#rose x the tenth doctor
khruschevshoe · 5 months
The way that Jack, Rose, and Nine feel far more like a poly trio in late Season 1 rather than any sort of love triangle is INSANE. The vibes are FERAL and IMMACULATE. The kisses in Parting of the Ways. The sharing-story banter in Boom Town. The flirting. "Buy me a drink." "Continue on with whatever you were doing." The dancing. Jack dancing with Rose. Rose dancing with Nine. Nine offering Jack a dance. Everything Ninerose related. "Before you, I was a coward." The fact that Jack only makes sure that Rose is safe before dying for them, Rose brings him back to life, Nine's every interaction with either of them in the finale...honestly the way that Ten interacts with Jack in Utopia (ESPECIALLY the scene in the radiation room/Jack's reaction to hearing Rose is alive) makes even more sense if you realize that he and Jack are exes and that they once loved each other and Rose equally and then the Tenth Doctor WRECKED that by leaving Jack behind
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nipuni · 2 months
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Rose and Tentoo 🥰
a step by step process of this will be available at my Patreon on april 1st
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northernfireart · 7 months
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my most recent random thing ive been thinking about is the idea that Doctor flirts with Rose in gallifreyan the way some people flirt with their partners in their home language even though their partner doesn't speak it and i have been obsessed with this thought ever since
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tentoohasamortgage · 8 months
god nine was so fucking in love with rose. "i'm so glad i met you." "i could save the world but lose you." dancing with her and not realizing they'd been teleported because he was so besotted. "i only take the best. i've got rose." hating literally every other man she so much as glanced at. i am fully convinced that nine had so little self control when it came to his love for her, and if he had not regenerated he would have acted on it a thousand percent. i main tenrose but ninerose hits so different. i absolutely love them
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catabasis · 7 months
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The Doctor took me to this planet a while back. It was much colder than this. They called it Woman Wept.
Doctor Who 1.11 | 2.13 inspired by this post
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timelordgifs · 10 months
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 month
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1.13 | 2.08
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claraoswalds · 9 months
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School Reunion // Journey's End
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tonsillessscum · 3 months
Anywaysss, so does the Master regenerate based on what the Doctor's current love interest looks like? Or does the Doctor subconsciously fall in love with someone who vaguely resembles the Master in that current part of their intersecting timelines?
And is it because of their inactive/ dormant? telepathic connection? Or is it bc of the knowledge revealed during the events in the Timeless Children or is it both ?
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mindibindi · 6 months
Everyone is assuming Rose Noble named herself that because the Ten part of her, inherited by the metacrisis, loved Rose so damn much. And yeah, that might be true or part of it, but let's not forget how significant Rose was to Donna. Because ROSE was the one following Donna from day dot of her adventures with the Doctor. ROSE was the one who sought Donna out in an alternative reality in which Donna had forgotten the Doctor (for the second time, if you count her experience being saved by the Library). ROSE was the one in that reality to tell her she was brilliant and important and belonged with the Doctor, NEEDED to be with The Doctor, AND he needed HER. And ultimately, it was Rose who helped her to get back to him. Rose told her she was brave and capable and could find a way. So while it's possible that Rose Noble named herself after Rose Tyler because Ten loved her so much, it's equally possible that the metacrisis part of Donna that Rose Noble inherited was trying to remind herself/her mother of the weird blonde woman who stalked her across dimensions, insisted that she remember (The Doctor, their adventures together and HER own importance) and returned Donna to her rightful place at the side of The Doctor. The suppressed memory of Rose Tyler inherited by Rose Noble is another indication that Donna Noble wanted to remember, (re)remind herself and return to the Doctor again.
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Alright, I'll say it: Jack Harkness and the Doctor's relationship is possibly the most fleshed out/complicated dynamic in Doctor Who and that is INCLUDING the master/doctor relationship. Seriously, think about it:
the fact that when they meet jack is presented as sleazy con man and the doctor makes him brave- makes him good
but that they are both willing to die for rose as long as she is safe
and then she comes back and dooms them both to live (even though jack has already died for her and the doctor WILL die for her)
(ninerosejack is canon and you cannot convince me otherwise)
but then the doctor sees jack as immortal as someone he COULD spend the rest of his life with
and instead of embracing it like you'd think he would because he is so wrecked by people leaving him/being left by him the doctor RUNS bc the Doctor is so scared of jack of what he means of what he is
jack ends up abandoned in dalek dust goes back in time to find the doctor suffers a hundred years alone/being tortured but STILL WAITS
(screw amy being the girl who waited or rory being the boy who waited- Jack Harkness is the boy who waited and he did it FIRST)
Jack finds out that he was abandoned. that the man that he loves HATES the sight of him. that the doctor would rather have a genocidal murderer than have him
and so Jack gets the hell out of dodge to go to a man who DOES love him
and don't get me wrong Jack loves Ianto and Jack DOES remember Ianto until he dies as the Face of Boe don't forget that (protecting Novice Hame from the virus as he couldn't Ianto
Jack still considers five billion years cursed to never die to be BETTER than the alternative: dying a young time-agent-turned-con-man
Jack has more reason than any other companion save maybe Amy to hate the Doctor & yet spends 20 years in jail to rescue Thirteen still LOVES HER
jack harkness is a living ghost a reminder of the doctor's failures a physical fixed point and yet he still loves the girl who cursed him and the time lord that turned him into the kind of person that would give his dying breaths to protect the last of humanity in a dying city and tell the doctor that he is not alone
because fuck it, YANA was a warning but also a reminder a final gift
jack had been there all along, a ghost an echo a PROMISE
there is no more human character than jack harkness
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twinge-of-cosmicangst · 6 months
If I had a nickel for every time the Doctor had a sassy ginger companion he referred to as his best friend, and then said ginger companion had a daughter whose name begins with R (and was not the name they were born with) and this daughter even though human, has certain time lord characteristics due to complex plot reasons, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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carricfisher · 6 months
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Doctor Who The Christmas Invasion | 2005
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northernfireart · 2 months
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there is no doubt that Doctor is the little spoon. Im just speaking the truth
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tentoohasamortgage · 3 months
can’t get over how fourteen is literally just the way fanfic authors have been writing ten for the last 15 years. fragile, bi-curious, girliepop, anxious, says the word “love”. rtd really fed us
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tennant-davids · 6 months
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DOCTOR WHO Series 2 / Series 4 / 60th Anniversary
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