Magpie, and Mraaw for Corvids as a generic term, completes the entire family!
Next is a few wood-related terms that are missing;
Splinter = Koa
Wood (General) = Okok
Pith (The spongy inner wood of plants, usually in reference to flax or soft rush) = Sowa
And lastly... on pipers.
Pipers are a rare bird for Clan cats to see. They're mostly shorebirds that come in-land to nest. There's well over a dozen fat, thin-billed, long-legged little waterbirds (called Waders) they see on a regular basis, but the two piper species they'd know about would be very rare.
So here's a generic term for you, and a couple of the most common ones. I found a good way to give you a K-term while most of this family has peepy-type calls;
Wader (Generic) = Kikaboo From Fang + Beak + Fat. Includes rails, coots, pipers, dunlins, etc. Birds with long legs, long little beaks like a tooth, and round bodies, found near water.
Beak (of a bird) = Kaba
Moorhen = Ia The most common wader in the territory. The closest thing to a chicken the Clan cats have.
Curlew (Numenius arquata) = Urloop An interesting little bird that nests close to kestrel nests, in spite of the danger. Featured in a Clanmew saying, "Curlew in the shadow of a kestrel," roughly means, "Choosing danger for the sake of safety"
Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) = Bieew A symbol of peace between RiverClan and WindClan in the Lake territory. The southern delta is mostly gravel and stony, the exact place that a Bieew likes to nest. Both Clans have an interest in protecting these pretty little birds, which can bring them together for negotiation.
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) = Peepapi A rare shore-dwelling bird that occasionally comes in-land to nest; not discovered until the Clan cats returned to the Lake. When used as a name, has a connotation of traveling or going on a salt patrol.
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I wonder how far a singular family tree could stretch....
FadingFlea's family extends to the Tunnel Family through Proteafang and Tawnytrot's relationship.
The Tunnel family extends to the SmallBasil family because of Lark/Leaf (surrogate) and also because Emberdawn herself was a surrogate for them.
SmallBasil's family also extends to the JackdawFern family because of Tawny/Leaf (surrogate)
JackdawFern's family also extend to the Tunnel Family through Tawny/Lark.
SmallBasil's family also extends to Sparktail's family for the same reason.
SmallBasil ALSO extends to the Gaping Maw family, because of Blood/Leaf (mates).
The Gaping Maw family also also extends to the Eye-Out family because Blackfinch and Falleniris are mates.
JackdawFern would also extend to the Eye-Out family because their kits are mates, and that would also extend to the Aspenroot/Kiteburn/Rookstorm family because those mates are in a poly with the three's own kits.
and those are just the main big families that I could remember on the top of my head!
There are so many more connections with smaller families or individuals
(family trees are now on the pinned post)
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
In TOF, I renamed Deadfoot to Rookstorm. It’s to display his pelt and his personality. I renamed Sorrelshine Pigeonflight to Dotterelshine and Dipperflight.
It’s more to display what animals lived on the moorland and worked that into the name themes.
Oooo fun!!
Fun fact! Hop is actually a type of plant so I like to think thats part of the reason Hop was named that !
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DarkForest Kits - an updating list 
bold = death
italics = born outside of the dark forest
FishDrop (bio FungiChomp, adoptive FadingFlea)
TawnyTrot (bio HornetLeg, adoptive fadingflea) 
AmaranthTuft, PoppyPerch, RosewoodSpring, RaspberryThorn, HarlequinCress, WeepingWobble, SpiceBushTumble, FoxgloveChirp, LavenderMottle, SweetpeaSnaggle, OysterGlow, FennelBones (fadingflea bio babies) 
CypressKit, BadgerKit, PebbleKit (adopted by Doesong and SparkTail) 
FrostKit, MoleKit, BrokenKit, AshKit (adopted by EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
FressiaKit, DoeKit, JayKit, ProteaFang (EmberDawn and GorseHeart bio) 
OwlGaze, LizardTalon, BreezeWhisper (bio WebStripe and DahliaBreeze)
WebFang, LilyClaw, SilkTangle, PetalStripe (bio WebStripe and LilyWater) 
MyrtleKit, AlderKit (bio SwanTail and LupineFrost) 
BlackKit, MudKit (adoptive FernDoe and JackDawFoot
JackDawKit (bio SwanTail and DahliaBreeze)
BeechBlaze, RowanShade, GooseStep (bio WebStripe and LupineFrost) 
CherryKit (possibly kidnapped by Gramps) 
RosyKit (bio PeanutFur) 
CandyKit (bio CrunchSnow)
JellyMoss, PineNutPounce, GlitterKit, StrawberryKit (bio SmokeFleck)
PaleShine, SilverCloud, ThistleTooth (TansyFang x WebStripe bio)
SlugWing, SpiderSpots, HawthornFrost, TansyKit, CarnationLeaf, HawthornKit, FawnHeart (BegoniaLeaf and WebStripe bio)
WaspKit, NightKit (Adopted by FennelBur and SableFleck)
