grrl-beetle · 11 months
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Zoey: Traveler’s Robe
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Designer’s Reflection: Traveler’s Robe
Obtained: Diamond Arena season 3
Rarity: UR
Attribute: Gold/Elegant
Awakened Suit: Traveler’s Brocade
Story - transcripts from Designer’s Reflection
Chapter 1 - Bait the Snake
Chapter 2 - Showtime
Chapter 3 - Cloudcrest Tour
Chapter 4 - Empty City
Chapter 5 - Target, Lodden
Story - summarized
There is a spy in Rosset. Zoey built this city to be secure, so having a traitor in her midst is infuriating. She creates a fake secret file to see who tries to run off with it. It doesn’t take her long to find the traitor - but she is shocked to learn the traitor is working for Qin Yi.
Zoey decides to visit Cloudcrest. The Neverfall Troupe is expecting her, and they lead her to their theater. The play starts - she is furious that Qin Yi wrote an entire play based after her loss to Mercury. How did he find out?
During intermission, she goes to find Qin Yi. He tells her that he admires her and just wants a friendship with her. She hates his manipulative attitude and leaves.
While inspecting the city, Zoey learns a bit more about Qin Yi’s past. Now that she is armed with one of his secrets, she feels ready to face him again. That night, she returns to the theater. Half her soldiers she leaves outside in case anyone tries to escape the theater, and half her soldiers follow her inside in case of an ambush.
The only one inside is Qin Yi, sitting on a stage, playing chess. He insists that all he wants is an alliance with her. He wants to give her information on Mercury’s hideout, and in return he wants resources from the Justiciars. Zoey agrees.
The Justiciars return to Rosset, and Zoey starts scheming to infiltrate Mercury’s auction gala at Lodden. Despite this shaky alliance with Neverfall Troupe, she hates two things: being manipulated and others finding out her secrets. She will not hesitate to get rid of Qin Yi if needed.
-In her Reflection for Gold Gilt Dream, Zoey reveals that there were two reasons for her infiltrating Mercury’s gala. Whether or not they got Leonid’s manuscript, she still wanted to get the plans for Mercury’s secret base on New Wing Island.
-This takes place before Zoey meets Nikki in game.
-Zoey tells Qin Yi that she knows about his mother. So far, Qin Yi’s Reflections have shown him trying to get away from her and her neglectful ways... but Zoey confirms in this moment that he still cares about her.
Fun Facts
-Zoey usually charges ahead in her missions, but here she has to learn a different tactic to dealing with Qin Yi’s mind games.
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mulherama · 10 months
New Post has been published on Dicas De Mulher
New Post has been published on http://dicasdemulher.tk/2023/12/cinco-dicas-para-proteger-os-cabelos-nos-dias-quentes/
Cinco dicas para proteger os cabelos nos dias quentes
Com a chegada do verão, começam a chegar também os convites para ir à praia, piscina, tomar banho de sol e passear ao ar livre. O calor é convidativo para sair de casa e aproveitar as atividades ao ar livre, mas isso exige preparo.
Além dos cuidados com o corpo, os cabelos merecem uma atenção especial nessa estação. Durante essa época, os fios tendem a danificar com mais frequência.
Por isso, Ana Paula Coutrim, consultora de treinamento técnico da Fast Escova, maior rede de escovarias da América Latina, traz algumas dicas de como cuidar dos cabelos durante essa estação.
Hidratação: Assim como nosso corpo, por conta do calor excessivo, o cabelo pode ficar muito desidratado, retirando a umidade natural dos fios, deixando-o mais quebradiços e sem força. Para ajudar, uma dica é incorporar máscaras de hidratação na rotina capilar, por pelo menos duas vezes por semana, dependendo de quão seco seus fios já são. Essas máscaras de hidratação tem o poder de nutrir o cabelo e trazer de volta o brilho natural.
Proteja-se do sol: Outro importante fator que ocorre por conta do sol é a queima dos fios e do couro cabeludo, principalmente em cabelos com tons mais claros ou tingidos, que também acabam se desbotando mais facilmente. Para se proteger, utilize produtos capilares com proteção UV e evite exposição excessiva ao sol. Acessórios como chapéus, lenços e bonés podem ser grandes aliados nesse momento e ainda contribuir bastante para o look. Mas atenção, caso tenha entrado na água e o cabelo esteja molhado, busque secar antes de colocar qualquer acessório na cabeça, pois podem abafar os fios e causar caspas.
