#rosemarys hall of fame
rosesandmary · 2 years
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(drawn and gifted to me by @d3m0liti0nluvrs my good friend ^_^)
[Image Description: a traditional drawing of Rolan Deep from Blood in the Bayou done in oil pastel. He is a white man with black slicked back hair that have hints of gray on the sides. His eyes are blue and he looks to the side in a neutral expression. He is wearing a white dress shirt, beige suit, and red tie. End ID]
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kwebtv · 3 months
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Blithe Spirit - NBC - December 7, 1966
A presentation of "Hallmark Hall of Fame" Season 16 Episode 2
Fantasy Comedy
Running Time: 90 minutes
Produced and Directed by George Schaefer
Dirk Bogarde as as Charles Condomine
Rosemary Harris as Elvira Condomine
Rachel Roberts as Ruth Condomine
Ruth Gordon as Madams Arcati
Geoffrey Lumb as Dr. Broadman
Joan White as Mrs. Broadman
Mildred Trares as Edith
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dayniac · 7 months
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Doris … April 12, 1939. Doris sang with Barney Rapp’s band at his nightclub Sign Of The Drum.
Barney Rapp was a popular band leader and jazz musician for nearly three decades. He is best known for discovering Doris Day and launching the career of Rosemary Clooney.
Barney Rappaport was born in Connecticut on March 25th, 1900. When he was 20-years-old he organized a Jazz orchestra that was styled for dance music. He named it "Barney Rapp and His New Englanders." In a unique move, Barney, unlike most orchestra leaders of his day, played the band's drums. The New Englanders gained a popular following on the East Coast. Barney eventually moved to Cleveland, Ohio, and then to Cincinnati. Once there, his band became a regional attraction, routinely getting their music played on the radio. The band eventually recorded several albums on RCA Victor and Bluebird. Among their early recordings is an MGM film short featuring the band.
The band toured the country in the 1930s and 1940s. Barney needed a vocalist and hired singer Ruby Wright. She became the featured singer with Barney’s band. The professional relationship between Barney and Ruby eventually turned personal and the two were married in 1937. The couple bought a nightclub in the Cincinnati area and named it the ‘The Sign of the Drum.’ Of course, Barney, Ruby, and the New Englanders often performed there.
Barney launched the careers of many artists who went on to achieve great fame: His most famous discovery was 14-year-old Doris Kappelhoff. Barney asked her name, and upon hearing it said: "It’s a very nice name but a little too long for the marquee outside." He suggested the name Doris Day after hearing her sing "Day After Day.” Doris replaced Barney’s wife Ruby as the band’s featured singer when Ruby became pregnant in 1939 • After hearing the teenage Clooney Sisters, Rosemary and Betty, sing on the radio in Cincinnati, Barney recommended the girls to bandleader Tony Pastor • Others who got their start with Rapp include actor Eddie Ryan and singer Barry Wood, who is best known for being Frank Sinatra's immediate predecessor as the lead male vocalist on ‘Your Hit Parade.’ Wood also performed with musician Buddy Rogers.
In the fall of 1956, Barney and Ruby started the ‘Reds' Rooters Fan Club.’ Waite Hoyt, Hall of Fame pitcher and Cincinnati Reds Radio Broadcaster, urged his friend Barney Rapp to promote a fan trip to Milwaukee to help root the Reds on to victory. Over 700 people traveled by train to cheer on their team. This was the beginning of the Red Rooters’ Club. Under the leadership of Barney, the Red Rooters’ Club took fans all over the world including every National League city, several American League cities, Japan, and Europe. Over 100,000 Rooters have traveled to root for the Reds.
Barney Rapp died on October 12th, 1970, at the age of 70. He is interred in Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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vintage-every-day · 9 months
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Rosemary Clooney was selected to be one of the inaugural inductees into the Kentucky Music Hall of Fame in 2002.
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byteofsoup · 1 year
Everyone knows davekat it's like yaoi hall of fame. Everyone knows rosemary cuz i think it's like on the wikipedia article for homestuck. People who have read even the first act know about pepsicola/johndave because they're two guys who talk. But it takes a homestuck connoisseur to be insane about vrisrezi
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deadlinecom · 10 months
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littleglasswalelu · 1 year
I Eat Men Like Air by Alice Berman
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Book Summary:
A lavish, snowy weekend in New Hampshire ends in tragedy - and, a few months later, one of the party-goers is found dead. As famed podcaster Tyler Carroll tries to discover the truth around Alex Sable's dramatic death, he turns to the native Upper East Siders who knew the billionaire's son best. Each of the six people Tyler is investigating has something to hide, and each has chosen a wildly different path: Lulu is an LA influencer, Maxie a Park Avenue Princess turned Chicago housewife, Will a status-obsessed lawyer, Rob a money-hungry trader, Yael a not-so-innocent ER doctor, and Alex himself a party boy with a penchant for darker trouble than even his friends knew. With the shadow of a fifteen-year-old crime hanging over Alex's life, Tyler delves deeply into the complex past that seems almost to have disappeared from memory, hoping to find any answers around who Alex was, alive and dead.
