#rosa diaz x autistic!reader
illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
A Hard Day
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Rosa Diaz x autistic!fem!reader Warnings: autism struggles, overstimulation (the autism kind not the sex kind), explicit language, soft Rosa <3 (if I've missed anything please let me know!) Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Rosa leaves work in the middle of the day to help you after you get overstimulated. She starts to realize that she really, really cares about you.
“I gotta go,” Rosa said, standing abruptly mid-text.
“Wow, skipping out on the job, Diaz?” Jake joked, spinning around in his chair. “It’s only 3:00.”
Rosa didn’t answer, pulling on her coat and rummaging in her bag for her keys.
“What, you can’t wait until the end of the work day to make out with your new girlfriend?”Jake waggled his eyebrows.
She glared at him. “Not that it’s any of your fucking business,” Rosa growled, “but she’s having a hard day.”
Jake puckered his lips, an exaggerated expression of sadness. “Aw,” he cooed in a baby voice. “Y/N needs her little girlfriend to kiss it better?”
Rosa’s arm shot out to grab Jake’s collar, so quickly and forcefully that he yelped. “She’s autistic, jackass. Her bad days aren’t like ours.”
Jake looked uncomfortable as Rosa let him go, shoving him back into his seat so hard he rolled away a bit.
“Sorry,” he muttered. “Tell her, uh… good luck with the autism?”
Rosa rolled her eyes and stared at him. “You’re an idiot. Tell anyone about this and I’ll shove my boot so far down your throat the heel comes out your ass.”
He grimaced. “You’re a real poet, Rosa.”
But she was already gone, already on her motorcycle, already racing to your apartment at speeds she might have pulled someone over for.
She was quiet when she got to your apartment, quiet as she let herself in, quiet as she took off her leather jacket and set her bag by the door. Noise was one of your biggest triggers, so Rosa was careful not to add any. She found you in the corner of your bedroom–lights off, curtains closed, oversized hoodie pulled over your head, swinging your body back and forth, back and forth.
You looked adorable. She felt a little bad for finding you so pretty like this. She knew it had been a hard day for you, that this was your brain and body’s way of regulating itself. But, god, did she love your tiny, swinging arms. The way you soaked in so much of the world that she worked so hard to keep out. It was one of her favorite things about you, that you felt everything, experienced everything, so deeply. Rosa had a hard time letting herself experience or feel anything fully. Except you.
She knocked lightly on the door to let you know she was there. You swung a little wider, twisting your neck so you could see that it was her. You waved your hand at her briefly, then continued swinging. Rosa grinned at you. She'd never admit it, but her stomach did little somersaults whenever you saw her and smiled. It was so particular to you, a smile combined with stims. You’d squeeze your eyes together and lift your shoulder to touch your ear, grinning so big your eyes would disappear.
“Hi, Rosa,” you said quietly as she approached you. 
“Hi, baby.” She took your hand and squeezed. If you had looked at her, if you had made eye contact, you would have seen something not many people saw in Rosa’s eyes–softness, care, deep-seated concern. You would have seen a face that was open, that read loud and clear, I would do anything for you. “You feeling any better?”
You shook your head.
“Want me to hold you?”
You nodded, and Rosa gently pulled on your arm, leading you to the bed. She got herself situated, then pulled you onto her lap. You buried your face beneath her neck, pressing into her, seeking out deep pressure, the steady sound of her heartbeat, the smell of her perfume on her neck–citrusy and spicy. She held you hard, her strong arms wrapped around you, her body tensed to give you the most pressure she could.
The first time you’d let her see you overstimulated, she’d tried to play with your hair and hold you gently, and you’d said, “That’s too light. Press hard.” So she’d pulled you into a loose hug. “Harder, Rosa.” So she’d squeezed you, resting her face next to yours. “More, Rosa,” you’d insisted. “I’m not gonna break.” She’d been afraid she was hurting you, but there was no denying the results. When she held you like that–so tightly she worried you’d burst–your breathing slowed, your muscles relaxed, you melted into her like all the stress of the world couldn’t touch you. And she genuinely hoped that when you were in her arms, it couldn’t.
You let out a relieved sigh as Rosa rested her chin on your hooded head, snaking her hand inside to gently scratch her fingers along your scalp and through your hair as she rocked you back and forth.
“I shouldn’t have gone,” you whispered into her chest.
“To the work thing?”
You nodded.
“I did so good until the end.” Your voice cracked, and Rosa pressed her lips to your head. “I hate being like this.”
“Hey, now,” Rosa said, her voice vibrating against you. “Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that.”
“But it’s true,” you insisted. “It makes everything harder. It makes it harder for you, too.”
Rosa sighed. She wanted to look into your eyes, but she knew that’d be hard for you right now, so she settled for pressing her cheek to yours instead.
“Y/N,” she said, her breath warm in your ear. “There is nothing hard about being with you.”
“I don’t believe you."
