#roseate Maxwell
unpopulargoose · 7 months
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HAPPY VALENTINES DAY here’s the ship ever in their roseate skins :3!
MaxWil has such a grip on me they make me so sick
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3447 · 5 months
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dipndotz · 2 years
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doodles grauuuuugh
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whiteisnewpurplart · 1 year
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automatonknight · 2 years
could you draw maxwell from dst? I loved seeing him in your style it goes crazy hard
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kesia-stupid-arts · 2 years
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The roseate skins are the gayest thing ever, I love em
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turtlemurmurs · 2 years
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It’s always a bit funny to get skins from the in-game gifts lmao. Especially when you’re playing a morose little girl and the gift is her uncle’s decapitated head
Anyway. Happy birthday to the twins :D
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rhoddys · 2 years
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Drawing some of the survs the way I play them
first up is Maxwell, only fitting to give him the spotlight first given that he is now my main
I might add some more stuff to him to really add the ol rod flare, but here he is for now
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citrusinicake · 2 years
just saw the new dst update trailer and im so 👀👀👀
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in-constant-agony · 6 months
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“The thorned rose cannot help but prick. It is its nature”
Roseate Maxwell as requested
A few people asked for this one so I thought I’d go the extra mile
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waokevale · 3 months
A Clarification to Wormwood's Age (And why he's fully fledged without a shred of doubt)
So, as we all know or have heard some at point, there are still people out there, who think the peculiar lunar plantation is an infant, solely due to the way he speaks, behaves and of conviction that he was literally born yesterday. Which by all means is false.
That's why I'm here to finally dismantle that belief. I'll present you with several compelling arguments of mine based on throughout research I did on his character overall, and if by the end of this post, you'll still hold firm to that same opinion, then I'm afraid that's out of my hands by that point.
If you're willing to stay for the duration of this thesis, and hear me out, I'll be very greatful. And please do listen, so we may not make any more misconceptions as such about him in the future.
I'll be splitting this post into 5 segments, one with additional subcategories.
General Appearance
Behavioral Pattern
Character Interrelations
Canon Information
First of, let's start off with the obvious:
General Appearance
If we're going to interpret his appearance based on 'human qualities', then physically, compared to actual child characters, Wormwood's design is vastly different.
The easiest way for me to prove that, lies in one of the recent animations: (Swine & Dine), where all the (live) children are gathered in one place, alongside Wormwood and Wes.
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Here, you can distinctly pick apart the difference between the three preteen characters, Walter, (who's likely supposed to be a teenager on the younger side; around 13-14), and the last two.
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The most obvious difference is the jawline. Wormwood, for one, has a massive jaw, easily rivaling that of Maxwell's (while technically, this feature isn't reserved solely for adults, it is moreso common to see an adult with a define jawline, rather than a child.)
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This, alongside his torso being usually depicted as an inverted triangle (at least in the official animations), seem to be features added intentionally somewhere post his release, as he looks much more childlike in his animation video, where he's still technically a sapling per se.
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Even Several of Wormwood's skins showcase, that he is in no way meant to be seen in a juvenile way.
The best example of that being his Victorian skin.
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Look me dead in the eye and tell me that's a child. That is one of the most indisputable old man portrayals, you can get from an anthropomorphic plant character in media. Do not try and argue, how a child is meant to look like that, because neither of the four actual child characters has a skin, which makes them appear that much significantly older than they actually are.
So what reason would Klei even have to make his skin look so apparently elderly, if they saw him as a child?
More examples of his mature skins could be said for the Roseate and Guest of Honor. While they're not outright elderly, as is the former, the general vibe is similar to that of other adult characters' portraits.
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Now that we've compared him to human characters and their characteristics, we should take into consideration what he actually is. Let's remember, that at the end of the day, he's partially a plant organism and partially an inorganic crystal from the moon , certainly he ages much differently than us humans, or even most other constant species for that matter.
I'm pretty sure he was also formed with a fully developed body (since he seemingly bloomed shortly after forming, which is a trait reserved primarily for mature plants)
But then again, appearance alone isn't enough to make one truly adult, is it? Thus we're moving on to:
Behavioral pattern
Few things you'll immediately realize about Wormwood is his alleged naivety, playful nature and seldom use of grammatical correctness. Due to this, many immediately assume that he's a child, which is understandable, but not a good enough reason to make such an assumption.