MellowTooth (adopted by Wordweaver and DasiySong, bio WebStripe and WaxFeather)
WormKit (adopted by LoonFur, FallenFire, RoseFrost)
TreeSpall, DrizzleStare (bio AlderStar and HootPetal)
BlazeStrike, HoneyFlower, HawkFlight, StoneFrost (bio AspenRoot, KiteBurn, RookStorm, surrogate ShiverRose)
MoonTail, DaisyPelt, ThrushRun, RedSnail, AntPounce (bio BrownMouse and WebStripe) 
JumpPool, SnipNight, CrabNeedle, MinnowBlink, PranceKit/Ears (bio BrownMouse and NightStar) 
TigerKit (adopted by RoomStorm, KiteBurn, AspenRoot)
SmokeyFlame, BarkTail, SandKit/Spark, DeerTongue, WoollySpark, LeafCurl, YellowEar, EarWigKit, AphidHeart, ClaridaeGoose, bio SmallJump and BasilTooth, SparkTail as the surrogate)
KestralStorm, GoldenDusk, RookLight, CrowPine, RavenCall (bio Jackdawfoot and Ferndoe)
HareTuft, AdderClaw, LarkSnow (bio BirchFlight and GorseHeart)
SootShade, CloudStep (bio EmberDawn and foxfire)
Chukarvole, Pasquelull, Tritoniafinch, Choughwolf (bio EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
StarlingKit, BuzzardKit, AspenKit, DuskKit (GrouseMane and MyrtleWing, BrownMouse as surrogate)
DoeSnap, DaisyHeart (bio Hiverose and SandFoot)
MouseHollow (bio SandFoot and FrostWish)
ThistleHollow (bio SandFoot and Shademask)
OtterBounce, TurtleBreeze (adopted by PoppyHill)
OppossumKit, RaccoonKit (bio SkunkSpots and TangleStar)
LionKit, BirdKit (bio FlickerPine and TangleStar)
CreekKit (bio GhostWatcher and TangleStar)
WaspRib, FallenIris, (Bio MyrtleWing and AlderStar, surrogate TangleStar)
ShrikePaw (adopted by MyrtleWing, AlderStar, GrouseMane, HootPetal)
LightKit, LittleKit, RoseKit, SweetKit, BubbleKit (bio MellowTooth and WillowRuffle)
CardinalKit (bio TawnyTrot, ProteaFang, and doner webfang)
ToothwortLeaf, LilacLight, OrchidSnap, ButtercupBloom (bio FoxgloveTrot and MellowTooth)
AppleKit (bio sandfoot and cherrystar)
AntKit, CinderKit (adopted by AspenRoot, KiteBurn, RookStorm)
LavenderKit (adopted by HillMinnow and BlackDawn)
HootKit, FlareKit (adopted by CricketClaw)
TrillKit, CardinalKit (bio ProteaFang and doner WebFang, adopted by TawnyTrot and ProteaFang)
WoolCarderStripes, AshyToes (bio TawnyTrot and doner WebFang, adopted by ProteaFang and TawnyTrot)
SprinkleToes, SyrupSplash, SkrunklyBelly (bio CreatureFall and SnakeWhisker, surrogate CrunchSnow)
OspreyKit, CoyoteKit, ScorpionKit, IbexKit (bio DoeFire and LilyClaw)
GlasswortSnap, IndigoCloud, SassafrasKit, CeladineSniffle, LoquatKit (bio RosewoodSpring and HawthornFrost)
OakKit, SkyKit, BloodKit, DustKit (bio Motheyes and SnowWing)
ScabKit/Drip, BlightKit/Train (bio BlackFinch and FallenIris)
VultureKit, PoplarKit (bio HoneyFlame and SpiderSpots, doners are SmokeyFlame and AdderClaw)
RhubarbKit, AlmondKit (bio SpiderSpots and HoneyFlame, surrogate HawkFlight)
MallowBlight, JayFrost, LightFern (adopted by EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
GlassRiver, PagrusRose (bio Shallowfig and Banshee)
CoalFlower, PebbleHare, CricketFreckle (bio WebStripe and CloudFang)
AngelFishTooth, FidgetGills, TetraTail, BlueSpore (bio GoldfishFur and CreatureFall, with BrownMouse as surrogate)
RedRuffle, SandKit, IvyPurr, AntlerPaddle (bio TetraTail and FennelBones)
MeowyRibs, SeaNymph, MouseNectar, RosemaryWarble, BullFrogThistle, GingerKit, AmbrosiaWater, CinnamonKit (bio SkrunklyBelly and FennelBones)
EmberPoppy, ParsleyKit (bio FennelBones and CrunchSnow)
IcicleRain, SnowKit (bio FennelBones and FrostStorm)
Dullahan (bio AlderStar, MyrtleWing, and HootPetal)
Mates - an updating list 
GrouseMane X MyrtleWing X AlderStar X HootPetal 
EmberDawn X GorseHeart X Foxfire X BirchFlight
JackDawFoot X FernDoe
FadingStar X FleaThistle 
FidgetGuts X MottleCry
AspenRoot X RookStorm X KiteBurn
Avery x BristleBlaze
BasilTooth x SmallJump
FallenFire X LoonFur X RoseFrost
FoxFlake X ShiverRose
HawkWhistle X Lola 
GustTalon X AshFlower
GremlinPaw X LaughingMoss
LighteningSpring X RedBloom
FungiChomp X SmokeFleck X BrownMouse X NightStar
SwanTail X LupineFrost X DahliaBreeze
FennelBur X SableFleck
WordWeaver X DaisySong
TawnTrot X ProteaFang
FoxgloveChirp X MellowTooth X WillowRuffle
BlackDawn X HillMinnow
SkunkSpots X TangleStar X FlickerPine X GhostWatcher
BlazeStrike X DrizzleStare X KestrelStorm
WeepingWobble X DoeFire X LilyClaw
RosewoodSpring x HawthornFrost
SnakeWhisker X CreatureFall X GoldFishFur
FallenIris X BlackFinch
SpiderSpots X HoneyFlame
ShallowFig X Banshee X FennelBones
SkrunkyBelly X FennelBones
FungiChomp X BrownMouse
GoblinSnap x GremlinPaw/Frost
SnakeFern x SparrowFall
HiveRose x SandFoot
CoyoteTuft X RoseClaw
FleaThistle X BrownMouse
Let me know if I missed anything! @residents-of-the-darkforest @liberhoe @ambitiousauthor @starfalcon555
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doritopaw101 · 2 years
Indigoglare is such a good name… also has bad is this boy to ice? (I was always so angry when onestar stop being friends with fire… so angry)
Ikr. -glare should be used and what better way than with him and sounded better than Violetglare.
