#rosa & joey; main verse
playedbetter · 10 months
This had been the sit of a haunting only a few days ago, a more isolated location which Rosa & Joey had allowed a soul to move on from.
But now there was a stranger, a strange looking stranger, his hair and skin were a pale white, his hair clearly styled framing a freckled face with golden eyes, he was wearing dark velvet dress pants, his dress shirt was plain white but was covered by a knitted coat with stars embroided in it, he was also wearing star and moon jewelry.
He seemed to be taking a video or something with what appeared to be a phone of the area around where the ggost had been.
When he noticed Rosa & the space around her he looked between them and then gave a small wave "Hello, is there a issue?"
-Stargazer for Rosa + Joey
Prompted Asks / Accepting!
As was often the case, one haunting was connected to another, which had brought the pair back to the scene to look for clues. She was too busy beginning to dig through the dumpster to notice the stranger. Joey however did at squinted at the guy, who the hell was this punk? And what was he doing with one of those phone things?
When the eyes shifted between where Rosa was digging and where Joey was floating, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Covering his mouth to make an aside to Rosa he said. "Red, we've got some company. Weird looking company..."
"Crap," Rosa pulled herself out of the garbage and turned to the stranger. Looking unamused at the phone which was almost certainly being used to take video or photos. She folded her arms. "What are you doing recording me?"
"Oh that's what he was doing," Joey was still getting used to the new fangled tech around him. "Say the word Sweetheart and I'll try messing with it,"
She wasn't really sure if that would actually help much. Given the camera she did try to not react visibly to what Joey had said.
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playedbetter · 10 months
Joey Verses
This will be updated as verses are added or developed.
Unless otherwise noted each verse is shared with Rosa Blackwell as they are highly connected.
Main Verse
Set at any point in the Blackwell Series timeline after he became a ghost, including post revival as well.
Retro Verse
Set before his death in the 30s, he's a tailor in New York City.
Not shared with Rosa.
Unavowed Verse
Work in progress but him and Rosa end up joining the Unavowed and avoiding Rosa’s death thanks to them. He’s their newest member alongside Rosa when the events of the game begin.
Occult Verse
Pretty much the same as his main verse with the setting specific lore taken out and without Rosa's eventual death & his revival.
MOTW Verse
Cursed only to be seen by a select few from the Blackwell family, and the first two eventually going insane, he was rather hopeless until Rosa changed things. She was also able to make it so that other supernaturally touched individuals could see him. The two have become traveling ghost hunters.
He is a Monsterous (Ghost).
Misc Verse
For any thread where the verse is unclear or non-developed or one off AUs.
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playedbetter · 10 months
Rosa Verses
This will be updated as verses are added or developed.
Unless otherwise noted each verse is shared with Joey Mallone as they are highly connected.
Main Verse
Set at any point in the Blackwell Series timeline.
Unavowed Verse
Work in progress but her and Joey end up joining the Unavowed and avoiding Rosa's death thanks to them. She's their newest member alongside Joey when the events of the game begin.
Occult Verse
Pretty much the same as her main verse with the setting specific lore taken out and without her eventual death.
MOTW Verse
Gifted with the ability to see and communicate with ghosts she struggled with her powers until she bonded with the family ghost Joey Mallone. The two have become traveling ghost hunters.
She is a Gumshoe.
Misc Verse
For any thread where the verse is unclear or non-developed or one off AUs.
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