#The promise slacker life
wisekiwi123 · 3 months
The promise slacker life
Tcf and the promise land cross over
Kim Rok Soo fell asleep while reading the promise never land and woke up as Father Cale the head of Gracefield Orphanage.Father Cale was a trash caretaker who would raise kids to be eaten.He would reach his end when Choi Han protagonist would come to beat his ass while rescueing the children of Gracefield.
Determined to avoid his fate and get his slacker Kim Rok Soo now known as Cale decides to become the best darn caretaker to ever exist to obtain his slacker life.
The original Cale was raised in Gracefield and was recommended to become a father by Grandpa Ron and became a heavy drinker due to the guilt of having the children get eaten
Because of the heart bomb planted inside him.Cale is unable to leave the area of the orphanage so he insteads starts small by manipulating the test scores so all the kids get goods grades to buy them time.
Cale is very different from the original cale since he no longer acts trashy or irritable which makes the kids like On and Hong suspicious.
He still hates lemonade and anything bitter but Cale still works hard to figure out all the secrets in gracefield
He convinces On and Hong not to run away just yet and trains them all in ways of survival for the day they do run and also removing their trackers
Cales is still very afaird of grandpa Ron since its hard to figure out his motive and is suspicious of Brother Beacrox since he was sent by Ron to “help” him.
Cale also saves the Choi Han who was injured from breaking into gracefield, feeds him and makes a plan with him to help the kids escape
Choir han
Crossed the border between world and found himself in the forest when he was young and fought demons to survie ever since
Later finds out about the farms through farm survivors like Roselyn and Lock when he goes to Goldiepond
Joins their resistence and help free kids from the demons
One day he gets attack by a bunch of humans on the demon side while trying to break in to gracefield and is ingured.
he gets saved by Father Cale who was nothing of what he expected him to be.
Choi Han remains in hiding during his time in gracefield and learns that cale isn't evil but wants the kids to be free
got in a fight against Beacrox
They make a plan together for Choi Han escapes with all the children but unfortunately it means leaving Cale behind.
Is one of the orphan children of gracefield along with her brother Hong
She discovered that gracefied was a farm one day when they followed cale out of curiousity
On had been preparing to escape with her brother for years but was stopped by cale who later gave them hints on the William nerveriam book and later trains them on skills need to survie
On is very perspective, top of her class and learns how to make fog through science and the material Cale gives her that they use for their escape
Although still suspicious of cale especially when Beacrox sudden arrival one day .Shesoon learns that all Father Cale wants is his slacker life
On trusted Cale enough to follow Choi Han when escaping
Toy given: A fluffy grey cat
Younger brother to On and also an orphan at gracefield
Followed Father Cale when he was young and saw what happened to the children when they shipped
Has been planning to escape with On for years
Got caught by Father Cals when trying to climb the wall surround the orphanage
Was suspicious of Cale at first but after getting hints , survival lessons and yummy snacks he is no longer doubt fall
Has read all the books on medical herbs and knows how to make poison
Him and his sister have worked together to make poison fog that they used in their escape
Stuff toy given:A fluffy Red Cat
Used to be a father at gracefield when og Cale was young .Never really liked the farming system but can't rebel yet
Had a soft spot for Og Cale so recommend him to become a father.
realised quickly that Cale was acting different during his monthly report
Tested him with lemonade but had the same reaction
Send Beacrox to keep an eye on Cale to assist him with anything he maybe
Turns a blind to many things that Cale had requested for and Choi Hans existence in gracefield
Was very amused when the kids broke out and the Reason why cake decided to stay back
Former gracefield orphan and biological son to Grandpa
Was sent to assist and monitor Cale
Never really understood why Ron decided to recommend og Cale to become a father since to him Cale was a drunk with weak mental strength.
learns quickly that father Cale change and is planning something big. Becomes suspicious of Cale’s intentions
feeds him lemonade and reports his reaction to Ron. Continues to feed him lemonade due to orders.
Soon Makes a deal with Cale to help smuggle the items request to Ron. As well as to help teach the children more skills outside the curriculum.
agrees due to Ron not having a problem with Cale’s demands
Amazing cook and is in charge of all meal.Also helps keep the house clean and the children tidy
Had a small fight with Choi Han that resulted in injury
Help teach the kids especially Hong how to identify what plants to eat and which are poisonous.
At first only helped because of orders but soon became earnest in his efforts for the kids escape.
( thank you for reading and have an amazing day/night!)
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neoreader0805 · 1 month
A prompt that has gotten a bit out of hand:
Cale visited Emperor Alver and found out that he had been overworking himself too much, he was sick. He forced Emperor Alver to bedrest and took over all of his royal duties so Alver could rest peacefully without worrying for the kingdom. (Alver was reluctant because of possibly disturbing Cale's recently achieved slacker life, but could only trust his dongsaeng for the well-being of the empire and their citizens). And so comes for the week of Cale majestically performing all of the emperor's duties so strictly and efficiently to the wonder and admiration of the emperor's vassals and advisers. The nobles who thought they could take advantage of this 'weakness' were given their asses right in the face because of Cale's beautifully disguised but ruthless real talk, the previous queen and the other princes didn't even have the chance. Even in the midst of all this, Cale still has the time to visit Alver and care for him after a long day, which stirs the servants into fruity storytelling of the sweetness and intimacy of the sworn brothers, rolled up into an avalanche as a rumor and a general opinion shared by the two continents that there is no one more suited to be the Rowoon Empress but Cale Henituse himself. Cale oblivious to the rumors, thought that the servants, vassals, nobles, and everyone else giving him congratulations, random encouragements, and strange looks were being weird due to the absence of their beloved Emperor.
- add a scene where Alver went to a meeting with the other leaders of allied countries and tribes because he thought to reduce Cale's work, thinking that he was feeling a little better anyway (he was not). But was met at the meeting room with a slightly furious Cale telling him to stay in bed and not compromise his health anymore (he thought it was very hypocritical coming from the redhead, but cleverly shut his mouth). The leaders and the servants present thought the scene was sweet and very domestic of the two, causing more rumors to burn up.
- add the mandatory wedding scene where Cale wears a dress (or a suit that looks like one), and wonders how everything came to that. ***He had a confession scene where Alver in all his delirious sickness confessed his feelings to Cale, how he had been simping for years thinking he's not worthy of his dongsaeng, how Cale accepts him for all he is, and how he could trust Cale with anything including his and his subjects' lives. After his reverent babbling, he somehow asked Cale to marry him to which Cale— drunk with emotions and the recent discovery of his actually not-unrequited love for his hyung— accepted, not yet registering the fact that he'll have to be empress for marrying Alver.
P.S. the emperor later promised him that he'd still have his slacker life and would only work if he wanted to.
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simpshaaaa · 8 months
Cale: Hah.. After this war, I can finally get my slacker life
Alver: Yes, you will. I promised you
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teriri-sayes · 3 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 264
TL;DR - Cale's group talks about what they learned in the basement floors. Cale heads to the capital together with King Dennis to meet Emperor Alt. Clopeh becomes Cale's sword.
Findings First half of the chapter had a serious tone because Cale's group discussed what they learned in their infiltration of the basement floors (BF).
1st BF - experiment area using humans and beastkin
2nd BF - prison area for beastkin
3rd BF - execution site for harvesting despair
Of course, the Aipotu residents were shocked to hear everything, and were determined to rescue the prisoners in the 2nd BF. In particular, the wolf beastkin were sad upon hearing the divine item being corrupted because it was their last hope for a safe berserk transformation.
Cale promised them that he would find a way to purify it, but Lock had other ideas. Lock thought that if he could safely transform into his berserk form, the other beastkin could do it too.