Link to Buy – Amazon
In Berman’s mystery novel, a true-crime podcaster immerses himself in the overprivileged world of a “despicable lot” after a member of the group dies in an apparent suicide.
Police detective Sean Strickland is assigned to the case of Alex Sable, the 30-year-old son of a billionaire who apparently committed suicide in the bathroom at his best friend’s wedding: “Of all times to kill yourself! It’s very selfish,” the wedding planner rails. “The best man. Do you know anyone who would do something like that?” Tyler, a popular podcaster who’s come to this part of New England to investigate the fentanyl epidemic, has questions and increasing suspicions about Alex’s death, which Strickland says could be suicide but also could be an accident or a homicide. Tyler talks with members of the wedding party and Alex’s friends, including Will and Jessica, the shattered bride and groom; famed Instagram influencer Lulu Swanson; Alex’s former high school classmate Maxie Stein-Golden; Rob, a trader, who’s “always just a few seconds late, a few meters short, a few words off”; and Yael, a “perfectly nice” doctor. Through these interactions, Tyler unearths the inevitable secrets and scandals that bind the group together and threaten to tear their lives apart. As Alex’s life comes more into focus, the question of whether his death was self-inflicted or inflicted by another remains elusive. Berman’s debut novel is an instantly addictive read. “Tyler found Alex Sable three hours after he had been declared dead” is the kind of opening upon which entire TV series have been launched, and the large cast of characters mostly avoids falling into whodunit clichés; Lulu, for example, makes Tyler “unnerved” when he finds his assumptions to be flawed: “She looked like she should say like every ten seconds and instead she dropped words like expound and maudlin.” Berman also drops in some fine literary references; the book’s title, for instance, comes from a Sylvia Plath poem. More Metropolitan than Gossip Girl, this novel makes for an entertaining spin on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous line that “the very rich…are different than you and me."
An intriguing whodunit with richly drawn characters.
Kirkus Review
About the Author:
Alice Berman is the New York City-based author of “I Eat Men Like Air." Hailing from Washington, D.C., Berman attended Choate Rosemary Hall in Connecticut and graduated with a degree in English Literature from the University of Pennsylvania.
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carmenvicinanza · 11 days
Estelle Ramey
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Le catene delle donne sono state forgiate dagli uomini, non dall’anatomia.
Estelle Ramey è stata l’endocrinologa e fisiologa passata alla storia per aver causato le dimissioni del leader del Partito Democratico Edgar Berman, confutando la sua affermazione che le donne non erano adatte a ricoprire alte cariche pubbliche a causa di “violenti squilibri ormonali“.
Nella sua brillante carriera ha ricevuto 14 lauree honoris causa e pubblicato oltre 150 articoli su riviste scientifiche e due libri.
È stata la prima donna a far parte del consiglio della facoltà di medicina dell’Università di Chicago. Ha fondato la Association for Women in Science (AWIS) e fatto parte del President’s Advisory Committee for Women.
Nel 1971, il suo racconto Male Cycles (They Have Them, Too) apparve nel primo numero di Ms. la più famosa e longeva rivista femminista americana.
Nata Estelle Rosemary Ramey, il 23 agosto 1917 a Detroit, è cresciuta a New York. A soli quindici anni aveva già terminato il college per poi laurearsi, a diciannove, in matematica e biologia al Brooklyn College.
Nel mezzo della Grande Depressione, le venne offerto un lavoro come docente presso il Dipartimento di Chimica del Queens College. Successivamente, ha conseguito il master in chimica fisica alla Columbia University.
Nel 1941 la sua domanda presso il Dipartimento di Chimica dell’Università del Tennessee venne respinta solo perché era una donna, le venne detto di tornare a casa a occuparsi di marito e figli. Venne richiamata durante la guerra, per insegnare chimica e termodinamica ai cadetti infermieri dell’aviazione. Dopo il conflitto, ottenne un dottorato in endocrinologia presso la facoltà di medicina dell’Università di Chicago e una borsa di studio dal Public Health Service degli Stati Uniti.
