elfcast · 2 years
✲ "Maybe this sounds a little weird, but I'm really glad I bumped into you, Gyess!" This wasn't their first encounter, because she had offered the dragonborn a place to stay a couple of weeks back. But it was the first time Marcille had said something like this as they walked alongside each other.
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"I get pretty anxious here, you know? Being obviously not tall-man, er... Not human. I always feel out of place and people are always staring at my ears. So it's nice knowing there are people that come from worlds like mine, you know? I don't feel so... alone."
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ryuujin · 2 years
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If this was a stage play, he'd most likely give it a sharp, merciless critique.
Vasilios has been lounging on a sturdy branch mostly to take some time off from nearly getting his head sliced off by a variety of monsters that lurk this area; but also to have a front row seat to what appears to be a dragon struggling to fight a large arachnidian monster below.
The dragon in question isn't like anything he's ever seen so it's easy for the god to assume this particular individual is not of his own creation. She has the features of a dragon but her build resembles more that of a human. It's an odd combination, he thinks. Is it a deformity? Or is she mere proof that their god has a twisted sense of humor?
His wondering comes to an eventual stop when he sees her turning tail and scrambling up to the tree he's currently resting on. A frown curls at his lips and he sits up, eyeing her with a visible look of disapproval once she has reached the same branch he's perched on.
"I hope your senses have not led you astray with this foolish assumption that the creature cannot climb."
event starter for @rose-goldscales!
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spiderstaff · 2 years
@rose-goldscales said: "Living in the forest is much better than in the indoors!"
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"Exactly! There's so much room out here to run around, and so many more things to see! And no one to tell you what to do!"
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fairyknight · 2 years
● Maybe it was rude, but the fairy didn't care. She was staring at the dragonborn's feet with interest.
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"Hey, you! Have you ever worn heels before? Do they make heels for your people?" If not, could she have just found a new market to push her shoes at?
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necroticrose · 2 years
“Come on, now...” Lilith frowns, trying to coax a flower to bloom with her magic. It had been so easy back home, but here...? She could barely lift its petals. Hmph. With a frown, she carefully plucks it, adding it to her basket and making a note of where she’d found it.
Continuing to walk along the forest path, she’s paying much closer attention to what she’s writing than where she’s walking-- causing a head-on collision with someone who just happened to be sitting in her path.
“Huh--?!” She stumbles back, trying to regain her composure. She wasn’t scared, of course not!
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“Why are you sitting in the middle of a forest path? That’s dangerous! Someone could have gotten hurt, or I could have dropped something. Be more careful!”
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inqerad · 2 years
( ✧ @rose-goldscales​​ )
There is a certain peace that can only be found in the wilderness. Something quiet... something calm... something that soothes the soul in way that only nature can. It isn’t as if Sinbad has any real business in the woods, so surely taking a moment to sit down and appreciate the sunlight filtering through the trees wouldn’t be so bad. Just for a few minutes...
. . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
He wakes up some time later upon subconsciously realizing the sunlight has been blotted out by an unnatural shadow. Lo and behold, when his eyes flutter open, someone who reminds him far too much of Drakon looms over him. His hand instinctively falls to his sword — thank god it hasn’t been stolen this time — but it’s only a moment later that he realizes no malice fills the air between them.
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“I’m not in your way, am I? Sorry, I didn’t count on falling asleep here.” He scrambles to his feet in a way most unbecoming of a king — but this stranger doesn’t need to know. At least, not if the gaudy jewelry hasn’t tipped her off already.
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demoniomano · 2 years
❝  did you come by for a reason or did you just want some company?  ❞
Conversational Encounters! ( not accepting )
Whatever that is, Lysithea means no harm. Company or not, if one needs it, one gets it while the Winterfes is a thing going on. Pixies are everywhere as snowmen were made in random locations at Cotes.
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"Depends. Reason is to see what kind of wishes can be fulfilled while these fairies are wandering around." She'd ask what's her intention here but better mind own's business.
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eusyram · 2 years
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@rose-goldscales​ | Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse on:
Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Would they date them: no (friendship okay) Favorite thing about them: "The eyes, of course! Her pupils are pretty.” Least favorite thing about them: “I wish she’d stand out more. Like grow wings! Four to six to start. And, um, a halo! Or longer horns! Also her eyes should glow, and she needs a better wardrobe! First we’ll add some silks, then heaps and heaps of jewelry, a hoard of gold, then a castle to trap princesses in—”
"You silly little thing, I bet nobody’s ever told you the secret to a successful romance!”