Indigoglare and Icefire’s relationship is a friends to lovers to enemies trope. Cuz I love Exs Onefire.
Indigoglare is more or less a pompous brat due to his heritage and it’s pretty accepted at the time that he’ll be made Warden by either Rookstorm or Ashfoot. He definitely masks that by preforming very well at his duties and being likable among his guild but there’s few cats who he sees on his level. Icefire kinda has a instant attraction with Indigoglare but that’s partly from Icefire thinking of Ravenspirit.
I will say that at the beginning, Indigoglare is generally into Icefire and has no ill intent however as time goes on, he figures he can use Icefire to his advantage especially after Icefire is made lieutenant. The thought of a second in command and later commander wrapped around his paw gives Indigoglare a thrill and he’s not letting him go that easy.
That’s not even getting into his relationship with Smoke (who is Ruby, inspired from @skinwretch) and later on Whitetail. It’s mostly comphet since there’s a reason Indigoglare is closeted, he feels like he’s closing options if he says it out loud and knows he’s hot shit and is definitely using that to get ahead.
Anything TNP related is spoilers but what I will say is that stuff does go down somewhat differently as well as a certain cat’s parentage in Po3 (I’ll let y’all figure out who I’m talking about)
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thecooler · 3 years
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Some ocs I drew toyhouse icons for + a little boy for @arowanashine
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rainydaze-rhys · 5 years
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anyway here’s my very own government-assigned warriorsona, her name is Rookstorm and she’s a ShadowClan cat.
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windsclan · 5 years
how about squirrelflight/moonlight??
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Blue, Sootpaw, and Rook
they’re littermates but they don’t look like it. sootpaw, the only tom, is much smaller than his big sisters–who live with moonlight w/ the sisters. i think eventually rook actually chooses to join the clan tho.
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morningmask27 · 2 years
Au where skyclan managed to survive long enough to form the clan far away from the forest and remained strong and often let kitty pets and rogues join as well, Nutmeg(has a warriors name maybe) is a part of skyclan when she has her litter with Jake, so her kits including firestar grow up in skyclan, where the first series is just the clans trying to find the cats of the prophecy
nutmeg's warrior name is lichenstream. she’s a dutiful mother and does her best to raise her kits.
jake is jake, he’s the same as in canon. he met talltail (they have a quite homoromantic relationship) he and lichenstream aren’t romantically interested, they both wanted kits. jake isn’t a part of skyclan, he comes and goes whenever he wants
her kits are firekit (rusty), swankit (princess) robinkit (filou) shrewkit (tommy), and daisykit (luna)
other kits at the time; wavekit and kitekit two siblings that are two moons older than our protags(and rookstorm’s kits). hedgehogkit, strawberrykit and fuzzkit, 3 littermates that are one moon younger.
the leader is jasminestar. a calm and open leader, but who is still very angry at the old clans for having chased them away. the deputy is rookstorm (a direct descendent from buzzardstar) a great mentor and dad who puts his clan first. their healer is toadcreek, observant and silent. very devoted to the duty of healer
fire and his littermates spend an idyllic childhood in skyclan’s camp. all 5 littermates play with the other kits, admire the warriors and bother the apprentices for some battle moves. lichenstream allows them to play in camp, but is very strict about them not leaving camp without a warrior going with them. 
skyclan lives well, they allow kittypets to join their ranks during the day (daylight warriors) and they are secure and well-fed. the 5 kits become apprentices. firepaw, shrew, robin and daisy become warrior apprentices, swan decides to become toadcreek’s apprentice and the next skyclan healer. 
the 4 clans are in a bad situation though. bluestar falls ill very often, many important cats from all clans die without any reason, there aren’t even marks, they just die in their sleep or something (imagine that most cats who die are placeholder guys without any meaning)
jake visits every so often and tells stories of other clans to his kits. they are so interested in the 4 other clans. jasminestar isn’t really pleased with jake telling stories about the 4 clans who chased skyclan away. firepaw and kitepaw were too fascinated tho. skyclan cats are allowed to go freely and wander around, but are kinda expected to return during leafbare to help the clan survive.