Ha lavorato nel campo del diabete mellito e condotto ricerche sulla relazione tra ghiandole e sistema nervoso e risposte allo stress, arrivando alla conclusione che gli uomini si trovano in una situazione ormonale naturale svantaggiata perché sono più inclini all’aggressività, muoiono prima delle donne e sono più inclini ad avere infarti e malattie cardiache. Ha spesso affermato, a mezzo stampa, che “la mascolinità è un fattore di rischio biologico”.
È stata professoressa emerita di fisiologia e biofisica della Georgetown University Medical School, dove ha svolto ricerche e insegnato fino alla fine dei suoi giorni.
Oltre alla sua ricerca e all’insegnamento ha fatto parte attiva del movimento per i diritti delle donne. 
Nel 1970, il politico e medico Edgar Berman, durante una sessione del Comitato per le Priorità Nazionali del Partito Democratico, respingendo un appello ad agire sui diritti delle donne, aveva affermato che le tempeste ormonali le rendevano inadatte a cariche elevate. 
Estelle Ramey rispose criticando le affermazioni di Berman, scrivendo di essere sbalordita nell’apprendere che gli ormoni ovarici sono tossici per le cellule cerebrali, menzionando il fatto che, durante la crisi missilistica cubana, il presidente John F. Kennedy, soffriva del morbo di Addison e che i suoi farmaci per quel grave disturbo ormonale erano in grado di causare gravi sbalzi d’umore. 
Il Women’s National Press Club ospitò un dibattito tra i due in cui lui aprì con la frase “Amo davvero le donne” a cui lei rispose “Così come Enrico VIII “. La conseguenza di questa diatriba in cui la scienziata ebbe la meglio, fu che Berman si dimise dal Comitato Democratico Nazionale e Ramey divenne un’importante oratrice pubblica sui diritti delle donne ospitata in tutti i più importanti consessi.
Tra le sue tante battaglie, ha condotto una campagna contro una casa editrice che utilizzava l’immagine di una spogliarellista nuda per illustrare l’anatomia.
È stata anche protagonista di un importante progetto di ricerca sulla storia orale della Columbia University.
Nel 1989 è stata inserita nella Maryland Women’s Hall of Fame e, dal 2000, è stato istituito il premio Estelle Ramey Mentorship Award al Georgetown University Medical Center.
Si è spenta l’8 settembre 2006 a Bethesda. Aveva 89 anni.
È stata una scienziata che ha contribuito a importanti studi e una femminista che, grazie al suo sapere, ha saputo tenere banco e confutare assurde teorie sessiste e discriminanti.
A chiosa del suo lavoro e impegno ha sostenuto: “Ho amato. E sono stata amata. E tutto il resto è musica di sottofondo“.
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glancieri · 24 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage CD’s 6/$8.00.
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designaday · 3 months
Ultimate Playlist: Women’s Names, R
Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac The song was inspired by the character of a Welsh woman who believed she was possessed by another woman name Rhiannon from the novel Triad. There’s also a goddess named Rhiannon in a Welsh story collection whom the lyrics of the song resemble.
Rio by Duran Duran In the song, Rio is a dancer compared to the Rio Grande river. The band explained that it was a metaphor for their desire to succeed in America.
Lovely Rita by The Beatles Paul wrote this song about an actual meter maid who gave him a parking ticket right outside of Abbey Road Studios Two.
Roberta by Billy Joel The protagonist is in love with a prostitute, but he can’t afford her. Joel said it’s based on a woman he knew in Los Angeles.
Mrs. Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel Originally written about Eleanor Roosevelt, Mike Nichols asked Paul to change it to “Mrs. Robinson” to be included in his 1967 film, The Graduate. The song won the 1969 Grammy for Record of the Year.
Help Me, Rhonda by The Beach Boys This is the story of a boy who fell in love with a girl who left him for another guy, and the boy begs his friend Rhonda to help him forget about her.
Sister Rosa by Slim This folk rock tune finds the singer at a bar where Rosa is on stage singing Moon River. I don’t remember where I came across it, but I love it. Keep on singin’, Rosa!
Rosalinda’s Eyes by Billy Joel Joel wrote this one as a hypothetical message to his mother Rosalind from his father Howard, who had left his family for Cuba.
Rosanna by Toto People thought the song was written about keyboardist Steve Porcaro’s girlfriend, the actress Rosanna Arquette, but it wasn’t about anyone in particular.
Rose’s Turn by June Styne & Stephen Sondheim, sung by Bette Midler From the Broadway show Gypsy, this song finds Mama Rose alone after all of her children have left to pursue their own careers. Everything’s coming up roses.
Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) by Edison Lighthouse Apparently people don’t think much of Rosemary, but the singer is infatuated with her.