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“Sure, I’m perfect enough with looks alone, but the rest of you need to rely on skills and confidence! So chin up! Back straight! Look ‘em in the eye! If you stare at the ground like that then the only thing you’ll be kissing in this lifetime is dirt, fool!”
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bxsiliisk · 2 years
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He breathes, cards fingers through black locks  and bright green eyes studies the dragon in front of him. He’s interacted with ONE young dragon. Maybe two, but not one as YOUNG as this one. Oh, she’s a YOUNGLIN youngling. 
Romanus clears his throat and looks around. Oh...Why is he feeling SO awkward? As if he doesn’t know what to do with a child? “Uh....Are you lost?” Nice work, Romanus. What kind of question is that?
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kleinstar · 2 years
“ Oh this is a little.... “
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It was burning his cheeks... And it made sense! It was supposed to! It was from the hot challenge tray after all! There wasn’t even anything to win it was just a fun game within all the merriment of the ball... But even if it was a challenge Eiden had another reason for the feeling of needing to finish it. 
He takes a long long sip from the milk glass, stuffing his mouth full of whitebread. Still all four of the hot chicken wings left.
“ No wasting food though.... Alright Eiden you can do this!! “ 
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miraidawn · 2 years
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"Oh, this was a bad idea..." In all honesty, Mirai hadn't actually wanted to go down here. Ultimately, it had been his own curiosity that'd driven him to take the lift down, and he'd regretted it not too long after. At the very least, he figured he could be fast enough to just run away from any monsters that showed up, but that wouldn't stop him from being nervous in the meantime.
"I- um... you look more prepared than I feel right now..." He was mumbling a bit to himself, clutching his tera orb in his hands as he looked at the cavern system looming ahead of them. "I don't usually... do stuff like this."
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elfcast · 2 years
❛ walk with me? ❜
✲ "Oh, uh... Sure!" She wasn't sure why this girl wanted to walk with her, however.
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"This wouldn't have something to do with my being an elf, would it?" Just a guess since the girl seemed to be a race that was just as uncommon as her own here.
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redlichbluelich · 2 years
Send “Sketch!” and I will draw our muses together in a way that sums up their relationship!
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no magic like cursed magic
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seirosu · 2 years
"Miss Rhea? Oh! Miss Rhea!" Though Gyess had only known her for a short time, she was still incredibly grateful for helping save her life while under the sea. Meeting another dragon always delighted Gyess, and her pension for curiosity meant she wanted to know more.
For now, she was just happy to deliver the cookies she and Byleth had made. A little cautiously, she approached Rhea handing her the little pink parcel full of cookies. "These are for you! In honor of the val-en-tines tradition! I hope they are to your liking!" Gyess smiles.
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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇               valentines . rhea is unfamiliar with the customs shares among universes, having kept woefully to herself . but being on one's mind . . . conjured up woefully absent feelings . it felt awfully warm . in her hand , rhea cradles the cookies she's been gifted as if having received a sacred treasure .
in her hands was a taste of love rhea longed for without ever putting word to the feeling of loss . it's a blessing .
" dearest young one , the generosity you bring . . . well , accepting it alone fails to express how deeply appreciative i am of your thoughtfulness . although , i shamefully have nothing to honor you with in kind . "
fingers cradle chin , contemplating a solution . ah , right --
" please , visit me again soon . i shall prepare something most special for you upon your return . "
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troubleisafriend · 2 years
@rose-goldscales // DOWN YOU GO
Two-on-three were odds that Jester was more than comfortable working within- she was quite confident in her abilities as a cleric, and even though she'd only just met this dragonborn girl, she sounded pretty capable herself, even if she had no way of knowing herself. Of course, when they were suddenly ambushed by a trio of werebears who'd managed to score some nasty hits already, the chances were a bit less favorable, Her Spiritual Weapon already cast, Jester slammed one that was looking to attack Gyess right in its face, bringing a yelp from its toothy maw.
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"You know, if they weren't trying to kill us, these guys would probably be kind of cute!"
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isolaradiale · 2 years
Hello! I'd like to apply as a dnd OC, Wild Gyess ^^ I hope most it is okay this is my first ever character blog lol my OOC is @asketchy_kaseadilla on tumblr
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Gyess!
You will be housed in CONDO 404!
You’ll retain the ability to use Breath weapon, and will also be given a wooden knife.
– ⋆ diadem.
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