bearsplash · 1 year
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MORE emojis from forgotten elegy.... i love it..
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broadbrowntabby · 1 year
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the gathering brings all sorts of lovely ladies to the earth bridge... some lovely women from @forgotten-elegy​ <3
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cagedcats · 2 years
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The return to Starkit’s Redux- this time with… some of the love interests. Or at least the main ones for each of the girls! Say hello to Waspthroat/star, Redcloud and Stormstripe.
**Edit- adjusted Redcloud due to me finally coming to a conclusion why Starkit/Nightstar wouldn’t support her and Rainflower’s relationship.
So Jazzsong/star -> Waspdusk or Waspthroat/star
Jazzstar is an interesting character. She doesn’t really do much, she’s the obligatory friend of Starpaw/gleam in the beginning. She is boosted to being deputy and then leader still without much character being shown. It’s only when she’s leader that she shows somewhat of a character… and it still isn’t consistent tbh. She seems to be the voice of reason, she doesn’t care about Starkit’s bigotry, and frequently points out the flaws in her argument. I guess that could make her a -throat? Voice of reason is the only thing I got for it. But I could also see her being a -dusk because she gets right into being a leader even after her supposed friend dies. Also she decides to stay with her Clan after her mate and one of her sons dips out.
But she gets wasp because she can get a darker tail, it was kind of too perfect to pass up for me.
Redfur -> Redcloud
Now she gave me some trouble I will not lie. She fits the Red- prefix, but she is said to be beautiful (to the point Stargleam has to reassure herself she’s straight). Which could make her a -face. But I don’t wanna combine those two together. Thought of making her Roseface, and that might still be possible. But Y’know she’s actually the softer of the two between her and Lakepool in the fic. This could also make her a -flower, but I feel like -cloud fits her just as much.
Which I had to think of a different reason for “Starkit” to disapprove of their relationship, so I thought maybe making Redcloud an Amber cat (Y’know where they start out dark and change to a lighter color?). She’s probably paranoid that Redcloud isn’t Y’know… an actual cat. She’s got the ShadowClan paranoia about stuff, and Redcloud CHANGED colors Rainflower use your head, she isn’t a cat! Cats DONT CHANGE COLORS-! Oh and I thought about making her trans? That or Rainflower. Not sure exactly.
**Edit- disregard the past point! So I realized rewatching Moonkitti’s Starkit’s Prophecy, that there’s an error towards the end. An error in Starkit’s Prophecy? Nooo it isn’t possible!
This error is a small one- despite Redfur and Lakepool both leaving, by the end Redfur is aligned with ThunderClan once more. While Lakepool is still with the Dark Forest cats.
So I’m running with this. And the idea is that Nightstar didn’t support the two because one of them (Rainflower) wasn’t as loyal to the cause as Redcloud. And while Rainflower is her sister; her disbelief could taint Redcloud’s loyalty!
She simply can’t allow them to be together, Redcloud’s loyalty cannot waiver no matter what. Ironically this desperation to separate the two actually pushes Rainflower away, and leading to Redcloud to doubt the new leader.
And I’m probably going to go ahead and make Redcloud trans. Just to explain how she and Rainflower later had kids together.
Nightrain-> Stormstripe
AKA the one to get with the most neglected sister. Fun fact about him, the only description you get of him is that he has blue eyes. I almost said screw it and turned him into a white cat, and called him Cloudstorm. But he is consistently called Night- so I figured he was envisioned as a white cat. There isn’t much to go off of him, he is mates with Flamepelt, is horrified that she isn’t the cat he thought she was (she was bi, and an atheist). He sided with Starpaw in the argument then runs off apparently heartbroken. But then he is later said to have joined Flamepelt in leaving despite showing no support for her. He is weak willed, and switches his moral compass on a whim apparently. He could’ve been a -storm for how up and down he is about what he wants. But I didn’t want Nightstorm. In case I do switch Starlingstar to Nightstar. So he gets Storm- and he gets-stripe. A simple name for a relatively shoddy romantic partner.
I probably should’ve included Stargleam’s… other romantic partners. Though if I make a version of Firestar and Graystripe they’re gonna be aged down immensely. Hawkfrost and Ashkit (not -fur) are a maybe. Though I think if I do anything I’ll be doing the villains next. So it would be… Tigerstar, Hollyleaf, Rainstar and Tigerkit. And I’ll throw Starkit II in there as well since she’s the kid of Tigerstar and Hollyleaf.
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foxglovesound · 2 years
the cute lile kitties have surnames and foxglove's surname is PETALKISS,oh my god that's adorable??
HEHEHEHE THANK YOUUUUU i thought petalkiss would be a cuuuute nod to his old wc name being roseface before i rewrote the lore entirely<3 IM SO GLAD FOLKS LIKE IT!!
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vvatchword · 7 months
I cannot get over how much media there was of Named Investigators in the 30s-40s. I just watched one with some guy called... shit I can't remember now, they all run together after a while. The Shadow, The Falcon, The uh. The Guy
But this one particular film was good for other reasons: it showed me a period-typical bar with period-typical Bar Behavior and some Rich People Nonsense, which is all important for what I'm writing. At one point there was a weird costume party. The theme was Surrealism. The main character gets in by ripping flowering branches off of a tree and entering the door as Primeval Spring. His romantic foil came to the party wearing a... rose mask? As in a WHOLE FUCKING BALL of roses around her entire head. You couldn't see her face or hair. She was just enveloped. It was legitimately creepy. As in, if I saw that thing coming toward me in Silent Hill, I would be like: ah yes, Roseface. She will beat me to death with her roseface
Yesterday I watched a film called Three Husbands from 193-whatever. Some old British rake kicks the bucket and as part of his last will and testament leaves a letter to each of his friends claiming to be boinking each of their wives. The film is framed by the rake telling the story up in heaven. Three divorces nearly happen because of this guy and the marriages come back together for absolutely no reason that I understand. This movie was sold as a comedy and begins and ends with angels laughing their asses off.