Cracklin’ Rosie by Neil Diamond This song makes a lot more sense when you understand that it was inspired by a folk story of a native tribe in Northern Canada with more men than women. When they go out Saturday night, the guys without girls pick up a bottle of wine as their date or the weekend.
Roxanne by The Police Yet another song about a prostitute, this one has been inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame.
Roxie by John Kander & Fred Ebb, sung by Ann Reinking From the Broadway musical Chicago, the lead character Roxie Hart sings about her plans for a future career in vaudeville.
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wikiuntamed · 8 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Wednesday, 24th January
Welcome, mirë se vjen, tervetuloa, nuqneH 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 24th January through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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24th January 2019 🗓️ : Death - Rosemary Bryant Mariner Rosemary Bryant Mariner, American United States Naval Aviator (b. 1953) "Captain Rosemary Bryant Mariner (née Bryant; formerly Conatser; April 2, 1953 – January 24, 2019) was an American pilot and one of the first six women to earn their wings as a United States Naval Aviator in 1974. She was the first female military pilot to fly a tactical jet and the first to achieve..."
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Image by Naval History and Heritage Command
24th January 2014 🗓️ : Death - Shulamit Aloni Shulamit Aloni, Israeli lawyer and politician, 11th Israeli Minister of Education (b. 1928) "Shulamit Aloni (Hebrew: שולמית אלוני‎; 27 December 1928 – 24 January 2014) was an Israeli politician. She founded the Ratz party, was leader of the Meretz party, Leader of the Opposition from 1988 to 1990, and served as Minister of Education from 1992 to 1993. In 2000, she won the Israel Prize...."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Orrling
24th January 1974 🗓️ : Birth - Melissa Tkautz Melissa Tkautz, Australian actress and singer "Melissa Natalie Tkautz (born 24 January 1974) is an Australian actress, singer, model, and presenter. She played the role of Nikki Spencer on the popular Australian TV soap opera E Street, from September 1990 to May 1993. During the early 1990s she had a solo music career, performing mononymously as..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Eva Rinaldi
24th January 1924 🗓️ : Birth - Brian Bevan Brian Bevan, Australian rugby league player (d. 1991) "Brian Eyrl Bevan (24 January 1924 – 3 June 1991), also known by the nickname of "Wing Wizard", was an Australian professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s who became the only player ever to have been inducted into both the Australian Rugby League Hall of Fame and..."
24th January 1817 🗓️ : Event - Crossing of the Andes Crossing of the Andes: Many soldiers of Juan Gregorio de las Heras are captured during the action of Picheuta. "The Crossing of the Andes (Spanish: Cruce de los Andes) was one of the most important feats in the Argentine and Chilean wars of independence, in which a combined army of Argentine soldiers and Chilean exiles invaded Chile crossing the Andes range separating Argentina from Chile, leading to Chile's..."
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Image by Pedro Subercaseaux
24th January 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Felician of Foligno "Felician(us) of Foligno (Italian: San Feliciano di Foligno) (c. 160 – c. 250) is the patron saint of Foligno. ..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Cantalamessa
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bijoupreciieux · 8 months
an  updated  outline  of  valyria  gaunt's  career  from  age  18  to  30++ |  i  headcanon  that  some  muggle  shows  are  so  popular  they  find  their  way  to  the  wizarding  world;  depending  on  the  material  they  be  may  be  adapted  /  altered  to  fit  the  wizarding  world  better  (  ie  swapping  out  muggle  locations  for  wizarding  world  ones  )  though  not  always,  such  as  with  gentlemen  prefer  blondes  in  1969  which  is  kept  as  is.  i  don't  care  very  much  about  the  year  something  premiered  in actual  real  life  hence  why  phantom  of  the  opera  is  in  her  repetoire  despite  the  show  in  real  life  not  premiering  until  the  1980's.  i  also  headcanon  that  wicked  is  actually  originally  a  wizarding  world  play  that  found  it's  way  to  the  muggle  world. 
in  1965  an  eighteen  year  old  valyria  plays  christine  daae  in  the  phantom  of  the  opera,  she  plays  the  role  up  until  1967  when  she  passes  the  mantel  to  another  actress.  in  1967  -  1968  she  plays  margaux  in  magic  in  the  air  (  original  ).  immediately  followed  by  that  is  her  role  as  rosemary  in  three  brothers  (  original  )  &  glinda  upland  in  wicked  (  original  wink  wink  ).  from  1969  to  1971  valyria  aged  twenty-two  to  twenty  four  juggles  playing  the  role  of  lorelei  lee  in  gentlemen  prefer  blondes  and  working  on  her  own  original  music.  she  releases  her  first  album  "dragon's  daughter"  in  1969  and  "star  quality"  the  following  year  in  1970.  in  1971  a  few  months  after  she  finishes  playing  lorelei  lee,  gaunt  goes  on  her  first  solo  tour  around  wizarding  world  europe.