There are many factors involved in building one's disposition, and in Wormwood's case, there's plenty of reasonable causes for his behavor:
As previously stated, he's quite literally a sentient amalgam of vines, brought to life by a jewel from the moon. His origin far disparates that of any known being, especially a human.
His mind develops much differently than that of an average person. This correlates with the point above (since its a big green gem in his chest and not an actual brain). Plus, he likely hadn't had the chance to have a proper education. While he seems to have picked up on a lot of mannerisms from the pigsfolk in Hamlet, I doubt anyone went out of their way to actually school him.
He's feral. The majority of his upbringing, he likely spent surviving in the jungle. In a way, he reminds me a lot of Tarzan (A human, who grew up raised by a troop of gorillas after his parents were killed. He can communicate with the local wildlife just fine, but deeply struggles understanding and relating to the outsiders; other humans, who one day arrived on his land.) That's likely the reason why Wormwood refers to certain creatures with mimicking the sounds they make. Perhaps he can understand them to a degree, or at least is trying to.
Just because he doesn't speak English, doesn't mean he's slow. It is plausible he speaks a different language, while English doesn't come naturally to him. As is the case with Wolfgang, who has similar speech impediment issues and struggles with saying full sentences, but that's quite literally because English isn't his mother tongue. It's been a running gag that Wolfgang is the embodiment of a European man, and whichever country/countries he might've originated from, it's definitely not the UK. As might be the case for Wormwood and whatever constant language he actually thinks in.
He has certain traits akin to people with autism/Asperger's or ADHD (Nonverbal communication, delayed language development, lacking social cues, sensitive nose, short attention span, hyperactive and somewhat impulsive behavior, wild or overexaggerated movement, struggle with fitting in, little sense of awareness etc.) And I'm speaking from experience with this one, he's quite relatable to me, and many of my friends on the spectrum.
With that let's move on to the third segment.
Just how smart is he truly?
Wormwood isn't regarded for his high intellect, that's for sure, but remember, intelligence isn't defined by just the book smarts society imposes on us. Therefore it doesn't always correspond to a person's age and experience.
Wormwood, while definitely not on a level of a Harvard graduate, is extremely intelligent and a quick learner at that.
Let's digest what we generally know about intelligence and what it really means for Wormwood.
With the main question at hand : What differentiates a child mind from an adults'?
While he certainly shares some personality traits with Webber, their mindsets are rather different.
I'd like to present my point with a simple method.(From that one Quora post, believe it or not, it was the most convenient out of all the theories and tests I found) Dividing that, which is known as thought process into five subcategories, of which are:
Cognitive Development
Life Experience
Responsibility and Independence
Emotional Regulation
Social and Moral Development
So let's start with Cognitive Development/Psychology
(Definition : The process of growth and change in intellectual/mental abilities such as thinking, reasoning and understanding. That includes: the ability to interpret information, verbally communicate ideas, appropriately apply words and gestures to given situations, recognize and differentiate various sounds, comprehend your surroundings, use past experience to resolve current or future problems more efficiently, etc. TLDR: How thought process changes with age ; Talking, hearing, reading, remembering, problem-solving, understanding, You get the point. )
By this point, Wormwood's acquired plenty of general knowledge of the world around him and what to expect from it. (In some cases, he seems to know things without realizing it, or simply wishes to not provide more info of what he's already aware of.)
He is capable of understanding various different things, applying appropriate words to them, when given the chance. He often struggles to properly phrase what he means, but you can still get around to grasp it.
And you know what? He's especially good at deducing things not every character can point out. Here are some of the more obvious to least obvious things he's mentioned:
Leaky teacup - "Can't drink from it"
Beaten Beater - "Hmm... Can't use it"
Start tower kit - "Need to plant it on the water"
Compass- "which way?"
N- "North
S- "South"
E- "East"
W- "West"
NE- "Northeast"
SE- "Southeast"
NW- "Northwest
SW- "Southwest"
(The direction one would seem pointless to add but let's remember that there literally are characters in this game who don't know which way is which cough cough Winona cough)
Clippings - "Can sell this hair"
Sapphire Medallion/Tenpiece oinc – "Can buy things now"
(the plant understands capitalism 👍)
Winona's GEM-erator (out of fuel) - "Oh. Needs sparky"
Telelocator Focus (missing gem)- "Needs Purple Shiny"
Telelocator Socket (missing gem)- "Where shiny things?"
The Queen of Moon Quay: "Oh...she thinks Night Ball is friend hair?"
