jule1122 · 2 years
March Meta - Greg Manes
My first real meta so be gentle:)
My favorite minor character is Greg.  I mean what’s not to love about Greg?
He’s kind
He’s handsome and sexy
He gives great hugs
He’s a badass when he needs to be
Feel free to tell me all the reasons you love Greg.
For me it all starts with the hug.  The hug with Alex in 2x10 is by far my favorite moment of the season.  The whole scene is so important to me because of what it tells us about Alex and how Greg is really trying with him.  He knows what he wants for Alex and what Alex needs to do, but he also recognizes that Alex can’t do it alone.  He acknowledges Alex’s abuse at the hands of Jesse more directly than other characters have, and tries to take some of the burden living with that from Alex: If you can forgive him, you should. Cast off the stone. Let me hate him for you. I owe you that much.
I think many people would tell Alex not to forgive Jesse, to keep hating him, but that takes a toll on Alex, and Greg is willing to take some of that weight for him.  And then he gives Alex the best hug in Roswell history.
One thing I noticed when thinking about this meta is how Greg takes his cues from Alex.  He waits until Alex approaches him and brings up Jesse before saying anything.  He reaches out to shake Alex’s hand and lets Alex decide he’s ready for the hug.  It’s obvious how much Greg cares, but he doesn’t push Alex.  Alex is the one to mention the drive to Roswell isn’t that bad, opening the door for Greg to visit him. And once Alex invites him into his life, he is a consistent presence.
Let’s talk briefly about CrashCon.  Greg’s whole focus is on doing the one thing he thinks he failed to do in the part - protect Alex.  Both physically protecting Alex from Jesse, but also protecting Michael so Alex doesn’t have to live through the tool shed again.  Side note I would love to know how and when Greg learned about Alex and Michael and just how much he knows.  More importantly, when he kills Jesse, Greg is following through on the promise he made to Alex.  We know Alex is capable of killing Jesse and would have done it to save Michael, but it would have been another trauma between them.  And something Alex may not have been able to get past.  Greg takes this burden both to protect Alex like he wishes he had and also to keep Alex from living with the emotional consequences of killing Jesse.  He tells Alex: I should have defended you from him a long time ago.  Greg defended him the best way he could be removing Jesse permanently as a physical threat.
And while I wish we had a hundred more scenes with Greg and Alex, the one we did get in Season 3 was wonderful.  Again we see the benefit of Alex talking to someone who has known him his whole life, who lived in that house with him and who loves him.  Jesse is dead, but Greg can see that he still has a hold over Alex, that even without Alex knowing it, he has been trying to beat Jesse by being a better version of him.  Well, then, you should've joined the Navy, or the Marines or even the Army. When you joined the Air Force, you were following in his footsteps.  He’s not being critical, but pointing out the flawed thinking in that decision so Alex can start really moving forward.  His final piece of advice to Alex is one I think we really see play out in the rest of the season:  Stop listening to Dad's voice in your head and start listening to your own.  
I love Greg for his heart and his insight.  I hope Season 4 brings us more Greg and Alex scenes.  If nothing else we deserve to see his reaction to Alex being happy with Michael.
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[Image description:
The camera pans slowly across a desk in a home office scattered with books. A person is sitting at the desk (head out of frame) with their hands resting on the surface, writing on a notepad. There are shelves filled with books and a leather easy chair in the background. The text across the center of the gif reads “Roswell, New Mexico March for Meta March 14-18, 2022″.
End description.]
Calling all couch critics!
We are asking you to put on your analyst hat and share your meta thoughts on everyone’s favorite alien drama. The prompts are made with analysis in mind but all contributions are welcome. Tag your posts with #roswellmarchformeta2022 or #rnmmarchformeta2022 in the first five tags and we’ll reblog them here. Or just tag us in the post!
No meta is too small or too long, but we will not be reblogging posts with added commentary so if you want to riff you should create your own. The more the merrier! We will be tagging for triggers, and any post that contains explicit character/ship/creator hate (especially those with slurs or blatant racism/queerphobia) will not be reblogged.