in  1972;  she  releases  "love,  val.  in  1974  she  releases  "songs  for  saturn."  her  second  tour  happens  in  1975  &  includes  mainly  songs  from  her  last  two  albums  but  with  a  few  songs  from  VG1  &  VG2  sprinkled  in.  the  two  tours  are  often  lovingly  referred  to  by  fans  as  the  dragon  tour  &  the  saturn  tour. 
awards  &  accolades:  won  a  golden  note  at  the  harmony  awards  (  basically  the  tony  awards  but  wizarding  world  version  )  for  her  portrayal  of  christine  daae  for  best  leading  actress  in  a  musical  (  nominated  later  for  rosemary  and  glinda  as  well  but  lost  )  and  for  lorelei  lee  for  best  supporting  actress  in  a  musical.
for  her  first  album  she  was  nominated  for  record/album  of  the  year  at  the  everglade  music  awards  &  for  female  artist  of  the  year  and  song  of  the  year;  she  lost  the  first  two  but  won  the  third.  her  second  album  however  won  her  both  record  of  the  year  and  female  artist  of  the  year.  her  third  album  won  her  song  of  the  year,  and  her  fourth  earned  her  album  of  the  year.
in  1971  at  age  twenty-four  she  gets  her  own  chocolate  frog  card.  the  description  being  as  follows: 
valyria  astrea  gaunt;  the  daughter  of  famed  father  of  dragonology  and  head  of  the  sacred  twenty-eight  rhaegar  gaunt  &  of  renowned  ballet  star  adelaide  gaunt and rider of meraxes; a hebedrian black known as the winged shadow.   valyria  has  made  a  home  in  the  hearts  of  many  magic  folk  with  a  love  for  music  and  theater,  wowing  audiences and critics alike in  such  beloved  plays  like  the  phantom  of  the  opera  as  christine  daae  at just eighteen and  the  three  brothers  as  rosemary.  now,  she  continues  to  enchant  &  enthrall  audiences  with  her  original  music.  valyria  is  an  impressive  talent  with  a  voice  that  angels  surely  must  be  envious  of.  
when  valyria  is  in  her  fifties  -  sixties  she'll  be  given  a  everglade  hall  of  fame  award  &  a  everglade  legends  award.  she'll  also  recieve  a  diamond  note  for  significant  achievement  in  theater  around  her  fifties  as  well. 
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heavenboy09 · 1 year
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
1 Of The Oldest Living Actresses In Her Era
Born On September 19th, 1927
She is an English🇬🇧 actress. She is the recipient of such accolades as a Primetime Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Tony Award, in addition to nominations for an Academy Award and a BAFTA Award. In 1986, Harris was inducted into the American Theater Hall of Fame.
Harris began her stage career in 1948, before making her Broadway debut in 1952. For her New York stage work, she is a four-time Drama Desk Award winner and nine-time Tony Award nominee, winning the Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play in 1966 for The Lion in Winter. On television, she won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie for the BBC serial Notorious Woman, and the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress – Television Series Drama for the miniseries Holocaust (1978). In film, Harris portrayed Aunt May in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man (2002), Spider-Man 2 (2004), and Spider-Man 3 (2007). For her performance in Tom & Viv (1994), Harris received multiple nominations for the role, including Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.