“I know that being autistic is hard for you sometimes,” Rosa continued. “But it’s really beautiful, too. I love your stims. I think they’re adorable. I think you’re funny without trying to be. You make me laugh. And smile. And ask anyone I know, I never smile. That’s just for you. You just… you see things and experience things in a way that’s just yours. And that’s badass.”
You giggled and sniffed. “You think autism’s badass?”
“I do,” she confirmed, grinning as you emerged from your hoodie, finally meeting her eyes. “I think it’s hot, too.”
You laughed and traced Rosa’s eyebrows with your finger, making your way down the bridge of her nose, then across the place where her face dimpled when she smiled, all the way to the bottom of her lips. She bent toward you and kissed your pointer finger, then took your hands and kissed your nose, smiling as you scrunched and stimmed.
“Grey’s Anatomy?” she asked. “I can make us mac ‘n cheese later, too.”
Your face lit up, and you leaped out of bed, your hoodie swallowing you. “Spongebob shapes?” She nodded. You grabbed Rosa’s hand and pulled her to her feet, kissing her quickly on the mouth.
“Wait, wait, not so fast,” she protested, as you bounced on the balls of your feet, trying to zoom off to the living room. She held the bottom of your face in both her hands and pulled your head toward her, kissing you deeply. She smiled into the kiss as you shook your hands next to your face.
“I love you,” you chirped, as you pulled away, thinking nothing of it and bounding into the living room. But Rosa’s breath caught in her throat. You all hadn’t said I love you yet. You hadn’t had the moment. But maybe there didn’t need to be a moment. Rosa’s heart surged as she watched you get the TV set up, covering yourself in a blanket so that only your head popped up.
“Come on, Rosa!” you called. “I want to snuggle!”
Rosa joined you on the couch, laying down so that her head was on your chest, her body pressing into yours, knowing that you’d find the pressure comforting. She’d never admit it–not to anyone but you–but she found it comforting, too, like this. She liked to be held. She would murder anyone who ever found out, but she loved your hands through her hair, loved being able to hear your heartbeat, loved the way your arms around her seemed to grow heavier when you fell asleep.
“I love you, too,” she mumbled into you, surprised by how easy it was to say.
“What?” you said, tilting your head toward her, your eyes still trained on the TV.
She smiled. “I said I love you, you nerd.”
“Oh. Yeah,” you confirmed, as if it was the easiest, most natural thing in the world to love Rosa. And, for you, it was. “Yeah, me too.”
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Rosa diaz x autistic!reader - here for you
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hiii!! could you write a rosa diaz x autistic fem reader where they're already dating and reader has a meltdown at the precinct and rosa helps her calm down and there's a lot of fluff/comfort, please? 🌟💗💗 - Anon 💜
Rose wasn’t one to blurt out her personal life, but the whole squad knew that you and here were dating.
Purely for situations like this, you were having a meltdown and she is the only person who knows how to calm you down.
So while Terry and Amy watched over you, Jake and Charles ran all over in order to try and fine wherever Rosa had gone to.
Thankfully she hadn’t.
“Rosa you need to help (Y/N)!” Charles yelled.
Rosa dropped what she was doing and spun around.
“Holts office!” Jake gasped out.
She bolted away from them straight to her captains office, pushing her way through the small crowd that had gathered in front of it.
She dropped in front of you, glaring at everybody but the wouldn’t leave.
Getting up without a word she slammed the door closed, closed the blinds and went back over to you.
Sitting down, she reached out, placing her hands over yours and you looked at her.
“It’s just us, take all the time you need.”
You nodded, taking one of your hands from hers so you could sit there tapping the back of her hand repeatedly.
Rosa had learn that just sitting there with you quietly was enough for you, so she stayed there quietly.
When you started getting a bit harsh with your tapping, she would cover your hand with hers for a moment before letting go.
You got up, starting to pace a little back and forth in the room.
Holt opened the door, saw you and Rosa and left his office again, and you turned to Rosa.
You clasped and unclasped your hands together as you looked at her before looking away.
“I don’t want to be here anymore.”
Rosa stood up.
“Where do you want to go?” She asked.
“I want to go home. Can I go home?”
Rosa gave you a soft smile as she nodded her head.
“Of course, I’ll go get my keys.”
She walked over so you could grab hold of the back of jacket and she walked to her desk to gather your things and her keys.
Then she took you away from the precinct and back home where you immediately went to your corner of the living room and sat down on the floor.
This was your corner for you and you only, she never came over when you were there, it was so you could calm yourself and refocus.
Rosa went about doing some of the chores you needed done, and when she felt you rest your head on her back she turned around.
Wrapping her arms around you she hugged you softly.
“You’re alright.”
You nodded.
Rosa wasn’t the best at comforting people, and she often didn’t want any form of physical contact but she always made an acceptation for you.
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masterlistmaker · 1 year
Special Agent Lokitty - Rosa Diaz x reader Works
polar opposites
sick days
"I think I'm in love with you, but I'm terrified"
secret Santa
Scardey cat
3 times and the ring
pillow talk
marry me
carol competition
Move in?
my dork
I'm sorry
She's scary
Dare you
Don't mess up
Take your pick
At first sight
Her turn
baby boy
Don't mess with her
Untitled 2
Kisses and cuddles
A get together
Stuffed toy thief
Fingerless gloves
New start
just a prank
Could have been
comfort (autistic!reader)
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Not really a request, at least not a super detailed one but, anything with Rosa Diaz x autistic reader would be amazing!!
