kazetokinouta-a · 1 year
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Arion Rosemarine and Jules de Ferrier
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fire-eyedlioness · 4 years
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All my life, i was not fujoshi and i’m not now
But these are my laconic yaoi ships
My dears 💜🖤
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kazetokinouta-a · 2 years
I'm just finishing kaze to ki no uta but, it was never clear to me if between Jules and Rosemarine there was any attraction beyond friendship
Hey anon, while I was reading I knew they were shipped, so i thought there would be a romance between them in the manga.
 But that didn’t happen, they have an odd relationship where it seems like they just support each other's company, but deep down they like each other. 
There's a cute moment between them, when Jules is in bed and Rosemariné kisses his cheek. But as they get older, those moments don't come around anymore.  In The Dove of Happiness, at the end, it felt like they wanted to tell each other how they felt, but nothing happened.
I think Keiko left it to the reader to interpret their relationship, as there are people who see them as a couple and others don't, so apparently nothing is confirmed.
I personally think they have feelings for each other, but they don't want to admit it, because their relationship is already complicated, a romance would make it even more complicated.  But this is just my point of view.
But it would be interesting to know what readers here on the blog think. Do you think Jules and Rosemariné have feelings for each other or is this just an interpretation of the readers?  Write your opinions here in the comments
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kazetokinouta-a · 4 years
Informations about “The Dove of Hapiness”/ Kazeki short sequel
Recently, I have discovered that “Kaze to Ki no Uta” has a short sequel besides Agnus Dei.
  Koufuku no Hato ( 幸福の鳩 )or The Dove of Hapiness is a a short sequel which was published seven years later after Kazeki was written (1991). this story doesn't have a manga of its own, It was published in the Umi no Tenshi Artbook, here is the cover:
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The Dove of Hapiness was published in  Nov 30, 1991; with just one chapter.
 The main characters of this story are Jules and Rosemariné. Serge, Patricia and others appear as secondary characters. Everything happens in 1886, three years after Gilbert’s death, and tells what happened to the other characters (like Carl and Pascal) and about the past of Rosemariné and Jules.
This little story clarifies some information that was not revealed in the main series. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the Japanese scans of this manga, and all the websites I searched for it had a download link, but the link was disabled.
 I only found out the dialogue’s translation without the images,  but it is possible to understand the story only through dialogues.
Here is the link to read the translation: https://clockworkwings.livejournal.com/225189.html
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As far as I could understand, Jules narrates most of the events, but some thoughts and Rosemariné's point of view are shown. It is worth reading, especially if you want to know more about what happened to the secondary characters and get interested in the strange and affectionate relationship between Rosemariné and Jules.
Just letting you know that this story contains spoilers, so I recommend you finish reading Kazeki before you start reading The Dove of Hapiness.
I hope this post helped to spread the information, since even I did not know the existence of this story. The links of the sites that I found the information will be at the end of the post.
Spoiler alert ~ if you haven't read the story yet, skip to the end of the post
My short analysis of the history:
I found it interesting that Takemiya-San wrote another sequel to the main series, perhaps she acknowledged the fact that the secondary characters gained as much recognition as the main ones.
Again, she used the same technique of breaking the reader's expectations at the end of the story, frustrating those who hoped that Rosemariné and Jules would reveal their feelings for each other. It is sad to know that the two left after they graduated, and that Serge and the other boys are also not as close as before.
The cruelest fact of the story is that Auguste's redemption arc did not happen, he simply stopped supporting the school financially, just helping Jules until he graduated from college.
Perhaps the phrase that most summarizes Kazeki is: no matter how much you want, sometimes there are no happy endings.
One thing caught my attention, Rosemariné's thoughts suggest that he has feelings for Jules, but he just doesn't reveal it and remains as cold as he always is. We are used to seeing Jules feeling admiration and other things for Arion, but not vice versa, I found that interesting.
It is beautiful to see that since they were children, the two were inseparable and always took care of each other, even if they did not show it explicitly. Jules used to say that he was close to Rosemariné because of his financial support, but this story proves the opposite, especially when he thinks about how his future bride looks like Arion.
It was like Serge marrying Irene because she looks like Gilbert, it seems that it is a characteristic of Takemiya to make her characters marry female versions of the people they really love.
And in the end, when we finally believe that they can be together or at least reconnect, our expectations are shattered and we remember the tragic end of most characters. Apparently, none of them reached true happiness, some just ended up less worse.
Thanks to everyone who read, if anyone has any more information, such as a link to download the manga or any curiosity, you can comment or send a message.