"Why isn't god sending him to hell" was my first question. My next question was, "why not send them all to hell while you're at it" because the characters were all so terrible. Well. All of them except for the Lucy proxy. She was pretty great. She'd do things like bet on horses and belch. Every time I see a woman in an old film who isn't a demure little housewife I get excited.
I tried watching Please Murder Me!, which featured Angela Lansbury and Perry Mason, but unfortunately, the title was the only good part.
Alias John Preston was also enjoyed. It features a very young Saruman (Christopher Lee). Lee's performance is excellent and he perfectly illustrates PTSD. I was deeply impressed. The movie itself is a huge letdown. It builds and builds and builds anddddd sputters out.
I fell way behind on NaNoWriMo so I should work on that today. I'm reinstating a human schedule. I shall be so very human. I decided to treat myself to Horny Gay Man section. God it's a fun section.
Also, I got four more African dwarf frogs from that breeder. I was worried for a sec that Auntie (the oldest frog, The Frog Who Lived) had perished, but she showed up last night and ate some plankton. Still no sign of Mr. Murder. I'm so frightened that I may have accidentally killed him during the move.
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blossompuppy · 3 years
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A fake Warrior Cats book cover for @roseface​’s comic Season Change!
Paintings by themselves under read more!
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applepath · 3 years
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The fateful night of the blood red moon.
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swanface · 3 years
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pretty kitty
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hickoryfarm · 4 years
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so i compiled almost every instance in @roseface 's comic where rosepaw makes a very cute little expression!!!!!!! pls go read season change its fucking rad and fun and the art is GOOD
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fallowheart · 4 years
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Tfw you begrudgingly begin to enjoy the company of that RiverClan jerk who keeps accidentally running into your territory. And/or, an enemies to friends to lovers romance but only one half of the pair thinks they were enemies in the first place.
Privetheart and Roseface are from @roseface‘s comic Season Change! I love it! Go look at it!
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All these names belong to mollies (she-cats): Sandfang, Cherrybark, Claypad, Roseface, Dovenose, Silverbriar, Crowstar (-heart), Newtthroat, Emberdawn, Smokebreeze
Sandfang- A no-nonsense and assertive she cat . She put her heart and soul into her clan and expects others to share her loyalty, a brilliant strategist who is often called upon for advice by her leader, 14/10
Cherrybark- A gentle cat with a relaxed attitude towards life, she very much believes that “what will be will be” and tends to just let things happen, but she will always intervene to try and avert tragedy, 14/10
Claypad- This adventurous she cat will often be found climbing to new heights, literally. Anything she can climb, she will. She’s always looking for her next challenge and adventure, 13/10
Roseface- A beautiful she cat widely regarded with admiration, not only for her looks, but for her ferocity in battle. You do not want to get on her bad side, 14/10
Dovenose- A quiet and shy she cat who prefers to observe rather than take part. She only speaks when she feels there is something to be said, and her wisdom has helped her clan out many times, 13/10
Silverbriar- A graceful and elegant she cat who knows words can often be more important than claws when it comes to winning conflict. She will often step in to either mediate, negotiate or even intimidate but will not hesitate to use her claws if needed, 15/10
Crowstar- A wise and intelligent leader, respected by all. She will never charge into battle without heavy consideration, not that many would challenge her, Crowstar makes sure her clan always has a trick up its sleeve, 15/10
Newtthroat - A cynical and often moody cat who finds it hard to be optimistic, she will often point out the bad points of a situation but this doesn’t come from a place of mean spiritedness, she’s just become disillusioned with the world after years of it beating her down, 14/10
Emberdawn- A bold and courageous cat often regarded as a hero in her clan. You can often find her telling stories of her battles and adventures to kits, and then she will challange them to a fight and let them “beat” her. Kits always clamour to be her apprentice, 15/10
Smokebreeze - A hardworking and serene cat who will often be found gazing at the horizon, wondering what else is out there. She often things about exploring beyond clan boundaries one day, but she wouldn’t leave the clan forever, 15/10
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broadbrowntabby · 2 years
Hey Heather, what do you think the rest of your siblings would think if they knew where you and Roseface wound up in life?
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For a moment, something dark flickers in the stocky tom’s hues, and the side of his maw twitches. However, as if you’d imagined, the corners of his mouth curl into a smile.
“Oh…” his gaze flickers to somewhere across the thunderpath, in the direction of Mountainclan.
“They’d be so proud.” He states plainly, confidence leaking from his tone and a smug kind of satisfaction evident on his face. Something about the whole thing evokes discomfort in the questioner.
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eggpunkhouses · 5 years
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uh oh sisters!
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foxglovesound · 3 years
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random ass doodle dump
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sorrelstream · 5 years
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a while ago one of the early story concepts i had been bouncing around was a little story inspired by supereditions/novellas called "Roseface's Home" and it was all abt roseface feeling out of place in the clan life setting so he ran off to find himself and privetheart somehow got dragged with him -- thered be a whole journey/adventure including the journey back n it wouldve been a nice little story abt how home isnt a place but the ppl u love n yeehaw. While i decided against it for a multitude of reasons i still would like to use the story line/concept with a new cast eventually
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silentshadowbl0g · 6 years
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even OLDER concept art. back in jan 17
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