jake says goodbye to his kits and goes to visit his boyfriend the clans. he tells his kits that he’s returning soon (to tell them amazing stories) and he goes on his merry way. he arrives just when riverclan and thunderclan are busy in a violent conflict for sunningrocks, caused by tigerclaw who trespassed on riverclan teritorry with his patrol. the fight is terrible and redtail is killed like in canon. (oakheart aswell, but who cares about oakheart) 
jake is allowed to help the thunderclan cats bring redtail back to camp and this is when he sees bluestar. she is sick, she has been for a while now and there’s nothing mistberry(mistkit) nor spottedleaf can do to help her. she and jake talk about little stuff one day and he namedrops his kit, firepaw who lives in skyclan. Bluestar being too ill to think properly heard fire and sky, which directly made her think of the prophecy spottedleaf had;  “find the fire in the sky as only it can save the clans” she doesn’t sy anything at first, but discusses the fire in the sky with spotted and mist when she’s getting treatment. the two healers suggest asking jake for more information.
but jake’s gone. nobody knows where. which is very, very annoying for bluestar. oh well, when redtail died she made whitestorm deputy (lionheart was in a coma due to an incident) tigerclaw is very pissed. he’s always pissed honestly, but even more right now. especially because his apprentice ravenpaw has failed every training he has been doing since the sunningrocks battle that killed redtail and tigerclaw wants to get rid of ravenpaw. 
one day ravenpaw is sent out to fetch herbs for mistberry and is found dead. there are no visible traces for how he was killed, but he’s dead. dustpaw is shocked to have lost his brother and dives even deeper in training than before. he had already lost is mentor and now his brother so now he was only doing things for the clans. and his mentor darkstripe was certainly using that and formed dustpaw into a strict warrior, who doesn’t show emotions and does what his leader says. 
some days after ravenpaw’s body is found shadowclan attacks thunderclan to steal their kits. multiple cats are killed (npcs mostly) and frostfur’s kits were stolen. lionheart is also dead now, from a severe wound to the stomach (there are clumps of gray and brown fur around his body)
now thunderclan is in high alert. sandpaw and dustpaw do the kit saving thing that fire and gray do in canon, but this time with more stealth. they sneak their way into shadowclan camp and while dustpaw is keeping the guards busy sandpaw is discretely stealing the kits (plus some extra kits the shadowclan queens wanted her to save from shadowclan’s disaster) sadnpaw rushes away and dustpaw, using the distraction sandpaw made also runs away. in total they saved 7 kits. the frostfour and 3 other kits.
sandpaw and dustpaw are given their warrior names because of their bravoure, even though they are chastised for having done it without authorisation (sand had dragged dust with her to save the kits, he didn’t want to do it at first) they are named sandstorm and dustclaw by a very ill bluestar who shortly thereafter collapsed in a fit of severe cough. she is brought to her den by mistberry but loses a life. after she comes back to life she is going way better than before. she isn’t sick anymore and can finally retake her leadership duties.
she sends sandstorm and dustclaw to find windclan and they do really well! windclan returns to the clans to directly attack shadowclan with thunderclan. the two clans work together to chase brokenstar and his followers. tallstar dies in this battle. deadfoot becomes deadstar and makes bristlepetal(paw) deputy.
back in skyclan firepaw and his siblings get their warrior names fireleap, daisyhail, robinwingfall, shrewnip. swan still has to train a little more, but one night she gets a dream. she sees jake walking in some barren lands, close to a river and getting attacked by a huge dark figure. she cannot see the end of the fight, but hears the words “four become five. fire has to burn the old sins away” and tells toadcreek about her dream. 
toad is obviously interested because of the four become five thing. which is probably the clans, but no skyclan cat knows where the clan live. the only one who knew was jake and he isn’t here (and didn’t tell anyone exactly how to go). jasminestar is a bit pissy, but she accepts to do what she can for this prophecy. one of jake’s besties in the clan, leafdapple, knows some stories of jake’s travels so she kinda knew how she would have to travel based on the little details he gave her. 
leafdapple is thus going, they kinda expect swanpaw, now swangleam actually, to go aswell because of the dream. then fireleap and kitestorm want to come with swan. it’s an obligation, they have to come. jasminestar and rookstorm do not want them to go, but toad argues that the “fire” might be fireleap which seals the deal for fireleap, but rookstorm doesn’t want his kit going on a dangerous adventure, they are too young. so kitestorm has to stay (rook’s so protective because wavepaw along with hedgehogpaw died in a freak accident).
so now fireleap, leafdapple and swangleam prepare to leave for their journey. they are going, following the river to know how to return to their clan. one night they are camping when a dog attacks them. kitestorm jumps in to take the dog’s attention away from the wounded fireleap. the dog leaves because fighting four, wait not five cats daisyhail sprang in the battle and made the dog tumble by tackling its legs and scared it away by being so furious.
strawberryleg then comes in with herbs to take care of the wounds. swangleam and strawberryleg take care of the wounds and leafdapple is quite unpleased to see 3 young warriors who shouldn’t have come with them be here. well it’s too late now and fireleap is too wounded to be left with only one warrior and a healer so they stay.  kitestorm doesn’t leave fireleap’s side any moment. fire eventually gets better and the group can go on their journey again, albeit a little slower than before. 
