#rose eats a sloppy joe on the roof when dave gets the whole meteor on a collective lean meat diet
bottlehawk · 2 years
dave strider using the alchimeter while trying to make apple juice and discovering other "kiddy" cul de sac lifestyle mommy blog snacks like string cheese. fruit bars. those gerbers cereal puffs. gogurt. applesauce pouches. annie's crackers. veggie chips. dried plantains. literally just baby carrots in a little baggie. rose turns up her nose at them after being forced to eat heirloom pumpkin seeds and probiotic yogurt drinks instead of doritos and red bull her whole life. but dave goes wild for that shit. once they start being able to alchemize Actual food as well he starts hoarding ten different types of hummus in the fridge and makes smoothies with bananas and acai and agave nectar and greek yogurt. he forces everyone to eat "fruit pizza" when it's his turn to cook and it's some horrendous shit with like strawberries and blueberries and cucumbers on top of a tortilla with cream cheese. he keeps edamame captchalogued in his sylladex and gives them to people to calm them down. which he needs after rose comes down for dinner with a hangover and is faced with a "lettuce wrap" with spinach, turkey bacon, avocado, bell peppers, and walnuts. for the fifth time in a row.
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