#rory speaks🗣️
jaaklops ¡ 7 months
chaggie headcanons?
yes omg they’re so!!!!<3
ik this one is somewhat popular but charlie always does the “did it hurt when you fell from heaven” lines
but! one day in response to that vaggie goes like “did it hurt.”
“did what hurt”
“when you rose up from hell” and then charlie just starts laughing at the flirting attempt
idk it’s just an idea!!!
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jaaklops ¡ 7 months
When Charlie is depressed, Vaggie holds her and sings her own version of "Cheer Up, Charlie" from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". The rest of the staff have secretly witnessed this at one point or another, but never speak of it because they'll never admit that seeing the princess being sung to by her girlfriend made them cry.
anyways yes i love this idea<3
and of course charlie sings for vaggie when she’s sad because of COURSE she does guys. or just like hums a little tune
they’re so soft i love them<3
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jaaklops ¡ 9 months
Any Ronance or Elmax headcanon?
omg YES!!!!
ronance: this one is very prevalent but nancy cannot cook for shit ok. i just love the comedic potential of nancy wheeler, the most intelligent and decisive and talented person robin knows, cannot set foot in a kitchen without SOMEHOW burning something. i also love the fact that it references to nancy not really ever wanting to live a life like her mother’s, so she just never learned to cook.
elmax: so yk how max showed el the wonder woman comic right, so i was thinking one day after that scene el would have been like “are there any more superheroes like her??” and max would have brought out an entire stack of comics like that and she would show el all of them and el would be like so surprised and happy as max shows her all of them, and when el moved away max lent her some of the comics so she’d have something to remember her by (even though she would never forget about max anyways)
thank you so very much for the ask!!
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jaaklops ¡ 8 months
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jaaklops ¡ 12 days
Silly Game Time: Let's play "2 Truths and 1 Lie" about yourself and see if I and your followers can guess which is the lie!
im legally blind
i pepper sprayed myself
when i was younger i tried to run away from home but was chased by a stray dog and i ran straight back home
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jaaklops ¡ 2 months
Silly Game Time: Quick, no time to explain, you need to hide this flashdrive! I'll distract them and lead them away!
Where are you going to hide the flashdrive?
in soup
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jaaklops ¡ 6 months
Mike and Nancy cuddling
booyah. mike goes to nancy’s room at like 3am (he’s holding a blankie and a teddy bear) and he’s like “i had a bad dream☹️” and he thinks nancy’s gonna go like “mike you’re 15. what do you want me to do about it”
nope. she’s just sighs and is like “okay. cmere, let’s talk”
i love them sibling bonding
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jaaklops ¡ 6 months
what in the world is an evil boop?
if you hold the paw down for a long time then you get the evil boop🤑🤑mwahahaha
and i have no idea what it is its just. silly!!!!
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jaaklops ¡ 6 months
Headcanons about sam and josh bonding?
their main form of bonding is through teasing deena. win for them but deena HATES it (as like a joke…sorta)
deena will leave the room for like ten minutes while sam is over and she’ll come back to them whispering to each other. sam busts out laughing and deena is like 🧍‍♀️“dude. you literally stole my girlfriend what gives”
“i was telling her about the time you—OW”
(josh is the one who exposes deena’s baby pictures to sam all the while deena has withered away from embarrassment
“DAD wasn’t gonna show them and YOU definitely weren’t gonna,, it pains me too but i’m doing my duty deena”)
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jaaklops ¡ 20 days
Silly Game Time: WRONG ANSWERS ONLY! Why does Saturn have rings?
because saturn has a lot of trouble saying no to proposals
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jaaklops ¡ 22 days
guess who
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jaaklops ¡ 7 months
*shyly bats eyes in request for more pastries* (no pressure ofcc <33 I just love your writing ahhhh)
(also how are you?)
(and also because I must HOW ARE THE CATS)
hello hello hello!!!!! me and all of my cats are doing amazing ty for asking😋😋
as for more pastries,, ask and you shall receive!
Nancy walks away without another word, leaving Robin to pinch her wrist and wonder if any of that was even real. She then wipes her own hands off on her pants.
Robin puts a bag of gummy worms and a half gallon of milk in the basket, pays, and soon she’s out of there, too. 
She calls Steve later that day.
“God. I think I kinda hate her.”
A beat. 
She quickly amends her statement. “No, no. Wait. That didn’t come out right—” Clearly, Steve mutters. “—I just. Goddamnit, Steve, I have no clue what I’m supposed to do here.” 