back in the forest bluestar’s falling ill again, but the clans are at peace for now. some cats still die, bristlepetal being one of them. spottedleaf gets another vision about the fire. this time “the scorching sand will lead the way to the skyfire” this made bluestar decide to send a group of cats to look for the sky fire. she decides to send sandstorm, dustclaw, and tigerclaw after consulting her senior warriors, elders and healers. enough cats for a journey, while still leaving enough cats back in camp. sandstorm is kinda saddened that she has to leave the 3 shadowclan kits she kinda adopted, but it’s time and they go. 
on their journey the group finds the horrifying corpse of a dead cat, with a blue, pink and purple bandana nearby. they realise this is, or was jake (honestly for your sanity don’t imagine what this looks like). tigerclaw seems disgusted by what he sees, dustclaw is mortified and sand wants to leave asap, but convinced dust and tiger the remains before going further. while moving the carcass she sees a little clump of brown fur.
anyways the group keeps going, they don’t encounter any real dangers while on their way to wherever they think they have to go, there was one time they came upon an area with dried up blood and some medicinal herbs, but nothing too special. then, honestly by pure chance they one day encounter a patrol of cats (rookstorm, fuzzflight, lichenstream and her apprentice) rook is quite curious what those weird cats are doing in skyclan’s teritorry, but takes the group to a place that isn’t their camp and lichenstream’s apprentice is sent to fetch jasminestar. 
the remaining cats ask if the 3 met any of their loved ones (rook’s the one asking the most intently) and when jake’s name is mentionned the 3 thunderclanners are surprised. lichen tells them that jake’s a friend of hers and the father of her kits. sand tells her that they found his body (they didn’t add th fact that it wasn’t in a great shape) and buried him. there’s quite some talking, but the group didn’t meet any skyclan cats on their way here. 
jasminestar arrives and kinda coldly asks what 3 thunderclan cats are doing here in skyclan’s teritorry. tiger says they were sent on a mission, but doesn’t want to give more information than that. sand and dust read the room and also don’t say more than what tigerclaw said. it’s a bit of a tense discussion, but jasminestar agrees to let them rest for a bit in their camp. 
fireleap and his clique finally arrived at the other four clans! it was an unpleasant and long journey but they did it. they first arrive on windclan land and are allowed to rest for the night by deadstar. they are offered some prey and a place where they can rest. swan, daisy and strawberry go to eat their rabbit and strawberry already tore a bit of it when swan sees some weird things inside the rabbit. she hurries to make strawberry puke everything they are from the rabbit and it’s shown that there are poisonous items inside and there is a weird scent all around the rabbit now tha it’s open.
the entirety of windclan is very tense now and every piece of prey is meticulously checked for any poison. they found one other rabbit with poison and threw it away. fire and his clique do some looking fir the clan dealio becaus they’re still here for a reason so it’s decided (because they informed deadstar of their mission) that swangleam could go to the moonstone to visit starclan. fireleap want to go with his sister, daisyhail comes aswell!
the 3 siblings go on their way, led by barkface and arrive at the mothermouth. there fire and daisy wait outside while swan and bark meet starclan. while they are waiting they see a gray figure going their way. the cat presents itself. their name is mistberry and they are thunderclan’s sole healer. she’s heard quite a lot about fireleap and wants to see if the rumors are real. fire is confused, daisy is suspecting some bad stuff. there’s a weird smell again. daisy threatens mist, she has to leave or she’ll get her face torn off. mist then caves in and leaves, but that’s because she knew tha barkface and swangleam were returning from the moonstone. 
daisy and fire tell bark and swan what happened, but it’s weird because mistberry’s been missing for some days now and spottedleaf is desperately doing her best to take care of her clan during an active pandemic that has already killed whitestorm and some other cats. swan asks why the other clans aren’t helping thunderclan, but barkface tells her it’s because the sickness is too dangerous. swan wants to see what is happeing herself so one night she sneaks away with strawberryleg to visit thunderclan. (leafdapple has 5 very rebellious teens to handle, she cannot take a break)
swan and strawberry arrive in thunderclan camp and they meet spottedleaf, who is stressed 24/7 because of the sickness. spotted does invite them to rest, but swan directly offers to help her fellow healer take care of the sick cats. spotted is releaved and explains what is happening to the cats. they fall sick, vomit a lot and after some days they just die, they cannot eat as every time they try they puke more. spotted and swan treat the sick cats during the day. tehy had asked strawberry to colect more herbs. late at night swan and strawberry were talking, keeping some young apprentices busy with stories of their travels. then swan grabs some prey, but smells the same weird scent as in the prey. she carefully opens the thing and yes, it if filled with the same weird poisonous things.
tiger and his clique don’t really have a reason to stay in skyclan’s home so jasminestar sends them away with an escort until they leave skyclan teritorry. the 3 cats travel back home, not having completed their quest. tigerclaw is grumpy (as usual) but they go on their way. their journey is quite long and exhausting, but since this time they do know how to go it’s less of a mess, or at least they hoped so. well yes their was home goes okay, and then one day they meet mistberry she smiles at her brother and this is the moment that he attacks sandstorm and dustclaw. the two cats manage to escape, but barely. when they are far enough they check their wounds. dustclaw’s eye wasn’t anymore and sandstorm had a very wounded leg from tigerclaw pinning it with all his weight.
