#rose handcanon
invaderakirasart · 26 days
Got the triad printed out. I started doing the Rose in white, but due to problems I kept running into, I ran out of filament and haven't gotten more to finish it. There are a few issues with the Lumina and I had to get in touch with the modeler to fix some of the issues. I'm printing out Lumina V2 in hopes of some of issues being resolved.
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collinnmckinley · 4 years
20 Questions for your Guardian
Made by @we-are-guardians.
I’m gonna make 4 of these to hopefully shed some light on my own guardians that are in the game also one other that I created but deleted to make a Titan guardian. Let’s start with my accidental Hunter that I made.
Name? Ren-4.
Class and subclass? Hunter - Gunslinger/Arc Strider.
Race? Exo/Male.
Favorite type of weapon? Handcanons/LMGs.
Favorite weapon and armor? Rose/21% Delirium - Assassin’s Cowl/Shard of Galanor.
Describe their style. Very simple in style, but his fireteam always pushes him to dress more elegantly, because he’s the chosen one and he needs to show it.
Personality? A very quite Exo that cares very deeply for his twin sister and his fireteam. Very chill personality wise and doesn’t bother with anything that doesn't relate to him unless it was a bounty.
Any pet peeves? Trying to grind for Shaxx to get a gun.
Who do they get along with? Eris, Spider, Banshee, Erin (his twin sister), Drifter, Ikora, Cayed-6 (used to ;-;)
Hobbies? He’s a very boring person he doesnt have any interest in anything unless it’s a bounty.
Favorite music? Again, a boring Exo.
If they could change main classes, would they? Nope.
Do they want to ally with any alien races? No, every race other than human he encountered wanted to kill him. (Except Spider of course)
Do they remember anything about their past life? No he doesnt remember anything.
Any family, biological or chosen? His twin sister Erin. Well technically they’re not literal twins because Erin is a human, but they were risen in the same day, same location and at the same time, the only difference is they each have different Ghosts. Both of their Ghosts are very close with each other as well that was why they are considered twins.
Do they love anyone, romantic or platonic? Other than his sister he doesn’t love anyone in any other way.
Happiest memory? When Erin came back from a dangerous mission that she had to do it alone.
Most tragic memory? Cayde’s dying in front of him, Erin Drifting away from him and the fireteam after Cayde’s death.
Any enemies? Well, you can’t count them in one hand.
Hardest mission they’ve been on? Shattered Throne Dungeon oof.
I’ll be making three more of these later. for now enjoy my main Hunter from the game.
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team-iceflower · 4 years
Here's my new oneshot 👀👀
Ruby groaned as pain coursed through her body. A ringing filled her ears as the sound of battle raged around her. She could barely make out the sounds of her teammates fighting through her comms. As she opened her eyes she slowly pushed herself up, a blue light shining over her, filling her with renewed energy. 
"Guardian Down"
She heard the familiar synthetic voice of her ghost call out to her. She looked over the battlefield, the memory of the fight slowly coming back to her. With a small jump she hopped back to her feet, her armor broken and tattered. She tore her helmet off, the cracked piece only hindering her. Ruby took a deep breath as she looked around the ascendant realm she was currently invading. The stench of death and decay filled her nose as the sight of her teammates broken bodies laid before her. 
"Guardian...there's no light in here, not while He's here." 
Her ghost popped up next to her, his blue light dim in the crushing darkness. She eyed him over, making sure he was still intact. She nodded at him before looking down at the broken handcanon in her hand. Ruby took a deep breath and tossed it onto the cold alien floor. She was alone. Tears filled her eyes as she looked over the corpses of her fireteam. As long as Crota was still alive down here, there was no way in hell that their ghosts would revive them. 
Ruby heard a low chuckle that chilled her to the bone, followed by the sound of metal dragging on metal. The lone Guardian lifted her head and met his gaze. The gaze of death and destruction, the harbinger of light. Crota. He was still alive, although looking like hell. She smirked sadly to herself. At least we managed to hurt him, of course Weiss was right to use the swords. 
She stood still, no light left, no weapons, no hope. She was alone, and afraid. The heavy foot steps echoed closer as she stared into the green void beyond the monster. It was about to end, six more guardians he could add to his kill count. Was this all for nothing? Everything we've been through, the black garden, the vault. Only to be killed here? The lone gunslinger let out a sad laugh at the irony. She awoke alone and afraid and now she was going to die the same way. 