March 14, Day 1 | The minor fall Minor characters: Who is your favorite minor character? Which one do you think could serve the story better if they were a major player? Why? Is there one from previous seasons you’d like to see again? What’s your favorite scene or line featuring a minor character? Is there a moment with a minor character that made you realize or rethink something about the main story? What was it?
March 15, Day 2 | The main event Main characters: Who is your favorite main character? Best antagonist? Protagonist? Anti-hero or morally grey character? Why? Which character has had the most development? The best development? In what ways? Is there a scene or a line you think best represents a character or their development? What does a character’s choice of profession tell us about them? 
March 16, Day 3 | Dy-no-mite Dynamics: What is your favorite overall character dynamic? Romantic? Platonic? Familial? Adversarial? Comedic? Why? What’s a scene or line you feel best represents that dynamic? What’s a dynamic that’s changed? A dynamic you would like to see more of? Two (or more) characters that we haven’t seen together but should? Why?
March 17, Day 4 | Set dressing Costumes/Props/Sets: What does a character’s costume say about them? What does their living space? Their car? Is there an accessory they wear that means something? What is it? What is the space they spend the most time in, what does it look like, and what does that tell us?
March 18, Day 5 | I've connected two dots Free day/pet crack theory: Explain a plot hole; connect (existing?) dots; invent a conspiracy; justify a headcanon; predict the future; break the fourth wall and talk about shots, angles, lighting, music, locations, or references to other media; explore the road not traveled with scrapped scenes/lines from behind-the-scenes sources; let loose!
Find a list of trigger tags HERE, find a more extensive explanation on non-trigger tags HERE, find reasons your post may not be on the blog HERE, and find suggestions for contributions that do not involve actually writing meta (fics, fanvids, art, playlists, and gifsets) HERE.
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
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Liz and Heath are mirror images of each other, opposite and the same, enough so that it’s a cold slap in the face for both of their characters. Redirecting their development and putting each other back on track when and where it matters. The writers use them not as a serious romantic possibility for each other, but the final push they both needed to do what they knew they needed to all along. Their romantic relationship was a stepping stone to keep them involved in each other’s lives. Their brief romantic entanglement set the grounds for them to help each other refined themselves. This mirror forced them to look at themselves, seeing their positive and negative sides through each other.
Both of their characters struggle with not being good enough, fighting to create meaning in their lives and to accomplish enough to matter. Something that both their respective aliens try to help them realize, they don’t need to change the world to be worth something, because they are worth more than their accomplishments. Which ironically they both echo to each other, even while not believing it could be applicable to themselves. For example Liz struggles with the obvious issue of her mother, the continuous struggle of a child to be seen and loved by their parents. This she even admits herself throughout the seasons. That so many of her decisions and her drive to create and accomplish career milestones is influenced by this. To the point she has an underlying fear that it’s because not in-spite of the way her mother was part of her life growing up. While Heath’s drive comes from a similar if not different area of life. The viewers know very little about his backstory, except where it involves Dallas. The short glimpses we see focus on Heath’s mission to save Dallas, him citing that he will never amount to anything except failing. That this fear echoes in the back of his head. One that Jones draws in when he captures him and Liz in 3x11, telling Heath “your best chance of survival is to impress me”. Because Heath feels like he can’t be good enough, whether it’s to save Dallas or just be allowed to exist in his own space. This creates a powerful drive on par with Liz’s, since we know he’s roughly the same age as the rest of the cast {28} and has two PHD’s. An accomplishment big enough that those voices should have been stilled, except the PHD’s were stepping stones. Heath only amounting to them in his desperate struggle to keep Dallas alive. So in their drives and fears they match, enough so that when Heath is working with Jones that is what brings him to their side. Liz making an emotional appeal about their sameness, able to recognize in him parts of her. Max even remarking to her that Heath’s mistakes aren’t her own.
