#roselyn tcf
alien-slushie · 3 months
Basen: Ah, yes. Here we have a beautiful friendship...
Choi Han: I really care about your feelings
Roselyn: I really care about YOUR feelings!
Basen, turning their head: ...and then there's the disaster friendship...
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wisekiwi123 · 7 months
The promise slacker life
Tcf and the promise land cross over
Kim Rok Soo fell asleep while reading the promise never land and woke up as Father Cale the head of Gracefield Orphanage.Father Cale was a trash caretaker who would raise kids to be eaten.He would reach his end when Choi Han protagonist would come to beat his ass while rescueing the children of Gracefield.
Determined to avoid his fate and get his slacker Kim Rok Soo now known as Cale decides to become the best darn caretaker to ever exist to obtain his slacker life.
The original Cale was raised in Gracefield and was recommended to become a father by Grandpa Ron and became a heavy drinker due to the guilt of having the children get eaten
Because of the heart bomb planted inside him.Cale is unable to leave the area of the orphanage so he insteads starts small by manipulating the test scores so all the kids get goods grades to buy them time.
Cale is very different from the original cale since he no longer acts trashy or irritable which makes the kids like On and Hong suspicious.
He still hates lemonade and anything bitter but Cale still works hard to figure out all the secrets in gracefield
He convinces On and Hong not to run away just yet and trains them all in ways of survival for the day they do run and also removing their trackers
Cales is still very afaird of grandpa Ron since its hard to figure out his motive and is suspicious of Brother Beacrox since he was sent by Ron to “help” him.
Cale also saves the Choi Han who was injured from breaking into gracefield, feeds him and makes a plan with him to help the kids escape
Choir han
Crossed the border between world and found himself in the forest when he was young and fought demons to survie ever since
Later finds out about the farms through farm survivors like Roselyn and Lock when he goes to Goldiepond
Joins their resistence and help free kids from the demons
One day he gets attack by a bunch of humans on the demon side while trying to break in to gracefield and is ingured.
he gets saved by Father Cale who was nothing of what he expected him to be.
Choi Han remains in hiding during his time in gracefield and learns that cale isn't evil but wants the kids to be free
got in a fight against Beacrox
They make a plan together for Choi Han escapes with all the children but unfortunately it means leaving Cale behind.
Is one of the orphan children of gracefield along with her brother Hong
She discovered that gracefied was a farm one day when they followed cale out of curiousity
On had been preparing to escape with her brother for years but was stopped by cale who later gave them hints on the William nerveriam book and later trains them on skills need to survie
On is very perspective, top of her class and learns how to make fog through science and the material Cale gives her that they use for their escape
Although still suspicious of cale especially when Beacrox sudden arrival one day .Shesoon learns that all Father Cale wants is his slacker life
On trusted Cale enough to follow Choi Han when escaping
Toy given: A fluffy grey cat
Younger brother to On and also an orphan at gracefield
Followed Father Cale when he was young and saw what happened to the children when they shipped
Has been planning to escape with On for years
Got caught by Father Cals when trying to climb the wall surround the orphanage
Was suspicious of Cale at first but after getting hints , survival lessons and yummy snacks he is no longer doubt fall
Has read all the books on medical herbs and knows how to make poison
Him and his sister have worked together to make poison fog that they used in their escape
Stuff toy given:A fluffy Red Cat
Used to be a father at gracefield when og Cale was young .Never really liked the farming system but can't rebel yet
Had a soft spot for Og Cale so recommend him to become a father.
realised quickly that Cale was acting different during his monthly report
Tested him with lemonade but had the same reaction
Send Beacrox to keep an eye on Cale to assist him with anything he maybe
Turns a blind to many things that Cale had requested for and Choi Hans existence in gracefield
Was very amused when the kids broke out and the Reason why cake decided to stay back
Former gracefield orphan and biological son to Grandpa
Was sent to assist and monitor Cale
Never really understood why Ron decided to recommend og Cale to become a father since to him Cale was a drunk with weak mental strength.
learns quickly that father Cale change and is planning something big. Becomes suspicious of Cale’s intentions
feeds him lemonade and reports his reaction to Ron. Continues to feed him lemonade due to orders.
Soon Makes a deal with Cale to help smuggle the items request to Ron. As well as to help teach the children more skills outside the curriculum.
agrees due to Ron not having a problem with Cale’s demands
Amazing cook and is in charge of all meal.Also helps keep the house clean and the children tidy
Had a small fight with Choi Han that resulted in injury
Help teach the kids especially Hong how to identify what plants to eat and which are poisonous.
At first only helped because of orders but soon became earnest in his efforts for the kids escape.
( thank you for reading and have an amazing day/night!)
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