I'm happy to see that our timid Lock is now starting to think like a leader. The parallels to him and the Blue Wolf who once stood up to protect the beastkin and taught them how to have a safe berserk transformation were nice. I won't be surprised if he end up like Cale, having the wolf beastkin worshipping him at the end of this arc. 😂
The Two Rulers Emperor Alt of the Holy Empire and King Dennis of the Har Kingdom finally met. There were lots of political dialogue and stuff here, but in the end, King Dennis's side prevailed when Cale revealed himself. Of course, Cale got mistaken as a member of the Snow family. 🤣🤣🤣
Alt was so surprised at Cale's reveal that he ended up drawing his sword. And our Clopeh was not pleased with that, drawing his sword against the emperor and telling the latter to lower his sword against Cale. 😂
Ah, Clopeh, you're crazy self is back. But it's amazing. CH was not here, so Clopeh took up his role and became Cale's sword. Clopeh is finally living his dream to be a part of the legend. Meanwhile, Cale's slacker life dream is in shambles because of Caleism's Saint Clopeh... 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks Clopeh's appearance today really brightened up the chapter (for me). 😂Next chapter would be Cale's "discussion" with the emperor. I mean, Cale using DA while talking seems more like intimidation rather than a friendly discussion, right?
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crys-tal-fly · 28 days
Loosen Up, Won't You? (Wriothesley X Reader)
A fic by yours truly
“No offence, but that is one of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard.” You say bluntly, staring at Wriothesley with a murderous glint in your eye. “Now, why would you even suggest something so-”
“Don’t be so dramatic.” He smiles at you almost innocently as he casually spins a pair of handcuffs around his index finger. “Asking you to participate in the prisoners’ reforming program tomorrow isn’t a crime.”
“It should be. Why do you think I’ll accept in the first place?” “Credit coupons.”
“No way in hell.” You say stubbornly, jutting your chin out in defiance and crossing your arms. “Your Grace, I am a guard, not some petty criminal you can bribe-”
“How about a day off?”
You know it’s a trap, you see the gleaming satisfaction in his bright grey eyes because he knows you’ll succumb to his dangling bait like a dumb rabbit.
He’s right. You are pretty dumb. And predictable.
“Fine,” you sigh as you brush a lock of hair behind your ear. “What do I have to do?” “Just one or two quick lessons for the inmates on how to repair a meka.” He says, pocketing his handcuffs. “Shouldn’t be too difficult.”
“Have you upped the security this time?”
He frowns, recalling (like you are) the time a prisoner tried to assault a trainer. Wriothesley had to personally step in, as everyone else was too shocked to react properly. “I assigned more guards to the administrative area, if that’s what you’re asking.” Damn it, there goes your last excuse.
“I’ll be there.” You say grudgingly. “But don’t expect me to stick around after my lessons are done.” “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He grins, mock-saluting you as he turns to leave. “Oh, and don’t forget the promise you owed me!” He calls out as he walks away, jovially humming some tune to his heart’s content.
What a bastard. How are you supposed to forget that you have to do his paperwork for the day?
If only you hadn’t been caught sneaking to the overworld during your shift, you groan to yourself as you bury your face in your hands. And by Wriothesley nonetheless. Your luck has to be the worst in Fontaine, no doubt. You watch Wriothesley's retreating figure through your fingers with a hefty amount of annoyance and resignation. The man really knows how to push your buttons, doesn't he? You let out a frustrated sigh, realizing you've been backed into a corner once again. It's not like you have much of a choice, though. His offers are always too tempting to resist, even if they come with strings attached.
And he didn’t really punish you for your misdemeanour. Letting you off with some paperwork was nothing compared to the actual fate that awaits slackers.
“Everything alright?” You let out a small involuntary shriek at Clorinde’s sudden voice. “What was that for?” You demand, turning to face her as you rub off the goosebumps on your arm. “You couldn’t approach me from the front like a normal person?”
“I’m the most normal person you’ll find around here,” she smirks as she crosses her arms. “I don’t have much competition when you’re surrounded by criminals.”
“Whatever,” you grumble, silently agreeing with her statement. “How come you’re down here, though?”
“I had to deliver some tea to Wriothesley, but since I was here anyway I thought I’d look for you.”
"Tea delivery, huh?" you say, raising an eyebrow. "Seems like an odd task for someone of your... talents."
“I lost a bet.” She says brusquely. Ah, so it’s not just you that has to deal with the prison warden’s antics.
“My condolences,” you say, offering her a small smile. “ Anyway, you found me. What's up?”
“Same old. How’s your stint as a prison guard holding up?” “Terribly,” you admit, letting out a sigh. “His Grace has a tendency to make my life as miserable as possible. I might have to make an attempt on his life at this point.”
Clorinde lets out a light laugh at that, covering her mouth with her elegant gloved fingers. “Don’t take it personally,” she says after recovering a bit. “He doesn’t do it with malicious intent. I think.”
“You think.” You echo, still not convinced. “Since when have you been defending Wriothesley? Maybe I should end our friendship right now.”
“Ah, I’d be so heartbroken.” She grins, ruffling your hair up a little. “Don’t let him bother you too much. See you later, then.”
“See you. Take care, Clorinde.”
As you watch her leave the fortress via the elevator, you notice the envious and slighted awed glances of other people. They’re probably wondering how a nobody like you is even on friendly terms with the highest ranked champion duelist in Fontaine.
To be honest, you don’t really know either.
You manage to do the paperwork with incredible speed and efficiency, much to your surprise. Wriothesley isn’t there to watch you wrap it up, but Sigewinne does shoot you a quick look of sympathy as you get ready to leave.
“If you need anything, please tell me.” She says in that quiet, gentle voice of hers, but you wave off her concerns with a smile.
“It wasn’t a big deal, head nurse.” You say as you walk towards the exit, turning your head to reply to her. “Just tell Wriothesley to-”
“Tell me to what?”
As expected, someone’s blocking you from leaving. You look up at his smug face and defensively cross your arms as you take a step back. “To- to improve your handwriting.”
“Oh yeah?” He leans in a little closer and places his hands on either side of the doorframe to further cage you in, and your heart does not skip a beat. “Don’t bullshit me. We both know my handwriting is better than yours.”
“If you don’t mind, your Grace, can I get going?” You hiss through gritted teeth. “I need to attend to my shift.”
“Mm. Of course.” He abruptly lets go and walks past you without another glance, instead turning his attention to Sigewinne. “So, how are the patients doing?”
What is this man even playing at? You bite back another snappy remark and leave, trying your best not to give him another reason to antagonize you.
With a determined stride, you head towards the training grounds, where your next task awaits. The prisoners' reforming program may not be your idea of a good time, but you're nothing if not diligent in your duties. Maybe that’s what Clorinde likes about you? You make your way over to the nearest group of inmates, steeling yourself for the task at hand.
"Alright, listen up," you announce, trying to project an air of authority. "I'm here to teach you how to repair mekas. Pay attention, and we'll get through this together."
You're met with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. It's clear that they're not used to having a guard participate in their training sessions, but you're determined to prove to them (and Wriothesley) that you’re better than what may seem at surface level.
With that in mind, you roll up your sleeves and dive into the lesson, guiding the inmates through the intricacies of meka repair with some degree of patience and expertise. You used to be one of Fontaine’s famed underwater mechanics, and you’d graduated from The Akademiya with the highest degree in Kshahrewar, but here you are. Working as a guard in the Fortress of Meropide. Really humbles someone, you think to yourself as you teach a woman how to polish a rusted gear piece.
“You can use a little bit of oil or grease if you really need to,” you advise her as she goes at it with a scrap piece of cloth, but she barely registers your words. Eh. You’re not really paid enough to care, so you don’t bother repeating yourself.