Mergulho: Para quem gosta de entrar na água, seja na piscina ou no mar, é importante tomar alguns cuidados, pois a água salgada pode potencializar ainda mais o ressecamento dos fios. Já na piscina, além de também desnutrir o cabelo, por ter alguns produtos químicos na água, podem mudar a cor de cabelos tingidos para um tom mais esverdeado. Dessa forma, para cuidar disso, busque enxaguar com água doce depois de dar o mergulho, seja na praia ou na piscina e penteie os cabelos junto com alguma água termal ou leave-in, que ajuda a desembaraçar os fios e trazer a nutrição que precisa.
Hora do banho: Não é ideal lavar o cabelo todos os dias, mas em época de extremo calor e idas à praia e piscina, não tem como ficar sem. Por isso procure usar produtos mais leves, formulados para uso frequente, pois são geralmente suaves e menos propensos a causar ressecamento. Além disso, evite produtos com petrolato, pois criam uma barreira nos fios, impedindo a absorção de nutrientes.
Evite contato com ferramentas de calor: Por fim, o calor excessivo pode danificar os cabelos, e como o calor é intenso o dia inteiro, usar secadores, chapinhas e babyliss, podem prejudicar ainda mais o cabelo. Aproveite as temperaturas altas para deixar secar naturalmente, ou use protetores térmicos capilares para não sofrer com os danos. Penteados de cabelos com tranças também podem ajudar a definir mais os fios e protegê-los.
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random-brushstrokes · 4 months
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Édouard Rosset-Granger - Self-portrait with the scarer (ca. 1893)
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jerytoon21 · 2 months
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PotD_2118_BelAmi : Kevin Warhol + Todd Rosset
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thewhisperofzagreus · 9 months
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Orpheus, 1884 - oil on canvas. — Édouard Rosset-Granger (France, 1853–1934)
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"Sword Singer's Redoubt"
Loading screen art for The Elder Scrolls: Online
Art by Loanne Rosset
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peaceinthestorm · 1 year
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Paul Édouard Rosset-Granger (1853-1934, French) ~ La mariée en prière, s/d
[Source: MutualArt]
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lisamarie-vee · 1 month
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feraltwinkseb · 1 year
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March 7, 1996 -Melbourne, Australia Source:: Pascal Rondeau/Allsport
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corrupted-spire-au · 10 months
Berry and pizzahead get a room
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chantssecrets · 15 days
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James Baldwin, Author by Lisa Rosset
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Chapter 5: Target, Lodden
Narrated by Zoey.
Narrator: In Rosset, we are deploying elites to go to Lodden Hotel.
Narrator: It’s worth mentioning that we brought a man from Qin Yi’s organization for communication.
Choose “Take caution.”
You: Be careful around him.
Zoey: You don’t have to worry.
Corleone: Commander, can we trust Qin Yi?
Narrator: I give no answer because I’m still waiting to see what’s going to happen.
Narrator: But as long as he’s Mercury’s enemy, he’s my friend.
Narrator: I can afford to lose everything else.
Zoey: Corleone, can you go to the training ground with me?
Corleone: Okay. You’ve been tired lately. It’s good to go outside.
Narrator: On the training ground, Corleone and I shoot while talking about yesterday.
Corleone: Commander, it was very dangerous last night. I was worried about what might happen. Weren’t you afraid of an ambush?
Zoey: What good is it for him to be my enemy? He wants money and power while I have both.
Zoey: Money is essential for a huge gamble.
Corleone: You’re right.
Narrator: Bang! I hit the target.
Narrator: A voice shouts from a distance, “Bull’s eye!”
Narrator: My gun shoots a hole precisely in the center.
Zoey: Qin Yi looks like an actor, but he is more like a businessman who loves to make deals.
Narrator: He trades for profits.
Zoey: He can’t afford the loss, so he won’t gamble.
Corleone: What about you?
Zoey: Me? I enjoy gambling.
Narrator: Qin Yi’s smiling face and the gently unfolding fan suddenly appear in my mind.
Narrator: Then there is another gunshot, and the bullet passes through the hole I just shot.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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senig-fandom · 11 months
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Me estoy haciendo bien wey :v
Aunque es mas porque estoy trabajando y para no estresarme dibujo cualquier cosa.
Team Rose
A estos tres ya los había dibujando antes, así que porque no ponerlos de nuevo, tal vez luego ponga el final de esta imagen, pero despues, que ando haciendo cositas de mi trabajo verdadero, no el del personal :D
Y si, soy AmyRoseFanSimp, por lo cual la amo en todas sus versiones, y para completar mi enfermiza mente la dibujo en GB jejejeje.
Bueno, eso seria todo, Espero y les guste
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random-brushstrokes · 8 months
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Édouard Rosset-Granger - The Bride at Prayer (ca. 1907)
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jerytoon21 · 2 years
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PotD_1076a_HowardRoffman : Todd Rosset
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