Please Wish This Legendary English🇬🇧 Actress Of The Original Spider-Man 🕷 Trilogy A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
You Know Her & You Have To Love Her. Period
The 1 & Only
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HAPPY 96TH BIRTHDAY 🎂 TO YOU MS. HARRIS & HERE'S TO YOU SEEING 100 #RosemaryHarris #AuntMay #SpiderMan2002
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mitchbeck · 1 year
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By: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - For the Hartford Wolf Pack and their parent organization, the New York Rangers, the lazy, hazy summer days are winding down. The teams are two weeks away from training camp opening in Tarrytown, NY and then the Wolf Pack training camp at the XL Center starts a couple of weeks later.  There are still moves being made in the hockey world. The Rangers have hired Angela Ruggiero (Choate Rosemary Hall-Wallingford) to join Peter Laviolette’s coaching staff as a Hockey Operations Adviser. No clear reporting on what her responsibilities will be. Rangers President Chris Drury (Trumbull) and she were both selected and entered the US Hockey Hall of Fame together with the Class of 2015. Ruggerio played for several US Women's Olympic teams and won a gold, two silvers, and a bronze medal. She earned four gold medals and six silvers in international World Championship action. In 1999, the Harvard grad with an MBA degree won a national title with the Crimson, and the defenseman won the Patty Kazmier Award as the top college female hockey athlete in 2004. She played for two women’s professional leagues in her active playing days. She was part of the CWHL (Canadian Women’s Hockey League) and the WWHL (Western Women’s Hockey League) during her 11-year career. Ruggerio retired in 2011. She has been involved in the business side of hockey since then. Hiring Ruggerio is part of the overall revamping of the Rangers coaching staff. HARTFORD CONNECTED ATHLETES MAKING MOVES Casey Torres, an ex-Pack assistant coach for one year and who was out of hockey last year, is back in. was named the assistant coach for the Windsor Spitfires (OHL). After a year off from hockey, ex-Pack Peter Holland signs with the Colorado Avalanche organization and will likely be skating with the Colorado Eagles next season. Holland last played in Sweden two years ago. Holland was traded from the Wolf Pack in 2018-19, a week after then-captain Cole Schneider. The belief is that Schneider was dealt because of the manner in which he tried to motivate then rookie, and now an unsigned ex-Pack, Libor Hájek. Apparently, Schneider's actions angered former Wolf Pack head coach Keith McCambridge, who is now an assistant coach with the Bakersfield Condors. Ex-Pack Jake Elmer dissolves his contract with Odense in Denmark and signs with the Dundee Stars (Scotland-EIHL) for next season. Jeff Heil was a backup goaltender for 11 games during the Wolf Pack's first season. His son Caleb, also a goalie, is involved in the game. He played for the Sioux City (SD) U-16 AAA (T1EHL) team and nine games for the Sioux Falls Stampede (USHL) last season and has verbally committed to play in two years at the University of North Dakota (NCHC). Jabez Seymour, a Newfoundland native from the Selects Academy program at South Kent Prep-SKP U-15 team last year, signed with the Baie-Comeau Drakkar, who drafted him in the first-round 18th overall in the June QMJHL Draft. After six years as a head coach for Kootenay/Winnipeg Ice (WHL), ex-Whaler/Ranger James Patrick signed to be the new Director of Player Development for the Victoria Royals (WHL). The team in Winnipeg was sold to a group of the Wenatchee (WA) Wild, who moved up from the Junior A level BCHL to the major junior WHL. One of the players to start the year there will be Easton Armstrong, who is the youngest son of ex-Pack legend Derek Armstrong. He'll play his overage year to start with Wild. After four years as the Northern Ontario Scout for Kingston Frontenacs (OHL), ex-Sound Tiger Brent Gauvreau returns to his hometown as an assistant coach with the Sudbury Wolves (OHL). AHL signings to Europe now stand at 76. The latest, Alex Galchenyuk, leaves the Colorado Eagles (AHL) for SKA St. Petersburg (Russia-KHL). Sweden leads in the signees department with 30. Maxim Barbashev, who was in the Wolf Pack house late last season when his junior season ended but never played a game, was involved in a pre-season QMJHL trade as he was moved from the Moncton Wildcats and will play his third season with the Shawinigan Cataractes. Ex-Pack Josh Nicholls leaves Kunlun Red Star (China-KHL) for a second time and signs with the Sheffield Steelers (England-EIHL). SIGNINGS/TRANSFERS The college to pro signings North America/Europe, and the transfer in-school and graduate continues. North America first, Hockey East leads all conferences with 38, and the NCHC conference has 37. The Big Ten and the CCHA each have 34, the ECACHL 25, and the AHA 21. Division III is at 32, and attending Canadian colleges four and undergrads departing early is 39. Independent Division I schools now have 14, signed in Europe is 62, and returning to American junior hockey is two. Surprisingly, none have yet to come from Canadian