“Does anyone need any help?” You call out, and you’re relieved to see everyone shaking their heads, more preoccupied with the very cute mini-mekas they have on their hands. Great. That means you can go. You clock in your shift with the nearby attendance meka and leave the training grounds, wondering what to do with the one hundred and fifty credit coupons you earned. Maybe something edible in the cafeteria to treat yourself- after all, they don’t really treat the guards here much better than the inmates.
Or you could hang out with Sigewinne in the infirmary and save the coupons for a rainy day. Maybe not the most exciting thing to do, but the head nurse is good company and helps you out with your mental state when you’re in a bad mood.
You’re not really in a bad mood right now, but she might help before it gets worse. You just hope Wriothesley isn’t there, or your plan will backfire horribly.
With another quick look through your options, you decide to head to the infirmary.
You're greeted by the soothing scent of antiseptic mixed with the faint aroma of herbal tea. Sigewinne looks up from her clipboard, an excited smile spreading across her face as she sees you enter.
"Hey there," she says softly, setting down her pen. "Is everything okay? Did you hurt yourself?"
You offer her a tired thumbs-up. "Don’t worry, I’m fine. Just thought I'd drop by for a chat. Maybe see if you're up for a game of TCG or something."
Her eyes sparkle with amusement. "TCG, huh? You know, you're lucky I'm terrible at bluffing."
"You’d be surprised," you reply with a chuckle. "Because my bad luck just might be the reason you win."
Sigewinne laughs, the sound like bells tinkling in the wind. Melusines are fascinating creatures for sure. She gestures for you to take a seat, and you settle into the chair opposite her. It's nice to have a moment of respite from the chaos of your duties, even if it's just for a little while.
"So, how was your day?" Sigewinne asks, her tone gentle.
“Alright.” You shrug, crossing your arms. “I’ve had worse-” like the time another fellow guard punched the daylights out of you “-and better, so it’s just another day in the cycle.”
The two of you fall into easy conversation, discussing everything from the recent events in Fontaine’s overworld to your plans for the upcoming weekend. They are nonexistent- but Sigewinne reassures you that it’s the same for almost everyone else.
“I might be visiting Neuvillette this weekend though,” she says offhandedly, which takes you by surprise. Sigewinne rarely goes anywhere on her own. “Do you want to come along? It might be a nice change from the usual grind.”
“Sounds good.” You say with an easygoing grin. You’re a little scared of the overworld to be honest, what with so many months spent in Meropide, but maybe some sunlight will do you good. “I can do some shopping while I’m at it.”
“Mhm. Do you need any Mora?”
You shake your head, laughing her question off. Mora? Why would you need-
Oh right.
That’s what they use in the rest of Teyvat.
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sleepytwilight · 2 months
I have a fun idea lmao
Imagine arcana twilight cast react to mc who's is an aggressive fighter lmao.
This remind me of that request about Bakugou Katsuki as Summoner.
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He did not expect for you to actual manage to kill the lizard monster with your bare hand.
Summoning him was a pure mistake because you already killed the monster-
You mistook Arcturus for a kidnapper and almost hit him but Arcturus knocked you out of self defense
Self defense is important kids-
Good thing he managed to calm you down when you arrived at academy
Trust me Arcturus supervised you almost everyday, please don't get into any fights-
And you got into fights.
At least you get rid of monsters-
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My guy was disappointed in 69 languages-
Well at least he put a good use on your strength by letting you go to missions.
Please stop getting into fights though, Spica is considering his life decisions.
At least you get along with Queen Tet- Okay you need to stop kidnap Pollux just because he's look like he needed to he protected.
He get concern why you fight so aggressively so he put you into fighting lessons by Vega.
It works but it doesn't stop that habit of yours on biting people's ears.
Seriously why?
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He wonders why the hell you keep on kidnapping him everytime you lay your eyes on him then snuggled with him.
He's not complaining- he actually like being like this.
Okay he should complain when you bit off some students ears that made fun of him.
Jk he didn't complain and cheering you on until Arcturus came then he pretended he was about to stop you
Pollux wonder if he put you and Alpheratz in the same room, what will happen.
He did put you and Alpheratz in the same room to see what happens 💀
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Alpheratz didn't get pay enough for this, he was planning to live like a slacker because Spica seems don't assign him to babysit you.
Of course Pollux was the one who did it-
You keep on challenging Alpheratz into a fight, he doesn't want to and keep on ignoring you.
Well you get tired from yelling at him for a fight, he pulled you closed to him and you both take a nap
Pollux got detention from Spica for locking Alpheratz in a room
Alpheratz could easily escape though, he chose not too-
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He said something that instantly stop you from fighting.
The committee guide members are grateful but curious what the hell Sirius said to you.
We will never know-
Jk he promised to turn into your favorite animal, you really could use an animal support-
Anyway Sirius enjoy your unpredictable decision, seriously why did you punch a student nose then throw them out of window.
He doesn't really care if the student die, less student, less problem they say
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He got Vietnam flashbacks
You guys were childhood friends, of course he know how to tame you.
Okay but he used to tried to copy you when he was little because he thought you're cool. You still cool but you need to stop fight people like boar.
He asked you what does it taste when you bit off someone ear, you never answer him-
Well he didn't like the way you fight, you need to learn more. You can't always depend on your fist and teeth.
He sometimes asked himself whether it's a good decision to let you use a sword.
At least you make missions easier and both of you can enjoy your little date.
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eluxcastar · 9 months
A guide to surviving the House of the Hearth
── ୨୧:arlecchino & reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: as the newest addition to the ever-growing house of the hearth, it is important that you are very acquainted with the rules of living there and what it means for your life from now on, for better and for worse
୨୧﹑genre :: I still don't know what this is
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, child reader, reader doesn't explicitly show up but is referenced as if they are being spoken to, reader is implied to be mute
୨୧﹑words :: 1k
I promise you honeys I am not dead but I did like go through the wringer a bit like I was PROPER living the a/n life I like got sick for a whole week then I fell and slid on concrete and it was a whole thing yet somehow my glasses stayed on?? anyway you did not come to hear about what an accident waiting to happen I am have this food
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I started working on two separate fics that require the House of the Hearth recently which means that I had to come up with hcs for it. So, little one, I bring you the rulebook on how to survive your stint in the Tenth Harbinger's orphanage.
How did you even find your way there? Well, you were far too young to remember it, but it was something that caused Arlecchino to find you, uneager to be seen and hardly enthusiastic about conversation. Somehow she had managed to make herself seem more inviting than the underside of the bed you were hiding under, soft and inviting—a gentle guiding light holding out her hand to lead you to safety.
Rule one. While all children may be messy, they are not to leave their messes about. Any toys should be packed away, any spills should be cleaned, as should any utensils that happen to find their way into the hands of children. Nothing should be dirtier than it was when you found it, even if that means asking one of the matrons how to get blood out of fabric and the hardwood floors.
Rule two. You're to eat as much of your food as you can at the table. Not liking it is hardly an excuse, especially if you won't even try it. Receiving food at all is a luxury for orphans who would otherwise be uncared for and on their own. Picky eating will only get you in trouble. Even if you don't like it, stomaching it with a grimace is a break in your composure that will only be a detriment to you in the future.
Rule three. All children should be blessed with the ability to read and write. It is just as valuable as the skill to fight. Silent communication is very useful, also a reason to be familiar with sign language. The importance of knowledge should not be understated, because once you learn to read and write, you have access to anything and everything in literature, even things people don't want you to know as you peek quietly over their shoulder.
Rule four. It's a pivotal skill to know how to play nice even in the face of spats and disagreements with your playmates. If you can't, people won't like you, and you'll be all alone. Everyone is family, and family puts each other first, even if not related by blood. You have no family anymore and are in most desperate need of one. Everything else was just like you once, and they're always happy to accept a new little bird like you.