Maybe R drops off some lunch or something for rosa and meets the rest of the squad or smth?
In general i am in love with your autistic!reader fics. Im currently in the process of being diagnosed with autism, and its just really rather comforting to see myself in a reader insert
Hey, Ara! 🥰 So glad you enjoy the autistic!reader fics! They are some of my favorites to write. I was just diagnosed about a year ago, so it's still new-ish for me, but I also find a lot of comfort in the autistic reader inserts. Hope this is what you're looking for, and best of luck with your diagnosis process! Feel free to reach out if you need a fellow autistic pal to talk through stuff with! 💕 –illdowhatiwantthanks
A Little Lunch
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Rosa Diaz x autistic!fem!reader Warnings: explicit language, overstimulation (the autism kind), established relationship (let me know if I missed anything!) Word count: 1.4k
Summary: People aren't your forte, but you told your girlfriend you'd have lunch with her at the precinct, and so you will. And it goes... surprisingly better than expected.
You took a few deep breaths outside the precinct door, sandwiches from Rosa’s favorite shop in hand. You’d never visited her at work before, never met her coworkers. People weren’t your strong suit. But Rosa had asked you. She didn’t ask you for much. She liked to keep her work life separate from her personal life, for the most part. And the fact that she wanted you to meet her squad? Well, you couldn’t let her down. You wouldn’t.
The overhead lights were bright, and the general office noise was overwhelming when you stepped inside. You lurked in a corner, trying to acclimate yourself, trying to survey the room and find Rosa and calm yourself down so you could have a nice, normal lunch with your girlfriend.
You jumped a bit as a woman in a rolling chair slid in front of you, hands pressed together over her waist.
“Is that my Panera?” she said, staring at the bag in your hands.
“Uh… no.”
The woman stared at you for a moment, and you shuffled uncomfortably under her gaze and felt the need to provide a reason for your presence.
“I’m, uh… I’m here to see Rosa. Diaz. She's a detective. Do you know where she is?”
The woman’s face lit up. “Ohhhh… interesting. Did she order Panera, too? Great minds.” She held out your hand for you to shake, so you did. “Gina Linetti,” she told you. “Dancer, secretary, genius.”
“Gina, stop tormenting my girlfriend!”
You’d know that voice anywhere. You visibly relaxed as Rosa walked into the squad room, placing a strong, protective hand at the small of your back.
Gina held up her hands, as if in defense. “Sorry, Rosa. I thought she was Panera.”
“She’s not Panera,” Rosa growled. “She’s my girlfriend, and we’re eating lunch, and you’re leaving us alone.”
Rosa took your hand and led you through the precinct, into a break room scattered with tables where, alone and away from prying eyes, she planted a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“You okay?” she asked softly.
You nodded and held up the bag of food. Rosa gestured toward the table and went to grab napkins and, for neither the first nor the last time, you were grateful that you often didn’t need words with Rosa. You were comfortable in one another’s silence and, for you, this was life-changing. Your words were one of the first things to go when you got overstimulated, but Rosa never seemed to mind. For this, and for many other reasons, you loved her.
But you’d barely started on your lunch before people started trickling into the break room: Jake, Amy, Charles. All ostensibly eating lunch, too, even if they’d already taken lunch, even if all they had was a bag of chips from the vending machine, as Jake did.
“So, Y/N,” Amy started. “How did you and Rosa meet?”
Rosa jumped in before you forced yourself to say anything. “Hey,” she spat at the group crowding the table next to yours. “When I told Y/N she could meet me for lunch, I meant me. Not me and half the squad. Scram, losers.”
You gave a little half wave as they slunk out of the room, smiling a little as Charles mouthed off to you behind Rosa’s back: “We’ll catch up later!”
“Sorry,” Rosa said a few minutes later. “I know they can be a bit much.”
You shook your head and squeezed her hand, able to find your voice again. “It’s okay. They seem nice.”
“If by nice, you mean fucking crazy, then yes.”
A knock on the doorframe. At first, Rosa seemed annoyed by the interruption, but when she saw that it was Captain Holt she looked almost… proud?
“Captain,” she said, rising from her seat and nodding at him. She gestured toward you. “This is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, Captain Holt.”
You moved to stand and shake his hand, but Holt stopped you. “Oh, no, please.” He sat down next to you, and Rosa seemed comfortable with him, so you decided that Captain Holt was someone you would like. “It’s lovely to meet you,” he said.
“You too,” you replied, trying not to let your voice shake too much. You tried to think of something to say, tried to think of a topic of conversation, but you were floundering. Your voice was hard for you on a regular day, even sometimes with people you loved, like Rosa. You just couldn’t manage to force anything out. You felt your cheeks growing red. You hoped you weren’t embarrassing Rosa.