(He might know who They are after all)
Beast of Hunger (1) - "Oh. Not alive"
(This, plus any other quote of his mistaking a statue or an object with distinguishable features as alive, does not make him dull; this world literally has statues coming to life. He simply uses a reasoning he acquired from living in the Constant.)
Rose-Colored Glasses – "Friends show Fixer friend secret things"
(Most character, barring Maxwell, Wendy and Wigfrid don't know about the glasses' true purpose)
Ancient chest - "Put stuff in there!"
(One of 4 characters to have an inclining what to do with it)
Greater Gestalt- "Protect"
Enlightened Crown - "Helps hear them"
(Okay, he definitely knows who They are)
Hound Corpse (reanimating) - "Coming back"
(He seems the least bit of surprised or disturbed by this, compared to everyone else)
Antlion (upset) - "Oh no. Needs gifts"
(interestingly, no one else seems to mention why the Antlion is upset)
Mysterious Energy- "Seed"
Distilled knowledge- "Plant this in funny floor"
(he's the only one to have figured out what to actually do with it)
I think what we all can realize from going through his quotes, is that he's in no way as clueless as he initially seems. He has his moments, but so do the rest of the survivors.
Life Experience, Responsibility and Independence
This plant has lived through a lot, but then again so have the rest, a lot of them have faced countless hardships most of us can't even fathom.
From what we already know, the fandom generally believes he is very naive and trusting, which really isn't the case. The thing is, it's not that he's naive, he may not react especially negatively to a creature or thing because he's used to seeing bizarre things, or because he's not afraid of them, unlike the majority of the survivor cast, who are alien to the constant.
Barring the in-game mechanics which force characters to be competent regardless of their experience, we're going to focus on his reactions to mobs and items that might pose actual threat to him or others, or are considered as questionable by him.
Inflatable Vest - "Safe?"
Shadowcraft plinth - "Scary hands helping?"
Fish steak - "Watch for bones"
Candy Apple - "Careful! Don't eat stick! "
Platapine (sleeping)- "don't wake it"
Sentrypede husk - "Sleeping. Shhh"
Sea Stack - "Oops! Watch out!
Great Tree Root - "Oh! Don't bump into friends!"
Worm hole (open) - "Deep. Dark"
(When deerclops is near) - "Something scary coming!"
Pressure plate - Hmmm...Odd rock"
Dread mite (about to explode) - "Look out!"
Shadow Reaper - "No...Wants to hurt friends!"
Depth Worm (lure) - "Hmm... not safe"
Depth Worm (burrowed) - "something hiding"
Meat bulb - "Careful!"
[The fish quotes in DST + the candy Apple are giving me an image of him saying that to the child characters (and definitely Woodie for the latter)]
Independence-wise, the one thing I especially took notice of, is how much the child characters seek guidance from the adults in the group, mentioning them by their formal titles too. That's especially frequent with Webber, Wurt, and Walter, though Wendy rarely does this. On one hand, she claims she considers toys and fun to be behind her, but contradictory, enjoys playing with other children and some of the adults. (Besides we canonically know she's 10-11 years old)
Wormwood isn't known for wanting to seek guidance either. He's sometimes confused about how certain things work and thus will ask about it, but that's understandable given his predicament. (As @thebleedingalien once mentioned, he's like an extraterrestrial experiencing bits and pieces from 2 different worlds at once)
He doesn't really care to play with toys either, (barring a couple of instances, one being Bernie and the others; toys with wheels and Antlion's sand castle. But c'mon, I know some of you grown adults own toy cars/collectibles or build sandcastles when the opportunity arises, you can't lie to me and say neither of these things is fun. Plus, this is literally a forum on video games, and those, not too long ago, were considered childish.
Besides, adult characters in this game also goof around. There's the whole sand castle building thing in Shipwrecked, which curiously Wormwood doesn't have a strong opinion on.)
But if we were to compare his maturity to other adult characters…
(Wilson) [aside his many, many jokes]: Silk- "It comes from a spider's butt."
(Willow) Portal Exit - "It's fun to watch OTHER people fall on their butts."
(Wolfgang) Coral Nubbin - "Haha. Rock is bald."
(WX-78) Regular Jungle Tree (normal and stump) - "THIS DUMB TREE HAS A DUMB FACE"
(Wickerbottom) Weregoose - "My! What a silly goose!"
(Wigfrid) Plant (ready to be picked) - "Ugh, vegetables. I'm nöt sure what I expected..."
(Woodie) Ghost - "Boo! Ha ha!"