Rule five. Honestly is important, but only to the right people. Outsiders don't know the luxury of the House of the Hearth the way those inside do. They don't know how wonderful your childhood is now compared to before and they're raring to send you back to that. You shouldn't allow anyone to learn too much and shouldn't let someone ignorant of that speak on your behalf. The people should only know lies, while the matrons should know everything.
Rule six. Your bedtime is the same as everyone else's, and you are to sleep when told. A good night's rest is important when you spend the next day hard at work running and jumping. You need lots of energy to lug heavy weaponry around and it's always nice to have a bit more rest to get you through the day.
Rule seven. Slackers who don't so their chores are sent to timeout, and there no joy in timeout. No fidgeting, no sitting, no noises out of you, even the ones you make when you need something. You will have to stand in the corner and wait until a matron decides you're ready to cooperate and contribute like everyone else. But you won't need to be warned that way, will you?
Rule eight. Playtime is a gruelling thing sometimes and that's good. Children push, and adults are not easy to face. The world you will grow into will not be kind to you, and in return you mustn't be kind to it either. You should know how to handle yourself, and how to survive when the situation is against you, especially if you can't call for help. Those who can't play shouldn't expect to know how to live in a world that doesn't want them.
Rule nine. Fatui affairs are not for the eyes of children, and you shouldn't stick your nose in them. Once you know too much, there's no way to have your little mind, and the consequences are…well, you shouldn't listen to how bad it can be, even that is more than enough to scare you. You won't break that one, will you?
Rule ten. It is because of Father that you are able to live this life and treasure your childhood, and her word is more important than anything else. Arlecchino is your overseer and the one who enables you to live such a spoiled life as you do now that you live in the House of the Hearth. You must repay her generosity handsomely.
Children who don't make the cut are sent off to the Doctor, children who disobey the rules are sent off to the Doctor, and children who aren't grateful for the new lives they've been given are sent off to the Doctor and it is not to get a checkup. You don't want that, do you?
Arlecchino is a lenient Harbinger by the standard of the Fatui, generous enough to believe that every child has its own uses, even those with what would seem like drawbacks to the untrained eye at a glance. The children must give back in return, and you will surely be doing a lot of giving from now on.
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Ok. How Nobody ever talked about the fact that (maybe just for me) the promise that Alberu made to give cale his slacker life sounds like a Marriage proposal
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taryk · 1 year
He could only say a single thing toward Cale who had gone up against these monsters.
“Stupid idiot.”
Cale couldn’t help but ask.
‘What the hell?’
However, Raon chimed in at that moment as well. The invisible Dragon who had been quiet was speaking again.
- The crown prince is right!
“You fucking moron.”
“...Excuse me?”
It was a two-hit combo.
Cale had a baffled expression on his face but the crown prince was being serious.
What was the thing that people who wanted power valued most above all else?
It was their lives.
They wanted to live a long life in power.
The crown prince shared his honest sentiments with the pale Cale.
“You are the craziest of all.”
“Excuse me? Hyung?”
Alberu just ignored Cale and turned away.
“Choi Han.”
“Yes sir.”
“You've suffered quite a bit.”
“Thank you very much.”
Choi Han respectfully bowed his head.
‘What the hell?
What kind of conversation are they having without me?’
Cale looked toward them with a shocked expression, but Alberu jumped off the tree and patted Cale's shoulder as he continued on.
“Work hard. Otherwise, I will make you a Prime Minister or the Chairman of the Nobles Meeting.”
‘What terrible things to say!’
His life as a slacker in his thirties to fifties would turn to dust if he became the Prime Minister.
And he would have to work until he died of old age if he became the Chairman.
‘How could there be such an evil prince?!’
Cale looked toward the crown prince as if he was ready to silently shout. However, Alberu continued to speak as if he understood what Cale was thinking.
“However little bro, I promise on my name that I will let you live your life as a slacker if you successfully complete everything.”
“Hyung, you really know how to say something so strong and wise as the sun in the sky.”
-(chapter 309) Alberu is amazed at the things Cale is capable of doing, but even more outraged that this fool decides to do it all alone, even though he says he wants to live like a slacker. It is obvious that Alberu is not the only one who has the same opinion.
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arguablysomaya · 2 years
Bruce: Dick. I'm sorry.
Bruce: please talk to me.
Bruce: chum?
Bruce: I will give you back your slacker life as promised. please forgive me. I'm sorry.
Dick: 'sorry' doesn't take back the year I spent forced to be batman, does it?!
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
That blurb about Eddie hating his scars just gave me the biggest feels…. Could you maybe write about taking care of Eddie after he’s back from the upside down? Fluff-ganza and a little bit of angst helping with his wounds and nightmares … ah 🥹 love your blooooog ❤️
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Warnings: language, blood, mentions of surgical procedures
WC: 2.6k
A/N: This was more fluff than angst, but I hope you like it! Please leave feedback <3
@princesseddie86 here is the fluff piece I promised you!
“Stay with me, Eddie, please,” you beg as you follow the gurney down the hospital corridor. You watch him take shallow breaths, hair matted to his face with blood.
He groans softly, unintelligible sounds leaving his lips. He’s shivering from the blood loss. You’re not even sure if he’s aware that you’re here, but you keep talking to him.
“You’re gonna be okay. You’re at the hospital; the doctors will take good care of you,” you promise, though you’re unsure what can be done.
The nurses surrounding him are listing different codes. It’s like a foreign language to you, but it might be better if you can’t understand it. They might be saying things you don’t want to hear.
The whole situation was so bizarre. You’d been friends with Robin Buckley since grade school; you were one of the few people she’d come out to. You thought it was crazy enough when she told you she was now friends with Steve Harrington, but what really sealed the deal was when she’d told you about an otherworldly realm dubbed the Upside Down. Oh, and now a demon-type entity named Vecna was brutally mutilating and killing random Hawkins teenagers, and maybe, pretty please, could you help them fight him?
Before joining their brigade of monster hunters, you hadn’t had much contact with Eddie Munson. For starters, you took honors classes, while he struggled to pass his introductory courses. You’d been privy to his many cafeteria table speeches, but never paid too much attention to them. You didn’t think he was a freak or running some satanic cult like many of your classmates assumed, but you didn’t really have anything to do with a slacker metalhead like Eddie.
Of course, that was before you actually got to know him. Before you saw the way he took care of the freshmen who idolized him, his passion for anything related to music, how he read dog-eared fantasy paperbacks until he had them memorized. Before you realized how much you cared for him.
You watch the doctors whisk him to the ICU, and it dawns on you that you might not ever get the chance to tell him.
Eddie’s uncle Wayne meets you at the hospital after Steve and Robin find him at the trailer park and fill him in on what happened. Well, sort of--it was too much to get into the whole “Upside Down” business, especially when his nephew’s life hung in limbo--so that would have to be a conversation for another day. 
You’re waiting in the waiting room, chewing on your fingernails, when he walks in solemnly. His hands are shoved in his pockets, and though he’s stoic now, his tear-stained cheeks reveal that he’s been crying. Your gaze meets his, and he comes over to sit with you.
“You Y/N?” he asks, and you nod numbly. “I’m, uh, Wayne, Eddie’s uncle.”
You try to offer a smile, though the effort makes it feel more like a grimace. “Eddie’s told me a lot about you.”
“Good things, I hope.”
“Of course. He told me all about how you raised him after his dad went to prison and his mom...” you trail off. Even the thought of death--anyone’s death--is too hard to think about right now.
Wayne nods. “Was the least I could do. My brother--Eddie’s old man--he and I were raised by our drunk of a dad. And that really messed with my brother. Messed with me, too, but maybe I missed some of it because I was younger.