You couldn’t have said all this to Rosa even if you’d wanted to, but Rosa always seemed to get it anyway.
“Y/N, Captain Holt and his husband are going to the symphony tonight. I told him that was one of your favorites, too.”
You lit up. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Rosa, you thought. You loved the symphony. She was right; it was one of your favorites. Despite Rosa’s general indifference toward classical music, she’d gotten you both season passes for your birthday. She didn’t love the music, but she loved the way your eyes shone when you listened, the way you perched on the edge of your seat like a child. She loved that when she held your hand during the performances, she could tell when you were particularly moved because you’d get goosebumps and the hair on your skin would stand up.
“Oh, it’s John William Weischselbraun tonight, right? Bach’s Oboe Sonata? That should be excellent!”
Holt looked about as excited as Rosa had ever seen him.
“You’re a fan of the oboe, are you?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
“Oh, yes, sir.” You nodded enthusiastically. “I played oboe in my high school orchestra. It’s a severely underrated instrument.”
Rosa beamed at you as Holt reached out to shake your hand. “Diaz....” he said, shaking a finger at her. “She’s a keeper.”
“Yes, sir,” Rosa nodded.
He stared at her reproachfully. “I hope you take this fine lady to the symphony and not just to your rock concerts.”
“She does, sir,” you assured him. “We even have season passes.” And then you had what you thought was maybe one of your more brilliant ideas. “Maybe we could all go together, sometime? Me and Rosa and you and your husband?”
Rosa and Captain Holt stared at each other for a moment, and you were afraid you’d misread the situation terribly. You’d always thought that Rosa liked Captain Holt, at least from the way she talked about him. You thought they were friendly with one another. Maybe you’d been wrong.
You tried to backtrack. “Or maybe not,” you blurted. “Just a thought.”
You couldn’t help but smile at how quickly both Rosa and Captain Holt jumped to reassure you. So quickly that their voices overlapped.
“That’d be great, babe.”
“Now, doesn’t that sound nice?”
Gina rolled in front of the door to the break room. “Captain, you have a phone call,” she yelled out as her chair rolled by.
“Excuse me,” Holt said, standing. He stood, pressed his hand over yours and said, “Truly nice to meet you, Y/N. I look forward to our mutual date.”
When he’d gone, Rosa stared at you. She was smiling. Really smiling.
“What?” you asked, your face reddening.
She leaned forward and kissed you quickly, her hand gently grasping your chin.
“What was that for?”
She tucked your hair behind your ear. “You did really good today,” she whispered. “I know you were nervous. Thanks for lunch.”
You turned an even deeper shade of red. “Anytime. Or, well, sometimes.”
She smirked and kissed you one more time, pulling away quickly as Jake wolf-whistled from the doorway.
“Shut your mouth, Peralta, or I’ll shut it for you,” she growled.
It was always so funny to you to see Rosa with others. So rough, so intimidating. When she turned back to you, she was soft. She was always soft with you.
“I’ll see you tonight?” she asked, squeezing your hand.
You nodded, as you stood to leave, perching on tiptoes to kiss her on the cheek. Your voice had slipped back inside of you for the time being, so you simply squeezed her hand back and let her walk you out of the precinct.
Rosa watched you go, swinging your arms a bit as you walked down the sidewalk, and her heart ached. She loved you so much. Your quiet voice, that was always a gift to hear. Your swinging, fidgety arms. The fact that you loved her so much, so purely. She only hoped she could show you just as much love in return.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 6 months
Masterlist & Request Guidelines
Requests are closed right now, but the Masterlist is always open! 🫶🏻
Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)
Can You Stay?
Texts from Olivia Benson
Eyes Open
When Worlds Collide (x daughter!reader)
Alex Blake (Criminal Minds)
What You Want (18+)
Inside Your Head
Texts from Alex Blake
Alex Cabot (Law & Order: SVU)
Alex Cabot x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
What You Give
Texts from Alex Cabot (18+)
Carol Danvers (Marvel)
Find Your People (x sibling!reader)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
A Hard Day
Just Playing
Headcanons: Coming Out to Rosa Diaz as Transmasc
Passenger Princess
A Little Lunch
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Lee Harker (Longlegs)
The Halloween Party
Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
The Dogs
The Intruder
Fight or Flight (x daughter!reader)
Texts from Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (18+)
The Aftermath
Johanna Mason (The Hunger Games)
Home Again
Casey Novak (Law & Order: SVU)
Someone Will See
First Time (18+)
Sunday Mornings
She Likes You Anyway
Empty House (18+)
You're Safe Now
Home for the Holidays
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (18+)
I Need You To
Your Brother's Wedding
Casey Novak x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Panic! At the DA's Office
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
May the Fourth Be With You
With the Crack of a Bat
Just One Kiss
Texts from Casey Novak
They Go Low
Getting Older, Too
When Worlds Collide
Frozen Oranges
Maggie Pierce (Grey's Anatomy)
Just as Friends
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
The Surprise Series Masterlist
Coming Out
Let Me Keep You Safe (18+)
Emily Prentiss x Reader Headcanons
Shelter from the Storm
Don't Lie to Me
Burning (18+)
Tracing You
Tiny (x daughter!reader)
Control (18+)
The World's Largest Box of Condoms (x daughter!reader)
Touchy (18+)
Texts from Emily Prentiss (18+)
White Fang
Arizona Robbins (Grey's Anatomy)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Amelia Shepherd (Grey's Anatomy)
Sick Call
Tea for Two
Strap Up (18+)
Postpartum (18+)
Playing It Safe (18+)
You're Mine (18+)
The R Word
Left Unsaid (18+)
Texts from Amelia Shepherd (18+)
Callie Torres (Grey's Anatomy)
Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
If you have requests for characters outside of the above, please feel free to send them on anyway! The above are just characters I've written for before. If I'm familiar with the character/source material and the request meets my parameters, I'll be happy to give it a shot!
