#rosalina x ezio auditore
kisstheassassins · 4 years
A Kiss Away
Just an OC x Canon fic between my character Rosalina and Ezio. Self indulgent -3-
By now Rosalina has become accustomed to Ezio’s charms, including his sly advances and flirting. She tries to play it off and most of the time it works, making the man flustered in return, mostly because he was unsuccessful. However there are moments where he is successful in his attempts, especially as of late. 
And this time it’s in the workshop belonging to a close friend of theirs. 
Rosalina Aluino (OC) x Ezio Auditore
It was a rather quiet evening in the city, a bit different than the norm. Most of the time the streets were bustling with people going to and fro, on with their lives whether it be a job, running an errand or simply out to enjoy the day; for an assassin and such little crowds to blend into it was hard to keep away from peeping eyes now.
At Leonardo’s workshop however nothing seemed different than it was outside the walls. Leo is rushing back and forth to one spot and to another, seeming to find different things to work on every few minutes.
There is a knock on the door and he freezes his hand from making a stroke of paint at his canvas. He sets the brush aside and wipes his hands on an old cloth that is stained with new and old paint. There are even a few spots on his cheek he seems to miss.
He peeps through the door hole and smiles as he then opens it, arms wide for a hug; Leo’s friend graciously returns one.
“Rosalina!” he chuckles happily, “what brings you here?”
The woman smiles contently and pulls out what appears to be a rolled up piece of paper, detailed with golden and black outlines. Leo’s face lights up at the sight of it and gently takes the Codex page to open it slowly. 
“You and Ezio never cease to amaze me,” Leo states with a smile. Rosa follows him to his work desk.
“Is it worthwhile?” The Assassin inquires. “It better be, for what I went through to get it.”  Sewers weren’t her favorite thing to be searching through on a daily basis.
Shrugging his shoulders, he peeks over at her quickly. “I suppose we shall find out,” Leo replies. He sets the paper flat on the wooden tabletop, and it only seemed like seconds and the man has already come up with solutions. It still amazes Rosa at how smart he is; she’s almost jealous.
Leo turns to Rosa with the Codex in hand.
“If you wouldn’t mind,” he begins, “I will decode this for you. It may take some time however. This page is a lot more complex than the others you have given me.”
The woman shrugs her shoulders, gesturing to his work place.
“Be my guest,” Rosa smiles, “I can wait.”
“Perfetto! (Perfect)”
Amber eyes watch Leonardo as he trails off into another room, and not wanting to disturb him Rosalina stays behind. The bookshelves catch her attention nearly instantly after her friend is gone. The shelves were at least either feet high, she deducts, and every slot is filled with a book.
“What sort of reading are you into Leonardo?”, she questions softly to herself. Rosa takes a book and begins reading. Much of it is foreign to her, words in Italian that she has not yet learned. Another book she takes is in Latin; that immediately gets returned. 
Thirty minutes into her time at Leo’s workshop have gone by. Rosa eventually settles herself into a chair with a book about the Greek Gods. Mythology wasn’t her strongest suit but she didn’t want to fumble with anymore of Leo’s books, fearing he may of had a system for the way he organized said books. 
There’s a knock on the door, and the woman’s attention is shifted immediately. She places the book down and walks to the entrance with a hand on the hilt of her blade.
What’s a cause for such defensiveness? Past encounters on Leonardo’s life, none of them good, resulted in her defensive stance. 
She sighs though once she sees who it is when looking through the peep hole, and her hand drops down to her thigh while the other pulls open the door.
“Ezio,” she greets, her bodyweight shifting against the door frame. The taller man chuckles and bows his head to her.
“Princessa, (princess)” he returns. Rosa shakes her head and rolls her eyes, clearing the way for him to enter. 
She closes the door behind him.
“You know I hate that name,” she grumbles, following him soon. Her eyes catch his as he turns to look back at her. Ezio is smiling warmly at her, and now she realizes her face feels flushed at the eye contact.
"I have many others,” Ezio chuckles deeply. His head tilts slightly at her. “I will just use those as replacement.”
“Or just my name. That’s sufficient,” she comments, walking past him and turning to lean against the wooden table. Rosa’s eyes glimmer a small amount when she sees the taller man takes a few slow steps towards her. Her arms fold across her chest to appear more broad. He was intimidating, and right now in a good way. “What are you even doing here? I thought you were in Monterrigioni?”
“I have some things here to take care of,” Ezio begins, slowly getting closer. “I’m starting to realize you know where I’m going even before I do.”
His hand reaches for the back of her jawline and slowly traces it to the front with a feather like touch, taking in the fact that he notices she hasn’t retreated away from him. Maybe even shifted her weight just a slight amount to rest into his palm.
A deep chuckles erupts from his chest.
“You are not following me are you?”
Another roll of the woman’s amber eyes and she gently removes his hand away, not flinching when it settles just beside her on the desk.
“Not every woman wants to chase after you Ezio,” she replies, shyly looking up at him. His laugh is intoxicating, practically feeling his chest hum as he reels in closer. Rosa has to look away from him and down to the floor. However he wasn’t having it, wanting her to look at him. It was rare times he was able to get this close to her and not have her back away. 
A finger rests on her chin, another under it as he lifts Rosa’s face to look at him. She has no choice but to.
“Only a jealous woman would say such a thing.”
Rosa chuckles sarcastically and rolls her eyes, still held captive by Ezio’s hand under her chin. 