“He started drinking, too; starting drinking too much, too fast, too young. Makin’ bad decisions, just like our dad. And after he got taken away, I couldn’t let Eddie fall into that same trap.” He pulls out a cigarette and looks at you. “Mind if I smoke?”
“No, that’s fine,” you reply softly, and he lights it. “Actually, could I bum one?”
Wayne gives you a knowing look. “’S not a good habit, y’know?”
“I don’t normally...only when I’m stressed.” You take a cigarette from him and lean in so he can light it.
“Don’t tell Eddie,” he whispers. “He won’t like me poisoning his girlfriend’s lungs.”
You choke, and it’s not from smoke inhalation. “We’re, um...I’m not his girlfriend,” you mumble. But I wish I was, you want to say.
Wayne lets out a small chuckle, then takes another drag from his cigarette. “Well, if you say so.”
You want to ask him to elaborate when a nurse enters the waiting room. “Wayne Munson?” Wayne stands up quickly, motioning for you to join him. “Your nephew is out of surgery. You can see him now.”
“Okay,” he replies, “his girlfriend’s gonna come with me, if that’s all right?”
The nurse nods. “Of course.”
You don’t even bother to correct him this time.
The hospital doesn’t have any of Eddie’s favorite books; no copies of Lord of the Rings anywhere in the place. You settle for an old tattered copy of The Catcher in the Rye and read aloud to the sleeping boy next to you.
He still hasn’t woken up from the anesthesia, but you’re still relieved to see how calm he looks, his breaths even instead of ragged. They cleaned him up a bit so there’s no traces of dried blood on his face. He looks more like himself.
You’re still reading when you notice him stir ever so slightly, making your heart leap.
“E-Eddie?” you whisper, placing a hand over his, careful of his IV. “Eddie, can you hear me?”
He groans softly and promptly falls back to sleep. The nurses warned you that he might go in and out, that it was normal, but you just wanted him awake.
Wayne comes back in the room, holding a paper cup of water. He hands it to you and you accept it gratefully.
“Any news?” he asks.
“He just kinda...moved a little bit? And made a tiny noise. But that was it,” you report, disappointment written all over your face.
Wayne puts a hand on your shoulder. “I know it’s useless tellin’ y’this, but you don’t have to stay. I can call you from the payphone when he’s up.”
“I want to be here when he wakes up. Unless I’m in your way, and I can leave.” It hadn’t dawned on you that Wayne might want to be alone with Eddie, but the man just shakes his head.
“No, no. The company helps,” he reassures you. “Jus’ figured you need some rest.”
“I’m okay for now.” Okay is too strong a word; really, you’re barely surviving, but you can’t manage to go home. You turn your attention back to the book, clear your throat, and continue reading.
The voice is quiet and gravelly, barely audible over the sounds of machines beeping and Wayne’s light snoring, but you hear it. You hear Eddie.
“Hi, sleepyhead.” You get up from the chair where you were half-sleeping and crouch by his bedside. “How do you feel?”
“Like shit,” he mutters. “What happened?”
You knit your brows, unable to hide your concern. “Do you...do you remember what happened? With the bats?”
He tries a laugh but ends up coughing, holding his torso in pain. “Fuck. Yeah, I remember those motherfuckers. Just not...after.”
“Well,” you start, “after you decided to be a hero, Dustin and I grabbed you and brought you back to Hawkins. You were so pale and shaky and...” Tears threaten to spill from your eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to be brave for you.”
But Eddie’s not even listening to that part. “You and Henderson came back for me?” he asks incredulously.
You nod. “Of course. You know he worships the ground you walk on.”
“And you?”
Because I care about you. Because even though we’ve only been friends for a few days, I feel complete with you. Because now that I know you, really know you, I can’t live in a world without Eddie Munson.
“Because you’re my friend, Eddie,” you manage, swallowing down all of the other things you actually wanted to say. You look over at Wayne, who is still sleeping. “C’mon, let’s tell your uncle that you’re awake.”
Eddie is discharged from the hospital after three days. He has to use a cane to get around until he’s fully healed, which he complains makes him look elderly, but you reassure him that it looks totally metal.
You help Wayne get him into the trailer and onto the sofa, where he sits back with a grunt.
“Okay, I think my work here is done!” you announce and turn to Wayne. “Could I use your phone? Steve can pick me up.” You’d driven to and from the hospital in Wayne’s car, which meant either calling Steve for a ride or walking home.
“You’re leaving?” Eddie asks from his spot on the couch. Maybe you’re imagining it, but does he look...disappointed at the prospect of you going?
You laugh. “Taking care of you for three days straight wasn’t enough for you?” 
“No, I think I need you here full-time,” he says, pushing out his lower lip into a pout. “Y’know, bring me my meds, change my dressings, give me a sponge bath...”
That last comment earns him a thwap on the back of the head from his uncle. “Behave,” Wayne warns.
You roll your eyes, heading for the phone. “I have to go home and rest. Maybe see my parents, let them know I’m alive.” There’s more truth than sarcasm in that statement now with Hawkins seemingly crumbling around you. And you are exhausted.
“Okay,” he concedes, looking at you with his brown doe eyes, “can you come back tomorrow? Wayne can’t take any more days off from work.”
“I think I can manage that.” You call Steve, who was on his way back from volunteering at the school-turned-crisis-shelter, so it only took him five minutes to get to the trailer park. As you walk to his car, closing the door behind you, you hear Wayne’s gruff voice.
“Boy, if you don’t take that girl on a date once you’re healed up...”
Two weeks later, your phone rings just before 8 AM on a Sunday.
“Hello?” you croak groggily, stifling a yawn.
“Y/N!” Eddie’s voice booms through the receiver, jolting you awake.
“Eddie? Is everything okay?” You sit up so fast that dots form in front of your eyes, and you put a hand on the bed to steady yourself. You’ve been going to his trailer nearly every day, bringing him his homework and often staying to help him with it. The boy was determined to graduate this year, come hell or high water. 
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” he says, like he’s just realized how early it is, “but can you come over now? I wanna show you something.”
You stretch and feel your back crack. “Sure. Let me just get dressed and I can be there in, like, half an hour?”
“Perfect.” You can sense his delight over the phone. “I’ll leave the door unlocked. Just come in when you get here.”
“Sounds good.” You run a comb through your hair and throw it up in a loose bun. Pulling on some light wash jeans, you rummage through your dresser to find a shirt. You weigh your options carefully and laugh at yourself. This isn’t a fashion show, you’re just going to see Eddie. Why do you care about what you look like? 
You know why, you think, but push it away as you throw on an oversized navy blue shirt and finish the rest of your morning routine.
You gently push open the trailer door and see Eddie laying on the couch, reading The Catcher in the Rye.
“Hi,” he breathes, then holds up the book. “Someone never got to finish reading this to me, so I had Henderson check it out from the library.”
“You never read it in your ten years of high school?” you tease gently, placing your jacket on the chair near the door.
“Hey, it’s only six!” he protests. “And no. Probably was s’posed to, though.”
“Is that what you wanted to show me?”
“Nah,” he grins. “Watch this.”
Your eyes stay locked on him as he pushes himself up slowly, grimacing as he uses the arm of the sofa for balance. His cane is leaned up against it, but he doesn’t reach for it; instead, he takes careful, methodical steps without any mobility aid.
You feel a smile spreading across your face, though it’s a bit dampened with concern. Should he be walking by himself? you wonder, but allow him his moment. He’s so proud, so determined.
He gets to you and takes your hand gingerly. “Ta-da!”
You want to fling your arms around his neck and pull him in for the tightest hug of his life, but you’re not about to re-injure him, so you squeeze his hand instead.