I only write for characters who are women. No men here. Sorry, folks.
I only write x reader. I don't really enjoy writing about already-existing relationships or character ships. I've done a couple of x daughter!reader and x sibling!reader fics, and I'm happy to do them, but to be honest I very much prefer romantic fics.
I only write for readers and characters with v*lvas. I absolutely welcome non-binary/gender non-conforming characters/readers. Just be aware that, where smut is concerned, I only feel confident writing about humans with v*ginas.
I don't feel comfortable writing dark!characters or smut that's degrading. Kinks and other smut-related requests I take on a case-by-case basis. But I absolutely will not write anything that even gets close to the line of non-consensual. No shade to you if the above are things you enjoy reading/writing, they're just personally not for me.
Autistic readers are so welcome! I love reading and writing x autistic!reader fics!
I do feel comfortable writing about the aftermath of trauma (sexual or otherwise), most mental illnesses, etc. I enjoy a good hurt/comfort fic and, as someone who's dealt with both of the above, I know it can be very comforting to read something that makes you feel like you're cared for and safe.
I also really enjoy writing headcanons, so feel free to request those as well! The same rules apply for headcanons that apply for fics.
Send those requests on, bbs!
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Rosa x Autistic!reader - for you
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Hello!! Could you write a story with Rosa Diaz x female autistic reader where Reader is somehow a consultant for the 99th who helps them solve cases because criminology and psychology are her special interests and she's really good at it and is great with details no one else notices and wonderful at helping solve cases. She's very socially awkward but Rosa soon puts her under her wing and they become best friends and maybe things get romantic? Hopefully? Please! - Anon💜
You hadn’t planned on going into work today, but when got a call from Jake, you sighed and made you way in, finding him sitting at his head while staring blankly at his computer.
Walking over, you took the folder from his desk and walked away with it.
You didn’t talk much to any of them, you did your work and helped them with whatever it was they needed help with and then you’d leave again.
You didn’t like interacting with other people, and it was hard and awkward for you to talk to other people, even when it came to work.
You had finished getting Jake the stuff he needed and you were just about to call it a day when Rosa knocked on your door.
Looking up your gestured to the chair next to your desk and she walked over.
“Hey I know you probably want to go home, but do you think you can take notes of an interview I’ve just done? Somethings just not sitting right with me about it.”
“Why’s that?” You asked quietly.
Rosa began to explain her reasoning, and you knew if she had a feeling there was usually a good reason so you agreed.
She got the tape from the interview and you put it in, grabbing a pen and paper as you started to make notes.
Rosa noticed how at first you only took notes without looking at the screen, and she was curious.
“Why’re you taking them like that, aren’t you going to miss things?”
“I do it three times. One audio, one visual, one both.” You explained.
She nodded her head.
She wasn’t going to question you because she knew you were damn good at your job and you had never once led any astray so far.
Rosa went to get a drink and brought you one as well and carried on watching as you took notes, all three times just like you said you did.
You then set you notepad on the table and pulled a whiteboard over.
“Now what?” She asked.
“We compare. Link.”
She watched you again, never had Rosa seen anyone work quite like you did.
Rosa started to come to you more often when she had a case, or simply to watch you work because she was curious about how you managed it.
She saw how talking to people made you uncomfortable and you hated being put in social situations and so, she took you under her wing.
She would help you in social situations and talk on your behalf when you couldn’t, and in return you would show her how you work and let her understand how you managed what you did.
It was a good friendship.
And when you were both on a case together you were nearly unstoppable.
You started to like having Rosa around, you didn’t feel forced to talk if you didn’t want to, and most of the time you both just sat working in silence.
Sitting at home, you were watching one of your comfort shows when there was a small knock at your front door.
Getting up, you walked over and opened it to find Rosa on the other side. Stepping aside you let her in and closed the door.
“Why’re you here?” You asked, “is it a case?”
“No, it’s something different.”
Rosa looked around before turning around to face you.
You titled your head a little at her and she stuffed her hands into her pockets.
“Me, you and coffee. Yes or no?”
You furrowed your brows a little and she shook her head making her way back towards the door.