“Your charms do not work on me Ezio,” she says, pushing his hand away once again, and like the other it rests on the other side of the table. The man manages to wedge himself between her legs.  He tilts his head again, smiling down at her. The woman can feel his breath on her lips and nose. 
“Yet you have not told me to stop,” he whispers, beginning to gently sway with her. “Perhaps they are working more than you think.”
“You have me wedged between a table Ezio,” she replies softly as well. “I cannot really go anywhere.”
Another chuckle from him, and this time it makes Rosa reach for the sides of his belt, grasping at the leather gently to rest her hands.
“That wouldn’t stop a woman like yourself,” he smiles, inching his face closer. Ezio watches her lips slightly part and her eyes drift down to his own. Now his other hand comes to cup the other side of her face and she then fully leans into his touch; it sends shivers down his own spine at how content Rosa looked. “Do you want me to stop?”
Immediately her eyes shoot up at him, dazed and shimmering from the lanterns around them. They almost seemed. . . to plead.
Her mouth opens to speak as Ezio’s gets closer, enough to possibly connect, when the curtains separating this room to the one beyond it part ways and flutter like wings of a bird. Ezio’s hands slide off of her, as well as Rosa’s off Ezio, and the woman looks down at the floor sheepishly while Ezio swallows thickly. 
“Oh,” they hear Leo gasp, “I- I did not mean-” He then spins around quickly and fixes his hat. “I shall come back in a few moments!”
Ezio clears his throat and speaks up for Rosa, as she can’t look anywhere else but the floorboards at the moment.
“Va bene (it’s alright), Leonardo,” Ezio sputters. “I just came to check up on you. It seems Rosalina has beaten me to it.”
Leo’s hands fidget with the tail of his belt, turning slowly and awkwardly to look at them. Rosa finally has the courage to peer back at him. She stands now beside Ezio, however with her arms still crossed.
“I was uh, successful in decoding the page you brought me Rosalina,” the artisan speaks. He walks slowly to the desk she was once sitting on and lays the paper flat. He smooths out the page and exhales sharply while the other two peer beside him.
“It is simply an upgrade for your blades,” he says, “it is more lethal in design which provides more speed when using it. It will be so light you might as well be slicing the air open.”
“Funciona para mi (works for me), Leonardo,” Rosa smiles, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. He smiles in return. “Anything you design is always worthy.”
With a confident smile and attitude Leo collects both of their silver and takes it to the back of his home again. Within only ten minutes he has returned with both blades and they are looking as sleek as ever. Rosa takes hers in admiration and holds it up to the lantern, watching her reflection on the blade. She then turns back and takes a few steps away to swing her blade effortlessly to test it; Leonardo never ceased to amaze her. 
Holstering it where it belonged on her belt, the woman turns to the men with a smile on her face.
“Muchas gracias (thank you so much), Leonardo. You’re doing God’s work with these Codex pages.”
The flattered and flustered man waves her off as he turns to his desk to sit down. He watches Ezio still admiring his blade and then putting it away. He nods to him and smiles.
“She speaks the truth amico, (friend)” Ezio says.
Another chuckle as Leo sits back in the chair, smiling up at them.
“Enough you two,” Leo prattles, “now go on, you have more important things to do.”
Ezio then turns to Rosa and gives her that cheeky smile he had moments ago where they were. . . closer than they are now.
“Indeed we do.”
She catches on immediately, and her face begins to burn once again. Rosa makes haste for the door as she waves goodbye to Leonardo over her shoulder.
“Adiós amigo!” Rosa calls back. However when she calls Ezio’s expression drops and he looks to Leo; he was hoping Rosa would have waited for him. Leo laughs joyfully at the exchange.
“You better catch up to her,” he says, “she was raised by La Volpe, no? She may be long gone by now if you don’t hurry.”
The assassin huffs and hurries for the door, giving his friend a wave goodbye before leaving. He sees her just outside waiting by a merchant stand, leaning against the brick wall dividing the city from the countryside.
“I figured you would have left me,” he comments, huffing as he gets to her.
“Why?” she questions, “after what happened in there?” The woman huffs as she begins walking with him.  Ezio is baffled a moment, unable to speak before he can finally say anything.
“Well. . . si, actually. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“Who says I was?”
Once again is trying to register what she had said. 
It hits him eventually, and he is wearing an even dumber smile that makes Rosa wish she had kept her damn mouth shut, and she begins to walk faster to try and lose him.
Ezio takes her hand and she stops to look down at it, surprised at his actions. This place was not the time nor location to do this. To even have this conversation.
“Is that right?” he chuckles, making her huff and walk off. He grabs her hand again and she snaps it away.
“We shall not speak of this any longer,” she points an angry finger at him, legs forcing her to walk again. Ezio is close behind.
“Did you enjoy it?!”
“Ezio, por favor. . .”
The man laughs. “You did!”
“I am going to hurt you in a second, cállate! (shut up!)”
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kisstheassassins · 4 years
I'm wiritng a short fic for my oc and Ezio because I miss them.
"Not every woman wants to chase after you Ezio," Rosalina grins. She leans back on the work desk as she watches him slowly approach.
"Only someone who is jealous says a thing like that amore."
Its only a snippet but these two will forever be in my heart ❤
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kisstheassassins · 5 years
I still haven't forgotten these two 💗
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kisstheassassins · 6 years
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Rosa spam because she's my daughter and I lOvE hEr.
Rosalina Aluino belongs to me. (And Ezio)
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