“Look at you! You’ll be back to torturing the rest of Hellfire in no time!” You go to drop his hand, but he doesn’t let go. You think maybe he just needs to hold on for stability, but then he takes his other hand and wraps you in a hug.
“It’s all thanks to you,” he murmurs. 
“I think the doctors and nurses who stitched you back together deserve some credit,” you remind him, but you feel your cheeks burning.
You feel him shake his head. “I’m not talking about the medical stuff. I’m talking about the...trying again stuff.”
“Trying again?” you look up at him quizzically. 
Eddie sighs and leads you back to the couch. “Yeah,” he says softly. “I kept trying to walk a little more each day so I could meet you at the door to hug you.”
Your heart surges. “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”
It’s his turn to blush. “That’s me, y’know, the murderous satanic cult leader with a heart of gold.”
“What a coincidence,” you laugh, “that’s just my type.”
He lets out a small chuckle and takes your hand again. “Wanna know what my next goal is?” He waits for you to nod before continuing. “I’m gonna work up the strength to take you out on a date. If, uh, if that’s okay with you.” 
“If that’s okay with...Eddie, of course that’s okay with me. It’s more than okay!” You rest your free hand on his knee. “But there’s no rush. We can hang out here and watch movies until you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere.”
And then something comes over him, a feeling that he ordinarily would’ve dismissed, but now he leans into it. He cups your chin and brings your lips to his, kissing you softly. Your body is tingling as you move your hand from his knee to his bicep, mindful of his healing wounds. 
A fleeting thought crosses your mind, leading you to break the kiss earlier than you wanted. He misinterprets this and apologizes quickly.
“Sorry, should’ve waited until we actually went on a date...” he sputters, playing with his rings.
“No, Eddie. I just...” you sigh deeply. “I’m worried that you only think you like me because I’ve been taking care of you. And then once you’re better, you’ll realize that...”
His jaw drops slightly in disbelief. “Y/N, I’ve been thinkin’ about you since Robin introduced us. And then when I realized that you’re cute and caring...” he trails off. “kinda fell for ya.”
“Oh,” you’re taken aback by his honest confession and allow yourself to fall back into his warm embrace. “Well, in that case...” you smile as you kiss him.
His shoulders relax and he holds you as close as he can.
“I’m never letting you go,” he promises, and you vow that you’ll never let him go, either.
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commsroom · 19 days
do you have any ideas for what you want for eiffel and hera post-canon?
yes, i do! the answer to that really depends on whether we're talking short term or long term, and what i want vs. what i think will happen is... well, i think they'll be okay. eventually. they'll get there.
i'm firmly in the camp that eiffel gets his memories back (fairly short-term in my mental timeline; given the most likely ways that he could get his memories back, it doesn't make much sense for him to be without them for more than a few months) and that hera gets a body (more complicated, and somewhat more long term), but my reasoning for why i think those things work narratively would be a long post in itself (and i've made multiple posts about those topics already) so i won't get into the why here. just, i think it happens.
the note the finale ends on definitely implies eiffel, hera, and minkowski intend to stick together on earth, and i think minkowski feels a lot of responsibility for them, given everything. so i think they live with her, for the foreseeable future. eiffel's not good at holding down a job, and hera... i think it's important that she gets a chance to try things without fear of failure and to separate her self worth from productivity. eiffel and hera are meant to be minkowski's slacker roommates. hera should be creating unmarketable art.
and the issue of where they live will come up pretty quickly, i think - hera doesn't have any particular attachment to anywhere, except for a desire to see the ocean, but mobility might be a problem. minkowski is a career military woman who's moved around a lot, but her husband worked in DC, so presumably they lived in... probably maryland or virginia? before she accepted the job, and that's a complicating factor if she's choosing who to prioritize. i think eiffel would be pretty adamant about staying in texas so he's at least in the same state as his daughter, even if he can't see her. and as much as i would like for eiffel to be able to be a part of her life again, because i know how much he wants that... i don't think it's very likely. at least not any time soon. and he won't handle that well.
speaking about post-canon wolf 359, i don't tend to get that into potential legal / media circuit stuff because... frankly, i don't think it's that important to what the show is about. i'm sure it will be a scandal, but lots and lots of space-travel-related scandals are going on in that world, and cutter and pryce were very intentionally not the public faces of goddard futuristics. it'll pass. that said, the aspect of that i am interested in is legal personhood - that's going to be a hurdle for hera to be able to live her life, and i think eiffel will worry - even if it isn't totally rational - about whether he'll be able to stay out of prison once no longer legally dead, not knowing exactly what the terms of cutter's arrangement were. being an ex-convict is going to complicate some facets of his life regardless.
there's just a lot of stuff that being on earth is going to bring up for them. and i think they'll be there for each other, obviously - one of the things i like most about their relationship is how much they're able to be a refuge for each other in some objectively horrible situations - but they're both pretty insecure people who feel like everyone is bound to replace them, and earth is going to give hera some serious separation anxiety while she's bound to one location and the others aren't, and those are things they're going to have to work through.
as for what i want for them... well. i think eiffel will give hera a 'promise ring' with a kind of jokey but good natured promise that one day she'll be able to wear it. and she does! but neither of them are sure if that counts as a proposal in retrospect and they dance around it for a while. they get married eventually, and - against her better judgment - minkowski agrees to be both eiffel's best man and hera's maid of honor. and ends up taking on way too much of the wedding planning, even though she said she wouldn't, because they're both super lax about it and it starts stressing her out. she tries to delegate to lovelace, but lovelace just thinks it's all really funny. eiffel gets married in a novelty tuxedo tee and minkowski apologizes to hera, but hera knows the type of guy she's marrying (and isn't concerned about tradition anyway) so it doesn't bother her.
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howi99 · 2 months
A Qrow's nest prologue 3
Ozpin: *drink from his thermos* I heard what happened yesterday.
Qrow: *sweating* Ozpin i-
Ozpin: *stopping him with a hand gestures* I'm not mad, Qrow. In fact, i probably would be mad if you did nothing instead. *Look at Cinder* Tell me, Cinder, what is your age?
Cinder: *hiding behind Qrow* I'm 8... I think.
Ozpin: *shaking his head* She looks clearly malnourished. *Look at Qrow* i wanted to talk to you in private but...
Qrow: *putting a hand on Cinder's head* She doesn't really trust anyone and i can't really blame her. *Look at her* She reminds me of myself when i was her age. *Kneel at her height* Cinder, would you like visiting Beacon?
Cinder: *slowly acquiesce*
Qrow: *smile* I have a friend, she looks mean but she would protect everyone she could with her very life. I'd like for you to visit the school with her.
Cinder: ... Will you leave me behind?
Qrow: *shaking his head* No. I promised, didn't i? I just need to have a talk with my friend. *Looking at Ozpin*
Ozpin: *smile* I'm sure Glynda would be thrilled to guide you, she may look grumpy but she's a real human teddy bear.
Cinder: Ok...
10 minutes later, when Glynda took Cinder to see the premise
Qrow: Now, what did you want to tell me?
Ozpin: As you know, after the fiasco of yesterday you won't be able to enter in Atlas, at least for a time.
Qrow: Ironwood told me i should stay low for a time.
Ozpin: *shaking his head* I will need your help for something. Theirs an augmentation in grimm attack near a certain SDC mining operation.
Qrow: That's unsurprising.
Ozpin: I don't think you understand, it's alarming and clearly something is going on. I'll need you to work as security for the mine and see what's really happening.
Qrow: *sigh* Ozpin, i'd be "thrilled" to go fight grimm for a scummy company, but i kinda have to take care of an eight years old.
Ozpin: She could be the perfect alibi for you to enter their services. A single father huntsman down on his luck.
Qrow: You can't be serious! I won't bring a child near a place you specifically said was getting attacked by grimm!