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fire-eyedlioness · 3 years
Wingless Birds [Jules&Rosemarine]
Hello everyone after a long while. I wrote this story a long time ago. Now i’ll translate and offers yours. This was just a essay. I hope you enjoy it
Episode 1
Autumn winds ... The crazy wind that hits your body like a whip. The gliding of yellowing leaves as like rain. The sun hits the young man's face. The magnificent golden yellow hue of the lights. It was the same Rosemarine's wavy hair. The wave was floating and hitting his body from above He was sitting in the shade of the tree, reading Major Barbara, one of George Bernard Shaw's best-known books. Although the language of the book was heavy for him, he was reading each page with great care, as the person who gave it to him was dear to him. Although he turned the pages quickly, he was only able to come halfway through. A rustle was heard. He turned his head over his shoulder in the direction that caught his attention. Rosemarine stood before her, her icy gaze fixed on her. The gently blowing wind was caressing her hair. “You were looking for me? I didn't hear it coming " Holding the thin dogwood stick in his hand, he came a few steps closer to him. "Still haven't finished?" Jules looked at the book and then into the eyes of the man he loved. "No. You know I can't read as fast as you. " "But you came halfway through" "I didn't have much time to read" "You know what I actually thought, Jules?" Rosemarine leaned against the tree and clasped her hands behind her back. Jules looked up from her seat, paying attention to what she had to say. “On the day I was elected to the disciplinary board, I knew that I had to say goodbye to Major Barbara. However, I needed someone that I could leave as an inheritance. " "I've been looking like my eyes since the day you gave it to your trust" “Oh? In the past, I wouldn't believe it " "Why is that?" He said "Because ..." and put his hand between his eyebrows. He applied pressure with his fingers, bowing his head forward "Because you were so irresponsible." "It was before he took you as an example" "Yes. Everyone at school was crazy, they thought I was giving no face to anyone and giving you a face. They were unnecessarily jealous of you. However, this was nothing more than instilling in you my strict discipline. " "Arion, are you happy with the state you brought me to?" “Of course I am. Now you are a true gentleman. You would put aside your lessons and responsibilities. You would also lie from time to time. " “I would lie, yes. But not to you " Thereupon, Rosemarine greeted Jules' sudden reaction with a puzzled expression. “It wasn't written on your face that you were lying, Jules. How can I be sure of that? " “There is something called believing, Arion. You have heard " “Something that you call believing, something that is safe. Besides, don't call me Arion again. Except for you, no one in this school calls me by that name. " He closed the book in his lap. Armed with all his courage he stood up "You think being called Rosemarine or the White Prince increases your prestige?" Rosemarine treated her staff, feeling her patience tested "What do you mean?" “For them, you might be a glorious celebrity. But for me you are Arion. The most popular kid at Lacombrade Academy, you are not the boy who manages to steal the hearts of his fellows even though he is a man, and plays the piano so enchantingly that his fingers are called strength! You are only you. I saw you as yourself, Arion. Not as the White Prince you are wearing ” The staff touched his palm lightly “Enough literature is enough. I have work, if you will. The Disciplinary Board is meeting today. Today may be the day when we will make important decisions " He turned away when Jules stopped him as if he had no intention of letting him go. "STOP!" Rosemarine looked over her shoulder "What is it again?" “I'll accompany you. If you want it too " He reluctantly agreed to walk side by side with him to school. You dazzle even the sunshine Rosemarine What kind of person are you? It was Rosemarine who broke the silence that had been going on for a while "Jules?" "Sir?" "I will request something from you" "Of course" He swallowed and hid his fingers in the palm of his hand “Don't call me Arion in public. We shouldn't seem too sincere. You know" This golden-haired man's word hurt Jules' heart. However, he still had no right to refuse his request. Because turning down was the same as hurting the man she loved. "As you wish. But I'm telling you again. When I can't call you by name, I feel like it's gone " Rosemarine used her usual seriousness and manners "You are the one who brought me so close to you." "You are the one who let me approach!" Jules was enraged by the pain of my system that he regretted the promise at the last minute. "Sorry. I'm out of line " "It does not matter" The two young men did not say a word to each other until the school building appeared behind the trees. When they came to the courtyard, everyone who saw Rosemarine fell to the bottom again. "Oh look, this is the White Prince" "Very handsome. But it scares a lot. Even with its presence ” “Looks like it's too beautiful to be a man. I wish I was a woman. What woman wouldn't want to benefit from that good looks? " “Boy, why do you need to be a woman. And maybe also Rosemarine- “ Hearing the conversation, Rosemarine approached the students. The students who felt they were coming cut their voices and took their seriousness. Say "Rosemarine-senpai" and point their heads respectfully they bowed
“What are you doing? There should be lesson time now. What are you doing outside? "
“Our lesson is physical education senpai. Teacher released us "
“Hmm means that. But none of you are wearing sportswear. Can you be comfortable with your school uniform? "
"We'll wear it soon, sir." one of them said, putting his hand to the back of his neck
"Beautiful. I hope no other incident sounds. As you graduate, don't get in trouble with the disciplinary committee. I don't want to leave black marks on your graduation memories. Before you forget, do not tug others and think about the university you are going to go to. This benefits you. Have a nice day"
"Have a good day Rosemarine-senpai"
While watching what happened from a distance, Jules seemed to see himself among the senior students. Because he was once one of those children who admired Rosemarine.
I wish you could see how valuable it is
You are the crown of the hearts of so many people
But I have the most
Why can't you still see?
Why don't you want to go over that wall you've built for yourself?
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kazetokinouta-a · 4 years
Imagine Rosemariné and Jules #3
*Rosemariné is mad at Jules, and is ignoring him*
Jules: Arion?
Jules: Rossy?
Rosemariné: ...
Jules: Honey?
Rosemariné: ...
Jules: Rosemariné!?
Rosemariné: What do you want? *triggered*
Jules: I love you...
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