(Winona) Kingly Figure - "It's BUST-ed! Ha!"
(Maxwell) Frazzled Wires - "I might hide those in WX-78's bedroll if I get bored"
(Wortox) [But if we were to pick an example of many] Potato Sack- "Hyuyuyu, wouldn't it be fun to hide inside and give him a scare?"
Yeah, I think he's good.
In this section I don't really have much else to say. He can be cautious, he can be daft. He joggles the braincells alongside the rest of the survivors. But all in all, I would not consider him any more reckless or goofy than either the child or adult characters. Independence wise, while he can absolutely manage just fine on his own, his desire for companionship far outweighs that.
And since we've already talked about maturity, let's move on to:
Emotional Regulation
Despite common belief, Wormwood is not overly emotional. While, yes, he is excitable and easy to impress, he doesn't usually display intense negative emotions, unless something (more often than not wooden) is destroyed, or unless a plant or a creature he likes, suffers. But then again, in those situations, it's logical to display panic, worry and grief. Imagine if your family member or friend suddenly caught on fire and burned before your eyes... Yeah, I bet no one morally adjusted would be the slightest bit of composed in those kinds of situations...
Worse yet, the majority of the Constant is filled with plants, most of whom are his friends, the closest to his kind, beings which display varying amount of sentience...
In actuality, the children, including Wendy, display a shift in emotions much more often than Wormwood does.
Then there's Willow, WX-78, Woodie (birds) and Maxwell, who all have even less emotional stability.
In comparison, I'd say he handles most situations much more maturely and nonchalantly.
Social & Moral Development
Ah yes, the ability to difference right from wrong, morality, patos or however you would call it. Now this one's a little tricky, on one hand, while he may react strongly to a plant's demise, his reaction varies, when it comes to animals and structures. Sometimes, he doesn't really bat an eye, frankly, other times, he displays intense amounts of grief.
I guess that's the definition of selective empathy.
Curiously, he has 2 separate quotes for a pigeon. One from Hamlet, where he seems a lot more distressed when it perishes, and the other, from The Gorge, where he simply states the fact "Oh. Dead."
I'd like to think this was intentional to sort of give him that fading care many of us experience as we grow older.
Here's another example:
[Hamlet] Glowfly (dead) - "(sob)"
[DST, Host of Horrors update] Koalefant Carcass - "Braump...? Not anymore"
Regarding the other survivors; for the most part, he sympathizes with them. Though he doesn't panic much when they die from average constant shenanigans. He knows it's not permanent or consequential.
He does show sympathy, when some of the others' precious belongings get destroyed or damaged.
Winona's Catapult (burnt)- "Fire bad"
Winona's Spotlight (burnt)- "Oh. So sad"
Mighty Gym (burnt)- "Oh... poor muscle man..."
Or in some instances, when a character strongly disapproves of something/is emotionally hurt and he takes notice of that:
Nautipilot - "Robot friend doesn't like Pull Rock"
Mocking Bird - "Mean tweeters, hurt friends' feelings!"
What's interesting, is that, while he calls many creatures his friends, he specifically avoids calling Maxwell that. He even considers Lucy, Willow and Woodie his friends, which is just... wow. May he harbor a grudge against him for what he did to the other survivors? Something more personal? Or is it moreso related to the fact he's fully siding with the shadows... Most likely the former.
Overall I would say he's definitely more empathetic than not, and one doesn't have to care for every living being after all.
Character Interrelations
Regarding what other characters think of how old he is...
It's debatable, keep in mind, the characters don't have to be fully aware, or can misinterpret his age based on his behavior alone.
Most people just refer to him as "plant", unsurprisingly.
There's characters like Winona, who seem to intentionally downplay his age. Winona in her quotes refers to both Wormwood and Wilson (who's officially in his 30s) as 'bucko' (a lively, young fellow. Or in some cases a friend, or another version of buddy). As for her quotes for Bramble trap and Compost wrap, she refers to Wormwood with the terms 'lil plant fella' and 'little guy'. She pretty much just teases people who are younger than her or seem younger. Or she genuinely believes he's actually that young.
There's plenty instances of people calling him a variation of little, small or sapling, which might just be how they see him. Keep in mind, just because a character may think he's on the younger side, does not mean their interpretation is the absolute firm belief you should uphold.
Then, there's Wolfgang and Wurt, who both firmly believe that he's a grown adult.
(Wolfgang) Generic - "Is leafy green man, %s! Hello!"