major juniors. The total number stands at 301. The transfers collegiately have exploded in-school is 102 and graduate 68. UCONN UCONN finally announced its official incoming class for the college hockey season. Ethan Haider is a post-grad goaltender from Clarkson. He is expected to split time with the returning Arsenii Sergeev (Calgary). Another grad transfer will be Ryan Mashie of RPI (ECACHL). Incoming freshmen will feature Oliver Flynn (Wolcott/CT Chiefs (AYHL)/Loomis Chafee Prep-Windsor). Forward Joey Muldowney, D Owen Simpson, and Bauer Swift (West Hartford/Choate Rosemary Hall-Wallingford). Swift has an older brother (Cooper) and younger brother (Easton) involved in hockey and are both named after a hockey equipment brand. Rayen Petrovický, the son of former Hartford Whaler and Ranger Róbert Petrovický, elects to sign with VHK Vestin (Czechia (Czech Republic-Division-II) for 2023-24. It took just two days for ex-Yale Bulldog Ken Agostino’s one-year deal with Skellefteå AIK (Sweden-SHL) to be terminated. The team said it received backlash for signing someone who played in Russia for the last two years with the ongoing war in Ukraine. He played on the 2022 US Olympic squad at the Beijing Games. Howlings previously reported on the strange anomaly of current and ex-North American players signing deals with KHL clubs despite the war and public declaration that the NHL wanted nothing to do with Russia, where no transfer agreement exists. A long line of players behind Agostino have all done the same thing. Per Elite Prospects.com, as of last week, 53 North Americans are in the KHL, 39 Canadians, 15 Americans, and 22 players from EU nations are listed in the KHL. Russian and European training camps are about to end as their regular season starts next month. Will other EU clubs announce their rescinding any dealings with any of these players or others? Wolcott native Nick DiNicola, who played youth hockey for the CT Jr. Wolves (AYHL), CT Clippers (AYHL), Hartford Jr. Wolf Pack (ATJHL), CT (Stamford) Yankees (USPHL-Premier) then under the direction of ex-Wolf Pack/Sound Tiger Jeff Hamilton (Yale University & AOF) and had five games with the Danbury Hat Tricks (FPHL) leaves Como (Italy Division-2) for Chiavenna (Italy Division-3) for next season. By the way, Hamilton has owned the CT Jr. Rangers (NCDC) for the last two years and is out as owner. He was involved with the Mid-Fairfield Rangers U-14 team as head coach last year. Five ex-Whalers were at the golf club at Avon Country Club last weekend for a charity event. They included Ron Francis, Ulf Samuelsson, Mike  Liut, Dave Tippett, and Joel Quenneville. The tournament was named, honoring Quinneville's late nephew Connor Scott Zieky. None of them made it to the Yard Goats Whaler Day last month. The Yard Goats official assistant GM, Dean Zappolorti, said Francis informed him he would come next year and help him recruit other players to attend. If that happens and Pat Boutette gets Mike Rogers and Blaine Stoughton to return, it will be a home run (pun intended) next year. Ex-Pack Domenic Moore is playing in the Over-40 Senior Canadian Tennis Championships. During the hockey season, he works as an Analyst for ESPN. An NHL source regarding the Phoenix situation. “It’s a mess. We hear that they're looking to secure land now, but they have to get something soon. It’s become an embarrassment…a sore point for the league, a  black eye. The player’s association is unhappy, they’re losing money and owners are getting tired of spending money to keep them going. Sooner or later, something has to give, soon, it just can’t keep going on like this. When a kid like (Logan) Cooley, a next generation likely NHL star, signs reluctantly, leaving a larger arena he had in college (Minnesota) for a smaller one in Arizona, that they’re not even selling out, things have to get done in short order. They’re gonna have to move them most likely if they don’t nail things down soon.” HARTFORD WOLF PACK HOME Read the full article
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I Eat Men Like Air by Alice Berman
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Book Summary:
A lavish, snowy weekend in New Hampshire ends in tragedy - and, a few months later, one of the party-goers is found dead. As famed podcaster Tyler Carroll tries to discover the truth around Alex Sable's dramatic death, he turns to the native Upper East Siders who knew the billionaire's son best. Each of the six people Tyler is investigating has something to hide, and each has chosen a wildly different path: Lulu is an LA influencer, Maxie a Park Avenue Princess turned Chicago housewife, Will a status-obsessed lawyer, Rob a money-hungry trader, Yael a not-so-innocent ER doctor, and Alex himself a party boy with a penchant for darker trouble than even his friends knew. With the shadow of a fifteen-year-old crime hanging over Alex's life, Tyler delves deeply into the complex past that seems almost to have disappeared from memory, hoping to find any answers around who Alex was, alive and dead.
 Link to Buy – Amazon
In Berman’s mystery novel, a true-crime podcaster immerses himself in the overprivileged world of a “despicable lot” after a member of the group dies in an apparent suicide.