They are both trying to save aliens from the after affects of their own biology, lost in a tragic story of love and loss. They both have too much heart and sacrifice everything for their people, nothing is too big to go on the line (except of course not experimenting with their DNA). This is what Liz uses to actually reach out to Heath, correlating his mission and drive to save Dallas to her mission to save Maria. The parallels and breakthroughs they both have made and continue to make in the science field impressive, yet when Max and Dallas are in the line they some how turn that dial up. Both able to break through and think more clearly when the stakes get high, which for them is the alien they love being in the line. And in the moment where Heath has to choose he remembers who he is, why he wants to save Dallas and what that means to him. Since Liz mirrors his own struggles and desperations, he is able to see himself as he is. The realization that he is selling his soul to the ‘devil’ in hopes of accomplishing something he had never before. But here Liz was, having lived his story last season (except her hope had been completely demolished with Max dead). This appeal worked, the promise of the two of them figuring it out together. With the evidence he had gathered on Liz’s miraculous resurrection of the previous year. Knowing without a shadow of a doubt that she was a genius and could follow through on her promises, but do so with heart, which Jones had proven he didn’t have.
Time and time again throughout season three these two bounce off each other in the best way. They manage to have the tough conversations and make each other face their own hard truths. While building each other up. Their conversation in 3x12 displaying how they can see each other’s faults, level each other with harsh truths, but still manage to see and point out each other’s positive traits. Finding the silver linings of each other and therefore themselves.
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“Either way, you are a hero to the people in this building. And, quite honestly, a round of margaritas with them kind of sounds better than a prize - on some shelf that has to be dusted.”
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jule1122 · 2 years
March for Meta - My favorite Malex songs
No surprise my favorite dynamic is Malex.  One of my favorite ways to think about Malex is through music. Music and Malex are completely linked for me.  I can find a Malex connection to almost any of my favorite songs- sometimes it’s the actual lyric, sometimes it’s the way the words are sung, and sometimes it is just the mood the song puts me in.  I listen to music all day at work and often catch myself thinking about how the songs relate to Malex.  One of my favorite bands is Nothing But Thieves, and many of their songs relate to Malex for me.  The three I am writing about are unique in that they remind me of both Alex and Michael.  I think of most songs as relating primarily to either Alex or Michael, but these songs really reflect both characters.  Even though I hate odd numbers, everyone loves a trilogy so here are three Nothing But Thieves songs that take me through Alex and Michael’s relationships.
It starts with Your Blood in the lost decade:
Real Love Song has all the angst of Seasons 1 and 2:
And for something more hopeful, we end with Impossible
Just listening to these songs (including my favorite versions under the cut) should put you in a Malex mood, but if you want my thoughts on why these are some of my favorite Malex songs, keep reading.
I first heard Your Blood a few weeks ago, and as soon as I heard the line “No, I don’t think I will ever get over you,” I was thinking about the lost decade.
You know it's your blood that I bleed
Tell me that there's some way that I'll get through the night
I carry your moral disease
I don't wanna be something I'm not to stay alive
But I don't know what you expected of me
I've never seen you cry
Yeah, you don't know what it is to be sorry
So I'll carry the lie, we're real men 'til we die
But I don't think I will ever get over you
No, I don't think I will ever get over you
I'm powerless to do anything
Drain away my light like a leaking battеry
Still I don't know what you expected of mе
I've never seen you cry
Yeah, you don't know what it is to be sorry
So I'll carry the lie, we're real men 'til we die
But I don't think I will ever get over you
No, I don't think I will ever get over you
Oh no, there's no escape
No matter how I try
Now I'm stuck on one day
For the rest of my life
You know it's your blood that I bleed
Tell me that there's some way that I'll get through the night
The first few verses and chorus really make me think about Micheal.  The push and pull he says he felt during the time, feeling like he didn’t know where he stood with Alex.  Also, “Still, I don’t know what you expected of me,” shows his pain and frustration at Alex pulling away and not understanding why Michael made the choices he did.  And then he also watched Alex change, going from the boy he fell in love with, open and loving with his jewelry and painted nails, not caring what people thought to joining the air force.  Not only would he look drastically different when Michael saw him, but he would carry himself differently, possibly becoming more closed off emotionally every time they met.  This part of the song is very raw and painful.
Then music changes, and the whole mood of the song shifts.  This is when I hear Alex in the song.  This whole verse is him:
Oh no, there's no escape
No matter how I try
Now I'm stuck on one day
For the rest of my life
Michael carries the physical scars from the tool shed, but I think Alex is the one who can’t move on.  He’s trapped there by his guilt and fear and anger, desperately trying to fix what happened even though he can’t.  No matter how far he runs or how strong he becomes he can’t change what happened.  And I think that may be part of that push and pull, he tries to move forward, but when he sees Michael, it all comes back to him.  So he loves Michael and wants to be with him, but when they are together he’s reminded of what happened and how he hasn’t been able to fix it.