sand and dust return to skyclan and are met by an unhappy jasminestar, but she agrees to let them stay until their wounds are healed. dustclaw’s eye (or lack thereof) is healed and sandstorm can use her leg again after a quarter moon stuck in skyclan’s camp. dustclaw quickly learned how to live and fight with only one eye, trained by a skyclan elder who also only had one eye. rook is worried that is kite is in a place with cats like tigerclaw that kite would be in serous danger so he begs jasminestar to let him accompany the two thunderclan younglings (who are nearly two at this point)
so rookstorm, shrewnip, fuzzflight, sandstorm and dustclaw go to the clans. for real this time, they get there i swear. tigerclaw had returned to thunderclan and seen the mess (and got the topo from mist; the fire’s here, his healer sister is helping spottedleaf take care of the poison chaos, the fire and some other skyclan cats are resting in windclan...) he goes to thunderclan and tells a sob story of how sand and dust died and he couldn’t find skyclan even though he searched and searched and searched, but eventually he gave up. sandstorm’s adoptive kits were devastated by this, but the 3 were comforted by swan and strawberry. 
tiger acts all hostile to swan and strawberry, asking them who they are and what they are doing here. spotted tells tiger to calm down. these are skyclan’s healer and a skyclan warrior and they are here as guests (and helping spottedleaf with the sickness). he calms down finally and drops down in his nest (just after meeting his 5 moon old kits(bramble and tawny) for the first time) and sleeps. he wakes up because of the ruckus. bluestar just died and since she hasn’t appointed a deputy after whitestorm passed the clan has no leader. spottedleaf is now the de facto leader until the clan sorts this out.
the clan is one big mess and there’s the added problem that nearly all the prey they catch is poisoned for some reason. thunderclan is kinda starving (mid greenleaf) and doesn’t know what to do. some other cats die from hunger or from eating poisoned prey because of desperation (look there are many npcs in thunderclan). 
leafdapple had enough of always having to look for the 5 young warriors and busts in thunderclan’s camp, but immetiately gets bodied by tigerclaw in a way that reminds swan of the shadow that attacked jake in her dream. spotted tells tiger to not attack cats like that and leafdapple explains her problems before seeing how messed up thunderclan looks.  she’s honestly pretty scared by what they are living trough and pushes swan and strawberry to leave thunderclan. the two young acts agree and return to windclan where the rest of the skyclan clique is honestly having quite a good time (imagine this is like the travelers from tallstar’s revenge; they visit in the summer n do stuff and leave later). 
windclan was lucky to not deal with many poisoned rabbits anymore, but they do occasionally find one and have to toss it away. honestly the best prey they’ve got right now are birds of prey who see the dead or sick rabbits and want to have a good meal but get ambushed before eating the rabbits. swan decides to tell deadstar what is happening in thunderclan. deadstar is quite annoyed by the problems thunderclan has to deal with, but cannot easily share his already quite scarce prey with another clan. so maybe riverclan could? but nop riverclan’s fish also has some issues with poison and leopardfur already died (others too but who cares)
and this is when sandstorm and her group finally return to te clans! she’s surprised to meet the skyclan cats there and rook, shrew, and fuzz are delighted to see their kin back when they return to windclan. deadstar welcomes the extra group of skyclan cats and is confused why sandstorm and dustclaw are here. tigerclaw had said that the two died. but this is when everything gets put in place. 
sand and dust recount how they traveled to skyclan and on their way back met mistberry. then tigerclaw attacked them and they had to flee back to skyclan. they also mention how they found jake, very, very dead with clumps of brown fur. swan recounts her dream of jake getting attacked by a massive cat and fire adds in the moment where he and daisyhail met mistberry, who suposedly died some time ago when they went to the moonpool. swan also adds how when tigerclaw attacked leafdapple he used the same moves as the massive cat did when attacking jake. and they put the weird scent together and realise that it was the same scent that mistberry had.
yeah mistberry’s the real villan and tigerclaw was her right hand man/goon. she poisons cats. at first with some bad plants, but then she found some ratkiller and ran with it. when i mean some i mean enough to spread trough the entirety of the forest, verse a lot of it in the river and still keep in stock in case.
now that the group have their info tehy prepare to save the clans! but then they hear news of a fight in thunderclan camp. the 3 nearly warriors shadowclan kits brst ino windclan asking for help because thunderclan was overrun by a group of kittypets with tooth in their collars. fuck it’s bloodclan, why are they here?
anyways crookedstar is kind enough to also send help, so does shadowclan for some reason and it’s time to fight. the most fight that happens is in thunderclan’s camp so it quickly becomes one whole mess. sandstorm and dustclaw comfront tigerclaw and mistberry. tiger’s too dangerous for the two of them, but a surpise attack from fireleap and then kitestorm destabilises tiger enough for sand and dust to get the final blow together. (fire then kills scourge because why not)
now that the fight is done a breeze rustles and moves some sand to form a star shape. swan and spotted examine it and both come to the same conclusion. sandstorm has been chosen to become thunderclan’s new leader! this is good and well, but the forest is still very damages due to the poison (that because i do what i want isn’t going to leave before some years) and thus the clans have to leave and find a new home. the skyclan cats are going back home, but whne they arrive skyclan is having twoleg issues and decide that leaving would be an idea so skyclan also goes to the lake and now the =( clans live together again, and at the lake this time.