“Maybe, oh, I don’t know, go meet her there like you said?” Steve sarcastically suggests. “Who knows, something might happen and then, y’know—”
“Oh my god, no, I’m gonna stop you right there,” Robin cuts in. “Nothing’s gonna happen, dude. I already know she doesn’t like me like that.”
“What, did she tell you that herself?”
“No, but why would she? She’s Nancy Wheeler. She’s not… she isn’t like that, and even if she was, she definitely wouldn’t like me.” Robin runs her fingers through her hair, twirling her fingers around the strands. 
“Besides,” she adds after Steve’s silence, “that’s not what I’m worried about. Well, yes, I’m worried about the fact that I’ll be alone at fucking Lover’s Lake with her of all places, but like, also everything else.”
She hears him mumble something that almost sounds like, You’d be surprised. Robin decides not to question it. “And what’s ‘everything else?’” Steve then asks her. Robin makes a sound akin to a wince.
“I mean, she just kinda… blanks on me for a bit? And then outta nowhere she just asks me to hang out like we’ve been talking this whole time. I dunno, man. Not that I’m mad, I just didn’t expect that, I guess.”
“Maybe you should talk to her about that,” Steve suggests.
“No, I don’t care.”
“Sounds like you do.”
“…I don’t.”
“Okay then.” 
Robin sighs and looks at the clock. It reads something near 6:20. “I have to be there at 7,” she states absently. An afterthought above all else. She hears Steve breathe a sigh.
“Then what the hell are you still doing here talking to me?” Steve questions incredulously. “Get off your ass. Be a man.”
“What I’m doing,” Robin bites out in response, “is asking for advice on how to not actually die. And for the record, I’m standing right now.”
“We’ve been on the phone for fifteen minutes now and you didn’t ask for any advice even once,” Steve points out.
“Whatever,” Robin says. “You get my point.”
Steve sighs. “Look, Robs, you’ve faced a Russian kidnapping, flamed an Upside-Down-dwelling wizard’s ass, and fought like hell even after that. So what’s your problem here?”
Robin frowns. “Yeah, well. This is way scarier.”
“It’s just Nancy.”
Like that helps, Robin doesn’t bite back. For a moment and a half she doesn’t say anything at all. It’s just Nancy, she repeats in her head, like some desperate part of her actually believes that downplaying the situation will save her. Cool, smart, nice Nancy who actually wants to hang out with you, or else she wouldn’t have asked. It’s just Nancy.
It’s just Nancy, but it’s also just Robin. Robin, who isn’t cool and definitely isn’t worth someone like Nancy’s time. Robin, who is dumb enough to even want to hope that someone like Nancy feels the same way. Robin who isn’t as smart, or as great, or as special.
And Nancy is special? Her mind questions stupidly. Robin herself even makes a face at the foolishness of the question.
Yes, she is.
In the end, Robin decides to agree just to agree. She doesn’t have enough time to overthink and debate. “Yeah, you’re right.” She looks again at the clock. “I should go. Be a man, y’know,” she jokes. It makes her laugh a little, which would definitely be embarrassing if it happened around anyone else.
“Okay,” Steve says. He sounds a little relieved. Robin doesn’t take it the wrong way. “I’ll see you soon. Don’t think so hard about all this, Rob. Bye.”
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jaaklops ¡ 7 months
Steddie and Elmax for the ship ask game!
steddie: doesn’t make sense, doesn’t compel me
elmax: my beloveds. makes sense, compels me
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jaaklops ¡ 1 month
Silly Game Time: The world needs more giant murals. I'm talking a minimum of 100 feet tall and 100 feet across (30.5 meters)! But, preferably, this painting should be big enough to cover the side of an apartment building!
What or who should be the subject of the next giant mural? (Bonus points for where it should be placed.)
hmmm i would love a really nice mural of like. a field of flowers or something in my hometown. like yea we already have a big mural but a bit of vibrancy has never hurt society!! or even a lot🥱
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jaaklops ¡ 7 months
Headcanons about the Charlie, Vaggie and Angel trio?
oh yes absolutely. angel shenanigans 24/7. and while vaggie gets annoyed charlie just goes like “😐☹️ dude why”. and even though vaggie gets irritated she and charlie both know that she would kill someone if she knew they hurt angel (that goes for anybody at the hotel really)(val youre in biggie trouble)
and so would charlie cause did you see her trying to go at val??? the day they both get their hands on him oh he’s DONE for
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jaaklops ¡ 8 months
(percy’s already in on it and we’re hoarding comfort snacks afterwards sooo 😌✨lmao)
YES OF COURSE! i can find the exact location just give me a sec🔥🔥
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