So they are apart, bleeding for each other and not knowing how to make it right.
Real Love Song is hands down my favorite Malex song.  It captures all the angst, the longing and most heartbreakingly, the self inflicted pain of S1 and S2.
This is a love song, real love
Dirty rip out the whole of your soul love
I'll hate myself for days love
Sitting all alone and listening to Nick Cave love
This is a dark song, real dark
Feral tear off your skin to the bone dark
I'll drink myself to death dark
Do anything to feel your breath on my neck dark
Can I sing this to you?
Got a thing about you
And it won't go away, no
It won't go away
It won't go away
This is a sad song, so sad
Aching like it's more that I can take sad
I cried so hard I died sad
Losing all that's making me human inside sad
Can I sing this to you?
Got a thing about you
And it won't go away, no
It won't go away
It won't go away
This is a love song, so what?
Did it slide into your heart?
I guess not
I still want your love a whole lot
Have you heard a better song?
I hope not
Can I sing this to you?
Got a thing about you
And it won't go away
It won't go away
And I just come to say
That it won't go away
It won't go away
“This is a love song, so what?” is such a Michael line.  Michael knows he loves Alex, but as far as he’s concerned nothing good comes of it, love feels like a crash landing after all.  This is Michael, feeling like he can’t say no to Alex and hating himself every time it ends with Alex walking away:
This is a love song, real love
Dirty rip out the whole of your soul love
I'll hate myself for days love
Sitting all alone and listening to Nick Cave love
This is a dark song, real dark
Feral tear off your skin to the bone dark
I'll drink myself to death dark
Do anything to feel your breath on my neck dark
This part of the song has the defiant, angry energy of S1 Michael.  The Michael who told Alex that from where he stood nothing changed, the Michael who asked Alex if this was how it really ended even when he knew he wasn’t going to get the answer he wanted, and later threw up his hands and asked “And what do you want to say, Alex?”
I could hear Michael so clearly in this song, that I didn’t realize Alex was there too until CosmicClownboy gifted me an amazing video for Malex Secret Santa (I’ll link to it at the end).  Because Michael is angry, angry that ever believed he could have something good because that’s not his life.  He’s the one left behind, the one no one loves, the one left waiting.  But Alex is devastated.  He looks at Michael and sees all that he lost and blames himself for it.  He sees not what he lost, but what he cost Michael.
This is a sad song, so sad
Aching like it's more that I can take sad
I cried so hard I died sad
Losing all that's making me human inside sad
Alex tells Michael he makes him forget the last ten years ever happened and when he remembers, “it almost kills me every time.” Because Alex spent those ten years “Losing all that's making me human inside,” because he had to and as punishment.  Seeing Michael, specifically seeing Michael still in Roswell, still near Jesse, reopens those wounds he’s tried to ignore in different ways over and over again.
They keep hurting themselves and each other, but they can’t break away completely:
Can I sing this to you?
Got a thing about you
And it won't go away
Until the middle of S2, when they decide to walk away, to give up on what might have been and look for better songs.  
This is a love song, so what
Impossible - I don’t know if I can even explain how much I love this song.  I read that it was written as the flip side to Real Love Song to show loving working out, and I have feelings about that.
Took a breath, let it go
Felt the moment settle so
I couldn't wait to tell you why
I'm standin' here with this awkward smile
And that's because
I could drown myself in someone like you
I could dive so deep I never come out
I thought it was impossible
But you make it possible
Love, it stings and then it laughs
At every beat of my battered heart
A sudden jolt, a tender kiss
I know I'm gonna die of this
And that's because
I could drown myself in someone like you
I could dive so deep I never come out
I thought it was impossible
But you make it possible
I'll take the smooth with the rough
Feels so fucked up to be in love
Another day, another night
Stuck in my own head but you pull me out
You pull me out
I could drown myself in someone like you
I could dive so deep I never come out
I thought it was impossible
But you make it possible
Somebody told me and I think they're right
There is a change on its way tonight
And I feel it's so
But I fear it though
Somebody told me and I think they're right
There is a change on its way tonight
And I feel it's so
And I feel it so
I could drown myself in someone like you
I could dive so deep I never come out
I thought it was impossible
But you make it possible
This is my 3x08 song, and I think the song works for both of them.