"I'm sorry Crescent...I'm sorry you got paired with me."
Her black and red ghost popped up next to her once again, somehow with a condescending look in his eye. He seemed to be the strongest one, always there to help Ruby even with this thing walking to kill her.
"The Traveler chose you for a reason. Gave you your powers for a reason. To protect. To save. Are you giving up on the City? On them?" Crescent gestured towards the remains of her teammates. Weiss Schnee, their snobby Warlock. Yang Xiao Long, their brutish Titan. Finally Blake Belladonna, an ex Shadow of Yor. Nora Valkyrie, the energetic Striker. Lie Ren, the calm Sun Singer.  Ruby bowed her head and grit her teeth. 
"There's nothing I can do.." 
"Yes. There is. Use the light Guardian, use your anger. Mold it into a weapon. You can do this." Crescent paused for a moment, turning to look at the beast standing in front of them, its massive sword reaching into the sky. "Eyes up Guardian."
Fear, anger, hate, pain, joy, love, light. Hope. All these emotions overwhelmed Ruby. Emotions that this darkness could never feel. Emotions that make her special, all humans special. A tingling sensation rose through her, a tingling that quickly turned into hot flames. With a guttural scream, a scream using all of her emotions, she all but exploded in a flash of light, floating into the sky. Crota staggered backwards, momentarily blinded by the golden light. As Ruby floated in the air, baffled by what was happening, she felt something conjure in her hand. As she looked down she saw what looked to be an old six shooter. Old but sturdy, and covered in buring sunshine. 
Crota quickly recovered, and upon seeing his prey now bathed in the light of the Traveler he charged forward, bringing his massive sword towards the Golden Gun and its wielder.
Without a moments hesitation Ruby aimed that gun at Crota's head and with one final warcry she pulled the trigger. A powerful shot rang out and filled the entire ascendant realm in the warm glow of the Traveler, blinding the entire room. 
The next thing Ruby knew she was kneeling on the ground, devoid of fire and the mysterious gun. Wide eyed she looked up at where Crota was. We has currently laying on his back, all but stunned. 
"The sword! Grab the sword!"
Ruby looked around frantically, adrenaline coursing through her body, her eyes scanning every inch of the hive room, looking for anything to use. She let out a breath she was holding as she found a sword stuck in the ground next to her dead teammate Weiss. She was the closest to her, the other swords on the far side of the room. Without a second thought she took off in a sprint towards the sword, her boots echoing loudly in the void. 
The redhead slid to a stop right before the sword. She put her hands on the handle and pulled at the cold steel, dislodging it from the ground. She hefted it over her shoulder with a huff and spared on last glance to the broken helmet of her warlock companion. Just kill him and bring the light back, they're depending on you.
She gave herself one last nod before she took off in a run towards the stunned Crota, who was now slowly coming out of his stupor. Their eyes locked for a moment as Ruby let out a rage filled yell and stabbed the beast right through the chest. As she felt the sword pierce the outer armor and continue it's way through its organs, silver eyes stayed locked to the evil green ones. 
As Ruby stared into those eyes she felt his life drain, felt the crushing darkness finally start to lift. Most of all, she felt like she saw fear in Crota's eyes. Good. With one last cry into the night, Crota slumped onto the sword before he slowly started to dissipate. Ruby fell into a sitting position before full on laying down, exhaustion all but crippling her. 
"You...you did it, you killed Crota."
The synthetic voice of Crescent filled her ears as stared into the darkish green of the ascendant realm. However, her ears were soon filled with the sound of ghosts resurrecting the rest of her fireteam. A small smile crossed her face as she closed her eyes. "We did it."
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kayzean · 6 years
Forsaken Stars
A short fic based on K-Lin’s reaction when she finds Cayde. Imagine the guardian that is carrying him in the poster is out guardian...
(Written before Forsaken was released)
K-Lin sighed with frustration when her cloak caught on another rock as she hastily squeezed her way through a narrow crack in the cavern wall. It was getting quite tedious because every time it got caught K-Lin would be jerked to a halt.
“Maybe you should take it off?” chirped Nix from behind her. K-Lin was about to shoot out a retort when Nix bumped his shell against her helmet with an amused beep. “I’m kidding! Come one we’re almost there.”