Firestarter - "Leafy green man did a fire booboo."
Syrup of Ipecaca - "Will leafy green man be sad if Wolfgang doesn't have a taste?"
(Wolfgang only calls him little once in his quotes, because he calls everyone little, children though, he refers to as very tiny + boy/girl/child, so there's that.)
(Wurt) Attacker - "Ow! You mean old weed!"
You might think; why would I care about what a child and a man who's considered to not be so bright think? Well, my previous point about language barriers explains that. Besides, Wurt is a constant-born creature who builds an entire kingdom in her play style, by no means, is she clueless. She also refers to Deerclops and Antlion as 'She', while most of the other characters use he or it.
What's interesting is that Wickerbottom also tends to avoid referring to him with youthful terms, aside the obvious general one she uses for everyone and everything. If anything, she's more patronizing towards Woodie, Wilson, Winona and Wigfrid. (All of whom are in between their late 20s-40s)
Lastly, we have:
Canon Information
While there isn't much information relating to his age, there are hints in the game canon that explain that.
In the game's compendium, where reside the survivors' profile, backstory and description, three of the four kids have 'young' in their introduction. Barring Walter, who instead has 'boy' which is as much of a youthful term. Wormwood's simply stated as 'an amalgam of vines' not a seedling, sapling nor a young/little plant.
From his backstory, we know that:
"A green gem fell from the moon, landing on an ancient stone monument in the middle of overgrown rubble. Over a long period of time, a vine encircled the gem and eventually formed a humanoid figure sitting on the monument. The figure, Wormwood, opened his eyes and looked at his hands. (...)"
(Now this simply explains, that a lot of time has passed as he was forming, unlike what's shown in his animation, where his body instantly forms.)
There's also this part of his bio.
“Though the circumstances of his creation were unusual at best, Wormwood came into this world full of optimism and curiosity, ready to make new friends and see all that life had to offer. But as time wore on and he experienced the cold sting of rejection, he came to learn what the moon above had always known: Wormwood the Lonesome does not belong here.”
It's implied that a while has passed since his birth. Everyone assumes that he was just created recently and that he doesn't know anything, but as I've shown you previously, he's very perceptive when it matters. He has the knowledge and experience, even insight or a hunch. He is able to determine things others can't. Ever since Hamlet happened, his quotes gradually became somewhat more apathetic towards creatures dying, as opposed to the worry and care he previously displayed.
I wouldn't say he's exactly an adult the same way the human characters are, but he's in no way a child as many presume him to be.
(It actually kind of reminds me of how certain Greek gods are created; some are formed as adults, some grow and then eventually stop, and some come to be under very strange and specific circumstances, Aphrodite. But overall, you can't exactly compare their maturing process to that of a human.) Meanwhile, Wormwood is an alien plant with a crystal for a brain
So by the end of this post, are you still inclined to believe he's a child?
Was this completely unnecessary and took far too long to construct? Yes.
Do I regret making this? Nah.
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wulfthedollmaker · 8 days
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Another masquerader situation where ppl are too obsessed w Maxwell and Wilson to even not HOW GOOD THE NEW ROSEATE SKINS ARE
And Maxwell and Wilson’s skins are mid anyway, FIGHT ME
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swttinshy · 7 months
Roseate is probably my favourite after Untriumphant of his skins! But all Maxwell is good Maxwell lmao- he's such a fun character.
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Actually, this is one of my favorite skins! I like to think of him as William Carter, who is shy and sweet
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v0mitbeetle · 8 days
OLD ART (1-2years) BUT-
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A while ago I wanted to combine the Roseate skins and the Triumphant skins and started with Wilson-
But then I went and had fun with it and put my own touches and then thought of an AU but had too many ideas and didnt know where to go with it and was embarrassed so i put it on the back burner- But yea I still love the design and put work into it so im posting it
Theres a Maxwell one too but I hate how I drew his face so only friends get that one
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maxblonda · 22 days
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some fanmade skin stuff for charlie and maxwell + notes as to what was inspired by what. i was working on another picture of the two of them and then realized i wanted to do more than just depict them in their magic show outfits and i didn't want to just put maxwell in one of his official skins and have charlie not match.
i guess its kinda like the masquerade set and the roseate set had a baby and their final act outfits are the godparents or something. if anyone likes these enough to use them or improve on them i want to see :)
edit: made some tiny changes to maxwells face bc ikemen maxwell was actually pissing me tf awf
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inbarfink · 8 months
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