Took a breath, let it go
Felt the moment settle so
I feel like this is the thesis of 3x08, how we get from sniping at each other at the radio tower to the kiss.  It takes each of them taking a breath and making a choice of how to go forward.  
For Alex, it’s opening up about Deep Sky and the fact that he still is trying to build something for him and Michael, it’s telling Michael why he needs Michael to follow the plan.  He takes a breath and starts saying what he wants to say finally getting back on the path he tried to follow back in S1.
For Michael, it’s crossing that line I don’t think Alex was ever going to cross on his own.  It’s showing Alex the best way he knows how, through touch, how he feels and what he wants.  It’s a kiss of choice not desperation, it’s wanting Alex not needing him.  It’s a promise that there will be more.
It hasn’t been easy for them.  We’ve seen them hurt and hurt each other, but we’ve also seen how deep that love runs.  How their connection is deep and overwhelming in both beautiful and painful ways.
Love, it stings and then it laughs
At every beat of my battered heart
A sudden jolt, a tender kiss
I know I'm gonna die of this
And that's because
I could drown myself in someone like you
I could dive so deep I never come out
I thought it was impossible
But you make it possible
I'll take the smooth with the rough
Feels so fucked up to be in love
Another day, another night
Stuck in my own head but you pull me out
You pull me out
I think we all imagined a million ways Alex and Michael would find their way back to each other.  The idea of it being a dramatic love confession during a fight or when one of them was in danger was always a good bet.  But I love that it was quiet and intimate.  That we saw joy and disbelief and how they just melt into each other.  I love that it was a choice because they know how deeply they love, and that’s part of what they have been running from.  A love that makes you stay in collapsing building and build a bomb that can wipe out your species is a lot to take on.
I could drown myself in someone like you
I could dive so deep I never come out
They can drown in each other but they are learning how to do it together and make it to the surface in each other’s arms.
**I choose the least obnoxious lyric videos I could find for each song, but there are a few other versions I think are worth checking out.
Real Love Song:
This is the amazing video I mentioned earlier:
Alternate Version.  Slower, sader and haunting:
I have no idea why this happened, but I am obsessed with it.  A virtual collaboration with the Bucharest Symphony Orchestra:
My absolute favorite version of this song.  The Orchestral version recorded at Abbey Road:
If you just want to cry, this piano version is for you:
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[Image description:
A person sits at a table in a diner, face out of frame. They are writing in a notebook open on the table in front of them.  The text across the center of the gif reads “Roswell, New Mexico March for Meta March 14-18, 2022″.  
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Reminder that the Roswell “March for Meta” event is coming this March! We are asking you to put on your analyst hat and share your meta thoughts on everyone’s favorite alien drama. No meta is too small or too long, but we will not be reblogging posts with added commentary so if you want to riff you should create your own. The more the merrier! We will be tagging for triggers, and any post that contains explicit character/ship/creator hate (especially those with slurs or blatant racism/queerphobia) will not be reblogged.
Remember to use the tag in the first five tags (#roswellmarchformeta2022 or #rnmmarchformeta2022), or tag the blog in the post so we can find it!
Find the prompts HERE, find a list of trigger tags HERE, find a more extensive explanation on non-trigger tags HERE, find the policy regarding the iOS banned tags HERE, find reasons your post may not be on the blog HERE, and find suggestions for contributions that do not involve actually writing meta (fics, fanvids, art, playlists, and gifsets) HERE.  
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[Image description:
A pair of hands holding a sharpie marker rest on a table on a large document. The person circles something, then moves to a different area and circles another thing. The text reads “Roswell, New Mexico March for Meta March 14-18, 2022.”
End description.]
Want to participate but written meta isn’t your style? Fear not! While the prompts were created with meta in mind we will accept contributions of any medium! Here are some suggestions to work off of; feel free to use them or to riff on them. We will reblog them along with the written metas on the day of each prompt.