They finally emerged onto a ledge high above the main cavern. The smoke was thick up here and even though she had her helmet on, she felt like she was choking. Unease crept into her body and her chest closed in. “Something wrong, Nix, something’s terribly wrong.” She murmured softly. “We are in the right place, right?”
“Yes. These are the exact co-ordinates that Cayde told us to meet him at. And to be honest, this is Cayde we’re talking about. When he’s away from the tower something always goes wrong.”
“I can honestly not complain with you there.” K-Lin moved forward and looked over the edge. It was a long way to the bottom but even from this high up she could see the destruction and the death. A portal like structure illuminated the cavern floor, framing the dead bodies in a pale blue light from the one side while the yellow light of flames struck them from the other side. K-Lin looked at Nix. “Okay something’s wrong, I agree.” He confessed. K-Lin looked back down at the carnage. “Nix try to contact Cayde.” His shell spun around as he tried and failed to get to Cayde. “I’ve tried both his Ghost and his communicator, I’m not getting through to him.” Nix told her.
The feeling of anxiety grew stronger. Un-holstering her handcanon from her hip she leapt down, breaking her fall halfway down and then again just before she landed. Dust spiraled up all around her and didn’t settle down. “Nix please scan again.” As he was scanning K-Lin slowly moved around to a mutilated body. Headshot K-Lin thought. Another body a bit further was half burnt to a crisp. She stopped suddenly. This wasn’t dust she was walking through… It was ash. Ash created by the godly fire of a Golden Gun. “KAY!” She jumped at Nix’s call. “What? Did you find something?”
“It’s a faint distress signal. Barely traceable.” He paused for a moment. “Nix who’s is it?” K-Lin said, her heart now starting to hammer against her rib cage. “It’s his Ghost...”
Her eyes widened. “Where?”
“Over there, just by that portal thing.” K-Lin looked over towards it, trying to identify anything that looked remotely like Cayde. Slowly she weaved her way through the destruction, lightly kicking up ash as she glided over the ground, not making a single sound. She neared the portal and was struck with a hand so cold it made every hair on her body stand on end. It surprised her, so much so that she skidded to a halt. “What?” Her Ghost said alarmed. “K-Lin what is it?” She didn’t answer him. Her eyes fell on a still figure about 20 feet ahead of her. Her insides went cold.
She let out a gasp of anguish as she neared the body. Frantically ripping off her helmet and flinging it to the side. K-Lin dropped next to the body of Cayde-6. She muttered his name over and over, madly trying to wake him up. “Please! Please come on! CAYDE WAKE UP! FOR THE LOVE OF THE TRAVELER! PLEASE!” She cried. A faint ringing rose up as his optics dimly lit up. “My treasur— queen… has finally showe— ” He said faintly, his words cutting out. K-Lin rushed to his face, tears stinging her eyes, her hands frantically but gently running over the damaged plates of his face. “Cayde—”  She inhaled sharply, a lump forming in her throat preventing her from speaking. “I thought— I thought you were dead.” His optics flickered brighter, but he didn’t say anything. 
Painfully he raised his hand up to her cheek. She placed her hand over his, lightly leaning into it but never, for one second, taking her eyes off of him.She took in how damaged he was and was about to ask him what happened when his body shuddered.  He groaned and coughed out a painful laugh. Then it hit her. “Cayde where is your Ghost?”
“K-Lin…” Nix called to her. She glanced to him and saw that he was shaking his shell from side to side, confirming what she feared to be true. She slowly turned her head back to Cayde. No... No his Ghost is gone... She thought as dread slowly made its way into her mind. His fingers lightly brushed her cheek. “Sorry…”
“No don’t say that. Don’t— ” He cut her off. “No tim— I ne—d to tell—” His voice cut out again as another shudder shook his body. “Cayde!”
“Kay I’m sorry. It wasn— to end like th—” K-Lin shook her head. “No. This is not the end.” His optics flickered again. Panic finally seized K-Lin. “kay lis—en to me.” He gently griped her face. “Ul—n did this.”
“It was Uldr—”
Uldren Sov. The awoken prince of The Reef. Cayde saw the realization in her eyes. “That’s m— girl. Kick t—at bastards ass fo— me.” He gasped suddenly and with every ounce of energy had left he spoke, “I love you.” And then his optics dimmed. His hand slipped from hers and fell onto his lifeless body. K-Lin stared. Tears ran down her cheeks, snaking wet, black paths through the soot that had accumulated on her face from the ash. She sat frozen, staring at the lifeless face of the man she loved.