additional notes
evil healer! the warning pinestar got about his kits was for mistkit and not tigerkit this time
robinfall became a perma nursery resident soon after getting its warrior name. it doesn’t want to be in the drama and relaxes
graysilver still happens, but who wares about graysilver, but this time silverstream doesn’t die and has an apprentice
sandstorm’s kits don’t really factor into the plot, i just really wanted these kits to exist
you might have seen that this sandstorm version is a bit more quick to act and friendly/upbeat that canon sandstorm. i just had trouble imagining canon sand as a mc, so this is basically an oc reskinned as sandstorm
sand and dust are best friends/rivals/siblings, they aren’t romantically interested. at all
sand honestly has more eyes for swan. swan is with both sand and strawberry
firestar gets with kitestorm (after kite gets kite’s ears chewed off for running away when kite wasn’t allowed by kite’s father) they never have kits
daisyhail does the thing that vibe. never taking a mate, just being the strongest warrior in the entirety of the clans is enough for this hothead
we get avos-tbc tired leafstar. skyclan’s destiny leafstar is good, but i needed a tired babysitter for the 5 young cats
i somehow always manage to have a status quo good enough for Po3 but a little different, but still Po3
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RookAspenKite bio kit 1/4, Honeykit/Honeyflower!
-oldest and only female of the RookAspenKite bio litter
-named after Rookstorm's grandmother Honeyshade
-most closely resembles the litter's surrogate carrier Shiverrose, her bio dad is Aspenroot
-inherited Rookstorm's NPD
-a spoiled AF daddy's girl and she knows it
-a disaster lesbian with a big AF crush on Proteafang
SHE'S SO PRETTY and can definitely see Shiver and Aspen in her
and I absolutely adore the fact that Kite and Shiver went from "killed the other / planned to kill the other to being close enough for Shiver to be a surrogate to Kite's kit. Truly amazing
ref by Turukhan
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thetrailofflames · 1 year
Ohohoho. What’s with Ashfoots hidden feelings on younger sibs?
Resentment and Shame
The position of Warden and advisor is a bloodline exclusive to the founder of the heath uplands.
Ashfoot doesn’t have founder blood but was adopted by Magpietail at a young age, not to long after he had returned to the guild.
She knew she could never be Warden and that would’ve been fine if not for cats reminding her that fact, constantly.
That he should be glad that Magpietail took pity on her when Ploverfeather died. That she should be honored to be raised by a founder blood, even a somewhat dishonored one.
Magpietail had wanted to make her an advisor but the council denied her, siting she wasn’t a founder blood.
But then, Duskwhisker and Dawnpad were born. A union from Magpietail and a visiter, Reena
Despite being bastards, They were expected to be raised as heirs for Magpietail or future advisors should Rookstorm take power. They were seemingly blessed by the moon and sun deities.
Ashfoot was already well aware she wouldn’t have power to begin with and that being heir was never her right, but she can’t help but feel replaced.
She thinks it’s stupid and doesn’t voice her frustrations, not even to Rookstorm.
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mesopelagos · 2 years
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my pieces for the @wcardegi valentines day exchange :] i have no idea what their @ is but this was for pike! (ft Saxifragewind and @lesbianchespin’s character Rookstorm)
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Aloemist, Anteloperipple, Ashkit, ​Avery, Begonialeaf, Bella-May, Blightfrond, Bluedaisy, Bristleblaze, Brittlebite, Brokentongue, Brokenwhistle, Buckhackle, Buntinghoot, Cam, Campionpaw, Cherrykit, Cherrystar, Chickadeewhistle, Cody, Cookie + Nightfoot (joke submissions), Creekpaw, Crowstar, Cryfeather, Cypresspaw, Dahliahbreeze, Downstar, Droughtstar, Ducklingkit, Eggstep, Fireweaver, Flowerstar, Frondecho, Ginsengbloom, Gorsebriar, Hawkwhistle, Haypad (Haywild), Heronclaw, Hillfeather, Hiverose, Hollowhiss, Hollylion, Hoppaw, Houndtooth, Ivyburble, Ivyspots, Jackdawecho, Jacky, Lamb, Lampreypelt, Larchbee, Laureldawn, Lilywater, Lionclaw, Loachhowl, Lola, Lupinefrost, Madderblossom, Magpiepaw (Magpieshine), Mallowpelt, Mangleface, Moonshadow, Morningleaf, Mousespots, Mousethistle, Nettlefoot, Nudge, Ospreyhope, Palestone, Peanutfur, Perchpaw (Perchclaw), Pikespot, Possumpuddle, Pumpkinpatch, Redjay, Rosykit, Runningripple, Russetblossom, Sandfoot, Shallowsong, Shrikepaw, Shrikesquall, Smokeroot, Smokestar, Snowfoot, Sootpaw, Sparrowfreckle, Stonepaw (Stonefern), Streamfleck, Stubs, Stumpypaw, Sunnyshiver, Swantail, Tadpolemask, Tanagerwing, Tarspots, Tartail, Tawnypuddle, Vireopaw (Vireosong), Waxfeather, Whistler, Wildpaw (Haywild), Whimbrelshade, Willowruffle, Wordweaver, Wolfhaze, Wormkit, and Yewpool belong to @ambitiousauthor​
Adderstar, Bristletail, and Burrcurl belong to @boogurl405
Cherrythorn and Nightleaf belong to @brokentranstar​
Brightshade, Bubblelight, Cinderkit, Feathercloud, Flutterwhisper, Marrowpaw, Meadowstar, Mousenose, Orchidsmoke, Peachpaw, Spiderbite, Stormkit, and Wispkit belong to @bvnny-skvllz
Mothblaze belongs to @​​chillcatcryptid
Needlewhisker belongs to @chromaenthusiast​
Axolotlpaw, Hiddensnake, Mantisstar, and Novice belong to @cosmosnaught​
Ashflower, Doesong, Ferntuft, Flamebuck, Gusttalon, Oakstep, Sootspots, Sparktail, and Sparrowpaw belong to @elementaldeityoffood​
Roachpelt belongs to @fly-whiskers​
Blackstar, Breezefleck, Cavestar, Chasmmoor, Claudrat, Fogscar, Gingerstamp, Glaremouse, Hollowhusk, Limpetsong, Mousecrawl, Orangefluff, Palepaw, Pinestar, Redtree, Rimewhisker, Ripperclaw, Silentbrook, and Snipvoice belong to @frightnightindustries​
Mallow belongs to @​heartshapedpinksunglasses
Beargrowl, Daysoul, Goldenstar, Magpieleap, Marigoldsnake, Raceglint, Spiritstring, Spotgrowl, Springsoul​​, and Stardust belong to @indigo-flighty-falls
Belladonashade, Brokencry, Crowfang, Darkrose, Ferntangle, Minnowscale, Mintnettle, Rainsong, and Snowthicket belong to ​@jackisbored​
Berrykit(Brokenkit/Lightkit), Butternut Squash (Shatteredbreeze), Copperpurr, Fadingstar, Ferretrunner, Foxflake, and Frostswan belong to @liberhoe
Beampaw, Butterflywing, Cedarstar/whisper, Glowingshadow/Cosine, Kindlepaw, Lunarpaw, Omentstar, and Sharkstar belong to @meowstival​​
Angelpaw, Batear, Darkbrush, Milkdud, Riverrush, Skullmoon, Treatpaw, Trickpaw, Whispkit, Whiteear, and Yippeepaw (joke submission) belong to @ribbonzregretz ​
Frostedjay belongs to @skyereadsandcommitsartcrimes
Loststar belongs to @soulofangst​
Applecreek, Ashwhisper, Badgerkit, Birchflight, Cloudface, Cricketclaw, Cypresskit, Dewfall, Eelpaw, Foxfire, Frostwish, Ghostwatcher, Hollygorse, Lightningspring, Lighttail, Lilacheart, Morningsky, Motheyes, Needlepaw, Nightkit, Oakberry, Pebblekit, Pigeonfang, Pinedusk, Rookstorm, Sablefleck, Shademask, Snailstar, Tawnymoon, Tigerkit, Tinker Bell, Waspkit, and Webstripe belong to @starfalcon555​
Brindlepaw, Carcasspelt, Clawbranch, Darkscar, Feathers, Giantstar, Honeyflower, Lemurgaze, Ricetail, Sparrowface, and Spottedstone (Oleandor) belong to @sunshadesfrozensky​
Antleaves, Plumbee, and Runningbird belong to @sweetbirdydreams
Palemist and Shiverpaw belong to @the-bumbling-berry
Leopardshadow/star belongs to @the-crypid-moth
Buzzardstar, Cherrytail, and Icewing belong to @themainblogofsp20
F​leckthorn belongs to @vhs-warriors
Adalind (joke submission), Berrystar, Brownmouse, Cloudfang, Coyotetuft, Creaturefall, Crunchsnow, Fidgetguts, Fishkit, Fleathistle, Frostkit, Fungichomp, Goblingsnap, Goldfishfur, Gremlinfrost, Hollowstar, Hollykit, Honeypudding, Honeysuckle, Isopodbrain, Jellykit, Laughingmoss, Lioncatch, Molekit, Nightstar, Patchspring, Pinenutkit, Quickstar, Roseclaw, Shrikepollen, Smokefleck, Tawnykit, Timberstone, Turtlestepper, Whiteheart, and Wolfstar belong to @wills-woodland-warriors​​​​​​
Everyone else belongs to me, or had been residences until their submitter was blocked.
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night--heart · 3 years
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this is dovetail and she is Very Fluffy and Very Babey
name : dovetail
former name(s) : dovekit, dovepaw
gender : she-cat (she/her)
clan : windclan
former clan(s) : shadowclan
rank : queen
former rank(s) : kit, apprentice, warrior
parents : unknown
littermate(s) : rosebreeze (deceased)
mate : rookstorm (deceased)
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