Gifset - Repeated line or word - A scene you think is underrated (tell us why!) - Favorite character relationship - Repeated character trait - Favorite dialog exchange (tell us why!) - Feature your favorite costume/accessory (tell us why!) - A reoccurring color or image
Fanvid - Give us a medley of your favorite character dynamic (tell us why!) - Put two characters together that don’t usually appear on screen - Pick a favorite song used in the show and show how YOU would use it - Compilation video: every time X happens - Spotlight a repeated costume piece   - Feature your favorite minor character (tell us why!) - Show us a character’s development condensed in one place
Fic - Expand a scene you wanted to see more of - Write canon scenes from the POV of a minor character or OC - Fill in a flashback that isn’t shown on screen - Pick your favorite piece of a character’s costume and tell us why they wear it - Give us a major character’s thoughts/inner dialog during a canon scene - Write about what a minor character does when they are NOT onscreen - Write a character sketch from the POV of one of their possessions 
Art - Draw a character in the costume/setting that you feel best represents who they are - Show us your favorite minor character (tell us why!) - Give us a canon scene that was discussed but never shown - Put characters together that don’t usually appear together - Show us what the characters do off-screen in their free time, slice of life style - Feature your favorite character dynamic  - The characters have habits, give us a character doing your favorite of theirs
Playlist - Make a list of songs *from the show* that are focused around a character or pairing (or location) - Give us songs YOU think a certain character would listen to - Put a list together with songs centered around a theme in the show - Show us what’s on the jukebox at the Crashdown (and what time period) - Spell out a line from the show with song titles - Give us Max’s roadtrip playlist he made for Liz (or any other playlist a character might have made for another character) - Design a list around a song that is mentioned, but not played, in the show
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PSA regarding banned tags
Re: the update to the banned tags list that Apple has just forced onto people who use the iOS app; this blog will still be using the expansive list of warning tags when it comes to reblogging content for the event (list here). The safety and well-being of participants is too important not to, especially given some of the subjects covered in the show.
However. In an effort to make sure iOS app people can still participate, we will be adding a short, blank post original to this blog that simply says “contribution by @_______” and will be tagged with the same non-warning subject tags as the reblog. This is so if anyone misses a post because they can’t see it due to tags, they should be able to go to the original blog or reach out to the creator.
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[Image description
Closeup of a hand on a notebook lying on a diner counter. The hand has several rings on the fingers and is holding a pencil. It moves from point down, ready to write, to resting flat on the open page. The text across the center of the gif reads “Roswell, New Mexico March for Meta March 14-18, 2022″.
End description.]
Don’t forget! March for Meta is coming up soon. If you’re looking for inspiration, find the prompts HERE and find suggestions for contributions that do not involve actually writing meta (fics, fanvids, art, playlists, and gifsets) HERE.  
No meta is too small or too long, but we will not be reblogging posts with added commentary so if you want to riff you should create your own. The more the merrier! We will be tagging for triggers, and any post that contains explicit character/ship/creator hate (especially those with slurs or blatant racism/queerphobia) will not be reblogged.  
Remember to use the tag in the first five tags (#roswellmarchformeta2022 or #rnmmarchformeta2022), or tag the blog in the post so we can find it!
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PSA for wanna-be participants
Had a hard time finding the brain to meta? Life get in the way? Just didn’t have the time or inclination during the week? No worries! This blog will be reblogging posts for the event through this Sunday, March 20. All prompts are accepted after the day they were “featured”, so write about anything! After that, meta on your own merit, but do still meta!
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[Image description:
The camera pans slowly across a desk in a home office scattered with books. A person is sitting at the desk (head out of frame) with their hands resting on the surface, writing on a notepad. There are shelves filled with books and a leather easy chair in the background. The text across the center of the gif reads “Roswell, New Mexico March for Meta March 14-18, 2022″.
End description.]
Calling all couch critics!
This March we are once again asking you to put on your analyst hat and share your meta thoughts on everyone’s favorite alien drama. The prompts will be made with analysis in mind but all contributions are welcome, no post is too long or too short. We will not however, be reblogging posts with additions so if you want to riff create your own! The more the merrier.