“Cayde… Cayde?” She whimpered softly, hoping that his sky blue optics would once again flicker to life. But they remained dark. Despair flowed into her body as the realization struck her. She placed her head to his chest, shuddering as her breath caught on the ever growing lump in her throat. A sob finally escaped her body, a sob that turned into a wail of anguish. She arched her back, a scream rising from the depths of her soul erupted from her and echoed through the cavern. “I SHOULD HAVE BEEN HERE!” She wailed, “I COULD OF STOPPED THIS!” She leaned over Cayde, burying her face into his cloak and allowed the torment of shuddering sobs to shake her to her core.
She stayed like that for who know how long. Once her sobs had clamed slightly, Nix had nestled into her cloak. Not saying a word until K-Lin had calmed.  “We’re going to get that bastard K-Lin." Her Ghost said, anger dripping from his voice. "But we have to get out of here.”
“I’m no leaving him…”
“I didn’t say that. We were not, by the Traveler’s light, ever going to leave him here.” K-Lin stared at Nix for a moment and then numbly stood up. She took in a deep gulp of air and nodded. She carefully retrieved Cayde’s Ghost and placed her in his cloak. Mustering all the strength she had, she lifted Cayde into her arms and walked towards the light of the portal. “Time to take him home…” K-Lin said, stepping through the portal.
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sunshinetheperekeet · 7 years
I need to talk about the books I read
I have a goodreads and 3 of my friends are on there but they don’t write review or comment on the books. I love reading books but Idk its like... right after I NEED to talk about it and no one is there to talk about it. Kinda want to make a youtube just to rant about the shit I read even if its to no one. 
ANYWAY!!! So I recently finished : Send me a message if you want to rant about those books, don’t be shy ! If ya have a goodread we can add eachother I NEED BOOK POEPLE. 
Empire of Storms --> (Kinda not in love with this series anymore. All I want is a focus on Dorion at this point ahah.). I just... it’s not what I got myself into you know ? It’s not that the book is bad but I have soooo many books to read and I like to know what I’m getting into and book 1 and 2 have NOTHING to do with the series now. Like... what was the point of all this. It was a really long intro. I’m hoping the serie end soon. I think she is making a book 7. I hate that too. She is doin the same thing with a court of thornes and roses and like... NO its a trilogie you can’t turn it into a 6books series when its suposed to end this year. I’m a boring person who likes to know shit before starting them ;p More happy than not. --> I guess this kind of describe my feels about this book ahaha. I need 2 more chapters of like “ two years later” and all is rainbow and sunshine. In a way I love that happy ending is not in everybook I think it makes it more real but I still hate it. It makes me FEEL too much. I can’t stop having handcanons about different ending and its not healthy lol History is all you left me --> Loved it. See this is the kind of sad that I can deal with. I cried the WHOLE book. But like there is hope for a better futur. I need this xD  I’m really scares for Adam’s new book : They both die in the end ahahha.
Every day --> So I finished this like... 2 hours ago. And I DONT KNOW how I feel about it to be honest. I read this cause there was a fanfiction of Klaine made around the same concept... the fanfiction was better. And like I said before,.. I can’t deal with endings like that. is that even an ending. And like.. I could accept this ending actually if there wern’t so many questions left to answer. I want to know how many poeple are like “A”. Where the fuck do the person go when A takes over. Also the ending bugged me cause it seems like A picked a really random guy and was like.. there you go Rhiannon (gosh that name) he is a nice guy you will like him. NO NOOOO. At least be on the mission to find a great guy for her and after a few weeks/months you find him and you know she will like him but the ending was basicly HEY this guy is a “nice” guy so you will like him. There honey be in love with this random dude who you know nothing about cause he is a nice guy. O.O what the actual fuck. 