Police detective Sean Strickland is assigned to the case of Alex Sable, the 30-year-old son of a billionaire who apparently committed suicide in the bathroom at his best friend’s wedding: “Of all times to kill yourself! It’s very selfish,” the wedding planner rails. “The best man. Do you know anyone who would do something like that?” Tyler, a popular podcaster who’s come to this part of New England to investigate the fentanyl epidemic, has questions and increasing suspicions about Alex’s death, which Strickland says could be suicide but also could be an accident or a homicide. Tyler talks with members of the wedding party and Alex’s friends, including Will and Jessica, the shattered bride and groom; famed Instagram influencer Lulu Swanson; Alex’s former high school classmate Maxie Stein-Golden; Rob, a trader, who’s “always just a few seconds late, a few meters short, a few words off”; and Yael, a “perfectly nice” doctor. Through these interactions, Tyler unearths the inevitable secrets and scandals that bind the group together and threaten to tear their lives apart. As Alex’s life comes more into focus, the question of whether his death was self-inflicted or inflicted by another remains elusive. Berman’s debut novel is an instantly addictive read. “Tyler found Alex Sable three hours after he had been declared dead” is the kind of opening upon which entire TV series have been launched, and the large cast of characters mostly avoids falling into whodunit clichés; Lulu, for example, makes Tyler “unnerved” when he finds his assumptions to be flawed: “She looked like she should say like every ten seconds and instead she dropped words like expound and maudlin.” Berman also drops in some fine literary references; the book’s title, for instance, comes from a Sylvia Plath poem. More Metropolitan than Gossip Girl, this novel makes for an entertaining spin on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous line that “the very rich…are different than you and me."
An intriguing whodunit with richly drawn characters.
Kirkus Review
  About the Author:
Alice Berman is the New York City-based author of “I Eat Men Like Air." Hailing from Washington, D.C., Berman attended Choate Rosemary Hall in Connecticut and graduated with a degree in English Literature from the University of Pennsylvania.
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mariahcaarey · 1 year
I Eat Men Like Air by Alice Berman
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Book Summary:
A lavish, snowy weekend in New Hampshire ends in tragedy - and, a few months later, one of the party-goers is found dead. As famed podcaster Tyler Carroll tries to discover the truth around Alex Sable's dramatic death, he turns to the native Upper East Siders who knew the billionaire's son best. Each of the six people Tyler is investigating has something to hide, and each has chosen a wildly different path: Lulu is an LA influencer, Maxie a Park Avenue Princess turned Chicago housewife, Will a status-obsessed lawyer, Rob a money-hungry trader, Yael a not-so-innocent ER doctor, and Alex himself a party boy with a penchant for darker trouble than even his friends knew. With the shadow of a fifteen-year-old crime hanging over Alex's life, Tyler delves deeply into the complex past that seems almost to have disappeared from memory, hoping to find any answers around who Alex was, alive and dead.
 Link to Buy – Amazon
In Berman’s mystery novel, a true-crime podcaster immerses himself in the overprivileged world of a “despicable lot” after a member of the group dies in an apparent suicide.
Police detective Sean Strickland is assigned to the case of Alex Sable, the 30-year-old son of a billionaire who apparently committed suicide in the bathroom at his best friend’s wedding: “Of all times to kill yourself! It’s very selfish,” the wedding planner rails. “The best man. Do you know anyone who would do something like that?” Tyler, a popular podcaster who’s come to this part of New England to investigate the fentanyl epidemic, has questions and increasing suspicions about Alex’s death, which Strickland says could be suicide but also could be an accident or a homicide. Tyler talks with members of the wedding party and Alex’s friends, including Will and Jessica, the shattered bride and groom; famed Instagram influencer Lulu Swanson; Alex’s former high school classmate Maxie Stein-Golden; Rob, a trader, who’s “always just a few seconds late, a few meters short, a few words off”; and Yael, a “perfectly nice” doctor. Through these interactions, Tyler unearths the inevitable secrets and scandals that bind the group together and threaten to tear their lives apart. As Alex’s life comes more into focus, the question of whether his death was self-inflicted or inflicted by another remains elusive. Berman’s debut novel is an instantly addictive read. “Tyler found Alex Sable three hours after he had been declared dead” is the kind of opening upon which entire TV series have been launched, and the large cast of characters mostly avoids falling into whodunit clichés; Lulu, for example, makes Tyler “unnerved” when he finds his assumptions to be flawed: “She looked like she should say like every ten seconds and instead she dropped words like expound and maudlin.” Berman also drops in some fine literary references; the book’s title, for instance, comes from a Sylvia Plath poem. More Metropolitan than Gossip Girl, this novel makes for an entertaining spin on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous line that “the very rich…are different than you and me."
An intriguing whodunit with richly drawn characters. 
Kirkus Review
  About the Author:
Alice Berman is the New York City-based author of “I Eat Men Like Air." Hailing from Washington, D.C., Berman attended Choate Rosemary Hall in Connecticut and graduated with a degree in English Literature from the University of Pennsylvania.
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