The event will be the week of the 14th, prompts to be announced. So break out the thumbtacks and red yarn and get ready to share your ted talk!
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RNM March For Meta Trigger List
As we have said, we will be tagging our reblogs here for triggers within the meta; we all love Roswell but it is a drama with a lot of heavy subject matter. With that in mind it would be helpful to us if authors would tag their original posts with warnings as well so we can work more effectively. This is a list of triggers we will be using to tag with; block them or use them as you see fit. (Tutorial on how to do that on Tumblr.)
This list is meant to apply to things that are canon in Roswell. If additional tags need to be used due to the content of a specific meta, we will do our best. If you think we are missing something, either from the general list or from the scene list, please do not hesitate to message! 
General triggers:
- tw ableism - tw abduction - tw abortion - tw abuse - tw abuse of power - tw active shooter - tw addiction - tw alcohol abuse - tw alcoholism - tw animal death - tw arson - tw assault - tw biphobia - tw blackouts - tw blood - tw body image -tw brainwashing - tw bullying - tw burns - tw cancer - tw car accident - tw child abuse - tw child with life threatening condition  - tw classism - tw consent - tw consent violation - tw chronic illness - tw chronic pain - tw csa - tw cult - tw domestic abuse - tw dead body - tw death - tw death of a parent - tw death of a sibling - tw degenerative illness - tw drug abuse - tw drug overdose - tw drug use - tw explosion - tw fainting - tw fire - tw financial insecurity - tw flashbacks - tw food insecurity - tw food mention - tw gaslighting - tw gaybashing - tw generational trauma - tw genocide - tw guns - tw hallucinations  - tw hate crime - tw heart attack - tw heart failure - tw heights - tw hallucination - tw homophobia - tw homelessness - tw hospital - tw hygiene  - tw ICE - tw impalement - tw injury - tw lightning - tw loss of an eye - tw loss of a limb - tw mental illness - tw murder - tw near-death experience - tw needles - tw non-consensual experimentation - tw non-consensual medical treatment - tw non-consensual possession - tw panic attack - tw police brutality - tw psych ward - tw ptsd - tw queerbashing - tw queerphobia - tw racism - tw rape - tw relapse - tw religious trauma - tw scars - tw self depreciation - tw self harm - tw sexual assault - tw sibling violence - tw skeleton  - tw stalking - tw substance abuse - tw suicidal ideation - tw suicide reference - tw surgery - tw terminal illness - tw torture   - tw trauma - tw traumatic injury - tw underage drinking  - tw underage sex  - tw violence - tw vomit - tw wealth inequality
Specific scene triggers:
- tw diner fight (season 1 episode 2, Michael and Isobel threaten Liz, Max hits Michael in the Crashdown) - tw truck fight (season 1 episode 5, Max yells at Isobel and throws Michael against his truck) - tw hammer scene (season 1 episode 6, Jesse attacks Michael in the shed) - tw hand healing (season 1 episode 13, Max heals Michael’s hand without consent) - tw trailer threesome (season 2 episode 6, Alex and Maria have a threesome with Michael in his trailer) - tw bunker fight (season 2 episode 10, Alex and Michael fight in Michael’s bunker) - tw door slam (season 3 episode 6, Michael slams Alex’s car door out of his hand during an argument) - tw sheriff office fight (season 4 episode 8, Max and Michael fight in the sheriff’s office)
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PSA about missed posts
If you do not see your post here there are a few things to check:
1) If a post has explicit content/creator/cast/character hate in it, up to and including slurs or violent/aggressive language, it will not be reblogged here. 2) If a post has explicit hate towards another blog or fan it will not be reblogged here. 3) If a post is an add-on to another, earlier meta that has already been posted it will not be reblogged here. (We encourage you to write your own! Referencing, presenting a counter argument, or linking to a meta that has already been posted is fine as long as the meta is it’s own post.) 4) If the blog was not tagged or if you did not put #rnmmarchformeta2023 or #roswellmarchformeta2023 in the first five tags it will not be reblogged here.
If you still don’t see your post (and enough time has passed to have reasonably been reblogged) then please send us a message! We know Tumblr can be finicky with links and we would hate for anyone to get missed because of a glitchy website.
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