When it’s real --> Almost forgot about this one !! Man this one was a lot of fun. Needed it (read it after history is all you left me and right before more happy than not ahha). I love stupid love story, the love/hate thing is one of my favorite trope what can I say. Loved loved loved it. It was also hilarious how a lot of thing seems to reference to Justin Biever. I read the other books by Erin Watt paper princess and I really loved those books too but idk, they were not “good” books they were just addictive, guilty pleasure kinda books. But this one was written better. I don,t know how to explain ahha.   There ya go ! The books I finished the last 2 weeks. (No I don’t read this much usually. But my weekend has been really productive haha)  
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ephraim-p-callahan · 6 years
More details
Basic Info
First name: Ephraim
Last name: Perseus Callahan
Nickname: F
Ghost: Prometheus
Date of Birth: 
  - Original Date - unknown. 
  - Chosen Date - December 15th
Age: 29-32
Race: Human
Voice/Accents: a mild mostly unaccented American/English accent
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Ace as far as anyone can tell
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Guardian Warlock
  - Previous - Small single room loft in The Last City
  - Current - A Golden Age bunker he and his fireteam found and he’s currently renovating
 -  Skin Color: Pale Caucasian
 -  Eye Color: A piercing ice blue that flickers with electricity when he starts to get angry and glows faintly in the dark
 -  Hair Color: charcoal grey
 -  Hair Style: messy mid length
 -  Height: 6’0”
 -  Weight: about 217
 -  Body Type: slim and strong, the build of a soldier with a penchant for swordsmanship and archery
 -  Clothing: faded jeans, black boots, his coat, long sleeve shirts, or button ups with a vest, black glasses
 -  Add ons:
     -  Tattoos: raven imagery across his shoulders, and a mix of astrology and compass work wrapping his arms
     -  Piercings: none
     -  Scars: several major ones across his body, mostly bullet injuries, three diagonal across his face one leading to his fake eye.
Allergies: none
Illnesses: none
Sleep: Has a schedule that he follows as often as he can, otherwise he can just switch on and run for weeks straight until he just collapses
Energy: not enough
Positive Traits: 
  -  Fearless
  -  Loyal
  -  Honest
  -  Pessimistic 
  -  Handy
Negative Traits:
  -  Pessimistic
  -  Impulsive 
  -  Sarcastic
  -  Finicky
  -  Pessimistic
Education: unknown
Fears: SIVA, Losing more fireteam members and friends
  -  Tinkering
  -  Singing/Humming
  -  Home repair
 -  Food: non seafood
 -  Meals: Grilled chicken with corn, Chicken Noodle Soup, Steak, Bacon Wrapped Baconballs Wrapped in Bacon
 -  Drink: Milkshakes, Pops, Arizona Tea
 -  Color: Silver, Blue, Black
 -  Music: Almost anything
 -  Area: Anyplace quiet, libraries
 -  Food: Seafood
 -  Drink: Diet anything
 -  Color: Neon and mud-like colors
 -  Music: non-understandable, stupid
 -  Area: clubs
Fighter or Lover: A little bit of both
Weapon: Handcanon favorer, assault rifles, shotguns, bow and sword lover, knife thrower
Powers: Stormcaller and Dawnblade
Style: Both distance and Close up are fine and dandy.
 -  none
  -  Fireteam
    -  Amaela Rose - Hunter - Awoken - Deceased - SIVA
    -  Chris-1 - Titan - Exo - Deceased - SIVA
  - Most Fallen
  - Uldren Sov
  - Hive
  - Cabal
  - SIVA 
  - Skorn
Lover: None
Name: Prometheus
Personality: Quiet and unasuming much like his guardian Prometheus stays out of the limelight as often as possible. They both decided to name him Prometheus because when F was raised he was a Dawnblade, and they loved the injoke of bringing fires of heaven unto humanity.
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invaderakirasart · 2 months
Prototype printing Rose. Fittings are super loose, but it's still somewhat functional. Adjustments are being made while waiting for the filament. I may have an idea that combines Steven Universe and Destiny in the works 😁👍
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invaderakirasart · 1 month
Got the Rose print down and got the colors needed for the final iteration. Thorn is being reprinted in the correct scale. The cylinder is for the new Thorn. I should have the new Thorn done sometime soon, then I'll print the Rose in the proper colors. Lumina is gonna be interesting to print
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invaderakirasart · 21 days
Finally got Rose printed out in the off white. It's very front heavy, but the entire thing's not light. I had to put a support on it so I could get one of the pics. Damn Lumina design is being a pain in my ass ATM, but it's getting to the final design. One more left to go and I can finally start working on my SU x Destiny crossover idea
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