Ozpin: You wouldn't be alone. Glynda would be following you and i did give you the gift of flight for a reason. You'd be able to live in the city while working at the mine.
Qrow: Still, why not sending Glynda by herself?
Ozpin: You know damn well she is far too known by the public. She is the youngest person to have become professor at Beacon.
Qrow: *roll his eyes* Then what about Arc?
Ozpin: Still pregnant. And Verdant is already working on something else.
Qrow: Again!? Isn't that her 7th?
Ozpin: 7th and 8th. She's having twins.
Qrow: For fuck sake. Fine! What's good having allies when they are always unavailable?
Ozpin: *smiling* You shouldn't have been this reliable Qrow.
Cinder: So uh....
Glynda: You can call me Glynda.
Cinder: Ok. So, Glynda, what is this room?
Glynda: This is the library, dear. It's... My favorite place in the school.
Cinder: Oh?
Glynda: Yes. I like the atmosphere of the place. *Looking at cinder who didn't understand* The feeling of it, if you prefer.
Cinder: Oh!
Glynda: I particularly like reading adventures novel and romance but don't tell Qrow, he still believes i only read study material.
Cinder: How did you meet him?
Glynda: Hm? Oh, he tried hitting on me when we were in the same year.
Cinder: Did you date him?
Glynda: *a bit of pink appearing in her features* N-no! Of course not! He was a slacker and a complete slob!
Cinder: And what about now?
Glynda: W-well, he did get better... I think. But still far too immature!.. maybe i should tell you of some of his misadventures?
Qrow: *appearing from behind a door* Should i tell her about when you outdrank me during the dance?
Glynda: QROW!? When did you arrive?
Qrow: Around the time you called me a slob? *Look at Cinder* Hey kid, i need to talk with you.
Glynda : *getting back her calm* Did you come to an agreement with Ozpin?
Qrow: Apparently WE *point at them then himself* Have to go to mistral for a bit.
Cinder: *shake her head* I hate Mistral, everyone is mean.
Qrow: *sigh* I feel you kid, but we sadly have no choice. Though it's not for long, about 2 weeks.
Cinder: ok... Do i have the time to read a book?
Qrow: Uh? *Look at the library* Oh yeah, we don't leave until next week anyway. You got the time.
Cinder: *looking happy* Glynda! Show me your favorite book!
Glynda: *wincing* I-i'll try. *Goes with Cinder inside the library*
Qrow: ... She better not give her the smut she was reading in hiding back in the day.
End of first prologue, 3 more to go!
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stellaluna33 · 2 months
I got tagged by @belleandsaintsebastian to share part of a WIP, so... Here's part of a second chapter of Smells Like School Spirit, my "Lane and Jess goof off in gym class because the school actually communicated about his absences and now he has to show up every day" Season 3 AU. 😂 (It's on ff.net so maybe I should put it up on AO3?)
After Jess had unleashed that storm of vengeance upon Chuck Presby on her behalf, it seemed that Lane and Jess had something else in common besides a love of music and Rory Gilmore: going full-on rabid guard-dog when a friend was under threat.  If questioned, Lane would maintain that she mostly did it for Rory, but the facts of the matter remained that she had stormed into Principal Merton’s office in a blaze of righteous indignation at the idea that Jess Mariano would receive the full brunt of punishment for the “altercation” that had occurred in P.E. that day.  No, this was outrageous, this was unjust!  Did they know that she had likely sustained a concussion- a concussion!- from Chuck Presby and the school did nothing?!  But Jess comes to her defense and gets a suspension!
Principal Merton was unmoved.  He “regretted” (he looked far from regretful) to say that, “as uncharacteristically honorable as Mr. Mariano’s motives might have been, the school had a zero-tolerance policy on physical violence” and yada yada yada… but then Lane had played her trump card.  She simply wondered what Mrs. Kim would think about a policy that allowed boys to give girls concussions but punished anyone who tried to stop them… and suddenly the Principal was proposing that perhaps both boys could be given detention instead.  Lane guessed that would be fair, but also suggested that since there were a couple openings in the weightlifting class right now, perhaps that might be a good way to keep Jess out of mischief, and if she could be moved also, she could keep an eye on him… as well as be able to inform her Mama that the school was making sure her concussion was properly dealt with.  Sighing wearily, Principal Merton had promised to make the necessary arrangements on the following day.
And that was how Lane had secured herself and Jess two coveted spots in the Weightlifting gym exemption- open only to Stars Hollow High athletes and a waiting list of Seniors.  No more laps, no more dodgeball, and if you happened to be partnered with a fellow slacker who had no qualms about falsifying your progress reports, not much actual weightlifting either!  This was the life!
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dilydilydily-fe · 2 months
I had it translated by  @charlesworthy Reposting with permission ☺️
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It’s pretty rough when you suddenly have an extra childhood friend note: pre-established casphardt, but it’s about this →
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← Thinks it’s unfair he gets the S Rank -- -- Thinks he’s up to something → Caspar: What the heck is up with these vibes?!
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Caspar: Uhm… Bunhardt: Give it back.
Caspar: Uhhhhhh… I-I… I GOTTA GO TRAIN!
Sfx as Bunhardt puts his headband on: boioing Bunhardt: Running away, hm? Linhardt: Running away, hm?
Bunhardt: Well, I’m sleepy. Today’s not a good day for this, is it? Linhardt: (yawn) It seems like it… Goodnight… (and goodbye)
Linhardt: (Sleepy)
Linhardt: He’s following me.
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Linhardt: Hey, why are you following me? I can guess, but… Bunhardt: Ah, well… Both at once: Aren’t you/I heading somewhere I/you want to be? By Bunhardt: (sleepy…)
Bunhardt: Oh no, it seems you’ve expedited your inadvertent help by voicing the same thought. I was having trouble finding a nice spot… Linhardt: Hmm.
Bunhardt: In exchange, you can borrow my pillow. Sfx by linhardt: (lights up)
Linhardt: Well, since I can’t stop you… Are you looking for the perfect spot to nap, or where I keep the books I’m reading? Bunhardt: Nap. Linhardt: I figured as much, since I’m sleepy too. Alright, it’s this way.
Linhardt: Here we are,
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Linhardt: The Slacker’s Sacred Ground. You know what I mean.
Python: (You deserve a rest*) There’s two of you now? What the hell is he wearing?
Dwyer: (You deserve a rest…) [t/n: they’re using a japanese phrase commonly said when one leaves work to the people still working as a greeting. I tried to keep half of the joke.]
[ THE SLACKER’S SACRED GROUND Residents: Python, Dwyer, Linhardt ]
Bunhardt: yaawn Linhardt: Mind if I nap beside you? Python: Sure, sure, help yourself. Dwyer: Somehow there’s two of them today…
???: PYTHON!! ???: DWYER!! Python: Ugh… Dwyer: It never ends…
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Forsyth: Python! So I would find you here again! Get up! We must sally forth! [ Python’s legal guardian (true guardian): FORSYTH ] [ Dwyer’s legal guardian (father): JAKOB ] Jakob: Dwyer! Lord Kamui just said ‘I’d love a cup of coffee’! You must offer your exceptional brew at once!
Python: Ugh… Yeah, yeah… How did you ever get on without me… I’m coming. Dwyer: You came here just to tell me that? I’ll never understand you.
Python: Alright Linny, have a good nap for me, too.
Bunhardt: Is this ‘sacred ground’ always so noisy? Linhardt: Not usually.
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Page 7
Linhardt: The only person who’d come looking for me is Caspar, and of course we know he’s not coming. (But maybe a cat will show up..?) Yaawn…
Bunhardt: That’s an interesting thing to say.
Bunhardt: Regardless, you may nap with this once. Linhardt: Oh, right, the promise… Thanks.