“This was a mistake. Last time I take advice from Holt.” She snapped.
She was halfway through the door when you quickly turned around to face her.
Rosa froze in place.
She turned around and you offered her a small smile.
“When?” She asked.
“Now?” You offered.
Rosa agreed and instead of going to a coffee shop or somewhere you made coffee at yours and you both sat at the table.
You both talked for what felt like hours, it was so natural.
Rosa loved how when it was just the you and her you could talk for hours about everything and anything, you were comfortable, happy around her.
Rosa smiled lightly as she listened to you talk about the show you were watching, trying to convince her to watch it with you but truth be told she didn’t need you to convince her.
All you had to ask and she would sit there for hours just to spend some time with you
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Rosa x Autistic!reader - a bit awkward
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Can you write Rosa Diaz x autistic!reader where reader is very shy but wants to meet Rosa's coworkers so she goes to the game night with them at Rosa's apartment, please? :) - Anon💜
Staring at your phone, you bounced your leg up and down as you looked at the message your girlfriend had sent you.
Rosa: you don’t have to come if you don’t want. Your choice.
Rosa was having her game night with her squad, and you were supposed to be going there to drop some stuff off for her.
You wanted to meet her team and get to know them all, but at the same time you were nervous about it.
You didn’t deal well with people at all, you got really nervous and shy around them and found it hard to talk, but you knew with Rosa there it would be easier.
She could keep them away from you and she could always tell when you were getting a little bit too uncomfortable with something or someone.
And you still had a few hours until they would arrive, so at the same time you could also just hide in her bedroom until they all left.
Nodding to yourself, you sent her a reply.
You: I’m coming over I don’t know if I want to take part yet, I’ll be there soon!
With that, you stuffed your phone away, grabbed your jacket, keys and the bag of stuff Rosa had ask for and made your way to her apartment.
You let yourself in with the spare key and set the stuff on the couch, and leant over, kissing the top of your head.
“Thanks babe.” She smiled.
“You’re much welcome, when do they all come?”
“Not for another like two hours.”
Nodding, you walked around and sat next to Rosa, curling yourself into her side and she wrapped her arm around you, running her fingers through your hair.
“You don’t have to be here you know.”
“I know but they’re important to you, and I want to meet them. I just… might be a little awkward.”
“That’s why I’m saying you don’t have to be here moron.”
You laughed softly, resting your head in her lap you looked up at her and smiled, taking her hand in yours you laced your fingers together.
Rosa stared down at you and you smiled a little brighter.
“I love you.”
“You too.”
You smiled brightly up at her.
Rosa was awkward when it came to affection, she had told you she loved you, but she felt more comfortable replying with something else, and you were okay with that.
You were a bit awkward too.
You spent time with her on the couch until finally it came time for her friends to arrive and she lead you through to the bedroom.
Rosa made sure you had snacks and drinks and one of her hoodies, and she sat on the bed next to you.
“Text me if you want ti come out okay?” She asked.
“Yeah. I will don’t worry.”
“You’ll be okay?”
You nodded.
“I’ll be alright.”
Rosa nodded and quickly leant down, kissing you and she pulled away with a grumble when the door went.
“Alright I’ll come check on you.”
“Have fun!”
She grumbled again and you laughed.
Rosa left and closed the door.
You spent maybe an hour watching tv and snacking, Rosa and checked up on you once, but now you were debating what to do.
You could hear them laughing and having fun, and you slowly picked up your phone.
You: I want to come out for a little while.
Rosa: are you sure?
You: I think so..
Rosa: give me a minute.
A few seconds later Rosa came inside and she stood in front of you, brow raised.
“I want to meet them.”
“Okay, if you’re sure. Come on.”
Rosa held out her hand and you took it, wrapping your fingers around hers you let her lead you out of the room.
No one noticed at first, until someone in the kitchen turned around and gasped.
“Who’s this?!” He squealed.
“Shut up Boyle!” Rosa hissed.
Everyone went quiet and turned around, and you shuffled behind rosa a little bit.
“Who’s that?” A man asked.
Rosa sighed.
“This is my girlfriend, (Y/N). She wanted to meet you all but she’s shy, so if any of you make her uncomfortable I will break your bones.”
Everyone laughed nervously and you smiled at her.
They introduced themselves and Amy gestured to the seat next to her.
“You can sit here if you like.”
Nodding, you padded over and sat next to her.
“What’s it like dating Rosa?” Jake asked.
“Jake!” Rosa snapped.
You laughed a little, shaking your head.
“It’s uh.. it’s nice. Good.” You said.
Everyone smiled and nodded, and much to Rosa’s dismay they kept asking questions and you happily answered them.
But she didn’t say anything, because slowly she could see you getting more and more comfortable as the time went off, and you began to take part in games.
When you needed a break, you’d wonder away but you would always come back
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Rosa x reader - presents
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Could you write Rosa Diaz x female autistic reader where they get each other's names for the secret Santa gift thing and Jake helps Rosa pick up the perfect gift for reader and Amy helps reader pick the perfect gift for Rosa or something like that? In a romantic way? - Anon💜
You had no clue what to get Rosa, you knew her, you knew what she liked, but all at the same time there was a chance she might not like it.