[ nighty night… ]
right cat: meoww bottom cat: moow
[ Time to get up ]
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Page 8
Cat: Meooww Bunhardt: (Kitty…) It looks like we wake up at the same time, too. Linhardt: It looks like it… (Came to see me again, kitty?)
Linhardt: Say, I have something of a personal question to ask. Bunhardt: What is it? (Ugh, it’s stuck…) cat: Mew! Linhardt: (Again..?)
Linhardt: Do you recall how you got this?
Bunhardt: ….You want me to confess that on my own? (Isn’t that a bit unfair?) Linhardt: Well, if it’s so daunting, we can just say it at the same time. Bunhardt: Alright, alright. Both at once: ….A long time ago, some one tied it in my hair while I was sleeping, so I don’t really remember.
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Page 9
Both: Yes, that’s right.
Bunhardt: Well then,
Bunhardt: Why is it that you’re always wearing it? Linhardt: Unfair. Let’s say it at the same time again.
Both: It’s simply because I think it was given to me by the most important person in my life.
Bunhardt: You know, it’s actually quite a valuable experience to be able to look at myself objectively. Linhardt: Agreed. Surprisingly, meeting you hasn’t been the worst--
Both: Look at myself objectively?!
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Page 10
Both: Hey, would you mind taking off your clothes?!
Bunhardt: You already knew what I was going to say! I’ve always wanted to do a thorough examination of the Crest of Ceathleann! Sfx: boioioiong
Linhardt: Yes! We’ll both be the most cooperative research subject we’ve ever had!
[ translated from rightmost to left: ]
(Both:) Undress quickly!!
Your skin is so pretty. Well, so is mine.
Yes, yes, now turn around.
Pants too, I want to see behind the knee!
So this is what my back looks like…
Show me your neck, too!
Hey! You have a mole here.
After this, let’s head back to my room to do some tracing.
Excellent idea! At this rate, we'll get so much done!
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Page 11
Caspar: Two Linhardts… I wonder if they’re still going at it… [ * like this ]
Forsyth: That performance was disappointing, Python! (Next time I won’t lose.) Python: Yeah, sure. Maybe when hell freezes over.
Python: Hey, Cas. Looking for your buddy? Caspar: Eh? Have you seen him? Python: Two of them, even.
Caspar: Yeah, exactly! I was kinda looking for them both… Did you catch them bickering?
Python: No? They seemed to be getting on fine. Sleepy as always, but that’s not out of the ordinary. (As always, I saw them the Slacker’s Sacred Ground) Caspar: Of course!
Caspar: Thanks for the info! Caspar: That’s such a big help! Python: Don’t mention it.
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Page 12
cats: meow! Mew!
Caspar: I don’t get them at all…. Bottom left: fin
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[ picture with the linhardts sleeping on caspar ] Thank you very very very much for reading!!! (Please add Caspar normally to feh)
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[ picture with the two linhardts in mixed up clothes ] Lin & SpLin mixing up their clothes accidentally after a nap
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[ picture with the two linhardts ] I’m happy to have Linhardt & Spring!Linhardt!
I thought it would be cute if 'Hevring’s Heir Linhardt' and 'Spring Snoozer Linhardt' competed over 'Summer Intensity Caspar'.
It was my first time drawing a manga spanning several pages, and I found it incredibly exhausting!
But it was also a lot of fun :)
A huge thank you to @charlesworthy
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daze4all · 6 months
Imagine: Mommy! Yukong Raises Baby! Bailu as aged up Baiheng Reincarnation & forms new Cloud Quintet
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Imagine Mommy! Yukong raised Baby! Bailu Drabble: 
Bailu Baiheng Reincarnation & Aged Up Bailu Concept
New Cloud Quintet: Older ! Bailu the Glue to keep Yanqing, Tingyun, Sushang & Qinque together! 
Synopsis: Baby Reader/ Bailu. Reader SI maybe. Saved from wreckage of Ambrosial arbor 2nd Ambrosial wars. Vidahydra child born from eggs near arbor during the chaos.
Amidst the pained cries of her fallen comrades a smaller and shrill keening of a child? Among all this chaos? She blearily blinks ears ringing and eyes stinging and the smoky battlefield of burning & ruined starskiffs.  Following the sounds for life Yukong stumbles upon the source nestled in the roots of the ambrosial arbor.
 A child, dirty and crying with a few scratches but otherwise unharmed. In the scattered remains of pearl shell. A purple fluffy haired child barely a toddler trying in vain to writhe in escape. To flee the cacophony of battle. However falling to and toppling over into Yukong’ shocked arms.
 “What’s a child doing here?” she picks up the child from the rubble. Holding the small warm form close to her chest . A hope for new life while around her the world is burning and so many of comrades are falling like shattered stars from their star skiffs. 
“Don’t worry you are safe. I promise. I’ll raise you with my friends child” tears in Yukong’s as she hold the crying child that clutches at her for comfort as the burning sky reflects in her eyes ”I may not have been able to save her but for her I’ll save you”
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Mother! Yukong defends Bailu from preceptors & raises Bailu alongside foxian childhood friends daughter as sisters.
-They play sky pilot & gunner together with Bailu Reincarnation of Baiheng but the Gunner 
B/c Bailu is a terrible pilot that keeps crashing them lol as ironic; 
As Baiheng was said to do Risky maneuver like crashing the planes to win battles
- Explosive energetic extrovert a trickster who plays pranks.
- Perhaps for attention like how she ran way from responsibilities and also to be seen as less serious /responsible to avoid the high elder role. 
Yukong & Sister Gives Older! Bailu the support and love needed to defy elder find her own path  & be social 
Bailu is more social due to having a sister (Yukong friends daughter) each pushing to follow dreams 
Bailu to defy the elders decision of her as high elder & her sister to be pilot against Yukong wishes 
Bailu wants carve her own path beside being high elder  she was told she was born to be.
Like to defy tradition and try new things. 
Maybe joined cloud knights instead of influenced by Yukong & friends in cloud knights Sushang & Yanqing &  if raised/taught by Jing Yuan 
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3. Alternate! Older! Bailu as Baiheng Reincarnation Raised by Yukong 
New high cloud quintet with Bailu the Glue ( cuz sad she too young to play with the older other Loufu kids) 
Baiheng did high cloud quintets but more chaotic as outgoing types. 
Baiheng The happy outgoing optimist to the grumpy serious Jingliu . Dan Heng, Blade along with easygoing kid Jing Yuan. 
Purple hair resembles Baiheng, risk taker, foxy, and crafty. 
Instead of the flyer Bailu is the gunner to her sister pilots dreams. 
2. New Cloud Quintet: Older ! Bailu the Glue to keep Yanqing, Tingyun, Sushang & Qinque together! 
Outgoing prankster pushy social . 
-Joins cloud knights? but tries to install guns and firearm instead of outdated spears or swords
Easygoing bit slacker though likes to take risks chances gamble with  qinque as part of the club, 
occasionally spars with yanqing likes to  tease as he too rigid and proper by the book and she is easygoing breaking rules and skipping her duties
Older! Bailu jokes he should give sup sword for use guns and get with the times as he’s young~
Foxian friends & Fan sisters with Tingyun. trade gossip fan pictures and loves to gear stories of her travel wishing she too could be travel the stars as influenced by Baiheng’s trailblazer blood
-Great gunner and shooter prefers guns rather than bow and arrow though she did learn from Yukong found the gun easier since just point and Bam!
Aged up! Bailu & reincarnation of Baiheng forms New Cloud Quintet: Older ! Bailu the Glue to keep Yanqing, Tingyun, Sushang & Qinque together! 
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cuz i feel bad bailu looks young but actually old+high elder so misses out on socializing w/ rest of Loufu kids during ghost hunting event
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