Rosa was very secretive when it came what herself, though she opened up a lot more to you than anyone else.
Sitting in front of your computer, you were tapping your mouse.
You looked around towards the man wheeling his chair over towards you, and offered him a shrug.
“This dumb secret Santa thing.” You huffed.
“Who did you get?”
You looked at the time and gestured for him to follow you, so he did while still pestering you to tell him who it was.
Getting in your car, you turned to look at him.
“Is this a kidnapping?” Jake asked.
“No idiot, it’s so we can talk. I got Rosa.”
Jake gasped, a huge grin filling his face.
“Oh you have to get her something absolutely perfect!” He yelled.
You slapped his shoulder.
“Be quiet! And I know, but I don’t know what. She’s not shown interest in anything at all, and I don’t know what to get her she doesn’t already have.”
You and Jake sat for a moment and you sighed.
“Go get our stuff, let’s grab something to eat, get Amy to come I’ll message Rosa.”
Jake ran off and get everything and you texted your girlfriend to ask her to come to dinner with you all, and a moment later you got a reply.
Rosa: can’t today busy.
Shrugging a little, you sent a reply.
You: alright I’ll be back late though. Love you.
You put your phone away and waited for your best friend to come back and he did after five minutes.
He tossed everything into the back and got back into the passenger side.
“I can’t find Amy, I set her a text though.”
“Fair enough, let’s go get some burgers and think of a game plan for this shit.”
So that’s what you two did, you ate and talked about everything and anything Rosa could be interested in.
And Amy and Rosa did the same thing about you.
“Well what does (Y/N) like?” Amy asked.
“I don’t know, all sorts of things.”
“Anything in particular?”
Rosa shrugged a little and sipped her drink.
She knew you, you loved all sorts of things, but you weren’t a very materialistic person.
Sure you sometimes got things you really liked, but it wasn’t that you did that.
“Well, what about stores? Surely there’s a store (Y/N) likes?” Amy asked.
Rosa lowered her drinks and looked at Amy.
“There is, but I’m not going there.”
“You have to come on!”
It was like hell for you both trying to find a gift for one another.
Jake and Amy were avoiding one another out of fear of spilling the secrets to the other and ruining the surprises.
When it came to the trading of gifts, you decided to do it quietly away from everyone else.
So you gently gripped her arm and she spun to look at you.
“Follow me…” you whispered.
She nodded and followed you to the evidence lock up.
You turned around and you held up a hand and walked behind some shelves and moved everything aside and pulled out a neatly wrapped box.
“I was your secret Santa, I should warn you Jake helped me.” You grinned sheepishly.
Rosa sat on the table and she carefully opened it, and pulled out the frame.
“Authentic Viking axes. You like your weapons so…”
“How did you find this?”
“Apparently when me and Jake put our minds to something we can do a lot.” You laughed.
Rosa laughed a little bit, and she set it down.
Reaching into the pocket of her leather jacket, she pulled out a small neatly wrapped box and held it out.
You stood next to her, and and you opened it, taking the lid from the box.
“You always went to that shop to look at this, I never understood why. Amy told me about your mom.”
You smiled sadly, running your finger over the necklace.
“It was my moms, the shop keeper said he’d keep it just for display until I could buy it back since my mom sold it to him years ago.”
Setting the box down, you moved to stand between her legs and you hugged her tightly, and Rosa hugged you back.
“Thank you…”
Rosa rested her chin on your head.
“You better not tell anybody.”
“I won’t don’t worry.” You laughed.
You loved Rosa, and this was the most amazing thing anyone had ever done for you.
“I love you.” She said.
You smiled even bright hearing her say that for the first time
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Rosa x Autistic!reader - comfort
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Hi!! Could you write something about Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99) and female romantic partner who's autistic? It would be nice if it included some angst + fluff. - Anon💜
Rosa knew all your tells, all the signs when you were getting worked up and you were close to having a breakdown.
When you walked into the precinct, you were lightly hitting your fist against your upper arm while your eyes scanned all of the officers.
“Hey, come on.” Rosa whispered.
You looked at her and watched as she gestured for you to follow her, so you did without a word you trailed behind your girlfriend as she led you towards an empty interrogation room.
She pulled out the seat for you and waited for you to sit down before she closed to door and sat down on the table in front of you.
Resting you arms on her legs, you tapped a rhythm against her as you looked around the room.
“What’s going on? You never come here.”
You shrugged a little and she sighed softly, leaning down as she kissed the top of your head.
You smiled a little bit and reached up, taking her hand as you looked up at her.
“Are you hungry or anything?” She asked.
You shook your head and she nodded back at you, letting you play with her hand and tug at her jacket a little bit.
Rosa knew what you wanted, she got up from the table and let you stand up before she sat down and you sat on her, resting your head on her shoulder.
It wasn’t often you were so affectionate, you struggled with physical contact and didn’t often like to be touched, only when you were having a hard day.
Wrapping her arms around you, she nuzzled her head against yours.
“Won’t they see…?” You mumbled out.
“I’ll kill them if they say anything about it, you want to be held so you will be.”
You smiled a little bit, hands gripping into her jacket as you closed your eyes and hummed a little bit.
Rosa wasn’t sure how long you both were sat there, but eventually the door was opened by Terry who stopped and looked away.
“I didn’t see anything, but maybe you should head home?”
Rosa looked at you and she nodded her head.
“Tell anyone and I’ll cut your tongue out.”
She stood up and set you on the ground, letting you grab her hand and pull her along with you as you made your way through the hallways.
You let her gather her things and speak to Holt first before the pair of you made your great escape.
She drove to her place, and you immediately made your way to her wardrobe, looking to raid her clothes for something comfortable and she laughed.
Rosa ordered your favourite food, put on your favourite show and made you your favourite drink before sitting down with you.
“Todays been hard.” You said.
“I know, but you did really well. I’m proud of you.”
She looked down at you, and you leant up kissing her softly before you quickly turned away with a small smile on your face.
Some days were hard, but Rosa could always made it better, she knew everything you liked and everything to make you feel at ease. She was your rock, your whole world.
And you were hers
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hi!! do you have any rosa diaz requests on your inbox? i sent a request a few weeks ago, but im not sure you got it :/
anyway, hope you have a great week and i love your blog and your stories, especially rosa and autistic reader 💜💕🦋🪼🤗
Omg anon 😭😭😭 thank you so much ❤️ It means so much that you enjoy the stories, especially the autistic!reader ones, they're my favorite to write!
I do have quite a few Rosa requests right now! Tbh I've got like... 60+ requests in my inbox... like, I'm still working on requests from June 😬 SOS is it time to close requests? Is this when we close requests, friends? I'm not sure about the etiquette here... (I've had a lot of writer's block these days or honestly just.... not much motivation to write. I'm chalking it up to Autistic Burnout™ or the fact that I also write for work, and I can't take a break from that writing... But I digress...)
I should have some Rosa x autistic!reader stuff coming soon! Hope your week is amazing, anon!! Thanks for reaching out! Truly, I always love hearing from you guys, even if it's just checking in on reqs 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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hey! this may be a little lengthy and confusing but recently i’ve been obsessed with both greys anatomy and brooklyn 99. so it would be amazing if you could write maybe a crossover??
so i was thinking rosa diaz x female surgeon or nurse reader or even paramedic. anything to do with the medial world. maybe she gets hurt and comes into the ER and it’s angst / fluff. perhaps she got a broken bone nothing too serious. they’re just friends at first but when rosa is wheeled in reader gets scared and eventually confesses.
if you don’t want to write this that’s fine but i read ur rosa diaz x autistic reader and i loved it.
Ahh absolutely!!
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Hi! I hope you're doing well!!
Could you write Rosa Diaz x female autistic reader where they get each other's names for the secret Santa gift thing and Jake helps Rosa pick up the perfect gift for reader and Amy helps reader pick the perfect gift for Rosa or something like that? In a romantic way?
Sure thing!
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Can you write Rosa Diaz x autistic!reader where reader is very shy but wants to meet Rosa's coworkers so she goes to the game night with them at Rosa's apartment, please? :)
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masterlistmaker · 1 year
Special Agent Lokitty - Rosa Diaz x reader Works, Part 2
for you (autistic!reader)
getting to know the real you
because I love you
a bit awkward (autistic!reader)
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Oohh okay so a Rosa Diaz x autistic fem reader where reader is Rosa's neighbor and never really talks to anyone or leaves the apartment but volunteers to babysit (?) Arlo while Rosa is at work a few times per week because she secretly has a crush on Rosa. One day Rosa gets home and reader has fallen asleep on the couch with Arlo, and Rosa gets soft about it and decides to get to know reader better and they actually get along really well. Pleaseee? Thank you!! 💛💛💛💛 I love your writing so much!! 💜😊
Ahah so after reading this I’ve realised I have actually had a few requests like this over the past few months nearly the exact same (I’m not saying it’s you it’s most likely people copying and pasting and sending it in again)
I have actually originally declined this idea I’m sorry :( it’s just something I can’t picture so I’m unable to write it I’m sorry
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Hello!! Could you write a story with Rosa Diaz x female autistic reader where Reader is somehow a consultant for the 99th who helps them solve cases because criminology and psychology are her special interests and she's really good at it and is great with details no one else notices and wonderful at helping solve cases. She's very socially awkward but Rosa soon puts her under her wing and they become best friends and maybe things get romantic? Hopefully? Please!
Also, sorry for being too specific!! I've been watching a lot of "Astrid et Raphaëlle" and got the idea from that show (it's amazing btw!!). I love your stories so much, especially the Rosa Diaz ones! It's okay if you don't want to write this one since it's kinda too specific 😅 but I'm glad you opened your requests again! Sending love 💕
Awwww this is adorable yes!!
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